Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, February 15, 1912, Image 3

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Texans Object to Mexicans Pass­
ing Through State.
Washington Heeds Request — Battle
Across Line Would Result When
Troops Reached Juarez,
Committee Investigates Scandal
Connection With Reports.
W ashington, D. C —A nother inves­
tigation of the departm ent of agricul­
ture involving otders of Secretary
Wilson and Solicitor McCabe and em­
bracing charges of suppressed reports
and influence of land speculators over
governm ent officials, is to be in stitu t­
ed by the house com mittee on expend­
itures in the A gricultural d ep artm en t
Troubles relatin g to exploitation of
Florida everglade lands, millions of
acres of which have been sold
throughout the country by syndicates,
started before the house com mittee as
a result of the summary dismissal
from government service by Secretary
Wilson of C. G. Elliott, chief engineer
of the drainage division of the dep art­
ment, and A. D. Morehouse, assistant
engineer, and the suspension of F. E.
Singleton, an accountant, on a techni­
cal charge of transference of public
R epresentatives Clark, of Florida,
and Bathrick, of Ohio, who have in­
stigated the investigation, charged
th a t officials of the departm ent of
agriculture had been influenced by
Florida everglade land promoters in
the suppression of a report on the con­
dition of the land made by the drain­
age d epartm en t; th a t Chief Engineer
E lliott was threatened by agents of
the land prom oters unless he would re­
vise a circular le tte r to the house
which did not contain laudatory refer­
ences to the lands they were selling;
th a t upon his refusal the circular and
a subsequent fu ller report w ere sup­
pressed by the order of Secretary W il­
son and th a t la ter Engineers E lliott
and Morehouse were removed from
Solicitor McCabe, before th e house
com mittee, denied the dism issal of the
departm ent officials was in any way
caused by the Florida land case and
asserted th a t the action was taken
following charges th a t the dismissed
men had m isapplied funds.
W ashington, D. C. — D iplomatic
com plications have arisen between the
sta te of Texas and the U nited S tates
governm ent, on one hand, and the
Mexican governm ent on the other,
which tem porarily, a t least, will not
allow Mexico to move any troops over
A m erican te rrito ry in connection with
her revolutionary disturbances.
S ecretary of S tate Knox made fu r­
th er inquiry from Mexico through the
A m erican embassy a t Mexico City
asking the specific purpose of the m il­
itary expedition for which permission
is sought to travel tfrom E agle Pass,
Texas, to El Paso, Texas, in order
th a t points in N orthern Mexico, to
which the rebels have cut international
may be
Governor Colquitt, of Texas, pointed
out to the S tate departm ent in his
m essage th a t residents of El Paso were
apprehensive th a t rebels a t Juarez
m ight resist the entry of Mexican
troops from American te rrito ry and
p recip itate
battle endangering
A m erican lives and property.
S ecretary Knox assured Governor
Colquitt th a t no permission would be
granted until the m atter had been
studied carefully, and indications were
th a t it yould be adjusted in a leisure­
ly, diplom atic manner.
reached here th a t no troops had s ta rt­
ed on the proposed expedition, and
none would do so until the question
had been decided.
Compers Contends He Is Not Guilty
In connection w ith the proposed ex­
of Contempt.
pedition to Juarez, the S tate depart­
D. C. — Samuel Gom-
m ent heard th a t Mexico intended not
alone to replenish the garrison oppo­ pers, president of the A m erican Fed­
site El Paso, but to pass a host of eration of Labor, made an unequivocal
troops into Northern Chihuahua for a denial of any in te n t to disobey the in­
junction of the Supreme court of the
general m ilitary movement there.
D istrict of Columbia, when he took
It was indicated th a t w hile the reb­
els m ight not object to a re-garrison­ the stand in his own defense against
ing of Juarez, thus avoiding foreign thé charge of contem pt in connection
w ith the Bucks Stove & Range com­
complications, they m ight offer armed
H is testim ony
resistance to a movement aimed gen­ pany boycott case.
was not completed and he will be a
erally a t the trouble zone.
w itness again.
