F o rest G rove P ress Published & E dited by T h e Pres« Publishing Co. in th e C ity of F o rest G rove , O regon , ...................... P resident Pres. J . N . H o f f m a n ...... S e c ’y and an ag u r A. G. H offm an , . G a r d n e r ...................... Vice O. THURSDAY of EACH WEEK. I n d epen den t P hones O f f ic e 505 R e sid e n c e 442 K ntered a t th e poet office a t F o rest Grove, Otfn as mail m a tte r of th e second class. T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n CASH IN ADVANCE One Year $1.00 - Six o nths .75 BY HENRY RUSSELL MILLER C O P Y R IG H T , 1 9 1 0 , B Y BOBBS M E .1 iL R .lL L C O . H agglu hnd been a prizefighter and b u ttle w hich still lives unparalleled In Display ad v e rtise m e n ts fo r publica­ tion in th e P R E S S m u st be in th is office successful one. H istory records bow Irish to w n an n als. not later than T uesday evening to in- t,e fought n tw en ty round d r a w - b n r e Man fo r man In point of size, w eight eure appearance in c u rre n t issue. fists—with Donuelly, th e heavyw eight an d courage th e tw o w ere equally The n ext w as tb e hardest an d tb e g reatest m om ent In H aggln's life. Un­ d er the bully w as hidden a crude m an­ hood. H e tu rn ed to his conqueror and said slowly: “Ye Ucked me. Bob McAdoo, fa ir an' square. T h a t goes. Ye’re th e only m an us ever done It. T here a in 't a n ­ other m an In tb e city can do It. Shake!” "Sure,” said Bob heartily, grasping tb e ou tstretch ed band. "T he d rin k s Is on me.” H aggln con­ tinued paiufully, th u s coinpletlug the public acknow ledgm ent of his defeat as required by Irish to w n etiquette. W hile th e d rin k s w ere being poured and consum ed Bob took llag g lu by tb e arm and led him Into tb e re a r room, w hither m any u longing glance w as cast, but none d ared follow. “ H agglu.” he snid gruffly, "y o u 're a man. W h at’s th e use of you and me llgbtln’? I can lick you a fte r to n ig h t— th a t’s right, ain’t It?” “T h a t goes.” H aggln assented. "W hen 1 w ent Into th is political game.” Bob continued. “It w as to help tbe sq u ire out. B ut I like It. an d I'm In It to stay now —fo r m yself. I'v e got you licked th is tim e. I can go on lickin' you If 1 have to. b u t I d o n 't w ant to have to. Now. w h a t's th e m atter w ith me au d you bangin' to­ g ether lu tilts deal. B etw een us w e can bold this w ard so no one can h u rt us. W h at do you say ?” “Shake ag ain .” said H aggln huskily. "You’re n m an.” T hus H agglu w as conquered an d be­ cam e Bob’s fa ith fu l retainer. T he squire w ns renom inated and la te r re ­ elected w ithout opposition. rw vv “ Bonbonniere” for fine Cigars, Candies and Nuts i-\, COURTEOUS TREATMENT li I Waiting for One at R. A. PHELPS, Prop. the Plate Pacific Avenue T he Bankers i . Merchants Mutual Fire Assn of m atched. On Iln g g ln 's side th e re w as tb e ad v an ta g e of superior science and tb e cool generaIsbip o f tb e tra in e d box­ er. B ut Bob w as tb e born tighter, and Writes the Most Conservative Line of Commercial and honor to buy Its drinks from th e only his m uscles w ere bard and elastic as Dwelling Insurance of Any Mutual Company in the m an th a t had ever given Donnelly a tb e steel w hose forging bad developed State. It will Pay You to Protect Your Prop­ EXAMPLE IS CITED hard tight. So th a t H aggln waxed them , w hereas bis an tag o n ist bad been and sported m any d ia­ y e a rs o u t o f train in g . Amid a tense si­ erty with One of Our Policies The Forest Grove Press has al­ prosperous monds. It w as a natu ral re su lt o f his lence, broken only by tbe shuttling of ways been of the opinion that popularity and business th a t be should th e ir feet, they faced eucb o th er and street paving of this city can be go luto politics. He developed a cer­ began th e com bat. Coolly, w arily, sav- crude genius for tb e game. He agely they fought, tw o splendid brutes, done much more cheaply than has tain w as good n atu re d —when not opposed, b easts o f prey th irstin g fo r each o th ­ been done by the employment of l i e knew bow to be generous, w beu to e r's blood. S uddenly H ag g ln feinted, then bitulithic pavemen£!The Press has be generous w as a good policy. And T o be continued. Report of the Condition of learned to organize his henchmen. bro u g h t bis rig h t c rash in g to Bob’s bad much to say on this subject be B ut beneath all w ere bis fam e and tem ple. F o r an in s ta n t Bob w as num b and it is a pleasure to the pub­ skill ns a tighter. C onsequently be ed and blinded w ith pain. T hen all lisher to note the interest that is becam e tbe undisputed a u to c ra t of feeling o f h u rt le ft him. H e saw as FOREST GROVE, OREGON in g s political In tbe F