Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 09, 1912, Image 3

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Church of the Visitation, Verboort
—Rev. L. A. LeUlller, pastor. Sun
aay Early Maas at 8 a m.; High
Mass at 10:30 a m.; Vesper at S:00
p. m. Week days Mass at 8:30 a m.
Christian Science Hall, 115 Fifth
at., between First and Second ava
South—Services Sundays at 11 a m.;
Sunday school at 12 m.; mid-week
meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m.
Seventh Day Adventist Church, 3rd
street—Sabbath schol 2 p. m., preach­
ing 3 p. m. each Saturday. Midweek
prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.
m. A cordial welcome. H. W. Vall-
mer, Elder.
Catholic Services. Rev. J. R. Buck,
pastor. Forest Grove—Chapel at cor.
of 3rd street and 3rd avenue south.
1st and 4th Sundays of the month,
Mass at 8:30; 2nd and 3rd Sundays
of the month. Mass 10:30. Cornelius
—1st Sunday of the month, Mass at
10:30; 3rd Sunday of the month,
Mass at 8:00. Seghers—2nd Sunday
of the month. Mass at 8:00; 4th
Sunday of the month. Mass a t 10:30.
M. E. Church, Rev. Hiram Gould,
pastor. Second street, between First
and Second avenues. Sunday school
at 10 a. m.; Epworth League at 6:30
p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00
p. m.
Mid-week prayer meeting
Thursday a t 7:30 p. m.
Christian Church, corner Third a t
> and First Ave. Rev. C. H. Hilton,
pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m.;
preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.;
Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p
Way and First ave. north. Rev. D.
T. Thomas—Sunday school 10 a. m.;
Morning service 11 a. m.; evening,
8:00 p. m.; Junior C. E. at 3 p. m.;
Senior C. E. a t 6:30 p. m.
Knights of Pythias—Delphos Lodge
No. 36, meets every Thursday at K.
of P. Hall. Chas. Staley, C. C.; Reis
Ludwig, Keeper of Records and Seal.
G. A. R.—J. B. Mathews Post No.
6, meet» the first and third Wednes­
day of each month at 1:30 p. m., In
K. of P. hall. John Baldwin, Com­
Masonic—Holbrook Lodge No. 30,
• A. F. & A. M., regular meetings held
’ first Saturday In each month. P. W.
Klnzer, W. M.; A. A. Ben Korl, sec­
W. O. W.—Forest Grove Camp No.
98, meets in Woodmen Hall, every
Saturday. A. J. Parker, C. C.; James
H. Davis, Clerk.
Artisans—Diamond Assembly No.
27, meet« every Tuesday in K. of
P. Hall. C. B. Stokes, M. A; John
Boldrick, Secretary.
Rebekahs—Forest Lodge No. 44,
meets the first, third and fifth Wed­
nesdays of each month. Miss Alice
Crook, N. G.; Secretary, Miss Carrie
I. O. O. F.—Washington Lodge No.
48, meets every Monday In L O. O. F.
Hall. V. S. Abraham, N. G.; Robert
Taylor, Secretary.
Modern Woodmen of America—
Camp No. 6228, meets the second and
fourth Friday of each month. A. L.
Sexton, Consul; Geo. G. Paterson,
Rosewood Camp, No. 3835 R. N.
A., meets first and third Fridays of
each month in I. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs.
M. S. Allen, Oracle; Mrs. Winnlfred
Aldrich, Recorder.
Gale Grange No. 282, P. of H..
meet» the first Saturdays of each
month In the K. of P. Hall. A. T.
Buxton, Master; Mrs. H. J. Rice,
Mayor—G. S. Allen.
Recorder—M. R. Markham.
Treasurer—R. P. Wirtz.
Chief of Police—P. W. Watkins.
Health Officer—Dr. J. S. Bishop.
Councilmen—John Wlrtx, Carl L. Hln-
man, O. M. Sanford, Rev. J. M.
Barber, W. F. Schultz, H. B. Joha-
City School.
School Directors—M. Peterson, Mrs.
Edward Seymour, H. T. Buxton.
Clerk—R. P. Wirt*.
Justice of the Peace—W. J. R. Beach.
