Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, April 11, 1912, Image 2

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Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
General Resumo o f Important Events
Presented In Condensed Form
fo r Our Busy Readers.
British coal miners have been offi­
cially advised to return to work.
President Taft in a message to con­
gress urges more economy in national
The I. W. W. revolution in British
Columbia and the Pacific Northwest
makes little headway.
Every river and creek in North­
western Montana is out o f its bankB
and the whole country is flooded.
Chicago clubwomen demand women
police both in uniform and plain
clothes to handle the juvenile depart­
A Southern Pacific locomotive ex­
ploded while climbing Rice Hill, in
Southern Oregon, killing both engi­
neer and fireman.
Muttarings o f Discontent Among Na­
tives Heard in China.
Shanghai— Premier Tang Shao Yik,
his suite and members o f the cabinet,
plan to leave for Pekin soon. Re­
ports from all centers in the southern
provinces indicate considerable un­
easiness, especially among foreign­
ers. Republican officials admit that
the situation is grave.
The troops are discontented because
o f arrears in pay and cannot be dis­
banded until the finances are readjust­
ed. They openly blame the combina­
tion o f foreign bankers for the trouble
because o f their refusal to give prom­
ised assistance.
Considerable evidence o f bitterness
against foreigners irrespective o f na­
tionality can be discerned among the
leaders, who asserted that the pro­
tracted delay in the recognition o f the
republic by the powers and the with­
holding o f the loans are liable to stir
up anti-foreign sentiment and entail
serious disturbances for which they
say the powers alone will be responsi­
The opinion rapidly is spreading
that the foreign powers have agreed
to concerted action looking to interna­
tional control o f China.
Turkey Would Grab Province Long
In Dispute.
Investment Realty Abstract Company
Makes Your Abstract
Offices, with Forest Grove Pres*, Hoffman Building,
Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro.
Porte Believed to Have Backing o f
Stronger Power, and German
Designs Are Suspected.
London— The relations o f Russia
and Turkey, which a few weeks ago
caused the circulation o f alarming re­
ports, may at any moment reach an
acute stage, and again the bone o f
contention will be Persia.
A t the close o f the Ru^so-Japanese
war. Turkey moved troops into the
Persian province o f Azerbaijan,
strip o f which has been in dispute for
upwards o f 200 years. Turkey claims
this strip; Persia holds it, but the
ownership has yet to be decided. The
question has been a subject o f nego­
tiations, but while these have been go­
ing on Russia asserts that Turkey has
been advancing her forces slowly until
they have gone even beyond the dis­
puted strip and now command the
western part o f Azerbaijan from Lake
Urumiah to the frontier, and can eas­
ily attack the Russian province o f Er-
Turkey denies any agressive inten­
tions. She has informed the Russian
minister to the porte that she has
troops in the disputed territory only
as a temporary expedient, waiting the
outcome o f friendly negotiations, and
if necessary a reference to The Hague
Turkey’s firmness in supporting her
contention, and in not only placing
troops in the disputed strip but mov­
ing them forward, has given rise in
Russia to a suspicion that some other
power is behind the Ottoman govern­
ment. It is pointed out that the ac­
quisition o f territory on the Persian
frontier might be accepted as compen­
sation by Turkey for the loss o f Tri­
poli and the power that could bring
about this exchange would please
Germany, which before has tried to
secure concessions on Lake Urumiah,
is the power suspected.
The British bark Indian Empire has
been wrecked off Cape Horn, South Wireless Operator Heroically Stays
America, and the fate o f her passen­
at Post Sending Calls for Aid.
gers and crew is unknown.
Newport, R. I.— Ninety passengers
The Pacific Coast Steamship com­ on the burning {steamship Ontario
pany has ordered two new million- were snatched from death at 4 :30
dollar steamers for the coast travel o'clock Monday morning when the ves­
between San Diego and Seattle.
sel made a dash for the Rhode Island
The governor o f Oklahoma has is­ Bhore and managed to land all the pas­
sued a proclamation making Mothers’ sengers and {crew just after the fire
Day, May 12, a legal holiday in that broke through the deck. The wireless
operator was the hero o f the fire,
state and urging all to observe it.
