F orest I - Voi. 3 SELLING FOR U. S. SENATE G rove * FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 14. 1912. Born, to the wife of George Culver, March 5, a daughter. No. 19 the city outside of his regular the council] with the following salary of $125 per month. Mr. proposition, viz: That the coun­ Norblad has been prompt and cil give us the choice of three CITY NEWS NOTES. efficient in keeping his work up locations, first, the northwest to date. Figuring on the cost of corner of the church square Geo. Kirkwood of Hillsboro the office the two years before (which we asked for); second, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Norblad became city attor­ the middle of the block (offered ney, he has practically saved his by the council), or third, the J. H. Brokaw, a fruitgrower salary to the city. Such services southwest corner of the church of David’s Hill, was in town require some recognition, and in square (which certain business Tuesday and honored the Press order that the public may be ad­ men were clamoring for), the with his subscription. vised of the competency of their final choice of the three loca­ Doc Wagner of Gales Creek attorney I w’ould ask the council tions to be decided by a vote of was in town the first of this i to pass the resolution I submit those contributing to the foun­ week and visited witli his broth­ • herewith. This will, show our tain ^ach dollar contributed to er, W. O. Wagner of Wagner & P o sitiv e In th e belief th a t a change appreciation of Mr. Norblad’s To the Editor of the Press: entitle the giver to one vote. Present city attorney for the is needed for th e b est in te re sts of Sons Hardware Co. city of Astoria. Also attorney services and inform the public So many inquiries come to me Furthermore, we offered to sub­ O regon In th e U nited S ta te s sen ate, The latest and most complete: by appointment for cities of Sea­ that in him they have a compe­ regarding the fountain which mit the list of votes to the mayor m any n ew spapers In E a ste rn O regon have openly declared th em selv es for j line of stationery at the Bazaar. side and YVarrenton and Port of tent city attorney and a faithful the W. C. T. U. planned to erect and a committee of the council, Ben Selling to succeed S en a to r Jo n a ­ j J. C. Clark of Gales Creek was Astoria. public servant. that I think it best to make a thus insuring a fair count. th a n Bourne. Respectfully Submitted, We confidently expected that brief statement in regard to the If elected will discharge the ; at Hillsboro Tuesday. In a re c e n t issu e th e L a G rande so fair a proposal would be ac­ matter. H. L. H enderson . Mayor, duties of the office according to E ven in g O bserver ed ito rially re m a rk ­ C. A. Littler of the Forest cepted, but instead it was law and justice befitting each in­ ed: Last fall the W. C. T. U. j Grove Pharmacy was replenish­ The resolution submitted by voted to erect a public drinking amended and passed to read that "T h e ann o u n cem en t th a t Ben Sell­ dividual case. ing w ill m ake the rac e for th e se n a te ing stock in Portland Tuesday. Mr. Tongue advertises: “ I the mayor (a Democrat) was fountain as a memorial of Mrs. the choice of location be not con­ a g a in s t Jo n a th a n B ourne is received Peter and E. W. Dethlefs of have defeated my opponent, Mr. ! passed unanimously by the E. H. Marsh, one of our former fined to the three places speci­ w ith considerable satisfa c tio n , for all Gaston passed through town on Norblad, in every case in which council, and this communication well beloved members. To th a t1 fied in our petition but to any know th a t Selling is a thoroughly pro­ g ressiv e citizen and sta n d s for all their way to Hillsboro Tuesday. we were opposed to each other.” j and the resolution are public end an advisory committee was place in town that the contribu­ th e m easu res th a t a re d e a r to th e appointed to investigate location, tors should choose—but only the Wanted— A good live man as In reply to this argument I have I records of the city of Astoria. people, having been one of th e legis- If I made a good city attorney to say that we pe.sonally havej styles of fountain, probable cost, contributors residing in the city partner in real estate office to < la to rs w ho not only helped In au g u rate and saved more than my salary etc. This committee consisted : should be entitled to vote. been opposed to each other in j work outside. No capital re­ th e new form of gov ern m en t in th is to the city, why would I not of the