F a rm e rs a n d M e rch a n ts Write us for our cash offer on your Farm and Dairy Produce. I f we don’t handle it will refer you to re- liable buyer. PEARSON.pAGE CO. Portland. Oregon. HOWARD _ E. BURTON - Anaayer and Chemist, ______ _____ Specimen pru-ea: Gold, _ Silver, Lead, tl. Gold, Bilter, I6e; Gold, 50c: Zino or Copper. SI. Maillaa envelope a .d full price list •ent on application. Control and Umpire w orks» l id ted. Reference: Cbrtxjuate National bank. i l Lead Til ___ ______ nlle, . Colorado. Machinery Second-Hand Machin­ ery bought, sold and _ exchanged: engines, boiler», sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 76 1st St.. Portland. Send for Steck Liat and prices. no u iT T icu ity. Seorge W. Wilson was roboarstng with Edwin Booth at the Boston mu­ seum. Wilson. In one scene, asked the star where he should stand. “ Where do you usually stand!" asked Booth. "Mr. Barrett had me over there,” answered Wilson. “ Tee,” W hen W e ll Fenced a n d D ivided Into Convenient F ield s and mused Barrett, “ I usually hare him L o ts £ l O P e r A c re Is A d d ed to V a lu e o f P ro p e rty there”—Indicating the other side of — N oth in g b u t the V e r y Best o f M a te ria l the stage. “ 8ult yourself—I’ll And you _ S h o u ld be Used. FENCES INCREASE VALUATION OF FARM LANDS CONSIDERABLY Stimulate (B y H . F. G R IN S T E A D .) H o u s e h o ld R e m e d y Taken in ths Spring for Years. ca n rem em b er. I h a v e t a k e n it in t h e spring for several years. It has no equal for cleansing the blood and ex­ pelling the humors that accumulate during the winter. Being a farmer and exposed to bad weather, my sys­ tem Is often affected, and I often take WOOL & MOHAIR, HIDES & PELTS) Hood’s Sarsaparilla with good results.” Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is Peculiar to W# Waul All Y m Have Wrfk far prtrrs and sinpptag tags. . Itself. There Is no "just as good.” T H E H. F. N O R TO N C O M PA N Y . 813-815 Front St.________________Portland. O n .J Get It today in usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs. Arnold’s Asthma and Catarrh Remedy. POULTRY KEEPING PROFITABLE. Any farm is worth $10 per acre more when it is well fenced and di­ vided into convenient fields and lots. As there is more or less work and ex­ pense entailed in getting a good hog- tight fence in place, one should get only the best material, and spend more time In setting and stretching than when the common barbed wire Is used. Woven wire, even of the 26-inch width, exerts several times the strain as that o f the three-strand barbed wire, and the corner-posts must be of good size, and well braced. Posts cut in the winter and allowed to season till the summer before being set will be more satisfactory, but this plan is not always practicable. We have used posts a rod apart on our farm, but I have learned from ex­ perience that that is too far and now I am putting them 12 feet apart. Set the corner or end posts first, then drive the others in line between them by stretching a wire on the ground. This wire must be stretched tight; and In driving do not let the post touch the wire, as it would push it out of line. The work o f "getting ready” Is the most important item in making this kind of fence, Blnce a quarter o f a Prof. Dryden of O. A. C. Advisee Farm­ er« to Increase Flocks. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ vallis.—“There has been an enormous increase in the production of eggs and poultry In the state in the past two years, but In spite of this the demand has far exceeded the supply, and prices are still as high as ever,” said Pro­ s q u i r r e l fessor James Dryden of the Oregon Agricultural College in discussing the THE BRAND THAT K IL L S »bject of the present tour of the poul­ Destroys Sage Rats, Squirrels, G ophers and Prairie Dogs. Requires no m ixing or prepara­ try demonstration car sent out over tion—A lw ays ready fo r use. Deadliest o f all. the Southern Pacific lines by the col­ Y our m oney back if not as claimed. W o o d w a r d D r u g C o ., PortlRnd, Ore. lege. “ If the farmers of Oregon would keep, on an average, 100 hens instead of about 50, It would shut out the im­ ports and add $4,000,000 or $5,000,000 a year to the wealth o f the state. —The great skin rejuvenator, if you have sallow “The purpose of the demonstration skin, wrinkles, pimples or roughness o f the face or arms, the application o f FUCHI will bring back car is to stimulate a greater production the glow and freshness o f youth. Pr package. SI. of