Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, February 01, 1912, Image 3

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Barks Herbs
That have great medicinal power, are
raised to their highest efficiency, for
purifying and enriching the blood, as
they are combined In Hood’s Sarsa­
40,366 testimonials received by actual
count in two years. Be sure to take
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Oet It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called S a rsa ta b s.
Musician and Wit,
M. Camille Saint-Saëns, the great
musician, and the life-long friend of
animals, took into his home a little
dog. The enraged concierge waited
bis chance and notified the owner of
the house. Soon a letter arrived for
the musician which said, "Monsieur,
my house is not a zoological garden!”
Saint-Saëns sent buck the answer,
"Monsieur, if you wish your house to
be a zoological garden you have only
to live In It."
— FROM —
On« Better Way of Finding Out If
Man Loves You Than Putting
Chestnuts on Hot Stove.
Colds, Indigestion,
Pains, Constipation, Sour Stomach,
Dizziness? If you are not, the most
effective, prompt an d p l e a s a n t
method of getting rid of them is to
take, now and then, a desertspoon*
ful of the ever refreshing and truly
beneficial laxative remedy— Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is
well ltnown throughout the world
as the best of family laxative reme­
dies, because it acts so gently and
strengthens naturally without irri­
tating the system in any way.
T o get its beneficial effects it is
always necessary to buy the genu­
ine, manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup C o., bearing the name
of the Company, plainly printed on
the front of every package.
It was the dreamy hour after the
Christmas dinner, and the girls were
talking in the hushed tones appropri­
ate to the occasion.
‘T ’ve Just heard of a new charm to
tell whether any one loves you, and,
If so, who It Is,” whispered Elsie.
' “ What Is It?” queried Sophie, ab­
sently fingering her new diamond
“ W ell, you take four or five chest­
nuts, name each one of them after
I some man you know and then put
| them on the stove and the first one
that pops Is the one that loves you.”
"H ’m,” said Sophie, “ 1 know a bet-
*er way that that.”
"Do you?”
“ Yes. Indeed. By my plan you take
one particular man, place him on the
sofa In the parlor, alt close to him.
with the light a little low, and look
Into his eyes And then, If he doesn’t
pop you'll know it's time to change
the man on the sora ”
Educational Systems.
“ Look here,” said the father, “ every
Battle of Sabine Pass.
page o f your book is covered with fin­
The story o f the battle of Saolne
ger prints.”
" I t ’s an accident,” re­
Pass is history, not fiction, though, It
plied the young student. “ Well, It Is
j must be confessed, It sounded far
some relief to hear that. There have
| more like the latter than the former,
been so many changes in handwriting
j You will find the full accounts of the
that I was afraid they had decided to
fight In the “ Records of the Rebel*
make a clean sweep and substitute , lion” and a very interesting history of
the Bertillon system.”
| the affair In the second volume of
I "The Rise and Fall of the Confederate
Good Cement.
From an old notebook comes this Government,” by Jefferson
recipe for making a cement to mend page 237. References to the battle
broken china: Fill a small bottle with may also be found In "Battles and
ground Isinglass and pour over it suffi­ Leaders of the Civil W ar," published
cient unsweetened gin to fill the bot­ by the Century company
tle. Place It on the back of the stove
Feminine Curiosity.
or In a warm place, Immerse In a ves­
Little Eleanor’s pretty cousin wore
sel of hot water until the Isinglass Is
dissolved, and the cement is ready for a new engagement ring, and the bud­
ding woman regarded the ring and the'
giver alike with reverent eyes. One
Great Lawyer on Work.
night when the happy man has been
Rufus Choate believed in hard work Invited to Eleanor’s home for dinner,
and struggle. When some one said Eleanor, unconsciously gushing, burst
to him that a certain fine achieve­ forth with: "Oh, Mr. Blank, do please
ment was the result of accident, he tell me. In all the love stories I ’ve
"Nonsense! You might read the men propose so sudden.
as well drop the Greek alphabet on When It’s coming on, does It—does If
the ground and expect to pick up the feel anything like a sneeze?”
