J FRENCH B A N D IT S KILLED . Walls o f Refuge Dynamited, and Both Riddled With Bullets. Realty Abstract Company W H Y THIRTY ARE KILLER Investment Makes Your Abstract Paris— Bonnot, the leader o f an or­ ganized gang o f automobile bandits who have been terrorizing Paris and the surrounding district fo r months, and Dubois, a notorious anarchist, were shot to death Sunday in the most thrilling encounter in the annals o f General Resume o f Importent Events French crime. Farming Districts Suffer Most— 15 A garage at Choisy-le-Roi, six miles Presented In Condensed Form Dead at One Place—Wires Down, south o f Paris, in which the bandits Damage Immense. fo r Our Busy Reeders. had taken refuge, was blown up by dynamite, after the tw o men had kept Oklahoma C ity— Thirty-one person* A parade o f work horses w ill be at bay fo r hours a large part o f the feature o f the Portland Rose Festival police force o f Paris, a contingent o f are-reported to have been killed by a in June. gendarmes, two companies o f republi­ tornado that swept Southwestern Okla­ Six thousand Mexican rebels under can guards and a company o f engi­ homa and the southeastern corner o f General Orozco are fu lly equipped and neers. Ten thousand spectators the Texas panhandle late Sunday. ready for battle. A dozen towns were struck and viewed the battle. Estimates o f flood losses in 11 par­ The engagement equalled in drama­ farm ing communities suffered. ishes in Northwest Louisiana set the Communication facilities are para­ tic circumstances the encounter in damage at 111,000,000. January, 1911, described ks “ the bat­ lyzed and,it is impossible to confirm the It is shown that Moorish women tle o f London,’ ’ when desperadoes ac­ reports o f life or estimate the proper­ were ringleaders in the torture and ty damaged. massacre o f the French legation at cused o f being the murderers o f police The greatest loss o f life reported is in Houndsditch were trapped in a Fez. at Lugert, where it is said 15 persons house in the Whitechapel district and C. D. Hillman was recognized from an old photograph in the Rogues’ Gal­ went to their death battling against were killed. A special train sent from nurses lery when he reached the penitentiary hundreds o f London police and sol­ Altus with physicians and at M cN eill’s island. picked up 10 injured persons and start­ diers. A Portland streetcar conductor had Bonnot and Dubois, a fter wounding ed back fo r Altus. his little finger torn off by catching in two policemen, took refuge in the Tw o o f the injured ones died on the the harness o f a team which his car garage. They were trapped in the train. building, which at once was surround­ was passing in close quarters. I t is reported that a Kansas City, ed. Reinforcements w ere dispatched Pennsylvania coal mine operators to aid the police. A battery o f artil­ Mexico & Orient train had been blown have signed the agreement ratified by lery was on the way from Versailles from the track and 20 persons killed, the referendum vote o f the miners and when a small detachment o f soldiers but it developed that only two cars had been derailed and no one was hurt. a big coal strike has been averted. succeeded in placing dynamite against The tornado started just across the The British people are beginning to the structure and blowing out the Texas border and first killed several front walls. Bonnot was captured resent the holding o f British subjects persons at Kirkland, Tex., demolish­ in this country by the senate commit­ alive, riddled with bullets, but died on ing 30 buildings, and blew a Rock the way to a hospital. tee investigating the Titanic disaster. Island work train off the track. The great crowd, with cries o f Tearing on northward the storm A cyclone struck a Union Pacific “ Death to Bonnot,” almost tore the passenger train in Nebraska and blew bandit from the soldiers, several o f struck Eldorado, killing four; Calumet, k illin g three; and Lugert, Rocky, the entire train, except the engine, whom were injured. where half the town is in ruins; Y u ­ from the track, injuring twenty per­ kon, Warren, Martha, B lair and Lone sons. D EATH L IS T G RO W S. W olf. Students at the high school at Pa- A t each o f these places many per­ louse, Wash., mutinied and forced the Floods Follow Oklahoma Storm and sons were hurt. Several o f those superintendent to reinstate a student Block Rescuers. towns are cut off from communication. who had been expelled fo r break o f Oklahoma C ity— As detailed reports What is believed to be the tail o f the discipline. come in, the extent o f