SNOWBALL BATTLE. aged to m ake herself popular In the Most true conservationists will sm art se t and she needed money to agree with the secretary of the inter- carry out her social ambitions. Dad— ! ior in his condemnation of those loud wealthy widower—came along and she talkers who spend th eir energies in |R C C T [M )g m D T O \M D Jigg caught him in her net, th a t 's a ll!” discussing the wickedness of w aste, Annie listened with interest. She without at the same tim e being w il­ was hum an enough to feel a certain ling to assist in any practicable plan sense of satisfaction in hearing th a t to stop the evils they so g reatly de­ this wonu-Ji who treated her with such plore. We suspect, however, th a t contem pt was herself som ething of an few, even of those good citizens who intriguer. believe in the w isest use of natural “How Gld your stepm other come to resources and who are sincerely eager know R o b ert Underwood?" she asked. to safeguard the public good both now “He w as n ever in society.” and hereafter, realize how easy it is “No,” replied Howard with a grin. to neglect opportunities for conserva­ “It w as my stepm other who gave him tion which lie a t out door. The coal ILLUSTR A TIO N S BY RAY W A L T E R S the entree. You know she was once C optukht , i m », *v c w dulingmam compaky - and forests in A laska are of v a s t im­ engaged to him, but broke It oft so portance, but the discharge of our He was self-indulgent. He made m any th ere m u s t be this ru p tu re with his she could m arry dad. He felt very duty with regard to them will not oc­ good resolutions and broke them. But family, yet something within told her sore over It a t the time, but after See the soldiers all in line! cupy much of our tim e. A nearer he was not really vicious. He had a th a t she was doing God’s w ork—sav­ her m arria g e he was seemingly as Now the battle's on! need is to see th a t we m ake the best good heart. With some one to watch ing a man's soul. W ithout her. How­ friendly w ith her as e v e r—to serve , Every man will have to test use of natural resources in our own H i s m e t t l e a n d h is b r a w n . him and keep him In the s tra ig h t path ard would have gone swiftly to ruin, his own ends, of course. It Is simply back yards. How about m aking “ two he would still give a good account of th ere was little doubt of that. His af­ wonderful w hat Influence he has with A m m u n i t i o n ' s pi le d u p h ig h blades of grass grow w here one grew 8 Y N 0 P S I8 . her. He exercises over her the same him self to the world. She was con­ fection for her had partly, If not T o u s e t h r o u g h o u t t h e fr ay, before?” Why isn’t th a t ju s t as im­ fident of that. She recognized many wholly, redeem ed him and was keep­ fascination th a t he did over me at W h i c h J u s t b e g i n s w h e n s ch o o l is o u t portant as keeping the coal or saving H o w a r d J ef frie * , b a n k e r ' * e on, u n d e r excellent qualities In him. T hey only ing him straight. A n d e n d s a t c lo s e o f d a y. college. He has so rt of hypnotized He had been good t h e evil In f lu e n c e o f H u b e r t U n d e r w o o d , the stream s or doing any of the thou­ wanted fostering and bringing out. her. I don't think it's a case of love to her e v e r since th eir m arria g e and w f e l l o w - n t u d e n t a t Y a le , l e a d s a lif e o f T h e B i g S n o w F o r t Is n e a r a t h a n d , sand and one things th a t we individ­ d l a a l p a t l o n , m a r r i e s t h e d a u g h t e r o f a T h a t was why she m arried him. She done everything to make h e r com ­ or anything like that, but he simply A n d s o l d i e r s g r e a t a n d s m all. ually can only talk about? O ur tru est g a n i b i r r w h o d ie d In p r i s o n , a n d la d i s ­ was a few years his senior; she felt fortable. Will s t r i v e to w in t h e victory Once he took a position as holds h e r u n der his thum b and gets conservationists are those gardeners o w n e d b y his fa th e r. H e t r i e s to g e t t h a t she was the stro n g er mentally. W i t h t h e p o w e r f u l s n o w b a ll . her to do anything he wants. She guard on the elevated road, hut w o r k a n d fulls. A f o r m e r c o l l e g e c h u m and farm ers who catch the sunshine him to her house, introduces m iu u ei H ouse, m u ounce» I ijritsr" , n r . — r n A S T snakes n b u s i n e s s p r o p o s i t i o n to H o w a r d She considered It was her duty to cau g h t cold and was forced to give invites m and husband the rain and striv e intel­ w h i c h r e q u i r e s (ii.UUU c a s h , a n d H o w a r d devote her life to him. to pro tect him it up. She w anted to go to work him rig h t and left, got people to take | H U M E -m A D E IvHJTun I L t b J A l ligently to keep pace in productiqji l a broke. from him self and m ake a man of him. again, bu t he angrily refused. T hat him up. Everybody laughs about it In with the increase of the non-agricul- It was not her fault, she mused, If alone showed th a t he was not entirely society. Underwood is known as Mrs. One Constructed to Take Place of Reg­ C HA PT ER II.