Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 23, 1912, Image 4

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    F ores r G rove
Distrtct No. 42—Ernest Quick.
District No. 48 -Leon Davis,
Pansy Smith, Laura Rimbrick,
The Press Publishing Co.
Genevieve Watts, Helen Baird,
In the City o f
Herman Lind.
F orest G rove , O rkuon ,
D's rict N j . 50 Dora Ham or,
A. G. H o f f m a n , .... . ......... President Marjorie Hazleton.
0 . M . G a r d n e r .................. Vice Pres.
District No. (2 —Ray Lynch.
J. N. H o f f m a n . .„..Sec’y and anager
District No. 23—Verna Vogel.
District No. 54—Louise Rei-
chen, Gottlieb Schneider.
District No. 55—Carl Com­
I n d e pen d en t P hones
Hrrriet Horrigan.
O f f i c e 505
R e s i d e n c e 442
District No. 58 -Elm a Schul-
Entered at the poat office at Forest Grove, Ogn merick.
As mail matter o f the second class.
District No. 60 Gracie Ayers.
District No. 72—Mae Bledsoe.
T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n
District No. 76 Helen D.
One Year $1.00 - Six Months .75
Meade, Agnes M. Meade.
I « G H . T * J j 9 L O > E>Y B O B B S
District No. 77—Henry Holtz,
Display advertisements for publica-
tion in the
he PRESS must be in this cffcj Hugh Lilly, Ruth Lilly.
"A n a 10 tne aavanmge or ms loyal Bob tr fleeting; mocking iook unu turn­
not later than Tuesday evening to in-
District No. 88 Edward Pet­ friend. I suppose," she suggested in ed to Paul. "Come and see me, Mr.
sure appearance in current issue.
Willa Courtney, George qulrlngly. “ You are no doubt—I ’ m Remington. W e will discuss politics.
very Ignorant o f politics—some one Good afternoon, Mr. McAdoo.” And
Stewart, Clifford Driskell, Mabel very Important, a high officer, con­ she was rapidly whirled away.
A copy of The Press will be mailed
Paul drew a deep breath. “ I don’t
I. Weckert.
gressman. at least?”
to all ‘ advertisers in which their ad ap-
"Oh. no. I'm only a senator o f the see why you and she don’t hit it off
District No. 89 Lois Yager,
comrrvn or garden variety, a very un better. She's wonderful."
Ina Reasoner.
“ She’ s the devil!” Rob growled.
Important member o f our state legis
Paul did not answer this outburst.
District No. 94 — Arthur lature."
I f the action on the part of the
“ Let’s have a drink.” he suggested.
"W h ile he has become boss.” she
jWridge, Collin Brigham, Free
“ I ’m limp as a rag. You're got to
added. “ It seems"—
council should fall short in a
"Don't. Mrs Oilbert. I beg o f you.” break over this time, old man.”
single particular to fulfill the
District No. 95—Oscar Fred- he Interrupted gravely. " I t would be Safe in the seclusion o f the hooded
law in ordering pavement and
disloyal for me to listen to sueh sug­ automobile. Eleanor Gilbert was re
deen, Lewis Minor.
the paving is done, and at that
gestions even from you. The least 1 pouting half in amusement, half in re
District No. 97—Minnie Peters, can do is to trust him. I could fill a sentment:
time should the property holders
"W hat a man! My dear, you caught
Maria Bill, Josephine*Hermans, higher position, and 1 often chafe over
in the paved district refuse to
my slow climb, i f I were to Insist he It that time. And you deserved It.
Antony Heesacker.
accept the bonding act and to
would help me to the best in his powei What a man!”
District No. 106—Orlo Curtice to give. Rut bis Judgment and his She did not refer to Paul.
pay, the taxpayers of the city
District No. 107—Alma Beuh- heart nre to be trusted. You shall
would be compelled to shoulder
ner, Albert Earle, Hazel Clark. know hltn. and then you will under
the whole debt. The council is
stand why I trust him so absolutely.”
The following pupils having
"Thank you. no!" she said indiffer­
the city’s agent and the city will
N the tallest o f the city’s skyscrap­
ently. " I approve of your loyalty, of
ers, In the highest story of said
be bound by their action. Is not passed in all but one or two sub­ course. Rut I saw your friend this
building, were, ns the lelters on
jects, were passed conditionally
every taxpayer interested?
afternoon, and, frankly, I don't think
ground glass door announced,
and will be allowed to complete I should like him. I don't cure to the the
law offices of Paul Remington.
the examination on the two sut meet"—
The term "law offiers” was perhaps a
jects below 70 per cent at tl < She stopped suddenly, and both look­ misnomer, for upon Paul bad fallen
ed up startled, feeling another’s pres
next examination held June I ence. It was Rob who hud come into the distrust which the business public
often feels for the political lawyer,
and 7, 1912:
and the bulk of his practice consisted
principally in caring for liie legal end
Dist. No. 1—Adeline Holcomb.
o f Rob’s business ventures and in help­
Dist. No. 7—Arthur Wohler,
ing their political friends out o f police
Alma Gottlieb, Richard H. Hoyt.
court scru|>es.