Gompers insisted under oath th a t
his editorials in the American Federa-
tionist and the u tterances of him self
North Pacific Coast to Benefit In and other officials Tof organized labor
in the cam paign of 1908 w ere not in­
Deal Through Sco Line.
tended to aid or abet the boycott of
Aberdeen, W ash.—W ith the agree­ the company.
m ent recently reached betw een the
O.-W. R. & N. and the Soo Line, a
Herrick Goes to France.
new transcontinental railw ay service
Cleveland — Ex-Governor H errick
from Grays Harbor, Portland, Tacoma
and S eattle and all intervening points was greeted as “ N ex t Ambassador to
to the Minnesota tran sfer will be F rance” a t a luncheon of business
opened w ithin a few days, according men here. The words were used by
to a statem en t made by L E. Paskill, ex-V ice-President Fairbanks in an ad­
dress and brought applause from the
freig h t agent of the Soo Line.
The agreem ent means th a t lumber assembly.
R eferring to a statem en t by Mr.
m anufacturers south of S eattle will be
able to invade the vast m ark et ex ist­ F airbanks th a t he “ was out of poli­
ing in Southern Canada and a t the tic s ,” Mr. H errick rem arked th a t he
same tim e can route through to Min­ did not believe th a t the form er vice
neapolis a t a rate no higher than other president was “ out of p o litics,” th a t
com peting lines which cover the “ in the sort of politics th a t is being
evolved in this country a man like
Southw est W ashingon terrio try .
Fairbanks always has a place.”
“ All men in politics have th eir
Ambassador is Hopeful.
places,” Mr. H errick said.
“ I be­
Honolulu—Viscount Sotomi Chinda, lieve the man who rants about his
the newly-appointed am bassador from country, shoves up hia hair, crouches
Japan to the United S tates, has a r­ on the stage and then breaks down,
rived here on the Japanese liner Shin- has his place.”
yo Maru. H e will reach San Francisco
late in F ebniary.
Rulers View Launching.
In an interview published in the
Ferrol, Spain— King Alfonso and
H aw aii Shinpo, a Honolulu Japanese
paper, the am bassador said th a t afte r Queen V ictoria w ere present Thursday
leaving Yokohama he received a w ire­ a t the launching o f th e b attlesh ip E s­
less m essage from his governm ent say­ paña. The E spaña is the first of the
ing th a t th e provisions for Japanese battleships of the new Spanish navy
exclusion had been elim inated from to take w ater.
K ing Alfonso was
the Dillingham bill now pending in present a t the laying down of her
th e U nited S tates congress.
keel, in July, 1909. The E spaña is a
“ For the continued am ity of the two four screw steel vessel, 435 fe e t in
nations, I hope th a t this is correct, ” length. H er displacem ent is 15,450
said the ambassador.
tons and her estim ated speed 19.5
knots. She will carry eig h t 12-inch
Will Issue Edict Soon.
guns. 20 4-inch guns and a num ber of
Pekin—An edict establishing the quick-firers and m achine guns.
republic will be issued in February.
Priceless Gifts Made.
A statem en t from the Chinese foreign
New York— A t th e annual m eeting
office board says the Republicans are
harrassed by dissentions and are pre­ of the trustees of the A m ercian Mus­
pared to w aive a m ajority of the pro­ eum of N atural H istory im portant
posed modifications.
The statem ent g ifts to tbe museum by J . P. Morgan,
fu rth e r says th a t there is no fear of J r., and Ogden Mills were announced.
the tra n sfe r of the capital from Pekin. Mr. Morgan presented his almost
A Tien Tsin dispatch says th a t three priceless collection of m eteorites and
bombs w ere throw n a t General Chao m inerals and Mr. Mills gave the
E rh-IIsun, viceroy of M anchuria, at George Catlin collection of 250 oil
Mukden. The viceroy was not in­ paintings of Indians and the life of
the redskin in the W est betw een 1832
jured and his assailant escaped.
and 1840.
Harrimen Men on Board,
New Y ork—Three directors have re­
signed from the United States express
company, according to an announce-
menL They are A lbert H. Boardman,
George H. B u rritt and Chauncey H.
Crosby. T heir places have been taken
by rep resen tativ es of the H arrim an
estate, who are believed to be the con­
trolling in te re st in the W ells-Fargo
company. Officials refuse to confirm
or deny the report th a t it is proposed
to m erge w ith the W ells-Fargo.
