News Times X F orest Vol. 3 COUNCIL MEETING Much Business Transacted At Regular Session Tuesday Night G rove P ress FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, May 16, 1912. dered published had been placed with the News-Times. The following printing claims were allowed at the meeting: Press, 153 lines at 2 cents per line, $3.06; News-Times, 372 lines at 4 cents'per line, $14.88, or $7.44 more than was the pro­ posed charge o f the Press. CONTRACT A W A R D E D BOY DROWNS IN TUALATIN Body Recovered Tuesday Af­ ternoon After Long and Diligent Search Petition o f James G. Lee et al. Established on condition petition­ ers pay one-half damages as­ sessed by viewers in sum o f $375 within three months from date. 5 Annex to court house. Con­ tract awarded to Wm. Foster for sum of $2,516.00. Bond fixed at $11,125.00. Application to Ruth Trust Co. for vacation o f Electric Addition to Banks. Allowed. Bids for rock hauling on coun­ ty roads opened May 11, 1912. Contract awarded to W olf Bros, on following terms: 1st 4, 10c per cubic yard; 2nd 4, 15c; 3d 4, 18c; 4th 4, 22c; 5th 4, 26c; 6th 4 30c; 7th 4. 34c; 8th 4, 38c; 9th 4. 42c; 10th 4. 46c; 11th 4, 50c; 12th 4, 54c. No. 28 PRISONER ESCAPES PLOWING EXHIBIT The International Harvesting Co. came on the scene rather late on the 8th at 11 a. m. with a farmer to fit up and adjust the plows. The farmer said to the man with the engine: “ Rather a slow chance you have with a farmer at your gang plows and a professional on the other plows, a man that has learned gang plows all over the United States and then finished in Russia and now has come out full o f plow o f all kinds of power gang, and Last Saturday one of the crew you with an International 25 working on the rock crusher horse power, the Rumley with a came to town and by some mis­ 30 horse power.” But the farmer kept on busy take took too much o f something and his legs refused to walk for with his wrench and plows and a time. Chief o f Police Watkins in thirty minutes said, “ Give me made the arrest, and all was a pull now and a nice kind o f a moving nicely in the direction of pull.” It was for two and a half the city lockup, when the mis­ creant walked too slowly for the hours that the four plows layed officer, who got behind and the sod over and it was hard for pushed. This was resented and us to see how it was going to was followed by a cow kick come out. From all appearances landed in the stomach o f the the small engine was holding her officer. Here the visitor, re own, and did so by keeping up a stored to the normal use o f his steady lick with no slacking up Fin­ walkers,’ took to his heels. The at either end af the field. ally when the level land had race was up Pacific avenue and been finished the sidehill came Main street with all the antics of a reproduction o f Slim Jim and into the chance. Here the five the Grassville police force. He horse extra power o f the Rumley was finally overtaken by help of company’ s engine showed her some advantage, yet the en­ thusiastic crowd seemed highly pleased with the smaller engine. At the end of two and a half hours the International engine showed no signs o f heat and ap­ peared to stand the steady pull and remain cool and in normal condition, while with the Rumley some heat could clearly be seen. After Long Chase Miscreant Is Captured, But Later Breaks from Jail Quite a number o f bids for the wrecking and removal of the Stevenson building were sub­ mitted last Saturday to the . , Southern Pacific Co. through City councl met m regular the preg8 The contract was Lester Tumblin, the fourteen- session Tuesday evening, all awarded to c . w . B,air> his bid year-old adopted son o f Mr. and members and officers being pres- bei $30 for buildj which he Mrs. J. F. Tumblin, while bathing ent excepting Schultz. is to remove from the grounds, in the Tualatin river near Cornel­ is hollowing is the treasurer s work to commence about the ius in company with five other report as approved: boys, was drowned last Sunday. first of June. CIRCUIT COURT Gen. fund, April bal $2353.22 Efforts were at once made