Constable—Carl Hoffman.
C O U N TY .
Judge—R. O. Stevenson.
Sheriff—George G. Hancock.
Clerk — John Bailey.
Recorder—E. L. Perkins.
Treasurer—E. B. Sappington.
Assessor—Max Crandall.
Surveyor—Geo. McTee.
Coroner—E. C. Brown.
Commissioners—John McClaran, John
School Sup't —M. C. Case.
Pacific Avenue
Buys and Sells Second
Hand Goods
Telephone 743
Dealer in Flour and Feed
General Auctioneer
Notarial Work
J. C. Kuratli
EL i. Kuratli
Kuratli Bros.
German spoken in the office
Bell, Main 34«
Ind. City, 344
The Auction House
New and Second Hand Goals
0. M. Sanford, Proprietor
Telephone T21
Are Hungry, Thouaenda In
PeHl, Damage Immense.
Senate Substantially Increases Appro­
priations for West.
New Orleans—Large*sectlons of 16
Washington, D. C.—Carrying $8,
064,010 in addition to the appropria­
Louisiana parishes west of the Mis­
tions provided for by the house, the
sissippi river are under water, four
rivers and harbors appropriation bill,
other parishes have some floodwater
■KKreKat'og $32,126,530, has been
Our Work Guaranteed and
and are bound to get more.
agreed to by the senate committee on
Approximately 100,000 persons have
Your Patronage Solicited
commerce and will be reported in
few days.
been driven from their homes and
The largest single increase to the
about a dozen lives have been lost Baby Carriages Are Prominent Fea­
house measure was $2,600,000 for the
Refugees are sheltered in cabins,
ture— Men Disappointed When
Mississippi river, making $6,000,000
churches and lodge buildings.
for that waterway.
Roosevelt Refuses to Lead.
The bill carries a total of $2,489,
Every day brings stories of suffer­
First Ave., Foot Council St.
Forest Grove, Oregon
000 the rivers and harbors of Oregon
ing in new sections.
Protection of the remaining levees
New York—The weather man pro­
along the Mississippi river from the vided a warm sun and a cloudless sky over the house bill adopted by the
mouth of the Red river south is caus­ for the biggest woman’s suffrage dem­ senate commerce committee are
ing deep concern.
onstration in the history of New York follows: Improving Nehalem bar,
$100,000; maintenance of Tillamook
Millions of dollars’ worth of proper­ City.
ty is at stake, and thousands of lives
For nearly a year preparations for Bay improvements, $5000; improving
would be jeopardized if some of the the great suffrage “parade have been the Columbia and Lower Willamette
big levees gave way.
under way, and there was little for below Portland, $25,000, making the
Reports are more reassuring in some Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blatch and her total for this work $180,000; im­
localities, and the state engineer said assistants to do except to marshal the provement of the Oregon slough, $50,-
000; improving Columbia between the
he was confident every remaining various divisions of their forces.
levee on the Mississippi river would
The 15,000 women—and men, too, foot of The Dalles and the head of Ce-
Service—7:45 to 9.00
who had asked for places in the par­ lilo Falla, $200,000, making an aggre­
Lack of labor has been a most ser­ ade—received a last word of exhorta­ gate of $800,000; Columbia river
ious drawback.
Governor Sanders tion from Mrs. Blatch druing the
Three Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9:5 0
an aggregate of $800,000; Columbia
has ordered the Louisiana militia to morning.
Matinee—2 :3 0 p. m. Saturday
round up all idle men and compel them
"Remember,” she said through a
to work on the levees.
printed card with which each parader an aggregate of $50,000.
Total increase for Oregon and
Consequently "no work, no rations" was provided, "you march for the
was the ultimatum given to hundreds mightiest reform the world has ever Washington over the house bill, $295,-
of able-bodied men at Natchez by seen. The orderly appearance of our 000.
The senate committee amendents
Lieutenant W. E. Holliday, in charge procession depends upon each individ­
of the supplies depot there.
ual marcher. Remember the public provide for surveys of Coos Bay, Co-
It was feared that a ten-mile will judge, quite illogically, of course, quille river, Siuslaw river, the Wil­
stretch ¡of levee in the Bayou de but not less strictly, your qualifica­ lamette between Oregon City and Eu­
Glazie section would be lost, owing to tions as a voter by your promptness.” gene: Yaquina Bay, Port Orford har­
the dearth of labor. Engineer H. S.
