LOCAL NEWS Among those from Forest Grove attending the graduating exercises of the 1912 law class of the University of Oregon in Portland Tuesday night were Miss Emma Pittman, Miss Katie Lilly, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hoff­ man. Mr. D. D. Bump was among the graduates. To the Public: Those who can furnish free transportation to the G. A. R. and W. R. C. be­ tween the K. of P. hall and Forest View cemetery on Decora­ tion Day between the hours of 9 p. m. and 12 noon, kindly leave word with W. J. R. Beach or A. B. Thomas, committee. Dr. Rippley of Dilley has been in the Forest Grove Sanitarium since Saturday evening. A por­ tion of dead bone has been re­ moved from his leg, the trouble being caused from an old frac­ ture. At this time he is getting along nicely and will be able to be out soon. The change of cars at Garden Home caused some of our young people to not get in until Sunday morning. Late theatre goers and others are compelled to change from the Wilsonville lo­ cal to the later car at Garden Home, and some of our boys slept while the conductor shout­ ed out the “Change cars for For­ est Grove.” It is pleasant to be able to chronicle the fact thaa the pop­ ular Sells-Floto circus is billed to play Hillsboro for a single day’s performance on Sunday, June 2. This good show is so well known now to all our readers, and in fact from one end of the country to the other, that the mere an­ nouncement of its coming is a sufficient guaiantee of liberal patronage. W . F. h a r t k a m p f Wholesale and Retail Vetch Seed«, all kinds of grass seed, Al­ Final Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Administratrix of the estate of Eli Smith de­ ceased, has filed in the County Court of Washington County, her final report in said estate, and the County Judge has set Saturday, May 25th, 1912, at 2 o’clock P. M. of said day, as the time of hearing any objections to said report, therefore all per­ sons interested therein will ap­ pear at that time, or file their ob­ jections on or before that date. M rs . C. E. S mith , Administratrix of the estate of Eli Smith, deceased. M anch -i I rene L angley , Attorney for Administratrix. First publication April 25. Fruit Growers’ Meeting UNDERTAKING A meeting to elect directors of the Forest Grove Fruit Growers’ Embalming— Funeral Directing Association will be held at tht> FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. K. P. Hall, Forest Grove, Ore­ gon, on June 3, 1912, at 2 30 J. S. Buxton, Manager o’clock p. m. H. C. A tw ell , Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. A. B. C raft , • R obert A lexander , Corporators. FOR SALE—200x400 (2 acres) best of land, all clear, 15 minutes walk from Forest Grove post- Mrs. C. A. Dennis, reliable office. $500; $100 and $100 per shampoo. Scalp treatment a year, 5 per cent. Land will specialty. Phone Ind. No. 184; more than pay for itself. Press residence and office 232 Pacific avenue. office. Forest Grove Press $1 per year. falfa Hay, Feed and Land Plaster Pianos from $149 and up at the Bazaar. HEADQUARTERS The latest and most complete for MILBURN WAGONS line of stationery at the Bazaar. Ind Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore Mr. Lamb is able to be out again after his bad fall last week. Mrs. Dennis, sister of Mrs. Don’t neglect the children’s musical education. It is a sin Shippee, is visiting at Newport. for parents to neglect this part Mr. and Mrs. Demoss have re­ of a child’s education. Have you turned from a trip in Washing­ a piano in your home to start the little ones out on, who, if they ton. had half a chance, would turn Edison and Victor talking ma­ the gloom into sunshine for you chines and records for sale at the and others? I sell good reliable Bazaar. pianos and sell them on terms to Robert Hardin is very ill. He suit you whether for cash, or the smallest payment you can afford. is advanced in years and his re­ —Geo. G. P aterson , Forest Please observe the covery is doubtful. countless stars of Grove. Joe’s Barber Shop on First St. the firmament. How Sheriff’s Sale wonderful and how still does business. “ Pleased d is ta n t. B e tw ix t In the Circuit Court of the S tate of customers” is his motto. this studio and its Oregon for Washington County. w o n d erfu l p hoto­ C. L. Bump and Jessie Bump, Wood in large or small quanti­ graphs is a chasm Plaintiffs, fa r and wide, when ties at Chester Wright’s, on vs. comparing with gen­ S. L. R. Maine, M etta L. Maine Fourth street. Phone 0114. eral competition. Salome Michel, George Susbauer O tto Hein and S. B. Barker, Just arrived this week—a fresh Defendants. Photos Finished Here supply of Whitman’s chocolates, By virtue of an execution, judgm ent, decree and order of sale, duly and le­ at the Forest Grove Pharmacy. Talk for Themselves gally issued out of the above entitled circuit court and under the seal thereof Singer, New Home and other For P erfect Por­ in the above entitled cause to me di­ of the latest improved, up to traits come here and rected, dated the 7th day of May, 1912, date sewing machines for sale at g et