CHURCHES. Church of the Visitation, Verboort D. A. LeMlller, pastor. Sun- aay Early Maas at 8 a. m.; High Mass at 10:30 a. m.; Vesper at 3:00 p. m. Week days Mass at 8:30 a. m. Christian Science Hall, 115 Fifth it., between First and Second ave. South—Services Sundays at 11 a. m Sunday school at 12 m.; mid-week meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Seventh Day Adventist Church, 3rd street Sabbath Bchol 2 p. m., preach- tng 3 p. m. each Saturday. Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 m. A cordial welcome. H. W Vail- mer, Elder. INDU5TRIAL DEVEL0PMENI OF THE STATE CORPORATION IS HIT. Government Begins Fight on Alleged Aluminum Trust. Pittsburg—The Federal government OREGON GETS HONOR. FARMERS EXPECT BIG CROP. haa filed a civil anti-trust suit against the Aluminum company of America, Government Makes Inquiry Here for After Three Years of Poor Yields, which will be the basis for an “ agreed Bids on Big Timbers. Growers Say Succeaa Assured. Our Work Guaranteed and decree,” designed to restrain the eo- Portland—Oregon was unintention­ Pendleton—After three years of al called aluminum trust from monopolis­ Your Patronage Solicited ally complimented by the government most total crop failures Morrow coun­ ing the manufacture of aluminum and when mill operators and lumber ex­ ty wheat growers are already prepar­ ita products, including cooking uten­ porters received telegrams recently ing to harvest what promises to be sils. from Washington, D. C, asking for one of the beat crops in the history of In a petition in equity to the United bids on two dredge “ spuds,” 70 feet the county, according to County Judge States court for the Western district First Ave., Foot Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon Catholic Services, Rev. J. R. Buck, in length and 36 inches in diameter. Patterson, of Heppner, and J. B. Hud­ of Pennsylvania, the company is pastor. Forest Grove—Chapel at cor, The “ spuds” are wanted to complete dleston, station agent for the O.-W. charged with being a monopoly re­ of 3rd street and 3rd avenue south 1st and 4th Sundays of the month the equipment of a big dredge at the R. & N. at the same point These straining interbtate and foreign com­ Mass at 8:30; 2nd and 3rd Sundays Panama canal. men say farmers report the ground merce in violation of the Sherman law. of the month, Mass 10:30. Cornelius The order was issued hurriedly, so wet four feet, and with the splendid It is declared to have acquired a sub­ 1st Sunday of the month, Mass at 10:30; 3rd Sunday of the month time was ]not allowed for the usual start which the grain has it is believed stantial control of the aluminum in­ Mass at 8:00. Seghers—2nd Sunday circulation 'of specifications, but on nothing can prevent the harvesting of dustry of the United States, and to of the month. Mass at 8:00; 4th such timbers there would be no com­ a bumper yield. Sunday of the month, Mass at 10:30 petition outside of the Northwest. It Some of the growers say there have have charged unreasonably high prices M. E. Church, Rev. Hiram Gould is] not believed the government will been years in the past when the grow­ and profits on its products. The d is-! paetor. Second street, between First be swamped with proposals for the ing grain looked as promising as at and Second avenues. Sunday school spuds,” owing to the fact that time present, but that it did not have the solution of the corporation is n o t. at 10 a. m.; Epworth League at 6:30 of delivery is uncertain and exporters moisture in the ground to back it up, sought but the court is asked to issue Service—7:45 to 9:00 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 say there is little profit for them after so that the lack of later rains caused a nine broad injunctions against alleged p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting paying for getting such special logs near-failure. unlawful contracts, combinations, con­ Thursday at 7:30 p: m. Three Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9:50 out of the woods. The growers of alfalfa along Willow spiracies and practices. Christian Church, corner Third s t It is said that to cut the sizes asked and Ray creeks are looking forward to Matinee—2:30 p. m. Saturday The government concedes that com­ and First Ave. Rev. C. H. Hilton, pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m. for, two trees, each