F o r e s r G r o v e P ress Published & Edited by MARRIAGE LICENSES The Press Publishing Co. ^ Loren Lyons and Lena Little­ in the City o f ton. F orest G r o ve , O regon , Truman B. Vinson and Eva A. G. H o f f m a n , ................... President Clow. O. M. G a r d n e r ...................Vice Pres. Ernest F. Bosworth and Myr- J. N. H o f f m a n ..... Sec’ y and anager ^ Cleaver. *" “ ______ __ i PROBATE COURT T H U R S D A Y o f E ACH W E E K . Estate o f David Eggleston, de­ I n d e pen d en t P hones O f f i c e 605 R e s i d e n c e 442 ceased. Heirs cited to appear to answer petition for sale o f real propert,y 0n June 10th, 1912. praise our methods o f bicycle repairinjr. We are prompt, reliable and accurate in such work and can repair, adjust and refinish any make of “ bike” for boy or man, girl or woman. We also handle the celebrated Pope motorcycles, and do good motor-bike re- pairing, also. We are head­ quarters for all these goods. Pì ) Estate o f Thofnas Matthiesen, Entered at the poet office at Foreet Grove, Oirn , _________, , T 0 ai mail matter of the second class. Q6C6clS6d. Monday, Juil6 3, . ■ — ------------------------------- 1912, set for hearing final ac- ¡T erms of S ubscription eonnt CASH IN A D V A N C E One Year $1.00 - Six Months .75 _ . E s ta te of T . John M. S im p son , —----------------------------------------- deceased. Amended final ac- Display - advertisements for publica- cuuut couut approved. Stephen - - • . . . . — .... iip p ru y eu . o ie p n e n A a . __* L . u u l ' o o _________ * l - --- ' Motorcycle Enthusiasts B Y M EN RY RUSSELL MILLER New, fresh stock of Tires and Sundries, the largest selections in the county. Second-hand Wheels for sale or rent. THE LITTLE STORE W IT H TH E BIG B A R G A IN S C O P Y R I G H T , 1 9 1 0 ,E > Y BO B B S M E Î.R .IL L CO . It was a signal for uproar, fn an rienry Sanger believed himself sin­ tion in the PRESS must be in this ofTce u ,____ , . r> ^ r> uiKiaut men' in tue gai.erres' ana on not later than Tuesday evening to in- Holcomb Estate. Benton Bow cere as he answered: "N o! Because of the floor wpre on their feet. The pro­ the manner o f man he Is He is the aure appearance in current issue. man appointed guardian ad litem testing murmur grew Into a roar, a most absolutely self centered, self storm of angpr and derision. Eleanor, —— ------------------------------------- o f minor heirs. willed man I know He will listen to (Representing Nine Agencies.) A copy o f The Press will be mailed Estate o f j McGowan, de- no one else. He would sacrifice any for a moment frightened by the furi­ to all advertisers in which their ad ap- « ous clamor, turned pale. man or Interest to forward bis own pears. ceased. Estate closed o f record. "W hat Is It?" she asked her brother ambition. He Is essentially a bully Phone 306 Pacific Ave . . - -------------- Estate o f Hannah Purser, de- He was the prize barroom bully of his excitedly. "W hat do they mean?" “ Ilemenway was McAdoo's candi­ FOREST GROVE, O R E G O N We believe that i f a united ceased' First, semi-annual ac- neighborhood In his younger days. He date. He bus been persuaded to with­ thrashed an ex-prizefighter. 1 believe, draw In furor o f Rusllng. the other effort is put forth on the part o f and that gave him his start In politics. Estate o f Stephen A. Holcomb, \ a a boss whose power is continually candidate." those who desire to see Washing The uproar died down, and tense si­ auth- j growin growing i consider him a meuace to ton county voted dry this fall, deceased. deceaf ed' Administrator auth- lence succeeded once more. What the - . - I --------Bosses we must have. It Is their efforts will be rewarded. onzed to sell real property. Ad- crowd anticipated had happened. . • * * . . . I only through the boss that capital They the balance of power against the recognized MacPherson's crafty The Press stands ready to give m in istrato r to g iv e $13,100 a d d l- j holds band. Was the boss checkmated by | harebrained radicals Infesting the any and all support within its tional bond. his sworn enemy? In the hearts o f the . country. But the boss must be a man COMMISSIONERS COURT Me Adoo followers consternation now power to the movement. Let us who will listen to reason and consider reigned. make a united, systematic cam­ Ruth Trust Co. Petition to others than himself Out o f the tense silence a voice rang Our goods are all we recommend ••That Is. you demand bosses whom out: paign and commence the work vacate Electric addition to Banks you capitalists can boss?” them to be, our charges reasona­ townsite allowed. “ Mr Chapman!'' at once. “ And who has a better right to con­ “ Mr. Remington!" ble. Prompt and efficient work W. J. Quinn. Granted liquor trol than the men whose brains and In­ The big man who had broken the si­ guaranteed. dustry and money have developed our S A N IT A R IU M O PEN ED license in Columbia Precinct for lence before now sprang to his feet wealth?” Sanger demanded hotly. Your patronage solicited. one year. again “ Remington! Give 'em h—, “ But If the people can elect whom The Forest Grove Sanitarium Paul: give 'em b—!" The crowd took Robert T. Simpson. Granted they please I can’ t see w hy"— up the shout "Remington! Reming­ has again opened for business. liquor license in Buxton Precinct “ Oh, the people!" Sanger broke In ton!" While the applause lasted El­ Mrs. Nellie Rike, graduate o f for one year. disdainfully. “They can no more be eanor saw a young man walk rapidly trusted with the Industrial and finan­ the Deaconess Hospital o f Day- Second Street HILLSBORO toward the stage from his seat In the cial Interests than can a man like Me- rear of the parquet. ton, Ohio, is in charge. Mrs. Adoo " "W ho Is he?" she demanded of her Rike is a professional nurse, hav­ “ I think.” Mrs. Gilbert said—‘‘I think brother. I should like to go to the convention ing held the position o f head “ McAdoo's mouthr'lece.” hp answered with you. Would It be proper?" nurse in the Chicago Hospital shortly, shifting uneasily In his sen4. “ W ell.” Sanger said thoughtfully, “ It As he stood on the platform, waiting and was for some time superin­ The Emerson Typewriter Company o f won't be a very alee crowd, but"— for the applause to subside. Paul Rem­ "Then I’ll go " tendent o f the Health Culture Woodstock, 111., have recently given ington thrilled with the knowledge away over 400 o f the highest grade, Via the I f Eleanor Gilbert felt the many cu­ Institute o f Los Angeles, Cali­ wholly visible Emerson Typewriters rious glances turned upon her ns she that his moment had come a moment fornia. We predict success for made in the world. They have gone entered the box her brother bnd tun- such as comes but once In a lifetime nnd to but few men into every state and territory in the the institution under her man­ United States. There may be some in aged to reserve for her she gave no And before him sat the woman o f his your town. They are giving them outward sign, but proceeded to study dreams. agement. away everywhere to men, women, boys tba excited crowd with amused eyes. To the East He raised his hand, nnd the applause SEASHORE and girls, over eighteen years o f Her sensitive nerves caught the con­ censed There was an Instant's hush. Good Roads Day on surprisingly liberal conditions. rÌ 0 / s U N S E T \ ^ tagion o f excitement with which the “ I am not here to upbraid"— I f you could make any use o f a Rose Festival [OGOEN&SHASTAI May 11th, by proclamation of typewriter, providing it did not cost atmosphere was charged. Sanger saw or The tragedy that had come Into her R OU TES a tinge o f color come to her usually Governor Oswold West, has been you even one cent, then in a letter or young life had left Eleanor Gilbert but on a postal card addressed to Frank L. pale cheeks, and her eyes brightened Elk’s Conveution declared a holiday and is to be Wilder, President, Woodstock, III., perceptibly. She caught him smiliug one relic o f her girlhood, a passionate M O U N T A IN S Jove o f music. As the first words fell at her. known as “ Good Roads D ay.” simply say, “ Mail me all your free from Paul's lips she felt a thrill. For o ffe rs ," and by return mail you will re­ "I'm glad I came." she said brightly. The Govornor urges upon the ceive their free offers, the names o f a time, giving no heed to the sense o f •*I'tu excited already. Just as though 1 people that they do upon that over 400 who have recently received were a part o f It all. 1 feel ¿ist as 1 his words, she listened with the musi­ cian's trnlned ear to the wonderful typewriters free, and you will learn on ornia, or via i'Jritand Il'mitlK East' Kmjt October returning th rough Call- day pause in their employment what easy conditions you can get one did when 1 was a little girl uud my voice, deep yet resonant nnd flexible, «nu. ^Goina u umB Jlmlt 15 days ftnal return 3, on ga.e u fo|Iow>. governess took me to I be play.” to give careful thought to the o f their typewriters free right away. under perfect control, carrying a faint­ Sale D ates ' Humph!'' Sauger grunted. "Look The Emerson Typewriter is one o f M a y, 2-3-4-9-10-11-14-15-17-18-24 question o f road construction, the highest grade, wholly visible type­ over there in the bo* opposite. You ly minor quality. Gradually the spell August, 1-2-3-6-7-12-15-16-22-23- 29 of the orator took hold upon her. 29-30-31 and earnestly recommends that writers made in the world. Many who will find an Interesting study." Ju n e, 1-6-7-8-13-14-15-17-18-19-20- “ When the American republic was S ep t., 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30 have used the "E M E R S O N ” and other A group of men was Just entering 21-24-25-27-28-29 the voters o f the state on that makes pronounce the "E M E R S O N ” founded the triumph o f democracy the box. Eleanor immediately fixed Stop-overs going or return­ J u ly , 2-3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23- day study and discuss the differ­ superior to any $100.00 typewriter on her attention upon one. the last to en­ was believed complete. But eternal 26-29-30-31 the market. It is a wholfy visible ma­ ing within the limit. vigilance Is the price o f liberty. And ent road bills which are now be­ chine, has every new, up-to-date feat­ ter. whose Identity she guessed at we—almost to our undoing—have Newport—Yaquina Bay once. As was the case with most ure, looks like other high grade $100.00 fore them for future action. The home o f the Rhododendron, an ideal place to spend the summer. Low round trip »nd Rlept" In simple yet vivid words Paul week end tickets. Reasonable hotel rates, out-door amusements, bathing» boating, golf. typewriters, though it is selling just people, her first Impression was o f bis fishinsr, etc. went on to describe the commercial. now at an astonishingly low price and physical strength. “ It's the bosal What tremendous Industrial nnd political evils that have on terms o f no monev with order, trial Civil Service Examinations Low Fares lo Meeting o f Women’s Clubs San Francisco, June 24 to July 6 taken root among us. ! free tree in your v l __ own _.... home. ____». vu shoulders!” Nothing to "Y et these evils." he declared, “ per­ The United States civil service pay at first, and after H thorough trial. Bob sat down In the rear o f the The New P. R. & N. Beaches commission announces that a box. but even seated he towered above nicious as their Immediate effects, Are now within easy reach by the P. R. & N. and a new field for a pleasant vacation open. Week end tickets now on sale and season tickets from all point» on sale June 1st. postoffice clerk examination w ill universal keyboard, back spacer, tab- his companions by half a bead, and might he endured were It not that Eleanor could note the strongly mark they threaten the existence o f our vital P O R T L A N D ROSE FESTIVAL be held at Forest Grove. Oretron. ¡ K ^ T t K ' t a X T ' f T S ? ed face. Eveu across the theater she institution, popular government. Time Orens June 10 and closes June 16. The greatest Floral Fiesta ond Carnival o f Pleasure yet held. Low round trip tickets on sale from all points. • " secure eligibles J lo n k lo o from auLwak to which . pinners as well hh for the most expert could catch the cold, piercing glance was. perhaps, when our Industrial For beautifully illustrated booklets describing: Newport, Bayocean and other points, as and stenographers; just the with which he swept the delegates. kings were content to build wit bin the selection may be made to fill a typists well w rite as to information about Eastern Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., call on nearest A gent or ty p e w i typewriter for the smallest or largest T|ie glance traveled toward the box In pale of the law. But industrial condi­ vacancy in the Forest Grove, Or­ o ffic e . tions and methods changed The rna ,. ,Tr tt — m met M ic e qci Q, i and U JU W U 1IB Which she vw sat. hers, while J ohn M. S c o tt , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. I f you could poaaibly make anv use one might count teu. against her will, chinery o f the law government-has egon, postoffice. Both men and B. P. 0. E. (E lks) Convention, July 8 to 13, 1912 o f n high grade tppewriter, oven bis eyes held hers and then passed on become tbe creature o f corporate women will be admitted to this though it ___ _____ , VM V»« didn’t coat you one VBIB cent V o /l f to the stage. wealth.” id like the “ •-------------- agency pieatior leaned back and drew a examination. Applicants should money, or if you would At tills point in bis speech Paul cast in your town on a plan by which you lona breath ..So that's your barroom apply at once to the local secre­ could make big money, or i f you would should bote to be lu that aside restraint and poured forth a tor­ rent o f Invective agalust corporate tary, Board o f Civil Service Ex­ ^ man's power. He .a-relenffess." greed nud Its servants. At the conclu­ aminers, at the Forest Grove addressed to "Frank L. Wilder, Presi- The convention was called to order, sion o f bis climax not a sound could be postoffice, or to the secretary, dent Woodstock, III.," say “ Mail me A permanent chnlrninn was chosen, beard in tbe (boater Ills audience sat you r'Free O ffers.” who n fler a brief speech declared the wrapped lu an ominous silem-e. Eleventh Civil Service District, .