Aliens’ Navy Time Cut.
W ashington, D. C.—The senate has
passed a bill reducing from five to
four years the tim e necessary for
aliens to serve in the navy to be n a t­
The bill also extends to
members of the revenue cu tter service
the rig h t of n aturalization w ithout
continuous residence.
I t was so
amended as to m ake sure of the e x ­
clusion of Chinese who may en ter th e
Strong Anti-American Message Is­
sued By Governor.
to Arms Is Sounded— Rebel
Bands Active— Forces Closing
In On Juarez,
El Paso, Tex. — Mexico is to be
crushed under the m ilitary force of
the U nited S tates and is to lose its
identity as a world power. This is
the message of A cting Governor Au-
relance Gonzales to th e people of Mex­
ico and his n ative sta te of Chihuahua.
The message was telegraphed to all
the Je fe politicos o f the state, and
created a sensation among the Mex­
ican and American population of the
The m obilation o f the American
irm y means the invasion of Mexico,
Governor Gonzales says in his fire­
brand message.
“ The hand of the oppressor is press­
ing hard upon your b ro w ,” he contin­
ued, “ and will brand all tru e Mexi­
cans as slaves unless they resist the
foreign power. The attitu d e of the
U nited S tates tow ard Mexico is one of
a lordly m aster tow ard an abject
“ The manhood of Mexico demands
its resistance by all possible means.
Mexico has lost, or is losing, its iden­
tity as a nation am ong nations. The
Americans are attem p tin g to control
the business affairs, the politics and
the economics of Mexico. Unless re­
sistance is shown a t once, Mexico will
be b ut a dependency of the U nited
S ta te s .”
The proclamation am ounts to a call
to arm s to resist an A m erican invas­
ion of Mexico and has caused con­
stern atio n here as well as across the
Colonel Antonio Rojas, at the head
of 500 men, now is on his way tow ard
Ju arez to attack the city, acording to
a report received in Ju arez from San
Antonio, w est of Chihuahua. In view
of th e report th a t R ojas would demand
the surrender of Chihuahua in five
days, the report is not generally cred­
Braulio Hernandez, w ith a force of
300 rebels, is reported operating south
of Chihuahua, along th e line of the
Mexican Central, which has abandoned
tem porarily its efforts to m ake repairs
betw een Chihuahua and Torreon.
W R E C K O F M A IN E F L O A T S .
W ashington, D. C.— P resident T a ft
and his cabinet have turned a scru tin ­
izing eye toward Mexico.
before the president seriously ques­
tioned the loyalty of General Pascual
Orozco to the Mexican federal govern­
m ent and intim ated th a t the present
conditions in the sta te of Chihuahua,
bordering on Texas, m ight develop in­
to a movement of secession, estab lish ­
ing an independent republic in the
N orth.
The president and his official fam ily
discussed precautionary measures, and
the W ar departm ent [then sent addi­
tional orders to arm y posts throughout
the country to be ready for a possible
m obilization.
The departm ent of justice has in­
structed its agents to exercise all pos­
sible vigilance in enforcing n eu trality ,
w hile the S tate departm ent has asked
for quick reports from consular agents
o f any danger in the in terio r to A m er­
icans or th eir interests.
A fte r the cabinet m eeting, the pres­
ident professed not to be alarm ed by
th e situation.
It was adm itted in
o ffc'al circles th a t the separation of
C hihuahua from the rest of Mexico
would create a situation different, in
m any respects, from those th a t e x ist­
ed during the la st rebellion.
Thousands of Carloads of Wheat Are
Tied Up in Canada.)
D uluth, Minn.—The congestion of
traffic on the Canadian railroads,
w hich resulted in sw eeping reduction
of fre ig h t rates to perm it Canadian
g rain to come to the Am erican head of
the lake for elevating and storage, is
more serious than a t any tim e since
its inception, according to news re ­
ceived here from P o rt A rthur, Ont.
The news tells of 3,500 cars already
billed to P o rt W illiam over the Cana­
dian N orthern which cannot be moved.
T here is no place to store grain when
it arriv es a t P ort W illiam .