president, three honorary 1 We informed the council that sta te , but also has been one of those quired. Can commence at once. , but three or four criminal cases, j w ho h as c o n stan tly stood on guard Address Mark, Drawer D, For­ but Mr. Tongue fails to state make a good district attorney and three active members of the | we had promises of contributions to p rev en t repeal of any of th e m eas­ est Grove. frem outsiders but considered that in a list of ten criminal and save the taxpayers money? Union. ures. cases handled by his office in I want’to make a record as dis­ After holding many meetings, | that all persons who were enough Roland Knight and Kennard "M r. B ourne Is p ra c tic a lly a non­ which I was attorney for the de­ trict attorney of the fifth judicial consulting catalogue for prices, j interested in the town to give re s id e n t of th is s ta te and is scarcely Dixon attended Christian En­ fense nine were dismissed and district, and I therefore ask for studying location, etc., and con­ their money should be considered a tax p ay er. H e spend s his e n tire tim e deavor Sunday at Hillsboro. your support. Can I have it? one acquitted. In th e e a st and seldom v isits th e sta te sulting representative citizens, competent to vote, or in case Gus Wagner of Portland at­ During the year 1911, as city th a t h as honored him . By th e way, A. W. NORBLAD, the committee submitted to the j they did not care to vote them­ Mr. V oter, have you ev e r seen Jona- j tended the oratorical contest and attorney of Astoria, I prosecuted Astoria, Oregon. Union the following recommen­ selves would let the ladies vote th a n B ourne? W hat do you know j visited over Sunday in our city. (Paid ad v ertisem en t.) 1400 cases in the municipal court dations: First, that the Union for them. a b o u t him o th er th an to receive a le t­ Furthermore, this action of and secured convictions in every te r occasionally w ritte n by a paid \ Henry Cop, hopgrower of the A. M. Crary, 75th 111., Hering- erect a public drinking fountain the council throws out of any ste n o g ra p h e r and signed w ith a ru b b e r Greenville section, was in town contested case and against such ton, Kan., says that the com­ for man, horse and dog, with a voice in the matter one-fifth of sta m p ? Can you point to a n y th in g of j men as Fulton and others. Tuesday. Mr. Cop is one of im p o rtan ce th a t he h as done for O re­ rades in Kansas have too much cluster of electric lights on top the membership of the Union The salary of the district at­ W. J. Bryan’s staunch support­ gon? You know of co u rse th a t he faith in President Taft’s justice and to cost approximately $1000. who reside outside the city, this voted w ith A ldrich and th e rich m en ers, but wants to read the Press. torney’s office is $2700 per year Second, that said fountain be and I openly pledged myself if and magnanimity to think for a erected in the parking at the fraction including the president of th e e a st on tariff issues. You know . Whitman’s chocolates are the he ow ns a large cotton goods m anufac- I elected not to ask for a raise or moment that he will turn down northwest corner of the Congre­ and two members of the com­ tu rin g p lan t on the A tlan tic seaboard i best chocolates. Get a sample at increase of salary during my any pension bill which is pre­ gational church square. Third, mittee who are most active in and th a t he is reputed to be w orth \ the Forest Grove Pharmacy. sented to him by congress. fountain. term. At the last session of the that said fountain be given to working for the $15,000,000. Y.ou know also th a t his Could any reasonable person legislature Mr. Tongue appeared in te re s ts in O regon a re so m eager th a t the city, provided the city agree expect us to accept such a prop­ and asked for an increase and Ills tax is exactly $2.44 according to to furnish water and lights and j osition? Also the fact that we th e P o rtlan d Jo u rn al of Sunday, Mar. practically intimated that he maintain it. 3rd. expected to raise several hun­ would resign if the salary were The above recommendations “All of th ese things being tru e, don’t not raised. I know what the were approved by the Union and dred dollars outside the town you th in k it is tim e to rep lace him would so reduce the number of office pays when I seek it and am w ith a citizen of th e sta te —a m an the committee instructed to con­ votes that if any person so de­ satisfied, or I would not ask for w ho h a s lived over h alf a c e n tu ry tinue the work. sired, by paying