BROWN HEN Our Presidential HIS PARTNER IX the children had a hoard of eggs hidden away for R aster- all but Billy. Billy was so small and fat that be could not climb on the haytnowa to tlnd the nests. Sue, Mary and Teddy were bigger, und the contest with them went guyly on. Raster morning their bourds would be brought forth from their hid­ ing places, and the one who had the most eggs would be the best fellow. Mother would give them some hits of bright calico and pieces of onion peel. The eggs would be wrapped In these and boiled, and when taken out of the water the onion ones would have beautiful yellow shells and the ones wrapped In calico would have daluty flowers and pntterns traced on them. Perhaps they might have some of those gorgeous purple end crim son dyes for certain high class eggs. A ny­ way, there would he a brave showing. Billy would probubly have some giv­ en to him. but they would not be his own hoard, and the heart of Billy was heavy within him. lie stood on the barn floor, dejected­ ly shelling tho kernels otT an ear of corn that had been dropped, and he could hear tho shouts of the other chil- dreu awuy otf on the long mow wings. Raster wus very near—only a few days—and then— “Cluck, cluck!" Billy looked around and saw a brown hen squeezing out through a hole In the flooring. She walked straight up to Billy and began plcklug up tbe ker­ nels be bad dropped. "W bat you been doin’ under ve floor, ol’ Brown Hep?" "Cluck, cluck!” suld the brown hen, which meant, "Look for yourself." Billy looked. Away under the dark floor he could see a nest, uud he count­ ed—“two—tlve—free—eleventy.” Billy could not tell Just how many for his mathematical education was shaky. “Is they yours?” w hispered Billy. “Cluck, cluck!” said the browu hen. “Don’t tell the rest, and we'll go ■hares on this hoard, and I'll take care of them for us.” Then she crawled buck under tbe boards, and Billy rnn In the house fet lag that he also had a secret. Not a word did Billy lisp. On Easter rnorulng be. too. would bring forth his hoard, but ho would leave some for the brown hen—oh, of course—because they were partners. Easter came, nnd tho older children «rent after their bidden eggs. Billy B IL L Y Q A V i O N I IU P T O R O U S LO O K, followed In glee. IIow he would sur­ prise them! Ills fat legs twinkled through the burnyard fence and up to Hi* grout door. lie heard the browu lien clucking. She must be waiting to divide. lie went in, but she was not in sight He ducked bis head down to tho bole and peeped. She was not on the nest, and only u few broken shells lay about. Tears welled up into Billy's blue eyes. Tho brown hen bud not denlt fulrly. Sobbing and stumbling, be went out the stable door ami ran plump Into her. She was not alone. Chirping nnd peeping all around her was a troop of yellow fusty bulls. Billy took one rap­ turous look nnd then fled to Sister Mary, who was crawling from uuder a straw atack with her treasure. “Look, Mary, look whnt me an’ the brown hen done!" he culled “She's l»een Inkin' care of our eggs, an* they've nil come chickens!” SCHOOL NOTES A. A. KIRKWOOD Possibilities Series Our Presidential Possibilities Series Independent C a n d i d a t e Surveyor for ESTABLISHED 1885 Portland Marble Works All kinds of Monumental W ork E stim a te s given on F irst- Class Work and Stock Only 264-C6 Fourth St., Opposite C ity'H all A Portland, Oregon Main 8564 A 1516 H. B. Glaisyer A. A. Kirkwood Glaisyer & Kirkwood Engineers and Surveyors H o ffm a n B ld g . Phone 0106 F o rest G rove, O reg o n W . F. H A R T K A M P F © by A m erican Press A sso ciatio n Wholesale and R etail CHAMP O U N G EST o f all th e men Who a re p rom inent in th e race fo r th e presiden­ tia l nom ination Is losepti W in g ate Folk, fo rm er g o v ern o r o f Missouri. H e Is forty-tw o, nineteen y e a rs th e Junior of M issouri’s o th e r “favorite son,” Chnmp C lark, and w as only th irty -o n e y ears old w hen he w as elected to the circ u it a tto rn e y sh ip o f St. Louis, th e office in w hich by bis successful prosecution of tb e g ra fte rs of th e city lie earn ed a n atio n al rep u tatio n . Ills nom ination nnd election In 1004 ns governor