T h irty
m illion bushels are frozen on the
ground or in W estern elevators.
In addition, there are 1,000 cars of
g rain on track s betw een W innipeg
and P o rt A rthur, m aking 4,500 cars on
the Canadian N orthern alone.
The Canadian Pacific has reduced
the num ber of em pty cars th a t are de­
livered daily to elevators at the Cana­
dian head of the lakes, on the theory
th a t it is useless to load cars when
they cannot be hauled to destinations.
Prosecution Centers All Efforts On
One Packing Company.
Chicago—The governm ent centered
its attack on S w ift & Co. in the pack­
John M. Chaplin,
chief of the plant accounting d ep a rt­
m ent of th a t corporation, was su b ject­
ed to a searching exam ination by D is­
tr ic t A ttorney W ilkerson and required
to explain to the ju ry manv d etails of
the complex system used by the pack­
Chaplin identified numerous le tte rs
changing the by-products allowances,
which w ere sent by other employes.
One le tte r signed by Chaplin and
dated November 15, 1907, gave in­
structions to discontinue m aking al­
lowances for hides in figuring the te st
cost of beef.
D istrict A ttorney W ilkerson pointed
out th a t from the organization of the
N ational Packing company, March 8,
1903, the te st cost of beef, as figured
by S w ift & Co., steadily rose w hile
the allowances for by-products de­
Battleship Ready to Proceed to Final
e rs ’ tria l here.
Resting P.ace.
H avana—The w reck of the Maine
floated free from the mud when the
w ater was turned into the dam sur­
rounding the wreck. The w ater w ith­
in the dam is 14 feet below, the harbor
level a t low tide.
It is the intention to raise the
w reck im m ediately to th e harbor lev­
el, leaving nothing more to be done
except to break the dam and float out
th e ship.
W ater was forced into the dam
through a system of pipes fixed a t the
bottom of the ship, the power being
supplied by a pump th a t had been re­
covered from the wreck. The ship
began to rise alm ost imm ediately.
The ship will Remain w ithin the
dam until orders are received from
W ashington to float her out, which
can be done w ithin a fo rtn ig h t.
700 Plaintiffs In Suit.
Cabinet Minister Prisoner.
B utte, M ont.—The record for the
num ber of plaintiffs involved in a su it
in the M ontana courts, has been brok­
en in the filing here of an action by
the B u tte Mill and Sm elter m en’s
Union against the W estern Federation
of Miners to enjoin the federation
from revoking the ch a rter of the
Sm elterm en’s union. Seven hundred
men are named as plaintiffs in the
suit, brought ag ain st the W estern
Federation of Miners, Charles H.
Moyer, president of the federation,
and the B utte M iner's union.
Torreon, Mex. — Abram Gonzales,
m in ister o f the interior, who w ent to
Camargo to quell the uprising a t th a t
point, was made prisoner by the muti
neers, escorted back to the railroad
a t S anta Rosalia and sent to Chihua­
hua on a handcar, according to news
received here. The rebels refused to
listen to his overtures.
He reported
his failu re to the central governm ent.
Seventy dead and wounded Salga-
d istas were le ft on the field at Chilapa
afte r an encounter w ith the forces of
General Ambrosio Figueroa.
losses of the federáis w ere not given.
Price of Silver Soars.
New York—The price of silver in
the New York m arket touched 60jb S at­
urday, the highest since November,
1907, the quotations having advanced
fractionally over those of last week.
A uthorities in the financial d istric t
credit the rise to the activ ity of a
powerful syndicate in India. The In­
dian governm ent's supply of the metal
for coining is believed to be low, and
large pooling operations are said to
be under way w ith the purpose of sell­
ing to th e m int when demands of coin­
age become pressing.
Church is “ Skyscraper.”
K ansas C ity—W ith im pressive ex­
ercises the G rand-Avenue M ethodist
Episcopal church, K ansas C ity 's sky­
scraper house of worship, was dedicat­
ed Sunday. The church is the pioneer
M ethodist organization of the city.
The new edifice is a w ing of a 12-story
office building elected by the congre­
gation and bearing the name of the
G rand-Avenue Tem ple.
