N*w».Times X F orest Vol. 3 MORE ABOUT 2ND AVENUE G rove P ress No. 29 FO REST G R O V E, O REG O N , TH U R SD A Y , May 23, 1912. NEW SUB-STATION The S. P. company already have material on the ground at the S. P. depot in South Forest j Grove for the construction of a sub-station and are expecting to connect with the city water INJURIES CAUSEDEATH ♦ WATTS NEWS DROWNING CHILD SAVED Death of Mrs. Porter Mrs. Mary Jane Porter, wife of Ambrose Porter, died Satur­ day, May 18, at her home on Pacific avenue in this city. Funeral services were held on Monday and interment was made in Forest View Cemetery. At the time of her death she was 77 years old. She suffered a paralytic stroke Tuesday and lingered until death relieved her suffering. The family has lived in Wash­ ington county for twenty years and for the last ten years in For­ est Grove. Mr. Porter at one time lived it Scoggin Valley, where he operated a flouring mill. The children who survive the mother are Frank Perry of Ho- quiam, Wash., Mrs. Lou Wilcox of Gaston, Miss Myrtle Porter of Forest Grove and Mrs. Maud Boos of Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Porter during her life­ time made many friends and ministered to the welfare of hu­ manity in many ways. The sermon by Mr. Hilton and the solo by Mr. Darby at the church were much enjoyed by those w ho were present. _________ J. H. DeMoss and family re­ turned Saturday night from Red- ; mond, Oregon. They have seen r supply at the sub-station. The nothing they like so well as For­ pipe will be laid from Fifth ave­ est Grove. For awhile they will nue to the sub-station, wh^re live in town, having rented a four fire hydrants will be placed. house on C street. Mrs. R. O. Stevenson took din­ Lodge Picnic June 12 ner at the home of her son, Tues­ day. The Oddfellow and Rebekah Forest Grove, Ore. Ed Winter, a farmer of Fern Last Saturday the little two- Mr. Buxton’s family spent year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. lodges of Washington county Hill, southeast of town, Monday May 22, 1912. have combined for the purpose morning left the house with the Sunday at the Kennedy home. Editor Forest Grove Press. John Heisler, Jr., fell into the Dear Sir: In an article in the of giving a big fraternal picnic, intention of caring for the stock. Curtis Burke suffered an at­ spring, while the mother, Mrs. News-Times of May 16th it is which is to be held in Naylor’s His long absence caused his wife, tack of appendicitis last week, Hessie Hayden Heisler, was busy stated that the cost of improving grove Wednesday, June 12. All who was preparing the morning but is much improved now. with the morning work. When Second Avenue will be only the lodges, both Oddfellows and meal, to make search for him. The Ladies’ Aid Society meets found a few minutes later, the $12544.00. This is misleading, Rebekahs, of the county will She went to the corrall, where with Mrs. J. Dilley this week. child, Wilma, was floating at the as it is only four blocks which is participate and an excellent she found him lying in an un­ Come. top of the spring unconscious. proposed to be paved, and it showing is expected. This is the conscious condition. It. appears Mr. DeMoss and family were The mother recovered the would cost about $19000.00 to ! first attempt at such an exhibi- that a four-year-old colt had at the old home Monday and child and restored it to conscious­ pave the avenue from A to Fifth Ition in the county and every kicked him under the chin, cav­ ness, and while the call was called on their old neighbors. street. The two blocks from A effort will be made to make it a ing in the breast bone. A phy­ Come to the picnic May 31st close, no serious results will to First street were left out of grand success. sician was called and the injured and enjoy the games, races, din­ come from the incident. the scheme for the reason that man was at once removed to the ner, program, etc. First Communion Services the council well knew if they Forest Grove Sanitarium, where HILLSBORO ITEMS Grandma McCoy is at the P. U. Recital Sunday was a day which will everything possible was done for were included it would give the remonstrators a preponderating long be remembered by the him. He recovered conscious­ home of her daughter, Mrs. A recital by vocal, piano and Work on the court house annex violin pupils of the conservatory ihfluence. parishioners and friends of St. ness but was unable to speak. Burke, this week. is progressing quite well. The will be given May 29, Wednes­ I do not know why the writer Anthony’s church, for a large His condition was so bad that he Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Stevenson forms for the cement basement day evening at 8 p. m. in Marsh singles me out. I am not the class of twenty-five childreu re- was unable to take food excep went to Forest Grove Monday. are being placed and the re­ Hall. This is the first of the largest property owner on that ceived their first holy commun- through a tube. He lingered enforcing rods installed ready series of final recitals open to avenue. It is true I have only a ¡on and renewed their baptismal until Friday, when he died. HILLSIDE for the cement. frontage of 156 feet on Second vows before the beautifully dec­ The body was removed to the the public and a cordial invita­ Excavation is being made for tion to all to attend this musicale Avenue, but I have also 201 feet orated altar at the nine-thirty Forest Grove undertaking par­ Harold and Dorothy Clapshaw on Second Street, and it does