Knees Became Stiff SAW HIS RIB CUT OUT Aspasta! 1 have done with these F ive Y e a r« o f Severe R h e u m a tis m 1 cares, with these reflections. Little The cure of Henry J. Goldstein, 14 ' o f life Is remaining, but my happl- Barton Street, Boston, Mass., Is anoth­ er victory by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. j ness will be coetaneous with It. and MAN UNDERGOES PA IN F U L OPER- This great medicine has succeeded In my renown will survive It; for there many cases where others have utterly Is no example of a n f who has gov- failed. Mr. Goldstein says: “I suf­ i erned a state so long, without a sln- fered from rheumatism five years, It gl® act of revenge or malice, of kept me from business and caused ex­ In the thirty- Nervy Michigan Patient Is Consclobs cruciating pain. My knees would be­ cruelty or severity. for 45 Minutes While Surgeons Op­ come as stiff as steel. 1 tried many seven years of my administration I medicines without relief, then took have caused no citizen to put on erate to Relieve Congestion Hood’s Sarsaparilla, soon felt much of the Lungs. better, and now consider myself en­ mourning. On this rock. Oh, Aspasta! stand my Propylaea and my Par­ tirely cured. I recommend Hood’s.” Get It today In usual liquid form or thenon.----- W alter Savage Landor: Saginaw. Mich.— Knowing that he chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. Pericles and Asnasla. had heart trouble which would great­ _____________ ly endanger his life If he took gn an­ Cultivate Art of Cookery. aesthetic, Ferdinand Heyman of this RUBBER ft* To cook Is an art of arts, within, city submitted to a painful surgical •nd Ribbon Pmdgm. Good Goods. Quick Service, fiend for complete CataloRue No. 26. Acme Stamp j however, the reach of any who will operation which lasted 45 minutes, W orks, 1015 A St., Tacoma, Wash. take the trouble to master its alphabet during which he never lost eonscious- and giaduate Into its higher branches, ness. The surgeons removed part of ASTHMA CAN BE CURED That one may become an artist by this one of his ribs to relieve a conges- Instant relief. Try our irreat Asthma Remedy. study is not promised. Artists are tion of his lungs caused by the gath- Send for f R f f fIRST TREAT MEINT. But a ering of a considerable quantity of Henri Millar Remedy Co., 721 io. L St. Tanxu. Wuk. the born, not made product. knowledge of cookery in the finer fluid in his cheFt. Heyman is 23 The surgeons declare that Second-Hand Machin­ branches will bo an aid to culture Just ! years old. ery bought, sold and as a knowledge of the languages helps 'he is the nerviest patient they ever exchanged: engines, the comprehension of literature, ' Baw boiler*, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 76 1st to fit., Portland. Send for Slock List and prices. and a knowledge of music to the com­ W hile in bed at the hospital an In­ prehension of music. , cision was made in his right side and STAMPS Machinery Wanted-—Men and Women » Shock Brought Back Speech. Sarah Alice Stevenson of Padlliam, r „ , . , . Lancashire, England, recovered her „„ „ „ „ I, „.ii , speech recently In a remarkable man- xi- 1,.1 , , . ... . CORNS RfMOVFD Simple plaster; no strings; uer. W hile engaged in household du- Hie; no grease; safe, sure, b speedy. Why be miserable? Money back if not ties her clothing caught fire and In 8 , satisfied. Address REX S P E C IA L T Y CO. her terror the young woman screamed Box 164, Seattle, Wash. aloud. The flames were Immediately . . . . , extinguished, and, to her joy, Miss o, , „ , J r’ Stevenson found that she had re- covered her power of speech, which We pfw tively pay the hi.-hest market prices, as we are manu­ she had lost six years ago. To learn barber trade. Tool» free. Wapres while learning:. Positions tfuaranteed. International Barber School, 429 E. 5th St., Los Angeles, Cal. R A W FU R S facturers and therefore can pay more than dealers. Send for free price list and shipping tags and get full value for your skins. N. M. U ngar Co., the Reliable U T R Y MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak. Weary, W atery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Furriers. 