The men marchers, a host which
Douglass, of Melville, reported that Mrs. Blatch thought might number between Vancouver and the mouth of
while he had quarters for 500 laborers 3000, were disappointed to learn that the Willamette, and the Columbia
in the Atchafalaya district, responses Colonel Roosevelt had declined the in­ river through Rickey and Grand Rap­
ids to the International boundary line.
to his call were few.
vitation to lead their division.
The bill carries two amendments by
There is alarm among some of the
The programme provided for 11 di­
residents of jNew Orleans. Extreme visions, led by an equestrienne squad Senator Jones, one appropriating
precautions have been taken to meet of 100 riders, a band and a company $130,000 for improving the Apoon
any emergency, and at points all along of outdoor suffragette orators, each mouth of the Yukon river, Alaska,
the river barges and flat cars are load­ carrying her little green platform and another appropriating $55,000 to
ed with timber, sand bags, wheel bar- slung like a knapsack across her shoul­ protect the government buildings at
Valdez from glacial floods.
The Nebraska State Society of
For convenience in registration
rows and shovels.
The following surveys are author­ Washington County, Oregon, is you may fill in the blank coupon
The 11th division, bringing up the
rear of the parade, was assigned to ized in Washington: Waterway con­ being organized and desires to found in this paper, cut it out,
Mrs. 0. H. P. Belmont’s organization necting Simulk Bay with Padilla Bay;
Steamer Vosburg and Barge Strand­ of department store clerks, preceded Willapa harbor, from Raymond to the enlist members. The object of and together with $1.00 mail to
by the newly organized baby carriage sea; Naelunorth and other streams the society is to promote acquain­ the Press office for enrollment.
ed at Mouth of Nehalem.
entering Willapa harbor; also a sur­
Bay City, Or.—While heavy seas brigade.
vey of the channel connecting Admiral­ tance and good fellowship amdng Don’t delay, but get your name
broke repeatedly over the steamer
ty Inlet with Cook’s Inlet, Alaska.
persons from Nebraska; to keep in at once.
Vosburg, stranded on the south spit at
register; to welcome visiting Ne-
At a time prior to the summer
the entrance to the Nehalem river, the
jraskans and to furnish them picnic each registered member
government lifesaving crew from Gar­ New York City Consumes 1,400,000,-
ibaldi succeeded in taking off Captain
OOO Eggs in One Year.
Pay Dirt Must Produce More Than with information about Oregon. will be mailed a list of ail mem­
Erickson and seven members of his
The requirements for member­ bers. In this way you may find
Blend Colors, Says Deciaion,
crew, and also took two men off of the as to the appetite of this city have
barge Nehalem, which was at anchor been gathered by the marketing com­
Roseburg, Or.—Government land ship are:
some of your old friends and
in a perilous position nearby.
must produce gold in paying quanti­
All persons of good character, possibly near relatives and have
The rescue was accomplished against
It appears that ties, and cannot be characterized of residing in Oregon, and who the opportunity of making many
tremendous odds. A heavy wind had commission
each year, New York consumes be­ mineral value by showing of merely were born or who lived in the
kicked up a rough sea.
A hole had tween 1,296,000,000 and 1,400,000,000 blend mineral colors, according to a
new and desirable acquaintances
been broken in the bottom of the Vos­ eggs,
that before now there have decision handed down in the Roseburg State of Nebraska for one year with whom you may talk over
burg and water was pouring in, while been and
away in cold storage ware­ United States land office. The de­ immediately preceding their com­ “old times,’’
great combers repeatedly swept over houses put
cision probably ends for all time the
the vessel, completely submerging 800,000 egggs. city no fewer than 319,- case instituted by the Federal govern­ ing to Oregon, or who have lived
Business headquarters at the
Each week the inhabitants of this ment against Irvine Gardiner, of in the state of Nebraska for four
Twice the lifeboat was capsized city
office, Forest Grove, Ore.