The following named pupils of
Duly the presence o f Miss Myrtle
Dist. No. 9—Elmer Batchelor.
Jones, stenographer, reminded you that
the districts designated below
Dist. No. 10—Nelson Johnson,
this was a legal center.
successfully passed the state Frank Boese.
On this particular morning some
eighth grade examii ations held
two weeks after the convention Miss
Dist. No. 11—Kenneth Hawke,
Joues was early at her post. Bob en­
in this county on May 9 and 10, Lena McBurney.
tered with a curt greeting. He was
Dist. No. 13—Dorothy Davies,
accompanied by Huggin, who wore a
District No. 1—JohnR. Pubolr, Ethel Pryor,
sheepisli grin.
Gladys Shipley,
“ Well,” he said, ’’they sure did put
Esther Bechen, Benjamin Pubols. Raymond Shipley, Vivian Banks.
the bug on us last night.”
District No. 2 Joseph Mann.
Dist N a 15 -H arold Watrous,
"So I ’ve been told,” Bob remarked
dryly. “ Sit down.”
Harriet Benjamin, Irene Robin-
Haggin sat down on the window sill
District No. 3—Florence Daily. son> wiUis Hines, Una Emerson,
—it was more comfortable than Bob's
District No. 6—Arthur Ras- Gertrude Himman, Lloyd Crot-
chairs—and crossed his hands over bis
mussen, Carl Hickethier.
Zer, Margaret Curtise, Freda
capacious paunch.
“ Malassey’a out
there,” he said.
District No. 7 Mamie Follette, Moore, Frank Burlingham, Zella
“ Y’es.”
And Bob's teeth came to­
Gladys Shute, Ralph Prahl, Guy Buckingham, Beth Sexton, Beth
gether with an audible click. "H e ’s
Strong, Odell Brandaw, Arthur Potwini Edith Craft> Ralph Em_
been waiting there for some time
That's why I sent for you. Tom, bow
Kroeger, Leorna Gardner, Alfred erson.
much is ho worth lu the Seventh?"
Harrington, Georgina Bendler,
District No. 16—Chester Wahl.
“ Well, he's worth a good deal. All
Esther Landess, Creigh Long,
that Democrat bunch follow him like
District No. 17—Jennie Mc-
sheep. An’ the Seventh is a Democrat
Long, Earl Caudle, Beth Sigler, Callon,
Velden Boge, Frank
Kenneth Shane, Eugene Johnson.
“ Then you think he’s really Impor
Humpke, Viola Johnson, Ray
tant ?”
District No. 18—Jennie Olson.
Van Dewalker, Trella Lincoln,
“ L’ n-huh!” Haggin agreed. “ Biggest
Dist. No. 29 Hazelle Swalley.
man In the ward. Paul’s the only man
Mattie Case, Genevieve Collette,
Dist. No. 32—Wilfred Love- ■ H I BTOPI'KD BCDDr.NLT, AND BOTH that ever could touch him. An' even
Leah Barnette, John Paque, Ad­ green, Guy Welch.
Paul can’t knock sense Into a Demo- '
the box, unnoticed by them. To both
elaide Meier,
Wayne Vaught,
Dist. No. 33 Myrtle Walker. Paul and Eleanor It was as though a crat when he gets set. But. say. you I
Sidney Ferguson, Robert Greer,
Dist. No. 37—Fred Grabhorn. cloud hud passed across the face o f the
I ’m going to knock a little sense
Carl Terriault, Merle Ornduff,
into one Democrat.”
He touched a
Dist. No. 39 Mabel Crosby, sun.
There was nn awkward pause while button, and Miss Jones opened the
Ralph Williams, Ruby Tipton, Joseph Flint, Harry Hanson,
Bob, standing motionless in the rear door.