202V, 7th St.. Portia»!. Ore. Smart— Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Paper Plates for Animal Pets. Using paper plates for animal pets Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books A’lll be found to be a good plan. Some and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. people do not take the care to wash plates kept for dogs and cats, al­ • s 5| o o x q a d im t M — op oj apBtn ptm though they should be kept scrupu­ Jnuatu su.w aq ¡Bq) s.wouq eq qojq.w lously clean and be used for no other jaajBl 8 njqtamos op oi ajtsap )ua.i 3 purpose. Paper plates, which may autos inos s;q jo sxoop aqj qu 3ui)Boq be bought by the hundred for but lit­ JOAajoj ton S| ajaqt uaq.u— 8 u|op s; aq tle money, may be burned after they spaap aqf putt Sujqniqj s( oq sfqSnoqj have been used. It is also a good aq) H )!» pajuainoo saiuoaaq aq naq.w Idea to have a piece of zinc put on nmn inn joj Xup aqt aq ujAt pus the back porch, where the pets are sSuiqx jaqfijH JO) sAe/wiy 3 A|j)S likely to be fed, and place the dishes on this for them. The zinc is easily Offensive Officers. cleaned. __________________ “ Billie Longears is awfully sore on the police— ” “ Yes. They’ve arrested Regular Habits. It Is a good plan to have a regular him four times now, and each time time for reading. One accomplishes they’ve taken him to the pound instead so much more in this way, and be­ of to Jail.”— Harper’s Weekly. sides establishes a kind of intellec­ A Difference. tual habit that is a good thing in It­ It is claimed that there are as man> self. In an hour, or even half an microbes on a dollar bill as on a fly. hour given regularly each day to read­ But the dollar bill does not make such ing, a great deal m at be accomplish­ desperate and continuous efforts to ed. Do not confine yourself to serious alight on you. books. Alternate light with heavy reading, and do not attempt heavy Avoid Parading Troubles. reading when you are tired. Do not Expectin a man to find satlsfao read merely to be amused. Treat tion In hearln’ about yoh troubles your books as friend. Do not follow said Uncle Eben, “ gives him credit blindly the teachings of any book. foh havin’ a purtv nnre disposition." Truism Repeated. "N o man is truly great,” says a philosopher, “ unless he Is able to con­ vince his neighbors that he Is." That may be true. Anyway, a man’s neigh­ bors are the last to discover that he is g r e a t . _______________ Had Approval of Clerk. An Atchison business man, who has * small store, recently hired a clerk who was very shiftless. He didn't half attend to his duties. “ I think I ’ll have to hire another clerk,” said the business man. “ You ought to," was the reply, "there’s too much work here for Just one riork." Divisions of the World. Roughly speaking, the world Is di­ vided Into two classes of people— the ____ ,___ ,________ u_ ____ _____________ people who can shut doors and the peo­ ple who cannot. Bad. One of the worst things about cold weather is that it gives every would- be actor a chance to show himself in an overcoat with a fur collar. Orting, Wash.— W ar clouds are hanging over Orting these days and the wives of some of Orting's citizens threaten dire disaster for a man who ! {*as be€n conducting a matrimonial bureau on a plan of his own. He re­ cently wrote the mayor of Milwaukee, saying that there were many men in Orting who wanted wives, and ask­ ing that the letter be printed. The would-be wives were instructed to write him at Orting. One indignant Orting woman told of Bickford's scheme. “ H e’s been advertising In newspa- ] pers around here, saying he could fur­ nish to men the names of young worn 1 en tjja^ wanted husbands or wanted to correspond with men. He even sent a Puyallup lnterurban conductor my name and I got a letter from him ask­ ing for my picture. “ I wrote and told the conductor I didn’t want to get any more such let- i “ '. » ’ T V ” " ~ i, V~„. ters; that I am a married woman with a husband and a little boy. “ There are other women at Orting who've been bothered the tame way. W e’ll fix him. I got other letters be­ sides the conductor's, myself. “ Why, he's liable to cause all kinds of trouble. If my husband had been at home when I got that letter—” CONVICT’S WAGES TO WIFE DAIRY FEED I BEST AND CHEAPEST; !'