Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, February 22, 1912, Image 3

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J. J, Hill Says Survival of the Fittest
Durango Appeals to Diplomatic Rep­
resentatives for Protection.
Will Always Rule.
W ashington, D. C.—Jam es J. Hill
Mexico C ity— Spread of rebellion in
told the Stanley in v estig atin g com m it­
Mexico is shown by dispatches re­
tee th a t he would be a “ first-class
ceived here. The rebels have overrun
angel w ith red and w hite w ings” be­
the Laguna d istric t in Coahuila and
fore he would go into the steel busi­
appeared in the sta te s of Durango,
ness, and predicted th a t com petition
would be the rule long a fte r th e pres­
Zacatecas and G uanajuato.
ent laws w ere wiped off th e sta tu te
In the south Z apatistas continue
th e ir cam paign and in G uerrero fol­
Torreon in Stale of Siege—Looters
Mr. H ill’s last day of testim ony was Royal Prince* Fear to Have Him low ers of Jesus Salgado are showing
Camp Near By Awaiting Fall
Leave Pekin—Resistance to
replete w ith the sage expressions for
rem arkable activity.
The govern­
of City—City Suffers.
which he is noted.
Rebels Discontinued.
m ent repeatedly has said the Salgado
He said th a t the stockholders of the
u p risin g was v irtu ally ended.
G reat N prthern railroad w ere “ not
In Chihuahua, Antonio Roja3 and
San Antonio, T ex.—Em iliano V as­
P ekin— In an interview here Yuan Braulio H ernandez continue to evade
governm ent troops.
On the other
ques Gomez has issued a m anifesto ac­ ed States Steel corporation in its Shi Kai s a id :
hand, General Orozco has persuaded
cepting th e provisional presidency of frig h t had cancelled the G reat N orth­
ern ore lease.
“ Owing to lack of experience, the th e rebels at Cases Grandes to q u it
“ You will be in a com fortable posi­ republican governm ent will make fighting, according to an official dis­
He subscribes to the plan of Tacu-
baya, w hich he says was w riten while tion, no m a tte r w hether th e lease is many errors.
H aving been elected patch.
cancelled or not, w on’t you?” C hair­
In the sta te of Durango the rebel
he w as an exile in a foreign land.
I w ill un­
ranks have been filled for the most
Gomez says he will rem ain in San man Stanley suggested. “ You could d erta k e the task assigned to m e ."
p a rt by field hands who have joined
A ntonio and take no p art in the w ar­ s ta rt a steel company of your own
Yuan said he had a g reat adm iration looting the haciendas on which they
fare in Mexico. He urges his follow­ w ith 400,000,000 tons of ore in the
for Dr. Sun Y at Sen, who has shown have been employed. The consuls in
ers to respect all the rights of foreign­
“ I will be a first-class angel w ith
the city of Durango, capital of the
self to be a tru e p atriot.
states, sent messages to th eir diplo­
He re ite ra te s th a t he has taken no red and w hite feathers in my wings
p a rt in the present affairs of Mexico, long before I ever consider going into N anking and is endeavoring to per­ m atic rep resentative in Mexico City,
except to w rite to the press and a few the steel business,” Mr. Hill replied. suade the N anking assembly th a t his appealing to them for additional m ili­
“ I ’ll be 74 years old my n ex t b irth ­
ta ry protection.
friends in America.
day and I don’t mind telling you th a t presence is not necessary, a t th e same
In the sta te of Zacatecas the rebel
He declares the Madero governent
I ’ve done about all the hard work I in­
outbreak is characterized, as it is in
should be overthrow n because it has
tend to do in th is life .”
not carried out the plan of San Luis
endeavor to re-establish its e lf in the south, by raiding and looting. In
Ju st before the railroad builder was
Potosi, upon which the last revolution
power. He also told them o f the many instances the mobs commit th e ir
excused. R epresentative Beall, of
depredations to the cry of “ Vive
was based.
