Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 02, 1912, Image 4

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    Christian Church Services
C. H. Hilton, the pastor, will
preach at the Christian church
The Press Publishing Co.
next Sunday both morning and
in th e C ity of
In the morning the
F orest G rove , O regon ,
subject will be “Give Ye Them
A. G. H offman , ...................... P re sid e n t
| to E at.” In the evening there
O. M. G ard n er ...................... Vice P res.
J. N. H offman ...... S ec’y and a n a g e r will be a theme of great impor­
tance, subject, “ Is Christianity
THURSDAY of EACH WEEK. Reasonable or Unreasonable?”
You are invited to hear this im­
portant theme. Bible school be­
I ndependent P hones
O f f i c e 505
R esidence 442 gins at 10:30 with continuous
The evening service
E n tered a t th e post office a t F o rest Grove, Oirn will begin in future at eight
& b m ail m a tte r of th e second class.
F o rest G rove P ress
P ublished & E dited by
^T e r m s o f S u b s c r i p t i o n
Death of Samuel C. Sears
Samuel C. Sears died at his
northwest of the Grove
D isplay a d v e rtise m e n ts fo r publica­
tion in th e P R E S S m u st be in th is office April 24, 1912, aged 66 years.
n o t la te r th a n T uesday e v en in g to in­ Mr. Sears was married to Celesta
su re ap p earan ce in c u rre n t issue.
E. Comstock in 1971 and moved
A copy O f T he P ress will be m ailed to Oregon the same year, settling
to all ad v ertise r» in w hich th e ir ad a p - . in Polk county. Later he moved
p ears.
to this county and bought the
farm where he resided up to the
The Oregon primary nominat­ time of his death. His wife and
ing election has one good feat­ five children survive him.
u re -th a t of eliminating parti-
Funeral services were held at
zanism. Here each party puts the residence Friday, conducted
in the field the man of its choice by Rev. Hilton. The interment
and here no voter pledges his in the Union cemetery was con­
support but remains a free man. ducted by the Knights of Pyth
At the general election all the ¡as Gf which he has been a mem-
candidates are placed upon one ber for twenty-three years.
ticket, that the voter may select
the man of his choice irrespec­
tive of party. If a man is not
fit for this nomination he must
be less fitted for your support at
the final election. The press
and the people cry for freedom. T he E m erson T y p e w rite r Com pany of
O ne Y ear $1.00
Six M onths .75
Your Selection for a 1 9 1 2 Wheel
e e p v R i O H T
C O P Y R IG H T , 1910
B O B E >S
“T hen w hy did you say no?”
he la”— H e paused, searching Paul'*
“ B ecause," he a n sw ered sim ply, “as countenance keenly.
long a s 1 have bis friendship 1 m ust
“ Yes, yea.” P a u l’s face shone w ith
>e tru e to him, fo r 1 am th e victim of anticipation.
my ow n plot. 1 se t out to like him as
“M yself.”
a m a tte r of policy, to clim b In his
Bob tu rn e d hla eyes aw ay quickly
trail. A nd now ”— H e hesitated.
th a t he m ig h t n o t behold the disap­
"A nd now ?"
pointm ent w hich he kuew w as w rit­
“1 love him as my ow n b rother.”
ten on P a u l's face. F o r several m in­
T h e m an u p stairs felt his h e a rt give utes they s a t th u s w ith o u t speaking
a oulck. sh a m th ro b .He had s c h p u i P d w hile th e a t o m outside how led In
an existence In w hich love should nev
fierce glee.
er fe tte r mind or h eart. At an ac
“I ’m sorry. P au l." Bob broke th e
know ledgm ent of affection from one slleuce g eu tiy fo r him. "1 th o u g h t of
whom he had called friend, hardly you th e first th in g , hut 1 tbluk It bet­
know ing th e m eaning of friendship, a te r not. I t w ould h u rt m ore th an It
stran g e, unaccustom ed Joy flooded his could help you. The m ayor of a big
h eart, revealing th e hold th a t frie n d ­ city alw ay s goes out of office w ith
ship had taken on him. A new p u r­ m ore enem ies than w hen be goes In.