with a diameter heavier crops than usual. They are pany’s ownership of more than 90 per preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.; of about six feet, would be necessary, always assured of a good first crop, cent of the known deposits of bauxite Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p and it is no longer easy to find such but the lack of sufficient snow in the (the base of aluminum) in the United giant firs close to transportation fa­ mountains has often caused the m. States and Canada, suitable for the _______ streams to dry up so early that sum­ manufacture Congregational Church, College cilities. of the metal, is not mer irrigation has been almost out of "within itself,” Way and First ave. north. Rev. D, BETTER GAME LAWS URGED. It is the question. This year there is an charged, however, unlawful. T. Thomas—Sunday school 10 a. m that the practical Morning service 11 a. m.; evening, unusual amount of snow in the hills monoply in bauxite and the manufac­ CLEAN AND UP-TO-DATE SHOWS 8:00 p. m.; Junior C. E. at 3 p. m.; State Warden's Office Receives Sug­ and the streams are all running bank ture of aluminum, which the company Senior C. E. at 6:30 p. m. gestions by Letter. full at the present time, with the legally enjoyed on the expiration of its LODGES. Portland—In the past few months prospect of a good supply of water for patents for making aluminum in 1909 Knights of Pythias—Delphos Lodge the State Game warden’s office has re­ six or eight weeks to come. has been maintained by unlawful No. 36, meets every Thursday at K. ceived numerous letters offering sug­ agreements and unfair methods to­ of P. Hall. Chas. Staley, C. C.; Reis BUMPER CROP OF APPLES. wards competitors. Ludwig, Keeper of Records and Seal gestions for improvement of the game The extent of other bauxite deposits G. A. R.—J. B. Mathews Post No. laws. Mr. Finley said that the com­ in the United States is not known at 6, meets the first and third Wednes mission invites suggestions and will Yield to Be From 1,000,000 to this time, but it is pointed out that 260,000 Boxes, day of each month at 1:30 p. m., in act upon them at its next meeting. Among the letters is one from Luke K. of P. hall. John Baldwin, Com there are inexhaustible quantities The apple crop of Hood River this mander. Conners, of Wallowa, Or., who sug­ year will be from 1,000,000 to 1,250, abroad, which could be placed at the Masonic—Holbrook Lodge No. 30, gests that black and brown bear be 000 boxes, according to prediction disposal of competitors for aluminum For convenience in registration The Nebraska State Society of A. F. & A. M., regular meetings held protected during May, June, July and manufacture if the restraints on the first Saturday in each month. P. W. August. Mr. Conners points out that made by President Charles N. Clarke, trade are removed. Washington County, Oregon, is you may fill in the blank coupon Kinzer, W. M.; A. A. Ben Korl, sec­ these animals are harmless and that of the Hood River Commercial club, to being organized and desires to found in this paper, cut it out, retary. their flesh and fur is worthless during Professor Charles H. Lane, agricul­ JOKER IN CANAL BILL. enlist members. The object of and together with $1.00 mail to W. O. W.—Forest Grove Camp No. the time specified. He also observes tural expert from Washington, who 98, meets in Woodmen Hall, every that bear hunting is frequently done spent a day touring the famous valley. the society is to promote acquain­ the Press office for enrollment. Saturday. A. J. Parker, C. C.; James Clarke based his estimate on Commercial Overthrow of Portland to conceal other hunting during closed the Mr. tance and good fellowship among Don’t delay, but get your name H. Davis, Clerk. and Seattle Would Result. heaviness of bloom and generally seasons. favorable conditions, which give Artisans—Diamond Assembly No, Washington, D. C. — The Panama persons from Nebraska; to keep in at once. John C. Zoller, of Duncan, Umatilla promise 27, meets every Tuesday In K. oi of a crop from five to six county, suggests that it might be ad­ canal bill, providing for the adminis­ register; to welcome visiting Ne­ At a time prior to the summer P. Hall. C. B. Stokes, M. A; John times as large as the harvest of 200,- visable to grant a bounty on crows. 