poultry and eggs. The quickest and (Branch) Fuchi Laboratories, Suit 9, 842 1-2 Wash­ best way Is to Increase the flocks of ington St., Portland, Ore. the farmers rather than to have poul­ try keepers start large egg farms. The demand cannot be met by the estab­ V m .P f u n d e r ’ s - n lishment of large, exclusively poultry farms. If the general farmer goes out of the egg producing business there will soon be an egg famine— possibly a A T onic. Alterative and Resolvent. T he serious financial panic. best rem edy for K idneys, Liver and Bowels. “ Though there are opportunities for Eradicates Pim ples, Eruptions and Disorders o f the Skin. Purifies the Blood and gives •profit along special lines in poultry­ Tone, Strength and V igor to the entire system. keeping, the market for specialties Is Corner Post Anchored. limited, and it would be folly to advise everyone to go into special lines. I mile may be stretched and stapled by j We Make Yon Competent to Earn am free to confess that we have kept 125 to $50 per Week more people out of the poultry busi­ two men after everything is in place I In « to 8 wrrk. We alv. complet. ness than have gone into it as an ex­ and the posts se t |cour.e In driving, repairing. clusive business. I have received Set corner posts at least three feet ■etc. all kinds of automobile I Every student gets personal great numbers of letters during the In the ground, and brace to overcome ■ attention and actual road |experience. Write for term« past year fTom all parts of the state j the direct tension of the wire as well Beiiooot Auto S c I m I A Carafe, as well as from other states, in which as th tendency to pulI up. E. 23d and Morrison Sts.. the writers stated that they were go- , . . .. Portland, Ore. Ing into the poultry business on a large | Eight or ten feet from the corner scale, and a large majority of them Posts set the stray post, against which said they knew' nothing o f the busl- j the corner post is to be braced. Cut a Woman of Many Names, ness. Our plain duty was to advise[ big square potch in this post a foot The public examination was con­ caution. If every one of them had cluded at the London (Eng.) bank­ gone into the business as they Intend- from the ground, to receive the end of the brace, and a similar notch should ruptcy court recently, of a woman I I | ed and Invested their all in It, it is be cut in the corner post three feet who was sworn as Alice Mabel Fran- | safe to say that there would have been ces Emily Paola Blanca Mary Cath- thousands of dollars lost In every coun- from the ground to receive the other erine Stewart, which, she said, waa >-7 of the state, and the poultry bust end. This will throw a large part of the ness would have received a black eye. her full name. “ Poultry keeping Is not a difficult strain on the stray post, but in order business unless we make It so. If When Your Eje$ Need Care Try Murine Eje Remedy conducted along sane, common-sense to make this more effective, and over­ come the tendency to pull upward on N o S m a rtin g— Feels Fine— A cts Q u ickly. Try It f o r R ed, W eak, W atery E yes and G ra n u ­ lines, there Is profit In 1L The two the corner post, a double strand of lated E yelid s. Illu stra ted B ook In ea ch P a c k ­ points on which special emphasis Is age. M urine is com p ou n d ed by o u r O cu lists laid In the demonstration car are feed­ smooth No. 10 wire is put around both — not a “ P atent M edicine” — b u t used in su c­ posts from the top of the stray post to cessfu l P h y sicia n s’ P ra ctice fo r m an y yea rs. ing for eggs and housing. Egg rations N ow d ed ica ted to the p u b lic an d s old by are on display, feeding charts show re­ to the bottom of the corner post, or D ru g g ists at- 25c and 50c p e r B ottle. M urina sults of experiments, breeding charts E ye S a lv e in A sep tic T u b e s , Z5c a n d 60c. show results of breeding for eggs, dif­ M u rin e Eye Remedy C o .. C h ic a g o ferent grades and qualities of eggs are exhibited, marketing possibilities are Dally Thought. demonstrated, and the equipment for Be glad of life because it give* successful hatching and brooding of you the chance to love and to work chicks Is displayed. The walls of the and to play and to look up at the car are covered with signs and charts -Stars.”—Mosaic Essays, by Paul El* containing lessons in practical poul­ try keeping. A ‘knock down’ colony Cer. bouse is taken along and set up out­ side the car at each stop. "While chickens may be made to R E A L E S T A T E lo well In different houses, It may be FOR SALE — 80 ACRES ALL CULT. CASSIA CO.. IDA.: house, outbuilding*, commercial fruit orchard, said In favor of the colony system and Gate Well Braced. ........ ~ •took, machinery, etc.: ¿CHUB, Box ”19, 319, Chi Chicago. free range that there Is no noted poul­ 640 AO. INLINCOLN OO., WASH : B25 AO. CULT.: __________ __ _________ _ try district in the _______________ United States where E S L f i S S : ¿ T w i K S i poultry-keeping has been permanently approximately at right angles to the successful, where the colony house brace, then twisted tight with a short WILL SACRIFICE SO A. IN MARION OO- OR. . 40 »o system was not followed. The colony stick. cult.; 10 room hon*e: outbuilding*. 10 acre orchard, etc oearBrook*; 9m. from Balem. JONES, Bx. 319,Chicago bouse, moreover, was the house used The brace should not be less than FOR SALE-ABOUT 33 ACRES. ALL IN BEARING it the Oregon Experiment Station last six Inches in diameter, and squared at year for the hens that made the high­ fruit Tree*. Near Kennewick. Wash. Two 4- room House*. Barn. Outbids*., etv- Will sacrifice* est egg records ever made in the Unit­ the ends. Add re** MEYEK. Box 319. Chicago. 111._____ ________ There is yet another way of bracing ed States bo far as official or authentic » ACRES IN SAN BERNARDINO OO.. CAL. All record Is concerned. The demonstra­ corner posts, to be commended for its planted to Grape*. Peache*. Apricot*. Alfalfa, etc. House, Barn, etc. 15 mile* from Riverside, 40 mile« tors on the car explain how those hens simplicity and low cost where timber from Lo* Angele*. All convenience*. Will sacrifice. were housed and cared for, and answer is scarce. It is best suited for back Address BLAKE. Box 319, Chicago. 111. any questions as to their feeding and fences, where there is no passing treatment.” around the corners. M E X IC A N This la an anchor placed In line DRY FARMING ALFALFA. with the fence for an end post, hut Prof. Scudder Sees Big Possibilities In where there Is a corner it ta midway between, or at an angle of 35 degrees Alfalfa Seed. with either line. Oregon Agricultural College. Cor- A pit two feet deep and a foot wide vallis.—The growing of alfalfa on the Iry farming lands o f Oregon In culti­ and fonr inches long ta dug back six vated rows for the production of seed feet from the post to be braced. A “ O K ” FOR HORSES. las been the special dry farming hob­ log or chunk three feet long la burled [ Charles L ock e, Stanford. M ont, w rites! by o f Prof. H. D. Scudder of the Ore­ in the hole, two strands of No. 9 wire “ Y ou w ill find enclosed t w o cent stam p I gon Agricultural College. He has ad­ tied around the middle of it, then fo r w hich send me you r H orse D octor’s [ Diary. I am a hostler in a barn here on I vocated this plan widely through East- secured to the top of the posts. the Great Falls Stage Line and m y horses I »rn Oregon for the past five years, and h a re very sore shoulders. I ’ ve used M us. I When this log or "dead man,” as It !s beginning to see practical results tan g Linim ent and find it all ri«ht. I rec-1 in a large scale. A prominent wheat 1* called, is covered and well tamped oramend it as the best on the market.'* I k5c. 5 0 c. $1 a bottle at D ru« Sk G ea ’ l Store« I fanner at Arlington has planned to the wire from It to the post should be put In ICO acres of alfalfa on his dry twisted till the post leans slightly, land, and has asked the agronomy de- then when the wire Is stretched the lartment of the college for special In­ post will give sufficiently to put it fraction and Ps» the best seed. An- ither man, one o ' 'he largeet wheat hack straight. One may think that this anchor armers In Gilliam county, Is to put in î7ALBKS BROS- fijj ,000 acres of alfalfa thfe. spring. The would pull up, hut there is no danger -rest number of letters coming to Prof. If It la put In two feet, and the wall •Scudder from all parts of Eastern and of the pit straight down, or a little Central Oregon on this subject Indi­ caved, with a notch cut In the hank cates the first great change for the for tbe wire to make a straight pull BEST AND CHEAPEST^ 4 setter In dry farming agriculture there. toward the top of the post. Thla form o f brace tends to pull the post down Ask your dealer for it. I f he does —rather than up, as Is tbe case with f c j j f l f l SORE I not handle it drop us a postal card tbe other braces. and we will furnish you the name o f D e m u re , But D e te rm in e d . For a yard fence where appearances • dealer who does A bride look* so modest and demure count for more than In other places, it a wedding that It la hard to sue* the brace ma 7 be hidden. A hole Is pect her of having boesed the affair dug to tbe desired depth, being as with an iron band.