pose cam e to him. El is pow er took on T here is th e crow d of disappointed
a new and higher value. W ith it he job h u n te rs w ho a re convinced th a t
w ould royally endow this friend, de they have been unfairly tre a te d and
fen d in g Paul from th e w eakness of his hate him forever a fterw ard .
own tem p eram en t, and m ake him g reat
"I'm pluuuing several things," he
an d honored in th e land.
continued quietly, “th a t will s tir up a
“ It has been a day of fate," P au l big bowl. It w on’t h u rt me. I'm used
said, "fo r today I suw her once m ore.” to it. 1 have no personal bold on the
“Surely not th e d renm lady? I su p ­ people anyw ay. They yell fo r me now
because they th in k w hat I'm doing Is
posed you had forg o tten her.”
“T h e sam e. I w as w alking along the to th eir a d v a n ta g e and because I'm on
s t r e e t T h ere w as a carriag e block­ top. B ut w ith you It Is d iffe re n t
W oodstock, 111., have re c e n tly given
You're stro n g w ith them all over the
aw ay over 400 of th e h ig h e st g rade, ade. I bad th e feeling one has when
An unconquerable will, well wholly visible E m erson T y p e w rite rs a n o th e r’s eyes a re fa sten ed on one. I state, stro n g er th a n you know . You
ade in th e w orld.
T hey have gone looked Into th e c a rria g e beside me. It c a n 't afford to reduce th a t stren g th
controlled and wisely directed, is m
You go on
into e v ery s ta te and te rrito ry in the w as she. She tu rn e d aw ay quickly, for a m ere m ayoralty.
one of the most desirable of hu­ U nited S ta te s. T h e re m ay be som e in hut not before I hod looked full Into building it up an d your tim e will come
tow n.
T hey a re giv in g them her eyes for a m om ent. She will know for som ething better.
You've been
man qualities. (Extract from your
aw ay ev ery w h ere to m en, w om en, boys me w hen we meet, as we shall soon sq u are w ith m e,” he added aw k w a rd ­
Ladies Home Journal.
and g irls, over e ig h teen y e a rs o f age,
No; I have not forg o tten. I shall n ev­ ly, "w hen you m ight have bettered
on su rp risin g ly lib eral conditions.
yourself by goiug over. A nd I w on't
I f you could m ake any use o f a $100 er forget her. 1 c a n 't I w ouldn't If I
forget It."
On May 4th a proclamation ty p e w rite r, providing it did not cost could."
A t th is Ibo n e arest approach to a f ­
w ill h p ia s iip d
h v s e v e n o.o v . 1 you even one cent, th e n in a
Bob ______
m u ttered
a sa v a P g e oath. 'T ____
f ,,
M fi
im a postal card addressed to F ra n k L. (,e broke luto a m irthless, Ironical fectionate dem onstration Bob had ever
eonors Of the Northwest, calling W ilder, P resid en t, W oodstock, 111.. chuckle.
m ade the cloud vanished from Rem ­
ply say, “ Mail m e all y o u r free
ington's face. Im pulsively he held out
a meeting of the Northwest De­ sim
o ffe rs,’’ and by re tu rn mail you will re ­
his hand.
velopment Congress to he held ceive th e ir fre e offers, th e nam es o f —sa v e th e m a rk —ap o stle of self suffi­
Forgive me. old m an." he said with
over 400 who have rec e n tly received ciency; Jealo u s of a w om an—of o
June 5 to 8 at Seattle, Wash.
fine hum ility. "You m ake m e heartily
ty p e w rite rs free, and you w ill learn on d ream ! Bound! H elpless!”
w h at easy conditions you can g e t one
R esolutely striv in g to put aw ay d is­ asham ed o f m yself. You ore the prluce
of friends, and I'm an tngrate. B ut I
o f th e ir ty p e w rite rs fre e rig h t aw ay.
