WATTS NEWS LOCAL N E W S Forest Grove Press $1 per year. Pianos from $149 and up at the Bazaar. Capt. Peters celebrated his sixty-ninth birthday at his home on 4th St. His three chidren at­ tending, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hersey, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Peters and little daughter and little Gwendolin Ross of Port­ land, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. R. Nicholson and daughter of Sa­ lem, All had an enjoyable time. Many useful presents were re­ ceived by the Captain. the 2 ml day of May, 1912, in favor of T H E D O C T O R S P R E S C R IP T IO N plaintiffs, C. L. Bump and Jessie mighl as well not be written i‘ it u not Hump, and against defendants, S. L. R. faithfully and accurately. H u work «•, ^ Maine and Metta I.. Maine, and Otto seriously hampered If not wholly voided if kj, Hein, for the sum of $277.24, with in­ Embalming— Funeral Directing orders are not carried out to the letter. terest thereon, since February 7, 1911, FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, W E F IL L P R E S C R IP T IO N S and the further sum of $50.00 attorneys fee, and for $23,90, costs and disburse­ that back up your doctor's efforts. Dare yeg J. S. Buxton, Manager ments of said suit, also the cost of and risk not coming here when some loved one u upon said writ, commanding me and re­ Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. your house is ill) quiring me to make sale of the herein­ after described real property: P A C IF IC D R U G CO. Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex­ ecution, judgment, decree and order of (Successor to D r. Chns. Hines) A Holbrook Godge No. 30, sale, and in compliance with the com­ Forest Grove, Ore. v V A. F. and A. M. Special mand of said writ, I have levied upon, and will, on the 10th day of June, 1912, / ▼ n Communication this Sat- at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said urday evening, May 11 at 8:00 day, at the front door of the Court FOR SALE — Young Coach House, in Hillsboro, said County and p. m. Work in F. C. degree. Ev­ State, sell, at public auction, to the ery member and visiting brother mare, 3 years old, weight about highest bidder, for cash in hand, sub­ j cordially invited. By order of 1275. J. D. Mickle, Forest ject to redemption, all the following ! the W. M. bounded and described real property Grove. Phone 551 Hill line, s A . B e n K o r i , Sec’y. situate in Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: That part of the Alvin T. Smith and wife Donation Land Claim No. 43 T. 1 S. R. 3 W. of the Will. Mer., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point 66 feet N. 2 deg. 10 min. E. of the N. E. corner of a tract of land deeded by Susan L, Shipley to M. H. Shipley, said deed being recorded on page 388 of book 49 records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon, run­ Ready for business ning thence N. 1 deg. 52 min. E. along the west side of the county road 228.8 feet thence west 383.7 feet, thence S. O. deg. 32 min. W, 228.8 feet; thence East 378.4 feet to the place of begin­ ning, containing 2 acres of land, to sat­ isfy the sums named in said execution, All kinds of Building Ma­ judgment, decree and order of sale, in­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, terest and costs. Dry Shiplap in any quan­ Dated Hillsboro, Oregon, May 7, tity. 1912. G eo . G. H ancock , Sheriff of Washington Co., Ore. M. B ailey B ump , Sash and Doors Attorney for Plaintiffs. Meet with the Ladies’ Aid at Mrs. Frost’s, Thursday. Maybe She’ll give us some more of those delicious biscuits and honey. Mrs. Reuter went to the city Saturday. Mrs. Buxton read an interest­ ing paper on school sanitation at the Grange, Saturday. Mrs. T. B. Stevenson is en­ joying a short visit from her brother and his wife, who ar­ rived Sunday night from New York, and will return with their little son to Tacoma, Wednesday. Mrs. D. A. Kennedy returned last Sunday from Vineland, where she spent a week with an old friend from Nebraska, Mrs. George Sheppard. Emma Busch was in the Grove Saturday. Mr. Lesser’s barn is nearing completion, and can be seen very plainly from the grove. Ruth Frost took her music les­ son Saturday. She is taking in strnction from Mrs. E. E. Wil­ liams. John Stevenson was in this vicinity over Sunday. He and B enton B owman , his father went fishing and suc­ Attorney for Defendants, George ceeded in landing thirty-one fish. Susbauer and Salome Michel. Superintendent Case gave an illustrated lecture at the hall which was intended to make us more contented with the bounti­ ful advantages we have on our farms and show us what can be done with what