- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY CHURCHES. D R A S T IC B IL L IS A D O P T E D . W ou'd Abolish Com m erce C o urt— INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SIATE GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING Create Bureau of Comm erce. Church of the Visitation, Verboort —Rev. L. A. LeMlller, pastor. Sun­ Washington, D. .C.—Revolutionary day Early Mase at 8 a. m.; High proposals such as have not been O N IO N C R O P BIG . T O F IG H T F O R E S T F IR E S . Mass at 10:30 a. m.; Vesper at 3:00 p. m. Week days Mass at 8:30 a. m. grouped in any bill passed by the pres­ Christian Science Hall, 115 Fifth ent session of congress were adopted 2 0 0 Acres Near Hubbard, Or., Are Government Appropriation o f SIO ,- •t., between First and Second ave. by the house in the legislative, execu­ Planted T his Year. OOO Will Be Great Help. Our Work Guaranteed and South—Services Sundays at 11 a. m, tive and judicial appropriation bill. Hubbard—Within a radius of two Sunday school at 12 m.; mid-week The measure will probably be passed. Salem — Announcement is made by Your Patronage Solicited The bill now proposes: . meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. miles of Hubbard enough onions will the state board of forestry that there Abolition of the United States Com­ ■> Seventh Day Adventist Church, 3rd street—Sabbath schol 2 p. m., preach­ merce court and the restoration to the be raised this year “ to make the will be 65 men appointed in Oregon ing 3 p. m. each Saturday. Midweek Interstate Commerce commission of whole world weep.” From year to under the $10,000 appropriation re­ prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p all railroad regulatory power, subject year, since it was discovered that the ceived from the government through m. A cordial welcome. H. W. Vall- to appeal only to United States dis­ soil was well adapted to onion-raising, the Weeks law, these men to work in mer, Elder. First Ave., Foot Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon trict courts. the acreage has been increased until Oregon in patrolling the headwaters of Catholic Services. Rev. J. R. Buck, Creation of a bureau of foreign do­ pastor. Forest Grove—Chapel at cor now more than 200 acres are planted the navigable streams of the state. of 3rd street and 3rd avenue south mestic commerce with all the present The state board of forestry also 1st and 4th Sundays of the month powers of the co-called Tariff board, each spring. And the onion habit is Mass at 8:30; 2nd and 3rd Sundays to be under the jurisdiction of the sec­ growing. Newcomers, on making in­ made announcement of completion of of the month. Mass 10:30. Cornelius retary of commerce and labor. The quiry, are told that most of the gar­ its manual and handbook for fire war­ —1st Sunday of the month, Mass at new bureau would absorb the bureau 10:30; 3rd Sunday of the month, of trade relations of the State depart­ deners and farmers raise onion sets dens in which the general policy of M s e s at 8:00. Segher3—2nd Sunday ment and the bureau of manufactures at a profit, and so it is but natural the board for this year is largely an­ of the month. Mass at 8:00; 4th and statistics of the department of that the majority of the landowners nounced. Sunday of the month. Mass at 10:30 socner or later engage in the business. In the appointment of the men un­ M. E. Church, Rev. Hiram Gould, commerce and labor. Concentration of the distribution of paetor. Second street, between First This year the weather man has been der the Weeks law there will be about and Second avenues. Sunday school public documents, of which millions exceedingly kind to Hubbard onion- 67 of the men stationed west of the at 10 a. m.; Epworth League at 6:30 annually are sent from the govern­ Service—7:45 to 9:00 growers. The early spring, bright Cascade mountains and the other eight p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 ment printing office in Washington. p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting The house overruled the committee sunshine and occasional showers, have will be placed east of the mountains. Thursday at 7:30 p. in. in charge of the bill in a number of combined with the rich soil in giving It was the intent of the law to protect T h r.e Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9 :5 0 Christian Church, corner Third et instances. Matinee—2 :3 0 p. m. Saturday early promise of a record crop. Just the headwaters