CITY NEWS NOTES. ESTABLISHED 1885 Portland Marble Works All kinds of Houses to Rent and Money to Loan on Real Estate Security Monumental Work j Estimates given on First- Class Work and Stock Only 264-66 Fourth St., Opposite City Hall W e Can Handle Your Dis Saunders’ Poultry Yards has high-class Barred Rocks and A 1516 Black Minorcas. First on Barred Rock cockerel and second on A. A. Kirkwood Barred Rock cock, also second and third on Minorca cockerel and second and third on Minorca pullet at our last show, in hot competition. If you want eggs Portland, Oregon Main 8564 Glaisyer & Kirkwood Engineers and Surveyors Hoffman Bldg. Phone 0106 Forest Grove, Oregon Parlor, church and school or­ gans for sa’e at the Bazaar. W. F. HARTKAMPF W e have in one lot $9 8 0 0 worth of Portland residence income property to trade for a farm or acreage near Forest Grove, as follows: Two modern high class residences on Tillamook Street, and two in Rose City Park, mortgages on all the securities amounting to $9800 which we are authorized to trade for farm or acreage property. Three of these houses are rented at $3 0 a month each, the other being just completed. No. 1 33. Have a good 8 room house on W ygant street valued at $33 00 which we are instructed to trade for acreage near here. W hat have you to trade? Please observe the countless stars of the firmament. How wonderful and how distan t. B etw ixt this studio and its wonderful photo­ graphs is a chasm far and wide, when comparing with gen­ eral competition. Vetch Seed«, all kinds of grass seed. A1 falfa Hay, Feed and Land Plaster HEADQUARTERS for MILBURN WAGONS Forest Grove, Ore W. Weitzel Trading Is Our Specialty Please Observe Wholesale and Retail lnd Phone 50x A. L. Sexton was a Portlam visitor Tuesday. Have another client with two houses in Beaumont addition, near Laurel- hurst, to trade for a small farm near Forest Grove. His equity is $4700. No. 103. $2 5 0 0 home in St. Johns, only two blocks from Peninsula Bank, to trade for small farm or acreage. W e have a big list of property here in town to trade and a number of pieces of acreage. A sk to see our list of trades. You may find just what you want. Photos Finished Here Talk for Themselves L. L. Hollinger For Perfect Por­ traits come here and get them. WEITZEL & HOLLINGER Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work and Re­ pair Shop. North First Avenue, between Main and “A ” Streets; phone 863. MAIN ST. NORTH Thacher-Hicks Company, Telephone 501 Hoffman Block Forest ( THE C A S A R O S A Mrs. Nettie Austin has been quite ill the past week. Mike Shramel made a business trip to Hillsboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Morris were Hillsboro visitors Sunday. Grandpa Doores is quite ill ; this week at the home of Wil- j liarn Doores. J. L. Hill visited with his 1 father, F. M. Hill of Gaston, over Sunday. A. L. Sexton, suffering with . neuralgia, left for Portland Tues­ day for treatment. Miss Miriam Corl is visiting j with her sister. Mrs. W. Cook, in the country this week. Get a first-class rawhide buggy whip absolutely free. Ask at the Forest Grove Pharmacy. Mrs. Mary Benson Messerve of Portland is visiting with the family of F. A. Watrous this week. Mertrol Hollinger visited with Tom Roe at the latter’s home near Wapato over Saturday and Sunday. G. H. Marsh, who is ranching near Underwood, Wash., spent Sunday in town with relatives and friends. Brown Leghorn hens and pul­ lets for sale, 75c each. Mixed • chickens 60c. All laying. W. C. Graddy, Cornelius, Route 1. C. L. Dennis of Gaston passed through town last week on his return from Portland, where he had been spending a few days. Misses Gladys Gibson and Mary Olmsted went on a fishing trip last week and returned home with a goodly number of fish. Com er Third Avenue and Third Street ROOM AND B O A R D $ 4 P E R W E E K Telephone 025 Forest Grove Homes for Sale on Easy Monthly Payments. Small Paymt. Down MRS. C. R. VEDDER, Proprietor • CITY CAFE M AIN STREET. N E A R PACIFIC A V E N U E , FOREST GROVE. OREGON M e a ls a t all H o u rs. T h e B e s t o f E v e ry th in g S e rv e d R ig h t Wm. Ruffncr, Proprietor I am prepared to deliver fresh milk to all parts of the city for 6 cents per quart, delivered night and morning. I will do my best to satisfy you. A. K in n e y , Dairyman, Third St., Forest Grove, Ore. tf Steam swing for sale or trade. Good condition. Address Press. Report of the Condition of FOREST GROVE, OREGON A COMPARATIVE STATEMENT The following comparative statement of the deposits and resources of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Forest Grove, Ore., under its present management speaks volumes: DEPOSITS Nov. 2. 1909, May 2, 1910, Nov. 2, 1910, May 2, 19 11, Nov. 2, 1 9 11, May 2, 1912, Resources “ $ 92,318.96------------- 132,138.98------------------- 133,184.64--------------------- 148,877.81-------------------------- 15 3,430.91--------------------------- 2 0 1,0 7 9 ,16 ----------------------------------- May 2, 1909 - $177,348.10 “ 2, 19 12 - $315,261.56 crosses to the other side of the street when it meets a Moyer $15.00 Suit walking arm in arm with High Qual­ ity and Low Price—It’s ashamed to meet that insepar­ able trio. Wanted—Sewing or general work in family by lady. Ad­ dress Mrs. Wm. Smith, R. F. D. 1, Box 112, Forest Grove. Phone Hill 15. tf S. G. Hughes, wife and baby Harriet Helen, visited over Sun­ day in Vancouver with Mrs. N. Turnbull, mother o f M rs. Hughes. The old Methodist parsonage is being moved this week, clearing aw ay another obstacle in the right of way of the Southern Pa­ cific railroad. E. G. Mills left last Thursday on a visit to Arnold, Nebraska, his old home. Mr. Mills expects that his mother will return with him in a few days. Phelix Verhoeven, wife and little daughter Florence and W. F. Schultz and wife visited up the valley this week, making Albany their most southern point. Union services will be held in the Congregational church on Memorial Sunday, May 26, the Congregational pastor officiating and assisted by the pastors of the other churches. rays got as much for your money as you do buy a Moyer $15 Suit there would be no plaint about the high cost of living. New Machine Shops Rev. W. J . Douglass, pastor of the Methodist church at Uni­ versity Park, will occupy the pulpit at the Methodist church next Sunday, morning and even­ ing. relieving Rev. Gould. The team of T. A. Hoodenpyle of Gaston, while hitched to a covered surry, became fright­ ened last week and ran away. The rig anp harness were brok­ en. Otherwise no damage was done. D R L P A R E D to do all kinds of work in Iron, Lathe or Drill work. Auto Repairing. Our Motto, “Prompt W ork and Reasonable Charges." Mrs. E. R. Smith and daugh­ ters Helen and Louise of Gandy, Nebraska, who have been spend­ ing the w inter in California, stopped off in the Grove to visit with A. G. Hoffman and family on their way home. Your Patronage Solicited When you see it in our ad, it » so W . A. Chalmers E. Side S. Main St First and Morrison First and Yamhill Forest Gr Second and Morrison 87-89 Third J Mrs. Georgia Hughes, mother of Grant Hughes, was taken sud­ denly ill Monday. She experi­ enced a benumbed sensation of ths left side. A trained nurse has been in attendance and Mrs. Hughes is fast improving.