Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 23, 1912, Image 2

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    Current Events of Interest Gathered
From Die World at Large.
General Resume of Important Eventa
Presented In Condensed Form
v for Our Busy Readers.
and Pinchot Believed to Be
W orking fo r Its Defeat.
Washington, D. C.—Friends of the
Borah-Jones three-year homestead bill
are greatly alarmed over the delay of
the conference committee in reaching
an agreement, and are fearful that
this long delay will make it possibe
for Mr. Fisher, the secretary of the
Interior, to defeat the measure in one
way or another.
This bill, after
passing the senate and then passing
the house in an amended form, was
referred to the conference committee
on March 27 and since then no actual
steps have been taken by this commit­
tee towards bringing in an agreement.
It was fully expected by friends of
this bill that the conference commit­
tee, appointed to reconcile the differ­
ences between the senate and house
bills, could get together in a few days
—a week at the outside—but seven
weeks have elapsed and the conference
committee is no nearer an agreement
than the day it was appointed. This
situation is somewhat surprising, in
view of the fact that every member of
the conference committee voted for
the bill and is supposed to favor re­
ducing the homestead period from five
years to three, and to favor giving
homesteaders leave of absence for five
months each year.
Male ol Wrecked Schooner Goes
110 Miles for Help.
C re w Faces Death on Barren Isle for
Eleven Days — Last Chance
Wins by Three Hours.
The government has begun suit
Seattle, Wash.—Bringing Captain
against the "aluminium trust.”
Charles Foos and the crew of the cod
Fire burned out a Portland fire sta­
fishing schooner Joseph Russ, wrecked
tion and other stations had to be
on Chirikoff Island April 21, the
called to extinguish the flames.
steamship Bertha, of the Alaska Coast
Seven tons of Bibles were recently
company, has arrived in Seattle.
shipped in one consingment by the
Giving a.graphic description of the
American Bible society, to South
terrific Btorm which resulted in the
American countries.
I o b s of the schooner and the death of
John Jorgensen, the vessel’s first
Five hundred Seattle women sold
mate, members of the crew of the
pencils on the streets Friday and Sat­
Russ declared that only for the hero­
urday for the benefit of the children’s
ism of A. E. Reeves (Scotty), second
Orthopedic hospital of that city.
mate, and five sailors who went to
Charles W. Wappenstein, ex-chief
Chignik in two open boats for assis­
of police of Seattle who is serving a
tance, all would have perished.
term in the penitentiary at Walla
In a terrific gale, with heavy seas
Walla, is employed in the vegetable
breaking over her, the Russ was driv­
cellar of the institution.
en ashore at 6 o’clock in the evening.
Grounding on the sand she held her
An empty gasoline fishing boat with
the nets tangled in the propeller, Physicians See Practical Realization own for several hours, but finally, as
the heavy seas continued to pound her,
o f Tale o f "T rilb y .”
drifted ashore on Long Beach, Wash.,
and it is believed the two men who
Philadelphia—Effect of hypnotism the vessel’s hatches gave way and she
went out in it are drowned.
on the human voice which justified quickly filled with water. Captain
Du Maurer’s fanciful tale of "T ril­ Foss and 34 members of the crew had
A bank robber rode into Grass Val­ by’s” voice transformation while un­ climbed high in the rigging and lashed
ley, Cal., on horseback, entered the der hypnotic influence, was demon­ themselves to prevent being carried
bank and backed all the employes into strated before the American Laryngo- away by the giant waves.
First Mate Jorgensen had started
the vault at the muzzle of his revol­ logical society and the subject was a
ver, scooped his pockets full of gold young woman who was employed in for the main mast to take refuge
when a wave hurled him against the
and escaped.
the office of a physician.
of the vessel.
His skull was
Many Mexican rebels, separated
from their commands during the hasty spoke with singers who visited Dr. crushed.
Here they hung until 6 a. m., when
retreat from Conejos, Btaggered into Frank E. Miller, of New York, and
the federal camps exhausted from she expressed a desire to go upon the the storm subsided and the tide left
Russ high and dry.
thirst and hunger. They report that operatic stage, despite the handicap of the Jorgensen
was buried far up on the
many died on the barren mesas.
had read the tale of “ Trilby,” how­ sandy beach and a wooden cross marks
The British searchers among the ever, and said she was willing to try the grave.
