Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 16, 1912, Image 2

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Curreni Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
General Résumé of Important Event»
Preaented In Condeneed Form
fo r O ur Busy Reader».
A m erica is m aking g re a t inroads
upon Russian trade in the F ar East.
Two towns on th e w est coast of
Mexico w ere severely shaken by an
W ireless m essage reports huge ice­
bergs 130 m iles south of w here the T i­
tanic was wrecked.
More levees in Louisiana are break ­
ing and people have been warned to
abandon the town of Irvinville.
A strik e of K ansas C ity brew ery
w orkers was settled ju s t in tim e to
prevent a beer fam ine in th a t city.
The tran sp o rt Sherm an sailed from
Portland w ith the historic F irs t re g i­
m ent of infan try , for Guam and
Structure O ver San Francisco
Would Cost 82 6,0 0 0 ,0 0 0.
San Francisco— A map and plans of
the proposed bridge across San F ra n ­
cisco Bay to Oakland, perm ission to
construct which was recently granted
by congress to Allan C. Rush, were
filed w ith the board of supervisors.
The roadway will sw ing 150 fee t
above the w ater, hung from ten steel
and concrete piers, co n stitu tin g eig h t
arches. The total suspension will be
17,840 feet, in sections 2230 feet
long. Four thousand fe e t will rest on
Y erba Buena island, which will divide
the stru ctu re in halves.
The San
Francisco approach will ta k e off from
the Bummit of Telegraph Hill, which
has been reserved by the governm ent
for a lig h t station.
Rush estim ates the total cost a t
$26,000,000. The total cost of the
Brooklyn bridge to date, including re ­
modeling for elevated train s and tro l­
ley tracks, has been about $22,400,-
000, and of the Queensborough bridge,
The length of the
Queensborough bridge, the longest
across the E ast River, iB 7449 feet,
including approaches, or one mile and
2169 feet. The Oakland bridge will
be four miles 720 feet long, of which
three miles 2000 feet would be over
w ater.
Upon second reading the home rule
I. W. W T O R E N E W F IG H T .
bill was found to have considerably in­
creased its m ajority in the house of
Force of 500 is Planning to Invade
City of San Diego.
Mexican Rebels Leave Hundreds
Dead an Bailie Field.
Orozco Abandons Canron and Re­
treats Towards Base— Trainload
of Supplies Is Destroyed.
A t the Federal F ront, Conejos,
Mexico, May 13.—Twelve hours of
brisk fighting on the desert plains 300
m iles south of the American border
between a force of 6000 rebels under
General Orozco and an equally strong
body of federals under General H uerta
resulted today in a decided advantage
to the governm ent.
The fighting was begun a t day­
break, and a t nightfall the sandy
mesas betw een here and Yermo, 14
m iles north, w here the insurrectos
w ere gradually foiced back, w ere cov­
ered w ith dead and wounded.
N early 600 are believed to have
been killed and wounded on both
sides. A courier brought the inform ­
ation th a t General Trucy A ubert, the
dashing federal commander, had been
shot in the leg.
The rebels abandoned ten cannon
and much am m unition in th e ir retreat.
General Joaquin Tellez, who had
been stationed in the rear of H u e rta ’s
vanguard, a t noon was sent around to
the eastw ard to flank the rebels and
cut off th eir retrea t.
Federal head­
q u arters assert tonight th a t the rebels
are com pletely surrounded and th a t
the second day of fighting will prove
equally decisive.
This town, only yesterday occupied
by the vanguard of the rebels, was
riddled w ith bullets when the federals
galloped into it a t sunset.
Over the
foothills to the north the insurrectos
could be seen retreatin g .
General H u erta has been receiving
many telegram s of congratulation on
the outcome o f the day ’s fighting.
Should the advantage gained today be
followed by equal success tomorrow,
the federal leaders are confident it
will mean the annihilation of the in-
surrecto arm y.
Genera! H u erta considers it proba­
ble, however, th a t the rebels will
m ake th e ir last stand a t Escalon, th eir
central base, 14 miles to the north,
w here they have bu ilt fortifications
and trenches in the last fortnight.
I t was the steady artillery fire of
the governm ent troops th a t dislodged
the enemy. The aim of the federal
gunners was true.
They began to
shell the rebel positions a t daybreak.
For a tim e the insurrectos fired in vol­
leys, and seven federal officers were
wounded. Only a few hours, how­
ever, they withstood the fierce can­
nonading, and soon began to evacuate
th e ir positions.