000 Boldrick, Secretary. tration of the canal zone and the braskans and to furnish them picnic each registered member boxes last year. Rebekahs—Forest Lodge No. 44 These birds, he says, are a menace to It was found that Hood River peo­ operation of the canal, was introduced with information about Oregon. will be mailed a list of all mem­ meets the first, third and fifth Wed other birds, particularly young game ple were growing more strawberries in the house. The requirements for member­ bers. In this way you may find _______ nesdays of each month. Miss Alice birds. this year than ever before. There are As a result of more than seven Crook, N. G.; Secretary, Miss Carrie ship are: some 4000 acres in newly planted some of your old friends and YEAR BUMPER FOR CROPS. Austin. orchards and 3000 in bearing orchards. hours’ debate opponents of certain All persons of good character, possibly near relatives and have I. O. O. F.—Waehington Lodge No. The apple bloom, which a week before provisions of the measure said they residing in Oregon, and who 48, meets every Monday in I. O. O. F. Pioneers Declare Season Greatest had been barely visible, had been the opportunity of making many had discovered a “ joker” which they Hall. V. S. Abraham, N. G.; Robert Gilliam County Ever Saw. were born or who lived in the new and desirable acquaintances brought out and nearly retired by the contended would give to Canadian Taylor, Secretary. State of Nebraska for one year Condon — Men who have had 30 warm days that followed the visit of Modern Woodmen of America— the Press club to Hood River a week railroad-owned steamships a monopoly immediately preceding their com­ with whom you may talk over Camp No. 6228, meets the second and years’ experience in this country and or so before. “ old times.” of the traffic through the Panama can­ fourth Friday of each month. A. L. remember it when bunch grass was t al .at the expense of American rail­ ing to Oregon, or who have lived Sexton, Consul; Geo. G. Paterson, the only vegetation for miles around, Business headquarters at the GRANGERS URGE REFORMS. say this is going to be the banner year Clerk. road-owned vessels, which would be in the state of Nebraska for four Press office, F orest Grove, Ore. Rosewood Camp, No. 3835 R. N, for crops of all kinds in Gilliam coun­ barred under the terms of the meas­ consecutive years, are eligible to A., meets first and third Fridays ol ty. aid each other in building up a Legislative Committee Favors Second ure. membership. each month in I. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs From the Columbia river to the Choice Voting. Most every M. S. Allen, Oracle; Mrs. Winnifred Wheeler county line, and from Mor­ They prophesied as a result the com­ The husband or wife of a friendly union. Roseburg—The second day of the Aldrich, Recorder. member at some time will meet mercial overthrow of Boston, Seattle row county to the John Day river member is eligible to become State Grange meeting in this city and Portland, Or. Gale Grange No. 282, P. of H. there is not a poor-looking crop. people who are acquainted with meets the first Saturdays of each A bitter fight seems certain over an associate member. Owing to favorable conditions last dawned fine and cool. The various their friends in the Nebraska month In the K. of P. Hall. A. T September there was a large acreage committees began to bring in their re­ the provisions which would prohibit The dues are $1.00 for active Buxton, Master; Mrs. H. J. Rice state. The society desires to of fall wheat sown and that now ports, the committee on legislation re­ railroad-owned vessels from passing members. Secretary. stands from 10 inches to a foot high. porting favorably on second choice through the canal. The Pacific Coast CITY, Any subscriber to the Press have a complete list of Nebras­ Spring grain sown in March is all up vdting in state and county elections, delegation was unanimously in favor Mayor—G. S. Allen. on changing the time when nominat­ of the prohibition. Their future who is eligible to register and kans on its rolls, so that stran­ and promises to be as good a crop as Recorder—M. R. Markham. ing petitions shall be filed to 30 days course probably will be subject of a the winter wheat. Not only is this so, who has paid one year’s sub­ gers coming from Nebraska to Treasurer—R. P. Wirtz. but it is going to be a great fruit previous to the primary election, and