eat more than 1,350,000 pounds of
while en route to the wreck, but the butter
Gard­ consecutive years, are eligible to aid each other in building up a
and in course of the year man­ tract of land on Lees Creek.
crew righted it and kept on. Great
to make away with 72,000,000 iner holds the land on its timber and
Most • every
difficulty was encountered after ar­ age
The husband or wife of a friendly union.
rival at the wreck in getting the sail­
will meet
Last year the market for cheese was
ors off, but one by one they leaped, considered unusually poor, but in spite instituted following an investigation member is eligible to become people who are acquainted with
some into the boat, which threatened of that fact the amount consumed in on the part of the Federal mineral in­ an associate member.
momentarily to dash against the the city was 30,000,000 pounds.
spectors, and was watched closely by
The dues are $1.00 for active their friends in the Nebraska
steamer, and others into the sea,
hundreds of homesteaders in this sec­ members.
state. The society desires to
where they were picked up. Finally
tion of the state. Evidence was in­
Any subscriber to the Press have a complete list of Nebras­
all were taken ashore safely, amid
troduced regarding questionable oper­
frantic cheers of a hundred residents
ations of the J. C. Lee Mining com­ who is eligible to register and kans on its rolls, so that stran­
of Nehalem and the Tillamook bay Speed-Fiends Drive Autos Without pany.
gers coming from Nebraska to
district, who had gathered on the
In summing up the land officials say who has paid one year’s sub­ Oregon can find their friends by
shore to witness the attempt.
that: the land held by Gardiner has scription in advance will be reg­
Santa Monica, Cal.—One hundred never yielded gold in paying quanti-
The rescued are Captain Erickson,
istered without further cash. looking over our roster, which at
Steve Beauregard, engineer, of Port­ and seventy-five thousand persons saw tiea, but that it yielded money to
all times will be open to public
land; William Campbell, second engi­ new world’s records established at the the stockholders through the sale Anyone eligible, sending one inspection.
neer, of Tillamook; Fred Tultx, first
of stock, particularly when oper­ dollar for registration will re­
Teddy Tetzlaff, of ated by the J. C. Lee Mining com­
mate, of Astoria; L. Campbell, stew­ bile races here.
ceive the Press without further
During the summer a meeting
ard, of Portland; M. Ferguson, fire­
pany ; that the mere fact of colors of
picnic will be arranged for
man, of Bay City; J. H. Whitaker, Fiat, won the 303-mile free-for-all gold having been found is no evidence
fireman, of Portland; George Grief, with the phenomenal record of 78.60 that such mineral prevails in paying
All Nebraskans who are loval at some convenient time and
sailor, of Portland; George Smith, miles an hour, breaking the previous quantities.
to their state should be enrolled place, where you will be invited
sailor, of Portland; A. Milton, sailor, mark of 74.63, made last year by Har­
as members, that the society may to bring all your Nebraska
of Portland.
The two last named
Postal Banks to Open.
were taken from the barge Nehalem. course.'
Washington, D. C.—Postal savings become strong, and in this way friends.
In the medium-car event, Ralph De
Palma, the Italian driver, in a Mercer, banks will be opened June 1, as fol­
Heroes to Be Honored.
set a new record of 69.61 miles an
Washington, D. C.—United States hour for 151 miles, and in the light- lows
Washington — Bickleton, Bridge­
senators co-operating with the com­ car event George Joermann, of Los port, Cathlamet, Centerville, Doug­
The Nebraska State Society of Washington County, Oregon.
mittee of 100 women for a Titanic me­ Angeles, driving a Maxwell, placed lass, Eatonville, Naches, Randle, Ska-
morial will nominate ten wo­ the 101-mile record for small cart at mokawa, Stevenson, Toledo, Wilkeaon
men in each state who will be asked 61.86 miles an hour.
and Yacolt.
