N«w»' Times % F orest Voi. 3 NORBLAD’S ANSWER G rove P ress FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL II. 1912. No. 23 (something I was going to say W ATTS NEWS GA LE S CITY Two-Cent Carfare nothing about, but feel I can do Rock Washington Co. Roads so now) that in the case of (Crouded out last week) A man from Buxton who Muckle against Columbia Coun­ and bought the Fineout logging en­ The Ladies’ Aid Society gave ty, Mr. Tongue had the case gine came over and got it Sun­ FISHER for Senator. which involved a matter o f the a ten-cent social at the hall Sat­ day. (Paid advertisement) collection o f $3000 in taxes urday evening. Those who were Mr. Christenson and Miss thrown out o f the supreme court fortunate enough to be there had Brown o f the Beimrohr mill because he did not perfect the a most enjoyable time. PARTNERSHIP FORM ED were united in marriage at the Rhea Bailey is staying at D. A. appeal. Don’ t take my word for office o f Mark T. Cox last Sun­ it; look it up. It is reported in Kennedy’s while Mrs. Stevenson day. An important event in realty 108 Pacific Rep., Page 121. Mr. is in Aberdeen. circles o f Forest Grove was Tongue also forgot to tell you George Culver has had an un­ Carl Hollenbeck came up from effected this week when the firm that he lost another impor- Yamhill Monday night to see his welcome visitor the past week. o f the Thacher-Hicks Company I tant tax case in the supreme wife, It is the mumps. who has spent several was organized. Importance at court just a few days ago that weeks at the home o f her father, Miss Edith Churchill has re- o f Callender vs. Pomeroy, sheriff Victor Bailey. R. A. Caples, o f Aloha, lor- turned from Portland, where she taches more particularly because o f the fact that the men who Clatsop county. By the way, in merly Wheeler, was in the Clty has been visiting her aunt. compose this company are each The Ladies’ Aid met with Mrs. last Friday and expressed sur this case Judge F. J. Taylor was I started out in this campaign Orla Buxton last week and spent Mrs. James McClaren is dan­ thorough business men o f con­ with the principle that a cam­ employed by Clatsop county to a pleasant afternoon. The next prise and gratification by reason gerously ill with pneumonia. siderable means and are boosters assist him. o f what he terms the “ remark­ paign conducted without indulg- whom the company will be glad meeting will be with Mrs. J. B. able and splendid development I judge from Mr. Tongue’s ar­ Harry Wescott and family of to welcome. The company will in personalities, but simply a Prickett. o f Forest Grove” during the Grston were the guests o f Mr. straight forward appeal for ticle that he thinks that every do a commission as well as an Walter and Louie Busch visit­ three years since he was last and Mrs. N. C. Lilly last Sun- j votes, is a manly and proper person who is favorable to me is investment business in real es­ here. day. way to conduct a campaign, and either “ insane, mentally unbal­ ed at A. L. Dilley’s Sunday. tate. anced, or a crook.” I believe Mr. Caples reports the citizens I have maintained this principle, Mrs. Woods is enjoying a visit J. J. Adkins purchased a team Mr. Thacher, the senior mem- of Aloha are preparing for a and defy anyone to point to a that people can honestly differ, from friends from the East. at the McNemire sale last week ber o f the firm, is so well and and that every man is entitled to grand “ get-together” meeting o f ; single instance where I have set Grandma McCoy is staying at the people o f the eastern part o f his opinion, and I ’ ll be glad to Mr. Heisler seems to be going ®f it aside. the home o f her daughter, Mrs. the county and that an old-i into the logging business, as h e ' '¡nshington county that his in- shake hands with the man who I am now compelled to answer is scarcely necessary, Harvey Rodgers, where there is fashioned political rally will be took a logging engine up to Mr. an untruthful statement made supports Mr. Tongue, and will a new granddaughter. held during the next Sunday af- Beimrohs’s mill last week and f . Pa,!tnei'. Mr. Hicks, is tell him that is my prinbiple. by Mr. Tongue in his paid ad­ Ben Selling, M. A. will no doubt begin logging for a *t,rmer resident o f Washington I don’ t know what Mr. Tongue Mrs. R. O. Stevenson received ternoon. vertisements in Washington Miller, W alter Pierce, aspirants Mr. Beimrohr soon. That’s a coun.ty' having resided lor a will say next, but this is the last a visit from her father, who county papers, in which he says for the senatorship, represents- business we need more o f in this Pun, er °} years at Hillsboro and