ourth w ard. though a red film bad been lowered being taken by residents of the th Now the overage A m erican, especial­ before his eyes. H is thin lips drew At the Clote of Bu»ine»»— December 5, 1911 city of Forest Grove in the mat­ ly th e Irish-A m erican, love« fa ir play bnck cruelly, uud he pressed forw ard ter of cheaper pavement. There and lias a sn eak in g adm iration for tbe to m eet tb e o n slau g h t of H aggln. who is little doubt that a pavement u n d er dog. Bob already had a certain had tb o u g b t to finish him w ith one personal following, which nucleus be m ore blow. T h ere w as a short, fierce RESOURCES equally as serviceable as bitulith­ began system atically to augm ent. interchange, th e n —no one knew Just Loans and Discounts......................................$115,130.16 ic can be put down in Forest "T h is young McAdoo of th e F o u rth bow It huppened—It w as all over. Hag- United States and Other Bonds .................... 75,253.19 Grove at a much smaller cost, Is a co rk er.” said the g re a t M acFhersun. Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures...... 11,616.38 "O f course. H aggln ’ll beat him ; tbe Cash and Exchange......................................... 59,994.15 than that which was paid for the old g ra fte r has too stro n g a g rip on his $261,893.88 pavement here. The letter, w urd to lose tills time. B ut th e young­ LIABILITIES ste r will bear w atching In th e fu tu re .” which is printed on the first page “ Say, now. th is Is a Ught!" H ag­ Capital and Surplus.........................................$ 60,000.00 Undivided Profits............................................ 2,786.35 of this issue of the Press, writ­ gln exclaim ed w hen reports began to Circulation....................................................... 50,000.00 ten to President F^rrin by the com e In to him. Deposits .......................... 149,108.53 B ut (he Ught cam e to a m ost u nex­ »261,893.88 mayor of Independence, K. C. pected ending. Eldridge, is conclusive proof that T h e second night before th e prim a­ 8 i^ a good and serviceable pavement ries Irlsh to w u w as In a frenzy of ex­ * The BEST all-round Family can be procured for the residence citem en t. T h e saloons w ere crow ded, tbe stre e ts H l l v e w ith eager, e x p ectan t | Sewing Machine that can be pro­ section of this city at a much men and boys. A rep o rter o f one of duced. Made in both ROTARY j smaller cost than that of bitu­ th e m orning papers entered Mnlouey’s lithic. The Press feels that it is saloon uud accosted Bob. and VIBRATOR styles. i ’ ” 1 hear." th e rep o rter rem arked its duty to work for the interests w ith w h at w as ineuut ns an In g ra tia t­ The rotary makes both LOCK 1 1 of the residents of Forest Grove, ing smile, “th a t you Intend visiting I and CHAIN stitch. The latest and in taking up this matter of H u g g lu ’s saloon." up to the minute steel attach­ to “An ass." Bob answ ered dryly, am id pavements we are attempting to tb e guffaw s o f his followers, “h av in ’ ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name forestall the perplexing question long ears, cau h e a r a lot th a t a in ’t bis of what kind of pavement should bu sin ess.” and address for our beautiful Me Namer & Wirtz, Proprietors rep o rter flushed angrily. “I told be employed. Mayor Eldridge th T e h e sam H. T. catalogue free. e th in g to H agglu." he said speaks so confidently of the char­ spitefully, “and he said If you entered W hite Sewing M achine Co. acter of pavement laid in Inde­ his saloon he’d kick you out. ’Knock and Tillam ook Stage Lines. th e stiff’s block off’ w ere bis exact pendence that the Press feels w ords. I believe." 1640 Market S t justified in asking that a halt be T b e crow d stood ag h ast. I t w as a T H E R E WAS Á SHORT. F I E R C E INTER- San Francisco C alifornia made in further improvements challenge. CHANGE. “ Is th n t so?” L eisurely Bob em p­ until a cheaper pavement is found tied his bottle of beer and th en w ith ­ th e m ighty, lay on the floor, help­ than that of bitulithic at present out u word left th e saloon, follow ed gin. less and groaning, bis head rolling from a t n respectful dlstunce by frleuda, aide to aide In tb e futile effort to raise prices charged. torn betw een delight and fear. him self. Flnggln sa t In tb e re a r room of his “ B ring som e w a te r.” Bob ordered. It is not uncommon to see men saloon trying to m aintain a co n v ersa­ The b a rten d er brought a bucketful, and small hoys on our streets tion w ith som e of his lieutenants, a w ith which Bob carelessly deluged bis m a tte r because of tbo tu m u lt p ro stra te antagonist. Then he turned Office», w ith Forest G rove Press, H offm an Building. publicly throwing