r Carl Hoffman asks his friends for the nomination for constable SHOE REPAIRING LOCAL NEWS at the primary election Friday. I will repair your shoes, do it right and give Charles Shipley, Paul Schnei­ you the best material and a reasonable price Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Kay I der and Ed Schneider of Banks Brady, a fine baby girl, Thurs­ were in town Tuesday. First Avenue North H. L1DYARD Next to I.O.O.F. Hall day, April 11th. The latest and most complete # Miss Alma Allen of Albany line of stationery at the Bazaar. C lo v er H a y Just arrived this week—a fresh Visited with the family of L. J. Mrs. C. A. Dennis, reliable supply of Whitman’s chocolates, Corl over Sunday. $7.00 per ton. Delivery added, shampoo. Scalp treatment a at the Forest Grove Pharmacy. tf J. D. R ode . Wood in large or small quanti­ specialty. Phone Ind. No. 184; ties at Chester Wright’s, on residence and office 232 Pacific Why Fay Ten Dollar»? L. L. Hollinger W. Weitzel Fourth street. Phone 0114. Why pay ten dollars for a map avenue. tf which merely shows Washington Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McLeod For Sale—12 or 13 acre poultry County, when you can get one WEITZEL & HOLLINGER returned to this city Monday after a two weeks’ stay at Gear­ and fruit ranch, on terms. on a larger scale showing every­ hart beach. Strawberries and loganberries, thing from the Willamette river Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet west to the west boundary of the Singer, New Home and other young orchard, neat 4-room county, size 50x67 inches, for Metal W ork and Re­ of the latest improved, up to house and barn with poultry $7.50, or a pocket size 24x33 in. pair Shop. date sewing machines for sale at yards. Address Owner F, care for $2. Get it of your bookseller the Bazaar. or address T. S. Wilkes & Son. of Press. North First Avenue, between Main and j Miss Flora Hillyard, book­ “A” Streets; phone 863. I keeper at the First National Bank, visited at the Langley ranch Sunday. To the EAST, SEASHORE Miss Margaret McDonald of Portland spent the Easter vaca­ or M OUNTAINS tion in this city with the family of C. A. Littler. C. A. Littler of the Forest Grove Pharmacy made his re­ Will place on sale low round trip tickets to all the principal Cities of the East, going or returning through California, or via Portland with going turn from Portland Saturday limit 15 days. Final return limit October 31st. with the Carter car demonstra- j tors. S ale D a te s July, 2-3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23- April, 25-26-27 The snowstorm in Nebraska 26-29-30-31 May, 2-3-4-9-10-11-14-15-17-18-24- the first of this week caused the 29 August, 1-2-3-6-7-12-15-16-22-23- Nebraskans of this section to June, 1-6-7-8-13-14-15-17-18-19-20- 29-30-31 look as if they had missed some­ 21-24-25-27-28-29 Sept., 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30 thing. • I m p e r i* ' C o u n c il M y itic S h r in e , Loe A n g e le « , A p r il 3 0 t h to M ay 4 th Next week the register for the N e w p o rt Y a q u in a B ay Nebraska Society of Washington Offers many advantages for a sea-hore outing, Low fares from all County, Oregon, will be open. points in Oregon, reasonable hotel rates, outdoor amusements and all Explanation will be fully made the delights of the seashore. in next issue. li Plan Your Vacation Now Ready for business New Lumber Company All kinds of Building Ma­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, Dry Shiplap in any quan­ tity. Sash and Doors Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to make your ac- quaitance. Willis-Place Lumber Co. Phone 01X South A Street Forest Grove, Or. The Southern Pacific ___________ | T h e N ew P. R. & N. B each es Tillamook, Garibaldi (Bayocean'), Brighton, Manhattan and Rockaway, Lake Lytle, Ocean Lake Park, Twin Rocks, Tillamook Beach and Bay City will open a new field for a summer outing. Low Round Trip Fares from all points in Oregon. Call on our nearest Agent for full information as to East Bound Excursion Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., or write to J o h n M. S c o t t , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Eat California Raisins. Raisin Day April 30th. FOR STA TE SENATOR H. T. Bagley, mayor of Hills­ boro, candidate for nomination for state senator, promises if nominated and elected, to make good, vote for the people’s choice for United States senator, work for greater economy in public affairs, oppose all extravagant appropriations and the creation of new offices and commissions to I the am) that taxes may be re-! duced. Will consistently sup­ port such measures only as are needed and beneficial. (Paid Advertisement) To Trade With Us Means to Save Your Money Our Goods Are Right, Our Prices Are Right PACIFIC DRUG COMPANY (Successor to Dr. H ines) FRA N K MERESSE, Manager C a n d id a te fo r N o m in atio n fo r D istrict A tto rn e y . (Paid Advertisement) JUST ARRIVED W E A RE ALL M OVED and ready to do any and all work for you, and we GUARANTEE all work that leaves this shop. W E H A V E T H E B E S T B IC Y C L E S M A D E and we will prove that we have, and pricesto suit all purses. Indian Motrcycle, National, Rambler, Reading Stan­ dard, Erie and