Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, February 29, 1912, Image 1

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    - Crr~
H«we Time*
F orest
Voi. 3
ford is an experienced librarian
and is a graduate of the Univers­
ity of Vermont, where she acted
as assistant librarian. She re­
cently catalogued the Astoria
City Library. Several months
will be passed in restoring order
out of chaos among Pacific’s 17,-
000 volumes because of inade­
quate room.
No. 19
ive expansion of prune-growing |
in this district, this plan may
easily develop into a prune-pack­
ing plant. Let the lower grades
of apples and other fruits be
made into cider and vinegar.
If we pursue this plan, there
will soon be an outlet for all
fruit that now goes to waste, or
brings but scant return. Farmers
and lot owners in town will ex­
Platform of Ben Selling.
tend their plantings of those va­
rieties of berries for which there
Following is the platform of
is greatest demand when canned.
Ben Selling who is out for nom­
Those small land holders who
ination for the office of United
Geo. A. Rosenberg, who pur­ States Senator:
Notice to Fruit Grower.
FOREST GROVE, Feb. 2 9 .-
FOREST GROVE, Feb. 29,— now find difficulty in making a
chased a 5-acre tract just east of If I am nominated and elected, I will, (Editor of the Press)—It has al­ To the fruit-grower:
(To the Editor) — I am often living will then have a comfort­
town and who expected to build during my term of office, uphold the ways seemed to us that the part
The concentrated lime-sulphur asked “ How can we secure a able income. We shall then see^
a nice residence and put in a Oregon system ; support tariff revision of the constitution which states solution for sale at the various
an expansion of the small fru it|
commercial poultry plant, has with justice to labor, producer and con­ that all men are created equal drug and fruit stores is of vary­ cannery for Forest Grove?” industry that has made other lo­
sumer; larger appropriations under con­
met with what appears to be an tinuing contracts for Oregon’s rivers was somewhat ambiguous, for ing strengths. It must be di­ There are three ways. First, let. calities famous and prosperous.
obstacle in the way of progress. and harbors; local Federal land courts when we saw our fellow man luted by adding from nine to local capitalists organize a com­ By the time our increased plant­
Mr. Rosenberg made applica­ for speedily determ ining se ttle rs’ wearing such large hats we con­ twelve parts of water for each pany, and build and equip a can­ ing of loganberries, raspberries.j
tion for city water, offering to rights; adm inistration of Forest re­ cluded that when the gray mat­ part of the concentrated solu­ nery. We may assume that the strawberries and other fruits are
in the in terest of our people;
stockholders will have invested
make connections with the city serves
ready to handle, we shall have
No matter what the
return of Oregon’s reclamation fund; ter was being distributed to the tion.
plant and furnish all pipe and immediate development o f A laska’s re­ human race we did not receive strength of the latter, the ma­ from $500 to $2000 apiece. They gained necessary experience, anc
necessary labor to connect his sources under Government control; pen­ our full share, and now having terial put on the tree should are not fruit growers, nor do | have the plant to care for them.]
place with the plant, but it sions for deserving veterans: Federal my particular case diagnosed by show a test of three on the they contemplate becoming such. We shall then have a cannerj
seems that the council has re­ regulation of corporations; an elastic so eminent a specialist, his opin­ “ Beaume acid scale for heavy Their object is to make money with no watered stock, no urn
monetary system free from Wall street
on their investment. They will
fused on the grounds that if city influence;
•necessary equipment, no boards
graduated incorna tax; Presi­ ion only confirms that belief. liquids.” Unless you have one be disappointed.
There is not
privilege of water is extended dential prim aries; direct election Presi­ The quantity was quite a sur­ of these testers you cannot tell
across the windows. The grow
to those outside of city limits it dent, Vice-President and United States prise to me as I hardly dared how much to dilute, nor whether enough fruit of any variety now ers will own it, and theirs will
will be a hindrance to extension Senators; free canal for American hope that I possessed even that you have a strength that is grown in this district, in suffic­ be the profit. To the questior
ient quantity to make its hand­
of city limits. We have water ships; parcels post, oppose special in­ much.
sufficient. Neither can the man ling, during the next two or where a competent manager will
terests; ship subsidies.
going to waste and for some
As to his facetious statement that sprays for you. See that he three' years, profitable to a can­ be found, 1 would say, don’t hirq
time to come will have an excess
him until the business warrant
he so modestly attributes uses one of these. The testers
of our city’s needs. Many out­ W. C. T. U. Will Meet Friday to a stockholder of the Press, can be bought at the drug stores nery. The stockholders will get it. He can then be found. I hop
The canner’s trust
side have had this privilege ex­ The W. C. T. U. will hold its we will do as the dumb man did for $1 apiece. The seller will cold feet.
owners of fruit land will serious-j
tended to them, and why the regular monthly business meet­ when he was kicked by a mule. explain their use. A fine spray
ly consider this matter and
privilege is withheld at this time ing Friday. March 1, at 2:30 p. m. He silently scrutinized the of­ and a pressure of 125 pounds and board up the windows.
prepared to assist when it is prel
Second, let outside capital
cannot be understood.