_P. 0._
to form state organizations, and "to
Oregon—Banks, Bay City, Brooks,
act as centers for information. ” Sev­
Coburg, Cornelius, Dayton, Dilley,
Lived in Nebraska from_
People Weary of Strife.
eral senators have announced names in
Washington, D. C.—Senor Martine Florence, Gaston, Gervais, Halsey,
their states who are anxious to join
Lafayette, Linnton, Monroe, Scap-
in_________________ , .
the movement to "pay woman's tribute y Crespo, the retiring Mexican am­ pooae, Scio, Troutdale, Turner, Wil­
Was born in Nebraska at_
to man.” Among the latest to an­ bassador, sailed from New York to re­ son ville.
nounce their support of the plan are sume is old position as Mexican am­
Married or single_______
Mrs William J. Bryan, Mrs. Woodrow bassador at Vienna. Before leaving
Knox Will Hear Complaints.
Washington, Senor Crespo told offi­
Wilson and Mrs. Phoebe Hearst.
Los Angeles — Secretary of State
Enclosed $1.00, for which enter my name on register, Mail
cials that he felt confident, from pri­ Knox, who will arrive here soon from
the Press to
vate as well as official advices, that New Orleans, will hear stories of
Chinese Wedding Novel.
Shanghai — The first Chinese mar­ the rebellion in Mexico would be ter­ cruelties inflicted upon Americans in
probably within a month, and Mexican jails when he reaches this
riage ceremony conducted according to minated
If already a subscriber, name date of expiration
certainly inside of two months. The city. Secretary Knox telegraphed
Western style was celebrated here people are tired of disorder, and un-
(Cut out and mail st once to Press Office, ForestGrove, Ore.)
that he would be glad to listen to all
Sunday, The service was non-Chris­ doubtedly^developing a strong feeling who had any complaints to make. C.
tian, but in all other lines followed of patriotic pride.
A. Heberlein, who was recently
the style of an Occidental wedding.
thrown into jail at Jimenez by General
Chinese Are Turned Back,
The bride wore a veil and was attend­
Orosco, will tell Secretary Knox his
Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico—Amer­ story.
ed by three bridesmaids. The bride­
groom wore a frock coat and silk hat. ican Consul Alger {haa telegraphed to
Four Killed in Storm.
The couple exchanged rings and a Washington for authority to permit
Absolutely Safe and Reliable
the 400 Chinese residents of this dis­
band played a wedding march.
Laredo, Tex.—A tornado that passed
trict to enter the United States. The just north of here caused the death of
Chinese were fleeing from the revolu­ three young women and a baby, ac­
Dowie’a Picture it Issue.
Zion City, III.—Wilbur Glenn Vo- tion zone. It iz feared there will he cording to the best information avail­
Of Forest Grove, Oregon
liva, overseer of Zion City during a a repetition of the Torreon massacre, able by means of demoralized commu­
sermon Sunday, announced that he which the consul is anxious to prevent nication facilities.
A special train
Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home
would contest with Mrs. Jane Dowie if possible. The banks of this city, has been sent from here with sur­
Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your
the right to use the picture of the late
geons. The meager reports received
Business or Dwelling in The
John Alexander Dowie in church liter­ Francisco banks for safety.
here tell of the injury of many persons
ature and in other ways for the pro­
and dertruction of farm buildings.
Bankers At Merchants
Women Planning Memorial.
motion of Zion City interests.
Washington, D. C.—Mrs. John D.
Ship to Replace Titanic.
Rockefeller, Jr., Mrs. Charles W.
Butte, M ont—Snow covered Mon­
London—It is stated that the big Fairbanks, Mrs. Oacar W. Under­ tana Saturday to a depth of from
White Star liner now ¡under construc­ wood, Mr«. Harvey W. Wiley end three to 11 inches.
The storm has
tion at Belfast will be altered {so as to Mrs. Theodore Marburg have become been called the “ millon dollar” storm,
include additional lateral bulkheads to members of the committee of 100 of it being expected to benefit the agri
minimize the risk of disaster. The the Women's Titanic Memorial. The cultural interests to that extent.
work on the new steamship will he memorial will take the form of a per­ Traffic did not suffer.
In Gallatin
accelerated so she can replace the Ti manent arch over some avenue of the county, the principal wheat district,
tanie aa soon as possible.
With Colored Supplement, $1.00 Per Year
11 inches of «now fell in 24 hours.
Women 15,000 Strong In linn In
Neill fork City.
Scenic Theatre
M otion Photo Exhibitions
Daily Change with Best Films
The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association
The Forest Grove Press