of navigable streams, w and First Ave. Rev. C. H. Hilton, After a bitter fight the house re­ pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m.; fused to abolish the position of deputy now the growers are looking for and the main navigable streams are preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.: commissioner of lighthouse service “ weeders, ” as the small, tender west of the Cascades. The men west Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p and on this point Speaker Clark joined plants must be kept free from other of the mountains will be apportioned m. with the opposition to the committee. growths, and this work must be done from one to seven in various counties, Congregational Church, College The defection in the Democratic according to the size of the counties, Way and First ave. north. Rev. D caused an outbreak in the clos­ on one’s hands and knees—a tedious the quantity of the timber involved T. Thomas—Sunday school 10 a. m.; ranks job, to be sure, but well worth while and the nature of the streams arising Morning service 11 a. m.; evening ing hours of the session, which lasted CLEAN AND UP-TO-DATE SHOWS 8:00 p. m.; Junior C. E. at 3 p. m.. from 11 o’clock in the morning until 9 when one acre produces from $200 to in the respective counties. at night. Senior C. E. at 6:30 p. m. In the most comprehensive handbook $400 worth of onion sets each year. LODGES. When the sets are ready for the and manual ever issued by the state H O M E R U L E G A IN S F O R C E . board of forestry, the policy of that Knights of Pythias—Delphos Lodge market the grower simply takes them board for 1912 is outlined and instruc­ No. 36, meets every Thursday at K of P. Hali. Chas. Staley. C. C.; Reis Second Reading in House o f C o m ­ to the local warehouses and disposes tions are given to the wardens work­ Ludwig, Keeper of Records and Seal of them at from 3 to 5 cents a pound, ing under the department. It is shown mons Gives Majority o f IOI. G. A. R.—J. B. Mathews Post No that Oregon has more standing timber London — The government carried the price varying according to supply than 6, meeta the first and third Wednes any other state in the Union— day of each month at 1:30 p. m., in the home rule bill on its second read­ and demand, just as it does with other approximately 500,000,000,000 feet; K. of P. hall. John Baldwin, Com ing in the house of commons by a ma­ products. The warehouse men, in that when it is manufactured into mander. jority of 101, as against 94 for the turn, ship the sets all over the coun­ lumber it will bring at least $6,000,- Masonic—Holbrook Lodge No. 30. first reading. The vote was 372 to 271. For convenience in registration The Nebraska State Society of i A. F. & A. M., regular meetings held It was the most largely attended try to gardeners and others, who 000,000 of outside money, 80 per ' first Saturday in each month. P. W. house of the present parliament. Both “ set” them out and raise “ young on­ cent of which will be expended for Washington County, Oregon, is you may fill in the blank coupon Kinzer, W. M.; A. A. Ben Kori, sec­ sides had done their utmost to secure ions,” so highly esteemed by city labor and supplies; that Oregon is re­ being organized and desires to found in this paper, cut it out, ceiving $6,000,000 annually from lum­ retary. every available vote. Mr. Balfour, ber and other timber products, and enlist members. The object of and together with $1.00 mail to W. O. W.—Forest Grove Camp No former opposition leader, and Mr. folks. 98, meets in Woodmen Hall, every Churchill, first lord of the admiralty, While comparatively a small that the timber and lumber industry is the society is to promote acquain­ the Press office for enrollment. Saturday. A. J. Parker, C. C.; James of young onions and dry on­ paying approximately one-third of the returned from Weymouth to be present. amount tance and good fellowship among Don’t delay, but get your name H. Davis, Clerk. ions are grown here, the claim has taxes of the state The announcement of the figures Artisans—Diamond Assembly No showing an increased majority occa­ been made, and goes undisputed, that “ In 1911, 842 fires were reported, persons from Nebraska; to keep in at once. 27, meeta every Tuesday in K. ol the Hubbard gardens produce more of which 613, or about 73 per cent, At a time prior to the summer P. Hall. C. B. Stokes, M. A; John sioned enthusiastic demonstrations on “ sets” than all the rest of the Pacific were