Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, February 15, 1912, Image 4

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bled smile, showed it to Bob.
He gave vent, to one of his very rare
laughs. "W hy. this Is fame. Kathleen.
Get a scrap book and save all the car­
The PreM Publishing Co.
toons of me. will you?“
. . for fine .
All this success was not accomplish­
in the City of
ed easily, but by dint of burd. unre­
F o r e s t G rove , O regon ,
mitting work and unceasing watchful­
A. G. H offma n ,
ness upon Mac''herson. for, although
. G ardner .....................Viee Pres.
they had so far stood together. Bob
J . N. H off m an ...... S e c ’y and unager
knew that it was only an armed truce,
that the boas bated him. it was large­
ly for this reason that he had made
haste to accumulate a large bank ac­
But to what end. all this? Lately he
I ndependent P hones
bad begun to ponder tills question.
O ffic e 505
R esidence 442
Bob bad cast all but self out of hla
scheme of life. This was violating a
Entered a t the poet office at Forest Grove, Ogn '
law of nature, and he wax beginning
Pacific Avenue
aa mail matter of the second class.
to reap the punishment In a strong
discontent. He was not given to senti­
T erms o f S u b s c r i p t i o n
ment. but as he looked out on the
passersby. all wearing the Christmas
One Y ear $1.00 - Six onths .75
air. he realized that they bad some­
T he
M E T iR IL L C O -
C O E Y R 1 G H T , .1 9 1 0 , B Y
thing he. with ail he had won and all
he would win. bad not.
Display advertisements for publica­
The night after the election Bob en­
“ I never felt what you call friendly
tion in the PK E SS must be in this office
“But. nfter all.” he mused half
i :
to nny one." he went on. dropping into aloud, “for a man of my sort power ••
not later than Tuesday evening to in­ tered the Fllnna’ sitting room.
sure appearance in current issue.
"K athleen." he said abruptly, “what his ttBual quiet tone. “I never wanted the only thing worth living for. The
does a good private teacher cost?”
a friend. And I ’m glad of It. I cax’t trouble with me la that God—If there
She looked at him In surprise. “To have anybody through friendship get- la a God—made me too big to be con­
A copy of The Press will be mailed
tin 'a hold on me. It’s the same reason tented with ordinary people and their
to all advertisers in which their ad ap­ teach wbot?”
Write* the Most Con*ervative Line of Commercial and
"Oh. Latin, Greek. German, history— that made me quit drinkiu'. It don't ordinary emotions.
Come in. Oh.
everything you learn in high school hurt me now, but it might get held of i hello, Tom !”
Dwelling Insurance of Any Mutual Company in the
and college—grammar, for Instance. me some day. It's the strongest win
“Fine Chris’mus weather we’re hav­
State. It will Pay You to Protect Your Prop­
There is none so blind as he 1 ain’t much”— He caught himself out in this world. Put. aud i must be in’, Mr. McAdoo,” said Hoggin, who
erty with One of Our Policies
who will not see. The fact that
Patrick sat. awed and half fright­ “boys," be alwuys called Bob “Mr.”
I want to get out o f this pesky habit
intoxicating liqnors are sold op­ of sayln' ’ain’t ’ Wbat will It cost ened by this the longest speech he had i nowadays.
enly in violation of the law in me?”
ever heard from Bob's lips and by the
“Fine enough, I guess. Can I do
something for you?"
our fair city, has reached the “Two or three dollars an hour, I spirit that Inspired the outburst.
"Y e're right," he said slowly. "Y e’re
“Oh. no," Hoggin answered, with
point where it is no longer a se­ think.”
cruel stbrong. An' mebby ye can do ponderous bash fulness. "1 only drop-
"Can you do It?*'
cret or confined to the few.
Report of the Condition of
"I can at the beginning If you will without friends. I don't know. But j ped in to say 'Merry Chris’mus' to ye.”
some day, I ’m thiukiu'. ye'll love some­
"Very good of you. I'm sure. Tom.”
When it is possible to dispose of let me."