Time after time he Bent out calls for
Robbers held up a man Bged 75 aid, and on one occasion’ he telegraph­
years, in his store in the outskirts o f ed that he would have to abandon his
Portland, but his w ife, aged 72, post on account o f the heat, but he re­
rushed to bis assistance and the rob­ turned soon after.
bers fled.
The first message was {picked up at
The M: sissippi river continues to the Point Judith wireless station at 2
rise and hood the adjoining lowlands. o ’clock. A few minutes later a sec­
The water supply o f Memphis is pol­ ond message was received, stating
luted by the overflow, and serious re that the operator on the steamer
would be obliged to leave his room be­
suits are imminent.
cause o f the heat. Efforts were being
Young women are being trained as made, it was said, to reach Mqntauk
wireless operators by the United Wire­ Point to beach the steamer. Mean­
less Telegraph company at Seattle, while the Ontario reached Montauk
which believes they will be more re­ and was beached about a mile and a
liable and satisfactory than men.
half west o f the lifesaving saving
Friends o f Clarence S. Darrow, un­ station there. L ife savers went out Only Settlers May File and Specula­
der indictment for jury bribing in the with a breeches buoy, and helped take
tors Are Shut Out.
McNamara trials in Los Angeles, have off passengers and members o f the
D. C.— Details o f the
been asked to assist in defraying the
expenses o f his defense.
lottery, by
which valuable farms in the Tieton ir­
A fter a search
o f ten months
rigation project in Washington will
throughout the Northwest, an Al­
be disposed o f to settlers, are given in
berta, Canada,
man has found in
Klamath Falls, Or., his child and the
announcement made by the Re­
Memphis — Three breaks in the
mentally unbalanced nurse who kid­
levees on the Mississippi occurred clamation service. The announcement
napped her.
south o f Memphis Sunday. The first says:
The levee at Hickman, Ky.. gave was at 24-mile post, 16 miles south of
“ The third unit o f the Tieton irri­
way and the town is under water.
Helena, Ark. Later in the afternoon gation project, Washington, will be
Eastern coal miners now on strike the levee at Laconia, 60 miles below opened by a unique form o f drawing.
say they believe settlement will be Helena, went out, and later the levee This unit contains about 40 farms
gave way at Henrico, near Laconia. upon which homestead entry may be
reached by April 30.
They are among the finest
Police o f Aberdeen, Wash., jailed 61 The 'water is pouring rapidly over made.
I. W. W. strikers and agitators, and several hundred square miles o f rich fruit lands in the United States and
farm land.
extremely valuable. Irrigation lands
all red flags displayed were immedi­
It is expected Laconia Circle will be under other portions o f this project
ately seized and destroyed by citizens.
entirely ¡inundated.
Probably water are selling for $50 to $1,200 an acre,
from the two crevasses will join, excluisve o f the water right.
flooding the entire southern half of
“ During December an eager line o f
Wheat— Track prices: Bluestem, 94 Phillips county, in which is Helena, land seekers anticipating approaching
J/95c; club, 90($91c; red Russian, 89 and all o f Desha county.
The over­ opening, took up their position just
<i/90c; valley, 90(</;91c; forty-fold, flow will find its way back into, the outside the land office in North Yaki­
Mississippi through White river.
ma and refused to leave, even upon
Millstuffs — Bran, $21 per ton;
Inhabitants o f the flooded territory warning o f the government officials
shorts, $23; middlings, $30.
had ample warning and no loss o f life that they would acquire no special
Corn— New, whole, $34; cracked, is expected.
entering privileges by remaining.
$35 per ton.