The in the parlors of the Christian fender and decided it was not and more should be maintained.
sented to them, as I trust ij
council has within its power to church. There will be a short necessary to inquire as to his an­ If your trees are so tall that a come in to undertake the work. shortly will be.
Of course the citizens must offer
make this concession and put program consisting of devotional cestry.
H. C. A tw el l .
man standing on top of a barrel them a few thousand by way of
to it what strings may be deemed services and the discussion of
Now his ingenuous statement and using a ten-foot pole cannot
necessary. At any time it is the topic, “ Why I Wear the regarding the handling of the throw the spray onto the uppei encouragement. This may be in Additional Spelling Contest Rulei
found advisable to bring in out­ White Ribbon” . Miss Anna workmen’s checks need not mis­ sides of the horizontal limbs, form of a bonus, in which we j 11. After the first month oil
side territory, and the residents Taylor will sing a solo. Members lead anyone for he really admits shorten the top. So doing, you make them a direct gift, or it the contest the use of capital let
within the district proposed to are urged to be present as busi­ that I stated the plan correctly will make it possible for the may be in form of stock sub­ ters shall be observed in this|
be taken in should object, then ness of importance is to be at­ but falls back on the specious sprayer to do you a thorough scription of less than a controll­ contest.
the privilege of city water could tended to. The “ Fountain Com­ plea that the preceding council job, and gain in several other ing interest. The latter form | 12. In schools whose term ex-'
be withheld. We believe that mittee” will report and an im­ used the same method, but if he ways. If you have trees that may be more flattering to our[ pires prior to April 5 the teache:
the city residents have the de­ portant amendment to the con­ will just notice who composed you don’t think worth spraying, pride, but it arpounts to an indi­ may designate some competent
rect gift, whenever the majority
velopment of our surrounding stitution will be voted on.
the finance committee in that why do you keep them? Three holders wish to treat it in that j person who shall conduct th<
country too much at heart to be
body, he can readily see who parties in Hillsboro and three in light. In either case, our citizens monthly review and report in thij
Congregational Church.
selfish in this matter. We need
were the originators of that Forest Grove and one in Gaston help build, our growers maintain, usual way.
all the revenue that we can get.
The subject for Rev. D. T. most excellent system.
have signified their intention to and the other fellows make the
13. Pupils who are necessari)
where no investment is required. Thomas’ sermon next Sunday
I want big end of the profits. Further-1 ly absent during the monthly re
We have often noticed that do custom spraying.
morning is “ A Great Grace Beau­ some public officials have such men to do this work in other
more it is doubtful whether the view may make up the work
tifully Illustrated” . Communion large and sensitive brains that if towns. Anyone wishing to do
institution would make a satis­ any time before the grades arj
Mission Is Held.
and reception of new members any of their small brained con­ this work should communicate
Rev. Father McDevitt, who will be held at the morning ser­ stituents presume to question with me and put their ad in the factory return to the investors,
14. In case of a tie on tl
because they would seek to buy
was chaplain of the chapel car, vice.
Evening subject, “The their acts as an official they take papers.
of two or more schools
our products at so low a price
St. Anthony, which was here Great World Shaker” .
H. C. A twell ,
it as a personal matter and im­
additional rules will bj
that production would be limited.
some two years ago, is holding a
County Fruit Inspector.
mediately assume a better-than-
Our soil, though rich, is not so
mission in St. Anthony’s chapel
P. U. Conservatory Recital.
thou-the-King-can- do- no - wrong
have report
lavish in its bounty as that of
of this place. The mission began
Quick-Brown Nuptials.
tone of voice, and cry “ Kicker,
and a ]
the Puyallup valley. We must
Monday at 7:30 p. m. and will
Elmer Quick and Zoe Brown have a good price to make pro-; seem well pleased with the work
Knocker, Villifier, ” etc.
continue up to and including Fri­
If the good Doctor had con­ were united in marriage Thurs­ duction profitable.
Two schools have reported
man, violinist, assisted by Miss
day evening, March 1.
fined his remarks, in his com­ day at one o’clock, at the home
words missed in the last montl
Everyone, Catholic and non-
munication, to the subjects men­ of the bride’s father, Ira Brown, a fruit-growers association with This contest is surely helpinj
Catholic. will be welcome to the
out the spelling work of tl
tioned in the first article and of Hillside, by Rev. Hiram
lectures which are free, the us­ Bishop. Harmon is the ten-year- omitted the personalities, the Gould. Many friends and rela­ a moderate capital stock, the schools.
ual offering only being taken. old son of Prof. F. T. Chapman. following articles would not tives were present and with the subscription of each being so
small that he can afford to for-;
There will be a question box at Although he has played violin
lim. I have been necessary. There are Press all wish them a happy and get it. Let their motto be “ good
Candidate for Sheriff.
the door, and any questions
I hereby announce myself
prices for fruit, rather than large
placed in it will be answered ited amount of daily work,
silent about which we
for the office of Sheri'
during the mission providing
Moving Picture Films.
tion at the hands of our students I wish he would kindly explain so
county, subje?
they pertain to religious subjects.
that it deserves, and it is partly we can consider some of the
Names need not be signed to
to illustrate what may be done Public Records of 1911.
nearly 300,000,000 feet, or over Let them plan to pack and mar­ voters at the primary electic
such questions, and it is hoped
M ore A non .