we have and what other industries might be added. It was called “ Back to the Farm.” Mr. Hilton and Mr. Darby will hold services at the church Sun­ day afternoon. You are cordial­ ly invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Knighten and Mr. and Mrs. LaMont were shop­ ping at Forest Grove Saturday. Mrs. Kennedy attended the meeting at the Methodist church last Thursday to meet an old ac­ quaintance from York, Neb. They had not met for nearly nine years. /T "'H E man w ho sprays his fruit oi JL vegetables intelligently is the one Sheriff’s Sale U N D E R T A K IN G A. S. Venen of Portland is in town today. The latest and most complete line of stationery at the Bazaar. Mr. Atkins left this week for MOTHERS’ DAY Victoria, B. C., where he has large land holdings. Wear a white carnation for Mother’s sake, Sunday, May 12, Frank Allen of Portland visit­ in honor of the best mother that ed with M. S. Allen and family ever lived your own. A white the first of the week. carnation for Mother’s memory Oliver Curtis this week traded a bright carnation for mothers his ten-acre farm for residence living. property in this city. Nearly Lose« Finger ’Miss Kate Roe and brother Tom visited at their home near Gale Abraham, son of V. S Wapato over Sunday. Abraham, came near losing a Mrs. Shogren has returned finger this morning while work home from a visit with her ing with a machine. His finger was caught and the flesh torn to daughter at Cornelius. the bone. He was taken to the C. J. Clark, dairyman of Gales Forest Grove Sanitarium and Dr. Creek, called at the Press office Bishop was called and dressed while in town this week. the painful wound. Wood in large or small quanti­ ties at Chester W right’s, on SCHOOL NOTES Fourth street. Phone 0114. Ouly three more weeks of Miss Margaret Doane was con­ school this term. fined to the house on account of Our baseball team was defeat illness the fore part of the week. ed Saturday, April 27, by the Just arrived this week—a fresh P. A. of Portland. supply of Whitman’s chocolates, The senior class will put on a at the Forest Grove Pharmacy. rousing play in the near future. Singer, New Home and other The entertainment given by of the latest improved, up to date sewing machines for sale at the primary grades of the Cen­ tral building was well attended. the Bazaar. The receipts of the evening Rev. W. N. Coffee was last were $38.35. Expenses amount­ week re-elected district elder for ed to $6.50, leaving a balance of the Free Methodist church, Port­ $31.85 to be used for supplemen­ land district. tary reading material. On Tuesday, May 14, officers The school orchestra and of the Electric Railway and school band expect to give a con­ Manufacturers’ Association will cert before school closes. You reach Portland. should not miss this entertain­ Mrs. Mike Shramel and son ment. Paul are visiting the former’s The orchestra picture appeared sister, Mr^. C. C. Steward, in in the May number of the Ore­ Salem this v'eek. gon Teachers’ Monthly. Five choice milk cows for sale. Will sell reasonable. Have no GALES CITY w ho will have the bumper yield to pasture. Phone Gales 2155. In the Circuit Court of the State of send to m arket. T h e large increase Oregon for Washington County. C. J. Clark, Gales Creek. Miss Edna Lilly went to the C. L. Bump and Jessie Bump, in the num ber of insects attacking fruit Mrs. Leon T. Sills left Sunday Grove Saturday. trees and garden truck throughout the Plaintiffs, vs. country makes it absolutely necessary for Nooksack, Wash., on account Miss Bertha Churchill called S. L. R. Maine, Metta L. Maine for the farm er or grower to protect of the serious illness of her on the home folks Sunday. Salome Michel, George Susbauer his crop by the proper use of insecti. Otto Hein and S. B. Barker, mother, Mrs. D. McCallum. cides. Defendants. Mrs. Ada Hines is giving her By virtue of an execution, judgment, Mrs. George Armontrout re­ house a new coat of paint. S her win - W illiams decree and order of sale, duly and le­ turned Monday from the hospi­ gally issued out of the above entitled NEW PROCESS Everything looks fine after the circuit court and under the seal thereof tal in Portland where she under­ in the above entitled cause to me di­ ARSENATE OF LEAD went a surgical operation. She rain. Crops look extra well. rected, dated the 7th day of May, 1912, on a judgment duly rendered and en­ is getting along well. Mr. Churchill is working the tered in said court and cause on the will help you to secure bigger profits from orchard and garden because its appli­ Nets Rasmussen has sold his road on Clear Creek this week. 2nd day of May, 1912, in favor of your cation will insure a much larger