conference. Oregon can find their friends by Chief of Police—P. W. Watkins. Representative Doremus, of Michi­ scription in advance will be reg­ year. The trees along the creeks are on authorizing the county clerk to Health Officer—Dr. J. S. Bishop. send every voter a sample ballot 10 gan, charged that a small coterie of istered without further cash. looking over our roster, which at Councilmen—John Wirtz, Carl L. Hin loaded with blossoms and promise a man, O. M. Sanford, Rev. J. M grand crop. With an unusual amount days previous to the election. It also “ Wall-street parasites” had entered Anyone eligible, sending one all times will be open to public Barber, W. F. Schultz, H. B. John of rain all vegetables will be plentiful. recommended a revision of the elec­ into a conspiracy with the railroads to inspection. tion laws so that no candidate or other force congress to strike out the prohi­ dollar for registration will re­ son. persons in behalf of a candidate shall bition against railroad-owned ships. After Green Peach Aphis Now. During the summer a meeting ceive the Press without further City School. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ spend altogether more than 15 per School Directors—M. Peterson, Mrs and picnic will be arranged for charge. Flames Menace Homes. vallis—The green peach aphis, which cent of the first year’s salary except Edward Seymour, H. T. Buxton. at some convenient time and All Nebraskans who are loval that the minimum limit shall be $100. Clerk—R. P. Wirtz. works on the tips of shoots, is doing Woodland, Wash.—Word has reach­ Justice of the Peace—W. J. R. Beach great damage in the Freewater-Milton place, where you will be invited to their state Bhould be enrolled ed here from the Upper Lewis river C onstable-C arl Hoffman. Freewater Expect* Big Crop. district and elsewhere, and Prof. H. F. to bring all your Nebraska as members, that the society may COUNTY. Freewater — That crop prospects in that a serious timber fire has been Wilson of the O. A. C. entomology de­ threatened for the past several days friends. become strong, and in this way Judge—R. O. Stevenson. partment has started the following this vicinity were never better than and that considerable timber has been Sheriff — George G. Hancock. treatment which will destroy the pest now is the report from every section burned for the North Fork Logging Clerk—John Bailey. — " I imjssaaaaa f applied in time. of the valley. On the foothills the and the Lewis River Lumber Recorder—E. L. Perkins. “ Black Leaf 40” should be diluted wheat is almost a foot high, and the company Treasurer—E. B. Sappington. but that most of the timber APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP with 1000 parts of water, with a bar excessive rain has deepened the root­ company, Assessor—Max Crandall. was timber that had been dam­ of laundry soap added for every barrel ing of the wheat, insuring the biggest burned Surveyor—Geo. McTee. aged several years ago. The mill of The Nebraska State Society of Washington County, Oregon. of the Bpray. The soap not only crop ever harvested. Coroner—E. C. Brown. in the valley Commissioners—John McClaran, Johi makes the emulsion more effective, proper wheat in many sections is al­ the Lewis River Lumber company near Ariel caught several times, hut Nyberg. but causes it to spread more thorough­ ready heading out and harvesting this the combined efforts of employes and Phone. Name_____________ P. O.. School Sup’t—M. C. Case. ______ ly- _______ year will be early. Local strawberries neighbors finally saved it Lived in Nebraska from_ .until. have appeared, the first crate coming War on Beetles Resumes. from Art Isley. It was shipped to Affidavits Say Officers Brutal. .County, in_________________ _ _ Sumpter—Government officials of Boise, Idaho. Pacific Avenue Washington, D. C.