A pipe or­
gan of 57 stops and 22 couplers has
been b u ilt in the main auditorium .
Allies Command Coasts.
Crude Oil Prices Soar.
Delay Annoys Dr. Sen.
T ripoli—The coasta of Tripoli and
C yrenaca still are commanded by the
T urks and the A rab allies to such an
ex ten t th a t Italian action is greatly
restricted. The Italian cruiser C itta
di C atania reports th a t she bombarded
seven small posts and T urkish camps
near the shore and th a t large numbers
o f arm ed A rabs w ere observed.
Independence. Kan. — The P ra irie
Oil 4 Gas company has advanced the
price of crude oil 8 cents to 80 cents a
barrel. The reason for advancing the
price, it was said, was the alarm ing
demand upon tbe reserve stock and the
rapidly decreasing production. O ther
agencies have m et the P ra irie com­
pany's advance.
London— P resident Sun Y at Sen, in
an interview w ith the N anking corres­
pondent o f the Daily Mail, said th a t
th e settlem en t of affairs in China
m ust be speedy. He ad d ed ;
“ I t is peace or war. We shall not
p erm it the retention by the Manchus
of the im perial title or power to cre­
ate a n o b ility .”
Lands May Be Available.
Spokane, W ash.—A plan by which
7,000,000 acres of logged-off lands in
W ashington, Idaho and Montana may
be obtained by the governm ent and
then opened up for homestead en try is
being worked out by the executive
com m ittee of the International and
E m pire Federation of Commercial
The plan, as outlined, pro-
poses the exchange by the In terio r
d ep artm en t of forest reserve lands for
logged-off lands, on the basis of th ree
acres of cut-over lands for one acre of
forest reserve.
Aviator Scares Crowds.
New York — The first successful
lig h t o f a hydro-aeroplane in th is sec­
tion was seen here Wednesday, when
Frank T. Neffin ascended from the
Hudon riv er a t Tw enty-third stre e t
and for 16 m inutes flew up and down
the riv er a t a height of 500 feet.
The av iato r made no public announce­
m ent of his plan, and when he a lig h t­
ed in the river amid floating cakes of
ice, many on shore thought he had
fallen into the stream .
Tinplate Men Combine.
P ittsb u rg —R epresenting a ca p ita l­
ization of $100,000,000, tbe Independ­
ent Tiu P late M anufacturers of the
U nited S tates were granted a ch a rter
in Common Pleas court under th e
name of th e Association of Sheet and
Tin P late m anufacturers.
H eadquar­
ters will be located here.
Church of the Visitation, V erboort
—Rev. L. A. LeMlller, pastor. Sun­
day Early Mass a t 8 a. m.; H igh
Mass at 10:30 a. m.; Vesper a t 3 :M
p. m. W eek days Mass at 8:30 a. na.
C hristian Science Hall, 115 F ifth
at., between F irst and Second a re .
South—Services Sundays a t 11 a. m .;
All Will Be Taken Into Custody At Sunday school at 12 m.; mid-week
meeting W ednesdays a t 7:30 p. m.
Or.ce— Bonds Fixed in Advance
Free Methodist church, F ourth nL.
Government Keeps Secrecy.
between F irst and Second A venoe.
J. F. Leise, Pastor. Sunday School a t
Indianapolis, Ind.—Capiases for the 10 a. in ; preaching a t 11 a. m. an d
7:30 p. m.; P rayer meeting W ednes­
sim ultaneous a rre st o f all the men day 7:30 p. m.
named in the 32 indictm ents returned
Seventh Day Adventist Church. 3rd
by the Federal grand ju ry in the dy­
stree t—Sabbath schol 2 p. m., p leach ­
nam ite conspiracy cases, w ith certified ing 3 p. m. each Saturday. Midweek
copies of the indictm ents, w ere com­ prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 pt
pleted in the expectation th a t the a r­ m. A cordial welcome. H. W. Vail-
rests m ight be effected w ithin five mer. Elder.
Catholic Services, Rev. J. R. Duck,
Although the men, m ost of them pastor. F orest Grove—Chapel at cor.
labor union officials and agents, are of 3rd stre e t and 3rd avenue soutlL
scattered from Boston to the Pacific 1st and 4th Sundays of the m onth.