Thin God pity ye!”
Bob’s tone wax auythlug but enthusi­
two barrels of beer on a single "All right. We begin tomorrow night. body-hard.
They did not know that In another astic. Yet he was surprised by afu lnt
I ’ll pay you $3 an hour.”
Sunday it would seem that the The flush became n deep crimson. room lay a girl who had chanced to glow of pleasure at the ex-puglllst's
patronage was good for that “No, not that way. Bob. I couldn't hear words not meant for her ears. \ greeting.
At the Close of Bufine»»- December 5, 1911
Minute after minute, hour after hour,
There wns an awkward Hllence, at
class of merchandise. Not only take your money.”
dragged by and Kathleen never stirred. : length broken by Haggin: "Sm ith’s
"W hy not?"
does it come to us that liquor is “ For one reason,” she answered Poor Kathleen! Her love, battered and tieeu rulsln’ u big howl about uot get-
sold but that much money often quietly, “you’ve already given too much torn under the heedless wheels of a go’ buck lo tbe legtslutur'. Says be
strong man's ambition, was lighting uugbter git another term.
changes hands over the gambling moIU-’y to ,h is family.”
the bitter battle of her life's one ro- round umoug the boys an’ kickin' like
Loans and Discounts..........................................$115,130.16
tame, we realize mat muen ,.A11 r,eht We do ,t j.our way then. j mance.
| a mule."
United States and Other Bonds........................ 75,253.19
But next evening began the lessons.
“Cun't help that. 1 promised Stough­
good money has been spent in 11 | Y ou-you re ail right. Kathleen.” he
Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures........ 11,616.38
Cash and Exchange............................................
prosecuting this class of cases I milled gruffly nnd wont up to his room. Never was a more earnest tutor and ton. and he goes.”
“Of course. You say so, and be goes.
I.liter Kathleen left Patrick und Norah never a more fuitbful pupil. And no
but has it been wasted? The alone.
one saw the change in Kathleen, her 'Taln't him that's raisin’ the trouble,
writer of this article does not Patrick, who bad not been dozing, girlhood lost, her womauhood won in but a young feller named Kemtngton.
Capital and Surplus............................................ $ 60,000.00
An’ be ain't no slouch, you hear me.
Undivided Profits.................................................
direct this to the council or opened his eyes and winked signifi­ a night.
Circulation............................................................. 50,000.00
One day five years later Director of ; He's the feller 1 told you about came
at Norah.
church but to the good law abid­ cantly
Deposits ................................................................. 149,108.53
i Public Safety McAdoo arranged the down to tbe Liberty hnll meettn’ last
"Norah. d’ye smell nawthln’?’’
ing citizens of all sects and
“ Patbrlek, urre ye clnne crazy over documents he had been rending into campaign. The boys wus waitin' an'
creeds. We believe that the the gurrul? Besides. Bob's no liar- neat, methodical piles und rose from growln' Impatient, until 'long about U
his desk, stretching his muscles with o'clock in comes a mil young feller,
ryin’ man.”
condition could be bettered.
regular kid. Good looker, with long
"F aith .” said Patrick proudly, "an’
curly hair an’ a dnshlu’ kind of way.
could ho do betther than marry ber
An' swell? He made me feel like a
So far quite a number of mother’s gurrul. I'm goln' up to talk
glass fact'ry, an’ I had on me huuderd
to th' bye.”
names have been offered as can­ lie knocked on Bob's door, which
dollar suit too. He steps up to me
an' says. 'Mr. Chairman, my nurne’s
didates for the various county was significant, since In that simple
Remington, an' I’m here to make a
offices. As yet no Démocratie household It was not the custom to
speech.' At that the boys sets up a
herald your approach by a knock.
candidate has been mentioned.
