Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 02, 1912, Image 1

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F orest
ol. 3
P ress
Wear a white carnation for
Mother’s sake, Sunday, May 12,
in honor of the best mother that
ever lived—your own. A white
carnation for Mother’s memory; j
! a bright carnation for mothers
: living.
Farthers Frame Muni­
cipal Matters to Suit
G rove
Citizen Charges “Double Deal­
ings” by Those Who
Favor Paving
We are not “ knockers,” and I
think have the well being of the
city and the citizens at heart,
I quite as much as some o f those
I who are advocating paving and
j getting paid for their work. We
have had offers o f all the finan-
1 cial and legal assistance that we
! may need, and are determined
not to be forced into this debt if
we can help it.
Very truly yours,
Member Claims Body Is Ac­
tuated by Strong Sense
of Duty
No. 26
which they would have to do.
and violate their oath which they
had taken to stand by the city
charter, the opposers would boy­
cott the business men who were
on the council.
That looks to
me like a very serious threat to
hang over business men who are
conducting an honorable business
in our city and depending on
their business for their living.
Then another prophet arose,
Mr. Kane, who said that while
he was not effected by the pav­
ing of Second avenue he saw
what was coming.
He saw in­
tersection paving forced in and
the awful result o f the work that
would be done by the council.
I do not know how he got the
vision, without a shadow as
large as a man’s hand; it is sure­
ly a new revelation to me.
I do
not know o f any such work be­
ing attempted and the city char­
ter does not give any authority
for such cruel and inhuman
treatment, but this man can see
it coming.
I still believe the council will
stand by their pledge to honor
the city charter, and if the peo-'
pie want a change, they will
have to change the city charter.
l , for one, was glad that we had
men who in the face o f threats
and hisses would stand true to
their pledge and vote accord­
ingly. I have heard the council
criticized for voting a resolution
to pave without a petition to
pave being first presented. This
was done by request and a feel­
ing that the streets acted upon,
especially Pacific avenue, were
sadly in need o f repairs, leaving
it with the people to say whether
they wanted the paving or not.
This is no departure from that
done one year ago, or the right
to do.
First street was paved
without a petition, at least I
never heard o f one, and none o f
these people claimed any injus­
tice was done.
The property
owners had the right to object if
they wished to.
I am sorry for criticisms, but
even that should be no barrier to
Humphreys Bros. Found Guilty
George and Charles Humph-'
reys, brothers, who lived in the j
vicinity of Banks, were found
guilty of murder in the first de­
gree by the jury o f the circuit
Edison and Victor talking ma­
Council met in adjourned ses­ court at Corvallis yesterday.
Mr. Editor: I feel it an un­
Forest Grove, Ore.,
chines and records for sale at the
sion Friday evening o f last Sentence will be pronounced by
May 1, 1912.
pleasant duty to attempt an an­
For Sale — A young
mare swer to the anonymous letters
week, all members and officers Judge Hamilton tomorrow.
Editor Forest Crove Press.
Dear Sir: In an article in the
published in the last issue of the
V. V. Willis, 16 Third street.
Notice For Bids
•* By resolution Second Avenue
News-Times of April 18th it is
Forest Grove Press and signed
For Sale—Steam prune dryer, “ Recall” and “ A Question.” It
from First street to Fifth street
“ The council has the
Bids will be received at this stated:
one ton capacity, all complete.
was ordered paved with hard office up to Saturday, May 11, at well being and progress o f the
Price $60.
J. L. Loving, Gales seems that the ones who gave us
■urface gravel Bitulithic pave­ 10 a. m., for the wrecking and city at heart, and their efforts to Creek, Ore.
the writings were ashamed of
ment. The remonstrance in the removal o f the building on the beautify the town are made in
productions and withheld
The American Protective Tariff
judgment o f the council was not north half of Lot two, Block 24, all sincerity, and they have no
League No. 339 Broadway New
Sufficiently signed to defeat the Forest Grove, known as the desire to force upon the property
that Mr. Recall
York, will furnish gratuitously
as Mr. Lit-
Stephenson lot, party making
information and facts on any
* Necessary steps for laying the bid to receive all the mater­ not want. ”
his for­
phase o f the tariff question, on
| pavement on the one block of ial therein and to leave the
mer name was well and favor­
We were under the impression, postal card request.
College Way were taken.
“ A ” ground clear o f all lumber, rub­ at oue time, that this was so;
ably known, but under his nom-
Grace Newton, who so long de-plume he has made some ser­
treet pavement was abandoned. bish or other material.
but no one who was present at
Many interested citizens and
the last council meeting could waited on the customers at the ious charges against the city
? property owners were present
doubt for a moment but that the Book Store, has accepted a posi­ council which are not true and
Vocal Recital
F at the meeting and furnished en-
council were determined to over­ tion with the Forest Grove there is no excus^/or fche wrong
Miss Goldie Peterson will be
ride any objection o f the prop -: Studio, where she will be pleased statements given to the Press.