Texas, called his atten tio n to the th reaten in g situ atio n in M anchuria, Zapate. ”
w here foreign intervention was prob­
Mexico C ity—N otw ithstanding their assertion of E. H. Gary, chairm an of able if control w ere relaxed.
th re a t to a ttac k the city before the th e board of the Steel corporation, also is danger, he considers, o f an ar­
end of the week, the rebels are yet re­ and other business men, to the effect chy in the northern ..provinces and the
g arding Torreon from
a distance. th a t the day of com petition
Manchu troops are difficult to control. Massachusetts Executive Puts Blame
Com munication from th a t town by tel­ passed, and th a t the tim e was a t hand
The princes o f th e im perial court
for Textile Strike.
egraph was restored and la test dis­
are beseeching Y uan Shi Kai not to
Boston—The fundam ental cause of
patches indicate no improvement in
leave Pekin, fea rin g th a t som ething
the te x tile strik e a t Lawrence is the
the revolutionary situation.
“ I think you will have to tam e hu­
P riv a te advices w ritten four days
only to him for its safety and for the high cost of living, according to Gov­
ago are th a t the city is beginning to man nature and elim inate all selfish fulfillm ent of the pledges given by the ernor Foss, in a le tte r to R epresenta­
feel th e effects of a siege. W ith rail­
tiv e O scar W. Underwood, Dem ocratic
roads disabled, it is impossible to re­ every other form of life, before you
Yuan Shi Kai seemed much less leader of the house. Governor Foss
new food supplies.
Most of the
w orried than he has been for some urges the im m ediate removal of the
A m ericans and many of the other remarked. “ T here will be com peti­ tim e.
He apparently believes th a t duty from foodstuffs and other neces­
foreigners have left.
th e N anking assem bly cannot stand in saries of life.
The le tte r says in
It is not the rebel force the people
will be operating long a fte r all our th e way of the country on the question p a rt:
of Torreon fe a r so much as the horde
present sta tu te s have been wiped off of th e choice of a capital. H e has is­
“ Back of w hatever local cause there
of individuals likely to take advantage
sued an order for th e northern army may be for th is strik e, involving 30,-
the books.”
of the reb e ls’ assault.
000 operatives, the fundam ental cause
“ Do you think, then, it would be
One man, in a lette r, said th a t al­
unwise for the Federal governm ent to can troops, who are now perm itted in is the high cost of living, from which
ready there were camped about the
the northern te rrito rie s w ith absoulte the w orking people of all sections of
place hundreds of Indians aw aiting assume control of business?” Mr. freedom.
the country now suffer, due in larg e
Beall asked.
the day when they could join in the
p a rt to the present excessive tariff.
" I think when the Federal govern­
looting. The men had brought w ith
ment does th at, it will be a short step
“ The present strik e in M assachu­
them burros on which to carry off the
se tts will be settled w ithin the sta te ,
until there will be no Federal govern­
Sulzer Revives Lafean Scheme to but th e high cost of living can only be
m en t.”
Rebels from various parts of the re­
Standardize Packages,
remedied by the prom pt action of con­
“ You think th a t such a governm ent
public tell of rebel raids and small
would not be much like a rep u b lic?”
W ashington, D. C.— R epresentative gress, and until congress acts, the
uprisings a t d istan t points.
“ It would be a m onarchy.”
Sulzer, of New York, has introduced w orking peo fie can hope for no per­
A body o f rebels overpowered the
in the house a bill sim ilar to th e La­ m anent re lie f.”
small garrison of Apizaca, in the sta te
fean bill of the la st congress, which
of T laxcatla, relieved the soliders of
Farmers Fight For Cars.
th e ir guns and am m unition and left Would Increase Revenue From Drugs attem p ts to standardize the size of
S ask.—In a pitched b a ttle
boxes used in shipping apples, the
w ithout doing any looting.
O ther
S 4 .0 C 0 .0 0 0 or More.
among 100 G alician,
French and
towns in the same sta te are reported
Doukhobor farm ers a t Blaine Lake,
to be menaced by the same band.
tariff revision bill, prepared by the now dom inate E astern m arkets and one Doukhobor suffered a broken skull
Democratic m em bers of the w ay and j command prices fa r in excess of those and it is said he will die.
Stones, clubs, bottles and whips
means com m ittee of the house, hag paid for E astern apples.
were used by the com batants in the
been made public. It puts the follow­
Wickersham Would Make Impeach­
ing articles on the free lis t:
th e dimensions of apple boxes, but fight, which was over the possession
ment o f Judges Easier.
Acids, sulphate of copper, borax, says th a t th e “ standard boxes shall of grain cars.