opportunity I will have o f an­ lives at Dufur, last week. that G. C. Fulton received $600 swering, for the reason that the lives o f all the presidential as- vicinity. L I h p n m 6" » • I f T k A ' for trying a case for the City of William McCoy and Thad Ste­ Don’ t forget that Rex Dallas identified with “ he S t t e S S r 4 Astoria in March o f this year, next issue o f this paper will be venson are pruning the latter’s pirants, a number o f state can- and then Mr. Tongue asks, j circulated on election day; but I grapes this week. do say this: Beware o f the man dates6 win' “ Where was Mr. Norblad?” o’clock the ladies o f Wheeler in politics who “ starts some­ Philip Lesser is having a new In reply to this, I have to say John McClaren and James the last several years hhs been precinct will serve an open-air thing” without giving his op­ barn erected on his place. that Mr. Fulton was hired to Churchill have been prospecting an operator in real estate; buying luncheon on the broad verandas ponent a chance to reply! Be­ conduct this case for the City o f ' H. J. W right and family vis­ o f Mr. Caples’ bungalow to the ifo rro ck for road Purposes for and selling on his own resources, Astoria at least three years ago— ware o f the eleventh hour poli­ ited at the home o f J. A. Peter­ and seem to have He is the owner o f good farms visiting candidates, and thirty .......j . the *as^ week tician! You vote as your best .1 — L - x j land one and a half years before I be­ acreage in Oregon and son, Sunday. gentlemen prominent in the selected the quarry on what judgment dictates, and I will be came city attorney—and it was Washington. He is known affairs o f Washington county known as the Rodrick farm, satisfied. A. W. NORBLAD. Laura Knighten and Henry the outgrowth of a case tried for either personally or by reputa­ The committee; Busch called on Pearl Stevenson and Portland. the city by Mr. Fulton and lost tion to almost every real estate have been careful to have no Sunday afternoon. CITY N E W S NOTES in the federal court years ago. ROBBERY A TTEM PTE D operator in Portland as a man event on the program which | Then Mr. Tongue says that I who will “ trade for anything. ” would tend to mar the sanctity FOR REPRESENTATIVE have never won a criminal case Monday night burglars en­ Considering that both mem­ Moore & Son pay 20c cash for o f the Sabbath. in the supreme court. The logic tered the Southern Pacific depot bers o f the firm are wide awake your eggs. o f this matter is that I have t at this place and broke open the To the Voters o f Washington Co.: to their interests as well as the C O U N C IL M EETING Sell your produce where you interests o f their clients, there is never had a criminal case in the cash drawer. It contained only The undersigned, a member o f get the cash. Moore & Son. supreme court, and there has a few pennies, which were le ft the Republican party, residing little doubt but that they will do The city council met in regu­ been none from my home county undisturbed. The robbers at­ in Cornelius, announces himself For Sale — A young mare thejbigger part o f the real estate Tuesday evening, tempted to break open the safe a candidate for the Republican lar session business o f the local firms. This in several years. sound, true, gentle, well broken. N ext Mr. Tongue says that I by hammering the combination nomination for the office o f rep­ April 9th, all members and offi­ forecast is based on the manner V. V. Willis, 16 Third street. The combina­ resentative at the primary elec­ cers being present, also a num­ have not won a civil case for the set, but failed. o f thei»* advent into the field For Sale Steam prune dryer, here and the fact that they are city since I have been city at­ tion lock was destroyed, being tion to be held on the 19th day ber o f spectators, as well asi a o f April, 1912. I f I am nominat­ goodly representation o f the 0ne ton capacity, all complete, each believers in advertising and torney, in either the circuit or the only loss so far discovered. ed and elected I will, during mv i 17*/1 ¿ ,0|lstructlon Company Price $60. J. L. Loving, Gales start out with a considerable supreme court, without the as­ J. N. Hoffman, on behalf o f Qreej{> Qre. block o f advertising in this issue. term o f office, vote for the can­ sistance o f from one to four other D R U G STORE SOLD didate for United States senator the Forest Grove Press, made lawyers, and then won only one , ... . .... | Their appropriation for the year Edison and Victor talking ma-1 ia ,arper than that o f anJthe the council a proposition to print in each court. The reply to this