CITY NEWS NOTES. ESTABLISHED 1885 Portland Marble Works All kinds of Houses to Rent and Money to Loan on Real Estate Security Monumental W ork Estimates given on First- Class Work and Stock Only Every Body is Listing With Us 264-66 Fourth St., Opposite City Hall Saunders’ Poultry Yards has high-class Barred Rocks and A 1516 Black Minorcas. First on Barred Rock cockerel and second on Barred Rock cock, also second A. A. Kirkwood and third on Minorca cockerel: and second and third Qn Minorca pullet at our last show, in hot competition. If you want eggs from the winners call on me. Yards two blocks west of Laugh- in Hotel on Pacific Ave. corner C street. Portland, Oregon Main 8564 H. B. Glaisyer A sk to see our Trading List The opportunity to get Portland property for country property is seldom offered. A Perusal of the Portland papers is convincing on that point. Portland is destined to become one of the greatest cities on the western slope and those who get in while property is reasonably priced are fortunate, indeed. The residence property of today, will be the business property of to-morrow. Who can guess the possibilities of investments made in Portland real estate? No one. Opportunity is knocking at your door today. Glaisyer & Kirkwood Engineers and Surveyors Hoffm an Bldg. Phone 0 1 0 6 Parlor, church and school or­ gans for sa’e at the Bazaar. Forest Grove, Oregon # Trading Is Our Specialty W . F. H A R T K A M P F Please Observe Wholesale and Retail Please observe the countless stars of the firmament. How wonderful and how d istan t. B etw ixt this studio and its wonderful photo­ graphs is a chasm far and wide, when comparing with gen­ eral competition. V etch Seed», all kind» of gra»» teed. A l­ falfa Hay, Feed and Land Planter HEADQUARTERS for M ILBURN W A G O N S lnd Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore W. Weitzel W e have in one lot $9800 worth of Portland residence income property to trade for a farm or acreage near Forest Grove, as follows: Two modern high class residences on Tillamook Street, and two in Rose City Park, mortgages on all the securities amounting to $9800 which we are authorized to trade for farm or acreage property. Three of these houses are rented at $30 a month each, the other being just completed. No. 135. Have a good 8 room house on Wygant street valued at $3500 which we are instructed to trade for acreage near here. W hat have you to trade? No. I l l Have another client with two houses in Beaumont addition, near Laurel- hurst, to trade lor a small farm near Forest Grove. His equity is $4700 No. 103. $2500 home in St. Johns, only two blocks from Peninsula Bank, to trade fcr small farm or acreage. W e have a big list of property here in town to trade and a number of pieces of acreage. Ask to see our list of trades. You may find just what you want. ' Photos Finished Here Talk for Themselves L. L. Hollinger For Perfect Por­ traits come here and get them. W E IT Z E L & HOLLINGER Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal W ork and Re­ pair Shop. Forest Grove Studio North First Avenue, between Main and “ A ” Streets; phone 863. MAIN ST. NORTH Thacher-Hicks Company, Telephone 501 • H offm an Block Forest Grove THE CASA ROSA C orner T hird A venue and Third S tre e t ROOM AND BOARD $ 4 PER WEEK Telephone 025 Forest Grove Homes for Sale on Easy Monthly Payments. Small Paymt. Down MRS. C. R. V ED D ER , P ro p rieto r I am prepared to deliver fresh milk to all parts of the city for 6 cents per quart, delivered night and morning. I will do my best to satisfy you. A. K in n e y , Dairyman, Third St., Forest Grove, Ore. tf CITY CAFE M AIN STREET, N EA R PA C IFIC A V EN U E, FO R E S T G R O V E . OREGC N M e a ls a t all H o u r s . T h e B e s t of E v e r y t h in g S e rv e d R i g h t W m . R uffner, P ro p rie to r The Man Who W ears a INÆoyer $15 S u it feels that he’s wearing $ 2 0 worth of clothes, for it takes that much anywhere else to buy the service and the good appearance that you get in a Moyer $15 Suit. Here are five mammoth clothing stores with a combined knowledge of markets and fabrics— with a combined buying and selling power equal to that of five ordinary stores. Is it strange that Moyer saves you money on every suit you buy? W hen you see it in our ad, it s so MOYER First and Morrison First and Yamhill FIVE STORES Third and Oak Second and Morrison 87-89 Third Expenses of Election The approximate election ex­ penses of Washington county for the last primary election were as follows: Judges, clerks, watchmen $944.25 Printing ballots 125.00 Printing notices 10.00 Registering electors 134.10 Canvassing board 20.50 