The matron of a house for fal­ sweeping countless thousands The writer years ago ex-1 len women in Los Angeles says down to a devil’s hell, then look changed the pleasures of th is1 seven-tenths of the girls received up into our face with an inno- world for the old-time religion have fallen through the dance. ] cence that rivals the daisies and (Heb. 6:4-5), and has no desire Prof. A. T. Sullivan, a city mis­ a verdency that surpasses the to swap back. No saved soul sionary, asked 200 inmates of grass in June and ask "What has any love for the pleasures of this world (1st John 2-15; 2nd brothels how they came to fall harm is there in dancing?” What does the Holy Scripture Cor. 5-1/7; Gal. 5-24, 6-14). If I and 163 of them confessed they Hillsboro, Oregon (By Rev. A. M. Grubbs.) were ruined by dancing schools. say about dancing? John the preach to please men I am not (Gal. 1- Reader, do you ever hear of Up to this point I have quoted Baptist was beheaded as a result the servant of Christ. Only Exclusive S A V IN G S B A N K 10: 1st Thess. 2-4.) Read Math. of the dance.— Math. 14:6-11. no preachers against the dance, men renting a hall and hiring an in Washington County orchestra and dancing by them­ but men and women in all walks Listen, dear reader: "Love not 5-28; 1st Cor. 6:9-10. the world, neither the things Did the blessed Son of God of life. Now let the preachers selves? Why not? Do you ever Dr. Howard Crosby, that are in the world: if any come into this world in self- hear of women dancing by them­ speak. Presbyterian, says the founda­ man love the world the love of sacrifice and sorrow and suffer selves till they are half dead? tion for the vast amount of do­ the Father is not in him.” —1 in Gethsemanie and die on Cal- Why not? Do you ever hear of mestic misery and domestic John 2, 15, 16, 17. "Know ye vary and tell us to come out a family doing it, father dancing with mother, brother dancing crime which startles us was laid that the friendship of the world ] from the world and be separate, with sister, till long past mid­ when parents allowed the sacred­ is enmity with God; whosoever repent, deny oarselves, take up on Savings Accounts night? Never. Why not? The ness of their daughters’ persons therefore will be a friend of the our daily cross and follow him, writer for years played the vio­ and purity of their maiden in­ world is the enemy of God.” — meaning bv it that we were to $ I OPENS ACCOUNT j go to theatres, dances, socials, lin for dances and has traveled stincts to be rudely shocked in James 4:4. enough miles to belt our planet the waltz. Dr. H. M. Terry, Jesus says "the world hateth me banquetings, play cards, spin and knows that the sex element Congregationalist, says those because 1 testify that the works yarns, drink wine and have a See U s for Mortgage Loans is the charm of the dance. It is who are under the spell of cards thereof are evil.” —John 7:7. good time? Can he say to such therefore essentially an evil and dancing are the last to be "The cares, riches, pleasures professors of religion at last, thing. It leads first to impure reached by the gospel and the and having a good time in this "Well done, good and faithful thought, second to improper first to backslide. Bishop Coxie, life absolutely prepares the soul servant, thou hast denied thy- i conversation, third to immodesty Episcopal, says the gross debas­ for a bed in hell.” —Luke 8:14. self and followed me. Enter in­ to the joy of thy Lord?” A of action, fourth to immorality ing waltz would not be tolerated Luke 16:23-25. another year if the Christian Reader, if you are one who is shame, a shame! All unsaved ] of living, last to a bed in hell.— people know better. They never m uch longer." mothers of our communion would not utterly committed to a career Prov. 7-27, Luke 16-25. Of For Sale—Farm of 31 acres, of christless worldliness, will ask dancing, card-playing, thea­ “Is he g e ttin g too big fo r it? ” only set their faces against it course such statements coming house, barn, etc., 4 miles north­ th e to w n is g ettin g too sm all from a preacher are likely to be and remove their daughters from you flee to the Rock of Ages, ter-going, yarn-spinning Chris­ fo “No; west of Forest Grove. Must sell r him. H e ow es everybody now , and challenged as untrue, Very its contaminations and their sons once cleft for you and take shel­ tians to lead them to Jesus. No he w ill have to get a larg er te rrito ry to on account of other engagement. well, let others who are not from the contempt of woman­ ter beneath his protecting wings sinners in the dying hour want w ork on or sta rv e .” Can give liberal terms. Address from the surging storms of this such canting religious hypocrites] preachers speak, Mrs. General hood which it begets. T. Small, Forest Grove, Ore. tf Natural Result. Sherman