!: _______ L Ask vour dealer for it. I f he does not handle it drop us a postal card and we will furnish yon the name or a dealer who does A LB ER S B R O S. !:¡; milling c p ijij PORTUND, ORFGON CURES RHEUMATISM REMEDY T h e R ig h t W a y In A ll cases of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC., O f A ll Horses, Brood Marcs, Colts, U. S. A. Fed Poorly? Appetite Gone? Bowels Constipated? On* Disadvantage. Speaking of the announcement by scientists that people may beoome energetic by eating ralslne, the Chi­ cago Record-Herald puts In the com­ ment that the trouble Is that most of the energy produced by eating ral- ' sins has to be expended In removing ‘ the seeds. Only O n« "B R O M O Q U IN IN E ” Thnt Is L A X A T I V E HROMO Q U I N I N E . lo o k fo r th e sig n a tu re o f E. W . G R O V E . U««d the W orld o v e r to Cure n Cold in One Day. 23c. For over fifty years Rheumatism, Neuralgia ; and other painful ailments have been cured I by Hamlins Wizard Oil. It is a good honeBt | remedy and you will not regret having a bot- j tie ready for use. Domestic Economy. American Medicine saye that thej supply of housewives Is falling 08 YOU SHOULD TRY and young men delay marriage b » * cause of the decreasing purchasing* Beyond Hit Comprehension. Nevertheless,' "T h ere Is something mysterious power of the dollar. about the word ‘psychic,’ ” said the w* know a lot of fellows who never* student of occult things. “ Yes,” re­ knew what the purchasing power of' plied the plain person; "and the most a dollar was until they married. mysterious thing about It to me is the way they spell It.” — Stray Stories. Both Are Happy. I It is a proven health If a woman gets what she want»- maker and preventive W ASH ES CLOTHES FASTER. to wear and a man what he wants to* of Stomach Ills, Grippe eat, there’s no reason why they and Malaria. Use RED CROSS B A L L B LU E and you will find It makes beautiful, shouldn't live together and be happys. r clear, white clothes wth less effort - T a l l e r . and less cowt than any other blue. It is far superior to any liquid blue on the market for the best of liquid bluing is principally water. Use the Cutting. blue that is all blue. A T A L L GRO­ The Thin One— “ And do you really CERS. Price, 10 cents. roll around the floor once a day for C E E E Good Hardeners w j K _. m J J e those who the sake of losing a few pounds? Won­ No Joyrider. ------ r raise good flow­ der what would happen if I tried It?” “ Their chauffeur seems a sober, ers and vegetables. Good The Fat One— “ Oh, you'd just cut the careful fellow.” “ Well, for the wages flowers and vegetables come carpet.”— Puck. from good seeds. V'epro- : they pay they can't well expect any­ 1 duce good seeds—the Infer- , thing else.”— Puck. ence Is obvious. For sale Didn’t Trouble Her Long. everywhere. P IL E S C U R E D I N S T O 14 D A Y S Miss Malaprop, In returning from 191S S E E D A N N U A L ist w ill refu nd m oney i f P A Z O O I N T ­ her first automobile ride, said that Y M o E u N r T d m fa Kg Free on Bequest ils to cure a ny caae o f Itch in g. Blind, the constant osculation troubled her a B looding o r P rotru d in g Piioa in 6 to 14 days. 6oc D .M . FERRY A CO. little at first, but that she soon got Detroit. Mich. One of Life's Regrets. used to it. Among the lesser regrets that min ] gle with graver sorrow for the friend» of an earlier generation we have lost - are our omissions to ask them %c many questions they could have an swered so easily and would have been pleased to be asked.—O. W. Holmes. ___________________ HOSTETTERS le 2 FERRY3' IOWA WOMAN W ELL AOAIN Speak Gently. ^ Speak gently! ’tls a little thing dropped in the heart's deep w ell; the good, the Joy, that it may bring eterni­ ty shall tell.