Supplies 135.20 Booths 85.50 Boxes 5.00 Blank “A” s 26.00 Books 40.00 Total $1525.55 Republican votes cast 2410 270 Democratic votes cast Each vote cast cost 56 cents. For big value in tablets go to the Book Store. A fine line of birthday cards just received at the Book Store. Steam swing for sale or trade. Good condition. Address Press. Miss Nellie Benjamin has been very ill the past week with ty­ phoid fever. Mrs. A. L. Moore and son Gus- sie made a business trip to Port­ land Sunday. Get a first-class rawhide buggy whip absolutely free. Ask at the Forest Grove Pharmacy. P. Gibson, a farmer of Gaston, called at the Press office last week while in town on business. Miss Isabelle Murphy from Portland was visiting with Miss Mona Mallory of this city over Sunday. Mr. Lewis Crawford from Portland was visiting with his mother, Mrs. U. H. Hines of this city this week. J. R. Porter from Aberdeen, Wash., was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knapp in this city this week. Brown Leghorn hens and pul­ lets for sale, 75c each. Mixed chickens 60c. All laying. W. C. Graddy, Cornelius, Route 1. Wanted—Sewing or general work in family by lady. Ad- I dress Mrs. Wm. Smith, R. F. D. 1, Box 112, Forest Grove. Phone Hill 15. tf Union services will be held in i the Congregational church on Memorial Sunday, May 26, the Congregational pastor officiating and assisted by the pastors of | the other churches. Thomas Adams, banker of Vancouver, Wash., spent Sun­ day in this city. Mr. Adams was at one time connected with the firm of Wood & Adams in the general merchandise busi­ ness here. Governor Oswold West is an ardent believer in equal suffrage I and says “ votes for women” ANNOUNCEMENT will win out in Oregon this fall. He predicts that the suffrage Forest Grove Sanitarium has amendment will carry by a large reopened under new manage­ majority in November. ment and will be conducted as a Ex-Governor St. John of Kan- general medical, surgical and ! sas> predicts that Kansas will re­ maternity hospital. Special attention will be given turn a majority of at least 40,000 to chronic cases and the usual for woman suffrage at the elec­ sanitarium methods of treat­ tion in November. The present ment, such as Turkish baths, state executive, Governor Stubbs, is a member of the suffrage or­ massage, special diets, etc. Patients will be received at ganization. any hour day or night. Father Buck was very much Graduate nurses in attendance. surprised by a “chicken shower” Prices reasonable. on last Thursday evening, when Always open to inspection of his parishoners walked in, each visitors. with a chicken under his arm. Phone. It was a most pleasant affair and' the Revernd Father hopes there will be “ many happy returns.” HOME BAKING CO f inest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. W e Sell 6 Loaves of Bread for 25 Cents Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Report of the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON At the Cloee of Bu»ine»» December S, 1911 RESOURCES Ix>ans and Discounts ................................. .9118,875.00 United States and Other Bonds .................... 75,300.00 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures...... 11,516.38 Cash and Exchange......................................... 39,189.20 9244.880.68 LIABILITIES Capital and Surplus......................................... I 60,000.00 Undivided Profits............................................. 295.06 Circulation . ........................... 60,000.00 Deposits ........................................................ J34.585.53 9244.880.68 4 0 Per Cent Cash Reserve The ladies of St. Anthony’s church are preparing a concert which will probably be given on Monday, the 27th, and promises to be an event of some impor­ tance. The best of home talent as well as some of the best from Portland is promised. All par­ ticulars will be announced later. We have had more orders for eggs for setting than we have been able to fill within the last couple of weeks. Those who have more than their own de­ mands require should write us as to breeds and the price. We may be able to help you dispose of the surplus and help those in need of eggs for setting. On Ascension Sunday, May 19, a large class of children will re­ ceive First Holy Communion at St. Anthony’s church during mass at 9:30. Everyone is invit­ ed to witness one of the most beautiful ceremonies of the church. A breakfast for the first communicants will be served in the rectory and a picnic din­ ner for all will be given in Duyck’s grove south of town. All are cordially welcome, so bring your lunch and spend the day in the woods.