Two hundred cars are needed a t
St. Louis—A ttorney General W ick­ charcoal and boneblack, coal ta r and have a capacity of not less than 2,352
Blaine Lake to carry off the surplus
ersham , in an address here before the some of its products, sulphate of iron, cubic inches.”
City club, on the subject, “ National P aris green, London purple, phos­
I f the bill was confined solely to g rain and only a scatterin g few a r­
S ta b ility ,” declared an independent phorus, sheep dip, sulphate o f soda, fixing the size of standard boxes, it rived there. As the first man reach­
judiciary, which could not be deterred strychnine, sulphur in all form s, ta l­ would have no difficulty, but it also ing the car is en titled to have his
from doing its duty by any amount of cum, especially all drugs, such as undertakes to fix standard grades of grain carried away in it, there was a
clamor, to be more essential than any barks, beans, berries, fru its, dried apples, and th is fe a tu re of* the bill general rush of farm ers when the cars
other p a rt of th e government, but fibers, roots and the like, in a crude may o perate to d efe at the m easure. pulled in.
urged the sim plifying of the process state, not advanced in value or condi­ T here will be h earin g s on th e bill
Man Blind; Don’t Know It.
tion by trea tm e n t beyond th a t essen­ soon, and W estern representatives .
of im peachm ent. He s a id :
Angeles—J. R obert A tkinson,
“ W here judges become so blinded
w ill arran g e to oppose it.
the H elena, Mont., young man who
The same
by prejudice or class feeling th at they pending m anufacture.
shot o ut both eyes about three weeks
cannot fa irly and im partially admin­ drugs advanced in value or condition
Larger Fleet Desired.
ago, when he attem pted to commit
ister the law, they should be impeach­ are subject to 10 per cent ad valorem
W ashington, D. C.— R epresentative suicide, has so fa r recovered a t the
ed. R ut the process of impeachment against 12.44 per cent now.
According to the com m ittee e sti­ H um phrey, of W ashington, appeared county hospital th a t he will be able to
of judges is a cumbersome one. I t
ought to be simplified so th a t charges m ates the bill would increase th e gov­ before the house naval com m ittee and leave th a t in stitu tio n th is week.
urged th a t m easures be taken to in­
A tkinson does not know th a t he has
against judges may be tried by some ernm ent revenue from the chemical ;
crease the size of the fleet on th e P a­ been blinded for life. He fails to re ­
appropriate and workable m achinery tariff to more th atn $16,000,000 i n ,
cific Coast.
m em ber the shooting.
Mrs. A tk in ­
as well as other grave and im portant the next fiscal year, an increase o f ,
H e declared th a t th e completion of son, the m other, will arriv e in Los
issues are tried.
I t would take many articles off the the Panam a canal would not only solve Angeles soon to take her son home.
“ There has been a grow ing discon­
th is problem and dem onstrated by
A tkinson said : “ I ’m going to leave
ten t w ith legislative bodies all over free list of the present tariff law and ! ch arts th a t it is fa rth e r from the
here anil employ a specialist.
the ian d ,” Mr. W’ickersham declared. impose duties on them. Among those
but wouldn’t it be aw ful to be blind
Black pepper, nutmegs, ginger !
“ .State legislatures and municipal are :
from Japan to S eattle, W ash., and
councils,” he added, “ have been found j root, cinnamon and other spices, 1 i th a t an A m erican fleet assembled at all your life ? ”
in many instances to be corrupt and cent a pound; mace, 8 cents; cloves, the Pacific end of the canal could not
Aviator Skims Bridges.
inefficient. I am in en tire sym pathy! 2 cents; medicinal roots and herbs, reach P uget Sound as quick as the
New York — Two sensational aero­
w ith the reasons which have led to the i including licorice and sarsap arilla Jap an ese or any o th e r fleet from the
enactm ent of laws providing for the j roots, i to 1 cen t; iodine, 1 ce n t; in ­
plane fights were made here W ednes­
O rient.
nom ination of candidates for office by digo, 10 per cent; camphor, 3 cents a
Frank Coffyn. in his hydro­
direct popular election.”
aeroplane, made his th ird flight over
Higher Wages Are Asked.