C. F. Miller, druggist proprie­ who has received the highest is that there have been two cases tor o f the Pioneer Drug Store, number o f votes at the preceding and publish in the Press all or­ chines and records for sale at the rest o f the ioca, realty firm8 com_ I will dinances or resolntions or any Bazaar. bined, which augurs well for in the supreme court since I have sold his business yesterday to election for that office. been in office. The first was J. E. Wallace of Hillman, Mich., consider myself a servant o f the part thereof for the year at 2 Hoskings o f t^ie' r successful career. Mr.and Mrs. H. won; the second one was decided and L. T. McPheeters o f Ana- people at all times and work for cents a line, counting six words Boulder, Colorado, arrived in ' Their office is in the Hoffman to the line. block over the Forest Grove in favor o f the city, and the su­ darko, Oklahoma. While both the best interests o f the taxpay­ The treasurer’s report was town last week and are looking Pharmacy, Pacific Avenue, preme court later reversed this o f the new proprietors are ers o f Washington county. Will for a location. They went to decision on petition for re­ strangeis, they come well recom­ support an economy that will adopted. t r e a s u r e r ’ s r e p o r t Will 1 Medford this week, but will re- hearing. None has been lost in mended as good careful business keep down expenditures. FOR SHERIFF ........... $1513.10 turn soon. the circuit court during my term men. Mr. Miller has been en­ oppose the creation o f all un­ Bai on hand March 1 necessary new boards and com­ Rec’ d light, March 766.52 _ o f office. I hereby announce my candi­ gaged in the drug business in W. W. Gibbs of Portland has I dacy for the office o f sheriff, “ water, “ 743.65 The attorneys engaged in any the Grove for a number o f years missions, and will work for the “ license & pool t ’ bls 6 00 | traded his rooming house on the subject to the Republican voters city case since I have been in and has had a fair share o f the abolishment o f such now in ex­ “ pedlers’ licenses 1.50 east side to Thomas Small for his at the Washington county pri­ office were contracted for at business of this locality. He has istence. Will work for a judi­ “ labor .50 ranch in Thatcher. least one vear before I took not as yet decided as to his fu­ cial reform that will insure more Mr. Small maries to be held April 19, 1812. speedy justice, prevent delays “ lights & sockets .70 office, and I repeat that the city ture investment in business. will take charge o f the rooming I f 1 am nominated and elected I and save money to the taxpay­ has not been put to one cent of during my term o f office, $2353.22 j house and Mr. Gibbs will assume will, ers, Keeping in mind at all expense for assistance since 1 honestly and faithfully, and Old Soldier Dies times the interests o f the people Library Bal March 1 $30.00 j control o f the ranch. have been in office, for matters without fear, and without favor, Miss Nora Smith received the o f this county. 15.00 rent arising during my term. I pre­ Mrs. O. W. Humphreys writes > rf,!rm j £ e duties belong- V ir g il H. M a s s e y , sume that one reason why I was news a few days ago that James e „ , . . mg to said office in the most $48.00 - from Santa Anna, Cal., to have economical manner. Candidate for Representative. elected over the old city attorney Rogers, aged 81 years, a former Street board fund Bal $922.99 their paper sent there. (Paid advertisement) W m . M c Q u il l a n . was the fact that the city was iesident of this city, is dead at being put to enormous expense the National Soldiers’ Home at Warrants paid March $678.62 Mrs. WI.eelden o f Portland if « Advtta— t» Plana For Dandelion Day for legal advice. In the city Sawtelle, Cal. He was buried in has accepted a place in the fam­ there. FINANCE COMMITTE’S REPORT election I received the Republi­ the National cemetery For Sale- Two work horses, On Arbor Day, April 12, the Two sisters, Mrs. Eliza Hudson, Some with double harness. can nomination against my two C L Hinman, supplies $ 29.52 ily o f A. G. Hoffman. True and pupils in the public schools of opponents, and also the Demo­ of University Park, and Mrs. Forest Grove are to carry on a W A Long, labor 5.00 eleven years ago she was with good anywhere. Must sell. cratic nomination, and then de­ Partlow, of Portland, survive vigorous 45.00 the family o f J. E. Bailey. Price $125. F. Mott, Hillside campaign against R J Eastwood, labor feated the combination o f the him. 75.00 road, Forest Grove. Phone 153. weeds. While Dandelion Day is Chas Morgan, salary Enoch Moore and Mr. Kelsay 75.00 forces o f