Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 02, 1912, Image 8

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Yesterday marked the end of
the winter lids of all classes, ac­
cording to the Ad Men’s Club.
Get out your straw hat.
i Embalming— Funeral Directing
Saturday Special
17 lbs. D. G. Sugar $100
1 lb. best Tea
6 bars C. N. Soap
12 bars Elk Savon
6 bars White Wonder 25c
4 pkgs. Bird Seed
4 pkgs. Soda
4 pkgs Corn Starch
3 lrg boxes Acme match 25c
Phone 871
Pacific Ave.
Real Estate Transfers
J. S. Buxton, Manager
The following real estate
transfers are furnished the Press Phone No. 6 4 2
Forest Grove, Or.
by the Wilkes Abstract Co. of
Edward Rustin et ux to Emma
L. Show, 1 acre in W W Catch­ r
ing DLC, $100.
J O B P H ! H Tt H G 0 £ P T
William E. Beals et ux to Em-j
ma L Show, .48 acres in W W ;
Catching DLC, $1.
C D Hawke et ux to Frank
Kortson, Lot 10, Blk 1, Hawke’s
add to Gaston.
Wm J Patton to Emma G.
Gerrish, 10.12 acres in Section
13, 1 S 1 W, $769.80.
Via the
J S Parmley et al to Mildred
Mrs. Anna Dixon, the Main McConnaughey, 100x100 feet in
street milliner, is in Portland on NW i of Sec 31, 2 N 3. $200.
William Johnston et ux to
business today.
Frank B Ingraham et ux, 7.01
To the East
Mrs. Rose Campbell of Pen­ acres in Sec 15, 1 S 1, $4000.
dleton is visiting with Mrs. Ida
iO l S U N S E T
W Seavey et al SEJ of SEJ Sec I Rose Festival
Patrick this week.
33, 2 N 4, $6000.
Wood in large or small quanti­ Cassie Grace Thrapp et ux to
Elk’s Convention
ties at Chester Wright’s, on Grant Brown et ux, Lots 1, 2, 3,
Blk 4, Orenco Townsite, 550.
Fourth street, Phone 0114.
C P Wunderlice et ux to A l-*
Just arrived this week—a fresh bert O. Yates, 8 acres in H H
R o u n d tr i p t i c k e t s to th e p rin c ip a l C itie s o f th e E a s t, g o in g o r r e t u r n in g th r o u g h C ali­
Bupply of Whitman’s chocolates, Hendrix claim 1 N 3 W, $1.
f o rn ia , o r v ia P o r t la n d . G o in g lim it 15 d a y s , fin a l r e t u r n lim it O c to b e r 31, on sa le a s follow s:
R Shaver to School Dist
at the Forest Grove Pharmacy. 82, Fred
Tract in Sec 13, 2 S 1 W, $1. !
Sale Dates
A ugust, 1-2-3-6-7-12-15-16-22-23-
Logan Markham, son of By­ C S Hacker et ux to Paul Leo­
2-3-4-9 -10-11-14-15-17-18-24-
ron Markham, is suffering from pold, NJ of NWi of SEi Sec 25,
S ept., 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30
1- 6-7-8-13-14-15-17-18-19-20-
a painful abscess under the arm.
Stop-overs going or return­
Elizabeth Cadwell to W A Cad-
2- 3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23-
Singer, New Home and other
ing within the limit.
of the latest improved, up to Sec 25, SEi of NEi Sec 26, 1 S\
Newport Yaquina Bay
T h e h o m e o f th e R h o d o d e n d ro n , a n id eal p la c e to s p e n d th e su m m e r, L ow ro u n d t r i p an d
date sewing machines for sale at 1 , $ 1 .
w eek en d tic k e t* . R e a so n a b le h o te l r a te s , o u t-d o o r a m u s e m e n ts , I b a th in g , b o a tin g , g o lf,
Edward Jasper, Gdn, to Fred | fis
the Bazaar.
h in g , e tc .
Windeler, 14388-572000 of Lot 1,
Low Fares (o Meeting of Women’s Clubs San Francisco, June 24 to July 6
Mrs. Jessie Covert of Corvallis Sh of NWi and Ni of SWi sec 1
has been visiting this week with 3 S 1. $503.10.