I f you use Eye Salve use the best.
E y e S a l v e is the stardard,
is reliable and costs no more than infer­
ior goods that are unknown. Used by
Physicians and Oculists, helps where all
others fail. It is not the T U B E or BOX
that cures, it is the S A L V E that does the
work. Guaranteed by Howard Bros,
under the Government Food and Drugs
Act. Don’ t be deceived or misled. The
only really antiseptic Eye Salve that has
been in the market for years. Sold by
Druggists throughout the known world.
e t t it ’ s
fo r w eek s w ith Diphtheria. Just keep H am ­
lins W izard Oil in the house.
Marrying A m o n g tn e Pilgrim «.
JJOWARD E. BURTOti - A-wayer anft Chemi«,
■ 1 Leadville, Coloruclo. Specimen prices: Gold,
Silver, Lead, il. Gold, Silver. 75o; Gold. 50c: Zino
or Copper. $1. Mail ¡ng envelopes a d full pricelist
•ont on application. Control and Cmpire work so
ltd ted. Reference: Carbonate National Rank.
Simple plaster; no strin rc
-----------------------------10c; no grease; safe, sure,
epeedy. W hy be miserable? Money back i f not
satisfied. Addreas REX S P E C IA L T Y CO.
Box 164, Seattle, Wash.
W a n te d --M e n
W om en
To learn barber trade. Tools free. Wasres while
Positions guaranteed. International
Barber School. 429 E. 6th St.. Los Angeles. Cal.
Machinery \
Second-Hand Machin­
ery bought, sold and
exchanged: engines,
boiler«, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 76 1st
St., Portland. Send for Stock List and prices.
Instant relief. Try our great Asthma Remedy.
Send for fREE fIRST TR EATM fNT.
Nenri Millar Remedy Co., 721 So. L Si.. Tacoma, Wash.
and Ribbon Fadges. Good Goods, Quick Service.
Send for complete Catalogue No. 26. Acme Stamp
Works, 1015 A St.. Tacoma, Wash.
We positively pay the highest
market prices, as we are manu­
facturers and therefore can pay
more than dealers.
Send for
free price list and shipping tags
and get full value for your Skins.
N. M. Ungar Co., the Reliable
Furriers. 202 V* 7th St.. Parti«* Or«
It '» Easy
Position« Waiting
Mon and Woman.
Tb« Old M»»ter now sup­
planted by the graduate.
Good wages while, learning
Book for home study. $1.25
Largest- school In the West
LEGE 6« Washington St.,
Seattle Wa&b.
Painless Dentistry
ia our pride—our hobby—onr »tody for years and
now our success, and ours io the txat palnleoa work
to be found anywhere, no matter how much y on
pay. C o m pare o u r Prices.
finish plate and
bridge work for out-
of-tow n patron« in
one day if deoired.
Painless extraction
free when plates or
bridge work is order­
ed. Consultation free.
MolarCrovn. $ 5 . 0 0
22k Brid,a T#vth4.00
Gild n iii.c
1 .0 0
I Enamel Fillings 1 .0 0
Silver Fillings
.5 0
Good Rubber
5 .0 0
Bsst Red Rubbor _ . A
Painless Extr'tion , 5 0
“ The Pilgrims— of Plymouth Rock
fame— did not believe In living single
long after the death of a wife or hus­
band,” says Rev. Mr. Doran, a New
England pastor.
“ The
mother of
Peregrine White, the first while child
born In America, was married to Gov.
Winslow when she was only 12 weeks
a widow and he eight weeks a wid-
underground vvorKsrs.
Six million persons make their l!v-
ing under ground, working in mines
and quarries. That number Is about
twice the population of this country
when It decided to cut away from
England and go It alone. Those six
million workers dig four billions of
wealth a year out of the bowels of
the earth.__________________
John Watson, Fail Brook, Cali., writ««*
Am much pleased w ith the good results I
obtained from Mustang Liniment. I t cer- I
ta in lj acted like a charm on my horse’s I
lame shoulder. It should be kept on hand
by all stock owners. They w ill find it a
remedy not only for their horses and cattle |
but also for their own aches and pains.”
