Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, February 22, 1912, Image 4

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    F o
r e st
ro ve
r e ss
Published & Edited by
The Press Publishing Co.
and in fact every class o f man
and woman kind, and lias cer­
tainly been a record breaker.
in the City of
F orkst G rove , O regon ,
Count every cent and make ev­
ery cent count spells financial
A . G. H offman , ....................... President
. G ardner ...................Vice Pres. success.
J. N . H offman ___ Sec’ y and
Cigars, Candies and Nuts
You may be willing enough,
THURSDAY o f EACH WEEK. but if you would succeed you
must get busy.
P hones
R esidence 442
Waiting for One at R A PHELPS) Prop
the Plate
Pacific Avenue
I n d e p e n d e n t
f f ic e
1 J £■ *------- —------ :--------- — —
Entered at the post office at Forest Grove, Ogn
a h mail matter of the second cla?s.
T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n
One Year $1.00
onths .75
Politics seem to have invaded
every avenue o f business and
caused unrest and distrust. We
have about come to the conclu­
sion that a politician is a curse
to his country.
for fine .
C O P Y R IG H T , 1910 ,B Y
Display advertisements for publica­
tion in the PRESS must lie in this office
not later than Tuesday evening to in­
sure appearance in current issue.
Our city will be dotted all over
with new business houses and
dwellings this spring and sum­
Never has there been
A copy o f The Press will be mailed
o f so much substantial
to ull advertisers in which their ad ap­
immediate improvement.
monds and rubies. Let's see what
./Vhy didn't you send him to me?”
” 1 did try to. lie said: ’ Yon tell Bob you have.”
The dapper clerk brought a tray on
McAdoo to cu plumb to thunder. If he
wanN to see me let him come to m e.'" which precious stones glittered In all
“ You call the district committee to­ colors of the rainbow. At last a ring,
gether Monday. I’ll fix him,” Bob sit with a large ruby and two fine
diamonds, was set aside.
promised grimly.
"W e’ll take that," the young man de­
“ Can’t you make it Tuesday? Mon­
day’s Chrls’ mus.”
For Molly Mehaffey and Patrick—he
A remark in a near-by barber “ What of thnr?"
Today, February 22, again
“ Well,” IIaKi;in explained apologet­ seemed entirely familiar with Bob’s
comes the anniversary o f the shop with intention to belittle ically, “ the boys like to he off Chris’- Dome relations—he chose respectively
a very pretty pearl pendant and a sil­
birth o f George Washington. the Press was overheard recent­ mus. you know, with tlie* kids.”
One hundred and eighty year3 ly. We would suggest that if i “Can’t help It. I’ve got to go out of ver cigar case. This done, he laid the
three purchases In a row before him
ago today the “ Father o f our you have anything to say to a town Tuesday. Make it Monday nicht.” and surveyed them critically.
"All right.” Hoggin assented regret­
Country’ ’ made his advent into mule it might be best to say it fully. “ 1 suppose you'll have to turn
"There.” he said finally; “ I think
the kid down. I hate to do it. though, those will help make a very satis­
this world, His early life was right to bis face.
he’s such a corker. Well, 1 must be factory Christmas for the lucky ones.
not different from that of the
But aren't you forgetting something?”
young men around him; he was
"For Miss Fllnn? Not here. I'm
Candidates for the various o f­ “ Walt a minute, Tom.” Bob sat
foremost horseman, not a genius. fices who do not favor the State­ down and filled out a cheek. "Here's much obliged to you. though.” Bob
said as he tilled out a check that ran
At his first opportunity he be­ ment No. 1, will no doubt give something for Christmas.”
’“What! You givln' Chris’ mus gifts?” Into four figures.
came a soldier, and rapidly the Press a wide berth. This pa­ Haggln took the check In amazement
"Oh. it's been a pleasure, you may
gained rank by his courage and per stands ready to uphold the Bob’s face burned red at something be sure." the young man replied pleas­
antly. "I like to spend money, even
good judgment. His valor as a rights o f the people, and its col­ implied In Haggtn’s words. “ Why if it is some one else'a."
not?” he retorted gniflly. “ You need
soldier was first shown when the umns are open to its friends.
When they left the store the young
another diamond. Tom. Heros nnoih-
British commander, Braddock’s,
i er for the boys In the Fourth. They man turned up the street with Bob In
the matter ot fact way of one whose
haven’t found much pickings lately."
army was ambushed by the Indi­
We have often felt that our “ How d'yoti know 1 won t keep It company Is Justified by lifelong ac­
ans, Braddock killed and the ar­
quaintance. Bob. grimly amused, per-
load was heavy and our task too?”