not mass. Breakfast was served to lors, where it was prepared for are visiting their grandmother, the new Corwin brick adjoining is given. the Hillsboro National Bank take much of a prophet to say the children in the rectory and burial. Funeral services were Mrs. Laura Clapshaw. Plea*ant Reunion building on the east side of Sec­ dinner was in the Duyck grove what will happen to the other held at the M. E. church Sunday, Glen Wagner of Forest Grove ond street. south of town. Everything was A reunion was held at the streets when Second Avenue is conducted by Rev. C. C. Renick was at Hillside this week. in perfect harmony and reflects home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Cheney E. L. McCormick and C. F. paved. Mr. Scott uses two very of Portland, and interment was Mrs. Dick Quick is going to credit on the committies in of Moffatt Station, Sunday. Libby are attending the I. O. O. ugly words, “ injunction” and made in the Forest View ceme­ Tillamook soon. f 1 charge. Three generations were repre­ F. grand lodge as delegates “ lawsuit,” but if the property tery. Mr. and Mrs. James Bamford sented. Mr. Cheney is an old Montezuma Lodge No. 50. owners should unfortunately be His wife and one child survive were visiting their father and COUNCIL MEETING veteran of the civil war, haring forced to resort to either of The council has ordered sev­ him. At the time of his death mother last week. these, it will not be their fault eral blocks of pavement made served from 1861 to 1865 in the he was forty-six years old. He The city council met in ad- Leslie Reader was visiting in but the fault of the council who and more will probably follow. Sixteenth New York Heavy Ar­ ! journed session Monday eyening was born in Canada. this vicinity last week. are trying to force upon them Tarvia Modern pavement has tillery. He moved to this state and transacted some important some twenty-three years ago and something they are determined Congregational Church Service* Mrs. Lewton has a fine new been designated on part [of the settled in Hillsboro, where he business. they will not have. Mr. Scott new work. Property owners on The recorder was authorized to The annual union memorial surrey. should have gone somewhat fur­ other streets are asking for Ma­ and his brother opened a tin notify the Forest Grove Trans­ services will be held at the Con­ Some of the farmers of this shop. They were considered ther with his figures and told us portation Co. to remove its rails, gregational church Sunday morn­ section are planting corn this cadam pavement. the “ Knights of Tin.” how much the News-Times is The memorial sermcr. is to be ties, poles and wires from the ing. Special music will be ren­ week. Those present were Mr. and paid for all those articles advo­ preached at the M. E. church by Mrs. E. Cheney and M. R, Che­ street within ten days. It ap­ dered and the decorations will be cating and boosting “ Bitulithic,” D. G. Lilly and Dick Quick are the local pastor next Sunday ney of Moffatt Station; Mr. and pears that the city has been at in keeping with the occasion. always done by the Warren Con­ forenoon. The baccalaureate Mrs. W. A. Long, Clarence $75 expense already for remov­ The sermon subject will be “The back from Tillamook. struction Company, which have ing ties and rails, and the council Forward March.” In the even­ Loren Steptoe is visiting his sermon will be preached at the Long, Thelma Long, Edith Long, appeered in his paper for some same place in the evening. proposes to hold the rails re­ ing the pastor will speak on sister at Shedds. and Sylvia Long of Forest Grove; months past. “The World Ready for Christ.” moved for the expense. The fill at the S.-P. depot is Mr. and Mrs. Westmoreland of D. G. Lilly butchered five fine It is no doubt pleasant to ad­ The ordinance for paving and practically combleted and shows Banks; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ken shoats last Monday. vocate the beautifying of the improving Second avenue was Christian Church Service*. quite an improvement over old of Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Hen­ city, but it is more pleasant when read the first and second times. T. E. Hines has his barn near- conditions. At the Christian church next ry Chenev and Master Muir Che­ we have plenty of good fat ad­ The chief-of-police was author- ly comeleted. Sunday night the pastor, C. H. The city council Tuesday night ney of Moffatt Station. vertisements to help us pay for ! ¡zed to advise with the S. P. Mrs. G. D. Rogers is in Port- accepted the resignation of L. C. Hilton, will preach the educa­ A very pleasant time was had our own paving. ; company as to taking water from tional sermon to the high school. land this week. Kelsey as city engineer and the and plenty to eat and every­ T. H. L ittlehales . j the city mains. Mrs. Barber preached at Hill- mayor appointed Geo. McGee, thing which makes home coming The subject will be “ A Voice or Six new hydrants were ordered an Echo, Which?” A splendid side last Sunday. county surveyor, to the place. a joy was lavished in abundance. 