Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 25, 1912, Image 1

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    N « vts
F orest
Voi. 3
If I can give you any further
information I shall be glad to do
Yours truly,
K. C. E l d r id g e .
transmission. Mr. Potter is a
practical logger and natural me­
chanic. His invention has re-
1 T fir|T¥TW f ' ceived much comment and he
K I I Y A l a I Y I T has refused $300.000 for his pat-
IV U lflL l J1 ILlLl ent His machines are being
1 made by a Seattle firm which*is
purchasing a royalty interest.
Are Able Sawmill Men.
J. W. Buckley, one of the pro­
prietors of the Williams & Buck-
Christian Church
ley sawmill at Gales Creek, was
Christian church next
in our city vesterday. Mr. Buck-
pastor will preach
ley has for a number of years
both morning and evening. The
been in the lumber business and
morning theme will be, “ The Glo­
has made a special study of mill
rious Transformation.” This will
work and the needs of builders.
The following letter, written He is a practical mill man, able The city fathers in final ses- be a companion sermon to the one
by the mayor of Independence to to operate any part of the bus­ sion last evening closed up the given last Sunday morning, and
President Ferrin, offers a solu­ iness. For some years he ope­ city’s business so far as that which was so well received.In the
tion to the city of Forest Grove rated a mill at Durango, Califor­ body was concerned, approved evening the subject will be, “ Be-
in the matter of a cheaper pave­ nia, and comes highly recom­ the financial report of Treasurer lieving a Lie.” The choir is being
ment for the extension of cheap­ mended. This plant was formerly Sappington, delivered the books reorganized, and putting itself in
er improvements during the year. operated by John McCan, but has and keys to the newly elected a position to furnish better mu­
The Forest Grove Press is in fa­ since been overhauled, enlarged council and left their acts and sic. A cordial invitation is ex­
vor of street pavements and has and improved machinery added. doings as a matter of history.
tended the public to be present
always been, but it has never fa­ These people are now able to fill The outgoing officers, Mayor at these services. Special Mon-
vored bitulithic at the high price orders promptly and at prices Thornburgh, Councilmen Abra­ inger Memorial services in the
charged when a pavement equal- i that meet popular approval.
ham and Hines, and Treasurer Bible school at 9:45.
ly serviceable can be^procured at
Sappington banqueted the new
a much less cost.
For County Clerk
Successful Mission at Gaston council in royal manner at the
Mayor Eldridge, of Indepen­
Forest Grove Hotel, where a To the Voters of Washington
dence, makes the matter clear A very successful and instruct­ number of guests were invited.
that the pavement which has ive mission closed fn Gaston last V. S. Abraham was toastmaster I am a candidate for the office
been laid here has cost more than Friday with benediction in St. and many present responded with of County Clerk, and have filed
was necessary to have expended Anthony’s chapel car. The mis­ interesting talks.
a petition asking to have my
to secure a good pavement. It sion was in charge of Rev. Dr.
Before the banquet the new name placed on the official nom­
will be noticed from Mayor El- McDevitt, who was with the car council organized and Mayor Al­ inating ballot of the Republican
dridge’s letter, that the cost of two years ago when it visited len made committee appoint- party for the primary election to
pavement at Independence was Forest Grove, and t*he same in­ ments as follows: Finance, Rev. j be held April 19, 1912. In said
terest was manifested there as
$1.17& a square yard.
was shown here. Large congre­ J. M. Barber, chairman. O. M. petition and at all times I pledge
Sanford; Purchasing, O. M. San- myself, if elected, to perform the
gations of both Catholics and
INDEPENDENCE, January non-Catholics were in attend­ ford, chairman, Rev. J. M. Bar- duties of said office as prescribed
15.—(Dear Sir.)—In the matter ance, and it is hoped that a ber; Streets and Sidewalks, W. by law and for the best interests
of this city’s experience in street church will soon be built in the F. Schultz, chairman, H. B. of the public.
Johnson and Carl Hinman; Water
paving inquired about in your thriving littld'gity.
E d w . C. L u c e ,
and Light, Carl Hinman, chair­
letter of January 12; the facts
County Clerk.
Dr. McDevitt will conduct a man, W. F. Schultz and H. B.
(Paid Advertisement.)
are about as follows:
mission at St. Anthony’s church, i Johnson; Ordinances, JohnWirtz
We put in five blocks of pave­ this city, commencing on Sun­
ment last fall. It was not a day, February 18. Everyone, j and Rev. J. M. Barber; Health
School Note«
combination of macadam and ce­ Catholic and non-Catholic, is and Police, W. F. Schultz, chair­ Pupils who are to begin school
ment as seems to be your impres­ cordially invited to these lect­ man, John Wirtz. P. W. Wat- next semester should be on hand
kins was chosen chief of police. Monday morning.
sion. It was strictly concrete ures.
