Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 16, 1912, Image 8

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Forest Grove Press $1 per year.
Pianos from $149 and up at
the Bazaar.
Herb Smith of Gaston has not
been in the city this week.
The latest and most complete
line of stationery at the Bazaar.
Edison and Victor talking ma­
chines and records for sale at the
Walter King of Portland visit­
ed with N. W. King and family
Mr. Lamb fell from a building
Tuesday and received some ser­
ious injuries.
Wood in large or small quanti­
ties at Chester W right’s, on
Fourth street. Phone 0114.
Just arrived this week—a fresh
supply of Whitman’s chocolate«,
at the Forest Grove Pharmacy.
Singer, New Home and other
of the latest improved, up to
date sewing machines for sale at
the Bazaar.
The place was atiout two miles
west from McMinnville.
Rumley Co. came on the scene
on the morning of May 7 and
showed up nicely with a 30 horse
gas traction commonly known by
the name of “Oil Pull,” and by
the middle of the afternoon had
developed a good showing, pull­
ing four plows of the Oliver
chilled design and continued the
exhibit all day of the 8th.
Sheriff’s Sale
In th e C ircuit C o u rt o f th e S ta te o f
O regon fo r W ashington C ounty.
C. L. B um p and Je ssie Bump,
o c c a s i o n s call
P laintiffs,
lo r sp e c ia lly
S. L. R. Maine, M e tta L. Maine
good C ho colates
Salom e Michel, G eorge S usbauer
O tto H ein and S. B. B ark er,
D efendants.
By v irtu e o f an ex ecution, ju d g m en t,
d ecree and o rd er o f sale, duly and le­
gally issued o u t o f th e above en titled
c irc u it c o u rt and u n d er th e seal th ereo f
in th e above e n title d cause to m e di
rected , d ated th e 7th day o f May, 1912,
on a ju d g m e n t duly re n d ered and em
te re d in said c o u rt and cause on the
2nd day o f May, 1912, in fav o r o f
! d e fe n d a n t,
G eorge S usbauer,
R a ts In a p o u ltry bouse a re su re ! a g a in st d e fe n d a n t O tto Hein, fo r the
sum o f $1500.00. w ith in te re s t thereon
sign of bughouse In th is age. w hen ' since N ov 4, 1910, a t th e ra te o f 6 per
A. little kit
cem e n t floors m ay be laid quick and i cent p er annum , and the fu rth e r sum
b e tt e r th a n
chenp. You w ish to know th e p ro ­ j of $150.00, a tto rn e y s fee, and fo r
p ortions fo r a henhouse floor? F irs t $10.00, costs and d isb u rsem ents of said
y o u ever
coat, tw o p a rts sh a rp san d , fo u r p a rts su it; and also on a ju d g m en t duly ren-
d ream ed of
clean g ravel, one p a rt cem ent. Sec­ | dered and e n tered in said co u rt and
ond coot, h a lf sh a rp san d , h a lf ce­ j cause on th e 2nd day of May, 1912, in
fav o r o f d efen d an t, Salom e Michel, and
m ent, finished sm ooth.
i a g a in st d efen d an t, O tto H ein,
fo r the
W hen you are- u n c e rta in a s to th e 1 sum of $2350.00, w ith in te re st thereon
age o f an egg do n o t sell It. E ggs since Ju ly 7, 1911, a t th e ra te of 6 per
o ften tu rn up a fte r being bu ried In cen t per annum , and th e fu rth e r sum
th e litte r fo r w eeks.
W hen sold a of $250.00, a tto rn e y s fee, and fo r $10.00
good c u sto m er will quickly tu rn dow n costs and disb u rsem en ts of said su it;
and also on a ju d g m e n t duly rendered
th e seller.