Hugh Weik, Edward Freuden- Dana Crosby.
of the box. looked steadily at Eleanor
"Miss Jones, will you ask Malassey
thall, Maude Morrill, Alta Horn-
Dist. No. 40-Leona Middleton, with coldly hostile eyes. And Eleanor, to step In? And. Miss Joins. If Mr
ecker, Ray Sigler.
startled, but not disconcerted, returned Remington should come In. please hold
Arthur Wheaton.
his with a glance into which she strove him until 1 can see him. 1 rely on
District No. 10—Louis Tupper,
Dist. No. 41—Pauline Schaefli. to put amusement.
Elizabeth Johnson.
Paul sought to take Into his bands
Malassey was a type o f the profes
Dist. No. 44 Merle White,
District No. 11 —Harold Hav- Edith Benefiel, Clifford Brown, what threatened to be a situation.
atonal "m ixer." a big. red fn-ed fellow
It’s fate, Mrs. Gilbert,” he said, with with a bluff, boisterous manner that
Edgar Crawford, Edith Selfridge, a laugh which he tried to render easy. passed for good fellowship nrnoug the
District No. 13—Ruth Willis.
Ethel Benefiel.
Let me present our next mayor. Mrs. mid ¡see ruing. One eye was set slight­
District No. 15—Donald Lamb,
Bob greeted
Gilbert, Rob. has Just avowed her u 111- ly lower than its fellow
Dist. No. 48—Willie Berst.
anee with the enemy. W e must con­ him with a eurt nod and lolled back
Dorothy Joy, Lawrence Peter­
Dist. No. 53—Evelyn McGinn. vert her.”
in his chair
Haggin grimly ignored
son, Archie Olson, Teddie Thom­
Dist. No. 54—Lizzie Waters.
W hy?" Bob answered crudely, with the eurrance o f the newcomer. Ma-
as, Mariam Corl, Alice Ralston,
Insse.v seated himself awkwardly on
Dist. No. 57 -Walter Brem- out changing his regard.
And somehow, as he said It, Bob’s the edge o f a chair.
Ruth Austin, ^¡len Thomas, A r­ mer, William Schlottman.
“ I'm mighty sorry about the oonven
monosyllable carried a sting far sharp­
thur Jones, Estella Stokes, Grace
Dist. No. 68- Annie Ritzel.
er than Its crude surface Irony. It put tion. Mr. McAdoo," he begun eagerly.
Gibson, Taylor Graham, Paul
e f e n s i v e nnd " I " —
strangely on the d
Dist. No. 61—Einar Berggren. her strancelv
Bob chuckled " I see. 1 realty think
theretofore, with men. Mrs Eleanor
Clara Crawford, Ray
Dist. No. 71 Isa Aydelott, Gilbert had always been mistress of he’d better hunt another job. Tom."
Jackson, Ruth Patton.
Percy Shearer.
Malassey sprang to his feet, pale and
the situation. She tried to answer with
District No. 16—Willis Hall.
trembling "B efore God. Mr. McAdoo.”
Dist. No. 72—Frances Pease, Indifference.
‘•You have so many enemies that one he l>egnti with nervous vehemence, “ 1
District No. 17 Nellie Smith. Hattie Hannan.
didn’t” —
or less ennnot disturb you."
Elvera Anderson.
Dist. No. 79— Janet Haeffel.
Bob came sharply upright in hi*
“I have many.”
District No. 18 — Josephine
“And the habit of beating them. I chair.
Dist. No. 88— Clark Johnson,
"B efore God. Malassey." he said
Rowes, | Edna Moreback, Joseph Peters, believe?”
harshly, “ you did. Y'ou were to go
Nellie Snyder, * Ruth Linder, Inez Adams, Gertrude Peters,
"But Bob doesn’t make war on wom­ Into the iNanocratlc nominating com­
Derle Denny,
en." Paul Interrupted with nervous mittee and help get me their indorse­
Ruth Shaffer.
m ent But you d id n 't”
District No. 19 Alice Reilly.
District No. 89— Ralph Dea- eagerness.
"It’s a lie. whoever says i t ” Mains
District No. 21—Lyditt Carl- ville, Irene Olaine.
said with the mocking upward Inflec­ sey cried. “1 voted for you. and the
Dist. No. 95— John Fuhrer.
tion that had so often put men to record'll prove It.”
"Y'es. you voted for me when the
District No. 25 -Chester Bol­
Dist No. 97---Nona Vandehey. flight.
committee was safely against me You
ster, Frank Boge.
Dist. No. 105— Mildred Roster. responded, unmoved by her sarcasm.
took a flier In double dealing. Malagasy.
District No. 26 Ada Westfal',
Dist No. 106— Howard Means.