both my opponents the general title given to the oc­ S G Morgan, salary Assembly Call while working this morning on a O M Sanford, supplies 3.50 when the old city attorney ran casion, other objectionable weeds FOR STATE SEN ATO R Washington County News against me independently in the 16 foot high scaffold on the Ber­ The Washington County V et­ are included in the list. 500 blanks, sidewalk 4.75 general election. O f the attor­ In the afternoon a procession ta Nixon building narrowly es­ eran Association will assemble in H. T. Bagley, mayor o f Hills­ 62 lines 2 weeks, 4c 2.48 neys who signed Mr. Tongue’s from the Central school will caped injury. The scaffold broke boro, candidate for nomination Cornelius at 10 a. m. sharp on 1 5 ........................ 1.20 petition in Astoria, three of march to the Ells Park to the them had been hired by the city Thursday, May 2, 1912. A good music o f the school orchestra. Beal & Co, flush machine 1325.00 and both men with scaffold fell, for state senator, promises if 1.60 Mr. Moore lighting on a tile with nominated and elected, to make to assist the old citv attorney. dinner, a carefully selected pro­ The weeds in baskets or gunny- Dan Pierce, delivery 13.00 his back and Kelsay on top. Mr. good, vote for the people’s choice They have been out of city jobs gram and a good time guaran­ sacks will be received by the M R Markham, salary 33.75 Moore is hurt but at this time since I have been in office. One judges and three prizes will be Glaisyer & Kirkwood, sal teed. Visitors welcome. for United Stated senator, work Schrymel & Davis, labor 30.73 o f the attorneys is not even a awarded respectively to the we are unable to say how badly. for greater economy in public C o m m it t e e . resident o f Astoria: one has boys and girls who have brought V I Fuqua, lbr, suppl’ s, sal 29.25 3.10 affairs, oppose all extravagant been there a few months, and the most. Each pupil who Garlock Packing Co R. A. Phelps was in Hood Forbes Supply & Electric 18.48 associated with Tongue’s deputy; appropriations and the creation brings at least a fourteen-inch A. A. K IR K W O O D one has never practiced law’. River on business the fore part basket o f weeds will be served P W Watkins, sal, suppl’ s 70.50 o f new offices and commissions to Frank Ramsey, hose team 1.75 That disposes o f seven o f the ten o f the week. with ice cream and cup cakes. the end that taxes may be re­ who signed, and seven did not The prizes and the refresh­ Rob’ t P Wirtz, sal and spl 66.25 duced. W ill consistently sup­ 13.75 sign at all. ments are furnished by the J. W. Watkins, labor Christian Church Services Int. on water bonds 812.03 port such measures only as are N ext Mr. Tongue says: “ The Women’s Club; the council fur­ A t the Christian church next city o f Seaside employed Hon. needed and beneficial. nish teams for the removal o f Fashion Stables, hose wsh 19.80 W. D. Fenton o f Portland to Sunday the pastor, C. H. Hilton, the weeds from the park. The Hlprs Glaisyer & Kirkwood 3.78 (Paid Advertisement) • draw it up a charater. Why, will preach both morning and exercises at Ells Park will occur Total $1744.19 evening. In the morning the at 2:30 Friday afternoon. Mr. Norblad?’ ’ A. Bermrohr o f the Gales Answer: That was during the theme will be ‘ T h e Sin o f Doing Come Over to My House Creek sawmill was a passenger term o f Mr. Brownell, Tongue's Nothing.’ ’ and in the evening he Come over to my house and in­ on the Oregon Electric the first will speak on the topic ‘ T h e Old P deputy district attorney in Clat­ spect my pen o f Black Minorca«. o f the week. When in Hiilsboro go to sop county, and before I came Time Religion.” Special music. These birds are from prize win­ All are invited. The bible school the Owl Cafe to e a t Meals Carl Hoffman is on a business into office. I was later em­ ners. We guarantee every egg next Sunday will begin at 10:30 trip to Bend this week. 28c. Near K. P. hall, west ployed. to be fertile; will replace any not Now, Mr. Voter, what do you instead o f 9:45 as heretofore. side Second street so. $1 for fifteen. Pianos from $149 and up at think o f such an attack as the C. A. H offman , Good meals for 26c. above when you hear the truth^ Independent C a n d i d a t e for Hie Bazaar. North Main street near Pacific Parlor, church and school or­ Dinner at Owl Cafe 28c. Do you approve o f such tactics. Gallery. Surveyor Forest Grove Press $1 per year. Mr. Tosgue forgot to tell you gans for sa'e at the Bazaar. Statements Made by Tongue Against Opponent De­ clared Untruthful RALLY AT ALOHA Washington County Residents to Meet Prominent Candidates sassaxr“- su"d-