— G. W. Langford. iti in th FOR SICK COWS Healthy cow, fire more milk, make rich«, I f you use Eye Salve use the best. P e t t i t ’ s E y e S a l v e is the standard, is reliable and costs no more than infer­ ior goods that are unknown. Used by Physicians at d Oculists, helps where all others fail. It is not the TUBE or Box that cures, it is the SALVE that does the work. Guaranteed by Howard Bros, under the Government Food and Drugs Act. Don’t be deceived or misled. The only really antiseptic Eye Salve that has been in the market for years. Sold by Druggists throughout the known world. Our 112 -P lg« Seed ( dialog No. 94 free butter, and require leta care. ROW KURE is a coir medicine, not a food. It regulates the digestive and generative organa and tonea up the entire system. A positive cure and preveil*^ live lor LOST APPETITE. BARRENNESS,' ABORTION, SCOURS. M ILK FEVER, and all other ailmentsthat sap the strength of milking cows. Thousands of profitable herds ewe their health to KOW KURE* Be sure to tend for our valuable free book, “ More Money From Your Cows.” DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO.. MPRS. Lyadoovllk. VI., U. S. A. How to Get Well and Keep So. B E F O R E COURT Lsed by Gamblers. pro STOMACH BITTERS all the doctors. I feel it my duty to tell you these facts. My heart is full o f gratitude to Lydia E. Pinkham’s V ege­ table Compound for my health.” — Mrs. Judge Landis, of Chicago, Hears .Mer- H arriet E. W a m p l e r , 624 S! Ransom chaht Tell How His Devices Are Street, Ottumwa, Idwa. L0ADED Q|CE Chicago.— Methods employed by gamblers to separate victims from ther money by means of crooked dice and other paraphernalia were explain­ ed to Judge K M Landis and a Jury (Formerly Cure-All) ta his branch of the United Statea District court here, by Eugene Stock- Portland. Or.. 22 Dae.. 191L ton, a sporting goods merchant. Stock- Sayers U. R Company Tacoma. Wash.. Dear Sirs:—A . f fail to And any agent o f yoors Vm ta on trial for using the mslla to in this city. I enclose you 91 far ttro 90c bottles of Jefraud. He admitted baring sent ad­ your remedy. W e have used this remedy six vertising matter for crooked dice and scars ago srtth good results. Yours truly P E T E R M c G IL L IV R A Y . marked cards and a book of rules In­ 5909 41st Ave. 3. E.. City. structing gamblers, through the malls, 90c and I I by mail. Money returned if It faOa. how to fleece their victims. Stockton explained how loaded dice SAYRE’S UNIVERSAL CO. 214 P-a*A«r«' Tra* BM e . Tacaau. Waal«. ir e manufactured with a combination A g e n ti W a n te d E v e ry w h e re . of lead, platinum and other metals, and how electricity Is utilized by gam­ blers to fleece their victims # ” 1 don’t know wbat they did with them,” explained the defendant. "W h at I wanted to do aas to sell the arwda” SAYRE'S UNIVERSAL REMEDY m op “ Mow Arc You, Today?’ MUSTANG LINIMENT John L in d. Y o s t, U tah , w rite s : “ W e h a v e been usinj? y o u r M ex ica n M u s- I ta n g L in im en t in o u r fa m ily eve r since 186® and fin d it to b « a good a rticle to h J f e in the house and a re never w ith o u t it. I h a v ^ recom m ended it t o m a n y o f m y ! friends w h o h a v e a lso found the sam e v e r y | I valu able. 25c. 50c. $1 a b o ttU at D ru g S l G e n ’ l S tores | “ All Chargee Prepaid. .I..Dougin* shoe» are not sold in jrour town, send direct to factory. Take uieaurementa o f foot as shown in ......... ni'Klol; state style desired ; also and width usually worn ; | plain . --------------------- ----------I t worn; --------------- medium ot c»i> toe : heavy, inedium Of light U g n i sole. s o ie . I d o t h e l a r u e e t » h o e m a i l o r d e r b t t o i - (U hu in the world. Ulus. ~ atalog Free. W.L. Do 00 L A i. 14» Spark St., Brock toajlaas. GOSHEN, IND., Ite K E K fU B S I TO ORDEB BY HAIL. Shoe« Sent Everywhere c !; “ SPOHN T H E M ” Massachusetts Under Law Will Sup port Prisoner's Family While Spanish Hen Holds Record. Slight Misunderstanding. He Is in Durance. The eggs of the Spanish hen, weigh • Mrs. Oldtimer— “ When we were In Ilgypt we visited the pyramids. They ing seven to the pound, are tho largest Boston, Mass.