— Atchison Globe, long as the distance between the poets uoee to tne LtuO. tbe stay post being set In one end. ij; MILLING COJjij Mark»—"Does your wife play by and the corner poet In the other. earf" Parka—“Tee, but not by my PORTLAND, OREGON A brace is fitted In tight between ear tf I can help 1L"—Boston T i a » them in the bottom o f the bole, and the dirt filled in. then another la pvt Guaranteed to cure Catarrh. Asthma. Bronchitis. Hay Fever and Rose ('olds, or money refunded. Inclose SI. 25 for Asthma Remedy, or 50c in stamps for A Catarrh of the Head and Stomach. Ask for address of people cured in Portland, Tacoma or Seattle. Arnold’s Asthma Care Co.. 333-4 Arcade bid*.. Seattle. Wa W OODLARK POISON FUCHI K N BLOOD PURIFIER MUSTANG L IN IM E N T DAIRY FEED! Eve ALBERS BROS, Salve In the same way at the surface of the ground. A modification of the anchor brace is made by running the wire from the top of the second or stay post to the bottom of the corner post, then set ting horizontal brace between the posts near the top. For a good fence I prefer to have the posts set in the early spring and -k •not tea -n o t coffee Ask your d octor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably say, “ Very, very rarely.” Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will probably an­ swer, “ Very, very frequently." Then ask him about A yer’s Sarsaparilla as a strong and safe tonic for the young. N ot a drop o f alcohol in it. w h f i r o v e r VOtl ft r e ** R&id R o o th W h e r e v e r y o u a r « , o a i u xxhjua . Ralph Rust. Willis, Mich., writes: Hood’s Sarsaparilla has been a house­ hold remedy in our home as long: as I PORTLAND FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU W ill furnish you any kind o f help you want, male or female, skilled or unskilled, farm, sawmill, log­ gin g or any miscellaneous labor. Call, w rite or phone. No fees o f any kind charged in this office. P h o n e s -A 6624; Main 8666. 215 S*cmi St. fwrtiaad. Or. Children ? It’s the m ost de­ lightful Breakfast Drink you ever tasted — and the most wholesome and invigorating. You rannol but like its rich “ grainy" flavor and spicy aroma. Ask your grocer tor Three G*s Always keep a box of Ayer’s Pills in the house. Just one pill st bedtime, now and then, will ward off many tn ttttrk of biliousness, indigestion, sick-headiche. I How many years has your doctor known these pills? Ask him all shout them. (C O L P E N C R A IN G RAN ULES) —U h e hasn't got It k e will get It for you. It's good fo r you J limes a day. A n d remember that there is no substitute for 3 G ’s. Mad* by th« J. O. AT« « OO., Low« 1 1 M «u . W. L. D O U G L A S SHOES Anchor Brace. $ 2 .50 $ 3 .0 0 $ 3 .5 0 & $ 4 .0 0 stretch the wire a month later, after For M E N , W O M E N and B O Y S the posts have settled, and the weath­ er becomes warm. SH O E S EQ U AL CU STO M BENCH There is considerable contraction W O R K C O S T IN C $ 7 . 0 0 T O $ 8 . 0 0 and expansion due to heat and cold, W ear W. L. Douglas Shoes. You so a fence stretched in midsummer is can save money because they are m ore, | more likely to remain tight. In economical and satisfactory in style, fit \ stretching the wire, always fasten the and wear than any other makes. W . L. stretcher to the end or corner post, Douglas name and price stamped on .._ r and not to some object beyond, Just the bottom guarantees full value and WS® because it Is more convenient. I have tried this and know that protects the wearer against high prices unless the end posts receive the ten­ and inferior shoes. Insist upon having the sion when stretching, they will give al genuine W. L. Douglas shoes. «Tfilir.«?. If youi-dealer <-annot MiprlyW. I. O ohjk I m writ. W. I. soon as the stretcher Is removed. A pouitlu, Hro**kton. M »»., for catuloo. Sh.