ministers. Much alarm Is done by the excellent men and women who gather up all the Farmers and Merchants charges of cruelty against surgeons Write us for our cash offer on your and physicians and publish them In Farm and Dairy Produce. If we the Interest of humanity. We make don’ t handle it will refer you to re­ no exception, not even In the case of liable buyer. p e a RSON-PAGE CO. missionaries, when we say that there P ortlan d, O regon . Is no class In the community which furnishes more heroic examples of devotion to the Interests of mankind than the nurses and physicians who WOOL & MOHAIR. HIDES & PELTS') spend their lives not only in minister We W u l A l Y m Have. W rile ter prices ted sinking ta p . ! T H E H . F. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y . I tng to the sick, but In devising new 313-815 F r o n t St,_________________P ortland. Ore.J ways to relieve suffering and In trao- lng out the secret causes of disease. Every month we read of physicians PORTLAND FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU who have lost their lives In the con­ W ill fu rn ish yo u any kind o f help yo u w ant, mate duct of experiments designed solely o r fem ale, skilled o r unskilled, fa rm , saw m ill, lo g ­ By virtue of its unequaled to banish the plagues which devastate g in g or an y m iscella n eou s labor. Call, w rite o r phene. N o fees o f any kind ch a rge d in th is office. blood-purifying, nerve-stength- society. They die of yellow fever, the Phonee— A 5«24; M ain 355ft. 215 S* cm 4 St. Partial Or. ering, stomach-toning, appe­ plague, leprosy, the baneful effects of radium and the new applications of 8«co n d -H a n d M achin­ ery b ou gh t, eoid and tite-restoring properties, is the the secret forces which are Just com­ _ e x ch a n g e d : e n g in e s . ing under experiment In chemical lab­ one Great Spring Medicine. beiler-. eawm illa. etc. I'll# J. E. M artin Co.. 76 1st St.. P ortlan d. Send fo r S to ck L ist and prices. Get It today In usual liquid form or oratories.—Christian Register. tablets called Sarsatabs. 1T)0 Doses }1. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY *1.25 per word inserts Classified ads in for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes 36 leading papers in U. S. Send for list. In Ancient Days. and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Dake Advertising Agency, 432 S. Main, The chimney corner was a favorite Smart— Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Los Angeles, or 12 Geary, San Francisco place for early settlers when they Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, took their tobacco. Buckets were the 60c, *1.00. Murine Eye Salve In chief reliance of the fire fighters. Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books When an alarm was cried each dtl- and Eye Advice Free by Mall. Vancouver and Portland^ xen grabbed his buckets and ran to Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. answer It. If be couldn't respond In W ill be join e d b y a g re a t w a g o n b rid ge across Youngster Brave Under Operation. th e C olum bia river, b rin g in g V a n co u v e r closer an Instant he threw his buckets out to Portland m arkets. W h e n th is b rid ge is fin­ A remarkable exhibition of nerve In his window, and his neighbor picked ished, land around V a n co u v e r w ill soon double a young child was seen the other day in value. N O W you can bu y such land a t a them up and carried them along. reasonable p rice . F o r p rice s and term s ad­ in a Spokane, Wash., hospital, when dress N. W. McmbeM. 810 Wuhuctoa St. Vaacsurer. Wash. True Greatness. a 6-year-old boy endured his third Genuine greatness is marked to operation In one week, without an simplicity, unostentatiousness, self anaesthetic. The operation consisted We Make You Compe'.ent to Earn forgetfulness, a hearty Interest lx of the grafting of a piece of skin two others, a feeling of brotherhood wltt Inches square on hts shoulder, to $25 lo $50 per Week the human family.