— “ If you will not were just covered with hieroglyphics.” produced. __________________ work to support your wife and child Mrs. Newi oh— "Horrors! Weren’t and family of your own accord the Freed From Shooting Pains, Looks That Way. you afraid that some of the ugly A New York woman has an anklet law will compel you to do so,” de­ Spinal Weakness, Dizziness, things would get on you?” (hat cost $25.000. Something put by clared Judge Day of the Somerville district court In sentencing William by Lydia E. Pinkham’s RELIEF FOR ;’or a rainy day. we ere-ome. W EA K T. Daley, convicted of non-suport of Vegetable Compound. S ORE EYES his wife and child to a year in the Value of Encouragement. Middlesex county jail at hard labor. Everything good In a man thrives That Held ’ Em. Turning to his wife, who had Ottumwa, Iowa. — “ For years ftwaa Tourist— So you've stopped motor best when properly recognized.— Tim ­ pressed the charge of nonsupport almost a constant sufferer from female car speeding? How did you do It? othy Tttcomb against her husband, avowing that she t r o u b l e in all its Heavy fines? Native— Nope. Every Wisdom of Talleyrand. dreadful forms; was forced to take in washing to get fellow who was pinched had to take “ Opinion.” said Talleyrand. "Is s. food for herself and chiid, while “ her shooting paina all the Judge's old maid daughtor out for good check but a bad guide in gov­ man” spent his money in drink, the over my body, sick a 5-hour ride.— Puck. ernment.”— New A eo . h e a d a c h e , spinal Judge continued: weakness, dizziness, "Under recently enacted laws of the d e p r e s s i o n , and commonwealth you are entitled to everything that was your husband's wages from the state M EXICAN ’ horrid. I tried many during his commitment under this doctors in different charge. You will receive from the parts o f the United superintendent of the jail 50 cents States, but Lydia E. per day. I trust that the prisoner I ’inkham’s V egeta­ will learn that the marriage obliga­ ble Compound has done more for me than tion must be fulfilled ” The Household Remedy. for the money than other makes. His name and price stamped on the bottom protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. Insist upon having ]the genuine W . L Douglas shoes. Take no substitute. 'LiiiiV Matte b y th* J c. A Y F H (TV. L o w e ll, U m some of the fluid drawn off with a Stallions, is to suction pump. A complete operation ! I __, , , . could not be made, so it was decided 1 . . .. , , Ingenious Lutie Invention. .that part of a rib must be removed On their ton trues or in th e feed putSpohn’s L iq u id . . . ,, , Some college girls invented an In­ Compound. Givet.heremedy t o a llo f them. I t acta to give the doctor belter access to the L », . on the b ood *r.4 a: lands. I t routs th e diseuse by ¡lung. Heyman was taken into the op- genious apparatus for boiling a ket­ expelling th e disease germ s.^It w r * c 1 s off the trou­ I „ . , , tle, when they wanted tea Instead ol ble, no m atter how they ate "exposed.” Absolute­ : eration room, where he was conscious 1 free from anything injurious. A child can safe­ a chafing dish concoction. It is made ly of everything transpiring. ly take it. 60 cents and $1.00; $5.90 and $10.00 the i The first step was to break the fifth of heavy wire, bent at the ends to dozen. Sold by druggists, harness dealers, or sen t express paid b y th e manufacturers. I .. , . , rib. A mallet was used. As the phy- rest on the chafing dish frame. A . .. . S pecial A gents W anted hardware dealer will make it for a 'sician thumped to break the hone, some of the nurses and other attend­ few cents. The kettle is set down I SPO H N M E D IC A L CO. ants pleaded with the patient to take ! on the framework, which comes with­ C hem ists an d B acteriologists an anaesthetic, but Heyman refused, in two inches of the frame. saying he would rather stand the tor­ ture than be sick for days afterward Marriage Mads Eaay. and take a big chance of never recov­ Gretna Green, Scotland, became