say three or in O regon—who has p ro p erty now here your support nor would I run for The Woman’s Club also ap­ else an d w ho sta n d s his sh a re of tax es four hundred dollars toward the the office. The annual meeting of the proved the plan by voting to give and w orks every day in th e y e a r to i Editor Forest Grove Press: fund he could locate the foun­ Four years in office is the same Commercial Club Monday even­ $200 to the fund. Chas. Hines in his controversy build up his sta te ? tain at any point he chose in the as two terms., Does the plea of " Is it n o t tim e for O regon to be for that has gone on for several1 ing showed much good work The committee then sent a j city limits. two terms therefore merit your O regon, a s Bill H anley says, and de­ done by that body during the representative to the city coun- j weeks with “ More Anon” (w’hich ; sist from sending a rich a risto c ra t We considered the entire ac­ approval? past year at a small expense to cil with a petition embodying the he says in last week’s issue is w hose in te re sts lie in e a ste rn s ta te s tion of the council unbusiness­ Mr. Tongue has held the office, the citizens. The treasurer’s re­ recommendations and asking to a s s is t in m aking law s for O regon? Mr. Corl) sees fit to bring into like and unfair and an insult to four years. port shows receipts for the year them to accept the gift and i “T h e people have a splendid oppor­ this controversy parties who As a showing with reference to be $208.42, with disburse­ grant permission to erect the our intelligence as women. As tu n ity to elect a m an w ho will re p re ­ have no connection with it. there seemed to be no good or se n t O regon and th e O regon system , In his letters of three weeks- to my ability as an attorney, I ments $74.80, leaving a balance fountain at the specified point. | sufficient reason for having our fo r Ben Selling aided m aterially in submit the following: Much to our surprise the peti­ on hand of $135.62. o u tlin in g and passing every law th a t ago, and last week, he saw- fit to wishes ignored, we reported to Secretary A. E. H art’s report tion was referred back to us December 16th, 1911. gives th e pow er of go vernm ent d ire c t­ drag in the First National Bank. the Union accordingly. Our re­ ly to th e people in th is sta te .” Neither myself nor any one of To the Honorable Common Coun­ shows that since March 22, 1911, with the request that we change port was accepted and the com­ cil of the City of Astoria, there have been distributed the location of the fountain to the sixteen stockholders had mittee discharged with thanks Protect Yourself From Fire through the mails, by express the middle of the block on Main anything to do with it either di­ Oregon. for work done. The volunteer fire department rectly or indirectly, with the pos­ Gentlemen: Our present city a t-! and otherwise. 8000 letters, cir­ street. As we were unwilling to | In conclusion I would say that was called out Tuesday morning, sible exception of the one he torney, A. W. Norblad, has made culars and booklets relative to do that, the representative from j the vote of the Union to erect a by an alarm sent in from the Dr. named this week. If he had, he one of the most competent city our city and surroundings, and the council asked us to appear j drinking fountain has never been Crang property on College Way. is able to take care of it himself. attorneys we have ever had and reaching every state and te rri-! before that body and state fully 5 rescinded, and if ever there are The Doctor states that there it is with regret that I notice tory in the United States, and our reasons for our choice of lo­ The boys made good time, but in Forest Grove enough male all danger of fire was allayed be­ w’as no criticism with the former that it is impossible under the which have brought many in­ cation. This we did, but our pe­ citizens who are public spirited “ where the city charter to raise his salary quiries and some new residents. tition was granted only on con­ enough to see that we are given fore their arrival. Their prompt­ administration, ness in response to calls reflects checks on the water fund were during his term of office. Dur­ Through the efforts of the club dition that we change the loca-1 a “ square deal” we may be much credit and should cause O. K.’d by the finance commit­ ing the two years preceeding Mr. we are getting much permanent tion as before stated. When we ready to go to work again. We inquired for a reason for such the citizens to be liberal in any