or pitching difficult In th e o u ter room. Suddenly the to th e bar. pennies and nickels at a mark or clum or ceased; blauU silence enveloped "T h e boys ’ll ta k e an o th er round of L aw Office, M. B. Bump, H illsboro. line, the winner taking the coin. th e saloon. H uggln sprang to his feet th e sam e they ordered before," be said and rushed to th e door. T h ere he lu d ry sarcasm . GUARANTEES RELIABLE SERVICE The example is had and in direct stopped short, petrltied by am azem ent T be s|>ell w as broken. The crow d of violation to the law as to gam­ a t tb e sig h t before him. for th e re by men who bad In aw ed silence w atched th e b a r In the m idst o f au aw estru ck , th e com bat. McAdoo follow ers and bling. dazed crow d low ered Boh McAdoo. H aggln ad h eren ts alike, cheered tbe Bob cultuly stru ck u m utch and victor, each trying to shake his hand, People like to read and think lighted his cigar. "L ine up. boys!" he a fam iliarity which he coldly denied m anded. them and fo r the refusal of w hich they about shopping before they go to com Slowly, m echanically, os u n d e r a strangely adm ired bliu the more H ag the store. Liberal advertising com pulsion they could not resist, the gin. stag g erin g to his feet, looked ou O f Y our Time, Please tells the public thnt the merchant men moved to th e bar. dum bly, uncomprehending!)-. “ W h a t’ll you have? Tbltf Is on Jim "W h a t—w h a t's th e m atter?" be m ut­ is making good. Nine times out Melmttey, Don’t let that cold go any longer boys.” tered thickly. of ten the merchant who does Not a man d ared to nam e hU d rink. "Y e're licked. Tom H aggln! Dob for the result may be disastrous advertise wants to sell o u t, ow­ "H u m p h !“ Bob sneered. “ W hisky McAdoo licked ye!" they yelled derl to you. “A stitch in time saves for mine. T he best In ih e house, b nr- slvely. ing to lack of patronage. keep.” he ordered sharply. T he b a r­ “ Ye d id n 't lick m«. Ye never licked nine”, is too true. Take our tender moved feurfuily to obey. Cold Tablets me, Bob McAdoo. My God!" H is “Good Health” Good potatoes $1.00 per hun- T hen H aggln cam e to him self. W ith voice rose to a loud shriek, the u iron li­ right in the first attack and they a low grow l he spriiug lu front of Hob, ed cry of a m onarch who sees bU Ired at Hartrampf’s feed store. w ho n o nchalantly lisiked lilm over. will break it up anc prevent a kingdom fo rev er d ep arted front him Will deliver. Phone 50x. "N ot a drluk d 'y e get In th is house, are in a b e tte r position th an ev er to “ Yea. I did." Bob said sternly. "A nd long siege of sickness. Don’t put Bob McAdoo," H aggln raged. "N ot a If you w ant more of tbe saute, come it off. Get a box now and have drin k , d ’ye hear? An' git o u t o' th is on.” do all kinds of Fine C om m ercial P rin t­ E S T A B L IS H E D l'W . saloon, q u ic k -se e !" B ut H nggln did not come on. He them on hand. They have cured Bob's only a n sw e r w as to ta k e the took one step to w ard Boh, then a new, others and they’ll cure you. ing on short notice, having ju st recently b o ttle from th e b arten d er's uncertain u n fainfllnr sensation entered his h eart Remember the “Good Health” hand, pour him self a liberal portion —fe a r—fe a r of tbe big young man who installed new m achinery and a com ­ i Cold Tablets are sold only by sml sw allow It s t a gulp T hen he stood tx-fore him. All kind« of seized a glass of w a te r and tuesed Its plete line of the latest styles of type faces "My G od.” he groaned tnsiraely. “ye c o n ten ts full luto H aggln's face. did lick m e!" T hen In a pitiful a t­ T h e crow d breathed |iatnfully. tem p t to g a th e r tb e ta tte r s of his lost Phone 901. H aggln dashed tb e w ater from his p restig e around tb e nakedneea o f h!a K itim at«« given on Kimt- eyes an d shook bis g re a t list before Clara W ork and Stock Only Bob's face, " l l ’ve know w hat th a t d efeat be yelled a g ain : "B u t ye coaid never 'a ' done It w hen I w as to tr a in ­ BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STA TEM ENTS, tU-M F ourth S t., Opponitv t'ity Hall m eans. Bob McAdoo?" he roared. " It in'. Ye n ev er could." J. S. Loynes & Son m entis you got to light." A d erisiv e shout w ent up. “ H a." LEGAL BLANKS, PO STER S, BRIEFS, EN V EL­ "All right.” Bob responded ch eerfu l­ Portland, Oregon sueered one. m erstw h ile supporter. ly. "T h a t's w h at I'm here for.” OPES, CALLING CARDS, ETC. U p-to-date w ork lain 86*1 A 1115 T hen began Bob’s last list fight, a “I t ’s easy enough to say th a t now. I when ih e r s ’s no ch ance o' provln' It." on short notice. W ith tb e bellow of a m ad bull H ag ­ gln sp ra n g to w a rd tb e s|w aiter, w bo fled tb e saloon. T h e ex-puglllet, grim ■ u