«PS IN OINT Elgin Yankees Relieve Britishers Guard­ ing Chinese Railway. Chinese Princes Conter With Dowa­ ger Empress— Premier Refuses to Attend Meeting. Pekin — The Fifteenth regiment o f United States infantry, which is to act as a guard fo r the protection o f a section o f the railroad from Pekin to the coast, has arrived at Chin Wang Tao on board the transport Logan. The American troops, immediately a fter disembarking, were inspected by their commander. A detachment then moved from Chin W ang Tao along the railway to guard the line from Tang Shan to Lanchow, relieving the B rit­ ish troops, which returned to Tientsin. The Princes o f the Imperial clan, a number o f leading Manchu officials and several members o f the government had a protracted conference with the empress dowager at the palace, but again separated without arriving at a decision on the question o f abdica­ tion. Three o f the younger princes, with Tieh Liang, the form er Tartar general at Nanking, would not, how­ ever, agree to the court’s retirement to Jehol, although they did not sug­ gest an alternative. The Mongol princes, who most stren­ uously oppose abdication, are those of inner Mongolia from the districts south o f the desert. Their opposition is strengthened by fear that the Re­ publicans w ill confíscate their estates. Prem ier Yuan Shi K a i was invited several times to participate in the conferences o f the princes, but stead­ fastly refused, as he desired to leave the decision entirely to the court. The situation continues intense. It seems impossible that Pekin can es­ cape eventually a Manchu outbreak. Soldiers belonging to the Imperial body guard openly distributed leaflets summoning the people to defend the constitutional monarchy until death, but it is unlikely that any persons ex­ cept the Manchus w ill fight for the monarchy. It is reported that the irreconcilable Prince Tsai Tao, brother o f the ex-regent, is exciting the Man­ chu troops to cause trouble. = 6 0 -C E N T B U T T E R IN SIGHT. Butter Board Forcing Prices at Chicago. Up Chicago— Sixty-cent butter! Chi­ cagoans faced such a possible record- breaking situation Wednesday, when the retail price o f Elgin creamery butter— the staple o f the market— reached 47 cents in many stores— the highest price in the c ity ’s history, dealers declared— and promised to go much higher within the next few days. The wholesale price, 42J cents a pound, fixed by the Elgin Butter board, broke all wholesale records for 24 years, and commission men de­ clared that advances in the price which would place it high above the present point, seemed inevitable. This addition to the high cost of livin g is blamed by some interested men to the scarcity o f butter, while other persons ascribe it to an alleged trust which is already under investiga­ tion by Federal authorities, or to a corner by Easter houses. The E lgin butter barons raised the price in one day 4 cents. The advance was communicated to the Chicago wholesale market immediatey and had no sooner been shifted to the retail trade than it was tried on the con­ sumer— the only one who cannot shift the burden. Chicago retailers are charging an average o f about 45 cents a pound for fresh butter, and are ready to increase the price as quickly as the butter board gives the word. Retailers are agreed that the price would not stop short o f 50 cents and one dealer ventured to say that 60 cents a pound would not hold it. An injunction to restrain members o f the Chicago Butter & E gg board from continuing to fix the prices o f food w ill be sought in the Federal court, as a result o f their acquiescing in the 40-cent a pound quotation is­ sued by the Elgin Butter board. CHINESE HAIL PREMIER. Congratulations On Escape On Yuan Shi Kai. Pour In Pekin — Congratulations from all quarters, including the legations, have been pouring in on Prem ier Yuan Shi Kai throughout the day. The attack on the premier apparent­ ly has removed doubts in the views o f the Manchus as to his loyalty. Fore­ ign legations declare that Yuan’s death would throw North China into a state o f lawlessness, demanding im­ mediate intervention by the powers. The b elief is general that Yuan is necessary to the transition from the old to the new order. Otherwise a change would make a shambles o f Pekin. The bomb thrower, who is a native o f K w ei Chow, it is said, w ill be executed immediately. It is believed the three Republican cruisers that arrived at Chefoo were convoying troops from Shanghai, which are remaining outside for the present. Three hundred revolution­ ists who recently seized Tangchowfu, in Shantung, were transported