G eneral Tellez arrived a t nightfall
w ith a detachm ent of 1600 men in the
valley behind Conejos, w here the van­
guard of the rebels was gathered. It
seems likely tonight th a t unless the
rebels continue to fight desperately, a
large num ber of prisoners will be ta k ­
en when dawn breaks.
As they retreated the L iberals de­
stroyed several bridges, b ut the feder­
als are equipped w ith pontoons and
will not be seriously affected.
A New York m essenger boy was
Los Angeles—A pproxim ately 500 In ­
given a rew ard of 26 cents for re tu rn ­ dustrial W orkers of the World will
ing a package of stocks and bonds leave Los Angeles for San Diego to
w orth $610,000 which he had found.
renew the “ free speech” fight a t the
The international president of the conclusion of the dem onstration in
S tereo ty p ers’ union revoked the char­ connection w ith the burial of Joseph
te r of the Chicago union for strik in g Mikolasek, who died of wounds re­
in sym pathy w ith the pressm en w ith ­ ceived in a b attle with the San Diego
out authority.
This was th e announcem ent made a t
The Am erican Steel & W ire com­ a m eeting of Industrial W orkers of
pany adm its th a t when su it was s ta r t­ the World, a t which arrangem ents
ed ag a in st the Steel tru st, nearly all w ere made for the funeral of Mikola­
the tangible evidence against the sek. The funeral parade will pass
W ire company was destroyed.
through the principal business streets
of the city.
S kirm ishing betw een the rebel van-
A police perm it has been issued,
gard and the federal outposts a t Ber- and no trouble is expected.
mejillo and Mapimi, Mexico, contin­
Louis Feyer, of San Diego, who was
ues, but the garrisons refuse to leave said to have been selected as grand
th eir fortifications and the rebels keep m arshal of the parade, was arrested
under cover.
on a charge of horse-stealing.
I t is
A fter being w ithout pay for three alleged th a t he stole th e horse w ith
months, ow ing to entanglem ents of which he made the trip from San
red tape, the attendants a t the Dunn­ Diego to Los Angeles.
ing hospital for the ir.sane a t Chicago
w ent on strik e , leaving the superin­
tendent and his physicians to care for
3,000 patients. The strik e was soon Property and Home Stolen or De-
troyed in Raids.
M azatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico — The
Ten veterans and six trainm en w ere United S tates tran sp o rt Buford a r­
killed in a wreck of a C onfederate vet­ rived here w ite five refugees from
eran s’ reunion special.
Topolobampo and 16 from A ltata and
The b u tte r w ar in Portland is ended, Culiacan. A t A ltata the Buford an­
and the form er regular price of 26 chored 17 m iles out, the refugees hav­
ing been transferred by the steam er
cents has been restored.
The refugees from Culiacan
Chicago publishers claim to have a v irtually are d estitu te, th e ir property
th ro ttle hold on the pressm en's strik e and homes having been stolen or de­
situation, and th a t it will soon be stroyed in recent rebel raids.
The Buford anchored two miles off
Roosevelt seems to have a m ajority this port, 71 adults and 20 children
in the Maryland prim aries, and Speak­ being taken aboard. Of the 20 A m er­
er Clark leads for the D em ocratic ican children more than 15 were born
in Mexico. The tran sfe r of the refu ­
nom ination.
gees was witnessed by thousands of
Mexicans and the few A m ericans who
rem ained in Mazatlan.
W heat — Track prices: Bluestem,
Flowers Deck Ship’s Bed.
College Cites Seven Wonders
$1.06(uT.07; club, $1.01; red Rus­
New Y ork— Standing on the bridge
sian. $1; valley, $1.01; forty-fold,
Ithaca, N. Y. — The seven wonders of the Carm ania in mid-ocean, Mrs. J.
$ 1 . 02 .
of the world as selected by the fac­ H. Loring, of New York and London,
M illstuffs — Bran, $24 per ton ; ulty, graduates and seniors of the scattered flowers on the w ater of the
shorts, $26; middlings, $31.
chem ists’ sem inary a t Cornell U ni­ A tlantic in memory of her husband,
Corn — Whole, $39 ; cracked, $40 versity, w ere announced by Professor who lost his life on the T itanic.
per ton.
L. M. Dennis
When the
Carm ania,
Hay — Tim othy, $16.50(al7.60; al­
A few weeks ago th e prom inent rived in la titu d e 41.16 and longi­
falfa, $12(<£12.60; clover, $8(<i9; oats scientific m agazines sent a list to Cor­ tude 50.14, the nearest position to
and vetch. $11(911.50 ; grain hay $9. nell, containing 67 wonders of modern w here the T itan ic sank, Mrs. Loring,
O ats— No. 1 w hite, $39(d 40 per ton. tim es and requested the chemical de­ a ttire d in deep mourning, was escort­
Fresh F ru its —S traw berries, $1.26frr p artm ent to pick out seven of them as ed to the bridge by C aptain Dow.