25c. 50c. $1 a bottle at Drug dk Gen’l Stores |
(Formerly Cure-All)
Portland. Or.. 22 Dec.. 19U.
Sayers U. R. Company. Tacoma. Wash..
Dear Sirs:—As I fall to find any agent o f yours
in this city. I enclose you $1 for two 50c bottles of
your remedy.
W e have used this remedy six
years ago with good results.
Yours truly.
M09 41st A ve. S. E.. City.
10c and $1 by mail. Money returned i f It fails.
214 Bankers’ Trust B id«..
Tacoma. Wash.
Agents Wanted Everywhere.
A l l w o rk fu lly g u a ra n te e d f o r fifteen years.
W ise D ental Co., me.
H ;'''A LB E R S BROS. j]
O U T O f TO W N
can receive prompt treat-
n.cnr« of Fon-Potsonons.
Health-baildine romodlos
• ¡I,
! i •••
Ask vour dealer for it. I f he does
not handle it drop us a postal card
and we will furnish you the name o f
a dealer who does
the Chineee doctor.
Try once more if you hare been doctoring with
? thia one and that one and have not obtained per-
j -ranent relief. Let this great nature healer diag-
noee your case and prescribe some remedy whnae
; action ia quick, sure and a»fe. Hi* prescriptions
are M p n e n d s il from Boots.
Buds end
' Marks that have been gathered from every quar-
• er of the globe The secrets of these medirinea
are not known to the outside world, hut have been
I handed deem from father to son laths physiols— '
• ‘ amilies Is China
a lb e r s b r o s ;
li’ iMLLING CÒJ ; i j
I f you live oet of town sad can not mil. write for
• mpt-on blank and cire«Ur. enclosing 4 cents is
162| first S t, Car. Morrlisa
P U M Oraaaa.
to _
\ you need a
or C O U C H S —d C P U
With Proper Methods of Feeding and
Care Animals W ill Emerge from
W inter in Good Condition,
Plant breeding and selecting
has been our business for years.
W e market the results in the
shape of thoroughbred vegetable
and flow er seeds. They grow
good crops.
D. M. Farr; & Co., Detroit, Mich.
Fabulous Price for Tulips.
Though orchids frequently bring
prices that make the poor man stag­
ger, the highest price for a single
flower was given for a tulip In Am­
sterdam by an enthusiast who paid
*250,000 for it._____________
Reverses Don’t Feaze Him.
There are many poets who think
themselves unappreciated. But we
have noticed that this doesn’t keep
them from writing more poetry.—
Savannah Press.
Your druggist w ill refund money i f PA Z O O IN T ­
M E N T fails to cure any case o f Itching. Blind.
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c.
Sheep, as a general rule, emerge
from the winter in a poorer condition
than they enter it. If proper methods
of feeding and care are used the re­
verse of this should be the case.
Sheep will thrive much better on
forage crops than on dry feed; hence
the advisability of sowing some forage
crop which will grow late in the fall.
Several crops have proved very satis­
factory, but none probably more so
than cowpeas. This plant grows lux­
uriantly and has a large percentage
of protein. Being a legume, it also
enriches the soli by the addition of
nitrogen, one of the main elements of
plant food. Cowpeas should be plant­
ed In May, June, and the earlier part
of July. The amount of seed to plant
to the acre is from 20 to 40 pounds.
The change from green food to dry
food should be made gradually. Straw,
fodder, silage and alfalfa are some
of the dry feeds which may be used.
Cleanliness In both watering and feed­
ing troughs Is essential. A good way
to keep the troughs clean Is to turn
them over after the sheep have eaten
Sheep need a warm fold. Don't for­
get that. The fold should be made of
tight board fencing which breaks the
wind and also makes the sheep more
secure from dogs and wolves.
should be large enough to provide
room for all. There should be no cold
drafts through sheep’s quarters.