Captain Foss and his crew built a
ruins of ancient Egypt have uncovered hypnotism and suggested that a phon­
an alabaster Sphinx, as perfect as the ograph playing the songs of the oper­ hut of pine boards and in this they
day it was carved 1300 years B. C. atic singers be used to accompany her. stored the small amount of provisions
Many other relics of ancient times The experiment was made and the saved and established sleeping quar­
were found in a good state of preser­ effect was true to the story of Du ters.
It was when the provisions began to
run low and they realized that Chiri-
Investigation shows that the alleged
kof Island is uninhabited that Second
"money trust” loaned immense sums tenors were reproduced and the young Mate Reeves and five members of the
to Brazilian coffee planters and ex­ woman sang at each day’s test with crew volunteered to put out in two
porters to enable them to limit their perfect ease. While still in the hyp­ open boats for Chignik, 110 miles dis­
production, so that American and notic state she was taken to the college tant, for assistance.
European dealers could maintain high of physicians and surgeons and intro­
They were fortunate enough to ar­
duced to the assembled physicians and
rive at that port before the departure
scientists there.
of the mail steamer Dora, which im­
All remaining indictments against
mediately proceeded to the rescue.
Abe Ruef are to be quashed.
“ A L L R IG H T ” IS K E Y N O T E .
The rescue work was accomplished
The house has adopted a resolution Persian Says Expression is Index of under great difficulties, as the life­
for direct vote in the election of Unit­
boats had to be driven through a
American Spirit.
ed States senators.
treacherous surf, while fierce blasts of
New York—The keynote of Ameri­ icy wind swept seaward.
Financier Reid displayed a very can success is said by Abdul Baba,
To little Scotty, the marvel of the
poor memory on the witness stand at Persian prophet of world-peace, to lie rescue is that had the two boats which
the tin plate inquiry.
in the use of the simple expression, put out on what looked like a hopeless
Three aeroplane accidents in one "all right.” In it'h e says he finds errand been three hours later in ar­
riving at Chignik, the 30 men certain­
day at widely scattered points caused the keynote of American optimism.
"Everywhere I go,” the Persian ly must have perished, as the Dora
the death of three aviators and injury
went on, " I hear those two magical would have been gone by that time.
of several others.
words—words which I have never
The Mexican commander-in-chief es­ heard used by any other nation in any
U S E S IX T H S E N S E .
timates that the rebels lost 600 men other country.
at the battle of Conejos, while the
“ With you Americans [it is always M axim Would Employ Animals at Sea
‘all right.’ “ If I ask a bellboy at
federals lost about 60.
to Protect Liners.
the hotel to do something, he re­
London—“ I am working hard on an
sponds: ‘All right.’
" I f I inquire as to the health of a idea that, when perfected, will make
Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem,
I have met here, he answers; a disaster like that to the Titanic im­
$1.04(fi)1.05; club, 98c(u)$l; red Rus­ person
possible, ” said Hiram Maxim. " I t is
sian, 97(<l)98c; valley, 98c(<i$l ; forty­
“ When the conductor wants the not beyond the realm of science to
fold, 98e@$l.
to start, he shouts: ‘All right.’ provide a ship with ["means of ascer­
Millstuffs — Bran, $25 per ton; train
“ Everything is ‘all right’ in the taining whether any icebergs are
shorts, $27.50; middlings, $81.
States. I believe [the expres­ within 10 miles, even in dense fog,
Corn—Whole, $39; cracked, $40 per United
sion typically reflects the optimism of rain or snow storms.
" I am not a spiritualist and I don’t
Hay—Timothy, $16.60<d!l7.60; al­ this great country.”
believe in any humbug of a supersti­
falfa, $12(d 12.50; clover, $8(49; oats
tious nature, but I do know there are
Rebel Plot is Foreseen.
and vetch, $10.50(411.60; grain hay,
Dallas, Tex.—That the rebels at certain animals in the world, having
intend to provoke Ameri­ no religion and therefore not super­
Oats—No. 1 white, $38(440 per ton. Chihuahua
the event Orozco stitious, which can form a clear opin­
Fresh Fruits—Strawberries, $1.25(4 is defeated in the in
battle now pending ion and, you might say, have definite
1.76 per crate; cranberries, $8(uT0 below
Chihuahua, is the tenor of a dis­ knowledge of objects in their vicinity
per barrel; apples, $1.26(43 per box; patch received
here by Governor Col­ without seeing or hearing them—that
cherries, $1.75(<i2 per box; cherries, quitt from Adjutant General Hutch­ is, they possess a sixth sense.
loose, 15c per pound.