T he successful p o u ltry m an Is a close { and e n te re d in said c o u rt and cause on
j th e 2nd day o f May, 1912, in fav o r of
o b serv er
T h e re n re so m any little plaintiffs, C. , L. Bump and Jessie
s tra w s th a t show w hich w ay th e w ind Bump, and a g a in st d e fen d an ts, S. L. R.
blows, an d th e m an w ho th ro w s dow n M aine and M etta L. Maine, and O tto
feed, fills th e w a te r vessel nnd doesn’t Hein, fo r th e sum o f $277.24, w ith in­
set* his hens for th e re st o f th e day te r e s t th ereo n , since F e b ru ary 7, 1911,
Selected a sso rt­
c a n ’t m ake It pay. To avoid tro u b le a t th e ra te of 8 per c e n t per annum ,
i and th e fu rth e r sum of $50.00 a tto rn e y s
a lw a y s “stop, look nnd listen .”
ed C h o c o l a t e s
fee, and fo r $23,90, costs and d isb u rse­
O th er s ta te s nre Just b eginning to m ents o f said suit, also th e cost o f and
w ith o u t
discover th e v a st e x te n t o f th e rot upon said w rit, com m anding me and re ­
nnd spot business.
T h e finger fo r quirin g m e to m ake sale of th e h erein ­
aw h ile w a s pointed a t P en n sy lv an ia. a fte r d escrib ed real pro perty:
in t h e b o x .
Now, th e re fo re , by v irtu e o f said e x ­
New York an d o th e r s ta te s a re now
copying h er m ethods o f w a rfa re an d ecution, ju d g m e n t, d ecree and o rd er of
borrow ing her Inspectors.
P e n n sy l­ sale, and in com pliance w ith the com ­
R em em ber you can only get
v a n ia ’s d ra s tic law , th e conscientious m and o f said w rit, I have levied upon,
and will, on th e 10th day Of Ju n e, 1912,
w ork o f h er Inspectors nnd th e severe a t th e h o u r of 10 o ’clock A. M. o f said these excellent chocolates a t
sen ten ces given th e se poison venders day, a t th e fro n t door o f the C ourt
should be Im itated everyw here.
House, in Hillsboro, said C ounty and
In packing eggs use a m ate ria l th a t | S ta te , sell, a t public auction, to the
keeps th e eggs a p a rt. S a w d u st and h ig h est bidder, fo r cash in hand, sub-
b u ckw bent hulls nre too heavy nnd | je c t to redem ption, all the follow ing
th e eggs sh ak e all together. E xcelsior : bounded and described real p ro p erty
I s itu a te in W ashington C ounty, O regon,
o r so ft pa|**r w rap p ed round each egg
to -w it:
sep arately Is O. K.
T h a t p a r t o f the Alvin T. Sm ith and
T h ere w ere 836.84S hogs afflicted w ife D onation Land Claim No. 43 T. 1
w ith tu berculosis th e p a st y e a r w hich S. R. 3 W . o f th e Will. M er., bounded
B eginning
w ere killed by g o v ern m en t Inspectors and described as follow s:
a t a point 66 fe e t N. 2 deg. 10 min. E.
Millions of chickens died w ith It.
I t isn ’t very p le a sa n t to find th e hen o f th e N. E. co rn er o f a tr a c t o f land
deeded by S usan L, Shipley to M. H.
b reak in g a few of th o se high priced Shipley, said deed being recorded on
eggs every day. B ut d o n ’t sw e a r about page 388 o f book 49 records o f deeds
It. A room ier nest o r a lig h ter hen for W ashington C ounty, O regon, ru n ­
will stop th e trouble.
ning th e n c e N. 1 deg. 52 min. E. along
One h undred nnd thirty-five turkeys, th e w e st side o f th e county road 228.8
w eighing 1,020 pounds, w ere raised an d fe e t th e n c e w est 383.7 feet, thence S.
deg. 32 min. W, 228.8 fe e t; thence
sold by n I.oyalsock (Pa.) fa rm e r a t O.
E a st 378.4 fe e t to th e place o f begin­
th e W illiam sport m ark et fo r 30 cen ts ning, co n tain in g 2 acres o f land, to s a t­
p er pound.
isfy th e sum s nam ed in said execution, T H E DOCTOR S PRESCRIPTION
I t is w ise to rem em ber th a t young ju d g m e n t, d ecree and o rd er o f sale, in­
might as well not be written ii it is not filled
tu rk e y s quickly succum b to rh e u m a ­ te re s t and costs.
faithfully and accurately. His work can be
tism aud roup if they sleep in dum p
seriously hampered If not wholly voided if his
G ko . g . H an co ck ,
q u a rte rs. U urd floors g ive them sw oll­ 1912.
orders are not carried out to the letter.