Jtertainment with speeches and
presented in recital Friday even­
He not only tells the people of
| questions.
erty holders; so much so that I to meet her many friends.
ing, May 3, in Marsh Hall at 8
was at first doubtful if it was a
It appears that the council in
H. Lidyard, the First street Forest Grove o f the crooked
p. m. by Mrs. Pauline Miller
meeting of the city council, or a shoemaker, has moved his shop work the council has done but
■ selecting that part o f Second
Chapman, the vocal director.
sort of “ star chamber” convened across the street and is now with what they are planning to force
£ avenue for pavement, omitted
Miss Peterson has developed a
K the one block connecting Main
to try the Second avenue prop­ Sam Walker, where the two the people to do in the future.
voice of sweetness and consider­
I street with First street, for the
erty holders and condemn them join efforts in mending the heel
What a blessing to have a
able dramatic quality.
No ad­
| reason that after a careful can-
to be paved.
Many are under and sole. When in need of re­ prophet in the city to sound a
mission fee is asked and the
the impression that remcn pairs call on them.
f vass of the entire street it was
note o f warning against a tricky
general public is cordially invit­
strances covering a sufficient
L found that there would be suffi-
Next Wednesday evening the
ed to attend the musicale.
number o f feet were not filed. Congregational Brotherhood will
| cient remonstrances to defeat
He says:
“ The council or­
This is a mistake.
Remon­ hold the last meeting o f the dered First avenue paved; and
the entire street if that part had
Death of Mrs. Alexander
strances were filed within the season. This will be a meeting then when the time for a remon­
been incorporated.
As it was,
the council jn its findings found
Mrs. Annie D. Alexander, wife time mentioned in the charter, in which women will participate strance had expired, ordered the
A two- as well as men, and all are in­ width o f the paving increased to
that not quite the two-thirds o f A. Alexander, died at Tuscon, covering 2520.82 feet.
necessary to defeat had signed Arizona, April 21. The remains thirds majority calls for, I think, vited.
Supper at 6:30; tickets 42 feet, rather a tricky proceed­
the remonstrance.
We are in­ were shipped to this place, about 2149.2 feet, leaving a bah 25c.
Intellectual as well as ing to say the least o f it.
seems to be the determination of
formed that the matter will be where interment was made in ance in our favor above the re­ physical treat promised.
the council to get some paving
taken into court by those op­ the Foiest View cemetery, April quired amount of 371.6 feet.
At the meeting of the fruit
done anyhow, with the hope that
Much agitation of the 30. Funeral services were con­
growers last Saturday, report on
they may be able to force short
matter is being made and there ducted by Rev. Thomas and Rev.
the subscription list showed
lengths of pavement between
The council then, with the as­
are threats o f a recall election Gould at the Congregational
some sixty individual farmers
streets already paved.”
sistance o f the attorney o f the
being called in the near future. church.
represented. The amount neces­
I am truly sorry for such a
The resolutions passed were
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander had
sary for permanent organization
misstatement of facts, which
ordered printed in the News- for several months been in Ari­ find technical flaws (which w ill!
had not yet been secured but
ought not to be published, and if
Times, one member o f the coun­ zona with the hope o f restoring have to be threshed out later) j
only about $600 was lacking, and
I were an editor I would never
and succeeded in eliminating t
cil openly declaring that the Mrs. Alexander’s health.
without doubt the amount will
lower the standard of my paper
enough from the remonstrances
j price charged by the News-
be raised this week.
and let it become a sewer to re­
to bring them under the required
W . C. f. U. Institute
| Times, four cents a line, was
Pleasant Afternoon Party
The seventh annual meeting of ceive anonymous slush that
amount. The same gentleman
The Press had
The W. C. T. U. Institute, to
Miss Fay Templeton enter­ then advised them that it was the Women’s Home Missionary comes from any source o f that
made an offer to print any and
held in the Methodist church
tained twelve of her young mandatory upon the council to Society, Salem District, have which is misleading.
all ordinances or resolutions for
will present the following
friends Wednesday
afternoon order Second avenue paved.
There was a petition presented program:
It been in session at the M. E.
I two cents a line, but this offer of
from four until six.
The chil­ was mandatory! And the man­ church yesterday and today. to the council to have First ave­
saving one-half the cost seems to
Morning Session- 11 a. m.,
dren spent the time in playing date was the mandate o f the Many delegates are present, rep­ nue paved 30 feet wide, and that
j be ignored so long as the public
12-'30 p.
games, after which delicious re-1 Warren Construction Co.
The resenting several local organiza­ was acted upon by the council.
[ fund pays the bill. If this same
freshments wer'1 served. Those remark o f one of the council that tions throughout the district. Then came the second petition m . , basket lunch.
attitude is taken in letting out
Afternoon Session—2 o ’clock,
present were Mary Stockman, j “ those who were best able to The meeting is fairly well at­ to have it changed to 42 feet
paving and other contracts—and
Maude Graham, Edyth Bunker, | bear the burden were the ones, tended and much interest is man­ in width and it was also acted devotional, Mrs. E. T. Scroggs.
| why not, the cost is paid from a
“ The Place o f
Lenore Deiks, Irene Hall, Opal who were raising the most ob- i ifested.
upon and the petition favored. the W. C. T. U. in the Suffrage
i similar so u rce -it would be use­
Dixon, Irene Sappington, Mar- j jection” was, I think, uncalled
The ball game between Port­ Then came another petition to
le s s for competitive bidders to
garet Martin, Jennie Creighton, for. There is a quotation start­ land Academy and Forest Grove have it cut down to 30 feet and Reform ,” Mrs. A. M. Boldrick.