We too often neglect to show The E m erson T y p e w rite r is one of turb in g thoughts, he closed th e door ask one fav o r.”
and set him self to work.
appreciation for favors and for the h ig h e st g rad e, wholly visible ty p e ­ L a te r Paul w ent up to Bob's library
“All right. W hat Is It?”
rite rs m ade in th e world.
Many who
"1 m ust p resen t your nam e to the
kindnesses shown us.
Many w
have used the “ E M E R S O N ” and o th er and began to discuss th e com ing m ay­ convention. It shall be the speech of
favors and kindly greetings by m akes ffrolhounafe .the “ E M E R S O N ” oralty convention, set fo r th ree days my career. G ad. w hat a chance! You
$100.00 ty p e w rite r on th e re a fte r
U nder th e provisions of
our would-be friends are w ith-: __ the*market
__ _______ “"Tt is a wholly visible ma- the "rip p e r" bill th e Steel City w as to say you have no personal hold on the
held from lack of expression o f chine, has every new, u p -to -d ate fe a t­ •boose a new m ayor In F eb ru ary The people.” H e began to pace th e floor,
his eyes shining brightly.
"I will
ure, looks like o th e r high g ra d e $100.00
appreciation on our part.
ty p e w rite rs, though it is selling ju s t tk’p n b llran prim aries had already been compel them to love you. T hey shnll
now a t an astonishingly low p rice and held, resu ltin g In th e choice of dele
learn to know you In your true, heroic
on te rm s o f no monev w ith o rder, tria l gates ftu iu a m ajo rity of the pre proportions. Not a m an In th a t con­
Opportunity For Real Recreation free in yo u r own hom e. N o th in g to cln cts Instruct««! fo r Bob's candidate. vention will d are vote ag ain st you.”
a t first, and a f te r a thorough trial. H emen way.
In the m eantim e I'll keep an eye
God has created some beauti­ pay
10 c en ts a day until paid.
T he “ EM-
ob," said P aul, “ w n a ts up?”
on the delegates. Come dowD to earth ."
ful and lovely spots near our j E R S O N ” has every new im provem ent, "B
" W h a t’s up?"
keyboard, hack sp acer, ta b ­
city, but none more beautiful in u u niversal
“T h e re 's som ething In th e nlr. I <i>ti
lato r, tw o-color ribbon, e v e ry th in g
C H A P T E R X.
natural surroundings than Hoff­ th e b e st; is th e ideal m achine fo r b e­ feel I t I w as a t h e a d q u a rte rs today,
m i t S I I .V F R TO N OU *.
ers as well as fo r th e m ost e x p e rt
man City Park, where nature g ty in p n ists
and ste n o g ra p h e rs; ju s t the the fev er o f restlessness. B ut no one
RS. ELE A N O R G IL B E R T , very
has supplied more than a dozen ty p e w rite r fo r th e sm allest o r la rg e st could fathom It. You and H nggln
handsom e tn her m orulng
gow n, w as pouring a second
varieties of wood which furnish , I f you could possibly m ake any use haven’t been visible for tw o days, and
cup of coffee for her brother.
H em enw ny Is a t hom e sick, no one a l­
abundance o f shade; where Gales o f a high g rad e tp p e w ritc r, even lowed
A p re tty w om an a t th e b reak fast
to visit him. W h at’s up? My
e creek
r o p k wiui
w i t h s sanuy
n n d v h uanKS
a n k s a anti
n d lu
it- money>
though it or d if
id n you
’t cost
you like
e n t of
the c agency
guess Is «n Independent candidate, table," rem arked H enry Sanger. Jr., "Is
toms furnishes the finest oppor- in your tow n on a plan by w hich you backed by th e old M acI’herson crow d." the most ch arm in g picture In the
“ W orse.”