Flyer bicycles. Come in and let me show you we have the best. Old wheels bought, sold and rented. Pianos from $149 and up at the Bazaar. Forest Grove Press $1 per year. A new and complete line of Felt and Straw f lats of latest styles. These goods bought for cash, make it possible for us to offer you bargains. Come in and get the pick of this fine line of goods. C L Y D E S B IC Y C L E S H O P . East Main St., Bet. Pacific and 1st Ave. Bourne Denounced by Laborers Portland, Cre., April 17 (Spe­ cial) Nothing in recent years has jarred Oregon so severely from Imnaha to Bandon as the unfolding of the true conditions which exist in Senator Bourne’s cotton mills in Falls River, Mass. The information received regard­ ing the wage scale, manner in which employes are treated, the tenement houses used as homes and the general squalor that sur­ rounds the people who work in the Bourne mills has caused every true friend of labor in Or­ egon to rise in righteous wrath against this man who has inces­ santly preached “ Let the people rule” in Oregon, and who has been grinding down the working man in his eastern sweatshop. Oregon has never known a great deal of Bourne’s business career until right now. There was a vague idea that he was a multimillionaire, his wealth hav­ ing been left him by relatives, and but few people, if any, knew what that wealth consisted of. It now develops that Bourne’s enormous income is made from the product of the labors of men who draw' all the way from $5 to $12 a week; that children are employed exten­ sively: that old men are held at their posts of duty at a very low- wage, and that misery and ab­ solute want abide in many of the homes around the Bourne mills at Fall River. Probably the senior senator would have continued the Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde game in­ definitely had not the strikes in Massachusetts called attention to the Bourne mills, and Oregon people, being anxious to know something of the attitude of their senator toward labor, in­ vestigated the industrial side of his career. It is safe to say that laboring men in Oregon, regardless of former opinion, are set against Bourne from now on. His mills nre “open shop." his wage scale is too low to insure the necessi­ ties of life to employes, hence laboring people or Oregon are now denouncing the senator in terms that have a straight and direct meaning. ___ More and B etter Fruit AT TH E BOOK STORE N o m a t t e r if y o u h a v e o n e o r a d o z e n t r e e s , it d o e s n ' t p a y t o g r o w w o rm y o r sc a rre d fru it. You can have clean , w e l l - c o l o r e d fru it f o r y o u r tab le o r th e m a r k e t w ith b u t a slight effo rt a n d sm a ll e x p e n s e . S ys­ t e m a t i c s p r a y i n g is t h e r e m e d y a n d it p a y s a b i g d i v i d e n d i f y o u u s e g o o d m aterials — S -W B rand, For the next Spraying, use S-W A n unusually fine assortment of Sta­ tionery, Postcards and Postcard Albums, which we are making a very special price on. W e also carry a full line of Type­ writer Supplies, and School Supplies. W ould be pleased to have you call and get acquainted. Don’t forget we pay highest price for Mohair and Wool. Brand New Process Arsenate of Lead. C all a n d g et o u r p rices b efo re you buy. G u a ra n te e d goods, | G u a ra n te e d w e ig h t an d G u a ra n te e d prices. We are Exclusive Agents for HOFFMAN & ALLEN CO. The S-W Brand H. R. BERNAND PROP. Report of the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. OREGON At the Cloee of Bu.ine.t December 5, 1911 RESOURCES t-oans and Discounts .............................. Unite*! States and Other Bonds Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures Caah and Exchange ................................ LIABILITIES Capital ami Surplus... Undivided Profits Circulation................. Deposits..................... »118,875.00 75,300.00 11,516.38 39.1189.20 *244.880.58 » 60.000.00 295.05 50,000.00 134,585.53 *244,880.58 FOREST GROVE PHARMACY Don’t neglect the children’s musical education. It is a sin for parents to neglect this part of a child’s education. Have you a piano in your home to start the little ones out on, who, if they had half a chance, would turn the gloom into sunshine for you and others? I sell good reliable pianos and sell them on terms to suit you whether for cash, or the smallest payment you can afford. -Guo. G. P a t e r so n . Forest Grove. Saturday specials at Moore & Son’s. PATENTS rr—pur V » - « '« om so m C"*TTWt,u t w ix t t t s a m rx A c tic t i _ j —M flaHIHy. I BAITI» BOOK F B I ! 40 Per Cent Cash Reserve ...I m a . v.-t«. I .f c .1 , AH ba*ia«M ■*»*!• n Jeweler and Expert Repairer Our goods are all we recommend them to be, our charges reasona­ ble. Prompt arid efficient work guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. C. F. LIBBY Second Street HILLSBORO GENERAL BLACKSMITH1NG AND HORSESHOEING Our Work Guaranteed and Your Patronage Solicited «»aM eiitL . T a lta l I I « » ti» •**»>■ u 4 M l P alm *« W h a t l » r , n n „ M WUI P t» H o » ta Ita# a IV rta a r. a tp la ia « Wat ««I » » . l-.r Ai'Irr H. B. WILLSON & Ca Ä » J »»SMHWTtm, o 6 . J. C. WEGNER First Ave., Foot Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon