'one Important witness, the mysteri» ' W . M. Langley Sc. Son H. W . Vollmer, M. D. ous woman who was In ths apart­ Physician and Surgeon ment a few minutes before the shoot­ a Law yers ing and who was In possession of a Office in Abbott Bldg. letter In which Underwood declared Forest Grove, Ogn. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. his Intention of shooting himself, doubt was no longer possible. Acquit­ tal was a foregone conclusion. So W . P. Dyke Ind. Phones pleased was the judge at Annie's find A ttom ey-at-LaW that he did not insist on knowing the Residence 0332 Office 0331 woman’s name. He saw that Ancle auf preferred, for some reason, not to give N otary ‘Public D R . C.E. W A L K E R It— even to her legal adviser— and he Pornet Grove Oregon let her have her way, exacting only that the woman should be produced Osteopathic Physician Hollis & Graham the Instant he needed her. The young woman readily assented. Of course, ' c IL L U S T R A T IO N S BY R A Y W A L T E R S ~ o m m i , ifof, b y c . w . dulincmah comoor there remained the "confession,” but Treatment by Special Appoint­ A ttom eys-at-Law In seeing her suffer a little of what The clerk retired and the banker, that had been obtained unfairly, il­ ment Only she had been made to suffer. completely Ignoring the presence of legally, fraudulently. The next Impor­ Forest Grovç, Ogn. ••They’ll say that I— God knows his daughter-in-law, turned to his wife tant step was to arrange a meeting at the Judge’s house at which Dr. Bern­ what they'll s a y !" went on Alicia dis­ and said: J. N. H o ffm an W . Q. Tucker, M. D. stein. the hypnotic expert, would be “ I regret, my dear, that you should tractedly. “ My husband will be A ttom ey- at-Leca present and to which should be Invi­ be subjected to these family annoy­ dragged through the mire of another Physician and Surgeon ted both Capt Clinton and Howard's E Q U IT Y A N D P R O B A T E O N L Y 8YNOPSI3. public scandal— bis social prestige will ances.” Offict Hoffman Bldg. Pacific A ve. Judge Brewster came forward and father. In front of all these witnesses Calls answered promptly day or night —oh, I dare not think of It— I know— _ undfr my duty Is to that unfortunate boy. I cleared his throat as if preliminary to the Judge would accuse the police cap­ Ind. Phone 502 Howard Jeffries, banker's •cm. Phone: Office 271, Residence 23S. Forest Grove d«rwoo4. Ihe evil Influence of Robert something Important he had to say. tain of browbeating his prisoner Into Fellow-student at Yale, leads • life of dis­ mustn’t think of myself." making an untrue confession. Per­ sipation, marries the daughtef of a gam­ “ Have you the letter that Mr. Un­ Addressing the banker, he said bold­ bler who died In prison, and 5s disowned haps the captain could be argued Into by his father. He Is out of tfo*k and lu derwood wrote you?” demanded her ly: J. C. LATTA C. W. MERTZ desperate straits. Underwood, who had companion. “ Mr. Jeffries, I have decided to un­ admitting the possibility of a mistake once been engaged to How ards step*» having been made. If, further, he could mother, Alicia, Is apparently in prosper, “ Yes— I've never been able to de­ dertake Howard's defense.” ous circumstances. Taking advA^itage of stroy I t I don’t know why I kept I t His aristocratic client was taken be convinced of the existence of doc­ his Intimacy with Alicia, he becomes a For a mo­ umentary evidence showing that Un­ rt of social highwayman. Discovering but thank God I have I t !” Moaning, completely by surprise. is true character. Alicia denleg him the she went on: ment he could say nothing, but slju- derwood really committed suicide he ouse. He sends her a note thi*atenlng might be willing to recede from hi» ‘T h e disgrace!— the disgrace!— It’s ply stared at the lawyer as If ten­ suicide. Art dealers for whom tie acted position In order to protect himself. commissioner, demand an accounting, ruin— degradation! able to believe hts ears. W ith an pi- It’s the end of cannot make good. Howafr* calls at At any rate It was worth trying. The tort, he at last exclaimed: la apartments In an lntoxicits.1 condi­ everything!— the end of everything!” tion to request a loan of $2,00(1 to enable “ Indeed!