The New P. R. & N. Beaches
A re now w ith in e a sy r e a c h b y t h e P . R. & N . a n d a n e w field f o r a p le a s a n t v a c a tio n
E I Kuratli et ux to Hanley B.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
o p e n . W e ek e r.d tic k e ts n o w on s a le a n d seaso n tic k e ts fro m a ll p o in ts o n sale J u n e 1st.
Hoard et al, Lots 7, 8, 9, Blk 6,
S Coast add to Hillsboro, $10.
O p e n s J u n e 10 a n d clo se s J u n e 15. T h e g r e a t e s t F lo r a l F ie s ta o n d C a rn iv a l o f P le a s u r e y e t
On Tuesday, May 14, officers Albert Muessig et ux to H
h eld . L o w ro u n d t r i p ti c k e t s on s a le fro m a ll p o in ts.
of the Electric Railway and Vogl, 4 a in Sec 16, 1 S 1, $2250.
F o r b e a u tif u lly illu s tr a t e d b o o k le ts d e s c r ib in g N e w p o r t, B ay o c ean a n d o th e r p o in ts, a s
e ll a s in f o r m a tio n a b o u t E a s t e r n F a r e s , ro u te s , sto p -o v e rs , e tc ., call on n e a r e s t A g e n t o r
Temple Inv Co to John Tern- j
Manufacturers’ Association will
w r ite to
pleton, 110 acres in Otchins DLC i
J ohn M. S c o t t , G eneral P a ssen g er A g en t, P ortland, O regon.
reach Portland.
$ 10 .
B. P. 0. E. (Elks) Convention, July 8 lo 13, 1912
Ralph Dean et ux to Amos
Geo. E. Mizner, wife and son
returned to this city yesterday, Lahaie, Lot 13, W Park add to
Grove, $10.
after spending the winter in Forest
Amos Morley et ux to Amos'
Lahaie, 50x100 ft in blk 10, Hay-
Mr. McEntire and wife of Isa­ lor’s add to Forest Grove.
J W Loomis et ux to W H
bel county, Michigan, visited French,
Lots 4 and 5, Blk 2,
over Sunday with their old Bump’s add to Forest Grove,
friends, J. W. Sherwood and $400.
W J Good et al to Ralph Doan, j
Lots 13, W Park add to Forest
W. B. Potwin left Saturday Grove, $200.
morning by way of the S. P. for
C L Orr and wife to A D Orr,
Independence, Iowa, called there 40 acres in Sec 2, 3 S 1, $10.
A Walker et ux to Sherman j
by the serious illness of his
2 acres in Alvin T Smith
DLC, $10,000.
J B Parmley et al to Herman
Mrs. C. A. Dennis, reliable
Bhampdo. Scalp treatment a H Hopkins 50x125 ft in SWi of
Sec 31. 2 N 3, $90.
specialty. Phone Ind. No. 184; J B Parmley et al to W S Atlee
residence and office 232 Pacific 50x125 ft in SWi of Sec 51, 2 N
3, $400.
Advent Christian Church of
At the Congregational church Cornelius
to Willamette Valley
There’s as much difference between sprayed and un­
next Sunday the morning subject Advent Christian Conference,
sprayed vegetables as there is between those grown on good
will be “TheShepherd’s Psalm.” Lot 8, Blk 19, Cornelius, $600.
H Taylor Hill et ux to Alice M. and poor soil. A gallon of spray material costs only a few
Evening subject, “ The Secret of
Wells, Blks 8 and 9, Hills Acres, cents, but the increase in the value of vegetables sprayed with
it amounts to dollars. Try spraying as an investment.
$ 800 .
S-W NEW PR O CESS AR SEN AT E OF LEAD is an insecticide th at will
Mrs. Geo. E. Secour and son
Victor Brandt et ux to Loren
y o u r vegetables from leaf-eating insects. It actsquickly and
Edwin of Portland, after a visit
surely a n d is a very economical insecticide to use because it is very ad­
with the former’s parents, Mr.
Herbert B Meeker et ux to hesive and remains on the foliage in a poisonous condition even when
and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman, left for Mrs.
Retta Boyce, 2£ acres in exposed to severe weather. It wilt not bum the foliageorpoison thescil*
their home Tuesday.