-,-. «-tit rrrrvwti«re stretcher with two levers, one at the daiyory clrnrgM prejoUU. Rant C o lo r K y r l . l . umod. top and another at the bottom Is the best type, since on uneven ground the Raft of Cocoanuta. ■Four Companies Conquered Empire. wire may be stretched to conform te In the Philippine Islands one fre In the sixteenth century a whole the surface. The most Important thing In the quently sees a raft of cocoanuts be­ empire was conquered with four hun­ construction of a fence Is having post! ing floated down the river to market dred soldiers and sixteen horses. Thta well set, for without this It Is liupos The buoyant nuts are closely packed was the extent of Cortes' strength sible to stretch heavy woven wire Into a circle, braced across with bam­ when he concurred Moxi™. Never try to stretch more than 4( | boos, and tied with fiber; and the Busy Man’s One Complaint. rods at once, and if this Is four-fool, queer craft, with Its native paddler, Is The busy man Is only aware of time wire It will require enormous tension then ready for the trip down stream A part of the crimp Bhould k“ 1 to a point where the raft will be because It goes so swiftly.—Florida Tlmes-Unlon. draw nout of the wlVes." Na“lT“to ev en J " ? « « *PJ \n,d th? cocoanuU •old’- Wlde World m W. L. DOUGLAS $4.50 & $5.00 RED CROSS BALL BLUE. The blue that Is all blue. Bast for washing because It makes the clothe« clear and white, lasts longer than liquid blue and produces better re­ sults. Avoid liquid bluing because It Is only a weal: solution of blue In an expensive package. RED CROSS BALL BLUE is sold everywhere. Price, 10c. ASK YOUR GROCER ARE YOU POORLY Poor health and a gen­ eral run down condi­ tion is the outcome of a spell of stom­ ach trouble; Peasant Woman In Hard Luck. A peasant woman of Budapest, Hun-' gary, drew $40 from a savings bank, | and, on her way home, bought a tame hare for her children. For safety she but listen— Brace and Wire. A, Corner Pott; tethered the hare with a handkerchief j Stay Post. | In which she had rolled the notes, but j post, but not to every wire. Staple a the animal managed to get away— I part o f them to one post, and th« tether and money and all. The poor] woman In her despair banged herself j alternate ones to the next post. next d a y ._________________ Make substantial gates, light though strong. Our gates are 1 by 4 lumber M oth er, w ill And Mr«. W lnalow 'a B ooth ln e j is just the medicine ycu need. and usually 10 or 11 feet wide. It lu r in g I’-.e te e th in g period. I order to save waste, get 16-foot lum -------------------------- It aids digestion, keeps the her. Credit. bowels open and induces per­ Seven pieces of that length, and on« Church Trustee— “ Did you occupy fect health. Try a bottle ten will make the gate without any four last pulpit with credit?” New j waste. There should also be anothei Rector—“ Entirely. There was never today. piece a foot wide and ten feet long kny cash connected with It."—Judge. which may be sawed lu two and nail ------- - -- - ----- - ---- ! ed, one piece on either side wher« the hinges are bolted on. The gate may be made 11 feet Ion* and five feet high by cutting the 16 j l%ot$r pride—our hobby—t obtained graln. It appears that the highly spo ing is asked in return except your good mènent relief. Let «hl« i m t nature h«a)er dia«- nose ytrar ra*e and pr««erlt>e some rem«dy who«« clalized poultry farms are able to will, and their advice baa helped thou- action I« qalek. «ire and «af*. Hia pmrrtptlona are com ««landed from Root«, Hert«, Had« «ad stand present conditions fully as well lands. Surely any have l*een an the red from every qnar* «lob «. T i » «erre«« o f them m edirla«# aa the Individual farms. At any rate, woman, rich or poor, m •re not known to the otttaide Ide world, hat have hew« hnnded down frr.ru father to the large producers are likely to study »hould be g l a d to in tho phygictM«' families 1« China. the question more closely, and perhaps t a k e advantage o f CON fH XTATIOif FREE. they are able to figure out a profit, generous offer If jroo live ont of town and canno« call, writ« for symptom bleak and circolar, «ecioaln« 4 cenia La everything considered, where the far- assistance. Ad- •lampe mer Is scared by the high coat of pro *reu Lydl* EX Pink- ductlon. ham Medicine Co., THE C. SEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. (confidential) Lynn, 162| flrrt S(., Cor. Morrboa* Mass. Making Mans Lay. * ______ i farti— 4 . O regon . To make them lay keep them com I-very w om an ongVit to have ^ mm —— fortable and busy, but don't overfeed. L ydia E . P ln k h a m ’ s HO-page More pullets refuse to lay from being Text B o o k . It la n ot a b o o k fo r f. N. U. no l o - 't a overfed than underfed. Our pullets ! e n e r a ' d istrib u tion , aa it la to o get two regular feeds a day. a hot Mpwnaly«. I t la fre e and on ly C. mash In tha morning, grain for sup per, with a scratch at noon. , *• ^ m*U. W r it « fo r i GEE W O