caused through carelessness,” register; to welcome visiting Ne­ the government side and the Prime Northwest states combined. braskans and to furnish them picnic each registered member Boldrick, Secretary. states the handbook. “ That a major­ Rebekahs—Forest Lodge No. 44 minister received a great ovation on To be a successful onion-grower in ity of these fires were the result of with information about Oregon. will be mailed a list of all mem­ meets the first, third and fifth Wed leaving the house with his wife and the community means that the owner violations of the law by campers, The requirements for member­ bers. In this way you may find daughter, from the crowd that assem­ nesdays of each month. Miss Alice of the ground is making money, and hunters, railroad companies, loggers Crook, N. G.; Secretary, Miss Carrie bled outside. The committee stage of unless he already has reached that aqd ranchers, is beyond question." ship are: some of your old friends and Austin. the home rule bill is not expected to state he soon will own his home and All persons of good character, possibly near relatives and have Numerous instructions to the fire I. O. O. F.—Waehington Lodge No be reached until Whitsuntide, and have a comfortable bank account. wardens in the manual indicate that a 48, meets every Monday in I. O. O. F. probably will occupy a couple of Fifty men, and a number of women, stricter policy will be pursued this residing in Oregon, and who the opportunity of making many Hall. V. S. Abraham, N. G.; Robert months, even with liberal application too, will tell you it is the most suc­ year in enforcement of the law than were born or who lived in the Taylor, Secretary. of the closure rules, as the opposition cessful, the most certain and the most last year, when the board was largely State of Nebraska for one year new and desirable acquaintances with whom you may talk over Modern Woodmen of America— is preparing an endless list of amend­ up with the time of organizing immediately preceding their com­ Camp No. 6223, meets the second anc ments and will adopt every possible profitable crop in this part of Oregon. taken "old times.” and with a plan of education. fourth Friday of each month. A. L. means to obscure the measure. ing to Oregon, or who have lived Especial attention is called to the B E R R Y F A R M S IN C R E A S E . Sexton, Consul; Geo. G. Paterson. Business headquarters at the question of burning permits. During in the state of Nebraska for four Clerk. K IN G G O E S IN T O S U B M A R IN E . j Press office, Forest Grove, Ore. the period between June 1 and Octo­ Rosewood Camp, No. 3835 R. N consecutive years, are eligible to Heavy Acreage Brings Plant Famina ber 1 it is unlawful for any person to A., meets first and third Fridays ol aid each pther in building up a at Corvallis. bum slashings, chopping, wood or membership. each month in I. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs British Ruler Stays Under Water 10 friendly union. Most every M. S. Allen, Oracle; Mrs. Wlnnlfred CorvalliB—Plantings of loganberry brush land without obtaining a permit The husband or wife of a Minutes— He M ay Fly. Aldrich, Recorder. from the state fire warden. The chief member is eligible to become member at some time will meet farms continued in Benton county this Weymouth, England—King George, Gale Grange No. 282, P. of H. object of this restriction is to prevent people who are acquainted with meets the first Saturdays of each who is here seeing for himself the spring until no more plants could be the careless use of fire during the dry an associate member. month in the K. of P. Hall. A. T progress toward the reorganization of obtained from the nurseries. Also season. The dues are $1.00 for active their friends in the Nebraska Buxton, Master; Mrs. H. J. Rice the home fleet a9 outlined by Winston there was a large planting of Cuthbert state. The society desires to “ Persons engaged in clearing land Secretary. Churchill, First Lord of the Admiral­ red raspberries, gooseberres and and putting it under cultivation find members. ty, in introducing the navy estimates CITY. Any subscriber to the Press have a complete list of Nebras­ the use of fire absolutely necessary, blackberries. The Corvallis commer­ in parliament, has again taken up the Mayor—G. S. Allen. and the warden’s decisions as to the who is eligible to register and kans on its rolls, so that stran­ life of a naval officer with remarkable cial club, with the active assistance