Regular meeting of the council Several of our high school pu­
pavement, very similar, if not
w i#be held the second Tuesday pils are working at other work
identical to the composition of
The “ T. C.’s.” of Gales Creek, evening of each month.
this week, having made grades
our concrete sidewalks, made
to exempt them from
Treasurer Wirtz receipted for
from certain proportions of ce­
cash on hand, $691.34 general
ment, gravel and water. The
The entertainment given by
pavement has been down several evening, January 13. Light re­ fund, and $222.99, street fund. A. Lincoln Kirk Iasi Friday
Total on hand January 18, 1912, night was well attended. The
months and it is the universal
new stage did its best.
opinion among our citizens that home of Mr. and Mrs. Heisler, $914.33.
We are sorry that we are un­ On Monday morning the boys
we have a good job so far as the Sr., and fourteen couples spent
able to publish the total assets did quick work by removing the
work is concerned. Our engin­ a most pleasant evening.
or to give the indebtedness, but new stage, storing it away and
eer made a grave mistake in es-
we believe that this council will, arranging the room for school all
tablishing the height of the curb,
an early date, prepare this in nine minutes.
getting it too high, but, of
statement for the public.
course, this has nothing to do
Haynes Items
with the merits of the paving.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Melquist
It is the w riter’s belief that
A Valuable Invention
Sunday at the greenhouse.
for small towns, the concrete
E. O. Potter, formerly of Port­ Mrs. Thompson, of Portland,
paving is just the thing. It will
land, now living in the eastern spent Sunday at Gar Raymond’s.
stand any ordinary amount of lege gym the local high school
of our city, has perfected
wear and tear that it would usu­ basket ball team met defeat for and obtained patent on an im­ Miss Josephine McDermott
came out from Portland Saturday.
ally be subjected to in a small the first time this season at the
proved traction climbing engine,
Misses B. and M. Broderick
town. It is considerably lower
and a device which overcomes spent Sunday at the greenhouse,
in cost, and there is the further
to 8. In the first half the locals the lost power on endless cable returning Monday.
consideration in the cost of re­
pairs which are bound to come played a game that the Newberg
any time. Any man that can bovs could not beat and the score
build a concrete sidewalk, can stood 6 to 4 in favor of the home
repair the street and it does not team.
In the last half however, the
necessitate the expense incident
changed their team­
to bringing any machinery and
work, allowing the big guard,
specialists on paving.
Spaulding, to do the basket­
The cost of the paving proper,
throwing. In this half the locals
that is exclusive of the grading,
First Illustrated Lecture on his Prison Policies and Death
scored but two points. For For­
excavating, or filling, was $1.17J
Penalty, at
est Grove, A. Ireland and Vaughn
per square yard. I cannot at
did good work, while for New­
this moment give you the exact
berg, Otis and Spaulding did
cost of the filling and excavating
stellar playing.
but I might put the matter in a
Following is the line-up:
little different light that will en­
Forest Grove
able you to approximate the to­
Gause (Capt.) F
A. Ireland
tal cost.
Our main street I believe is
C Parker (Capt)
at 7:30 P. M. Sharp
Bixty feet wide and the cost per
J. Ireland
front foot in front of our own Spaulding
building was $4.15—that covered
For the benefit St. Matthew’» Church
Referee, Prof. Wright; Um­
the paving, filling and every­ pire, Richardson; 20 minute
thing. Of course, we have the
advantage of the gravel being
No reserved seats First come first served. Lecture ends
close at hand. We did not haul
in time to enable making of trains. Special information
furnished by Rev. Mark Happen, Hillsboro.
any of it more than four or five
bfocks. It is my opinion that
more paving will be done in In­ relatives in the city.
Miss Katie Lilly visited over
dependence this season and that
in Vancouver with her
it will be the same kind that we
Albert Lilly.
have already had done.
Mayor Allen Announces His
Committee Appointments
of New Organization.
gf-Æ .
G rove P ress
Mayor cf Independence Tells
of Street Intfrovements
at That Place.
- "
No. 12
Miss James Walks in Front
Oregon Electric Car
and Is Killed.
Miss Mary James, aged 71
years, was struck by the Oregon
Electric noon car last Sunday,
receiving injuries from which
she died soon after.
Miss James was returning
from church and while crossing
the track on Second street, the
car from the east approaching
the depot, struck her as she
was crossing the track. Miss
James was somewhat hard of
hearing and did not hear the
warning bell and whistle, and
while the motorman, James Judy,
attempted to bring the car to a
stop, he was unable to do so in
time to prevent the accident.
Miss James received a cut about
three inches long on the left side
of the head behind the ear where
the skull was fractured, which
caused death within thirty min­
utes. An inquest was held and
the company was exonerated
from any criminal liability.
Miss James moved to the
Grove in 1893 and purchased a
home on Third avenue where she
lived up to the time of her death.
She had many friends in the city.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday in the Congregational
church, Rev. Thomas in charge.