devastation and storm destroyed several buildings at Mulhall, 50 miles north o f Oklahoma Four tornadoes w ere reported in one loss o f life and property in Sundays’ City, but so fa r as known there were day near the Kansas-Oklahoma line, one o f them killing three persons. A t tornado increases. It is known that 20 no casualties there. one point five inches o f w ater fe ll in towns were struck by the storm which less than an hour. swept northward through portions o f Five patients at the Salem insane Southwestern and Central Oklahoma; asylum overpowered their attendant that two o f them,- Butler and Foss, and locked him in a bath room, taking were literally wiped out and 41 dead N ew Y o rk — The N ew York Herald his keys and making their escape from the building. One was recaptured. and more than 100 injured are ac­ publishes the follow ing estimate o f One o f the escaped men is a giant counted for. Other deaths Bre report­ the relative strength o f the presiden­ Frenchman who wears a No. 16 shoe. ed but cannot be verified because tial candidates, as the result o f an im­ swollen streams prevent rescue patries partial reveiw o f the situation: , The big steel steamer Alameda, o f from exploring whole sections. Republicans. No word had been received from the Alaska Steamship company, got T a f t .............. U ncertain................. 5 Eldorado, Warren, Martha and Blair, beyond control and cut her way Roosevelt...... ........ 207 Needed to nominate. .540 La Follette ... ...... 36 through the Colman dock, also cutting which were reported to have suffered Cummins...... ........ 10 Y et to choose.............406 in two the Sound steamer Telegraph. severely, while Korn, Sentinel Colony Democrats. The captain gave warning so that and Hinton, Okla. were learned to Clark ............. ........149 B urke........................ 10 have been badly damaged. everyone on the dock escaped. Wilson ......... ...... 11H Uncertain................. UH A ll Central Oklahoma seems to be Marshall........ ........ 30 Needed to nominate. .768 Ice is breaking up on the Yukon demoralized and it may be days before Underwood ... ........ 24 river, the earliest ever known. Continuing, the Herald says the the loss o f life and property is known. Nearly 1000 Yaqui Indians, well Western Oklahoma streams are out president is virtu ally assured o f the armed, have gone on the warpath in o f their banks. The Rock Island nomination at Chicago at this writing, Arizona. bridge over the Cimarron river, 30 adding: “ Speaker Clark is gaining steadily More than $1,000,000 has been sub­ miles south o f Enid, was washed out. scribed for the aid o f survivors o f the A call for aid was sent out by the offi­ and Governor Wilson is losing some o f cials o f Lugert, who say there are 30 the b ig lead he had two and three Titanic disaster. weeks ago. Other Democratic aspir­ destitiute fam ilies in the town. ants for the nomination are fa r in the PO RTLAND M ARKETS. rear. Cullacan Almost in Ruins. Wheat — Track p rices: Bluestem, Tucson, A riz. — Culiacan virtually H IG H BIND ERS K IL L TH REE. $1070)1.08; club, $1.02; red Rus- sian, $1; valley, $1.02; forty-fold, ruined and Tepic badly battered, the west coast o f Mexico is reported at Fourth Chinaman Wounded in Battle $ 1 . 02 . Millstuffs— Bran, $24 ton; shorts. the offices o f the Southern Pacific o f at Salinas, Cal. Mexico to be free from w arfare for $26; middlings, $31. Salinas, Cal. — F ive highbinders C orn — Whole, $39; cracked, $40. the first time in several weeks. Tepic could not be heard from, the wires broke into a room here where four per ton. Chinese w ere playing cards, shot three Hay — No. 1 Eastern Oregon tim ­ having been cut at Presidio. Twenty o f them dead, wounded the fourth ser­ othy, $14016; No. 1 valley, $12(314;. sacks o f sugar were stolen from a rail­ iously and escaped. Murdered and alfalfa, $12012.60; clover, $ 8 0 9 ; road car at Culiacan, but the rebels in murderers are alike unidentified. The their anxiety to keep peace with oats and vetch, $10011; grain hay, $9. The wounded man w ill make no statement. Oats— No. 1 white, $39040 per ton. American interests returned 19. From the fact that none o f the com­ Fresh fruits— Strawberries, $2 per rebels also furnished a guard to pro­ batants is known here, it is supposed crate; cranberries, $10011-60 per tect the property o f the railroad. that all o f them were tong warriors barrel; apples, $1.2503 per box. planning a raid on marked men, but Rebels Retire Warships. Potatoes— Buying prices: Burbanks that the second party, having learned $1.40(