1.60; p e r o r a te ; cranberries, $8(<rl0 representing the g re a te st of modern Five hundred cabin passengers stood
per barrel ; apples, $1.26(«(3 per box. human ingenuity. The seven selected on the decks as Mrs. Loring scattered
Potatoes — Jobbing p ric e s;: B ur­ in the order of th e ir im portance fol­ th e flowers on the sea.
Men stood
banks, old, $1.60 per hundred; new low :
w ith heads bowed and uncovered,
California, 4i'ir$5c per pound.
W ireless, synthetic chem istry, ra ­ w hile some o f the women passengers,
Onions— Bermuda, $2.26<>i2.60 per dium, antitoxins, aeroplanes, Panam a touched by th e w idow 's devotion,
canal, telephone.
V egetables—A rtichokes, 75(<£90c per
doien; asparagus, California, $1.25(</
Ships Collide at Sea.
China to Get $ 6 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 0.
2 per cra te ; beans, 2(a2}c per pound;
San Francisco— Badly w aterlogged,
Pekin—The m inister o f finance and
cabbage, 3(d.3fc; cauliflower. $2.76
per cra te ; celery, $5oi6; cucumbers, the bankers rep resen tin g the six pow­ the sailing schooner Mayflower was
$l(a'1.60 doxen; egg plant, 26c per ers— the U nited S tates, G reat B ritain, towed into th is port by the steam
pound; head lettuce, $1.76 per cra te ; France, Germany, Russia and Ja p a n — schooner San Pedro, w ith which the
hot house lettuce, 76ct<t$l per box; have arranged the term s of advances Mayflower was in collision off Point
C aptain Bendickson, of the
peas, S(i(9e per pound; peppers, 25c; to the Chinese governm ent totaling Reyes.
radishes, 160120c per doxen ; rhubarb, $50,000,000 ag ain st treasu ry bills re ­ San Pedro, was hurled to the deck by
2 | n'3c per pound; spinach, 40/6c; to­ deemable w ithin one y ear by the pro­ the force of the collision and his shoul­
The San Pedro,
matoes. $4.60 per box; garlic, 84i£ 10c ceeds of the loan. It ia pointed out der was dislocated.
per pound; turnips, $ l(/tl. 10 per sack ; by those identified w ith the scheme which escaped injury, a t once took the
beets, $1.60; rutabagas, $1(&1.10; th a t the country is a v eritab le powder disabled vessel in tow. The San P e­
magazine, and the unpaid soldiers dro was bound for E ureka, and
carrots, $1.
B utter — Oregon cream ery, solid threaten an outbreak which can only the Mayflower for Coquille, River,
be avoided by paym ent of th e ir wages. Oregon.
pack, 26c per pound.
E ggs—Fresh Oregon ranch, candled,
Strike Does Not Spread.
Boy Wins at Bread-Making.
21c per doxen; case count. 20Jc.
San Francisco — The pressm en's
Pork— Fancy, 10|<<z H e per pound.
Reno, Nev.—The rep u tatio n o f co­
eds a t the U niversity of Nevada as strik e in th is city has not extended
Veal—Fancy, 10)«/. H e per pound.
P oultry—Hens, 14(<£16c; springs, breadm akers received a severe blow beyond the Exam iner, which appeared
146215c; broilers, 25((i30c; ducks, when a male student, com peting w ith Sunday m orning w ith a four-page
young. 20o/26c; geese, 11c; turkeys, 30 girls, won second prise in the news section. A t a m eeting of the
bread-m aking c o n test
Harold Man- P ublishers' association a proposal th a t
live, 20c; dressed. 26c.
Hope— 1911 crop, 39((i:39ie; olds, ion, of Portland, O r., a sophomore all other new spapers of the city should
registered in the departm ent of a g ri­ cut down th e ir issues to the same size
nominal; 1912 contracts, 2t(<!26c.
Wool— Eastern Oregon, 104£17ic; culture, was the successful com pet­ as the E xam iner did not carry and un­
valley, fkf£9c; mohair, choice, 346$ ito r and it was only by a close m ar­ less it should subsequently be put into
gin th a t he missed receiving the first e ffe c t the understanding is th a t the
Cattle— Choice steers. $6.506£7.2S; award.
strik e will not spread.
good, $6.256f6.40; medium, $46{6 26;
Linar Sights Eight Icebergs.