to the landing place by a Japanese steamer. Grave disorders are reported in Honan, particularly at Chengchow, where the French minister is consider­ ing the advisability o f calling in the railway employes. There is renewed unrest at Tientsin and serious dis­ orders are prevalent in other places. Bishop Bassford, o f the Methodist Episcopal mission at Shanghai, and other prominent American mission­ aries, have sent a cablegram to the administration at Washington express­ ing the view s that a republic is in­ evitable and is practicable. Appeal is Made to Powers. Nanking — The Republican govern­ ment has sent an appeal to the powers for recognition. This took the form o f a circular, which was sent to Wash­ ington, Tokio, London, Paris, Berlin and St. Petersburg, and was signed by W ang Chung W ei, the foreign minis­ ter o f the republic. It appears certain that fighting w ill be resumed unless the demands o f the Republicans are met. These include abdication o f the throne, a capital other than Pekin, and exclusion o f all Manchus from the provisional govern­ ment. Prem ier Yuan Shi Kai cannot parti­ cipate in the provisional government o f China until the republic has been recognized by the foreign powers and the country has been restored to peace and harmony. The decided action by the Republi­ can government was due to Premier Yuan Shi K a i’s demand that Dr. Sun Y a t Sen resign the presidency, per­ m itting Yuan Shi K ai to exercise sov­ ereign powers until the national con­ vention, which is to be called to de­ cide on the form o f government o f China, shall have reached a conclus­ ion. In the meantime Prem ier Yuan Shi K ai desires the court to retire, Russia Joins With Powers. temporarily transferring its powers to him. Washington, D. C.— The Russians The court, however, objected to w ill join with the American, British, leaving Pekin until the national con­ French, German and Japanese forces vention has reached a decision. in keeping every avenue o f communi­ cation from Pekin to the sea open. Washington Sees Crisis. Already the Russians are occupying Washington, D. C.— The cabled ap­ the East station o f the Imperial rail­ peal fo r recognition o f the Chinese way o f North China at Tien-tsin, and Republicans, signed by Wang Chung the railway line from Pekin to the W ei, was received by the State de­ open port o f Chin Wan Tao are now partment. being guarded. M inister Calhoun re­ It is regarded as marking a serious ported these facts to the State depart­ crisis in the important negotiations ment, but did not record any marked going now in China for the restoration efforts for the restoration o f peace. o f peace to the distracted country, for the decision o f the State department Swedish Women to Vote. upon the appeal is certain to have Stockholm, Sweden— Women hence­ great influence on the five other pow­ ers interested in the situation. It is forth are to take a full and equal share probable the department w ill not move with men in the political life o f Swe­ in the m atter until it has conferred den. The speech from the throne at the opening o f the Riksdag contained with these powers. the announcement that a bill was to be introduced enfranchising women and Brigade Post Ordered. making them eligib le at elections to Denver— W . Frank Noot, construct­ the Riksdag on the same conditions as ing engineer o f the United States men. E very Swede more that 24 years army post at Fort Logan, has received o f age and not under any legal disabil­ a telegram from the quartermaster ity has the right to vote. general at Washington ordering him Salmon Pack $29.869,000. to sail for Honolulu from San Fran­ Seattle — The Pacific Coast salmon cisco February 8 and to begin at once the construction o f a complete brigade pack for 1911 was valued at $29,869,- post fo r permanent occupancy at the 000, according to a statement prepared earliest possible date. The order is by the Puget Sound Cannery Packers’ believed to be related to the recent association. Twenty-one new salmon discovery by the United States gov­ canneries w ill be constructed and oper­ ernment that 65,000 former Japanese ated in Alaska during the coming sea­ son. The silver salmon pack on Puget soldiers are in Hawaii. sound in 1911 was the largest ever made o f this species. City Jail Boldly Robbed. San Diego— W hile the prisoners in Fowls Cause Gold Rush. the city jail, locked in their cells, Minitonas, Manitoba— As the result slept Saturday night a th ief ransacked the place, stole neckties, shirts and o f the finding o f nuggets o f gold in other articles o f value and succeeded numerous fowls killed upon