The burial took place in the For­
est View cemetery this fore­
noon. Her only near relative, her
brother. E. B. James, of Laidlaw,
arrived here Monday. Otis, of
Estacada, and Chas. James, of
Ogden, Utah, were among the
friends and relatives present at
the burial.
Following are test questions in
the senior cookery class. Forest
Grove high school:
1. Mention three distinct
grains, and nutritive values of
2. Classify vegetables, as to
(a) groups; (b) food principles.
3. Name eight cuts of the
beef, and their best use.
4. Make menu for one day
choosing table of a professional
person, laboring man, or, college
5. Why are pies a question­
able food? How in part may this
be overcome?
6. (a) Name materials for
plain pie crust, and give method»
of making, (b) Name five kinds
of shortening.
7. Give five rules to be ob­
served in “ cake-making” .
8. Discuss “Cocoa, as a Food” .
Test questions in junior cook­
ery class:
1. Describe the potato, as to
(a) composition; (b) food valnes;
(c) rules for cooking.
2. Write a table of weights
and measures.
3. Write table of white sauc­
es and give uses.
4. (a) Name the five food
principles, (b) Name common
foods in which they are especial­
ly found.
5. Write a discussion on
“ Meats,” as to, (a) kinds, (b)
(>. What are the nutritive val­
ues of fish? What is the prefer­
able way of cooking trout: Salm­
on? Halibut?
7. Write a menu for a five-
course dinner, observing food
8. Write eight rules to be ob­
served in dish-washing.
Oak Hill News
The revival meetings at Dilley
close Sunday night.
H. D. Allen made a business
trip to Portland Monday, driving
in with a team.
M. E. Hall was doing some
trading in Forest Grove Tuesday.
Mrs. A. D. Allen has been on
the sick list, with la grippe.
Miss Nellie Hall spent the
week with friends in Vancouver,
Gales City
Mr. Churchill has been to For­
est Grove for a few days this
Rant Dunsmoor and Jamie
Bamford were pleasant visitors
at the A. C. church Sunday even­
The new sawmill company of
the old McCann mill is putting
out someyfine lumber.
Rev. Daniel Staver went to
Forest Grove last week to repair
his buildings in that town.
Rev. A. G. Dix, of Portland,
gave a good talk at the A. C.
church Sunday at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. and will likely speak to
us a few nights this week, begin­
ning with Tuesday night. Two of
our young men came out Sunday
evening and enlisted in the work
of the Lord and will be baptized
this week.
Mrs. F. J. Miller entertained
the Forest Grove Bridge club
Friday at her residence in South
Park. Mrs. W. B. Haines and
John Buckhanan secured first
honors while the consolation was
awarded to Ex-Mayor Thorn­
burgh and Mrs. John Buckhanan.
James C. Woods, now of Port­
land, once a merchant of this
city, who has been suffering for *
so long with cancer on the face,
is rapidly recovering and in' a
short time will be well again.
The secretary of state will
send to* any address, upon re­
quest, a copy of the election laws.
The many friends of Paul Grif­
fith yesterday celebrated his
twenty-second birthday. Friends
and relatives gathered at his
home where they sang songs,
told stories and played games,
until a late hour when all depart­
ed, wishing him a hundred such
merry occasions.
| In honor of Miss Jenness Mil­
ler’s seventeenth birthday, a par­
ty of young folks gathered at
her home Sunday. Those pres­
ent were Misses Ida Loynes, Ha­
zel Davies, Frances Buckhanan,
Messrs. Vernon Burlingham,
Charles Wegtnan, Jack Hale, of
Portland, and Gale Miller. The
parlor of the Miller home was
tastefully arranged and decoiat-
ed with pink and white. An ex­
cellent time was had.
Wilbur Weston, who moved to
Portland with his wife and child
some time ago, and has since been
running a restuarant, on Sunday
last left the restuarant with the
intention of coming to the Grove.
Since leaving his place of busi­
ness he has not been seen or
heard of. Fears of foul play are
entertained. Mr. Weston is a
young man of good habits and
has scores of friends.
A play under the auspices of
the Catholic Young People will
be given in Forest Grove on Wed­
nesday evening February 14.
Two lots at Brighton Beach at the
mouth of the Nehalem river
were given the local church by the
Brighton Development Company.
It i? hoped that a goodly sum
will he realized for the church.
A. B. Schoonover, of Cornel­
ius. called on the Press yester­
Winfield Scott Smith died Jan­
uary 22 at his home northwest of
Dilley, aged 63 years. Funeral
services were conducted by Rev.
Jones, held in the M. E. church
at Dilley. Interment was made
yesterday in Forest View ceme­
W. T. Johnson purchased the
U. S. barns yesterday and will
coutinue the business.
Jesse Perry, while riding on a
wagon today, was thrown from
the vehicle and fell, striking his
forehead against a rock, from
which he sustained a frightful
gash on the forehead. Dr. Tuck­
er took several stitches in the