I rnltted it.
my reduced to a fragment. Here
"Nonsense. Tom! I know you.”
hard, and sometimes thought it
“ It takes Christmas time to make a
Haggln swallowed hard. "Mr. Mc­
Washington reduced chaos to
would be just as well if we let Adoo.” he said awkwardly, “ you’re a fellow expand. There's a lot In this
order and drew off the army
"George do it” , but so long as man. I’d rather near them words than good will to men.’ after all. That’s
what l like about Christmas.”
bearing .the commander’s dead
we can have the encouragement git the check. I lut I n't words to thank
"It’s nouseiise," wild Boh. ” 1 don’t
you. Merry Clirls'tnus!"
body. The many bullets direct-1
and support o f our friends as in “The old man givln’ Chris'mus gifts believe In giving Christmas presents.
eJ at him missed their mark.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars ure
an’ tollin' me he trusts me!” he m ir
the past, we will toil on.
You are all acquainted, from his­
inured to himself in the corridor spent this week In this illy by people
"Hanged If he ain't cluing!»’ ! Hanged who la v e trouble scraping enough to­
tory, with what he did in the
If 1 don't believe he's got bowlls, alter gether to make ends meet.”
Revolutionary war. The great­
"I'll admit It Is the dramailc view of
It that appeals to me. I always go
est test o f his manhood came ervation o f the rights o f the
Bob stood staring at his check hook.
broke myself Christmas time, and I
when it was necessary for this common people, has championed Finally he sat down and lighted a positively gloat In my bankruptcy,
country to choose its first ruler.
not because others see It as o tine
“ All of which la nonsense!” he ex
The high place of king had no done at a reasonable ¡figure. The claimed In a tone of disgust, although thing—few people have the superfine
sense I have—but because
allurement for him.
His noble fact is apparent that our citizens apropos of what he did not Indicate. theatrical
I see It so myself ntid like to look on
action gave to our people the op
| at myself lu « gorgeous role. You
Ish for once. I might .as well carry II
portunity for the foundation of people when we were compelled to the end by getting something for don’t understand that, do you?"
"I do n ot"
“ a government o f the people, by to pay $2.07 for paving and 60c the Kllnns. They've earned it. that’s
“ No, or course not. You have been
the people and for the people” .
too busy driving ahead, trampling the
He closed tils desk with a slum and
At Hillsboro the fill was included
world under your feet to cultivate
putting on his overcoat, went out Into these finer pleasures.”
in the 60 cents for excavating.
Many candidates are popping
"There are some people who. would
It is certain that our citizens
be afraid to say these things to uie,"
up here and there, some feeling
were reckoned on being blooded
Bob Interrupted, hult angrily.
their fitness for the coveted po­
"Oh. I'm not afraid of you. you
and charged to the limit.
sition, with no other qualification
OB walked hastily through the know," was the cheerful answer. And
Warren people last week sub­
than that that particular section
crowded streets, half nstianied he continued: "Yours 1» what I call
mitted a bid for paving on Kear­
Now. mine Is
of his errand
He came to a grand opera egoism
o f the county in which they live
ney street, Portland, at the price
Jewelry store and, entering, vaudeville I don't ask the world to
needs a representative, or that
o f $1.37 per yard.
Just what took Ills place In the long line of holi­ pruswate Itself before me. All I want
Is that it shall place me III the fore­
they are old residents, or polit­
the requirements were we do not day customers. A young man beside ground. so that I may enjoy myself
him nodded. "How do you do, Mr.
ical vvarhorses. Let us in select­
know but sure we are that? it McAdoo?"
playing a striking role. Of course the
ing candidates choose
would not fall below what was Bob returned tlie nod carelessly. He same principle underlies both our na­
whose fitness for the place war­
tures—«oneentrn led selfishness, self
required in the Grove. Hie Grove was growing used to be addrossel by love. Were you ever lu love?”
rants the results demanded of
people paid $2.07, or 70 cents
"Well, hardly!”
A dapper clerk bustled up to h!m.
the officer when elected.
"Neither was l. It’s a shame, too:
more than the bid made by the “What can I show you'.'" he asked po­
I’d make such a splendid lover. I'm
same people for doing the Port­
Bob frowmxJ in perplexity. "Well," not a sentimentalist, though-rather a
The people of this old world land job. Add to tlu* 70 cents
sensationalist I love » strung sensa­
he said slowly, "1 Hardly know.”
are going it at a fast pace. The the 17 cents for fill and we must
The young man beside him laughed tion I like the feel of doing the hlg.
reckless regard for human life have paid 87 cents per square heartily. "Is there, then, one thing the the unusual, the beautiful things. I
like the sensation of talking about
the past, year is appalling; the yard more than was adequate great McAdoo doesn’t know?"
ltoli turned on him sharply, fixing myself frankly to a mail who never
wave o f crime includes preach­ for this service.