— then you will please con­ judge Insisted, also, that to this meet­ Annie regarded with contempt this him to take up a business preposition. ing the mysterious woman wttness creature who sider our business relations to have Howard drinks «himself Into a maudlin poor, weak, walling should also come, to be produced at condition, and goes to sleep on a divan. iacked the moral courage to do what ceased from this moment." ▲ caller Is announced and Uaderwood such a moment as the lawyer might The lawyer bowed. draws a screen around the drunken was merely right. Her voice was not Corner Fifth Avenue and Second Street consider opportune. Annie merely de­ Both Phones sleeper. Alicia enters. She demands a unkind as she said: “ As you please," he said suavely. promise from Underwood that he will not manded a few hours' time so she could The banker turned to his wife. “ I don’t want to disgrace you— or take his life. He refuses unless she will make the appointment and soon re­ “ Alicia— come.” renew her patronage. This she refuses, ruin you. But what am I to do— tell and takes her leave. Underwood kills turned with a solemn promise that He offered his arm and turned to­ me, what am I to do?” himself. The report of the pistol awa­ the woman would attend tho meet kens Howard. He finds Underwood dead. ward the door. Alicia, in distress, T don’t know,” moaned her com­ Howard Is turned over to the police looked back at 'Annie, who nodded lng and come forward at whatever Capt. Clinton, notorious for his brutal panion helplessly. reassuringly to her. Judge Brewster moment called upon. treatment of prisoners, puts Howard “ Howard must be saved.” through the third degree, and Anally gets Three evenings later there was an rose and, going to the door, opened “ Yes.” an alleged confession from the harassed man. Annie, Howard’s wife, declares her “ W ill you tell Judge Brewster or It. The banker bowed stiffly and said: Impressive gathering at Judge Brew Me Namer & Wirtz, Proprietors belief In her husband’s Innocence, and "P ray don’t trouble. Oood morning, ■ter's residence. In the handsomely calls on Jeffries, fir. He refuses to help shall I r appointed library on the second floor Unless she will consent to a divorce. To "Judge Brewster! W hy should he sir." save Howard she consents, but when she know?” cried Alicia, startled. More As Alicia followed her husband out, were seated Dr. Bernstein, Mr. Jef finds that the elder Jeffries does not in­ fries and the judge. Each was ab tend to stand by his son, except finan­ composedly and as If reclgned to the she turned and whispered to Annie: and Tillamook Stage Lines. sorbed in his own thoughts. Dr. Bern cially, she scorns his help. Annie appeals Inevitable, she went on: “ Yes, I sup­ "Come and see me at my home.” to jTidge Brewster, attorney for Jeffries, stein was puffing at a big black cigar; When she had disappeared the Br.i to take Howard’s case. He declines. pose he must know sooner, or later, It Is reported that Annie is going on the but, I— ~ Judge came back Into the room and the banker stared vacantly Into space •tage. The banker and his wife call on The Judge, at his desk, examined som« She broke down again and burst In­ sat down at his desk. Judge Brewster to And some way to pre­ vent It. Annie again pleads with Brew- to tears. Annie watched her In si­ “ W ell, that's done!” he exclaimed legal papers. Not a word was spo •t*r to defend Howard. He consents. ken. They seemed to be waiting for lence. with a sigh o f relief. Rummaging for "It's tough— Isn’t It?” she said sym­ a moment among his papers, he a fourth man who had not yet ar C H A P T E R XVI.— Continued. Presently Judge Brewster pathetically. * . looked up and said with an encoura­ rived. looked up and said: “ Yes,” sobbed Alicia through her ging smile: ••Ah! I begin to understand. You "Gentlemen, I expect Capt Clinton "Now, If you please, we w ill go over knew Robert Underwood? Howard tears, “ It's— It's tough!” Rising, she in a few minutes, and the matter will knows your voice— he heard you— talk dried her eyes and said hastily: “ Don't that evidence— bit by b it ” be placed before you.” In* to him— Oh, Mr«. Jeffries! Are ■ay anything now. Olve me a few Mr. Jeffries frowned. It was great hours. Then I can think what la best CHAPTER XVII. you the woman who visited his apart­ ly against his wish that he had been to be done." * ments that night?” 