to We are instructed by the com­ Suits filed: Rec’ d for light 607.36 pany to accept Mr. Blair’s check recover the body and were kept William Weston vs. E. B, Rec’ d for water 698.65 for thirty dollars, up until Tuesday afternoon, Catching et al. Suit to quiet R ec’d for meter 5.00 when the body was located. title. Fines REGA1L1A PRESENTED 15.00 The funeral services were con­ Willard H. Stimson vs. Wash­ License 8.50 ducted by Rev. Father Buck at Last night the Rebekah degree ington Co. Investment Co. Suit County treas., tax 4000.00 Cornelius and interment was to quiet title. team presented R. M. Taylor, Total 7687.70 made Wednesday in the Cor­ Willard H. Stimson vs. Wash­ who has been the manager for Paid warrants 2620.88 nelius cemetery, the past ten years, with a past ington Co. Investment Co. Suit , Bal. on hand May 1 5066.82 Lester was a boy o f good mor­ to quiet title. grand and past chief patriarchal als and habits, was boarding Library Fund— regalia in appreciation of his T. J. O. Realty Co. vs. W. H. with the family o f Mr. and Mrs Balance April 1 $ 45.00 long and faithful service. The Danser. Suit for real estate Broderson and attended the Cor­ Rec’d rent 15.00 commission. presentation was made by Sister nelius public schools. County Treas. tax 500.00 Hill. Hibernia Savings Bank vs. C. Total 560.00 C. Wright et al. Suit on prom­ COURT PROCEEDINGS Paid warrants 60.00 EMBLEM PRESENTED issory note. Bal. on hand May 1 500.00 Ruel N. Baker vs. William I. MARRIAGE LICENSES Holbrook Lodge in its meeting Street Bond Fund— Tallman et al. Suit to quiet William L. Ober and Verna E. last night, in the presence of Balance April 1 $222.99 title. Lee. more than one-hundred mem­ R ec’ d from Nicholson 227.39 Alice Johnson vs. AlexanEer J. W. Bowman and Daisy A. bers, presented to M. E. Dilley “ “ Tnornburg 365.60 Johnson. Divorce. a gold lodge emblem. The pre­ Marshall. Balance May 1 815.98 Wilbur N. Williams and Hattie CANDIDATES’ EXPENSE sentation was made on behalf of Building Fund— Behling. the lodge by C. O. Roe. Mr. H T Bagiev, state senator $89.30 Received Co. treasurer $500.00 Dilley has been tyler o f this Roy H. Height and Olive W D Wood, “ “ 90.30 Road F u n d - lodge continuously for the past Greek. EiZimmerman, Rep. 2.20 Received Co. treasurer $3000.00 thirty years, and this was given E Reeves, sheriff none PROBATE COURT Finance Committee’ s R e p o rt- in token o f appreciation. 20.00 Estate o f Minnie C. Lynn, de­ John McClaran, com. Paid out for sundry arti­ Geo. McGee, surveyor 12.74 ceased. Second semi-annual ac­ MAN AND BEAST INJURED cles and to various Wm. McQuillan, sheriff 43.45 count approved. persons, general Fund $2920.58 V S Abraham, rep. none A. J. Cook, overseeing the con­ Estate o f Alonzo B. Cady, de­ Library fund 50.00 C Applegate, sheriff 133.40 struction of the Schultz building ceased. Final account set for 1.00 The 15 foot strip connecting Pacific avenue, Tuesday after­ hearing June 10, 1812, at 10 a. E C Brown, coroner OUR CHIEF WAS TOO FAT E L Perkins, recorder none the alley back of the stores on noon met with an accident which m. an auto and taken to the door Main street with “ A ” street was resulted in the breaking o f both Guardianship o f Elizabeth B. E B Sappington, treasurer none where waited the open cell. A D Meek, representative 7.35 ordered deeded to Phoebe Ward, bones of the left leg just above Westhoff, Maria B. Westhoff and Here the prisoner refused to en­ 18.35 the city thus abandoning the the ankle. He was attempting Wilma Alexandra Westhoff. An­ J A Chapman, rep. ter and with a sudden rush for 72.55 alley. to mount a pile o f heavy timber na Westhoff appointed guardian. E C Luce, clerk freedom led in a footrace over B H Laughlin. sheriff 113.00 The ordinance providing and when the pile toppled over and ' lond fixed at $2000. the avenues and streets o f the 94,48 declaring what shall constitute a part of it fell on his leg. He Estate of John L. Smith, de­ H A Ball, clerk city. nuisance passed its final reading was removed to his home, where ceased. Supplemental final ac­ L M Hesse, representative 