55,000 miles, of film are used up ket, in the fresh state, all lines April 19, 1912. I am a residei
that people generally will make by consistent daily work that
yearly to satisfy the world’s de­ of fruit grown by members, of Hillsboro, and have been
free use of the opportunity.
mand for moving pictures.
mon’s third annual recital. No; Collier’. Oppose. Pension*.
erecting first a warehouse for Republican all my life. If nor
Visit the Scenic.
anmission fee is charged and the
that purpose. Let the cannery inated I will use my best effor
Think of a paper that makes
Deer Come, out into Road.
genera, public js cordially invited
be a secondary proposition, de­ to secure my election, and
Joe Lilly, a settler living at to attend. Wednesday evening, the pretensions of Collier’s
to handle the surplus, in elected will pledge myself toco]
Glenwood. a small place but 15 j^arcb g p. m> sharp, at Marsh Weekly publishing such an edi­
I am prepared to deliver fresh times of glut or unremunerative duct the affairs of the office
torial paragraph as this:
miles from Forest Grove, report- jja]| •
Let the grape-growers an honest, efficient, economic
Every family in the United States milk to all parts of the city for 6 price.
ed yesterday that while driving
pays about $8 a year tow ard our pen­ cents per quart, delivered night ship through the association, and business-like manner and
along the road in his section last
and morning. I will do my best making up carload lots for mar­ all times keeping in mind the il
Sunday, a large buck deer jump­
It is not true for an instant, to satisfy you. A. K inney , Dai­ kets in California, Oregon and terests of the tax-paying publij
ed out of the woods and trotted
F r e d E . C ornelius .]
and cannot be true that any fam­ ryman, Third St., Forest Grove, Washington that now import
by his buggy. The animal pass­ For Rent—5-room house, gar- ily in the United States is taxed Oregon.
A dvertisem ent.)
tf Concord grapes from New York.
ed so near his vehicle that he den, city water, some fruit, $5 to pay pensions.
Result will probably be that the
could easily have struck it with per month. Phone 0185. Ed- who claims acquaintance with
Christian Church.
association will soon be making
ward L. Naylor.
his buggy whip.
public affairs should be ashamed
Regular services will be he
Mr. Arnold spent Saturday in grape-juice to compete in our
W. F. Hartrampf and family to make such an absurd state­ Portland.
I own markets with the New York at the Christian church nel
are in Portland today.
P. U. Catalogue. Library.
ment as this of Collier’s. Every
Mr. and Mrs. Rice made a trip product, made from the same Sunday, both morning and ev<|
dollar of revenue which the to Portlahd Saturday.
variety of grape. Growers will ing. The pastor will speak
Pacific University has started
Mr. Martin is in Portland this then have a profitable outlet for both services. The theme j
the cataloguing of her large li­ Gaston, died February 25, 1912. United States collects is collected
brary now in Marsh hall, in Funeral services were conducted without the slightest reference week getting ready to put upjgropeg otherwise unmarketable, the morning will be “ Extensi
by reason of rains.
Let the Or Extinction, Which” ? In t
preparation for its removal to by Elder Kay of Laurelwood and to pensions, and the reasons for more glass.
Mr. McFeeders spent Sunday prune-growers ship through the evening a very important thei
the new Carnegie library build- interment was made in the Hill the maintenance of duties on
at home.
ing which is now under course cemetery. Mr. McKee was for- any article in the revenue list
saving handling will be discussed, entitled, “ M
Mr, and Mrs. E. F. McDer­
of construction.
Miss Martha merly of St. Johns, Ore., and have no reference whatever to mott moved into Cornelius where charges, and putting themselves taken People” . Good music a
E. Spafford has arrived to take was a member of the Fraternal veterans and the money they re­ Ed is ooing to work on the Ore- j >n a position to pool their crop, a most cordial welcome awai
The duties are placed gon Electic railroad.
charge of the wo:’k. Miss Spaf- Brotherhood.
I if they wish. With the prospect- you.
City Council Refuses Water
to Dwellers on Tracts
Adjoining Town.
G rove P ress
there for protection to American
industries, regulation of the
whisky and beer traffic, etc., and
those who secured the imposition
of these duties will fight obstin­
ately for their retention if there
was not a pensioner in the land.
t The reason that Collier’s and
others fight pensions is not be­
cause of any imposition upon the
public, but because they want
the money for schemes in which
they are interested. — National
He Replies to Doctor Hines’
Epistle Published in Last
Week’s Issue of Press.
H. C. Atwell Advises Fruit-
Growers to Form Them­
selves into Association.