followed. lie hits been considered ns n c a n d id a te fo r th e U nited S ta te s senntorshlp. Like S en ato r L a Follette. •x-G overnor Folk Is well know n to th e people of th e co u n try by reason of hb ■iicroNMful lecture tours. Y One-Sixth of Caral Yet to Dig One-sixth of the excavation necessary to open the Panama Canal to navigation remained to be done on March 1, and this must lie completed in 21 months if Colonel Goethals is to redeem his promise to have an American built ship, probably the famous old Oregon, pass through the waterway on January 1, 1915. Big figures are required to tell what the canal workers have been doing and what they have to do. Last February they took 2,643,410 cubic yards of earth and rock out of the canal prism, making the total excavation up to March 1. 163.183.086 yards, and leaving 32,141,293 yards yet to he removed. TRICKS WITH EASTER EGGS H ere nre fo u r E a ste r eggs. Would Itou like to m ake som e like th em ? It I» very easy. G et fo u r eggs and "b lo w ” them . All you have to do is to m ake a sm all hole a t each eud o f th e egg w ith a I n r g e pin, nnd th e n by p u ttin g one eud to your m outh a n d bold­ in g th e egg light- ly you can easily blow ou t th e iuside. To tnuke th e C hinam an a brow nish colored egg is th e bent. H is b a t is m ade sim ply by ta k lu g a piece o f stiff p ap er and cu ttin g o u t a circle, w ith an in n er circle fitting tb e top of b i s head. H is m ustache and pig- | ta ll nre mndo of Taft Most Sincere I never knew a more sincere, noised dnrn 0o t t on o " t J ~ __ jkA a more earnest, a better poisto „ „ (1 1 nR Klued man than Mr. Taft. He is T he face m ay bo V «r ' »¿T brainy and earnest and yet does done w ith black v l __ L J t o r Ink. 1 . his great work with the sim­ p ain T h e “old In- 4— plicity of a child. He is eora- dy’s” face m ay bo p ain ted or dono geous i.n the best sense of the j with ink and her bonnet m ade of word. Not only is he physically 'V‘i'e " **" .* 1|,a,7 r B'"ed ,he corageous. hut he is mentally out aro u n d her and morally brave. He remem-| f“ct> bers only what is for the best [ -—v Ti’e "dude" is interest, of the people."-E x- L O * ¡ X V ’iS S Senator Fulton, \ « / ing his ctaaka |>!nk. By ta k in g a slip o f card ­ Why Pay Ten Dollar*? board an d gluing th e en d s to g eth er Why pay ten dollars for a map th e eud o f th e egg may be slipped into which merely shows Washington th is an d glued, th u s m aking his col­ County, \yhen you can get one lar. A n arro w b it of rlbbou w ill do on a larger scale showing every- 1 r° r ,,ie necktie. thing from the Willamette river' !/!!' "'¡owns face is done in Ink, , ' w ith th e spots in west to the west boundary of the red p aint, used Professor Rutherford of Mc­ Minnville made the Forest Grove high school a short visit recently while on his way to Hillsboro, where he went to see the man­ ual training and domestic science exhibit. On March 29 the high school county, size 50x67 inches, for I thickly. His cap graduating class gave their $7.50. or a pocket size 24x33 in. orations at the M. E. church. for $2. Get it of your bookseller „i*,. his ruffled or address T. S. Wilkes & Son. j collar. Tho eggs The early spring with all its _______________ If glued on to early flower specimens has stiff cards will ^ Rebekahs in Convention I stand, or a ribbon caused the classes in botany to The Rehekah county conven­ | in a j b e 11 • d awaken. through the two holes at each end of tion, in session at Hillsboro last tbe egg and the eggs hung up. The Senior class are now week, was largely attended by If one prefers It Is very pretty to studying Macbeth in their Eng­ the various lodges of the county. (mint little flowers on tbe eggs. It Is lish work. to make these Easter eggs, and ___ A number of the grand officers easy children will find It great fun If they The Juniors gave the annual were also present. The lodges | try tt banquet to the Seniors at the of this county are in a flourishing FOR STATE SENATOR home of L. A. Graham last Fri- condition. day night An excellent supper * -------------------- 1 H. T. Bagley, mayor of Hills- was served and a very enjoyable Pianos from f 