tee, Messrs. Roe and Thorn­ Norblad’s term of office the City advertising. do not claim to have masculine action we were told that it was The following directors were of Astoria was called upon to support the fire boys may need* burgh, because these checks minds, but we do claim sense for the business interests that it Give them a dollar for a ticket to were drawn on both banks.” pay approximately $2800.00 to elected for the year: H. C. At­ enough to know when we are to the firemen’s ball whether you This is not correct; these checks other attorneys for assistance, well, A. G. Hoffman, A. E. be located near the center of the imposed upon. To paraphrase T. J. O. block. To this we replied that were drawn on the Forest Grove Rjquests were also several times Scott, A. E. Hart, dance or not. Lincoln, you can impose on all National Bank, and the First made for a salary for a deputy Thatcher, E. W. Haines, L. M. we were not proposing to erect the women part of the time and National Bank only cashed such city attorney. There have been Graham, John Thornburgh and a fountain for the business in­ Gales City News on part of the women all the Officers were. terests, but for the general checks as came through it in the tried in the municipal court this C. A. Littler. (Crowded o u t la s t week) time, but you can’t impose on all The people have been making regular course of business and one year, 1911, over five hundred elected as follows: H. C. At­ good of the community and to the women all the time. We are nse of the few pretty days we were instructed to cash only such more cases than in the three well, president; L. M. Graham, help beautify our town, and that still waiting for a new council. checks as were approved by the previous years, the cases total­ vice president; Chas. Littler, we would wait for a new coun­ have been having. Respectfully, committee. In the following ad­ ing to date about 1350 and dur­ treasurer; A. E. Hart, secretary. cil that would grant our request. M rs . G. A. B oldrick , Howard Lilly has been im­ ministration we were informed ing the three previous years The meeting unanimously ten­ Finally we were informed that if Pres. W. C. T. U. proving his farm by blasting that all checks signed by Ed about nine hundred were tried dered A. E. Hart a vote of we would again appear before stumps for the last week. Dixon and drawn on the Water altogether, and there has been thanks for his efficient services the council they would recon­ Why Pay Ten Dollars. Mr. McCann has rented the Fund were payable at the Forest more street improvement work, as secretary for the past year, sider our petition. But as it was Why pay ten dollars for a map .Paniel Staver farm and will try Grove National Bank without the and the council has considered for which he received only $5.00 so near election time, we decided which merely shows Washington raising hogs for awhile. to wait for the incoming council. endorsement of any committee and passed upon more ordinances per month. County, when you can get one T. P. Hines was doing busi­ and we cashed all such checks (all drawn by the city attorney) Meantime there came to our ears on a larger scale showing every­ ness in Forest Grove Tuesday. as came to us in the regular than in any previous year in the The agency for the celebrated so much talk about the injustice thing from the Willamette River Miss Goodbv visited with her course of business. I presume history of the city, yet in the National bicycle is represented of expecting business men to west to the west boundary of the parents at McMinnville Saturday that this is what “ More Anon” face of these facts, Mr. Norblad by Clyde’s Bicvcle Shop. He al­ give their money to the fountain county, size 50x67 inches for referred to, but it was of no has attended to all of this work so has a number of second hand and give them no voice as to its $7.50, or a pocket size 24x33 in. and Sunday. concern to the First National himself without a deputy, and wheels which he offers at a bar­ location that we decided to offer for $2. Get it of your bookseller The Gales City school visited (Continued on last page. ) without one cent of expense to gain. See him at N. First street. a compromise and went before or address T. S. Wilkes & Son, the Fir Creek school Friday. Newspapers of Eastern Ore­ gon Advise People to Support Selling. WORD WAR CONTINUES HIS RECORD OF ABILITY WAITING FOR AN ELECTION As City Attorney Saved Asto­ ria Large Sums and Wins Renown. W. C. T. U. Is Insensed at Ac­ tion of City Council Re­ garding Fountain. MUCH GOOD WORK DONE