F arm ers and M erchants Write us for our cash offer on your Farm and Dairy Produce. If we don’t handle it will refer you to re­ liable buyer. pEARSON-PAGE CO. Portland, Oregon. • THE SALVE OF LIFE. Absolutely Ouarnnteed to cure boils, carbuncles, felons, abscess, blood poison, burns, bruises, sprains, cuts, barber itch, bee sting and poison oak. Nothing else like it. By mail, postpaid, 50c per box, Paul Ave- Hne. 5134 72d St., Portland, Or. Also at Lipman, Wolfe A Company and Olds, Wort man A King. IMPORTANCE OF DISINFECTING AFTER OUTBREAK OF DISEASE Practice Not E ntirely Appreciated b y Stockman a n d Farm er • T h jr « .8 A lso Lack o f information Concerning Practical and Economical Methods o f Procedure o f Cleaning. (By GEORGE W. POPE.) It has been round that the average Second-Hand Machin­ stockman and farmer does not real­ ery bought, sold and exchanged: engines, ize the Importance of thoroughly dis­ boilers, sawmills, etc. The J, E. Martin Co.. 76 1st infecting his premises following an St., Portland. Send for Stock Liat and prices. outDreak of contagious disease. There Is apparently a widespread lack of Information regarding the germicidal power if various substances, com­ monly termed disinfectants. There Is Day School fo r Girla iif also a iack of knowledge concerning St. John Baptist (Episcopal? and Elementary Departments, Î) practical and economical methods of Elocution, Oymnaslnm. proceeding with the work of disinfec­ T H E S IS T E It S U P E R IO R tion Moreover, the reappearance of St. H e le n a H a ll a contagious disease on premises from which It was nelieveu t j have been eradicated may frequently be traced to careless or Imperfect work In con­ The world’s greatest MURDERER. 218.400 caught nection wit.’ , the cleaning and disin­ in five days. Figure for yourself the sickness and fection of the place. disease prevented. Send 50c fo r bottle o f ELY it Id but natural to acknowledge tne BAIT and full instructions How to Make a Fly Trap. Postal order or 2c stamps accepted. presence of only such objects as can HAKRIS-ANSART CO, North Yakima, Wash. be seen with the unaided eye. Sci­ ence, however, by means of the high I We Ya'ie You Compelen! to Earn power microscope, has ciearly proved the existence of numerous minute ani­ ' $25 to $50 per Week mal ind vegetable organisms—and It « to 8 weeks. We give complete knowledge course in driving, repairing, Is a matter of common etc. all kinds of automobiles. Every student gets personal that E ju L / of these organisms fre- Machinery ’J THE TYPHOID FLY attention and actual road experience. Write for terms Belmont Auto Sdtssi A Garage, E. 23d and Morrison Sts.. Portland. Ore. FUCHI —'Hie great skin rejuvenator. if you have sallow skin, wrinkles, pimples or roughness o f the face or arms, the application o f FUCHI will bring back the glow and freshness o f youth. P r package. $1. (Branch) Fuchi Laboratories, Suit 9, 342 1-2 Wash- iagton St., Portland. Ore. INVESTIGATE The DIRECT plan o f buying or selling Real Estate. No commissions to pay. List your property or wants with us. We put you in touch with interested parties. If you wish to buy, you deal direct with owner. Address DIRECT REALTY CO. 401 Yeon Building. Portland, Ore. Applying Disinfectant. quently find their way Into the ani­ mat body and produce disease. It Is also well known that these germs vary In form and other characteristics and that for each disease of an in­ fectious nature there is a specific germ. (f these germs could be contlned to the animal body and die with It there would be no such thing as an infec­ 100 Young Men or Ladies to prepare tious disease Unfortunately, how­ for positions as Commercial and Rail­ ever they are thrown off by the ani­ road Telegraph operators; positions mal through the excretions and He In guaranteed, $70 to $90 monthly. For the earth, In the litter of stables, up­ particulars and application address on the floor and walls, and In cracks PACIFIC TELEGRAPH & RAILWAY INSTITUTE and crevices. Here they may remain Washington