—Channlng. cover an open wound, due to an acci­ M o 8 w eeks. W e g iv e c o m p le te cou rse in d r iv in g , rep a irin g . dent some time ago. when the lad, |etc. all k in d s o f a u tom ob iles. G R A N U L A T E D E very stu d en t gets person a l while coasting, was caught under a a tte n tio n and a ctu a l road I T C H I N G L ID S e x p e r ie n ce . W r it e f o r term s street car. Ants ScFssI k Garage, His Point of Anxiety. E . 23d a nd M o r riso n Sts. W a te r in bluinjr is a d u lteration . G lass a n d w a ­ P o rtla n d . O re. Son-In-Law (superintending mother- te r m a k e liquid blue c o s tly . B u y R ed C ross Ball B lue, m akes clo th e s w h ite r th an snow . in-law’s funeral)— I suppose— er— you'vs dug It deep enough?—By­ Gum From Seaweed. stander. It Is announced that a London chem­ ist has succeeded In getting from sea- —T h e g rea t skin reju ven ator. if you h ave sallow Lovs and Friendship. ikin , w rinkles, pim ples o r roughness o f the fa ce T o r e was created so that max week a kind of gum which has among Dr arm s, the a p p lication o f F U C H I w ill b r in g back the g low and fre sh n e ss o f you th . P r pack a ge. $1. might understand woman; friendship, other properties a greater capacity for (B ran ch ) F u ch i Laboratories, S uit 9. 342 1-2 W ash­ so that man might understand man.” electrical resistance than vulcanite. It in gto n St.. P ortla n d . Ore. — From Llllyan Shaffner's "Love and Is said also to be damp-proof, acid- proof and germ-proof, as well as In­ Friendship.” sensible to changes of temperature, and quite uninflammable. Tests ol W 00D 1A R K SQ U IR R E L the substance have been made at the M E X IC A N THE BRAND THAT K I L L S r v I j U N Westminster Electric Laboratories. Intelligent Ostrich. An ostrich which recently away at a private soo in Bedfordshire was found to have eaten seven pounds of stones and a bicycle puncture out­ fit It Is thought, says London Punch, that the Intelligent creature had tried to cure an Internal cut caused by the sharp edge of the stones. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Machinery TOP-WORKING OF OLD FRUIT TREES IS CONSIDERED BEST M ethod G ives V e r y D esirable C rops an d B rin g s Quicker R etu rn s T h a n b y R ep la n tin g o f Y o u n g T re e s— Practice o f G ra ftin g Is N ot M y sterio u s A r t — F e w Im p o rta n t P oints. (By PROF. O. B. W H ITE. Colorado.) It has been proven by long experi­ ence that If prorerly done, the graft­ ing over of old trees by top-working brings quicker returns than the re­ planting of young trees. In fact. It Is not uncommon to see a fairly good :rop an the three-year-old top of a ’op-worked tree. Top working, as a means of estab­ lishing a weak-growing variety on a FUCHI D e str o y s S a g e R ats, Squ irrels, G o p h e r s a n d P r a ir ie D ogs. R e q u ir e s n o m ix in g o r p r e p a r a ­ t io n — A lw a y s r e a d y f o r use. D e a d lie st o f all. Y o u r m o n e y b a c k i f n o t a s cla im e d . C l a r k s , W o o d w a r d D rug C o ., Portland, Ore. MUSTANG LINIMENT California Weekly Papers 13 P E R INCH FO R L IST OF 25 $4 PE R INCH FO R LIST O F 40 $8 P E R INCH FO R LIST OF 80 T h is is less than h a lf the com bin ed rates o f th e individual p ap ers. The Dake Advertising Agency 432 S outh M ain St. L os A n geles, Cal. The Household Remedy. John Lind, Y ost, Utah, writes: “ W e h a v e been u sin g y o u r M e x ica n M u s - | t a n g L in im e n t in o u r fa m ily e ver since 186 8 and find it to be a good article t o h a v e in th e h ou se a n d a re never w it h o u t it. I h a ve re com m en d ed it t o m a n y o f m y friends w h o h a v e a ls o fo u n d th e sa m e v e ry va lu a b le . 25 c . 50c. $1 a b o ttle at Drug S l G en’ l Stores W. L. D O U G L A S SHOES <2.50 <3.00 <3.50 <4.00 <4.5 0«> 5.O O W. L. Douglas makes and sells more $4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world. FOR M EN, W O M E N A N D B O YS W . L , D o u g la s $ 4 .0 0 . $ 4 .5 0 & $ 5 .0 0 shoes eq u a l C u stom lie n c h W o rk e o s tlu g $ 0 .0 0 to $ 8 .0 0 O n e p a i r o f I V . L . D o u g l a s 3 2 . 0 0 o r 3 2 . SO S o y s ' s h o p s w ill p o s itiv e ly o u tw e a r tw o p a ir s o f o t h e r m a k e s. W hy does W. L. Douglas make and sell more line shoes than any other manufacturer in the world ? BECAUSE: he stamps his name and price on the bottom and guarantees the value, which protects the wearer against high prices and in­ ferior shoes o f other makes. BECAUSE: they are the most economical and satisfactory; you can save money by wearing W.L.Douglas shoes. BECAUSE: they have no equal for style, fit and wear. DON’T TAKE A SUBSTITUTE FOR W . L. DOUGI Ii your dealer cannot supply W . L. Douglas a hoes, write W . L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass., lor catalog. Shoes seat everywhere delivery charges prepaid. Fast Color K yslsts VsosL She Needs a Beau. Say a a woman In her new book; "1 hate all men! I loathe their habits! 1 ■Imply turn from all their pleasure* with a shudder! I cannot tolerate them In gulae of either lover, husband or friend!” Aside from that, however, we're all right, aren't we?—Philadel­ phia Inquirer. All Guided by the Will. ■he will of each man or woman Is i the compass of a »hip—where It nts, the ship goes. If the needle sets It to the rocks, there is wreck [ disaster—If to the open sea, there dear sailing.— Marie Corelli. Painless Dentistry Is ou r grid«—our h o b b y -o u r rtudy t o r r m n t m * bow ou r lu c e m . s » « o u r . 1. th e L M p . 1* 1 ■«■*<” * md *nyw h«r*. * o m stter how ®ucA T « our P r k m W# flalsb *»4 r sr J c brid«« work tot on* Painless e x t r a c t io n fre# whan platna or brides work is ordar- lod. Cease test iss tree. I d v e r m i $ 5 .0 0 22k Bri-lf* T*#il>4 0 0 s.« :« » ,, j 00 Essasi FlBm*e 1 .0 0 ¡Silver Fîîlinf* *50 6eod Rubber • aa Pistes 5 .0 0 Bet • Red Rabber - Platee 7. Patentee Entrâtes .51 ML W. A w n Pt w i r «■ •«•T a r r n oo« n tua inMtaea a rest A il w ork fu lly »u a ra n ta a d fa r flftaan yearn. W is e D en ta l Painless Dentists Mhit BMWNi*. DM o S ssU ooss: I A. « . * • » » . k - r .x u .f * • **< No 1 -» IX W H E N w ritia» to tioa this papar. PUTNAM Danger In Floor Oils. There Is a warning to housekeepers and to all who have the care of build­ ings in the fatal fire at Nantucket a few days ago. The bathhouse that burned to rap­ idly that two young women were killed had Just been oiled. There are oils and oils; some are highly Inflam­ mable, others are comparatively safe, though nearly all used for this pur­ pose will burn when a flame Is applied to them. A mop used for the oiling was near the match thrown to the floor by a careless guest It caught instantly, and the fire spread so rap­ idly that those who escape did eo by Jumping Into the water surround­ ing the boathouse. Probably there was a large amount of the oil. applied carelessly to the floor, In the expectation that It would i soak In. But the lesson Is that oil should not be used too liberally, aa It so often la, wherever matches may be dropped. Test your oil before us­ ing It, and then be careful. in Lilac Time. If yon cut twigs from the lilac bush and put them at once In hot water,! then later keep them In fresh water! in a sunny window, the twigs w ill' soon turn green and show leaf long ■ before the bushes outside are even ' Teaching Tree How to Grow. In bud. The spice bush will do bet-1 ter yet, for Its twigs will bloom In stronger root system than its own. Is water if kent In ® "--n »- window. coming Into high favor. The practice of grafting Is not a Mothers will find Mr«. Winslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use lor their c h lld rej mysterious art, as many suppose, but lu rin g the teething period. is so simple that any careful orchard- lst can and should do It himself. All Dally Glimpse of Manhattan. common fruit trees can easily be The question of chief public Inter budded or grafted. est is not whether head waiters call I The apple and pear may be Inter themselves “ dining-room superintend- j grafted upon each other, and this is ents” or by any other name, but r&tb-, true of the peach, plum, apricot and er what effect such a change will almond. However, such wholesale have upon the amount of backsheesh mixing Is not good practice, and the exacted from the hapless diner. Will pear and apple never take a good the tip Increase as the square o f the union. title?