the E lliott in evading the guards and biding the farm, four miles from here, stores and booty. The thefts were discovered shops have been closed here while in the morning when the prisoners their keepers hastened to the place to More than (0 w ere called for trial. A search o f , stake out claims. every man in the place was made and I claims already have been marked out every cell was ransacked, but neither and scores o f persons are hastening to the th ief nor property could be found. the spot. L A T E D A T E FAVORED. T A B L E TOP IMMUNE TO HEAT Bill to Change Time o f Presidential Inauguration Advanced. How Surface of Antique Furniture Was Made to Defy Hot Plates and Dishes. TUFI IS ECO NO M ICAL President Would Have Budget and Extend Civil S e m e . Washington, D. C.— The House ju- ! diciary committee has ordered favora- bly reported the Henry resolution, changing the date o f the presidential inauguration from March 4 to the last Thursday in A pril, and the terms o f representatives in congress to begin \ OFFICIAL DIRECTORY CHURCHES. Church o f the Visitation, Verboort — Rev. L. A. LeM iller, pastor. Sun­ I was staying with an antique furni­ day Early Mass at 8 a. m ; H igh ture enthusiast the other day and was Mass at 10:30 a. m.; Vesper at 3:00 very much interested to find that hot p. m. W eek days Mass at 8:30 a. m. plates and dishes seem to have no ef­ Christian Science Hall, 115 Fifth fect on his old gate-leg dining table, says a writer in the Philadelphia In­ st., between First and Second ave. South— Services Sundays at 11 a. m .; quirer. , I inquired how It was managed, and Sunday school at 12 m.; mid week meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. this is what he told me: I ... w hen . ,he . . . tahle waa bought, , the first Free Methodist church, Fourth st.. Recommends Continuance o f C o m ­ the second Tuesday in January instead mission On Efficiency Because ( o f on March 4. These changes would 1 1 be effective A pril, 1917, and January, o f Good Beginning Made. 1918, respectively. I ^ r , ° Ve V T T>rst and Second Avenue. The resolution would provide for on This he did by scrubbing V w U h ™ ' Lei*e’ Pastor- Sunday School a t Washington, D. C.— How the people extension o f the term o f the „resident Z t w a t.r t0 whlch ¿ g o o d ^ lo w a n c S ° *' m ; ‘ ’T * ' " 8 at ] } a,'d Prayer meetlng W e d n e » o f the United States may have saved elected in 1912 to the last Thursday in of wash|ng powder had been added. I ‘ „3 7P‘ N 8 j When the whole was off. the wood was a> 1 • P- m for them millions o f dollars annually A p n l 1917. Seventh Day Adventist Church. 3rd ^ nl r! ! 3m ^ i l . ? ° " Ve. n A . a.n" Ua iw0“ rlnsed wlth clear, warm water, and in the operation o f their governmental the second Tuesday in January. This then rubbed over with a cloth dip- street— Sabbath schol 2 p. m., preach- machinery was outlined by President would leave the biennial elections in p e j ¡n vinegar and water (equal q u a n -1 Ing 3 p. m. each Saturday. Midweek T a ft in a message to congress on “ economy and efficiency in the go v­ November, except in Maine and \ er- titles.) You'll probably think that aft- prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. T e v e r a l Democratic members re- [er « such such harsh harsh treatment treatment It it was was ruined, ruined, m. A cordial welcome. H. W. Vali­ ernment service.” mer, Elder. “ What the government does with se rved the right to amend the resolu ' but it wasn't. | A fte r applying the vinegar and wa- nearly $1,000,000,000 each y ea r,” said tion on the floor. Catholic Services. Rev. J. R. Buck, . | ter, he rubbed It as dry as possbile, the president, “ is o f as much concern pastor. Forest Grove— Chapel at cor. The bill also would ... . . glv<: c° n8re*s alld when dry he started to polish It to the average citizen as is the man­ constitutional of 3rd street and 3rd avenue south. power to leg.slate as to ; with boiled llnseed 0„ Gne P an b ner o f obtaining this amount o f money succession where there is a vacqpcy on it ,, 1st and 4th Sundays of the niontb. d for use at any oil and for the public use.” Mass at 8:30; 2nd and 3rd Sunday* account o f the death or inability o f pajnt sbop Probably the most radical proposal the president-elect and vice president-| - n , .. ,, of the month, Mass 10:30. Cornelius advanced by the president in this mes­ elect between the time o f the electoral 1IO™ ““ Ht‘ le ° f ,he, ° ' 1 or; * — 1st Sunday of the month. Mass at sage was that all adm inistrative offi­ votes and the inauguration. ^ to poli.h with 10:30; 3rd Sunday of the raontli, K cers o f the government in the depart­ “ There is a complete hiatus here at ” S T ;“ ' T and roucd- Mass at 8:00. Seghers— 2nd Sunday ' jft - ments at Washington and in the field present,” said Mr. Henry, “ and ' ,' h* “ he f 0“ 1 8,1, ° ver ,,he 8ur‘ Mass at 8:00; 4th J 'ace he polished well with a clean soft of the month. be put under the civil service: be re­ should these officials die or become moved from the influence o f politics totally disabled between those dates, duster till all t;ace of the oil was Sunday of the month. Mass at 10:3Le table, ft! ing the erection o f a public building H is now pi dished ver.