No Royal Road to 8uccess.
Too many people have the idea that
Small Slna Only the Beginning.
It Is astonishing how aoon the whole the poultry business Is a sinecure— an
conscience begins to unravel, If a sin­ easy way to make money. Nothing
gle stitch drops; one little sin in­ Is farther from the truth. This coun­
dulged in makes a hole you could put try Is strewn with wrecked poultry
your head through.— Charles Buxton- plants,
thought that all one needed to do was
Another Bsconisn Theory.
to build houses, stock them with hens,
“ They say Shakespeare was a bad employ feeders, sit down and count
actor.” “ Yes," replied Mr. Stormlng- the money.
ton Barnes; "but maybe Bacon started
Success with poultry means much
that story to get even with Shakes­ work, great attention to details, and
peare for taking liberties with his above all a willingness to work,
prompted by an Intense love for the
business. Unless one can measure up
Use of the Horse.
to those requisites of success he will
Owing to the advancement of sci­ j save money by staying out of the
ence it would be possible to get | game.
along without horses now. If it were
not for the necessity of having a few
To Dry Pick Chickens.
of them at the annual horse shows.
To dry pick chickens properly the
work should be done while the chick-1
ens are bleeding; do not wait and let I
Years Old
the body get cold.
Dry picking Is
much easier done while the bodies are j
Enshrined Within the Heart.
Be careful not to break or
It Is significant of the spark of di­
'ea r the skin.
vinity within us, that no matter how
depraved one may be, one seldom
Good Flock of Sheep.
falls to recognize and hold a certain
A good flock of sheep looks good to
respect for truth and Justice.
the owner and It Is a comfort and con­
w o rry cause of Hypocnondrta.
solation to have them on the farm
T b « most common disease caused where they can be utilized and made
6y worry 1« hypochondria It » victim to pay wgll for th« feed and care be’
Is the man or woman who worries ■towed on them.
that he or she 1« going to be III every
time he or she
Secret of Fattening Turkeys.
Physically they are strong and nor­
The secret of fattening turkeys is
mal, but they suffer from a mental to feed them all the grain they will
dlseaas which Is a variety of morbid eat; have a good water supply near,
and Induce them if possible to roost
at night lnslda of a well-ventilated
Crowded Manhattan.
In one small portion of Manhattan, building.
N. Y., is a population greater than
Turkeys Are Neglected.
that of Arizona, or of Delaware. Idaho,
Either In practice or in theory any­
Montang. Nevada, North Dakota, Ore­
gon, New Hampshire, New Mexico, body can raise chickens, but few per­
Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont of sons make a business or even a pas-
Uma of raisins tnrkeva
Pettit's Eve S a lv e
Painless Dentists
'■ S B »
Fine Art of Giving.
Easy to Tame Men.
“ I f one waits to find perfection In
Land, but men is easy tamed, so be his friend he will probably wait long,
the tameress is Bomebody they ain’t ' and live and die unfriended at last
, used to and Is gifted with a good dress j The fine art of living, Indeed, Is to
1 and a kind of scalloped air.— From 1 draw from each person hia beBb”—
“ Mothers to Men.” bv Zona Gale.
Lilian W hiting._________
Salt a Universal Production,
Salt Is produced In almost every
-ountry In .the world.
Fog Haro to Pierce.
A dense or thick fog will obscure
Start Seed* In House and Transplant objects at a distance of 1,000 fe e t
T b « recent accident to an ocean
When Danger of Froat Is Over—
steamer of the Anchor line Illustrates
Plan Pays Well.
the fact. An Iceberg was run Into as
soon as seen. A fter the collision the
(B y M C O V E R D E L L . )
The following plan may be prac­ passengers could hear the echo from
ticed in planting various kinds of their voices reflected by the walls of
seeds, but It is especially adapted to Ice, though the Iceberg was invisible
watermelons, since this fruit, when to thorn. Otherwise, there are no
placed on the market early. Is a won­ echoes at sea.
derful profit maker.