■ yell, hootin’ au' guyin’ him like tour
"Come In. Oh. It’s you. P at? Take a
of a kind. Swell chap doexu’t say a
Washington count.? voters are chair." Bob unswered.
word, but offs with his overcoat an’
more inclined to vote for men "A rre ye busy. Bob?"
sits on the table with his hands in his
“Oh. no. Glad to see you. Only
whom they believe to be fitted thiukln' a little.''
pockets, laughin’ us If he had a good
joke on somebody else,
i ’lu’ly the
for the office than party candi­ For some moments the two sat allent
boys lets up fer luck of wind. Then ,
before the lire. Patrick shuttling about
Offices, with Forest Grove Pres», Hoffman Building.
he starts In an’ tells a story fit to make
In embarrassment, for he knew not
you bust. The boys laughs bard until
bow to unburden himself of his errand.
Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro.
they begun to see the point was on
N. L. Atkins has decided to At last he bolted out:
them. Then be gives ’em the worst
“Bob, why don’t ye git married?"
GUARANTEES r e l i a b l e s e r v i c e
not enter the race for the office "Humph!” Bob ejaculated contemptu­
tongue lusbln' you ever heard. I
of county recorder.
ously. "W hy should 1 get married'.’”
glttln' ready to keep the pence when
"Y e're a tpiare laad. Bob McAdoo.
one of the boys sings out. 'You're all
Ye have no bowtls av tluderulss at all.
Butineaa Men Banquet
right, kid.’ An’ dnxli me If they didn't 1
I don’t belave there's u person in th'
cheer him louder than they'd guyed
The business men’s meeting worruld. nv he'd die, ye’d give th'
him. Then he tnlked for near au hour.
lasthe beartnche to.
Ye have no
held at the Knights of Pythias frlnds. Ye’re th' lotiest. frlndllssist
An’ talk! Say, that kid bad 'em all
tied In a knot When he was through
hall Monday evening was pro­ man 1 know—surve ye right!” he con­
they all crowded up to him au' wanted
nounced a
decided success. cluded exuHperntedly.
to buy him drinks. Oh, he's a corker
“ Friends!” Bob sneered. " I don’t
About ninety business men were
an' no mlstnke.”
ueed 'em. They do what I want.
present, all liberally partaking That's enough for me. What do 1
“Well, what of him?" Bob Interrupt- j
tfd Uuggln's flow somewhat Impatient­
of the spread. Walker’s orches­ waut with friendship?"
Patrick threw out his hands help­
tra furnished excellent music.
“He's tnkln* the Smith end of the
lessly. “Av ye could ask that quis-
Chas. 0 . Roe was seated at the tlon ye could ulvlr undherstaml th'
Will Save You More Than 25 Per Cent
row. Lives in the Seventh—Stough­
head of the first table and acted uuswer. But.” Ue returned doggedly a sigh of relief He had become a ton*» own ward, you know—gets him­
elected ward chuinnnii— how. I
us toastmaster.
Many interest­ to Ids text, “ye ought to git married fuitbful desk worker, but there were self
Just th' same. Ye uade some wuu to times when be longed for tbe tierce don't know. An’ now lie's golu’ round
ing and instructive speeches caro f r ye nil' like ye.”
sayln' 'taln't fair to turn Smith down
muscular effort of tbe old mill life.
this trip. He’s gettiu' the boys stirred
were made, while others amused Bob laughed. "You Just suld no one
Five years bad wrought many up some too.”
with stories. The best of feeling likes me. Anyhow, who'd 1 marry?”
changes in the life of Bob McAdoo.
"W ell.”
defiantly, He was twenty pounds tighter than
To be continued.
and harmony prevailed. Chair-, "there's
when be Imd worked In tbe mills, al­
man Roe was authorized to ap­ "Oil. Kathleen ain't the woman for though liix sinews were still kept it)
point an entertainment commit­ me.” Bolt said curelessly.
condition by systematic, vigorous ex ­
tee to provide for a meeting Then Boh did n strange thing. With ercise. His face was thinner und finer
a quick movement he tore his shirt and marked by lines of thought and
which will be held about a month nnd undershirt from his body aud study.