----------------------- meeting open for mayoralty nomlna- ’W h it do these things moan?" Paul Seattle, Wash., for application Final Notice tlons. At once a man sprang to bis continued. "O f late « new word has blank and full information. Notice is hereby given that 8nt* "> ■ s^ h br‘, *"n* w'th come Into use among us. plutocracy! i n u u u t iP j high flowu metaphors nominated “ that Government by wealth for w ealth-by th e u n d e ra lg n o d ( , ‘ clt*n man, that »terllnK friend o f the William S. Macrum Dead o f th e estate O f t ill {>lTUtn tie- James Rusllng.” Ilis speech the very nature of the lust that gives ceased, has filed in the County waJ greeted with perfunctory ap It birth, ever conscience!.'*«, pitiless, ever unutterably selfish, an enemy to William S Macrum died Fri- Court o f Washington County, piuuse. , „ „ „ „ in ,, ,,t Ilia residence in her final report in said estate, As the applauae died dowu another the equal brotherhood o f men!" d a y evening at Ins residence h c^ nty j ^ e has set man aecured recognition. In plain, uuwiucing terms Paul out­ Portland. Funeral services were «;a tu r ^ a v May 25th, 1912, at 2 "Mr. Chairman and gentlemen o f the lined the political history o f tbe state. | held in Portland under the direc- j 0-clock p’. m . o f said day. as the convention." he began -it was to bar. In It Hie forces of plutocracy, were most strongly Intrenched. For a gen tion o f the Knights Templars j time o f hearing any objections £ a£ lllIa™Ile* eration. until tbe time when Jobn Duumeade had dared to set his face commandery of Washington j to said re p o rt, therefore a l F enway, whose devotion to the Repub- I jm I u v and the ritualistic ser- . s011* interested therein w in ap- u«.,n p a rt; and io the interests of tbs tgainst tbe powers o f corruption. It . M • j rp 1 pear at that time, or file their ob- ,ie« i s no praise from me. it is had lain prostrate, unprotesting, under vice« o f the Masonic ord jections on or before that date, therefore with the keenest regret I tbe heel o f u great railway monopoly. 1 carried out. M rs . C. E. S m it h , have received from him a letter, which This monopoly, abetted by tbe steel In­ It is not often you buy a new fence, and when Mr. Macrum had been con- Administratrix o f the estate o f I now bold, in which he gives me the terests o f the city, had robbed tbe greatest state o f the Union o f Its virtue you do you want to be sure you are getting the One of man. grace system. reeted Bank with for the the Merchants Na- E 1l I S n T l a n g l e y it rick “ '“wi. h ui Va'u b. . t c h '« to’ im and independence. control the by railway tional past twenty- o f his control o f the railway system. ‘ ~ ‘ M A N C H . IRENE LA N G L E Y . Mm for the arduous duties had the choice o f officers and L - . l dictated Al - » - * » *•- best. T here’s only one Best—that’s A M E R ­ tw o years, occupying various j C. G. DANIELSON Jeweler and Expert Repairer C. F. LIBBY TYPEWRITERS GIVEN AWAY Summer Vacations Ä « im , p , How About That New Fence? positions which he filled with credit. He was admitted to the O r e g o n lia r but »a mi a t t o r n e y ns an a i i o r n t y . never practiced He was a son o f ...A ltori1« }' for Adm inistratrix.. r ir s t p u b lic a t io n A p r i l U ). ( u,, oia.-.* or n * mayor .«c . polk, mi«h. H e therefore authorises me come and bosses might go. but on# and ------ ----------------- to withdraw his candidacy and re- Don’ t neglect the children’s quests those delegates Instructed for musical education. It is a sin him to cast their vote« for the gentle- for parents to neglect this part man who has been eo,u>quenti, nomi- . » m w ’ . « I n e s t in n H i v e von nated. James Rusllng." (f . . ham«» tn a t a r i the For * ,h* mv^t crowd sat »1* they owed allegiance to the one master 400 miles away, whose wrath was mow to be feared ^ tbs polMcsi. M ___ _____ ,ue lineal­ ly ambitious than tbe anger o f God. In return for tbelr allegiance the bos*«*» had been permuted to plllaga tbs city w-ltl (T o be continued.) the late I. W. Macrum, who built in South F o r - t Grove on*I bttle'ones out on. who. if they o f the fineat residence« in our had ha)f a chance, would turn dawnM, upon ,h^m an anjrr7 city. i the gloom into sunshine for you murmur arose from the galleries. For sale or exchange for den­ -------------- —— I and others? I sell good reliable Down In the body o f the house a dele- tal work or anything o f equal We wish to announce that we pianos and sell them on terms to gate. • Mg. burly mfflan. sprang to bis value, late style New Home sew­ ing machine, used but few c K Ph*nn«cr. . , UAi Grove *A For«, luro>e. -O BJ. E H B r “ - Z it t i A T S .« » °“ IC A N F E N C E . It is rr.ade of high grade, hard stiff fence steel, and is inspected three times be­ fore leavine the factory. Only the most skilled workmen are engaged in its manufacture. W. O. W agner & Sons Forest Grove