—Two affidavits the Entomological bureau are here to one charging Officer Lowe, of the Ti­ in_____ Was born in Nebraska at_ Farmers Planning Fairs. cruise the territory cut over last year tanic, with blasphemy and brutal re­ Married or single_______ by their department in the war waged Astoria—Stockholders of the Lower marks just after the sinking of the upon the pine beetles that have been Columbia River Agricultural company vessel, were put on record at the spe­ Buys and Sells Second Enclosed $1.00, for which enter my name on register. Mail damaging to the forests of Eastern held a meeting Saturday and organ­ cial meeting of the Titanic inveatigat- Hand Goods Oregon. A year ago the government ized, electing G. L. Rees president, ing committee. Daisy Minahan, of the Press to spent $15,000 in the forests near this Robert C. Kinney, vice president, and Grand Rapids, Mich., declared in one place in the fight upon these little in­ C. S. Dow secretary. They also elect­ of the affidavits that as the passengers Telephone 743 If alresdy a subscriber, name date of expiration. sects. The method used was to cut ed a board of seven directors. This is were being put into the lifeboats, the down and burn ail the infected trees the company organized by the farmers crowd was unruly and officers were (Cut out and mail at once to Press Office, Forest Grove, Ore.) found in the aera the beetles were of the county for the purpose of hold­ yelling and cursing at men. Dealer in Flour and Feed working over, and about 100,000 trees ing annual fairs. A committee was Italians Taka Vestel. were treated in this manner. appointed to ascertain where fairs shall be held. Rome—The Italian destroyers Nem- General Auctioned J. C. Kuratli High-Line Ditch Wanted. bo and Aquileo captured a veaael laden Notarial Work E. I. Kuratli Duckling Haa Four Legs. Medford — Medford has decided to with arms and ammunition in the vi­ hold a big irrigation meeting in the Oregon City—A four-legged duck cinity of Porto Secore, on the Turkish Absolutely Safe and Reliable near future, when efforts will be made made its appearance at the home of Island of Lipso, near the Smyrna to secure enough property owners to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robinson, of coaat. Admiral Viale. in bis official assure the construction of the high Canemah, Sunday, and the little fel­ report of the occurence, telegraphed REAL ESTATE, COLLECTIONS line ditch around the valley and make low is thriving, although it has been to the ministry of marine, aays the Of Forest Grove, Oregon Southern Oregon one of the best irri­ taken from the mother hen. Mrs. garrison and civil authorities of Lipso MONEY TO LOAN Robinson intends taking special care were taken prisoners by the crew of gated regions in the state. Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home The Hopkins ditch, north of Med­ of the freak of nature. Two of the the destroyer Nembo. German spoken in the office ford, is already indorsed by rancben duckling’s legs are in normal position, Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your Roosevelt and Clark Gain. while the “ extra” two are farther Business or Dwelling in The Bell, Main 346 Ind. City, 344 and will be constructed. back and kept close to the body. I San Francisco— Returns from 20 Bankers & Merchants Bend Depot Too Small. precincts added slightly to the major­ HILLSBORO OREGON Elgin to Observe Fourth. Bend—Built with the expectation ity for Roosevelt and Clark in Tues­ that it would be large enough to care Elgin—At a citizens’ meeting Fri­ day’s Republican-Democratic prefer­ for the business here for several day evening it was decided that Elgin ential primary. Theae brought totals The Auction House years, the Bend union passenger depot shall hold a three- days ’ celebration on up to the following figures, on returns already is proving too small to meet July 4, 6 and 6. A finance committee from 3462 precincts out of approxi­ the requirements of the rapidly in- of three was appointed, who had al- mately 3700 in the state: creasing volume of traffic. An addi­ ready solicited funds for the carrying Republicans— Roosevelt. 137,944; tion of 30 feet is to be erected on the on of the celebration, and reported Taft, 67,306; La Follette, 46,355. “ THE PEOPLE’S PAPER” 0. M. Sanford, Proprietor north end to be used for baggage and there would be between $800 and Democratic—Clark, 39,494; Wilson, expreea handling. $1000 with which to meet expenaee. 17,682. Telephone 721 With Colored Supplement, $1.00 Per Year GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING J. C. WEGNER S cenic T h e a tre M otion P h o to E x h ib itio n s Daily Change with Best Films Procurable NEBRASKA STATE SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON J . L . H IL L K u ra tli Bros. New and Second Hand Goods The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association The Forest Grove Press