Bldg., Seattle, Washington ana maintain their virulence for an Indefinite period, ready at any time to be gathered up by an animal in its feed or to be blown about In dust and 8ecret Revealed by Face. drawn Into tho lungs. If you want to get at the real The work of disinfection Is based itrength and character of a person’s upon our recognition of the presence face, study the right side of It—the of disease germs, „nd disinfection ugly side, as portrait painters some­ means the act of destroying the times call It. There you will find the cause of the Infection. In otner words, lines bold and harsh, with every de­ disinfection is . removal of the cause, fect accentuated. On the left side, and it will be clear to any practical however, everything Is softened down, man that In dealing with disease any and the face Is at Its best. Whenever effort which stops short o f , a com­ you suspect a man of trickery or de­ plete removal of the cause Is most ceit—and this rule applies equally to unwise and unprofitable. To those un­ the fair sex—stand on hla right and watch hla expression closely. WANTED AT ONCE M EXICAN * MUSTANG LINIM ENT | THE POULTRY REMEDY. | T a com a ( W a »h .) Poultry A u ’ n w r it e .: •* I w ill give M exican M ustang Linim ent an unequivocal endorsem ent as a remedy fo r B nm blefoot and Canker in the T h roa t. H itherto I have found these diseases o f m y I poultry very difficult t o cure but M u stang I Liniment proved t o be a positive rem edy.” 25c. 50c. $1 a bottle at Drag A G an’ l Stores Stim ulant or T onic? The Human System Needs It. IT GRATES ALL THE NUTMEG’ New York Man's Invention Will Savs Housewife From Grating Off Fingernails. Mrs. M. Morgan. 411 4th Ave., E., Bralnerd, Minn., writes: “ I take from A nutmeg grater that grates all the one to two bottles of Hood's Sarsapa­ rilla in the spring to purify the blood nutmeg, down to the last scrap, has Just as regularly as I do my house­ cleaning, and go around light-footed been designed by a New York man. It and light-hearted. I believe it Is the also saves the housewife from grating best blood purifier known.” \ off her fingernails and the tips of her Hood's Sarsaparilla so combines the fingers. The grater proper Is circu­ curative principles of roots, barks and herbs as to raise them to their highest lar and la affixed to a wooden handle efficiency; hence Its unequaled cures. Get It today In usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs. -not tea -not coffee accustomed to the work, disinfection may seem a most complicated proc­ ess. Any approved method, however. Is comparatively simple when carried out carefully, although like many you ever tasted another procedure It Is one In which Took an Unfair Advantage. attention to details counts for much. —and the most wholesome and Doctor Graham, a widely known It Is Important to bear In mind that physician In London, once conceived invigorating. You rannot but the causative agents of many dis­ the plan o f burying persons up to Ure its rich " grainy" flavor and eases are extremely small and may their necks In the earth and leaving spicy arewa. Ask your grocer for remain for an Indefinite time In dust, them there for some hours os a curs cracks, and crevices of buildings, so for some diseases. George Dyer, it 1» that efforts aiming at the eradication said, in despair of anyone listening tc and it la heat which renders a Jet of the chin that projects Is merely work­ fingers as well, it has heretofore had lng the festivities, the wearer, In at­ tempting to adjust his wig, knocked live steam destructive to bacteria. ing his way up from the bottom I to be thrown away. off the hat, and to his astonishment Sunlight, however, cannot be consid­ should he inclined to feel that physiog­ It Cores While You W alk. 1 out fell nine 100 franc notes (tl8 0 ). ered more than an accessory In the nomy would not be o f vast Import­ A lle n ’s Foot-Ease Is a certain cu re for hot, He hastened to put this unexpected destruction of bacteria, while the ap­ ance." sw eating, ca llus, ami sw