Hydro-Cycle Crosses Bay,
choice cows, $5.50616 .26 ; good, $6t<(
6.(0 ; medium, $4.60di6; choice cal­
San Francisco— A novelty in n av i­
New York— Icebergs in the A tlantic
ves, $8.60618.86; good heavy calves. gation was introduced here when Eu­ fa rth e r south than they have ever
$6/18.60; bulls, $3.60«t(.60; stags, gene Frey, an inventor, rode across been seen before were reported by in­
San Francisco Bay on his home-made coming steam ers.
The Cunard liner
Hogs— Light, $8«£8.60; heavy, $?@ hydromotorcycle.
The distance from Carm ania last Thursday sighted eight
the sta rtin g point in Alameda over m onster ice mountains in latitu d e
Sheep — Yearlings. $5.25<u6.25; F rey 's circuitous course to the dock in 39.09 north, longitude 47.24 weet,
wethers. $6446.76; ewes. $4616 25 this city was 12 miles and the queer- w hile th e log of the French liner La
lambs, $4.604(6; spring lambs, $ 6 « t looking c ra ft was ju st one hour on the Savoie recorded icebergs ia latitu d e
89.16 north, 47.4 wesL
Investment Realty Abstract Company
Makes Your Abstract
1st. Good. boa.
M t Don til try to U m
boot of my ability.
Could ono do moral
2nd. I alumina
your mouth and tall
you Its actual cor.
dltlon be fur. I be­
am y o u r actua
work, statin s In ad-
vanco w hat t h a
coat w 1 11 ha. II
ready, wo begin: 11
not. tha axami na­
tion costa you noth­
Office«, with Fore«t Grove Pre«», Hoffman Building.
Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillaboro.
— U. S. A.
3rd. I ruarantao all that 1 do, a t I consider
work not worth suarantooin», not worth doin».
This haa boon my policy.
4th. Absolute cloonlincaa. Every Instrument
m ust be cleansed, and are used as they are takes
from tha iterilliera.
6th. My prices are reasonable, not advertised
cheap prices to lure you in, and then eharsc you
more— but a price that will make more friends
more patients; one price to all.
Livery, Feed and Sales Stables
Pacific A venue, FOREST GROVE
Good T e a m s a n d R ig s.
H o rse s a n d R ig s f o r sale .
a n d d e liv e re d to all p a r ts .
B a g g a g e c a lled fo *
In d e p e n d e n t P h o n e 412
W . T . JO H N S O N , Proprietor.
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund, Dentist
N . W. Corner 6th and Oak, Znd floor, take elevator
J . W. Buckles
E d W ill ta in s
M anufacturers and Dealers in Rough and Dressed
We are able to supply everything necessary for the
complete construction of house, barn or shed.
Price« e n d E stim ate« F u rn ish e d
Phone Calea 453,
Galea Creek, Oregon
prom ptly obtained OR HO FIB . Trade-M ark«, I
Copyright« and Label« regli
Send model, «ketch or photo, for free report I
on pa te n ta b ility .
A ll baaineaa confidential.
HAND-BOOK FREE. E xplain«everything. Tell«
How to Obtain and Sell Latent«, W hat Invention«
W ill Pay, How to G et a P a rtn e r, explain« beat
m echanical m ovement«, and contain« 300 other |
subject* of im portance to inventor«.
D. 6. J
J o x 391 Willson Bldg.
Closing Out Sale
of Odd Pieces of
At Greatly Reduced Prices
All Furniture that is tagged with red tags are the
close-outs. Some of these pieces have been in stock
for some time and seemed to be slow sellers, but 1
have reduced the prices so that they will move now.
T hat I have a limited amount of different articles, as
Dressers, Buffas, China Closets, Beds,
Chairs, Rockers, some Rugs, Lace Curtains,
Lounges and Center Tables.
In fact something of each article.
have to come early to get the best buys.
You will
PURE MASURY S WHITE PAINT in 5-gallon cans at $1.95 per Gallon
A Paint Insurance Policy. We have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for
GOLD SEAL PAINT. We are authorized by the manufacturer to issue a
written guarantee over our own signature that the paint will last five years.
Special GOLD SEAL PAINT at $1.95 per Gallon.
Let us figure on your whole bill of Paint, Oil, White Lead, Varnishes, etc.
in stock.
At Cost.
Must close these out.
See my windows
A few remnants of Linoleum cheap.
All Linoleums reduced.
Sewing Machines
Guaranteed Sewing Machines, with drop head, Special $16.50. Guaran­
teed ten years by the maker. Have a limited amount of other Sewing
Machines that will be sold at cost this week only.