Coast, papers for th e ir apprehension Mass at 8:30; 2nd and 3rd Sundays
have been so arranged th a t they are to of the month. Mass 10:30. Cornelius
be arrested and an opportunity to give —1st Sunday of the month, Mass a t
bond afforded them on the same day, 10:30; 3rd Sunday of th e m onth.
and as nearly as possible, w ithin a Mass at 8:00. Seghers—2nd Sunday
few hours. The bond is to be asked of the month. Mass a t 8:00; 4th
for th eir appearance in Indianapolis, Sunday of the month. Mass at 10:30.
March 12, when they are to be a r­
M. E. Church, Rev. H iram Gouk^
raigned before Federal Judge A nder­
pastor. Second street, between F irs t
The governm ent is try in g to take and Second avenues. Sunday school
into custody all the prisoners in a t at 10 a. m.; Epworth League a t 6:30
least 20 d istan t cities w ithin a given p. in. Preaching at 11 a. m and 8:00
Mid-week p rayer m eeting
tim e, so th a t, through prem ature a r­ p. m.
rests, one defendant, by dem anding a Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
copy of his indictm ent, may not
Christian Church, corner T hird aL
reveal the names of his alleged co-con­ and F irst Ave. Rev. C. H. H ilton,
pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m .;
It has developed th a t the defendant* preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. in.;
accused of complicity w ith the Mc­ Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p.
N am aras and O rtie E. McManigal in m.
p erp etratin g more than 100 explosions
Col legs
before and afte r the w recking o f the
Way and F irst ave. north. Rev. Dt
Los Angeles Times building, will
number a t least 40, and probably T. Thomas—Sunday echool 10 a. m .;
Morning service 11 a. m.; evening;
p. m.; Junior C. E. at 3 p. m .;
There are to be a t least eight more
defendants than the num ber of indict­ Senior C. E. a t 6:30 p. m.
m ents returned, as many of the tru e
bills contained more than one name.
Knights of P ythias—Delphos I.odgn
No. 36, m eets every Thursday a t K.
of P. Hall. Chas. Staley, C. C.; Rein
Ludwig, K eeper of Records nnd S eal.
Declares Charges Are Scandal and .
G. A. R.—J. B. Mathews P o st No.
Discharges Committee.
6, meet« the first and third Wednew-
Mexico C ity—“ For no reason will I day of each month at 1:30 p. m., in
change any of my m inisters.
The ! K. of P. hall. John Baldwin, Con>-
members of my cabinet are honorable I munder.
men. They are p atrio ts. I shall not 1
Masonic—Holbrook Lodge No. 30,
perm it any of them to be slandered as
A. F. & A. M., regular m eetings held
you are slandering th e m .”
W ith these words P resident Madero first Saturday In each month. P. W.
brought to a term inus an interview Kinzer, W. M.; A. A. Bon Korl, sec­
sought by a com m ittee from the anti- retary.
re-electionist party, which was a t­
W. O. W.—Forest Grove Camp No.
tem pting to persuade him to dism iss 98, meets In Woodmen Hall, every
from his cabinet the m in isters of w ar Saturday. A. J. Parker, C. C.; .lam es
and of the interior.
H. Davis, Clerk.
The conference had proceeded calm ­
A rtisans—Diamond Assembly No.
ly up to the moment the spokesman
for the com m ittee, in reply to a sta te ­ 27, meet« every Tuesday in K. o f
ment of the president th a t evil-minded P. Hull. C. B. Stokes, M. A; Jo h n
Mexicans w ere aiding the rebels, de­ Boldrlck, Secretary.
clared th a t th is was tru e, and th at,
Rebekahs—Forest Lodge No. 44.
moreover, th e president knew these m eets the first, third and fifth W ed­
men because they w ere members of nesdays of each month. Miss Allen
his own cabinet. The president then Crook, N. G.; Secretary, Miss C arrin
perem ptorily ended the interview .
In line w ith this incident, Alfredo
O. O. F.—W ashington Lodge N<h
R. Dominguez, one of Madero’s
staunchest supporters during the revo­ 48, m eets every Monday in I. O. O. F\
lution, publicly criticised the adm inis­ Hall. V. S. Abraham, N. G.; R obert.
tration, declaring th a t in his opinion Taylor, Secretary.
the removal of the en tire cabinet
Modern Woodmen of A m erica—
could not save the adm inistration.