ollen , ach in g feet. Sola into the cafe keeper’« by a ll Druggists. P rice 25c. D o n 't a ccen t any bequest plication of heat In the form of steam substitu te. T rial package KIUSK. Address hands. or flame Is seldom possible. The re­ A lle n S . Olm sted, Lo Hoy, N Y. sult Is that In tne practical work of Has One Advantage. Well-Ordered Life. disinfection we are dependent upon The fact that a politician hasn't any T o do with as few things as we can, certain drugs, which have power to | I presidential bee ot hla own sometime« and, as far as we can, to see to It that destroy the organisms of disease. ! makes It easier for him to stir up • these things are the work of freemen Such drugs are known as disin­ hornet's nest for the other fellows. and not of slaves; these two seem to fectants, and, fortunately, we have at me to be the main duties to be fulfilled hand a number that possess the pow­ by those who wish to live at once free er of destroying bacteria. and refined, serviceable to others, and Blchlorld of mercury also known as pleasant to themselves.— William Mor­ corrosive sublimate and mercuric ris. _______ _________ chlorld, chlorld of lime, formalde­ Red Cross Rat! Blue gives double value fo r your hyde, carbolic acid, crude carbolic money, goes twice as fur as any other. A sk your acid, cresol, and compound solution o f 1 grocer. cresol, are such drugs. They have! Lifelong Eccentrlo Dresser. only to be brought In contact with Want* Other W om en to Know* An old man who recently passed the bacteria In order to destroy them. H ow She W a i Finally away In Whlttinsvllle, Wash., during Before either of the above are all the 88 years of hla life had never used, however, the farmer should Restored to Health. worn stockings—because he hated the study their peculiar characteristics feeling of them; nor had he worn any­ and use the one best suited to his thing but a straw hat, summer and Louisiana, M o . “ I think a woman purpose. Violent poison should not winter to keep, as he expressed naturally dislikes to make her trouble! be used unless the user of the dis­ For all troubles o f the di­ It, rain alike, and snow from going down hli known to the public, infectant is familiar with It and Its gestive organs^Biliousness, neck. but complete restor­ results. ation toheai th mean* In the practical work of disinfec­ Constipation, Headaches and When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Rented! so much to me that tion there are three essentials: N o S m a rtin g— F eels Fine— A cts Q u ick ly. Try I cannot keep from It fo r R ctl, W eak, W atery E yes an d G ran u ­ 1. A preparation of the building to drive out the blues. la ted E yelids. Illu stra ted B ook In e a ch P a ck ­ telling mine for th« that will facilitate reaching organisms a g e . M urine is com p ou n d ed b y o u r O cu lists sake of other suffer- — not a “ P atent M e d icin e "— b u t used in auc* of disease. ce s sfu l P h y sicia n s ' P ra ctice fo r m a n y years. ing women. N ow d ed ica ted to th e p u b lic a n d s o ld by 2. A disinfectant which upon con­ “ 1 had been sick D r u g g ists at-25c and 60c per B ottle. Murine tact can be depended upon to destroy E ye S alv e In A se p tic T u b e s , 25c a n d 60c. about twelve years, such organisms. M u iln e Eye R em ed y C o .. C h lo a g o and had eleven doc­ 3. A method of applying the dis­ A Chinese Puzzle. tors. I had drag« infectant that will assure the most Persian Lamb Skins. Some day s ago we published a ging down p a in s t thorough contact with the bacteria. The trade In Persian lamb or aatro- conundrum from the Chinese, taken pains at monthly periods, bilious spells, from a Paris contemporary, but as we khan skins centers In Turkestan, and and was getting worse all the time. 1 have not received the correct answer the traders of that country have the would hardly get over one Bpell when 1 we give It, together with the original entire monopoly of it. They pasture would be sick again. No tongue can tell question. The question ran; "Young the ewe