Do Well tne Thing at Hand.
Set small tin cans on live coals and
Don't waste life
In doubts and
heat them until the bottoms may be
removed, place several cans In a box fears: spend yourself on the work be­
and fill them with loose, rich soli, fore you. well assured that the right
prepared Just as you would a seed performance of the hour’s duties will
be the best preparation for the hours
bed for any other kind of seed.
Early In the season plant about a of ages that follow.— Emerson.
dozen watermelons In each can and
F r e e to O u r H e a d e r «
keep the box where It Is warm (In
W r it « Murine Eye R rm etly Co., Chicago, fo r
the house most of the tim e).
A 46-page tllualraled E ye Buck Free. W r t ie a ll
sprinkling of sand on the surface will about Y ou r Ey< T ro u b le anil they wtU ailvtve
ae to t h « Prop er A p p lic a tio n o f the M urine
help to keep down any weeds that Eye R em edies in Y o u r Special Case Y o u r
may spring up.
D ru g g ist w ill tell you th at Murine R elieves
Sore Eyes, Strengthens W eak Eyes Doesn t
Dampen the soil dally and provide Sm
art. Soothes Eye Pain , and sells fo r 50c.
as much sunlight as possible by set­ T ry I t In lo u r Eyes and in B ab y ’s E yes fo r
ting the box In the window. When Scaly E yelid s and O ranulatlon.
the day Is warm and bright place the
Showing the Goods.
box out of doors, thus supplying those
A novel mode o f advertising fo r a
two essentials to plant-production—
wife has been adopted by an Inhabi­
air and light.
tant o f a provincial town In England.
When the plants are large enough
A photograph of the gentleman is
for transplanting and the danger of
placed in the wiudow of a shopkeeper,
frost Is over slip the soil together
and underneath is the following no­
with the young plants from the cans,
tice: “ Wanted, a female companion to
place them In a rich hill prepared ex­
the above. Apply at this office.”
pressly for the purpose, being care­
ful not to remove any of the soil from
D O N ’T
around the routs of the plants.
When you buy bluing for your
A fter they are all started growing
thin them out until there are five laundry work, get RED CROSS B A L L
BLUE. A pure solid ball of blue, not
plants In a hill.
a bottle of colored water.
Besides producing an early crop and
Used In thousands o f homes for 20
securing a high price for the product yeans.
Makes clothes pure white.
this method Is especially commend­ Price, 10 cents. A T A L L GROCERS.
able on account of avoiding the dan­
Jenny Lind Rock.
ger of late frost and destruction by
The Ohio river claims abong Its
bugs and worms, which last-named Is
a common occurrence at an early treasures the Jenny Lind rock. The
stage where the plants are propagated singer was a passenger on a steamer
which struck on a sandbar near the
in the open field.
Also the plants will have secured a rock, and while waiting for the boat
growth o f several inches before they to be floated Miss Lind had boatmen
are placed In the ground and the soil row her out to the rock, where she
being free from weed-pests, less labor stood alone and sana.
will be required to keep the plants
Diphtheria, Quinsy and Tonsilitis begin
thrifty and unobstructed In their de­ w ith sore throat. H ow much b etter to cure a
sore th roat in a day or tw o than to be in bed
b.ui.vv is unbroken.
Bronco means simply an unbroken
horse, be It thoroughbred or mongrel.
Most think them a bad, sorry breed
as compared to old English thorough­
breds and dray stocks. Let us think
not, for the wild horses themselves
were thoroughbred Spanish find Ara­
bian once upon a time.
Take L A X A T IV E BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Drugsists refund money If it fails to cure. E. W.
G R O V E ’S signature is un each box. 25c.
The Coughs
o f Children
They may not cough today,
but what about tomorrow?
Better be prepared fo r it
when it comes. Ask your
doctor about keeping Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral in the house.
Then when the hard cold or
cough first appears you have
a doctor’s medicine at hand.
T h i s c o u g h m e d i c i n e is
especially good for children.