said virtuons women Dr. James Brand, Congrega­ world; 'twas there that Moses to pray with them or speak con­ “She seem s perfectly fascinated The latest and most complete ought to blush at the very men­ tionalist, says the real core of took refuge from the pleasures cerning their souls. They may ] w ith him ." line of stationery at the Bazaar. “ I th in k he is essentially o rd in ary .” tion of the dance. James G. the Christians’ objection to the of the world (Heb. 11:24-26) and repent and be saved, but it will “ Yes, b u t she has beurd th a t h e is Blain’s famous relative, Gail dance is it is naturally danger­ hundreds of years after his body be "so as by fire,” etc. so w icked.” O V E R 05 Y E A R S ’ Hamilton, says the dance is es­ ous to social purity. Its chief had returned to dust, we find EXPERIENCE Millions will stand with aching A Minus Quantity. pecially unclean and cannot be facination lies in the relations of him with Elijah on the Mount of heart, “B u t you don’t seem to see the washed. A chief of police in the sexes, the danger of the pro­ Transfiguration (Mark 9:4.) point.” While Jesus pronounces the word ] New York city has said 90 per miscuous dances lies in the too Our dear brother Paul suffered “ H ow can I? I don’t see a million "depart.” dollars In my pocketbook. e ith e r.” cent of the women and girls familiar handling of each other’s the loss of all things for the ex­ leading lives of immorality have persons. The Roman Catholic cellency of the knowledge of With groanings they’ll mourn T rade M a r k s Inappropriate. O’er their sorrowful state, D e s ig n s fallen through the dance. Prof. bishops in council at Baltimore in Jesus and counted all worldliness “ H e has such u hard voice.” C o p y r ig h t s &e. Turned away from the pearly A n v o n a n«*ni11nR a « k etch a n d d esc rip tio n m ay “Yes. I am surprised.” Amos R. Wells has said the sen- 1866 sent out this in their pas­ but dung that he might win q uickly u n ce rtain o u r o p iu io n f r e e w h e th e r an gate. “B u t w hy su rp rised ?’” In v en tio n Is p ro b a b ly p a te n ta b le , Cniiiim inlcn- sualiiy of the dance makes bold toral letter: "We warn our peo­ Christ (Philip 3:8-9). So likewise tlo n a st ric tly confident lal. HANDBOOK o n I’. t n u u “ H is head Is so so ft.” Hunt tru e, o ld e s t ag e n cy fo r so cu rln g p a te n ts . eyed women of soft eyed maid­ ple against those amusements all who want to shun a devil’s Millions will enter the door of P a te n ts ta k e n th r o u g h M u u n & Co. re c e iv e tj'tciiil notice, w ith o u t c h a rg o, lu th e hell, The Early Call. ens, makes swaggering rakes of which may become an occasion hell will have to give up this A m b itio n s voice Is callin g 1. Scientific Am erican. pure young men, it changes love to sin, and especially against the world, repent of their sins, be And hear the sad wailings no A nd th is Is w h a t it cries: A h an d so m e ly I llu stra te d w eekly. L a rg e st c ir­ tongue can tell. cu latio n o f any sciontiU o Jo u rn al. T e rm s , $3 a ••Come, be o u r little c a n d id a te . born again, made new creatures to flirtation and a game of flip­ fashionable dances, which as at y e a r: fo u r m o n th s, $1. Sold by all n ew sd cn lers. F o r you a r e Just th e size!" With horror they’ll mourn o’er in Christ Jesus by the baptism pant shrewdness. The editor of present carried on are revolting A n d so m e re fu s e to h s a r t h e call. iVHJNN &Co.38,BfMd"*»’ New York their sorrowful state, W h ile som e a r e n o t so wise. C runch Ottico. 025 F 8 t., W a sh in g to n U . C. the Utica Herald of New York to every feeling of delicacy and with the Holy Spirit (John 3:3, Turned away from the pearly said more young men and girls propriety and are fraught with 2nd Cor. 5:17, 1st Cor. 12:13), gate. are ruined in that city at dances the greatest danger to morals.” and live a pure, clean, spotless than by any other means, and Rev. G. Duglas, D. D., affirms life, for none other can enter the destruction of nine-tenths of that the exclusion of sexual pas­ heaven (Eph. 5:27, Math. 5:8). Humor and Reader, do you know that this the young women who are sion from the stage and ball known to the police as street room would in six months ne­ world with all its pomp and Philosophy walkers is due to the bad asso­ cessitate the closing of every affluence will someday go out to By O V A C A A M. S M I T H ciates of the dance. theater and dance on our planet. burial amid the funeral torches Wilkes Auto & Garage The New York Tribune of Rev- A. M. Hills, evangelist, of burning worlds? (2nd Peter 2-10). Then the righteous shall PERT PARAGRAPHS. says in one city hotel three wom­ March 4th, 1881, quotes a Roman Company Catholic bishop as saying the en fell in one night at a dance. shine forth as the sun