And Eleanor, beaten, gave up the It baa netted you a thousand dollars,
Edna Geiberger, Lillie Liebig,
battle of eyes. Yet there was defiance and that’s all. The mayor expects your
resignation at once. Good morning.
r, .
. , __
... ,
1 In her langh as she sal id:
Claude Nyherg.
Get a first-class rawhide buggy
- Mr McAdoo would be as merciless Malassey."
District No. 28 Willie Inglia.
An hour later Paul cams In and
whip absolutely free.
Ask at to a woman at to any other enemy, I
threw himself wearily on one of Bob’s
District No. 29 Arvid Nord-
the Forest Grove Pharmacy.
uncomfortable chairs.
lund, Elsie Heinrich.
This time Paul did not protest.
“Weli." be said moodily, “you lost
District No. 37—Augusta Wen­
Wanted Sewing or general
out of the theater to the street. As that trick."
zel, Edith VanKleek, Ruth Rich­ work in family by lady.
“I’m not Infallible." B o b returned
Ad­ she was about to step Into the auto­
"And they played this hand
ards, Ina Hanson.
dress Mrs. W’ m. Smith, R. F. D.
better than the last one.”
District No. 3& Mary Niaaen. 1. Box 112, Forwt Grove. Phone last effort
| "It baa been a very Interesting aft-
P¿strict No, 40 Robert I'leith. Hill 16.
(To bo continued.)
t i i t intwii.
tntooo- 1 than* yon-both." She P Ti J
Built for Business
Published & Edited by
will be any bicycle we sell or
repair. The Racycle, Miami,
Dayton, Daytonia,
Wonder and Shapieigh Spe­
cial bikes, ate the strongest,
easiest running and best guar­
anteed, picked from their past
records on the market to-day,
and are sold at prices that are
right, $25.00 to $60.00. Come
in and see them and get litera­
ture and catalogues, also free
drinking cups and blotters.
I have taken the agency for the best little motorcyle on the
market, a machine that A L W A Y S makes good, made by
the famous PO PE M A N U FA C TU R IN G CO. with their
usual high standard of quality. This machine is guaranteed
and sells at the lowest possible price, $175.00. Step in and
get a demonstration and free ride. It will be worth your
while to investigrte this wonderful little machine.
Fresh stock of tires and sundries. Second-hand
wheels for sale or rent.
The Bike Docior
(Representing Nine Agencies.)
Phone 306
Finest of Bread and Fastry Baked
Every Day.
W e Sell 6 Loaves of Bread for 25 Cents
Free Delivery to All Parts of the City
Pacific Ave
Pacific Avenue,
Forest Grove
Summer Vacations
To the East
Rose Festival
lO G D E N & S H A S TA l
Elk’s Conveution
ni^(*M-nv i i r p
to,,tbe P'’.'nv'Pxl Cities o f the East, going or returning .through Cali-
nia, or via Portland. Going limit 15 days, final return limit October 31, on sale as follows:
Sale Dates
May, 2-3-4-9-10-11-14-15-17-18-24-
June, 1-6-7-8-13-14-15-17-18-19-20-
July, 2-3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23-
x. .
, .
Sept., 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30
Stop-overs going or return­
ing within the limit.
Newport—Yaquina Bay
wYok e X S - t i r Ru i ' d* n? r m: an ,id« >
« " spend the summer. Low round trip and
fishing-, etc
Keafonable hotel rates, out-door amusements, bathing, boating, golf.
Low Fares to Meeting of Women’s Clubs San Francisco, June 24 to July 6
T he New P. R. & N. Beaches
oAi enn,“w l i , ,he L rti ; L 7 ach by th« , P ’ R * N - * nd » " « » fl-U fo r a pleasant vacation
P«n. Week end tickets now on sale and season tickets from all points on sale June lit .
£ £ • ^ r r L l-d t iX ^ ^ ^ ie ^ ^ r ^ ln
wri l “ to
^ ^ 1 Fie,u ond C* r" iV* ' of p,“ ,ure yet
l * de" r ‘bi" * Newport. Bayocean and other point., a.
Eastern Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., call on nearest A gen t or
J ohn M. S c o tt , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
B. P. 0. E. (Elks) Convention, July 8 to 13, 1912
How About
New Fence?
It is not often you b uy a new fence, and w hen
you do you w ant to be sure you are getting the
1 Here’s only one Best— that’s A M F .R -
1 C A N J- E N C E .
It is m ade of high grade, hard
stiff fence steel, and is inspected three times b e­
fore leavm e the factory.
O nly the most skilled
workmen are engaged in its m anufacture.
W. O. Wagner & Sons
Forest Grove