He bad grown mentally in tbe
We sell tickets through to Seattle, Tacoma. Vancouver,
hence. All seem to think that stood before Patrick stripped to the uew ilfe aud under Kathleen's tutelage.
15. C.. Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago, Denver,
His clothes were now made by the
much good will result from such waist.
highest priced tailor, but. worn
Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, and other points.
gatherings. Photographer Sack- He drew his arms up. and the huge city's
carelessly, guve little hlut of that sub­
reider, of the Forest Grove stu­ biceps swelled until you would have tle thing we call style.
Ills bold negotiations with MacPher-
dio, was on hand with his cam­ exttected the skin to burst. Then he
drew himself tensely together. The
bud given him a bold on tbe Sixth
era and took a snap at the august big pectorals stood out In thlok lay­ son
legislative district, which careful or-
Leave Portland at 9:55
ers. ami tils waist muscles were a se­ gaulzutlou aud Judicious bestowal of
ries of bulging, sharply defined ridges. the patronage made his by virtue of
A. M. and 7 P. M. daily
He turned around. Patrick saw a that deal had converted luto a veri­
back covered with knots nod lines of table des|>otlsm. All candidates for
magnificent muscles
Bob seized him couucilmaulc aud legislative honors
by the wrists.
Pacific Avenue
from that district bud come to look
"Break loose.” he commanded.
to him for uotuhiatlou and elecUon.
Patrick writhed and pulled to break When the secoud mayor under tbe
the Iron grnsp In vain.
Mnct'heraon regime wns elected Bob
Buys and Sells Second
in* c Z
i Ì i - TUriSl SleepinK Ca” ’ D"
"B a h ” Boh threw him contemptu­ was one of the four men who ttnslly
Hand Goods
ously Into the chair
Rv ^ l C; r ^ ^ S!i,tT ? , in/ ortlan^ t h e Oregon Electr
selected tbe fortunate cuudldute. Co­
The BEST all-round Family
"T h at's why,” he cried In passionate der this administration he accepted
" T?rketu
b, B,ank J*oad. use the North Bank Statio
pride — "that's why I don't want tbe office he now held, His siiimture Sewing Machine that can be pro­
Telephone 748
w m iiCa S „ iïdho Î ^ u e Ss r P" 'frCar «con.modations. etc
friends. That's why Kathleen ain't at the bottom o f s check was now fa­ duced. Made in both ROTARY
for me. But muscle Is nothing. I'm miliar to the banks of tbe city and
Just as strong here " He struck his passed without question, sluce he was and VIBRATOR styles.
Dealer in Flour and Feed
W. E. COMAN, G. F. & P. A„
The rotary makes both LOCK
forehead with his palm.
rapidly becoming a rich man.
Portland, Oregon.
A street railway franchise was en­ and CHAIN stitch. The latest
gineered through couuctta, largely by
N. L. ADKINS. Agent,
up to the minute steel attach­
means of tbe votes of Bob's group of
Fore*t Grove, Oregon.
councllmeti. Bob’s share of tbe spoils
was a large block of stock, which be on easy payments. Send name
afterward sold for almost twlcs its and address for our beautiful
par value. It waa at tbe time of this
franchise affair that be was first car­ H. T. catalogue free.
Dry Good«, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Complete
tooned under the sobriquet "Knockout
Bob." aa a big. burly priieflghter. with White Sewing Machine Co.
Line Furniture, Groceries, Buggies
tbe ugly, brutal features and pertic-
Wagons, Hardware, Etc.
■”? offi“ ■" * ■ “ « “
ularty tbs heavy, undershot Jowl sup-
1 6 4 0 Market S i.
posed to ba characteristic of man of
that profession Kathleen, with a uwu San FrtmcUco
o r e st G ro ve P ress
Published & Edited by
Cigars, Candies and Nuts
Waiting for One at R A PHELPSj Prop
the Plate
Merchants Mutual Fire Assn
Forest Grove, Oregon
40 Per Cent Cash Reserve
Investment Realty Abstract Company
Makes Your Abstract
General Merchandise, Farming Implements
The Forest Grove P ress Office