Frances Walker DLC, $1.
Call in and get our prices and any further information about
On account of change of trans­ R M Stevens et ux to O & C R the Sherwin-Williams New Process Arsenate of Lead.
R Co, 10x50 ft in Blk 22, Forest
mission line to double power, Grove, $45.
Oregon Electric freight trains
C W Mertz et ux to O & C R
Forest Grove, Ore
will run day time, thus allowing It Co. part Lot 2, Blk 22, Forest Telephone 901
Grove, $400.
electricians to work at night.
Albert J Hartrampf et al to
It has been conservatively esti­ Herman B Holter, tract in Jas F
mated that each vote cast in Rice claim, Lot 3, Sec 25, 1 S S,
Washington county at the pri­ $9050.
Sarah C Butterfield et ux to
mary election cost the taxpayers
S W Coleman, Lots 15 and 1,
in the neighborhood of 50 cents. Blk 1, Smith’s add to Forest
Willis Goff returned home yes­ Grove, $1000.
terday. He shows the effects of
the operation which he under­
went recently. We hope for his
complete recovery in the near
DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath and Shin­
J. F. Leise is in Portland at­
gles. All Finishing Lumber Kiln Dried
tending the session of annual
conference of the Free Meth­
odist church. Mr. Leise expects
to retire from the regular work
Manufacturers of Frames, Sash, Doors,
of the ministry for the present. |
Mouldings and everything required in
I am prepared to deliver fresh
the building line
milk to all parts of the city for
6 cents per quait. delivered
We Sell Flint-Kote and Mikado Roofing
night and morning. I will do my T H E DOCTOR S PRESCRIPTION
best to satisfy you. A. K inney ,
Also Sherwin-Williams Paints
and accurately
Hit w o rk can b *
Dairyman. Third S t. Forest faithfully
•enoudy hampered If not w h olly voided if h u
Grove, Ore.
ordart arc nut earned out to tha letter.
W. I). Ayers and wife of Nor­ W E FILL PRESCRIPTIONS
ton county. Kansas, are visiting that hack up yo ur doctoe'i etforta. D a re you
with Mrs. Norton’s sister, Mrs. ruk not coming here w han tome loved ome m
R. M. Stevens. Mr. Ayres is in­ yo ur houae it ill)
clined to think the surroundings
here are good and at some time
(Sueewaoe la Dr. Ckaa. Haaaa)
pnay make this his home.
Forest Grove, Ore.
Forest Grove Press $1 per year.
Saturday specials at Moore &
Pianos from $149 and up at
the Bazaar.
The latest and most complete
line of stationery at the Bazaar.
0. G. Garrigus of Banks was
in the city on business Monday.
Steam swing for sale or trade.
Good condition. Address Press.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Haynie of Gaston last week, a
Summer Vacations
, o m
Ready for business
New Lumber Company
All kinds of Building Ma­
terials, Kiln Dried Finish,
Dry Shiplap in any quan­
Sash and Doors
Call and get prices. We
are here for business and
want to make your ac-
Willis-Place Lumber Co.
P hon e 0 1 X
South A Street
Forest Grove, Or.
A new and complete line of Felt and Straw
Hats of latest styles. These goods bought
for cash, make it possible for us to offer you
bargains. Come in and get the pick of this
fine line of goods.
Don’t forget we pay highest price for
Mohair and Wool.
Every gallon pays a big dividend
Forest Grove Planing Mill Co.
New Machine Shops
P R E P A R E D to do all kinds
of work in Iron, Lathe or
Drill work. Auto Repairing.
Our Motto, “Prompt W ork and
Reasonable Charges.’’
Your Patronage Solicited
W. A. Chalmers
E. Side S. Main St.
Forest Grove, Ore.
General Contractors and Builders
Office and Factory,
Council St.,
Forest Grove
The Nebraska State Society of Washington County, Ore
Name_________________ P. 0 ._______________ Phone.
Lived in Nebraska from_____________until__________
W as born in Nebraska at_
Married or single.
Enclosed $1.00, for which enter my name on register,
the Press to
If already a subscriber, name date of expiration
(Cut out and mail at once to Preaa Office. Forest Grove, Ore.