- occasionally P" “ ° rhln schoo‘ a‘ fi10 ra : iiv w i t h „ u t i . . t , . - , ™ , . ! ___ „ „ J u - _ . (Preaching at 11 a. m . and 8:00 p . m . ; at Roseburg Or., to cost $150,000. >nly, with a 11'.tie turpentine and bees- 1 Prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p. Representative La Follette, o f •ax, made su thin that it can be m. Washington, introduced four public haken up In u bottle. building bills calling for appropria­ Congregational Church, College I have cornu back terribly dissatls- tions as follow s: Pasco, $150,000; led with my own French polish din- ! W a3‘ and Flr*t ave. north. Rev. IX Dayton, $125,000; Davenport and j ng table, which shows a white mark T. Thomas— Sunday school 10 a. m.; W aterville, $100,000 each. Morning service 11 a. m.; evening, m the slightest provocation. Senator Jones, o f Washington, in­ 8:00 p. m.; Junior C. E. at 3 p. m.; troduced the follow ing public building Senior C. E. at 6:30 p. m. bills: Ellensburg, $200,000; W en­ SECRETS OF TOAST-MAKING LODGES. atchee, $200,000; Aberdeen, $150,000; Knights of Pythias— Delphos Anacortes, $50,000; Blaine, $50,000; lut Bread Night Before so That 8ur- No. 36, meets every Thursday Centralia, $150,000; Colfax, $150,- face In Dry Before It 000; Hoquiam, $150,000; W aterville, of P. Hall. Chas. Staley, C. C.; l i Toasted. $50,000; also increase in appropria­ Ludwig. Keeper of Records and tions for building at Everett from The secret of having crisp toast Is G. A. R.— J. B. Mathews Post No. $120,000 to $350,000. io cut the bread the night before, so 6, meete the first and third W ednes­ Senator Poindexter introduced a bill that the surface is dry before It Is day of each month at 1:30 p. in., in appropriating $45,000 for establishing 1 toasted, Another trick Is to have the k . o f P. hall. John Baldwin, Con*- additional aids to navigation in P u g e t' slices when toasted stood up on edge 1 sound, also a bill making appropria- In some place where they can be kept mander. L. Masonic— Holbrook Lodge No. 30. tion o f $85 000 for a public building b0t until they «.re served. I f the slices at Wenatchee.___________ _ _ j , re p]ace(j ono on top 0f the other A. F. & A. M., regular meetings held first Saturday in each month. D. D. u lei URGE W A T E R W A Y IM P R O V E M E N T thay b« C0I" e *"«*/ • Bump, W. M.; A. A. Ben Kori, sec­ For toast that Is to be used as the Foundation for poached eggs, mush­ retary. Hawley Will Also Introduce Bills for rooms or any creamed food, half an W. O. W.— Forest Grove Camp Not New Project*. nch Is the correct thickness, hot 98, meets In Woodmen Hall, e very Washington, D. C.— Representative water is distributed over It evenly Saturday. A. J. Parker, C. C.; James Hawley w ill go before the rivers and with a small spoon, and melted butter H. Davis, Clerk. harbors committee to present argu­ spread on with a bristle brush, which Artisans— Diamond Assembly No. ments in support o f appropriations comes foi the purpose. People who 27, meete every Tuesday In K. o f recommended fo r waterways improve­ llsllk the softness produced iy this P. Hall. C. B. Stokes, M. A ; John o course, preserve the ments in Western Oregon, both for treaemen, 'a Boldrick, Secretary. projects under way and new projects cris. n »t* o f th « toaut by omitting the Rebekahs— Forest Lodge Noi 4>dl.s which have been recommended since io water Often when bread t very the last river and harbor bill was stale. It may be steameo a little be- meets the first, third and fifth W ed­ passed. Fore It Is toasted otherwise X t so nesdays of each month. Miss A lica He w ill present to the committee a hard that ever th« lies o f teeth rebel Crook, N. G.; Secretary, Miss Carria statement showing that the people o f at It. Housekeeper« who do not pos­ Austin. Western Oregon have pledged them­ sess ancient silver toast racks have I. O. O. F.