S heriff of W ashington Co., O re.
en Joints. A roomy shed w ith open
M. B a il k y B um p ,
fro n t nnd clean d ry floor Is splendid
A tto rn ey fo r P laintiffs.
in rain y w eather.
that back up your doctor’s efforts.
Dare you
B knton B owman ,
A tto rn e y fo r D efen dants, G eorge
risk not coming here when some loved one in
S u sb a u e r and Salom e Michel.
your house is ill?
The city is now without a
night watchman. Not the best
news, however, to get out among
certain classes.
George F. Taplin and wife left
Saturday for Minnesota, having
received a telegram announcing
the sad news of the death of
their daughter-in-law.
For Sale—Lot 86 by 200, be­
tween 3d and 4th avenues, front­
ing on 6th St. Young orchard,
berries; fine building lot, Will
Sill cheap. Charles Long, For­
est Grove.
J. W. Caples of Portland was
in town yesterday and tells us
that within a week or ten days
he and wife will return to this
city, v'here they expect to re­
main permanently.
Morning subject at the Con­
gregational church next Sunday,
“ Good Fighting.’’ In the even­
ing, Prof. Shippee will speak on
the subject of “The Immigra­
tion Problem.’’ Hev. Thomas,
For Sale—Steam prune dryer,
Mrs. Laura Nelson and baby one ton capacity, all complete.
For Sale — A young mare
(Successor to D r. Chas. Flines)
Dorothy of Sacramento, Calif., Price $60. J. L. Loving, Gales sound, true, gentle, well broken,
ure visiting with the former’s Creek, Ore.
Forest Grove, Ore.
V. V. Willis, 16 Third street.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W.
King. Mr. Nelson will arrive in
a few days and will no doubt lo­
cate in this city.
The People’s Store at Hills­
boro is building a large annex on Wives of Indiana Farmers Start Movement Which May Result in Influx of Settlers to Montana and
Oregon— Great Exhibit Car Carries Message of Greater Possibilities to
the north of the present store
Landlord Ridden Renters of Middle West,
The managers are
building for trade and seem to
Swazee, Ind.—The hand that The interest of this feminine that the organized pilgrimage to
be willing to meet their custo­ rocks the rural cradle in this sec­ delegation was productive of the exhibit car resulted. The
mers on grounds of reasonable tion is going to be a big factor in promising results, for today their men folk were skeptical about
packing “ immigration movables” husbands came in from the coun­ the car of products, it transpired,
Montana and Oregon points tryside to make further inquiries so the women “ hitched up” and
Mrs. P. J. Ward, an aged lady
long, if the unusual attend­ and view the products of these drove to town anyway giving
of this city, while up town on
of women visitors to the states which made such a favor­ curiosity as an excuse. The
business Tuesday, fell to the
Northern railway’s Ore- able impression upon the women glowing accounts they carried
walk on Pacific avenue and for a
Bhort time was unconscious. She gon-Montana exhibit car is any folk. No fewer than twenty-five home with them did the rest,
families went to Montana and and today, after these farmers
was assisted to a cool resting criterion.
The wives of fifty farmers Oregon from round about Swa­ had spent two hours in the ex­
place and within a few minutes
was able to resume her business. drove from a radius of 14 miles zee last year and their letters hibit car, they frankly confessed
Miss Mary Sellwertz, gradu­ to visit the “ exposition on written to the farmers “ back that they never had any idea
ate of the Chicago German Hos­ wheels” in Swazee yesterday. I home ’ roused so much interest Montana or Oregon could rais
pital and post graduate of Mayo
Bros. Hospital, is associated with
the Forest Grove Sanitarium as
assistant nurse. Miss Sell wertz
has spent one year abroad ac­
quainting herself with hospital
and sanitarium conditions.