Gums and oth er articles used in
Chicago — A general advance in New York harbor w ithin the la st ten
m aking varnish, now free, are made
Dogs Convey Delegate.
days, and George B eatty flew over
Nome — Charles H erron, w ith the dutiable a t from i to 1 cent a pound. w ages on the ex p iratio n of ex istin g from N assa boulevard, Long Island,
co n tracts is to be asked th is sp rin g by and landed in Central P ark. Coffyn’s
proxies of the 50 delegates from the
Directors Made Liable.
the building trades unions, according flight was highly spectacular, includ­
Nome judicial d istrict, has started by
W ashington, D. C. — Com ptroller to announcem ent made here.
Plas­ ing dips beneath both the Brooklyn
dog team on his 2,000-mile journey to
te re rs already have renewed th e ir con­
attend th e te rrito ria l Republican con­ M urray announced th a t he would tra c t a t an advance of 50 cents a day. and M anhattan bridges, as well as
vention a t Cordova, March 30. He is strictly enforce the law which holds The minimum in fu tu re will be $6. flights over them at a height of 700 to
instructed to ca st the votes for a T aft directors of National banks liable for L ath ers are dem anding $6 a day, an 800 feet. B e atty ’s flight took him over
delegation to Chicago. A t Fairbanks losses sustained through loans in ex ­ increase o f 50 cents over the present church spires and skyscrapers.
He in stru cted
Mr. H erron, if he chooses, may take a cess of legal amount.
scale. C arpenters, who are now receiv­
4 6 Perish in Collision.
horse stage to C hitina, on th e Copper National bank exam iners, when such ing $4.80 a day, are asking $5.50.
Ja p an — Forty-six sailors
R iver railroad, and com plete his jour­
Plum bers, now earn in g $5 a day, de­ and passengers w ere drowned by the
ney by team , b u t he purposes to tra v ­ request the boards of directors to pass
mand $6.
sinking, a fte r a collision of two J a p ­
el the whole distance behind sw ift a resolution se ttin g forth nam es of
anese steam ships, the Royha Maru and
the directors responsible for the excess
Miners Oppose Duty Cut
the Mori Maru. The accident occur­
loan, am ount of the loss, and to prom­
S pokane— A resolution pro testin g red in a heavy fog ju s t outside th is
ise th a t the loss will be m et by th e di­
More Use Sleeping Cars.
to congress ag ain st any reduction in
Chicago— The Pullman company re­ rectors who authorized the illegal loan. the duty on lead and zinc was adopted port. The Royha Maru was b u ilt in
1878 a t Hiogo, Japan, and was owned
ports th a t travel holds up rem arkably
by th e N orthw est M iners’ convention by th e Yoshida K eitaro, while the
Rate Reparation Ordered
well. Sleeping car departm ent earn­
W ashington, D. C.—Claim s fo r rep­ here. The p ro test w as im m ediately Mori Maru, of 1,10J tons net, was
ings have been breaking even in spite
telegraphed to the senate com m ittee
of la st y e a r’s reductions in berth aration on hardwood lum ber from Mis- j now considering the m etal schedules. bu ilt a t W est Hartlepool, England, in
rates, w hich indicates a larg er volume sissippi R iver points to the Pacific] E x-U nited S tates S enator George T u r­ 1880, and owned by the Yoshida Seike.
of first class travel than a year ago. j Coast and to New O rleans for ex p o rt, j ner. m em ber of the U nited S tates-
Banker Makes Grainbagt.
The Pullm an company has scarcely , denied by the In te rsta te Commerce
C anadian boundary commission, in an
W alla W alla, W ash.—A. J. W elty,
felt th e effect of the reduced berth ! commission, w ere sustained by the
The commission address to the convention made a the Bellingham ex-banker, was p u t to
rates. The com parisons w ith a year Commerce court.
work in the ju te mill a t the prison
of the fre ig h t stro n g appeal ag ain st th e reduction.
ago w ill be more favorable this month
W ednesday. For a few days he will
n t reparation.
and succeeding months.
Wireless Makes Record.
learn th e use o f the machines and
The court held th a t a definite claim
V allejo, Cal. — J u s t 20 m inutes la ter m ay be assigned to one All th e
for reparation had been made out by
British Aviator Killed.
from th e tim e the cru iser South Da­ men possible are being worked in the
London — G raham Gilmour, one of the com m ission's own decision.
kota, w ith the Pacific fleet a t Hono­ mill now
the best known among B ritish avia­
Mining Men to O ppose Bill.
lulu, flashed a w ireless m essage to the
tors, was in stan tly killed by a fall
Turk* Loss; Sixty Killad.