30.50 Tired of the chase, the visitor 20.00 and the same will take effect in his wounds were dressed. count approved. Administrator Rodell Matteson, com. took refuge in the hay loft o f the 45.50 thirty days. His little dog, Sir William, discharged. Bondsmen exoner­ Virgil T. Massey, rep. Central Livery Barns, where he Fred E Cornelius, sheriff 135.50 Plans and specifications fur­ was caught in the falling timber, ated. Estate closed o f record. was located by the chief and his 38.57 nished by the engineers for pav­ and while as much as a thousand Guardianship of Jesse L. D B Reasoner, Co judge deputies and safely landed. 2.65 ing Second avenue were adopted. feet pinned him to the pavement, Smith, a minor. Guardian auth­ Wm R Stevens, rep. The jail was not to his liking, 2.00 R C Stevenson, Co judge Bids for paving College Way flattening him out like a pan­ orized to advance $1000 to ward. and after emptying the cell of .25 were opened. Edward Wiles of cake, when the lumber was re­ Estate o f W. M. Jackson, de­ W D Smith, justice peace its bedding, he removed the Portland submitted the fol­ moved some ten minutes later, ceased. Final account set for casings and iron bars and again Card of Thanks lowing bid: after a short time he was able to hearing June 10, 1912, at 10 a. had his liberty. He lost little $1.70 canter off to his home. Gravel Bitulithic, sq. yd. m. Mr. and Mrs. John Tumblin time in leaving the city. The .65 Excavation, cu. yd. Guardianship o f Ora Daven­ desire through the Press to chief was too fat for footracing. .20 W O M E N ’S CLUB MEETS port, a minor. Sale o f real es­ express their thanks to their Fill, cu. yd .47 Curb, linear foot friends for the assistance ren­ Christian Church Services One of the most important so­ tate confirmed. Total entire construction $4958.57 Guardianship o f Leopold Bates, dered in the recovery and burial cial events of the season was the At the Christian church next The Warren Construction Com­ Sunday night there will bean or­ open meeting of the Women’ s a minor. Sale o f real estate con­ o f their son Lester. firmed. pany’s bid was as follows: dination service, when Mr. Oli­ Club last Monday evening. Estate o f Adam Fulton, de­ Gravel Bitulithic, sq. yd. • $1.69 Through the courteousness of ver Curtis and Mr. O. E. Darby BACK TO THE FARM. ceased. Will admitted to pro- .60 Excavation The restless. eager boy may well re­ will be ordained to the ministry. Miss Farnham, Herrick Hall was jate. Mrs. Mary Pach appoint­ flect, when tempted to leave the often .18 Fill thrown open for the occasion and This will be an interesting spirit­ .45 Curb ed executrix. Bond fixed at humdrum life of the farm for the ual service. The following pro­ the club members and their city, with Its aalarled position«. Its Total entire construction $4870.72 guests, numbering in all about $ 2000 . tinsel and (flitter, on the step which gram will be rendered: Hymn, has been decided on by W. C. Brown. congregation; hymn, congrega­ The Warren Construction Co. ’ s 140 people, roamed about the COMMISSIONER’ S COURT There are so many men by the name of bid was $88.05 less than the bid spacious parlors and corridors, Petition o f John Campbell et Brown that such a simple statement tion; reading o f scripture, E. W. presented under the name of meeting and coversing with al. hymn, congregation; J. B, Cimeno and A. B. about him will not arouse much In­ Lamb. Wiles. No definite action was friends. The always attractive Mulloy appointed viewers, and terest. Well, the Brown In question prayer, J. A. Parker; solo, Miss was born on a farm, grew tired of It. taken. rooms were given an added Geo. McGee surveyor to meet learned telegraphy, became an opera­ Anna Newman; offering, offer­ Many minor matters received charm by the diligent work o f May 17, 1912. tor, then agent, assistant superintend­ tory; anthem, cjioir; ordination the attention o f the council. the decorating committee in the Petition o f Frank Hill et al. ent. and so on. until he became presi­ sermon, Rev. C. F. Swander, dent o f the New York Central, one of Council adjourned to