lambs in immense flocks, uPd what I suffered from cramps, and at I am green, old I am yellow; well It baa been found useless to try to a o times I could hardly walk. The doctor* beaten I become compliant; If 1 a o custom these animals to any consid­ said I might die at one of those times, company a friend for long, be urges erable change of climate. If they but I took Lydia E. I’inkham’ s Vegeta­ me to leave him; young I am honored, survive elsewhere, the skin under­ ble Compound and got better right away. A m o n g F o u r C h ief E ssen tia ls S m o o th S u r fa c e , P r e p a r a ­ old I am despised.” The answer la goes degeneration and the fur conse­ Your valuable medicine Is worth mor« quently becomes lass valuable.— Har­ tio n , G o o d Seed an d "Straw slippers.”— London Globe. than mountains o f gold to suffering wo­ per’s Weekly. F e r tility . men. " —Mrs. B ertha M uff , 503 N. 4tb Be thrifty on little th in g , like bluing. D on 't ac­ Mother« will And Mr«. Wln«1ow*« Boothln« Street, Louisiana, Mo. cept water for bluinx. Aak for R od Croee Ball (By R. B. RUSHING.) Syrup th e beat rem edv to u w ter i h . l t chU drea Blue, the extra good value blue. Lydia E. Plnkham’ a Vegetable Com­ l u r i n g t ’-.e te e th in g p e rio d . Farmers who content themselves pound, made from native roots and herbs, To the Teacher. with two tons or less cannot under­ contains no narcotic cr harmful drugs, Shibboleth. A teacher who can arouse a feeling stand how yields of three or four tons Shibboleth, now taken as meaning and to-day holds the record of being th« even more are obtained. There are, for one single good action, for one the watchword or slogan of a particu­ most successful remedy for female ills w« however, four chief essentials; a ■Ingle good poem, accomplishes more lar sect or party, had Its origin In know of, and thousands o f voluntary smooth surface, with even, steady than he who fills our memory with the Incident recorded In Judges 8:1-16, testimoniala on file in the Pinkhara grade, thorough preparation of the rows on rows of natural objects, wherein the word shibboleth was used laboratory at Lynn,Mass., seem to prove soil, aud abundance of good, healthy classified with name and form. For as a teat by the Gileadites to detect this facL seed and plenty of fertility and to what Is the result of all these, ex their foes, tbe Kphralmltea. Tbe If yon want special advice write to which might be added the proper cept what we know aa well without Epbralmltes were unable to pro­ L jdla K. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confi» them, that the human figure preemi­ amount of moisture. nounce the combination ah, and when dentisi) Lynn, Mass. Yonr letter will 'Where land Is stumpy or rocky, It nently and peculiarly !■ made In the put to the test called tbe word ” «lb- be opened, read and answered by * Image and likeness of God?—Goethe may be considerable expense to r e boieth,” thus betraying their breed woman and held In strict confidence. move them, but to obtain the greatest and giving away their case. I R E ST I i m amount of grass It must be done. The 1 P e t t i t s F0* 1 E y e ACHES S a l v e rocks must either be sunk or hauled The Hunter* away and the surface smoothed ao aa The man who loses hope Is not like Reality Would Be Different. to give a gentle grade. A little de­ ly to find appreciation.—Chicago Rec­ “ Do hymn goes dat you wants tot ord-Herald. pression where the water can stand be a angel, but ef you bad wings may cause a patch of grmhss to die right now you’d hire yo’se’f out aa a Fundamental Truth. out and a few patches will kill ■ W . gaUk «ly», aa« curiosity In a sideshow.” —Atlanta A thing that la morally right can b r lt l« « w ork i o » o n t - hundred pounds of hay. Constitution. aavar ba economically wrong. ¿.