W ashington, D. C .— Fred Burbage, N avy departm ent a t W ashington, a
w ith his aeroplane from a height of
D erna, T rip o li—The T urks in force
The m essage,
380 feet. H e was te stin g a new mon­ of Spokane, and R obert M. Bell and reply w as received.
oplane in w hich he was m aking a John Rock, of W allace, will a rriv e in which consisted of seven lines, was made two determ ined efforts to rush
flight from th e aerodrome a t Brook- W ashington in a few days to ap p ear: relayed a t the Mare Island navy yard the Ita lia n line, b u t w ere beaten off
T he answ er was ] a fte r d esperate hand-to-hand fighting.
lands and was traveling a t the rate of before the sen ate finance com m ittee in and a t Key W est.
T his is believed to be a .T h e T urks lost 60 killed, w hile the
SO m iles an hoar when his m achine opposition to a clause favoring a re-I “ O. K .”
suddenly buckled and dropped to t h e , duction in duty on lead contained in ; tim e record in w ireless com munica­ | Italian casualties numbered th ree
killed and 22 wounded.
the Underwood bill.
Exiled Mexican Leader lakes Com­
mand of Rebel Activities.
Premier of New Chinese Republic
Will Do His Desi.
W. M. Langley & Son
Ollicers of Ironworkers Acccused
of Dynamite Conspiracy.
Forest Grove, Ogn.
W. P. Dyke
A ttorney-at-LaW
Association Cannot Give Bail for All
and Many Are in Jail -Held
on 120 Counts,
Indianapolis — The U nited S tates
governm ent has arrested almost all of
the 54 men indicted in the dynam ite
conspiracy cases.
I t took into custody w ithin a few
hours v irtu ally the en tire official staff
of the Intern atio n al Association of
Bridge and S tru ctu ral Iron W orkers,
including the chief officers, the mem­
bers of the executive board and about
20 business agents and form er busi­
ness agents.
These included Frank
M. Ryan, the p resid en t; John T. B ut­
ler, of Buffalo, N. Y, the first vice
president, and H erbert S. Hockin, the
second vice president and successor of
J. J. M cNamara as se cretary -treasu r­
er. Each of these men was required
to give $10,000 bonds for his appear­
ance for arraignm ent here w ith all the
other defendants on March 12.
More than 40 of the men, chiefly
labor union officials, who are charged
w ith conspiring to destroy by dyna­
m ite or nitro-glycerine the property of
employers of non-union labor, are un­
der arrest.
These men are accused of being ac­
complices of the M cNamaras and Or-
tie McManigal in the dynam ite plots
th a t w ere begun in M assachusetts in
1905, and, including nearly 100 ex ­
plosions, were scattered over the
country for six
years, resulting,
among other outrages, in the dyna­
m iting of the Los Angeles Times
building and in an a tte m p t to blow up
P resident T a f t’s special train near
Santa B arbara, Cal., la st October.
Fourteen of those indicted are each
required to furnish $10,000 bonds, and
40 are each required to furnish $5,000
bonds, m aking an ag g reg ate bond re ­
quired of $340,000.
Some of those
whom the governm ent was unable to
find w ere reported to have disap­
peared through fea r of inability to
furnish bonds. It w as intim ated th a t
the Iron W orkers’ association would
be unable to furnish security for its
indicted members.
The indictm ent on which all the
men w ere arrested was made public.
It charges all 54 men w ith conspiracy
to violate the sta tu te s forbidding the
carrying of explosives on passenger
trains, d etails
47 transportations
charged as overt acts, and names
O rtie E. McManigal, the McNamaras
or H erb ert S. Hockin in each act, but
does not specify the p a rt taken by the
other defendants.
Notary ‘Public
Forest Grove
Hollis & Graham
A ttorneys-at-Law
Forest Grove, Ogn.
J. N. Hoffman
Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave.
Ind. Phone 502
F o rest Grove
H. W. Vollmer, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in A bbott Bldg.
Both Phones
F o re st Grove, Ogn.
Ind. Phones
Residence 212
DR. C. E. W A L K E R
Osteopathic Physician
Treatment by Special Appoint­
ment Only
W. Q. Tucker, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls answered promptly day or n ig h t
Phone: Office 271, Residence 283.
Chiropractic Neuropath
Consultation and examination free.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Office North
F irst street, near Dr. W ard’s office.
Hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
1st. G ood, h o n ­
e s t D e n ti s t r y to t h e
b e s t o f m y a b i lit y .
C ould o n e d o m o r e ?
2nd. I e x a m in e
y o u r m o u th a n d tell
you i t h a c tu a l c o n ­
d itio n b e f o r e I b e ­
g in y o u r a e ttu a 1
w o rk , H tatinK in a d ­
vance w h at t h e
c o s t w t I I be. I f
reaily , w e b e g in : i f
n o t, t h e e x a m in a ­
tio n co sts y o u n o th ”
Government Accepts Offer and Only
Details Remain.
Portland, O r.— Official authorization
is looked for im m ediately by Major J.
F. Mclndoe, corps of engineers, U. S.
A., to close negotiations w ith the
Portland Railway, L ig h t & Power
company for the purchase of the W il­
lam ette R iver locks a t Oregon City,
for $375,000. The W ar departm ent
will spend approxim ately $300,000 on
rep airin g the locks and basin and in
the construction of a concrete wall to
separate the property from th a t of the
corporation, which will
retain all
other holdings a t the W illam ette
News of an agreem ent having been
reached wns received in the city, and
on the arriv al of M ajor Mclndoe from
W ashington he confirmed the fact thut
governm ent ow nership o f the last
b arrier to free navigation ot the W il­
lam ette was an early probability
Im m ediate possession will not be
given the governm ent, as it will be
necessary for the Portland Railway,
L ight & Pow er company to execute a
deed conveying the locks system and
ab u ttin g property th a t is included for
a keeper's hab itatio n and other build­
ings, and the instrum ent will be for­
warded to the d ep artm en t of ju stice
for scrutinization.
When accepted
the governm ent will assume charge
and all tolls will cease.
O ffice 2 3 3
3rd. I g u a r a n t e e all t h a t l d o , a s I c o n s id e r
w o rk n o t w o rth g u a r a n te e in g , n o t w o r th d o in ic.
T h is h a s b een m y policy.
4 th . A b so lu te c le a n lin e s s.
E v e ry i n s t r u m e n t
m u s t be c le a n s e d , a n d a r e u sed a s th e y a r e ta k e n
fro m th e s te r iliz e r s .
5 th . M y p r ic e s a r e re a s o n a b le , n o t ad vertiw ed
c h e a p p ric e s to lu r e you in, a n d th e n c h a r g e y o u
m o r e - b u t a p ric e th a t w ill m a k e m o re f r ie n d s »
m o re p a tie n ts ; o n e p ric e to all.
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund, Dentist
N . \V. C o rn e r f>th a n d O ak, 2 n 1 floor, ta k e e l e v a t o r
Won't Use Non-Union Stand
Phoenix, A riz.—Governor G. W. P.
Hunt, the ntw lv installed executive o f.
Arizona, created a mild furore j u s t 1
afte r he had subscribed to the oath of
office by refusing to occupy a review ­
ing stand built by non-union laooring
men. The governor and his party re­
tired to the capitol building to look a t j
the parade w hile another stand was j
being erected by union men.
A fter
it had been com pleted th e governor
and his friends took seats upon the
platform and rem ained until the p ar­
ade was over.
3 G et
made at
M ain S tre e t
N orth
Two Camorritts Set Free.
V iterbo, Italy —The court which is
engaged in the tria l of th e members
Embalming—Funeral Directing
of the Cam orra hag ordered the release
of Francesco Desiderio and Antonio
Percucco, two of the men accused of
having been present in Bagnoli on
A. W . NELSON , M gr.
May 26, 1906, when a court of the
Licensed E m balm er
Cam orra condemned Gennaro Cuoccolo
(S u c c e s s o rs to V. H . L im b e r)
to death for treachery.
The judge P h o n e No. 6 4 2
F o re st G ro s e , O re g o n
said both prisoners already had served
in jail w hat would be the m axim um
penalty if they w ere found guilty.
The Auction House
Forest Grove Undertaking Co.
Ex King of Samoa Dead.
Melbourne —The announcem ent is
made from Levuka, F iji Islands, of
the death of M ataafa, ex-king of S a­
moa, who
m aintained
ag ain st the trea ty powers in 1893.
New and Second Hand Goods
0. M. Sanford, P ro p rie to r
Telephone 721