percentage defendant, George Susbauer, and of perfect fruit and vegetables which will be five-acre tract north of town to Mr. George Culver is preparing against defendant Otto Hein, for the of higher market value for you. S-W Ar­ Mr. Daffran of The Dalles. Ros- to build a new house in a snort sum of $1500.00. with interest thereon senate of Lead is light in gravity and stays since Nov 4, 1910, at the rate of 6 per well in suspension. It is sure death to all wurn & Oregon Land Co. pro­ time. cent per annum, and the further sum .eaf-eating insects, but will not burn or duced the buyer. of $i50.00, attorneys fee, and for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wagner of $10.00, costs and disbursements of said blight the foliage. Mrs. C. A. Dennis, reliable We are selling this, one of the best suit; and also on a judgment duly ren­ shampoo. Scalp treatment a Forest Grove were visiting on dered and entered in said court and brands of Arsenate of Lead for the Clear Creek, Sunday. cause on the 2nd day of May, 1912, in following exceedingly low prices this specialty. Phone Ind. No. 184; favor of defendant, Salome Michel, and Mr. John Sanderson and wife residence and office 232 Pacific against defendant, Otto Hein, for the year; • . - $11.751 have moved to the Beimcohr mill sum of $2350.00 with interest thereon 100 kegs avenue. tf since July 7, 1911, at the rate of 6 per 50 “ - - 6.50 j On account of change of trans­ to cook for the mill hands. cent per annum, and the further sum 25 ........................................... 3.501 of $250.(X), attorneys fee, and for $10.00 mission line to double power, Mr. McRoberts, the deputy costs and disbursements of said suit: Smaller quantities in proportion Oregon Electric freight trains assessor is around again to see ami also on a judgment duly rendered Forest Grove Pharmacy li and entered in said court and cause on will run day time, thus allowing how rich We all are this year. electricians to work at night. Mr. Jack Riley of Dilley was The subject at the Congrega­ in this vicinity last Monday af­ tional church next Sunday morn­ ter cedar posts. It seems that ing will be “ Those With and this is a long distance to haul Those Against.” Evening sub­ posts, but perhaps good posts ject, “ Believing in the Lord.” are hard to get. Rev. Thomas, pastor. General Contractors and Builders Mr. Alfred Lilly of Vancouver. Rev. Samuel H. Upton of Wash., accompanied by his Minneapolis, Minn., has been biother, Robert Lilly of Forest appointed pastor of the Hillsboro DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath and Shin­ Grove, has been paying his and Forest Grove circuit by the gles. All Finishing Lumber Kiln Dried friends and relatives of Gales Oregon Free Methodist confer­ Creek a last visit until he is ence, Portland district again discharged from the army. CEMENT, SAND and LIME The May mothers’ meeting will He has served three terms and is be held Thursday, May 16, at 3 now on his fourth term, and will Manufacturers of Frames, Sash, Doors, p. in. at the home of Mrs. J. M. sail on the 9th for the Hawaiian Barber. Miss Emma Butler, Islands, where he will be sta­ Mouldings and everything required in matron of the juvenile court of tioned for awhile. the building line Portland, will be present with a message to mothers. All are Edison and Victor talking ma­ We Sell Flint-Kote and Mikado Roofing cordially invited to attend. chines and records for sale at the A Í so Sherwin-Williams Paints If the old veterans of ’61 to Bazaar. *65 would jn»t look at the con­ gressional records, third session, When in Hiilsboro go to sixty-first congress, page 28, O ffice and Factory, the Owl Cafe to e a t Meals every hat in the land would go 25c. Near K. P. hall, west up for William Howard Taft and side Second street Council St., Forest Grove every vote from the G. A. R. Good meals for 25c. would be cast for Taft at the Dinner at Owl Cafe 25c. New Lumber Company Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to make your ac- quaitance. Willis-PIace Lumber Co. Phone OlX South A Street I / Forest Grove, Or. J j\ 1 1 Just step in a moment, please, and see those new Shirt Waists. Prices $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.25, $3.50 and $3.75. They are the Banner Brand—’nuf sed—they will please you, so will the price. We pay the highest cash price for Wool and Mohair HOFFMAN & ALLEN CO. Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. November election. - New Machine Shops P to do ail kinds of work in Iron, Lathe or Dull work. A uto Repainng. Our Motto, “Prompt W ork and Reasonable Charges.” r epa r ed 'l our Patronage Solicited W . A. Chalmers E. Side S. Main St. Forest Grove, Ore.