—New Y n r V T r i h t i n e . Peach grafts start vigorously upon apricots, and plums upon the peach Sign of Age. trees. You are aging a little when you no Growth lo diameter of the tree only longer consider hardship a good time. takes place In a very small region —Atchison Globe. between the bark and the sap-wood. This part of the stem is called the cambium, and in this thin layer of tissue the cells are still active while the activity of each succeeding layer on each side grows less and less. The Important point In grafting Is to see that the cambium layers of the stock and the scion are matched at some point When the growth Is active we say the bark "peela." Bud­ ding le done during this period, not only because the ease with which the BACKACHE NOT A DISEASE But a Symptom, a Danger Sig­ nal Which Every Woman Should Heed. Backache is a symptom o f organic weakness or derangement. If you have backache don’t neglect it. To get per­ manent relief you must reach the root of the trouble. Read about Mrs. Wood- all’s experience. Morton’s Gap, Kentucky. —" I suffered two years with female disorders, my health waa very bad and I had a continual backache which was simply awful. I could not stand on my feet long enough to cook a meal’s v ic t u a ls w it h o u t my back nearly killing me, and I would have such dragging sensa­ tions I could hardly Shake Into T ou r Shoes bear it. I had sore­ Allan's Foot-E m ®, • powder for t h . to o t. I t e m s ness in each side, could not stand tight painful, nvollsll. smarting, «weating fast. Makas nww shoos aaay. Sold by all Druggtata and Sboa clothing, and was irregular. I was com­ Stores. Don't accept any subatituta. Ram pis pletely run down. On advice I took FREE. Address A. B. Olmatad. La Roy. N. Y. Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Com­ Fear «parka From Telephone. pound and am enjoying good health. It It la possible to Ignite by sparks is now more than two years and I have from a telephone. Hence In all Ger­ not had an ache or pain since. I do all man gaa works the telephone bells ar* my own work, washing and everything, and never have backache any more. I covered with wire gains. think your medicine is grand and I praise Be Warned. ! it to all my neighbors. I f you think my It Isn’t safe to put much trust In testimony will help others you may pub­ a man who is good merely because lish i t ’ ’ -M r s . O l l i e W o o d a l l , Mor­ be expecta his goodness to be no ton's Gap, Kentucky. I f t o u h a v e th e s lig h te s t d o u b t th at L y d ia K . P in k h a m 's V e g e ta ­ G ettin g H I« M « « « u r « . “ Isn’t that young man remarkably b le C o m p o u n d w ill h e lp you , w rite to L y d ia K .P in k h a m M e d ic in e C o. fond of outdoor sports r frd n fld e n tia L L y n n , M ass., f o r a d ­ "No.” replied Mis* Cayenne. "He v ic e . Y o u r le t te r w ill h e o p e n e d , merely enjoys having his picture tak- r e a d a n d a n s w e r e d b y a w o m a n , •n In outing clothes.” a n d h e ld in s tr ic t c o n fid e n c e . FADELESS DYES bark separates from the wood sim­ plifies the work of Inserting the bud. but ae the growth Is more active the tissues of the bud and the stock are more likely to unite. It does not pay to graft trees which show poor growth, and It seldom pays to top-work any crab It Is also ques­ tionable as to whether It pays to top- work