N o anodynes. N o alcohol.
Many a child Is called dull snd stupid
when the whole trouble is due to a lazy
liver. We firmly believe your own doc­
tor will tell you that an occasional doss
of Ayer’ s Pills, sugar-coated, will do such
children a great deal of good. Aak him.
M ad. by the 2. O. AVER CO
. Lowall.
Making Ua6 of Street Rubbith.
A t Southwark, London, and at St.
Ouen, France, street rubbish Is trans­
formed Into a marketable product. At
Southwark all the refuse is crushed to
a powder, which is sold as a manure.
At St. Ouen the powder thus made,
with the addition of combustible sub-
stances, Is formed into a cheap fuel.
*11 it -J
No matter how long you have
suffered from a weak stomach,
inactive liver or constipated bow­
els, you will find a fair trial o f
Stomach Bitters
will result to your great benefit.
It makes the appetite keen, as­
sists digestion and improves
your general health. A trial to­
day will convince you.
p ro .
Too Busy for Serious Things.
The growing indifference of the ago
Is appalling: men are too busy with
Soothing Occupation.
their pleasures, their money-making,
that man who Just kicked
their politics, and a thousand things.
the chair over and threw a pack of
— Exchange.
cards Into the fireplace?” Inquired ona
waiter. “ Oh,” replied the other, “ he’«
Game Easy to Play.
I know of no easier or more delight­ the gentleman who tries to rest his
ful occupation than that of managing nerves by playing solitaire.”
other people's business at long dis­
tance and without responsibility for
the result.— Exchange.
amai tv
Our 1912
Annual Catalog
k Cures While You Walk.
1 "
A lle n ’s Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot,
sweating, callus,and sw ollen, aching (eet. Sold
by a ll Druggists. Price 25c. Don’t accent an*
Trial package FREE. A d d re
A liens. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
No Previous Employment.
“ You say, ’Rastus, that you want
work fo r your wife,” said Gunbusta,
eyeing the husky darky before him
from head to foot. "W as she ever em­
ployed before?” ‘‘No, sir," replied the
negro, nonchalantly, "dls am her first
marriage.” ___________________
8msll Light.
“ De man that tries to hide bis light
under a bushel,” said Unci« Eben,
"generally ain’t got light enough to
taka chances on In a awdlnary d r a f f
la up-tudataand talla all about
the beat SEEDS, P L A N T S A
P O U LT R Y FOODS and S U P ­
PLIES, S P R A Y S . P U M P S .
A reliable, truthful guide far
Wcatern buyer». Ask fur Book
No. »4.
Rontledge Seed k Floral Co.
169 Second St.. Portland. Ore.
id a
N o 5—’ 12 .
P. N . U .
W H K N wrttin* to
11 tlon this paper
advertisers, pleeee
Rheumatic Pains
quickly relieved
Sloan's Liniment is good for pain of
any sort It penetrates, without rubbing,
through the muscular tissue right to the
bone—relieves the congestion and gives
permanent as.well as temporary relief.
H e re ’ s P ro o f.
A. W. L a y of Lafayette, Ala., writes:—
•• I had rheumatism for five years. I tried
doctors and several different remedies but
they did not help me. I obtained s bottle
of Sloan’s Liniment which did me so much
good that I would not do without it
lor anything.”
T hdmas L. R ice of F.aston, Pa.,
writes: “ I have used Sloan’s Lini­
ment and find it first-class for rheu­
matic pains.”
Mr. G.G. J o n e s o f Baldwins, L.I.,
writes-.— " I have found Sloan's Iin -
I have used it for broken sinews above the knee
Iment par excellence.
cap caused by a fall, and to my great satisfaction I was able to resume
my duties in leas than three weeks alter the accident.”
is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma.
N o rubbing necessary— you can apply with a brush.
A t mU d o a / e rs. Prtom , 8B o., BOo. 8 $1eOO«
Slum's Book on Horses, Cattle, Sheep snd Poultry sent free.
elf '
non i
ffor .
o CO