‘I believe that will be the plan on
ins. Governor Colquitt instructed the
Potatoes — Jobbing prices: Bur­ adjutant
general to proceed at once to which mariners will havejto rely here­
banks, old, $1.60(0:1.75 per hundred; El Paso.
after, some time or other.”
new California, 4|(45c per pound.
Onions— Bermuda, $2(012.25.
Noted Canvas is “ Junk.”
dent that the people of El Paso
Vegetables — Artichokes, 76c(<C90c must not be placed in danger by com-
Monrovia, Cal.—Drawn by idle cur­
per dozen; asparagus, $1(41.16 per bantants on the other side of the Rio
iosity to a junk shop auction in Los
crate; beans, 20c per pound; cab­ Grande.
Angeles recently, Dr. F. M. Potteng-
bage, 2|c; cauliflower, $2.75 per
er, of Monrovia, bought for $100 a
crate; celery, $6(46; cucumbers, $l(d)
Fair Officials Feted.
painting which pleased his fancy and
1.60 dozen, eggplant, 26c per pound;
Buda Peat—The special commission was later pronounced by connoiseurs a
head lettuce, $1.76 per crate; hot­
house lettuce, 76c(4$l per box; peas, of the Panama-Pacific exposition with Verboeckhoven masterpiece worth at
6i$$6c per pound; peppers, 26c per the American Ambassador, Richard C. least $20,000. Judges of art works
pound; radishes, 16(420c per dozen; Kerens, and his staff, was received fn declared the painting, a dairy scene,
rhubarb, 2K43c per pound; spinach. special audience by Archduke Joseph. undoubtedly was from the brush of
4(46c per pound; tomatoes, $4.60 per Later the commissioners visited the the famous Belgian artist, who died
.They averred the
box; garlic, 8«10c per pound; tur­ ministries. Parliament buildings and 80 years ago.
The minister of painting was probably fifty years
nips, $1«1.10 per sack; beets, $1.60; other institutions.
agriculture. Count Serenyi, gave a old.
rutabagas, $1(01.10; carrots, $1.
Butter — Oregon creamery butter, luncheon in their honor. The govern­
Stand Up fo r D arro w .
ment gave a grand banquet. The
solid pack. 26c per pound.
Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, can- greatest interest is manifested every­
Los Angeles—Names *of prominent
died, 21c per dozen; case count, 20Jc. where in the coming exposition at Chicagoans,
including ex-United
San Francisco.
Pork—Fancy, lOidfllc per pound.
States senators. Federal and state
Veal—Fancy, 10(410)c per pound.
judges, noted lawyers and city offi­
Loaded Gangplank Falls.
Poultry—Hens, 13(414c per pound;
cials, were brought into the Darrow
springs, 13(4l4c; broilers. 22i(425c;
Seattle, Wash.—Two persons are case by District Attorney Frederick in
ducks, young, 20c; geese, 11c; tur­ known to have been drowned and 60 the examination of a talesman who
keys, live, 20c; dressed, 26c.
were injured Sunday when the adjust­ formerly had resided in Chicago. All
Hops— 1911 crop, 38(u:39c; olds, able gangplank at Coleman Dock drop­ of those mentioned are said to have
nominal; 1912 contracts, 24(426c.
ped, precipitating 60 passengers into sworn to depositons regarding the
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 10(417ic the water as they were preparing to high character and good 'reputation of
per pound; valley, 18<$19c; mohair, board the Puget Sound steamer Flyer, the defendant.
choice, 32c per pound.
for Tacoma.
Boys Make Biplane and Fly.
Cattle—Choice steers. $6.86(47.25;
Many of those taken to the hospital
good, $6.60(46.86; medium, $6(>i6.50; soon revived from the effects of their
Spokane, 1 Wash. — Two Spokane
choice cows, $6«i6.26; good, $6.60«t6; salt water ducking and were permitted hoys, Martin A. Denine and Glen
medium, $6<a6.50; choice calves, to go to their homes.
Hemingway, have completed a biplane
$8.60(48*86; good heavy calves, $6(u
which this week was given its first
Forest Fires are Raging
8.60; bulls, $3.60(46.50; stags, $4.76
successful tryouL An accident mar­
»0.8 5 .