— Continued. tural population. ular Sail Iceboat and Used With He was un­ Howard Je-ffries' pet. Such a th ing she was not a lady. Literally bro ught devoid of character. The need of conservation of food- Success Last Winter. soon gets talked about. T h a t Is the fo rtu n ate a t present and th ey were up In the gutter, w hat ad vantages had " Y o u know I wouldn’t, Annie,” he supplying resources is obvious. There poor, but by dint of p erseverance he secret of his successful career in New she had? Her m o th er died In child­ ¿ a id earnestly. ‘‘Not one second have This motor-driven iceboat was con­ are more people in Am erica every I e v e r regretted m arry in g you—th a t's birth and her father, a professional would win out and m ake a position York. As far as I know, she's as for him self without his fath er's help. structed to take the place of the regu- year, and every year the soil, if un­ much infatuated with him as ever.” gambler, abandoned th e little girl to tto n c a t to God!” replenished, is impoverished. The T hese w ere th e ir d a rk e s t days, but th e ten d er mercies of an Indifferent A look of surprise cam e into An- lar sail Iceboat, and the one from A fain t flush of pleasure lit up the I area of rich land decreases and the light w as ahead. As long as they nle's face. To this young woman, [ which the accompanying Illustration neighbor. When she was about eight y o u n g wife’s face. For all h e r a s ­ 1 cost of living rises. Conservation of s u m e d ligh theartedness she was badly y ears old her father was arrested. He loved each o th er and had th eir health whose one idea of m atrim ony was was made was used with success all the potential power of sun and soil is s tead fast loyalty to the m an whose last winter. In need of this reassurance. If she refused to pay po’lce blackmail, was w hat m ore w as necessary? the only reasonable solution of the “Say, Annie, I have an idea,” su d­ life she sh ared and whose name she j The boat is 4% feet wide at the problem of nation-feeding and ju st t h o u g h t Howard nourished se c re t re- Indicted, railroaded to prison and died soon a fte r In convict stripes. T h ere bore, th e r e w as som ething repellent widest p a rt and ten feet long. The denly blurted out Howard. gp-rtn It would break her heart. She here is our opportunity. W hat is for “W hat is It, d e a r? ” she asked, her and n auseating In a woman perm it­ c o u ld stan d anything, uuy Hardship, was no provision for Annie's m ain­ the nation’s good is also for our indi­ tenance. so at th e ago of nine she ting herself to be talked about in th a t tout n o t that. She would leave him at reveries thu s abruptly interrupted. vidual profit. The wise use of the Mund herself tolling In a factory, a once. “I mean regarding th a t $2.000. You way. soil means money in our pockets. In a way she held herself respo n ­ helpb ss victim of th e brutalizing sy s­ know all about th a t $250 which I once "Doesn’t your fath er object?” she The very g reatest product of land s i b l e for his present predicament. She tem of child slavery, which In spite lent Underwood. I never got It back, asked. is derived from “ intensive garden­ of prohibiting laws still disgraces th e toad felt a deep sense of guilt ever although I've been after him many “P s h a w ! ” laughed Howard. "He ing.” Through generations of in telli­ arince th a t afternoon In New llav en United States. E v er since th a t time times for It. He's a slippery customer. doesn’t see w h a t’s going on under his gent selection and breeding thorough­ w h e n , listening to H oward's Impor­ she had earned her own living. The But u nd er the circum stances I think very nose. He's too proud a man, too bred seeds have been developed whose t u n i t i e s and obeying an Impulse she road had often been hard, there were It's w orth an o th er determ ined effort. sure of his own good judgment, to be­ yieid far surpasses in quality and times when she th o u g h t she would w a s powerless to resist, she had flung He seem s to be b e tte r fixed now th an lieve for a m om ent th a t the woman quantity th a t of the ordinary strains. ■ s id e h e r w aitress' apron, furtively have to give up the fight; other girls he ever was. He's living at the As- to whom he gave his nam e would be You can be a true conservationist if she had m et had hinted at an easier iv f t th e r e s ta u ra