of advisability of issuing a permit Recorder—M. R. Markham. gers coming from Nebraska to the commercial clubs of Philomath, should, in every case,’ be based on a who has paid one year’s sub­ Treasurer—R. P. Wirtz. gusto. Chief of Police—P. W. Watkins. His majesty already has added one Monroe and Alpine, fostered the thorough investigation of the area to scription in advance will be reg­ Oregon can find their friends by Health Officer—Dr. J. S. Bishop, looking over our roster, which at A number of item to his experience in naval work berry-farm movement. Councilmen—John Wirtz, Carl L. Hin going down in a submarine. He spent the members of the Corvallis club pur­ be burned over,” says the manual. istered without further cash. “ In general, a permit should be issued man, O. M. Sanford, Rev. J. M 10 minutes below the surface of the chased a 14-acre tract near the city and Anyone eligible, sending one all times will be open to public unless it is clear that the burning con­ Barber, W. F. Schultz, H. B. John water in one of the latest “ D” type planted it to small fruits as a demon­ templated is unsafe. To summarize, dollar for registration will re­ inspection. r son. of boats, which carries a disappearing stration farm, experts from the agri­ it is the warden's duty to accommo­ ceive the Press without further During the summer a meeting City School. gun, and expressed himBelf as delight­ cultural college directing the prepara­ date applicants by issuing permits School Directors—M. Peterson, Mrs ed with the venture. and picnic will be arranged for tion of the ground and the method of where there is no danger of the fire charge. Edward Seymour, H. T. Buxton. The aerial corps, which is contin­ planting; but this farm will not enter spreading, but to decline and give All Nebraskans who are loval at some convenient time and Clerk—R. P. Wirtz. ually maneuvering, is hoping to carry into the competition for the cash reasons, when the burning would be to their state should be enrolled place, where you will be invited Justice of the Peace—W. J. R. Beach prizes offered by the several commer­ unsafe.” the King as a passenger. Constable—Carl Hoffman. as members, that the society may to bring all your Nebraska cial clubs for the best acre of logan­ COUNTY. The manual shows an agreement berries set out in the county. Postal Deposits in Millions. Judge—R. O. Stevenson. has been reached between the United become strong, and in this way friends. The Benton County Growers’ asso­ States department of agriculture and Sheriff—George G. Hancock. Washington, D. C.—Funds on de­ ciation is now thoroughly organized, Clerk—John Bailey. posit in 7163 postal savings banks on with a capable directorate, and it will the state board of forestry, so that the Recorder—E. L. Perkins. Federal government has allotted funds March 31 last, aggregated $16,200,- this year operate the Corvallis can­ for the service of one or more patrol­ Treasurer—E. B. Sappington. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Assessor—Max Crandall. 000, according to Postmaster-General nery. This is a marketing concern, men in each heavily-timbered county Surveyor—Geo. McTee. Hitchcock. Of this amount $6,437,- and virtually every small fruit and in the state. The Nebraska State Society of Washington County, Oregon. Coroner—E. C. Brown. 641 was on deposit in 32 cities, each tree-fruit grower in the county is a Commissioners—John McClaran, Johj having a population of more than member. Nyberg. Voters Will Have B ig Task. Phone. Name_________________P. O. 150,000. New York and Chicago, Little attention has been paid to School Sup't—M. C. Case. Oregon voters in November election which rank first and second, respec­ truck gardening in this county, al­ Lived in Nebraska from____ .until this year will be called upon to pass tively, occupy the same relative rank though Corvallis is a good market. in amount of deposits, including on at least 40 measures, submitted .County, in__________________ , _____ Brooklyn as a part of New York. De­ under the initiative or the referen­ Pacific Avenue Inch L e ss Rain T his Year. posits in New York, $860,386; Brook­ .in_____ Was born in Nebraska at____ Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ dum, in addition to electing president, lyn, $301,683, Chicago, $902,841. vice, president. United States senator, vallis—An inch less rain than is nor­ representives in congress and various Married or single___________ House Committee Defends Stim son mal has fallen thus far this year, the state and county officers. The num­ Buys and Sells Second Enclosed $1.00, for which enter my name on register, Mail Washington, D. C.