Bob a n sw ered
coolly, w orld.”
i n i t i e a i f o o r r waaing.
wndinir* where
ake big with
m oney,
r if you would
i t i unities
wnert swim-
swim vould
like # m (K)aition
the o ,.ompany>
then "n e m e n w n y has sold us out. l i e Is
M rs G ilbert shrugged her shoulders
ming pools in the sunshine, with be su re, on a postal card or in a le tte r to w ith d raw th e day o f th e eonventlou listlessly. "S ave your com plim ents for
to “ F ran k L. W ilder, P resi- —giving III health as the excuse—and your wife. I'm In no hum or for them.
good banks and bottoms, offer 1 d ad en d t, ressed
W oodstock, 111.,” say ■Mail
I’m dying of stagnation. H enry, you
leave bis delegates unpledged."
opportunity to those who love your F re e O ffers.”
"My God!" Paul gasped, falling lim p­ m ust—you sim ply ^ m ust—come to my
the Bport; where the birds un­
ly Into a chair. "W hy. man. It m eans rescue today.”
H la brow puckered regretfully. "I'm
—it m eans th a t th ey 'v e bought over
Final Notice
molested fill the air with their
Notice is hereby given that the delegates, too. and will push tb elr aorry. E leanor. I'd like to help you
songs, and the squirrels skip and
the undersigned Administratrix m an R usling through. T hey w ouldn't out. but really I c a n 't My m orning la
jump from tree to tree.
w ith Im portant board meetings.
j of the estate of Eli Smith de­ let Ilem en w ay w ith d raw w ithout first filled
And th is afternoon I have planned to
This beautiful spot, within ten ceased, has filed in the County m aking su re o f th e delegates.”
go to the bull halting."
minutes’ walk from tfie city, is ; Court of Washington County, " P rw la e ly .”
"B ull b aiting? I thought th a t sp o rt”-
Paul raised bis h an d s an d let them
open and free to all.
Here her final report in said estate, fall In a g e stu re o f u tte r helplessness. "F lg u re of speech. I m ean th e con­
everything invites a good time, and the County Judge has set "W h at shall we do?” he groaned. vention a t w hich th e local O. O P. Is
to choose th e n ext m a y o r-p e rh a p s—of
uninterrupted repose and quiet. Saturday, May 25th, 1912, at 2 "W h a t can we do?”
our g re a t city."
o’clock P. M. of said day, as the "N othing!"
time of hearing any objections “ N othing!" P au l cried In excited re­ “Oh, political A nd who is to play
The Crowing Hen
to said report, therefore all per- proach "A re yon going to allow them bull?”
"O ur political lord and m aster. Rob­
Si:e voices and invoices th e rig h ts o f * ° n ® interested therein will ap- to c a rry off the victory w ithout a
ert McAdoo. a lla i K nockout Bob, alia*
her fa ir sex,
I*““1" «1 that time, or flle their Ot>- tight r
“I can say nothing.” Bob explained the boss of the Steel City."
B ut, th an k th e Ix>rd, like gout, th e low- jections on or before that date,
"T his McAdoo—Is he a good bosg?"
calm ly, "because th e re 's nothing more
est, org an s only it effects).
, ,
M RS. L E . SM ITH ,
“ W here
A m ericanism ?
to do. It has all been done. They
She cusses and discusses m ankind since
Administratrix of the estate of kept It m ighty q u ie t—they had to—but T h ere's no auch th in g as a good boss—
Eli Smith, deceased.
tim es rem ote.
I got w ind o f It night before last. unless he happens to be on your aide.
M anch 5 I r en e L a n g ley ,
T hey overreached them selves, as Mac TheD he be«wmes a leader.”
Ami g en d ers and en g en d ers fem ale th e
“ 1 am to suppose, th en .” Mrs. G ilbert
Attorney for Administratrix. g enerally does. They m ade th e m istake
rig h t to vote.
o f going to H aggtn. H e led them on. laughed, " th a t Boss McAdoo Isn 't on
First publication April 25.