Winnipeg—A dispatch from Kaslo, red the initial flight, the machine go­
Hogs—Light, $8(ct8.40; heavy. $ 7 « B. C., aays destructive forest fires are ing wrong after it had failed 60 feet
raging near there and the timber through the air at an average height
Sheep — Yearlings, $4.60 (i t 5.60; limits of several large firms are of 16 feet. Denine, who was in the
wethers, $4.86«$6; ewes. $S.6(ku4.76, threatened. Government fire wardens machine, was somewhat bruised by
lamsb. $4.60(46; spring. $««7.16.
are fighting the flames.
the fall.
Investment Realty Abstract Company
Makes Your Abstract
1st. Good# hon­
e st D e n tistry to the
beet of my ability.
Could one do morel
2nd. 1 exam ine
your m outh and tel)
you its a ctu al con-
dition before 1 be*
gin y o u r actua
w ork, s ta tin g In ad­
vance w h a t t h e
cost w i 11 be. Ii
ready, we begin: if
not, th e exam ina­
tion costs you noth*
Office«, with Forest Grove Press, Hoffman Building.
Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro.
— U . S. A . —
8rd. 1 g u a ra n te e all th a t I do, a s I eonsidei
w ork no t w orth g u a ra n te ein g , no t w o rth doing.
T his has been my policy.
4th. A bsolute cleanliness. E very instrum ent
m u st be cleansed, and a re used as they a re taken
from the sterilizers.
5th. My prices are. reasonable, no t advertised
cheap prices to lure you in, and th e n ch arg e you
m ore—b u t a price th a t w ill m ake m ore friends;
m ore p a tie n ts; one price to alL
Livery, Feed and Sales Stables
P acific A ven u e. FO R E S T G R O V E
Good Teams and R igs.
H orses and R igs fo r sale.
and delivered to all parts.
B aggage called f o f
In d e p e n d e n t P h o n e 412
W . T . JO H N S O N , Proprietor.
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund, Dentist
N . W . C orner 6th and O ak, 2nd floor# ta k e elevatoi
Ed William#
J . W. B uckler
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rough and Dressed
prom ptly obtained OR NO FEE. Trade-M arks,
C opyrights and Labels registered. I
TWENTY YEAÉB* PRACTICE. Highest rsferenoes.
Send model, sketch or photo, for free report
on pa te n ta b ility .
A ll business confidential.
HAND-BOOK FREE. E xplains everything. Tells
How to O btain and Sell h a te u ts, W hat Inventions
W ill Pay, How to G et a P a rtn e r, explains best
m echanical m ovem ents, and contains 800 o tb sr |
; «abjects of im portance to inventors.
We a re able to supply e v ery th in g necessary fo r the
com plete construction of house, barn or shed.
P ric es a n d E stim a te s F u rn ish e d
Phone Calea 45 3 ,
Gales Creek, O regon
a H. B. WILLSON & CO. , E 1 ,
Bo» 3 91 Willson Bldg.
Closing O ut Sale
of Odd Pieces of
At Greatly Reduced Prices
All Furniture that is tagged with red tags are the
close-outs. Some of these pieces have been in stock
for some time and seemed to be slow sellers, but I
have reduced the prices so that they will move now.
T hat I have a limited amount of different articles, as
irtiiurtrim m ri
Dressers, Buffas, China Closets, Beds,
Chairs, Rockers, some Rugs, Lace Curtains,
Lounges and Center Tables.
In fact something of each article,
have to come early to get the best buys.
You will
P ain t
PURE MASURY’S WHITE PAINT in 5-gallon cans at $1.95 per Gallon
A Paint Insurance Policy. We have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for
GOLD SEAL PAINT. We are authorized by the manufacturer to issue a
written guarantee over our own signature that the paint will last five years.
Special GOLD SEAL PAINT at $1.95 per Gallon.
Let us figure on your whole bill of Paint, Oil, White Lead, Varnishes, etc.
in stock.
At Cost.
Must close these out.
See my windows
A few remnants of Linoleum cheap.
All Linoleums reduced.
Sewing Machines
Guaranteed Sewing Machines, with drop head, Special $16.50. Guaran-
teed ten year, by the maker. Have a limited amount of other Sewing
Machines that will be sold at cost this week only.