n t and h urried with trurla, m aking a social splurge and guilty of the slightest indiscretion of you have a successful garden. Be toim to the m in ister who declared way of earning one's living, but she all th a t sort of thing. He m ust have th a t kind." Iceboat Propelled by Engine. sure, however, to s ta rt rig h t by p lan t­ had kept her courage, refused to listen t h e m nmn and wife. money. I'll try to borrow the $2,000 Annie w as silent for a minute. Then runners are about ten inches higu, ing thoroughbred seeds. These can T h e i r m arriage was a mistake, of to evil counsel and alw ays managed from him.” she said: be bought of seedsmen having suffi­ to keep her name unsullied. She left 1 shod with steel ground concave the «Qurse. Howard was in no position "H e certainly ap pears to be pros­ \\ h a t m akes you th ink th a t Un- same as a skate runner. The motor cient capital and experience to know t o m arry . They should have waited. the factory to work behind the coun­ perous,” replied Annie. "I see his derwood would let you have the ¡g a three-horsepower air-cooled en­ what they are about and a reputation te r In a New York dry goods store. T h e y both realised their folly now. nam e in the new spapers all the time. money?” gine which was taken from an old to maintain. h lu t w h a t was done could not be tin­ Then about a year ago she drifted to T h ere Is hardly an affair a t which he New Haven nnd took th e position of Because I th in k he s got It. I motorcycle. The power Is transmlt- stone. She realized, too, th a t It was is not p re s e n t.” Porcelain Not of Persia. obliged him once in the sam e way ted by a to a spiked driving w o r s e for Howard th a n l( was for w aitress at the r e s ta u ra n t which th e “Yes,” growled H ow ard; "I don't myself. 1 would explain to him w hat wheel, giving a reduction of about TM T rue porcelain was n ev er produced toer. It had ruined his prospects at college boys patronized. He will see a t once ¡0 says a w riter in the Popular Me- In Persia, but hard paste porcelain In Robert Underwood was am ong the see how he does It. He trav els on his I want it for t h e o u ts e t of his c areer and threat- cheek, principally, I guess. His nam e th a t It Is a good thing. 1 11 offer him chanics. The rear wheel of the motor- Persian foim s and styles of d eco ra­ • n e d to be an Irreparable blight on ; stud en ts who came alm o st every day. was am ong those p re s e n t a t my step- a good ra te of interest, and he m ight =ycle wag also taken and an lron band tion was made In China for t h e P er tot* e m n ti life Olltf She rVBlIZcU realized th she i He m ade >°ve to i l l r e r> ill»?. l l i a n t i oIB ......... her .." * from * ~*** the start, _ , , . , .. , , . ,, be \ e r y glad to let me have It. Any- shrunk on for a tire, and steel horse- sian market. Wine ew ers w ith pow largely to blame. She had done *"d one day attem p ted liberties which " he,r 8 ' i ; er„ nl* • ----- ------------ . ■ - I Bitterly he added: T h a t s how the how. thbre's no harm trying." 13hoe calks attached at four-inch inter- , der blue glaze and gold overglaze dec­ w r o n g to marry him and at tim es she she was prompt to re s e n t In a way Annie said nothing. She did not ralg for the 8plkes. The two pleces | oration, small vase, and bowls w ith »©primrhed h erself bitterly. T here he did not relish. After th a t he let | world Boes- T h r r e is no place for w e r e d a y s when their union assumed her alone. She never liked the man. I me under n,y o t h e r ' s roof. *>“ t 111:11 entirely approve this Idea of her hus- that 8Upport the gplked drlvlng wheel , bronze lu ster glazo and designs re­ band trying to borrow money of a lr e hinged so as to allow the wheel to served In white are found In collec­ i n h e r eyes the tn o r m i ty of a crime, She knew him to be unprincipled as arm s! man in whom his stepm other was so p,8e afid fa„ oyer b g on the tions of Persian ware, b ut th e s e a r e ■ h e should have seen w hat a social well ns vicious. One night he brought tin Iho /\1 non n o n /1 “I tho ugh t your fath er was such a lltltoh much mtoaoafo/1 interested. On the other hand * o l f lay between them. All these Howard Jeffries to the restaurnnt. ice and to let the engine run free unquestionably of Chinese origin. lO I v a u u i l B stared lttlU U them L II UL 1I in III Li the lt ? face. l U L ’B . I I A„ r A rr>U .