them. on a judgm ent duly rendered and en­ the Bazaar. tered in said court and cause on the 2nd day of May, 1912, in favor of For Sale—Steam prune dryer, defendant, George Susbauer, and against defendant O tto Hein, for the one ton capacity, all complete. sum of $1500.00, w ith in terest thereon Price $60. J. L. Loving, Gales since Nov 4, 1910, a t the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and the further sum Creek, Ore. of $150.00, attorneys fee, and for MAIN ST. NORTH $10.00, costs and disbursem ents of said Much preparation has been suit; and also on a judgm ent duly ren­ made to observe Decoration Day, dered and entered in said court and cause on the 2nd day of May, 1912, in which is next Thursday, in a favor of defendant, Salome Michel, and befitting manner. against defendant, O tto Hein, for the sum of $2350.00, with interest thereon J. W. Sherwood has been con­ since July 7, 1911, a t the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and the fu rth er sum fined to his bed for the past of $250.00, attorneys fee, and for $10.00 The Emerson Typew riter Company of week. At this time his condi­ costs and disbursem ents of said suit; and also on a judgm ent duly rendered Woodstock, 111., have recently given tion is reported no better. and entered in said court and cause on away over 400 of the highest grade, the 2nd day of May, 1912, in favor of wholly visible Emerson Typew riters Brown Leghorn hens and pul­ plaintiffs, C. L. Burnp and Jessie made in the world. They have gone lets for sale, 75c each. Mixed Bump, and against defendants, S. L. R. into every sta te and territo ry in the Real Estate Transfers Maine and M etta L. Maine, and O tto United S tates. There may be some in 3 chickens 60c. All laying. W. C. your town. They are giving them The following real estate Hein, for the sum of $277.24, with in­ away everywhere to men, women, boys Graddy, Cornelius, Route 1. te re st thereon, since F ebruary 7, 1911, transfers are furnished the Press a t the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and girls, over eighteen years of age, liberal conditions. Miss Brough of McMinnville by the Wilkes Abstract Co. of and the fu rth er sum of $50.00 attorneys on I surprisingly f you could make any use of a $100 Hillsboro. fee, and for $23,90, costs and disburse­ College and two other students m ents of said suit, also the cost of and typew riter, providing it did not cost ¡8 1 even one cent, then in a le tte r or t were in this city last week to at­ Albert W. Schmale and wf to upon said writ, commanding me and re ­ you on a postal card addressed to Frank L. quiring me to make sale of the herein­ Elvene Grenier Lot 5, Huntville tend the basket ball game. Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111., a fte r described real property: simply say, “ Mail me all your free $1150. Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex ­ Mr. Patton, who has a band of judgm ent, decree and order of offers,” and by return mail you will re­ ; M. T. Hargrove et al to Arthur ecution, American Delaine sheep, sheared sale, and in compliance w ith the com­ ceive their free offers, the names of of said writ, 1 have levied upon, over 400 who have recently received ! ! one last week whose fleece C. Web et ux 6A. in Sec. 10, 2 S. mand and will, on the 10th day of June, 1912, typew riters free, and you will learn on 1 . $ 10 . weighed seventeen pounds. a t the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said w hat easy conditions you can g et one of their typew riters free right away. Alice E. Geiger et al to O. C. day, a t the front door of the Court The Emerson Typew riter is one of 1 House, in Hillsboro, said County and We wish to announce that we ■ R. R. Co. Rnd. w. over lots 2&3, S tate, sell, a t public auction, to the the highest grade, wholly visible type­ have secured the agency for w riters made in the world. Many who blk 21, F. G. and pt A. Harper& highest bidder, for cash in hand, sub­ have used the “ EMERSON” and other “ VINOL.” Ask any of our je c t to redemption, all the following makes pronounce the “ EMERSON” II. Clark D. L. C. $100. bounded and described real property superior to any $100.00 typew riter on clerks what it is. The Forest situate in Washington County, Oregon, the m arket. It is a wholly visible ma­ Ernest Storm et ux to John P. to-w it: Grove Pharmacy. has every new, up-to-date feat­ Bunton 100x100 ft in lot 2, blk That p a rt of the Alvin T. Smith and chine, ure, looks like other high grade $100.00 L. E. Howard and family left wife Donation Land Claim No, 43 T. 1 typew riters, though it is selling ju st 15, F. G. $900. S. R. 3 W. of the Will. Mor,, bounded now for their new home at Yamhill a t an astonishingly low price and Wm. Linegar et ux to Geo. H. and described as follows: Beginning on term s of no monev with order, trial today, where Mr. Howard as­ a t a point 66 feet N. 2 deg. 10 min. E. Hoar et ux 78.69 A, in A. Harp­ of the N. E. corner of a tra c t of land free In your own home. Nothing to sumes ownership and editorial deeded by Susan I,, Shipley to M. H. f ay a t first, and a fte r a thorough trial. er cl 41. $17,705.25. Shipley, said deed being recorded on 0 cents a day until paid. The “ EM­ Management of the Yamhill page 388 of book 49 reconls of deeds ERSO N ” has every new improvement, H. Taylor Hill et ux to Dirkje Record. for W ashington County, Oregon, run­ universal keyboard, back spacer, tab ­ Story Lots 18, 20, 23, 24, Hiils ning N. 1 deg. 52 min. E. along ulator, two-color ribbon, everything For Sale— Lot 86 by 200, be­ Acres. 