1 to be purchased. musical program will be rendered Mothers' Meeting Joe Rairic is at Lewton’s this SCHOOL NOTES Council adjourned to meet Fri- and an interesting program will week. The mothers’ meeting under I day of this week. A Little Fun for the Boy* be held. The regular Bible the auspices of the W. C. T. U., The Senior class will give a Kenneth French, who has school session at the usual hour, The Boys in the neighborhood play, “The Persecuted Dutch­ of which Mrs. Dr. Volmer is SelU-Floto at Hillsboro June 2 and the morning service will be been working at the condenser, of the Home Baking Company man,” Friday, May 24. The superintendendent, was held at The Sells-Floto Circus has adjourned to attend the service is spending his vacation at home. had considerable fun at the ex­ play will be given at the Central the home of Mrs. Barber, three J. K. French has painted his pense of the genial baker, Guy school house and will be one of rooms being filled with ladies. what you might call a whole of the old soldiers at the Congre­ house. funniest productions ever The Bible Stockman by setting a gopher the given in Forest Grove. Mrs. Butler, probation officer of flock of babies with it this year. gational church. school is showing increased in­ John Greenwood and family gun loaded with a blank cart­ The Lincoln school, assisted by the juvenile court of Portland, Of course every self respecting terest and there are classes for took dinner at the Williams home ridge so as to be fired when Guy the orchestra and band, will give show must have a baby, but it is addressed the ladies, telling in a all. The public cordially invitedt last Sunday. not often that the visitor to the opened the door about one o’clock a program at the Central build­ very interesting and earnest menagerie finds as many as five at night, at which time he goes ing, Wednesday evening, May 29, manner just what the court is . , , ., the proceeds to be used to pay NEW SIDEWALK BUILT CominR to HilUboro to work. On his entering Mon­ for the Lincoln school piano. doing and trying to do in their S' X day morning the gun was fired large field of laoor. She de- 8m?‘ a e "T * School examinations will be . . . ,.1. and last but not least a baby The people on David’s Hill and To those who visit the Sells- and the frightened baker noti­ held plored the creeping in of politics zej)U> ^ e first probably ever in the Thatcher section show Floto Circus when it arrives in fied the chief of police and mem­ week. Friday and the first of next into the juvenile court work seen in a menagerie in this coun­ much enterprise in constructing Hillsboro on Sunday, June 2, it bers of his family, and for a time The boys who were at Corval­ Mrs. Barber conducted the de­ try. Added to these is a baby a sidewalk along the public road might be well to hint that an that part of the city was the lis gave a good report in assem­ votional service and also pre­ hippopotamus, also three baby in that direction from the city, i early visit to the menagerie has scene of much action and inves­ bly last Tuesday morning. elephants, the eldest of which is As much as two miles of road its advantages. The doors open tigation. Commencement will be held at sided at the organ. the Methodist church on Friday but 17 months old. Of this won­ has already been constructed and one hour before the performance The harmless gun was discov­ The babies and children were derful collection the baby zebu we understand the walk will be proper commences, and during ered with a string attached to evening, May 31. This is the cared for in an upper room by will, no doubt, attract the m ajor' extended farther out in the near that time the famous Sells-Floto the door in such a way as to be second annual commencement and a class of sixteen will re­ foui young girls while the moth- portion 0f attention by reason of future, Military Band, under the direc- fired when the door was opened, ceive diplomas this year. A cor­ its rarety. I The walk in the direction of tion of Walter P. English, will which explained the cause of dial invitation is extended to all ers attended the meeting. to hear the following program: The Sells-Floto Circus will ar- Forest View Cemetery does not give a popular concert in which alarm. After a short business session “ Apple Blossoms,” orchestra; rive in Hillsboro on Sunday, extend even to the city limits several famous soloists will ren- No one was hurt, but the baker invocation, presided over by the president, Rev. H. Gould; male and in this direction more foot der special selections. The band was badly scared, and if the quartet; comet solo, Paul Grif­ Mrs. Bolderick, the meeting ad­ June 2nd. The management have an- passengers travel than in any can be plainly heard by the vis bread was not all that it should fith; “ Broken Hea#t,” string journed and the ladies held a nounced that they still adhere to other direction. At one time a itors to the menagerie, so in or- have been on Monday, the boys quartet; address, Dr. Edward H. short reception for Mrs. Butler, their policy of popular prices. plan was being formulated to der to enjoy it, it will not be who concocted the joke are to be Todd, vice president Willamette and regrets were voiced by many The time honored parade will extend the walk to the cemetery necessary to enter the big tent blamed, for at all times Mr ¡University; cello solo, L. B. Hiebel; presentation of diplomas, that such meetings of interest be given at 10:30 on the morning but it failed. Is nobody inter- until the performance proper Stockman turns out nothing but M. Gardner; “Sweet Recol­ , ested in this direction. of the first performance. commences. the very best. lections,” orchestra. had to end for the summer. Littlehales Replies to mains a tw°-inch water p>pe for Ed Winter, Who Was Kicked Article Published in by Colt, Dies After News-Times Much Suffering y 7"' 7 — Little Daughter of John Heis­ ter Rescued from Spring Just in Time — —— — o. i Wi