in the Q B S T IN A C Y Is th a t tr a it In others w hich m akes them refu se to do the confessional reveals that nine­ He was told by a pastor of a kingdon of their Father (Math. HILLSBORO, OREGON th in g Which you know they ought to 13:43, Rev. 7:14-15). leading church in a city that five teen out of every twenty women do. who fall and are lost can trace girls of his congregation were The writer does not expect the beginning of their sad state mothers without being weded, this epistle to stop the raging of T he signs a re not rig h t fo r dom estic felicity w hen th e fu rn ace balks a t th e to the modern dance. Prof. A. as the result of the last season’s any dance. He might as well sam e tim e th a t the m ercury Is hunting G E N E R A L R E PA IR IN G , try to bottle the ocean or cork a th e zero T. Sullivan, an’ ex-dancing mas­ dancing. m urk. volcano. But he hopes that ter, says waltzing is the spur to The writer knows of many a A U T O L IV E R Y lust, Mr. T. A. Faulkner, who pure girl swung in the promiscu­ someone who reads this epistle Y’ou can ju d g e som ething ab o u t th e capacity of a m an by ob serv in g how for years was a teacher of danc­ ous dance till her morals relaxed whose moral backbone has not m uch It ta k e s to puff him up. ing and held the championship and she yielded her virtue to a been reduced by serving the of the fancy and round dancing, villain. Yet with such facts] world to the limpness of a cotton I t tnkes m ore th a n a sty lish su it to m ake a m an. b u t th a t is one o f the was convicted of his sin by the ever repeated, constantly m ulti-! string maV consider where he is th in g s th a t a girl doesn’t learn In high Phone Main 262. Second and M ain S tre e ts, fierce arraignment of a ruined plied, people who profess to be R°*nK to spend eternity, and qcliool. O pposite C ourt H ouse. girl, who had fallen in his danc­ gentlemen and ladies and many ldace >n the balance the world young m an Is su re th a t ing school. It led to his conver­ professed Christians will lend a atu* a" ‘ts pleasures, the wreek- all T h th e e conceited girls a re m adly in love w ith sion and then to the writing of a helping hand to rush this stream jnK out of an awful eternity be- him . and m any o f them let him think book against this awful sin, en­ of abominable iniquity, ever hind the sweltering walls of a so w hile his candy keeps coating. titled "From the Ball Room to widening and deepening and devil’s hell, amid the weeping, N one of us w a n ts to grow old. Still, Hell.” flowing like an Amazon tide wailing, awful shrieking and a m an doesn’t m ourn w hen he no gnashing of teeth, where the tor­ longer is called on to pay poll tax. menting flames of fire and brim­ M any a good fudge m a k e r has to stone shall never be quenched. send th e fam ily to the re s ta u ra n t (Math. 13-42: Rev. 14-10, 11; 21- w hen t ‘ e cook leaves. 8.) On the other hand place in o f being happy Is doing the balance the reproach of w T ith h e w secret h a t you have, b u t th e secret of Christ, the afflictions of God’s h a rin g w h a t you w a n t is g e ttin g out people, the old-time religion, the a n d h u stlin g fo r I t spending of eternity beyond the T h e m an w ho Is delighted w ith bis pearly gates in that sun-bright C h ristm as g ift from his w ife exists clime of a spotless, sinless world, largely In m agazine advertisem ents. forever enjoying the refulgent Like Cured Him. glory of ineffable sweetness, Plumbing and Heating can bo yours. A healthy home should always be a happy have a mansion of glittering, transparent gold, hear the angels one. There is no need for anything: but the best of health sing, enjoy the company of loved if you are a regular customer of this drug store. Everything ones who have washed their here tor children that medical science has shown to be good. robes and made them white in the blood of the I.amb, stand SERVICE PROMPT AND R E ­ M adam ’s req u irem en ts specially c a te re d t o - y o u r personal with them and bright shining ailm ents and necessities as c a re fu lly a tte n d e d to as o u r own. LIABLE, ANT> RIGHT PRICES This is no m ere m a rk e t fo r selling d ru g s and specialties - w e angels on the golden streets and i w an t you to feel th a t all m em b ers o f your fam ily have a crystal seas, shouting forth We have had twenty years exue rience in confidential friend a t th is sto re . Come in and g e t acquainted. praises to the King of Kings and plumbing and will do work anywhei re in the county. Lord of Lords (Rev. 7:9-17), 1 forever free from all sorrow. \ pain and death. Reader, which DELTA DRUG STORE will you choose? PERCY LONG Oh, may the Holy Spirit help North Side Main Street HILLSBORO, OR- “T he doctor stopped my cold.” you to choose the narrow way < “How did he do It?" 21 flmt. 0».