104 F I F T H S T R E E T 84 and 86 FIFTH STREET Annie was about to reply when the The news that Jutfge Brewster dragged to this conference. Peevish The banker's w ife bowed her head Between Wash, and Stark Between Stark and Oak office door suddenly opened and Judge would appear for the defendant at the ly, he said: end collapsed on a chair. ” I've no wish to be present at th< Brewster entered. Addressing Alicia, approaching trial of Howard Jeffries P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N “ Yes," she murmured In a low tone. he said: You know that and yet went through the town like wildfire, meeting. Annie looked at her In amazement. you sent for me.” "Pardon me, Mrs. Jeffries, I hope I and caused an Immediate revival In Judge Brewster looked up at him "W hy didn't you come forward at haven’t kept you watting.” Noticing the public Interest which waa begin­ The Best Place in Portland to Eat and at once?" she cried. "Think of the pain her agitation and traces of tears, he ning to slacken for want of hourly quickly and said quietly yet de Most Reasonable Prices clstvely: which you might have spared u s!" “ Mr. Jeffries, It Is absolutaly neo ▲Ucla covered her face with her essary that you be present when I handkerchief. She was crying now. tell Capt. Clinton that he has elthei "The disgrace— the disgrace!” she w illfully or Ignorantly forced your sol moaned. to confess to having committed 1 "D isgrace!" echoed Annie, stupe­ crime of which I am persuaded he li fied. Indignantly, she went on: "Dis­ absolutely innocent." grace— to you? But what of me and The banker shrugged his shoulders Howard ?" " I f I can be of service, of course “ Can’t you realize what It means to I— I am only too glad— but what cat be associated with such a crime?” she I say— what can I do?" walled. "Nothing,” replied the judge curtly "D isgrace!" cried Annie contemptu­ “ But the moral effect of your presenc« ously. "W hat Is disgrace when a hu­ Is Invaluable.” More amiably he weni When in need o f GROCERIES don’t forget man life Is at stake?” on: "B elieve me, Jeffries, I wouldn't that ws carry a full line o f both Staple and " It seemed so useless," moaned Al­ have taken this step unless I was mb Fancy. icia— “ a useless sacrifice In the face solutely sure of my position. I havi of Howard's confession. Of course been informed that Underwood com — If I’d known— If I'd suspected what THE RIG H T PRICE A N D Q U A L IT Y mltted suicide, and to-night evidenc« you tell me— I'd have come forward confirming this statement is to b< and told everything— no matter at placed In my hands The woman wh< what cost.” Tearfully she added: paid him that mysterious visit Juqi "8urely you realise the position It before hts death has promised to con* puts me In?" here and tell us what she knows. Now A new light shone In Annie's eyes. Phone 701 Main Street If C apt Clinton can be got to admit What was this woman’s misery to the possibility of his being mistakes bur? Her duty was to the poor fel­ It means that your son will be fret low who was counting the hours until in a few days.” ■he could set him free. Hts stepmoth­ Who has given you this informs 1 er deserved no mercy. Utterly self­ tlon?" demanded the banker akeptlo ish, devoid of a spark ol humanity, ally. she would have left them both to Howard's w ife." answered ths perish In order to protect herself from judge quietly. The banker started and shame and ridicule. Her face was set the lawyer went on: "She knows whs and determined as she said calmly: the w onsn Is, and has promised ts . "It must be done now.” bring h/w here to-night with docu ' "Yes.” murmured Allcls In a low mentary proof of Underwood's sut tone that sounded like a sob, “ It must c id e " he done now! Oh, If I'd only done It Yon are depending on her?" hs before—If I'd only told Mr. Jeffries ■neeredL the whole truth! You speak of How­ "W h y not?” demanded the Judge ard's sufferings. If be didn't do It. She ties more at stake than any oi he has at least the consciousness of us. Size has worked day and night his own Innocence, but I— the con­ on this has«. It was she who aroused stant fear of being found out Is worse Dr. B e rs te in 's Internet and persuad­ than any hell the Imagination can con­ ed him V> collect the evidence agalnsl jure up. I dreaded It— I dread It now C apt Canton.” — It means disgrace— social ostracism E are in a botter position than ever to The tin k e r frowned. — my husband must know—the whole Each Was Absorbsd In His Own Thoughts. "She is the cause of the whole mis world will know.” do all kinds of Fine Commercial Print­ Annie was not listening. Still be­ looked surprised. He made no com­ stimulation. Rumor said that there erable business.” he growled. The dflor opened and the butler, en wildered. she gated with the utmost ment but turned to Annlo: had been a complete reconciliation