Memphis through Arkansas from the
“ In order that all land seekers may
Hay— No. 1 Eastern Oregon timo­ West, went out o f commission.
have an equal opportunity to obtain
thy, $14(//'16 per ton; No. 1 valley,
The Golden lake, north o f Memphis, farms, it has been decided to allow
$120/14; alfalfa, $ 12f/£ 13; clover, $8 is holding strong, though government each bomeseeker to signify which
(</9; oat and vetch, $10(0:11:50; grain engineerca say it cannot hold much farm unit he desires. Names o f all
hay, $9.
longer. A breach at this point means who wish to file on unit A will thenjbe
Oats— No. 1 white, $38(0 34.50 per the inundation o f thousands o f acres placed in a box from which a disin­
o f Arkansas farm lands.
terested party will draw one slip.
Cranberries—$10(d!l 1.60 per barrel.
"T h e winner will then be allowed to
Potatoes — Buying prices:
make his filing and the next farm unit
Wheat Prices Take dump.
banks, $1.50(01.66 per hundred.
Walla Walla, Wash. — It is learned will be taken up, etc.’ ’
Vegetables — Artichokes, 75(O90c
The lottery plan o f opening the Tie-
{that the Jones-Scott company,
per dozen; asparagus, white, $1.25
ton lands was decided upon after it
(01.50 per crate; green, $2.25 per the most extensive grain buyers in became known that a considerable
crate; cabbage, 3c per pound; cauli­ Eastern Washington, with offices in number o f persons who have been in
flower, $2.26 per crate; celery, $6.50 Tacoma and Seattle, Saturday pur­ line at the office are representing
(a6 per crate; garlic, 8(O10c per chased approximately 150,000 bushels speculators. The purpose o f the de­
pound; head lettuce, $2(0:2.25 per o f bluestem wheat at the heretofore partment is to throw this land, as far
crate; hothouse lettuce, 75c(0$l per unheard-of price this season o f 93 as possible, open to settlers who will
box; peas, ll(($12ic per pound; pep cents track. Some o f this wheat was make it their homes.
pers, 25c per pound; radishes, 30c sold in Portland at $1.01 track, Port­
pec dozen; ihubarb, $1.26 per box; land, but most o f it was disposed o f
Race Riots Are Feared.
About 10 per
spinach, $1.16(01.25 per box; turnips, in Tacoma at $1.02.
Fayetteville, W. Va.— Extra depu­
$1(01.10 per sack; beets, $1.50; ruta­ cent o f last year’s crop is still in the
ties and police were sworn in by the
bagas, $l(i/1.10; carrots. $1.
authorities in the mining convmunities
Onions— Association price, $3.25(0
Entombed Miner Rescued.
o f Boomer, Cannelton and Marling,
3.60 per sack.
Apples — Yellow Newtown, $2(0
Globe, .Vriz.— Henry Pertnan was because o f the imminence o f race riots
2.50; Spitzenbergs, $1.76(03; Bald­ rescued from the Manitou mine, 20 between Americans and Italian min­
win, $1.60(02; Ben Davis, $1(01.75; miles from Giobe, after having been ers. Bitterness is caused primarily
Red Cheek Pippins, $2(02.50; Gano, entombed 97 hours.
During the en­ by the murder o f Washingon Bost-
$1(01.75; California Newtowns, $1.76 tire time he was imprisoned, because wick, a bank boss, who was shot by
(02 per box.
o f a cave-in, Perman stood in four three Italians a few days ago.
Butter— Oregon creamery butter, feet o f water at the bottom o f a 130- ernor Glasscock has been asked to
■olid pack, 3SJc; prints, extra.
foot shafL He was sustained by food have militia in readiness to be sent
Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, 21c.
sent down by a pipe.
When he was here at a moment’s notice. A t Boom­
Pork— Fancy, 8J(09c per pound.
rescued his physical condition was said er every miner is armed with a rile.
Veal— Fancy, 12(012}c per pound.
by doctors to have been remarkable,
Mexican Situation Grave.
Poultry— Hens, 16(016Je; springs, as apparently he suffered no ill effects.