Camp No. 6228, m eets th e second an d
The v isit of the com m ittee to the fourth Friday of each month. A. I .
president was to interpolate him re­ Sexton, Consul; Geo. G. Paboraon,
garding the source of supplies issued Clerk.
J por i
to regular troops and bartered by
Rosewood Camp. No. 3835 K. N.
them for drink and food and in turn
nd a
bought up by the rebels. There are A., meets first and third F ridays of
stories of haciendas having furnished each month in I. O. O. F. Hall. M m
g reat q u an tités in retu rn for im m uni­ M. S. Allen, O racle; Mrs. W inuifred
ty from robbery, but th e most serious Aldrich, Recorder.
Gale Grange No. 282. P. of H ..
report of all is th at supplies have been
sent from the governm ent arsenal in meet« the first Saturdays of ea ck
month In the K. of P. Hall. A. T .
the capital itself.
Scores of the p resid en t’s most a r­ Buxton, M uster; Mrs. H. J. Rtc«k
dent supporters of six m onths ago are Secretary.
speculating on his ab ility to carry the
country through the crisis. The ele­ Mayor—G. S. Alien.
ment th a t is giving the most trouble Recorder— M. R. M arkhaiu.
is th a t which followed Madero during T reasurer—R. P. Wirtz.
the revolution.
This p arty charges Chief of Police—P. W. W atkins.
him w ith not pu ttin g into im m ediate
Health Officer— Dr. J. S. Blsbop.
effect reform s promised.
Councilman John Wirtz, C arl L. Hln-
Trust Allegation Denied.
Barber, W. F. Schultz, H. I). Jo h n ­
New Y ork--T he answ er of the Con-
tinental Sugar company, which has
man, O. M. Sanford and John M »
refineries a t Frem ont, Ohio, and Bliss-
City 8chool.
field, Mich., one of th e defendants in
the governm ent’s su it for the disso­ School D irectors—M. P eterson. M m
Edward Seymour, H. T. Buxton.
lution of the so-called Sugar tru st,
was filed Thursday afternoon in the Clerk—R. P. Wirtz.
United S tates D istric t court.
The Jnotice of the Peace—W. J. R. Beach.
answ er denies th a t th e company is Constable— Carl Hoffman.
engaged in any unlaw ful combination
or conspiracy to re stra in in te rsta te
trade or foreign commerce in raw and Judge—R. O. Stevenson.
refined sugar, molasses, syrups and Sheriff—George G. Hancock.
Clerk—John Bailey.
other by-products of raw sugar.
Recorder—T. L. Perklnl.
T reasurer—E. B. Sappington.
Strike Abandoned Now.
Surveyor—Geo. McTee.
D avenport, la .— S trik e talk among Coroner—E. C. Brown.
employes of the Rock Island arsenal Commissioners—John McClaran, Jo h n
was a t a discount as the result of a
movement for the acceptance of the School Sup’t—M. C. Case.
Taylor system job cards under pro test
until the congressional com m ittee, ap­
North Bound.
pointed to in v estig ate the system,
shall have reported.
A definite an ­ Sheridan No. 4 ..................... .8:27«. m.
nouncement th a t the union men will Corvallis No. 2 .........................4:53 p. ra ­
not strik e pending the congressional
gout h Bound.
investigation followed a conference Corvallis No. 1 ........................8:44 a. m .
between th e men and C om m andant
Sheridan Nr. 3 ........................6:00 p. m .
Many Labor Leaders and Officials
Accused of Conspiracy.
Turks Close Out Italians.
C onstantinople— The T urkish ca b i­
net has decided to put into force the
order for closing all Italian in sti­
tutions in Turkey, including private
banks, insurance com panies and the
orphanage a t Scutari.
The Urm
p e r w ith AU th e N»w>. Owl? * » "
p ar re a r. 1 he F m i i* equipped to do. a a d
doee. the Beet Job P rin tin g . E very Ik ie s lw
(hie line done to pieeae.J. F r i m l n c h t