— Washington Lodge Not selves to contribute $1,700,000 toward been heard to say that these only act 48, meets every Monday In I. O. O. K. the improvement o f their various r iv ­ is coolers for the slices they hold, and Hall. Wm. Van Antwerp, N. G .;. ers and harbors and this amount w ill .hat they are not desirable at all. On. ] Robert Taylor, Secretary. be raised by local communities i f con­ the other hand, a covered toast dish Modern Woodmen o f Am erica-— gress authorizes the appropriation holds the heat and steams the slices o f the governm ent’s share. to sogginess In a ishort time. The Camp No. 6228, meets th e second-and: Sana surest way to have perfect toast fourth Friday of each month. ¡Harriman Records Safe. seems to be to dispense with the an­ Marshal, Consul; Geo. G. Paterson, N ew York— A n xiety o f the officials cient formalities and take to ultra­ Clerk. Rosewood Camp, No. 3835 R. N . o f the Union and Southern Pacific modern Inventions, such as the elec­ A., meets first and third Fridays o f railways was relieved when a steeple­ tric toaster, which stands on the table each month In I. O. O. F. Hall. Mra. jack scaled the walls o f the burned it milady's elbow and makes the toast M. S. Allen, Oracle; Mrs. W innifred Equitable building and found the re­ -while you wait.” Aldrich, Recorder. cord books o f the two railway compan­ Gale Grange No. 282, P. o f I I , ies intact in the vaults on the third Sponge Rings with Fruit. meets the first Saturdays o f each floor, although that part o f the build­ Make a sponge cake by using two ing was a mass o f wreckage. The •ggs, half cup o f sugar, half cup o f month In the K. o f P. Hall. A. T . books include the names and addresses lour and half feaspoonful o f baking Buxton, Master; Mrs. H. J. R lc«t o f stockholders, and had they not been powder. Bake In a ring mold. Serve Secretary. found, a tedious canvass through this by removing from the mold and Into C ITY, and foreign countries would have been the center piling cut oranges, o r or­ Mayor— ,1. A. Thornburgh. necessary. anges and bananas. This may be Recorder— R. P. W lrtz. served with foamy sauce, made as Treasurer— E. B. Sapplngton. Device Vanquishes Death. National Road Proposed. follows: One cup of milk, two tnble- Chief of Police— P. W. Watkins. Chicago — Four persons have been Washington, D. C.- -The considera­ Bpoons of butter, half cup o f sugar, Street Commissioner— E. B. Say- saved from the grave in Chicago with­ tion o f an ocean-to-ocean “ National me tablespoon o f cornstarch, one egg. plngton. in 24 hours by a little machine, a re­ Old Trails Road” to embrace the Moisten the cornstarch In a small por- Health Officer— Dr. J. S. Bishop. cent invention, so small that it can be Braddock road, Cumberland road. N a -jtion o f milk. Scald the remainder, Counollmen—Chas. Hines, fltnirge S. carried in a suitcase. In three cases in tional pike, Boone’s Lick road, Santa stir In the cornstarch and add the but- Allen, V. S. Abraham, Carl I>. Hln- one day and one case the next, the de­ Fe trail, Kearney’s road, Oregon trail ter. Beat the whit« o f the egg until tnen. O. M. Sanford and John Mc- vice has restored respiration. As the and other famous highways o f the stiff and fold into the custard care­ Nanier. early days was proposed in a bill in­ City School. fully. machine pumps oxygen into the lungs, it draws out the poisoneous gases. It troduced by Representative Borland, School Directors— M. Peterson, Mra, was invented by a German named o f Missouri. It would provide a 60- Edward Seymour, H. T. Buxton. Fruit Cake. Draeger. It is called the “ pulmotor. ” foot highway fiom Washington to San Clerk— R. P. Wlrtz. One pound butter, two pounds brown It is owned by an electrical company, Francisco and Olympia, Wash., the |Justlce of the Peace— W. .1. R. Beach. sugar, six eggs well beaten, three Constable— Carl Hoffman. which maintains two operators and an cost to be borne equally by the Federal pounds flour, half teaspoon soda dis­ and state governments. automobile free for emergency cases. COUNTY. solved In teaspoon o f hot water, half pound blanched nnd chopped almonds, Jtidg«-— R. O. Stevenson. Texas Wants Soldiers. Trust Control Opposed. two pounds currants, two pounds rai­ Sheriff— George G. Hancock. Washington, D. C. — Representative Washington, D. C. — Government sins (seedless), half pound citron (cut Clerk— John Bailey control o f trusts, which he termed Bdrleson, o f Texas, has emphatically line), half pound lemon peel (candled), Recorder— T. L. Perkins. “ plutocratic socialism,” was de­ protested to President T a ft against a j Treasurer- E. B. Sappington. recent W ar department order remov- ha'f P °und Prun'!8 <»,ltted and. " oak* d Surveyor—Geo. McTee. nounced by Senator Reed, o f Missouri, and chopped), half pound New