It is certain on tilm the cold, steely glare that saiv me before and doesn't give a
ers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, that much improvement in the even MacPherson feared to meet. The hang whether he ever sees me again '*
young man returned it with a quizzi­
Bob laughed loudly —he could uot
line of pavement is needed and cal smile.
help It "Well, you've got nerve,
“ Yes. one thing—how to take imper­ there's no doubt of that 1 slop ut this
will be made in the near future,
if our citizens can have the as­ tinence."
The young man laughed again. “ I've
"I'll go along. I want to deliver s
surance that they are getting heard of your acrid humor. Here, homily with that laugh of yours ns a
the worth of their money; but so you d better let me attend to this Job text ”
you. You re out of your element,
But this time Boh needed no sld
long as we are to be held up to for
und 1'tn at home at It.”
from the tnlkatirc stranger, the pres­
such extent our citizens will be
Bob grinned m spite of himself at ent was for Kathleen As with the
the voting man's gay assurauce. "All discriminating eye of the book lover
slow to net.
right Go ahead.”
Hob chose a superbly bound set of
"Whom Is it to be for a lady?” the Shakespeare the young man ex­
Dr. Lowe’s glasses are death young Inquired briskly.
“ Two. and oue man."
"By Jove. I envy the one who gets
to headaches.
"Any limit?"
this present! You love books?"
“ No."
"They are my chief extravagance.”
“ Let’s take up one of the ladles first.
The young man surveyed him
What’s she like, young or old. com­ thoughtfully At length he said:
plexion dark or llglit. slender or
"Y’oti time accomplished more than
Pacific Avenue
\nd what sort ot jewelry any young ninn 1 know of You are
does she aftect?’’
the third strongest man politically la
“She's not loung
llulr red Com­ the city You are apparently rich You
Buys and Sells Second
Well, red loo. Shea uot have accomplished this by dint of
plump. She's tat."
Hand Goods
shis-r strength, leaving onf entlrelv the
The BEST all-round Family
"Ah. I s ,-e : Mrs Fllnn“
question of personal popularity. That's
“ What do you know ot Mrs Fllnn?" the weak s|sit In your armor
Sewing Machine that can be pro­
Telephone 743
” 1 know a good deal of you." the you have chosen politics as your prr-
duced. Made in both ROTARY
young man smiled quizzically again tlculnr field So have I."
and VIBRATOR styles.
“ We want something g o r g e o u s
Dealer in Flour and Feed
"Then 1 guessed right,” R >h said to
ring. I sh o u ld « a r — «ouieihtne in d li
The rotary makes both LOOK
himself, and the amused gleam died
out of hi* eyes.
and CHAIN stitch. The latest
"Downright hrnfe strength and the
up to the minute steel attach­
Bar Inspired t«y It have carried you
ments with each machine. Sold
through so far. but it you are going
further you must consider the ques­
on easy payments. Send name
tion of personal popularity. Get the
and address for our beautiful
public Into the habit of loving a man
H. T. catologue free.
■ nd they will keep on loving him—
Dry Good*, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Complete
Just because they love him."
Report of the Condition of
At the Close of Business- December 5, 1911
Loans and Discounts.......................................$115,130.16
United States and Other Bonds...................... 75,253.19
Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures...... 11,616.38
Cash and E xchange.............................................
Capital and Surplus..........................................$ 60,000.00
Undivided Profits..............................................
Circulation......................................................... 50,000.00
Deposits ............................................................ 149,108.53
4 0 Per Cent Cash Reserve
investment Realty Abstract Company
Makes Your Abstract
Offices, with Forest Grove Pres*, Hoffman Building.
Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro.
C. C. H A N C O C K
General Merchandise, Farming Implements
White Sewing Machine Co.
1640 Market St
San Franciaco.
Line Furniture, Groceries, Buggies
Wagons, Hardware, Etc.
To be continued.
A. Killen, o f Thatcher, was in .
town Tuesday.
Will Save You More Than
Daily March 1st to April 15th
to all points on
Oregon Electric Railway
C h ic a g o
Cinch n iti
Milw: u ;eo
St. L*us
New York
St. Paul
Kansas City
Des Moines
From other Eastern points in proportion
Tell your friend* in the East of this opportunity of moving West mt low rates. Direct
train service via Burlington Route. Northern Pacific. Great Northern and “ North Bank”
and Oregon Electric Railways.
You can deposit with me and tickets will be furnished people in the East. Details will
be furnished on request.
W . E. COMAN, G. F. & P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
N. L. ATKINS. Agent,
Forest Grove, Oregon.