stone-fruit trees. While good tops may be grown on either peach, apricot or almond, It 1c doubtful wheth­ er these crops will bear much quicker returns than young trees set In the place of the old ones There are various methods of graft- age, the most common In the west be­ ing cleft and kerf grafting. These op­ erations are simple and are known to most orchardlsts In cleft grafting, the ilmb le sawed off equarely the stub split down about two Inches with tne grafting chisel, and the clefts wedged open with the eclon inserted as a wedge. The first bua should be left a little below the top of the wedge, cutting the edge of the wedge opposite the bud a little thinner than the other The eclon is then driven (Irmly Into place with the lower Dud to the out­ side and a little below the top of the cleft It Is Important that the inner bark on the outer edge of the wedge should i be brought in contact with the Inner bark on the stub It is between these parts that the union takes place. Kerf grafting Is almost the same as ileft grafting, only the stub Is pre­ pared by saw cuts Instead of splitting. These are made on opposite sides of the stub and trimmed to thin V-shaped grooves with a saddler's knife, the scion Is then trimmed to fit, driven firmly into place and waxed as In cleft grafting. It L not good practice to remove the whole top of the tree the first year and graft all the stubs. Often this proves too much for the tree and It falls even after the grafts have made a good start. They n a y linger two or three years and then die. A better plan Is to cut away only enough limbs to set scion for a good ^not tea * -not coffee It's the m ost de- 1 1l/ lightful Breakfast Drink you ever tasted — and the most w holesom e and invigorating. You cannot but like its rich “ grainy ” flavor and spicy aroma. Ask your grocer for Three G’s (GOLDEN CRAIN GRANULES) —If he hasn’t got It he will get It for you. I f s good tor you 3 times a day. A n d rem ember that there is no substitute for 3 G’s. a n D r W m .P f u n d e r ’ s -A O R E G O N BLOOD P Ü R lF iE R A T o n ic . A lte r a tiv e a n d R e s o lv e n t. The b est r e m e d y f o r K id n e y s , L iv e r a n d B ow els. E ra d ica tes P im p le s , E ru p tion s a n d D isord er* o f th e S k in . P u rifies th e B lo o d a n d g iv e s T on e, S tre n g th a n d V ig o r to th e en tire system . Cow Wrought Much Mleohlef. A series of accidents all on account of a cow occurred on« day not long ago at Neertm, South Victoria. A man who was driving a gig waa upset by running over a cow. The pony then bolted with the upturned gig. which frightened a team of horsea attached to a wagon, and the latter capelsed over a log, pinning underneath It th« driver, who sustained a fracture ol the skull Don’ t buy water for bluing. Liquid blue is al­ most all water. Buy Red Cross Ball blue, th« blue that’s all blue. He Also Serves Who —— If you want to "serve the people” If isn’t necessary to run for an office. Work hard, attend to your own busk ness, and pay your bills on the first of the month. Follow that plan and you will be more popular than any statesman, and will have less grief.— Emporia Gazette. Fig. 1. Attempt at Working Over Old Transcendent Crab Tree, Showing About a* Good a Selection of Stub* as la Possible With 8uch a Subject. Fig. 2. Same Tree One Year Later With Quite a Promising Top, but En­ largement at Base of 8clons Show* That the Union Is Not Perfect. T O sharpen the appetite, assist the stomach, prevent constipation, TRY TH E B IT T E R S TODAY top, generally about half of the tree. It does the work, ill Druggists Working of more stubs results In too dense a top, or necessitates their re­ moval later. The remaining limbi may be short­ Old City Well Uncovered. ened, but some foliage le needed to A well that probably suppll«4 the protect the stubs and trunk from sun- early Inhabitants of Sydney, N. 8. W., scald, ae well as to supply nourish­ with water has been found by work­ m ent men engaged In th« demolition of premises In Oxford street T h« well baa a depth of 30 feet, and contained when opened about 25 feet of water. The bricks are hand made and dove­ tailed, no mortar being used In plao- Ing them In position. The top of the well la covered with some lronbark _________________ I f P l a c e d W i t h i n E a s y R e a c h slabs. T h e y W i l l C onsum e J u st Probably a Robber’ s Hoard. W h a t T h e y Need A woodcutter at Moleeon, In the a n d N o M o re . Forest of Compelgne, northern France, lound a box recently. In th« trunk o f All farm animals have an lnstlnc an old oak. Opening th« box, h « tlve craving for salt. But If It Is so discovered $700 In gold places. On e l ­ placed as to be always within tbelr imination th« coins, which hav« been reach, tbey will consume Just as much In the tree trunk for n«arly a century, as they need, and no more It Is only were found to be stained with human when It has been kept from them for blood. a long period that there la danger of their eating too much. It le therefore an excellent practice to keep It In a box or boxes where they can have access to It whenever they desire. When they are salted, as Is the prac­ tice with many farmers, only once a week, while some may get enough, others may suffer from a deficient supply. Salt promotes an active cir­ culation of the blood, which never be­ comes thick and sluggish so long as the supply Is plentiful; It assists di­ gestion. and Is often a preventive of disease It Is so cheap that no atock- ralser can really afford to deny to his animals all they want of 1L FARM ANIMALS KEEPING LITTLE CRAVE FOR SALT CHICKS HEALTHY M ix tu r e o f L a r d a n d C oa l O il A p ­ plied to H ead o f Y o u n s s U r s W il l Be F o u n d E xcellen t. (By H ELEN JACKSON.) I want to tell how I got rid of the white diarrhoea In chicks. When they are old enough to take off the neats, say about 20 hours after tbey are hatched, take lard and coal oil In equal quantities, mix thoroughly and rub one drop on top of the bead and on the vent Put them In a box and give them some sand and a little ground oats and no other feed until they are one week old. The second week they may show signs of the white diarrhoea, but repeat the treatment described. I raised 300 chicks last year and never lost one with the white diar­ rhoea. This la the way I always treat my chicks. Do not give the chicks any more feed than they will eat up clean every time. I always feed Oerman millet to the chicks when I can get It as I think It better than chick feed. When the chicks are first taken off the neets I feed them about every two hours—Just a little mother’s oats. For the first week you can give the moth­ er hen some corn or oats but always have some sand In the box ao the chlcka can get It Never let the chicks get wet or chilled as that stunts them. Tonic Alterative Value of Stover. When It is known that three tom of corn stover Is practically equal to one ton of mixed clover and timothy hay, any fanner can easily figure out whether It will pay him to aave his clover or not What is a “ to n ic ” ? A medicine that increases the strength or the tone of the whole system. What is an “ alterative” ? A medicine that alters or changes un­ healthy action to healthy action. Name the best “tonic and alterative”? Ayer’s Sar­ saparilla, the only Sarsapa- rilla entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor about it. Coarse Feed for Colts. lilious attacks, sick-hesdschts, indigte- Stuffing the colt with hay or straw on, constipation, dizzy spells— tbes« Chicken Wire. or any Tery coarta weed, will spoil ire some of the results o l an Inactive Buy chicken wire to uae in the gar­ Its looks. Keep this ration down by Iver. Ask your doctor If be endorses den instead of stakes wherever possv the use of some grains and lata coarse Ay*r’ « Pill* In these cases. The dos« E • small, one p'li at bedtime. M ad* h y th e » . A A T X R OO . U n O , B a s t