Mrs. F. Eggert. president of
the Portland Woman’s Club and
member of the club’s campaign
committee, will meet the ladies
of Forest Grove, Thursday, May
23, at 3 o’clock. All women in­ , H oosier fa rm e rs ' wives sta n d in g in fro n t o f th e O regon
R igs o f th e flying squadron o f Indiana fa r m e rs ’ w ives
M ontana exhibition c a r w hich
eh b ’ re u g h t a m e ssa g e
whose pilgrim age to thq G reat N orthern exhibit e ar
terested in the subject of equal
of b e tte r th in g s fo r m ankind in th e land
moved t* eir husbands to in v estig ate M ontana
suffrage are cordially invited to
w here home life is real, no t ren ted .
and O regon products th e very n e x t day.
attend. The meeting will lie at such a variety of banner pro­ the more densely settled middle frugality, have saved a nest egg
the residence of Mrs. J. T. Shan­ ducts on land that does not cost west.
after ten or more years of tilling
non on Third avenue south.
one-fifth of what Indiana land
These people, who found their the other fellow's tract, with the
Rev. Samuel H. Upton, the is held at. They all “allowed” awakening in the marvelous pro- andlord getting the lion's share,
pastor of the Free Methodist there was something iq the ar­ ducts which Louis Hill, president They now realize they might
church for Forest Grove and gument their disconted wives of the Great Northern Railway, have owned their own land had
Hillsboro circuit, will preach in had been agitating as the result is exhibiting broadcast through they gone west years ago.
the Free Methodist church on of those letters from the North­ this part of the country, for the
The comparatively cheap lands
Fourth street at 11 a. m., Sun­ west written by the erstwhile most part, represent the large of Montana snd Oregon appeal
day, May 19.
Rev. Mr. Upton Hoosiers telling of vast improve­ population of land rerters who strongly to these folks. They
will preach at the Thatcher ment in their conditions since are paying as high as $9.00 per are all diversified farmers and
church northwest of town at 7:30 moving into the newer country acre rental. They are tired of the products shown in the Great
p. m.. Sunday, Mav 19. All are where the price of agricultural the struggle for little more than Northern’s exhibit car was a
Cordially invited D the service». land ii not prohibitory u i t is in, a living. Nearly all, by dint o f . revelation to them.
Woman Suffrage Takes Back to The Soill, Turn down in The Hoosier State.
F ru it G row ers’ M eeting
A meeting to elect directors of
Em balm ing— F uneral D irecting the Forest Grove Fruit Growers’
J. S. Buxton, Manager
Fhone No. 642
Forest Grove, Or.
FOR SALE—200x400 (2 acres)
Best of land, all clear, 15 minutes
walk from Forest Grove post-
office. $500; $100 and $100 per
year, 5 per cent.
Land will
more than pay for itself. Press
Association will be held at the
K. P. Hall, Forest Grove, Ore­
gon, on June 3, 1912, at 2:30
o’clock p. m.
H. C. A t w el l ,
A. B. C r a ft ,
R obert A lexander ,
Mrs. C. A. Dennis, reliable
shampoo. Scalp treatment a
specialty. Phone Ind. No. 184;
residence and office 232 Pacific
Ready for business
New Lumber Company
All kinds of Building Ma­
terials, Kiln Dried Finish,
Dry Shiplap in any quan­
Sash and Doors
Call and get prices. We
are here for business and
want to make your ac-
Willis-Place Lumber Co.
Phone 0 1 X
South A Street
Forest Grove, Or.
Just step in a moment, please, and see those new
Shirt Waists. Prices $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25,
$2.50, $3.00, $3.25, $3.50 and $3.75.
They are the Banner Brand—'nuf sed—they will
please you, so will the price.
We pay the highest cash price for
Wool and Mohair
Forest Grove Planing Mill Co.
General Contractors and Builders
DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath and Shin­
gles. All Finishing Lumber Kiln Dried
Manufacturers of Frames, Sash, Doors,
Mouldings and^ everything required in
the building line
We Sell Flint-Kote and Mikado Roofing
Also Sherwin-Williams Paints
Office and Factory,
Council St.,
Forest Grove