fa­ ering. mous for Its celebration of Irregular A fter three-quarters of an xhour he marriages. For many years the aver­ was taken back to his room, and aft­ age number was five hundred. The erward did not seem to suffer. It is ceremony consisted only of an admis­ believed that he will fully recover. sion, before witnesses, by the couple that they were husband and wife, this T O W N U P S E T BY F A K E AD being sufficient to constitute a valid marriage. A fter this the officiating Married Men Deluged by Letters From functionary (fo r many years a black­ Eastern Girls Who Want to Be smith), together with two witnesses, Their Helpmeets. signed the marriage certificate. w o m a n ’s S u p er io r it y. A woman Is at her best when she knows It; a man when he doesn't— Florida Times-Union. Are you so fortunate as to be well satisfied with your hair? Is it lo n g enough, thick enough, rich enough ? And your hair does not fail out? Well, well, that is good. But you may know of some not so fortunate. Then just tell them about Ayer’s Hair Vigor. They will surely thank you after using it, if not be­ fore. Remember, it does not color the hair. Show the list of ingredients to your doctor. Let him decide their value. He knows. DR. W O T h r em inent C h in o*« doctor, tre a t» with non-poiaonou». non injurious h erb» and cura* tu ch diMaa»«» o f tha Throat. Heart, liv e r . L u n . a. Stomach, K idn ey*. Asthma, Pneum onia. ( Consumption, (Chronic Couffh, P ile », Constipation. D ysentery. N arvous- nesa. Dizziness, N eu ralgia. Headaehe, Lum bago. Appendicitis. Rheumatism. Ca- tarrh , Eczem a. Etc. Consider W e ll This Advice. N o woman suffering from any form o f female troubles should lose hope un­ til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham’y Vegetable Compound a fair trial. UO C O N SU LT A T IO N FREE This famous remedy, the medicinal In It Is better to call than w rit«, but thoaa gredienta o f which are derived from who are unable to come, send 4 cents in f— native roots and herbs, baa for nearly and aacura symptom blank. A ft e r K E R O S E N E (Coal Oil) ■tamps carefully irivinvsymptoms these wonderful forty years proved to be a moat valua­ «ram Itnr«nt t**t by Prof i Lewfa Instituto. Cblostfo, health-grivins herb« can be secured, which ro f. MeKwrgow. MeOlil romitv Mootrotsl. on loodiag otl- ble tonic and invigorator of the fe­ T burning w ill put you on the road to recovery. ^ lnmua show th< the A: arid in Manti« lam p la th« most male organism. Women everywhere Monomlr*«l and alvea ovsr I n k * «a tsii< i»'IJflst ag th« K a y o and otbor Tampa teatnd. I t la oriorwwa. sa f«. elnaa. Wo Chinese Medical Co. *>■- bear willing testimony to the wonderful • n ia M s . »o tte r ligh t thaa gaa o r aiactn r E m ry A ia 4 d t» 2 3 0 W A M « « St. C a r. T M rk. P o rt ia * * . O r fu lly guaranteed and protarted by patent« la aoarly virtue o f Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegeta­ j te r o m r p r country oa « a r t h. t r i e b u r n e r s fit y o a r old la m p « T o introduca tho Aladdin wo w ill g ira ble Compound. ---------------------------- Bt If yea want special adrlee write to I.ydla K . Pinkhsn Medicine Co. (eonfl. la a w h aolghborbood^ Hoad pootal w ith namo and add™ »«. V. N. U. N o 4*—'12. deatial) Lynn, Mass. Yoar letter will # [ « « ■ * a M. AGEITS Bat l ofdd o vor taw on n su a i----------------------- R nin«*r sold fitM la 1 4 dava. A n k ^ la I t dajr Ask fo r lib proponi. I W H E N w r it in g ta be opened, read and answered by a i<*n. Hample lamp furateti« Human and held in strict confidence. | I tlw" tM* P A s i n i L a m t n a ra i. «*• aj GET BETTES LIGHT ONE LAMP or BURNER FREE ------- iS PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mora gloria brighter and faater •tar col colors than ar.y other dv*. On« 10c package color* silk, w o c l and cotton equally w a and is guaranteed to give perfect results. ra Aek Oea«*r, or v/f w-Csend postpaid at 10c a package. Write for fra* bookla b ; w to dy a, t-laacL and ru x colore. H O N ROE DRUG C O M P A N Y . Quincy, LU lnol«.