T ru e v erses she rev erses, th u s sn a r­
ngn-elng to e v ery th in g they propose«l. your side?"
ing no few men
"You a re .” S anger answ ered shortly.
tb e lr money like th e old
Don’t neglect the children’s g pocketing
T o aid in g e ttin g and b e g e ttin g suffrage
ra fte r be Is. and then cam e aud told "I consider him th e m ost dangerous
musical education. It is a sin me. W e got busy at once. W e have politician In the s ta te .”
fo r th e “ h e n .”
"D angerous? B ecause he Is not on
H er claim ing ami exclaim ing th a t she for parents to neglect this part th e d elegates back, and th e o th e r crow d
y o u r a i d e r She laughed again.
out a b arrel of m oney."
has a rig h t to “ poll”
of a child’s education. Have you a re T aul
leaped to his feet an d seized
(To be continued.)
M eans sen d in g ami descending to a a piano in your home to start the
Bob's hand. "You old R om ani” he ex I
congress o f w hich she is th e soul.
little ones out on, who, if they claim ed lu affectio n ate pride. “They
FOR SALE — Young; Coach
S he’s tilin g and rep tiiin g th e ‘’sw a m p " had half a chance, would turn c a n 't b eat you, can they?"
3 years old, weight about
in politic«.
the gloom into sunshine for you you do for a candidate?"
J. D. Mickle, Forest
And pounding and expounding on th e
and others? I sell good reliable “ T h ere’s only one th in g to do.” Bob Grove. Phone 551 Hill line.
n a tio n 's aw ful fix
T hus voting and devoting all h e r h e a rt pianos and sell them on terms to an sw ered slow ly. "W e m ust have a
m an we can count on a t every tu r n " —
and both her feet,
suit you whether for cash, or the "Yes. yes," P au l In terru p ted eagerly. j
Till sh e’s k oted aud pollute«! the pres- B m ai‘|e s t payment you can afford.
“W ho has good n e rv e "—
idental seat.
“W ith th e courage to w ith s ta n d all
When in Hiilsboro go to
P a t e r s o n , Forest
O. W. Humphrey.
th e ir pow er."
the Owl Cafe to eat. Meals
"W ho won't worry oTer newspaper
25c. Near K. P. hall, west
We wish to announce that we
"W ith a spirit too strong to be
side Second street.
Clover Hay
have secured the agency for
wounded by tbelr m alicious Ilea.”
Good meals for 25c.
Aak any of our $7.00 per ton. Delivery added, “And not too much conscience," Bob
clerks what it ia. The Forest
Dinner at Owl Cafe 25c.
ronclnded dryly- •Where* just one
J. D. R ode .
¿¡rove Pharmacy.
n a n In the city who Alia the MIL And
should he made with careful
discrimination. You want the
best your money can buy.
| There are more poor anti
worthless wheels on the mar­
ket than there are good ones.
If you decide on a Racyclel
Miamy, Globe or Daytonia, we
know you will never regret it.
Expert testimony furnishes
ample evidence of its superi­
ority over any made.
'^ 1
New, fresh stock of Tires and Sundries, the largest
selections in the county. Second-hand Wheels
for sale or rent. THE LITTLE STORE
(Representing Nine Agencies.)
Phone 306
Pacific Ave
Absolutely Safe and Reliable
The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association
Of Forest Grove, Oregon
Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home
Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your
Business or Dwelling in The
Bankers & Merchants
Scenic Theatre
Motion Photo Exhibitions
Service— 7:45to9;00
Three Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9:50
Matinee—2:30 p. m. Saturday
Daily Change with Best Films
Our Work Guaranteed and
Your Patronage Solicited
First Ave., Foot Council St.
Foreat Grove, Oregon
There Is No Question
V * 'll
There is no question but that we
haye^a fine line of NEW and
l>t"> Bate Ball Good«, Paint« &
Oils. Everything in garden tools.
Your Hardware Needs Can Be Supplied at
Right Prices and a Square Deal
to Everyone.