[enter this exclusive field.
Rene Moore, Hattie Watrous and ing “ Judge not” with which the High School, played on the cam­ this petition v'as granted from Discussion. Solo, Rev. D. T.
present adverse attitude of the
Thomas. Suffrage quiz, leader,
the hostess.
reverend gentleman may be fa­ pus grounds Saturday resulted First street east to Fifth street Mrs. K. B. Pen field. Question
: citizens in reference to improv-
miliar, and 1 do not think he in a score o f 6 to 12 in favor of and from First street west 42
| ing the streets seems to be taken
Prices of Paving Cut One-Fourth knows any more about our finan­ the visitors. Our boys did well, 1 feet as the desire was presented. box, opened by Mrs. A. W. Un-
from the apparent closely con­
cial affairs than we know about but this being their first game I think the council are still will­
(From Evening Telegram)
nected intimacy o f the council
Evening Session- Music, High
they were overmatched.
The ing to grant a few more changes
Pendleton, Ore., April 30.—As his.
(with the Warren Construction
School Orchestra.
I am told that the trustees of next game on local grounds will on First avenue if it is so de­ Rev. H. Gould.
a result o f the circulating o f a
Music, men’ s
be with McMinnville, and the sired and presented.
It now looks as if but little petition for Dolarway pavement the Congregational church, at j
quartet. Address, “ The Moral
members o f the home team are
There was also a petition pre­
! improvement in the way of by local property owners, a ma­ their meeting, voted against
Value o f Woman’ s Vote,” Mrs.
training and propose to win.
sented to pave Second avenue
; street paving will be done in the terial reduction in price o f pave­ paving, but also voted against
Ada Wallace Unruh, state presi­
from First street east to Fifth dent.
ment is promised Pendleton signing a remonstrance.
Grove this summer.
Card o f Thank*
street and it was acted upon by
property owners,
The Dolar­ doubt some of the trustees were
Everyone interested either in
To the friends of the late Mrs.
BUSINESS MEN’S BANQUET way company makes a price of well aware that a remonstrance
Then came a re­
A. C. Alexander: The beautiful the council.
the W. C. T. U. or the subject
$1.50 a yard. To meet this offer must be two thiids, and that by floral tributes you bestowed, the monstrance which was received o f equal suffrage is cordially in­
The business men’s banquet
the Warren Construction Com­ keeping off the remonstrance sacred melodies you sung, the and a careful estimate made bv vited to all the sessions
! held at the K. P. hall last night
pany now offers to lay a gravel they were helping the paving. kind words, the hearty hand­ our city engineers o f the number1 with your basket and enjoy the
iroved a success. Someseventy-
bitulithic for $1.48 a square yard. Also one prominent business shakes and your sympathizing o f feet covered by this remon­ noon hour at dinner, and don’ t
presence were given because
ight plates were served.
strance, and was found to be
All the paving thus far laid has man, who does not own any
ervice was rendered by the been by the Warren Construc­ property in the district proposed your hearts overflowed with love lacking in its requirements ac­ fail to hear the evening address
for one who having long since
^adies’ Working Society of the tion Company with bitulithic at to be paved, advised one party put her trust in Jesus and was cording to the city charter. Mr. by Mrs. Unruh.
Congregational church, and the
who went to him for advice that being fashioned in His spirit and Stokes, being the chief speaker
$2.19 and $2.12 a yard.
pread was most elaborate. V o-
Fruit Growers’ Meeting
“ there was no need to sign any sweetened by His presence for for the remonstrance, told o f the
her home in heaven, and you
*1 and instrumental music was
A meeting to elect directors o f
learned to love her as well as we.
Holbrook Lodge No. 30,
would not be paved anyhow,” And may these sweet memories on the avenue and urged the the Forest Grove Fruit Growers’
»usiness men from outside the
Communication this Sat­ thus keeping this person off the and God’ s blessing go with you council to accept the minority Association will be held at the
ity were present. Much inter-
May 4 at 7:30 remonstrance, but the next day one and all until He calls you to
K. P. Hall, Forest Grove, Ore­
■st was manifested, and another
wishes who opposed the paving.
neeting within the next month p. m. Important business. Ev­ the same gentleman went to see that home prepared for their,
gon, on June 3, 1912, at 2:30
vas arranged for.
So pleasing ery member and visiting brother Mr. Jennings and advised him who love Him. Sincerely thank­ His urging and threat was this o ’ clock p. m.
H. C. Atwell. A.
ing you,
By order o f
vere the results that the same cordially invited.
in substance. That if the coun­ B. Craft, Robert Alexander,
t to sign a petition for paving.
committee was retained to man-
1 How is this for double dealing?
cil would not perjure themselves, Corporators.
D ickson F amily .
A. B en K ori , Sec’ y.
ige the next banquet.