Or­ Coroner— E. C. Brown. at the banquet here o f the American ing the Sixth cavalry and the Twenty- leans molasses, half teaspoon all kind» Commissioners— John McClaran, Joha Meat Packers, association. He de­ third infantry from the Texas border. of spice. Nyberg. clared such control would lead to "p ro ­ Mr. Burleson told the president con­ School Sup’t— M. C. Case. letariat socialism,” that the only d if­ ditions in Mexico should be investi­ Pie Cruat. ference was in the division o f the prof­ gated further before any more troops S. P. TIM E TAB LE . The president w ill its between a few and all the people, were sent out. H ere is my way of making pie cruav North Bound. and that the common socialists “ had take the subject up with Secretary o f V>r two pies. T w o and one-half cups W ar Stimson. all th* better o f the argu m en t” if flour, one heaping teaspoon o f bak­ Sheridan No. 4 ........................8:27 a. m. ing powder, salt. Sift all together. Corvallis No. 2 ........................4:53 p. m. Enlistment Figures Given. Mltltant Suffragist Out. South Bound. Mix in with hands, one cup o f lard, Washington. D. C.— Secretary o f cold w ater to roll. Mix with silver Corvallis No. 1 ....................... 8:44 a. m. Chicago— Mrs. A lice B right Parker Sheridan Nr. 3 ....................... 6:<0 p. m. has resigned her affiliations with the W ar Stimson sent a report to the sen­ knife. Illinois Equal Suffrage league. She ate showing that in the past ten years SUBSCRIBE FOR was form erly head o f the” league's j original enlistments in the army have Glngertnaps. averaged annually 19,373; re-enlist- publicity bureau. H a lf cup molass«*. half cup sugar, It was said that the action resulted menta 10,219; discharges upon expir- T h « L lv « Pmp+r with All#th«*'N«wp. Only $1 over a discussion as to whether more ation o f enlisted terms 18,103; dis- half cup butter and lard, three table­ p «r year. The Preen ie ¡equipped to dr. eari spectacular and m ilitant measures charges for disability, 1,224; for spoons hot water, three cups flour, doM, the Brat Job Printing. Everything lm. were necessary in Illinois. Mrs. ' courtmartial 2,556; for desertion 5,- one teaspoon s< da, three teaspoons ginger: salt thin line done to pleaae.l P^ieea'Hght. Parker stands fo r militancy. i 107, and through death 512. economy and efficiency. The view that these various offices are to be filled as a result o f political considera­ tion has for its consequence the neces­ sity that the president and members o f congress devote to matters o f pat­ ronage, time which they should devote to questions o f policy and administra­ tion.” “ I ask,” said the president, “ the continuance o f this commission on economy and efficiency, because o f the excellent beginning which has been made towards the reorganization o f the machinery o f this government on business principles. 1 ask it because its work is entirely non-partisan in character and ought to apply to every citizen who wishes to g iv e effective­ ness to popular government in which we feel a just pride. I sincerely hope that congress w ill not, in its anxiety to reduce ‘expenditures, economize by cutting off an appropriation which is likely to offer greater opportunity for real economy in the future than any other estimated fo r.” To date, the president said, fthe commission had cost the people about $130,000. W ithout having put in e f ­ fect more than a few reforms it has suggested changes that w ill save $2,- 000,000 a year. In many ways, the president in­ formed congress, a decrease in the cost o f government might be assured. There is need, he said, o f reorganiza­ tion o f the government departments, a consolidation and a weeding out o f bureaus that overlap in their work; scores o f “ local offices” throughout the country should be abolished, and hundreds o f political appointees who do but little work should be taken off the payroll. The Treasury department, Mr. T a ft showed, looked a fter the nationl’s finances and the life-saving service. The commission, he said, had recom­ mended the abolition o f the revenue cutter service, which would mean a saving o f $1,000,000 a year. The president urged the adoption o f the “ budget system ," which would bring before congress, the press and the people o f the country not only the proposed expenditures o f the govern­ ment, but its revenues. “ The United States is the only great nation whose government is operated without a budget,” he said. Later, the president declares, he in­ tends to send to congress a plan for the retirement o f civil service employ­ es on pensions. THE FOREST GROVE PRESS ■■