—A strong de­ April precipitation of 1.99 inches be­ ber will surpass those in the general Hand Goods the Press to fense of Secretary Stimson and an at­ ing .86 below the normal for that election two years ago, when the total tack on the majority of the house mili­ month. It was also a chill; month, was only 32. Of the 40 measures al­ tary affairs committee on its report of being below the average temperature ready in sight, six have been referred Telephone 743 If alrerdy a subscriber, name date of expiration_______ circumstances which led to the retire­ for April the past ten years. The to the people by the 1911 session of ment of Adjutant-General Ainsworth highest, April 8, was 67 degrees, the legislature. (Cut out and mail at once to Press Office, Forest Grove, Ore.) after a threatened court-martial, were while the normal highest has hitherto been 80.2 degrees. There was less Dealer in Flour and Feed Salem Backs Road Bills. contained in a report submitted to the house by the minority members of the frosL however, since the thermometer Salem — The six compromise road at freezing but twice, on bills which will go before the people General Auctioned committee. The report declared that registered J. C. Kuratli next November received the unani­ Notariat Work the majority exceeded its authority April 11 and 12. E. I. Kuratli in framing the report. mous indorsement of the Salem board Experiment Trees Planted. of trade and steps will be taken im­ Absolutely Safe and Reliable Killed in Three Months. 242. Moro—Professor Peavy, of the for­ mediately to circulate them through­ Washington, D. C.—Two hundered estry department of the Oregon Agri­ out Marion county where it it expect­ and forty persons were killed and 4706 cultural college, is a visitor in Moro. ed thousands of signatures will be at­ REAL ESTATE,COLLECTIONS were injured in train accidents in the He came to superintend the planting tached. In addition resolutions were Of Forest Grove, Oregon United States during the quarter end­ of 1200 trees on the state experiment adopted urging the Marion County MONEY TO LOAN ed December 31, 1911, according to farm. The trees were furnished the court to purchase auto trucks to use in Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home accident bulletin No. 42, issued by the station by the state forestry depart­ hauling rock for road work. German spoken in the office ment and the forest service of the Interstate Commerce commission. Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your PHONES Great Drama for Rose Festival. Business or Dwelling in The Bell. Main 346 Ind. City, 344 This is a decrease of six in the num­ United States department of agricul­ ber killed and an increase of 977 in ture, and include ten variétés to be Portland—Preparations are now be­ Bankers fit Merchants HILLSBORO OREGON the number injured, as compared with tested to find out which are suited to ing made for the production on a gi­ the correpsonding quarter of 1910. Eastern Oregon conditions. gantic scale of “ The Bridge of the Gods,” the spectacular story of the House Saves Three Mints. Gama Rssarva Sanctioned. early history of Oregon, which created The Auction House Washington. D. C.—An attempt to Salem—Assistant Attorney General country-wide comment at the Astoria abolish the mints at Sen Francisco, Crawford bas advised the state fish Centennial. June 8 and 10, the Satur­ New Orleans and faraon. Nev., and and game commission that it will be day prior to and the Monday of Rose the assay offices at Boise, Idaho, legal for that commission to co-oper­ Festival week, are the dates that have Deadwood. S. D., Helene, Mont., Se­ ate with the Federal government in been chosen for the performance in “ THE PEOPLE’S PAPER” 0. M. Sanford, Proprietor attle, Wash., and Salt Lake City was establishing a game reserve in the Multnomah Field, and the cast is now Bull Run forest reserve. defeated in the house 92 to 61. being gathered together. Telephone 721 With Colored Supplement, $1.00 Per Year J. C. WEGNER Scenic Theatre Motion Photo Exhibitions Daily Change with Best Films Procurable NEBRASKA STATE SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON J. L. HILL Kuratli Bros. New and Second Hand Goods The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association The Forest Grove Press