149 and up at boro, candidate for nomination ivening was spent .the Bazaar. i for state senato', promise* if V e tch Seed«, all kind» of g r a ta te e d . A l­ ACK of th e sp eak er's p residential candidacy a re th e m ajority of the Demo­ fa lfa H ay, F e e d a n d L an d P l a t t e r cratic m em bers of th e house of rep resen tativ es, and, indeed, he Is so popular ou both sides of th e ch am b er th a t his nom ination would give pleasure, so fa r as personal predilections nre concerned, to most of his col­ HEADQUARTERS leagues. Mr. Clark (who originally bore th e C hristian nam e of Benucbnmp, fo r M IL B U R N W A G O N S b,, the w ay), has been in continuous congressional service as a Missouri repre­ sentative, w ith the exception of one term , since 1S03. H e is a forceful and pleasing orator. lie enriches Ills speeches w ith S criptural quotations and allu­ Forest Grove, Ore sions an d In terla rd s his a rg u m e n ts w ith droll and hum orous anecdotes sm ack­ lnd Phone 50x ing of the soil. 5 nominated and elected, to make good, vote for the people's choice for United States senator, work for greater economy in public affairs, oppose all extravagant appropriations and tho creation of new offices and commissions to the end that taxes may he re­ duced. Will consistently^ sup­ port such measures only as are needed and beneficial. (raql Advertisement) Plan Your Vacation Now T o th e E A S T , S E A S H O R E or M O U N T A IN S The Southern Pacific Will place on sale low round trip tickets to all the principal Cities of the East, going or returning through California, or via Portland with going limit 15 days. Final return limit October 31st. Sale Dates CITY NEWS NOTES. Singer, New Home and other of the latest improved, up to date sewing machines for sale at the Bazaar. Miss Edith Shogren was in Portland Saturday, stopping over Sunday on her return with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Reeves of Cor­ nelius. The agency for the celebrated National bicycle is represented by Clyde’s Bicycle Shop. He al­ so has a number of second hand wheels which he offers at a bar­ gain. See him at N. First street April, 25-26-27 May, 2-3-4-9-10-11-14-15-17-18-24- 29 June, 1-6-7-8-13-14-15-17-18-19-20- 21-24-25-27-28-29 July, 2-3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23- 26-29-30-31 August, 1-2-3-6-7-12-15-16-22-23- 29-30-31 Sept., 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30 Im p jr:« ! C ouncil M y .tic S h r in e, Loe A nsc!e>, A p ril 3 0 t h to M a y 4 lh Newport—Yaquina Bay Offers many advantages for a seashore outing. Low fares from all pomts in Oregon, reasonable hotel rates, outdoor amusements and all the delights of the seashore. The New P. R. & N. Beaches Tillamook Garibaldi (Bayocean), Brighton, Manhattan and Rockaway, r-“. <)cean Lake Park. Twin Rocks, Tillamook Beach and Bay V‘t.v W1 1 a new field for a summer outing. Low Round Trip Fares iroin all points in Oregon. r Call on »ur nearest Agent for full information as to East Bound Excursion rares, routes, stop-overs, etc., or writo t n J o h n M. S c o t t , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Eat California Raisins. Raisin Day April 30lh. Newell McCrufn of Portland visited over Sunday with rela­ tives and friends in town. J. H. Hicks, plumber and re­ pair man living in South Park, who has been confined to his room by sickness, is again able to be on the streets. Parlor, church and school or­ gans for sa!e at the Bazaar. i(ew Machine Shops Mrs. F. J. Miller was visiting friends in Portland the latter part of last week. D R E P A R E D to do all kinds A of work in iron, lathe or drill work. Auto repairing and vulcanizing. Our motto Prompt work and Reasonable Charges. ^ our patronage solicited. G et a 10c package of Easter cards at the Book Store. H. J. Goff was in Portland on business, Monday. The union Endeavor meeting held at the Congregational church Sunday was very well at­ tended, and the subject of tem­ perance was intelligently dis­ cussed. ' W . A . Chalmers E. side S. Main St. Forest Grove, Or. M. Turner of Banks was in town the first of the week. Press advertising will sell your goods. Make us prove it. _______ £