1 3 (d l6 ic; ducks, 20c; geese, 12c;
Washington, D. C.— Senator Cul-
T roops Going to Border.
turkeys, live, 20c; dressed. 25c.
lom, o f Illinois, sent a dispatch to
Hope — 1911 crop, S8(039c; olds,
San Francisco— The famous “ fight­ friends in his state, saying it would
nominal; 1912 contracts, 25(o26c.
ing” Fourteenth cavalry. 660 men, be impossible for him to attend the
W ool— Eastern Oregon, 14(016c per commanded by Major G. H. Cannon, primaries in his home city, as the
pound: valley. 16(<il7e per pound mo­ arrived here from Manila by the trans­ gravity o f the Mexican situation made
hair, choice, 32c per pound.
port Sheridan, and will entrain imme­ it necessary for him, as chairman of
Cattle — Choice steers, $6.50(^6.75; diately fo r the Mexican border.
The the senate foreign relations commit­
good, $6.26(1/6.40; medium, $4(</6.25; regiment will be quartered at Forts tee, to remain in Washington.
choice cows, $6.50(u6.80; good, 6(> t. Clark and McIntosh, Tex.
declared optimistically that hia pres­
6.50; medium, 4.50((i5; choice calves.
ence in Illinois was not needed, as he
Shopman Will Continue Strike.
8.606*8.76; good heavy calves, 6«rt
felt assured o f his renomination.
6.50; bulls, 4.25«C5; stags, 4.'160/6.
Sedalia. Mo. — A fter a two days'
Partevai Balloon Sold.
Hogs — Light, 7fti8.05; heavy, 6(a' conference the strikers formery em­
ployed in the Missouri, Kansas A
Berlin— A report is published here
Sheep— Yearlings, 6.50*f6; weth­ Texas railway shops here decided not that {the Farsevaf^ dirigible balloon,
ers. 4.85675.46; ewes. 4.604*4.85; to call off the strike and declined which has just been completed, has
lambs. 6.10^6.45.
propositions o f re-employment
been sold to the Japanese government.
I am prepared to deliver fresh
milk to all parts of the city for 6
1 cents per quart, delivered night
and morning. I will do my best
to satisfy you. A. K i n n e y , Dai­
ryman, Third St., Forest Grove,
For County Clerk
To the Voters
I am a candidate for the office
of County Clerk, and have filed
a petition asking to have my
name placed on the official nom­
inating ballot of the Republican
party for the primary election to
be held April 19, 1912.
In said
petition and at all times I pledge
myself, if elected, to perform the
duties o f said office as prescribed
by law and for the best interests
o f the public.
E d w . C. L u c e ,
Candidate for County Clerk.
(Paid Advertisement.)
W h en in Need of Groceries
When in need o f GROCERIES don’ t forget
that we carry a full line of both Staple and
A Republican candidate for the
office o f Sheriff o f Washington
County, at the nominating elec-1
tion, April 19, 1912.
Phone 701
Main Street
Your vote will be needed.
(Paid Advertisement.)
On Main Street, South of Forest Grove Bank
o f Washington
A Full Line of Well-selected Fur-
niture, Rugs, Etc.
If you haven’t seen my complete line of Wall Paper,
Paints and Varnishes it will pay you to do so. W e have
Wall Paper from the soft tints of cream to the rich
brown which would enrich the appearance of the bed
room, kitchen, up to the parlor. When Paper is select­
ed from Paterson’s new stock and hung artistically you
simply announce “ sw ell.”
H ow A bout the Paint?
How about the Paint outside? I have the desired shades
of the famous Masury’s Liquid Paints (which are pure)
which will he sold the same price as other good paints.
A cm e Kalsomine
Acme Kalsomine of all shades, white that won’ t turn
yellow from age. Large or small quantities can be had
at my new store. Let us show you how the different
shades will appear in your home.
New Line of Comforters, Pil­
lows, Mattresses
Furniture and Pianos