50.22 A, north of Hills the w thence est side of the county road 228.8 the best; is the ideal machine for be­ feet thence w est 383.7 feet, thence S. ginners as well as for the most expert tween 3d and 4th avenues, front­ Acres. $10. O. deg. 32 min. W, 228.8 feet; thence typists and stenographers; ju st the ing on 6th St. Young orchard, N. S. Prickett to N. R, West E ast 378.4 feet to the place of begin­ typew riter for the sm allest or largest berries; fine building lot, Will et ux Pt NEi sec 36, 2 N. 4. $10. ning, containing 2 acres of land, to sa t­ office. If you could possibly make any use isfy the sums named in said execution, Bell cheap. Charles Long, For­ a high grade tppew riter, ' even Greenberry H. Busby to M, V. judgm ent, decree and order of sale, in­ of though it didn’t cost you one cent of , est Grove. 28 Galloway 10 a in secs 25&26, 1 N te re st and costs. Dated Hillsboro, Oregon, May 7, money, or if you would ljke the agency in your town on a plan by which you 1912. fipo. G. H .. ncock , Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stevens a $1. could mpke big money, or if you would Sheriff of W ashington Co., Ore. attended the graduating exercis­ D W Marsh to F T Chapman like a position with tne company, then M. B ailky B umh , A ttorney for Plaintiffs. be sure, on a postal card or in a letter es of the Northwest Dental Col­ undivided J os SWJ sec 36, 2 N 51 addressed to “ Frank L. Wilder, Presi­ B knton B owman , lege of Portland, witnessing the $ 10 . A ttorney for Defendants, George dent, Woodstock, III.,” say “ Mail me your Free O ffers.” Susbauer and Salome Michel. graduation of their son-in-law, Thursday, May 30. Dr. Loren Bogan. Lowe, the well-known Friday evening at the Congre­ optician, will be ut Hotel Laugh- gational church, the chaplain, lin. The use of glasses correct- Rev. P. E. Bauer of Salem will ly fitted glasses is the only rem­ speak at a mass meeting to edy for defective sight. If you which everybody is invited. Subject, “ Abolishing Capital need medicine, glasses won’t help you. If you need glasses, Punishment medicine won't help you. It Miss Clara Staley, who for would be well to learn what you some time has been confined to need. Dr. Lowe can and will her bed with typhoid fever, is tell you what you need. His reported to be improving. Miss more than 20 years’ experience Staley was taken ill while visit­ coupled with education in the ing with her sister, Mrs. C. H. best schools makes him a safe Sochren, near Banks. person for you to consult about The Southern Pacific Company your eyes and glasses. Scores have definitely expressed their of Forest Grove references. willingness to pave nineteen f e e t -------- of the First Avenue track. This will leave only five and a half Country Home Boarding feet on either side for the abut­ House. Good meals, with ting property holders to pave. fresh eggs: plenty of Jersey cream and milk; cottage The I. O. O. F. grand lodge cheese. On Tuesdays and held a convention in Pendleton Fridays fresh buttermilk this week. The delegates from served. Forest Grove were A. L Sexton MRS. J. WEHRLY and R. M. Taylor. The dele­ pRple of all dimes Jp native costumes will be shown jn parada. Two blocks west S. P. gates from the Rebekah assem­ , Two shbws daily - afternoon at 2, night at 8, doors open at 1 depot. Phone 817. bly were Mrs. Katherine Doane, and 7 p-m. Waterproof tenta Admission 25 cent* to tee it all Alice Cook and Dee Darling. Please Observe Forest Grove Studio Ready for business New Lumber Company All kinds of Building Ma­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, Dry Shiplap in any quan­ tity. Sash and Doors . Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to make your ac- quaitance. Willis-PIace Lumber Co. Phone 01X South A Street Forest Grove, Or. TYPEWRITERS GIVEN AWAY j i HILLSBORO, SUNDAY, J U N E 2 Just step in a moment, please, and see those new Shirt Waists. Prices $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.25, $3.50 and $3.75. 1 hey are the Banner Brand—’nuf sed—they will please you, so will the price. We pay the highest cash price for Wool and Mohair HOFFMAN & ALLEN CO. Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. General Contractors and Builders DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath and Shin­ gles. All Finishing Lumber Kiln Dried CEMENT, SAND and LIME Manufacturers of Frames, Sash, Doors, Mouldings and everything required in the building line We Sell Flint-Kote and Mikado Roofing Also Sherwin-Williams Paints Free Circus Street P aradai 0:30 9 bands, 250 horses, ÎKpÂ'7.mAï“ w Office and Factory, Council St., Forest Grove »