meet arrangement of choice flowers. J. W. Hughes and J. A. Abbott the greatest railroads In the land. Portland; charge to candidates, A splendid program was given, appointed viewers, and Geo. Mc­ But after a few years of the terrific C. H. Hilton; questions and or­ Monday evening, May 20. The council chamber was as follows: Piano duet by Mrs. Gee surveyor to meet May 13, grind and responsibility he la going dination, laying on o f hands; or­ back where he started from, to the crowded with spectators and in­ E. E. Williams and Alidia Lyons, 1912. farm, to enjoy a little quiet and peace dination prayer, Dr. Semones. cello solo bv Mr. Heible, reading j Petition o f J. F. Kelly et al. and contentment before It Is too late. At the morning service the pas­ terested citizens. The Press called the attention by Mrs. Harrington, vocal solo j A. B. Flint and C. F. Tigard ap- He saya that places o f large aalary— tor will speak on ’ T he Chris- quar­ pointed viewers and Geo. McGee those at the top -are will-o'-the-wisp«, tain’ s Prayers.” o f the council to the fact that its by Goldie Peterson, male quar- Bible school elusive and disappointing and do not offer o f printing ordinances and tet, Messrs. Glaisyer, Glaisyer. Ferrin, Ferrin. surveyor to meet May 15, 1912. satisfy the longing of the one who service o f especial interest. The resolutions for two cents a line Richardson, Underhill; violin Petition o f Wm. M. Hughes et covets them. lie will soon retire to a school had an attendance o f 237 One farm he has and there devote hla first insertion and one cent a line solo, Dwynel Clapp. al. Established on condition pe- energy and brains to a scientific till­ last Sunday with large congre­ for each subsequent insertion An invitation to the dining titioners pay damages allowed by ing of the soil and to raising the finest gations both morning and even- o f blooded stock. It Is a wholesome ' ing, and six people united with is still open. This action on the room followed, where dainty re- viewers within 30 days. ^art o f the P r e s s was prompted freshmenta were served under Petition o f H. T. Johnson et picture, and we need more men poeeees- the congregation during the day. ed o f tbia man's Judgment and tba from the fact that the ordinan- the direction o f the refreshment al. Established as per report of good sense to ca n y such a plan into The public IS Cordially invited to eiecuUon. _ I these services. ces last passed and notices of- committee. mmm viewers. DON'T*. ' Don’t allow visitors to carry lighted cigars through your poultry house. A spark on a scratch Boor, a fiery roar, your house is no more. Don’t take everything seriously that people do say. Their flowery compli­ ments may be horseplay. Don’t stand still while the world moves forward. You may find yourself sniveling way back In oblivion. Don’t boose. He who would his suc­ rose throttle need only snch a whisky bottle. Beer and bier, rum, bum and slums always have been steady chun Don't worry about tomorrow If you do your duty today. If your work Is a pleasure, you accumulate treasure; If distasteful to you, better seek some­ thing new. Don’t forget that a prompt reply b a business letter pleases a p ro sp ect! vi customer, and don’t forget that what you write la In hla hands In black and white. S. P. Time Table Leave Portland Arrive F. Grove 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 6:40 p. ra. 8:44 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 6:68 p. m. Leave F. Grove Arrive Portland 6:86 a. m. 8:27 a. m. 4:48 p. m. 10:20 a. m. 6:20 p. m. 8:00 a. ra. Oregon Electric Time Card Leave Port laid Arrive F. Grove 6:56 a m 8:30 a m 10:60 a m 1:20 p m 4:22 p m 6:00 p m 8:30 p m 11:30 p m 8:06 a m 9:40 a m 12:02 p m 2:32 p m 6:38 p m 7:16 p m 9:37 p m 12:36 a m Leave F. Grove Arrive Portland 6:20 a m 8:30 a m 10:36 a m 1:06 p m 3:46 p m 6:10 p m 8:06 p m 9:60 p m 7:36 a m 9:46 a m 11:60 a m 2:20 p m 6:00 p m 7:26 p m 9:20 p m 11:00 p m Train« I n n North Bank Station In Portland M minutas rarltrr than rehadilla, I St loth and Stark Ota, loth and Morrlaon a., tat and I AH Trains Daily