• , , ... d a u n ts and Insults from his family They seemed the closest of cronies proud m an,” Interrupted Annie. "How B starvation iv ii i . « . . ., # . . . v\nen desired. The entire boat with , Howard could get hold of this $2,000 tQ n . . . . »OA • w h ic h she now endured she had fool­ r.nj she was sorry to see w hat bad does he come to associate with peo­ If „ . . . . . . . V ts propelling equipment weighs 120 and s ta rt in the brokerage business . i s h ly bro ught upon h er own head. But Influence the elder sophomore had ple like Underwood?" i t *. » i . I » pounds, it might be the beginning of a new . . , . . .. “Oh, pater's an old dolt!" exclaimed over the young freshm an, to whom « h e had not been nble to resist the The boat I. operated from he rear Every Howard impatiently. "T h e re 's no fool life for them. torniptntlon. Howard ratne into h e r she was at onee attracted. i with one lever for controlling the "Well, do as you like, dear,” she spark, an oth er for the throttle and the ■ f e when the outlook was d reary nnd time th ey came she w atched them and like an old fool. Of course, he's se n ­ fcniwl ess. lie had offered to her what she noticed how u nd er his m entor sible enough In business m atters. He said. “When will you go to him ?” third for directing the course of the “The best time to catch hint would boat. ■ e r m r d a haven ag ain st th e cruelty llownrd became more hardened. He wouldn’t be w here he is to-day If he I weren't. But when it comes to the drunk more nnd more nml became a be in the evening." replied Howard, i __________________ « n d selfishness of the world. Ilnppl- reckless gambler. Underwood seem ed [ woman question he's as blind as a "Well, then, go to-night,” she sue- *«r»B for th e first time In her life EDUCATIONAL TOY IS QUEER » e t n e d within reach and she had not to exercise n baneful spell over him. bat. W h a t rig h t had a m an of his gested. She saw th a t he would soon be ruined aBe to go and m arry a woman 20 Howard shook his head. | ------------ t h e moral courage to sny "No.” "No, not t o n i g h t. I don’t th ink I Wheel Rolls Round Ends of Magnet, Annie had no education she was with such a man ns Underwood for a y ears his Junior? Of course she only m arried him for his money. Every should find him In. He’s out every but Doesn’t Fall Off—Amusing Play­ ■ o t without brains. She had sense c o nstan t companion. H e r in te re st in body knows t h a t except he. People night somewhere. To-night th ere's a n ­ thing Patented by Ohioan. ■nougli to realize th a t h er bringing up th e young stu d en t grew. T hey be- laugh at him behind Ills back. Instead o th e r big reception a t my father's ■ r Uie lack of It was nn unsurinount- enme acquainted and Howard, not of enjoying a quiet, peaceful home In house. He'll probably be there. I A toy th a t ts both amusing and 01 « h le b a rr ie r to h er ever being nd- realizing th a t she was older th an he, ■ lilted to the inner circle of Howard's was im mediately captivated by her th e declining years of his life, he Is th ink I'll wait till to morrow n i g h t . ' educational value has been patented compelled to keep open house and en ­ I'm nearly su re to catch him a t home by an Ohio man. A horseshoe magnet ■ u n ity . If her husband's fath er had vivacious charm and her common- I with unusually long poles has the ends zxot m arried again th e breach might sense views. They saw each other te rta in people who are personally ob­ th en .” At the first sign of any Annie rose and began to remove the th ese poles rounded. A single wheel, towre been crossed in time, but his more frequently and their friendship noxious to him, simply because th a t dishes from the table. Howard non- wltl1 a ro unon this axle on d b r nmart set, a woman full of arlsto- Liver or Bowels take the m a rria g e?” Interrupted Annie. and, leaving the table, took up the (llie Poles °f tlle magnet, which form While she som etimes blamed her­ ■eratlc notions, who recoiled with hor­ Bitters. It renews health Sitting down [ an endless track for It. The wheel, of "Oh, a nobody," he replied. "She evening new spaper. r o r a t having an y th in g to do with a self for having listened too willingly and strength. A trial will to Howard's pleadings, she did not was very attra c tiv e looking, dressed comforta bly In a rocker by the win- «trl guilty of the enorm ity of earning convince you. Don’t exper­ h«sr own living. Individual merit, In- a lto g eth er reg ret the step she had well and was clever enough to get in-j dow, he blew a cloud of blue smoke tosrent nobility of character, amiabili­ taken. It w as most u nfortu nate th a t troductions to good people. She man- up in the a ir and said: iment—Get "Yes. th a t's It— I'll go to-morrow ty of disposition, and u personal repu­ night to the A stru ria and strike Bob ta tio n untouched by scan d al—all this HOSTETTER’S Underwood for th a t $2 000 ” w e n t for nothing—because unaccom- A T A LL D RU G ST O R E S ( T O ItK C O N T I N U E D . ) panlod by wealth or social position. A nnie had n either wealth nor position, ■ h e hud not even