In ing on short notice, having just recently astonishment at her companion. T o “I have been talking to Dr. Bern- the Jeffries family, that the banker tering, Banded his master a card. " A h !” ejaculated the Judga. ‘‘ Here’s think that this mysterious woman ■veln over tho ’phone.” waa now convinced of his son's Inno­ installed new machinery and a com­ they had been seeking was Howard’s Annie approached him softly and cence, and was determined to spend our m u ) Show him up.” When the servant had disappeared stepmother. a fortune. If necessary, to save him. ■aid In a whisper: plete line of the latest styles of type faces similar Mr. Jetfllas turned to hts host W itt “ So you’re the missing wttness we "I've told Mrs. Jeffries that you have This and other reports of a show of Irritation he said: have all been hunting fo r !" she «aid; undertaken Howard's defense.” nature were all untrue, but the Judge T think you put too much faith l a ' "I can't believe It even now. How Judge Brewster smiled at his let them pass without contradiction. did It happen?" nealthy client almost apologetically, They were harmless, he chuckled, and that wotssn, but you'll find out—you'll find o u t" "H e and I were once engaged. I Ahnle thought Then addressing her, If anything, helped Howard's cause. Judge Brewster smiled. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, broke It off when I found him out he said: Meantime he himself had not been fTO BE CONTINUED.) After I married Mr. Jeffries I met Un­ "Yes, I've been quite busy since I idle. When once he made up his LE G A L BLANKS, POSTERS, BRIEFS, ENVEL­ derwood again. Foolishly, I allowed «aw you. I have put three of the best mind to do a thing he was not con­ Unique Indorsement of Check. the old Intimacy to be renewed. He detectives we have on the trail of the tent with half measures. Night and OPES, C ALLIN G CARDS, E T C Up-to-date work Perhags the greatest curiosity thi took advantage and preyed on my woman who visited Underwood thst day he worked on the case, preparing on short notice. (Hands. I forbade him my houae. night I don’t think the police have evldenca, seeing witnesses and ex­ Bank of England poeaeses ts a not« He wrote me a letter In which he been trying very hard to find her. perts, until he had gradually built of £1.090, the sum Lord Cochrans1 threatened to kill himself. I was They're satisfied with Howard's con­ up a bulwark of defense which the paid an a fine for his connection afraid he meant It— I wanted to pre fession. Bit we want her and well police would find difficult to tear with a fraud on the public, with vent him. I went to his rooms that get her— ” down. Tet he waa not wholly reas­ which bn really had nothing to do. night I— didn't tell Mr JefTriea "O h!" gasped Alicia. sured as to the outcome until Annie, He Indorsed the note thus: "My The Judge was proceeding to tell of the day following the Interview In his health bsvtng suffered by long and When the truth Is known and I ac­ knowledge that I visited this m a n - other steps he had taken when the oBce. Informed him breathlessly that close confinement and my oppressors ' can you see what It means?--what a door opened and the head clerk en­ ■he had found the mysterious woman. having resolved to deprive me of | fuss there’ll be. Everybody will put tered, followed by Mr. Jeffries. The Judge waa duly elated; now It property or life. I submit to robbery the worst construction on It— " T told Mr. Jeffries that Mr*. Jet waa plain tailing. Indeed! There had to protect myself from murder. In the always been the possibility that How­ hope that I shall live to bring the de­ "Trust them for that!" said Annie fries waa here.” said the clerk. “ You might have told him that there ard's confession to ths police waa linquents to Justice— Cochrane " Hs grimly. She waa sorry for the wom­ an's distress, yet, being only human, were two Mrs. Jeffries here.” laughed true, that he had really killed Under- wrote from the grated chamber ef But now they had found the King’s Bench prison. aha luU a aerials sense of satisfaction the Judge. THE Q U A L IT Y SHOP tjm iM tnw n: aw M [im ® tM D Q .Q ÏÏA C J ÍD ra l T h i r d d e g r e e ^CHARLES KLEIN . ▼ ~ ARTHU R°HOR N BLOW T V M ERTZ R & LATTA Forest Grove Steam Laundry Ice, Cold Storage, Wood and Coal Central Livery Barns General Livery P E E R L E SS C A F E T E R IA W h en in Need of Groceries H . T . G ILTN E R Commercial Printin S A T IS F A C T IO N G U A R A N T E E D Press Job Rooms