• “«S I f t Z l X After thla thorough grading tbe land la thoroughly fitted. This does not mean just plowed and harrowed In the ordinary way. I prefer the uaa o f a cut-away disc, which does the work just the opposite to tbe turning W . L . P o o g L a m ak e « « s 4 «olla plow. $ 3 .0 0 , $ 3 .5 0 an d $ 4 0 0 . h o « , than an y o th er m a n u fa ctu ra r in tha w o r ld The continued working of the soil with the cut-away clears the soil of put#* 5.00 •''HMRotWr. foul stuff and gives the new seeding FOR MEN, WOMEN AND BOYS Plfi'M 7. a chance. The soli should be worked Paini«*« f «triti«« , W L . D o n g l e . $3 .(H ( A $ 3 . 5 0 s h o e s » r e w o r n b y m i ll i o n s over with the cut-away and the • «•T MITMODI o f m r n .l i c c a o i r they are ( h e b e a t In th e w o r l d f o r t h e p r ic e All work fallr «warantoad for r.fteea yoooo. smoothing harrow many times, not ’A '. I,. D o u z l » « * 4 .0 0 , $ 4 . 5 0 A $ 5 .0 0 s h o e , e q u a l C u s t o m flench W o r k c o s t i n g $ 0 . 0 0 t o 1*44.00 all at once, but continued through W h y d o e . W . L D o u g la s m a k e and te ll m o re $ 3 .0 0 , $ 3 .5 0 July and August In this way, when Painless Dentists an d $ 4 .0 0 «h o e s than any o th e r m a n u fa ctu re r in th e w o r ld ? ready to seed the aoll la certainly aa M lsg Salt«.«. Thtr* an« WttWrwfon RORTUM0, 0 « B E C A U S E : he •Lamps h i. na m e and p ric e o n th# b o tto m and M e e lm : I A M. to I »71». t u k n l k l fine aa an sab heap g u a r a n te e , the v alu e, w h ich p r o t e c t , tha w e a r e r a g a in .t high The seed then should be put on p r ic e , and in fe rio r »h oe* o f o th e r m akes. B E C A U S E : th ey carefully and accurately, ao as to have F. N. U Ho 2 H 1 1 e r e the m oat e c o n o m ica l and s a t is fa c t o r y ; y o o ca n save m o n e y every square Inch of surface covered, b y w earin g W . L. D o u g la s » h o e ,. B E C A U S E : th e y h a v e n o t e q u a l fo r .t y le, fit and w ear. DON'T TAKE A SUBSTITUTE f OR W thus having two blades of grass where W 'l l f Y erriti.« to adrwUsank afaaas mom- If tot dealer cannot «apply W . I . D oariw thaw, writ* W I_ Donxla. one formerly waa " Use this pap«r. S te o . w ol everywhere deiirery c W (W prepaid. r e d C o lo r K y r t o U ( r e d The question frequently asked la: Why Is thla large amount of potash necessary? No one who has ever used fertilizer« on grass need be told that nitrogen gives the grass a rich, green color and makes It grow very Color m oro g ood s brighter and faster color« than any other dye. Ono 10c package w ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ o t t o r ^ «quaUy w e ll and te guaranteed to g ivo perfect resulta. A sa doctor, pr w o — -------------- rapidly. i1/ It's the m ost de­ ligh tfu l B reakfast D rink Three G’s ORtGONBLOODPÜRlFlíK EVERYBODYDOINGIT! DOING WHAT? TAKING WOMAN SICK TWELVE TEARS Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters 60 YEARS DOING IT INCREASING THE SALT NECESSARY YIELD OF GRASS FOR ALL FOW LS In O rd e r T o G u a rd Asrainst A n y D i l c l e j c y It Is W e ll to F -red Tor L a c k o t P a la u b lllt/ Salt In some quantity Is a neces­ sity to the living animal. Some food I contains all that is probably needed, I but the amount in otaers Is small. I In order to guard against any pos­ I I sible deficiency It Is well to feed some I salt especially If it Increases the I palatabllity of *he ration. Moderate quantifier o. salt had Would Encourage Marriagj. been fed to poultry with apparent ad­ Citizens from Aculco, state of Mexico, vantage. but .be limitations o f Its have come to thl3 city, says the Mexi­ use were not known. A feeding trial can Herald, to complain agalnBt the was. therefore made with twelve action of the parish priest who recom­ hens to get some suggestion as to the mends that all men of marriageable aporoxlmate limit of Its safe feeding age should marry because If they do to mature fowls For one lot of hens not they are liable to be enlisted by salt was mixed In the food. Increasing means of a lottery and made to serve In amount by periods of feeding. Un­ til it was fed aL the rate of .063 4.50$<5.0S' IS W ise D ental Co.,i-«. PUTNAM booklet h o w io d v «. bleach and mu----------- FADELESS DYES