education. They S m ugglers’ Ruse. c o n sid e re d h er common. Impossible. An Ingenious method of smuggling T b e y w ere ever ready to lend an e a r Not for Her. saccharin has been detected at Bre- • a ce rta in ugly stories reg ard in g her The verger of a large church, see­ genz, Australia, where seven men Bast, none of which were true. After ing an old woman in one of th e seats were arrested for Im portlnglarge quan­ t h r l r marria ge, Mr. Jeffries, Sr., and reserved for some Im portant persons, tities of contraband When the Geneva- b i s wife absolutely refused to receive beckoned her to come out. B u t Just Munich express arrived at Bregenz the ■« t o r have any comm unication with at that moment the organ sta rte d play­ station m a s te r bad a coach containing tore whatsoever. As long, therefore, ing. The old woman, n ev er h av ing seven trav elers uncoupled from the ■ a Howard remained faithful to her. been In a church containing an organ, express and detained for examination. t h e b reach with his family could never startled him and the co n gregation by H - had been warned by telegraph tow healed calling: "Ha, man, get som ebody from Zurich th at seven sm ugglers of Geneva were In the train with a large “ H ave some more stew, dear," sha younger; my dancing day» a r e p ast.” quantity of saccharin After an ex­ extending her hand for her bus­ t's plate. haustive search the officials failed to find any con traban d and were about Howard shook his head and threw to apologize to the seven travelers for ■ o w n his knife and fork. An Educational Toy. th eir detention when one customs In- "Tve had enough," he said despond­ apector accidentally kicked a hot course. Is made light enough th a t the e n tly “ I h aven't much appetite.” w ater pipe In a first class compart- ' attraction of the magnet keeps It from ■he looked a t him with concern. " P o o r boy, you're tired o u t! ” *“ d. the, ,“ ‘<;re , ,* * ' revesled. falling off, yet th e wheel can roll about All the hot w ater pipes In the carriage easily on w hat Is practically an end- Aa she noted how pale and dejected w ere In duplicate, differing In no de- less track. To a child thla toy brines toe appeared, h e r eyes filled with tall as to length, breadth and color, home more forcibly than any lecture s y m p a th e t ic tears She forgot th e but one set was of m etal and the ' by his school teac h er the power and W e have had seventy yi a p p allin g num ber of cig arettes he o th er set made of papier mache con- principle of m agnetism and he will de­ snuoked a day. nor did she re a llie of experience with Ai taining saccharin, w hich I* about | light In "fooling" hts friends with It h o w abu se of alcohol had spoiled his Cherry P e c to r a l. T nine times as expensive In Austria as The uninitiated will naturally expect ■loniach for solid food. In Switzerland. the wheel to roll off the arm s of the makes us have great c< "I wish I knew where to go and get horseshoe and will be amazed to see ttoat $2.000," m uttered Howard, hts dence in it for coughs, c< For th s Scandalmonger. It merely roll down the ends and back m ind still preoccupied with Coxe's bronchitis, weak throats, T he Orleans museum has ju st been on the u p per side. p sv siiie n . Lighting an o th e r ctga enriched with a curious relic of the weak lungs. We want re f te . b e leaned b ark In hts chair and past which some workmen In making lap sed Into alienee. Served Two Purposes. to have confidence in il excavations In the city came serosa. It “George, my son, don t you think I t 1 Annie sat and watched blm. wish well. Ask your own do is a stone representing a grinning Is ra t h e r ex trav agant of you to eat t e g she could suggest some way to figure, showing the teeth, the coun­ b u tter with th a t delicious Jam r* what experience he has • » ! » • th e problem th a t troubled hint ten an c e being repellent enough. In ■ b e loved h er husband with all her “No, m o th er; It la economical. The He knows, b th is way the loquacious woman, the same piece of bread does for both.” I with it. h e a r t and soul. Hla very weakness scandalmonger, was brought to her in close touch with hin o f c h a r a c t e r endeared him th e more senses. The stone, suspended by a t o her She was not blind to hie One of Aver's P m . g, bedtime will Every L etter In Sentence. chain, was placed round bar neck, and fa u l ts , b u t she excused them. Ills sn incressed flow of bile and pro< ____________ ______ __ This sentence contains every letter so accoutred she was compelled to | t n t l e laxative effect the day folk hte drinking, cig arette smoking w alk round the town In which she ln t h ® ^P& sbet: fo rm ula on esch box. Show it t( g en e ra l ehlftleesness were, she “i t in s fftcoi 4 lave A