Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 11, 1912, Image 6

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btm what he chose. He wondered why
he had not tried to resist. The truth
was Underwood exercised a strange,
subtle power over him. He had the
power to make him do everything he
wanted him to do, no matter how fool­
ish or unreasonable the request. Every
one at college used to talk about It.
One night Underwood Invited all hls
classmates to bis rooms and made him
cut up all kinds of capers. He at first
refused, point blank— but Underwood
got up and, standing directly In front
of him, gazed steadily Into his eyes.
Again he commanded him to do these
ridiculous, degrading things. Howard
felt himself weakening. He was sud­
denly seized with the feeling that he
must obey. Amid roars of laughter
he recited the entire alphabet stand­
ing on one leg, he crowed like a
rooster, he hopped like a toad, and
he crawled abjectly on hls belly like
a snake. One of the fellows told him
afterward that he had been hyp­
notized. He had laughed at It then
as a good joke, but now he came to
think of It, perhaps It was true. Pos­
sibly he was a subject. Anyway he
was glad to be rid of Underwood and
hls uncanny Influence.
third degree
„ A r th u r 0 horn blo w
I L L U S T R by A g . T w I . D O illingham
N S b concur
WOrtm cut , i*ce,
B o v a r .l Jnrii*H
banker’« son, under
B m e vil Inlluenee o f Robert Underwood.
• fellow-student at Yule, leads a life of
Sfoelpatlon. marries the daughter o f a
■am bler who died In prison, and Is dis­
arm ed by his father. H e tries to get
w ork and falls.
C H APTE R I.—Continued.
“ I wish I could help you, old man.
A s it la, my own salary barely serves
to keep me In neckwear. Wall street’s
■real fun, but it doesn't pay much;
that la, not unlesa you play the game
y o u rself"
Howard smiled feebly as ho re­
“ Nonaense— I wouldn’t accept help
o f that aort. I ’m not reduced to so­
liciting charity yet. I guess I'd pre­
fe r the river to that. Hut If you hear
o f anything, keep me In mind.”
T h e athlete made no response. He
was apparently lost In thought when
suddenly he blurted out:
“ Say, Jeffries, you haven’t got any
money, have you— say, a couple of
thousand dollars?"
Howard stared at the questioner as
I f he doubted his sanity.
“ T w o thousand dollars!” he gasped
“ Do you suppose that I’d be wearing
out shoe leather looking for a Job
I f I had $2,000?"
Co*e looked disappointed as he re
p lied :
"Oh. o f course, I understand you
haven't It on you, only I thought you
m ight be able to raise It.”
“ Why do you ask?” Inquired How
ard, his curiosity aroused.
Coxe looked around to see If any
•n e was listening. Then In a wills
per he said:
“ It’s a cinch.
If you had $2,000
you and I could make a snug little
fortune. Don't you understand? In
my office I get tips. I'm on the inside.
I know In advance what the big men
are going to do. When they start to
m ove a certain stock up. I’m on the
Job. Understand? If you had $2,000,
I ootild raise an much, and we'd pool
•u r capital, starting In the business
•oruelve*— on a small scale, of course
I f we hit It right we might make a
alee income."
Howard's mouth watered. Certain­
ly that was the kind of life he liked
beat. The feverish excitement of
gambling, the close association with
rich men, the promise of a luxurious
atyle of living—all this nppealed to
him strongly. Hut what wus the use?
W here could ho get $2,000? He
couldn’t go to his father. He shook
his head.
T m afraid not. old sport." he said
nm they le ft the saloon and he held
out his hand to say good-by. “ liut I'll
bear It In mind, and If things ltnprovo.
I 'l l look you up. So lon g!"
( Climbing wearily up the dirty stairs
- o f the elevated rnllroad, he bought u
U r ie l with one of the few nickels re-
'tnalnlng In Ills pocket, nnd taking n
M at In a north hound train started on
bla trip bark to Harlem.
The day wus overcast, ruin threat
A pall of mingled smoke nnd
m ist hung over the entire city. From
the car window us the trnln wound
Its serpentine course in nnd out the
mare of grimy offices, shops nnd tene­
ments, everything appeared drab,
dirty and squalid.
New York was
seen at Its ugliest. Knsconrcd In a
cross-scat, his chin lcnntng heavily
sa his hand, Howard gnzed dejectedly
• s t o f the window. The depressing
outlook was In keeping with his pwn
State o f mind.
How would the adventure end?
Reconciliation with Ills father was out
of the question. Letters sent home
wasn’t surprised, lie knew his pater
•so well to expect that he would re­
test so soon. Resides, If the n!d man
was so infernally proud, he’d show
him he had some pride, too. He’d
drown himself before he’d go down on
hla knees, whining to be forgiven. Ills
father was dead wrong, anyway. Ills
marriage might have been foolish;
Anole might be beneath him socially.
She was not educated and her father
wasn’t any better than he ought to
he. She did not talk correctly, her
manners left much to be desired, at
tim es he was secretly ashamed of her
Hut her bringing up was her misfor­
tune, not her fault. The girl herself
was straight as a die. She had a
heart o f gold. 8he was far more In
tslltgent. far more likely to make
him a happy home than some stuck
up. Idle eoclety girt who had no
thought for anything save money,
dress and show. Perhaps If he had
been less honorable and not married
her, hla father would have thought
m ore highly of him. If he’d ruined
the girl. no doubt he would hare been
welcomed home with open arm*
He might be a poor, weak
fool, but thank Clod, they couldn't re­
proach him with that. Annie had been
loyal to him throughout. He'd stick
f o her through thick and thin.
Aa the train swept round the cunre
at fifty-third street and started on Its
long, straight run up the West side,
hla mind reverted to Robert Under­
wood. He had seen his old associate
only once since leaving college. He
raa across him one day on Fifth ave­
nue. Underwood was coming out of
a curio shop. He explained hurriedly
that he had left Yale, and when asked
about his future plans talked vaguely
of going in for art. His matter was
frigid and nervous— the attitude of
the man who fears he may be ap­
proached for a small loan. He was
evidently well aware of the change in
his old associate's fortunes, and hav­
ing squeezed all he could out of him,
had no further use for him. It was
only when he had disappeared that
Howard suddenly remembered a loan
of $250 which Underwood had never
Some time later Howard
learned that he occupied apartments
at the exclusive and expensive As-
truria, where he was living In great
style. He went there determined to
see him and demand hls money, but
the card always came back “ not at
The train stopped with a Jerk at hls
station and Howard rode down In the
elevator to the street. Crossing Eighth
avenue, he was going straight home
when suddenly he halted. The glitter
and tempting array of bottles In a
corner saloon window tempted him.
He suddenly felt that if there was one
thing he needed in the world above
all others it was another drink. True,
Underwood had always been a mys­ he had had more than enough already.
tery to Howard. He knew him to be Hut that was Coxe's fault. He had
an Inveterate gambler and a man en­ invited him and made him drink.
tirely without principle. No one knew There couldn’t be any harm in taking
who hls family were or where he another. He might as well be hanged
came from.
Hls source of income, for a sheep as a lamb. By the time
too, was always a puzzle. At college he emerged from the saloon his
he was always hard up, borrowing speech was thick and his step uncer­
right and left and forgetting to pay, tain. A few minutes later he was
yet he always succeeded In living on painfully climbing up the rickety stairs
the fat of the land. His apartments I of a cheap-looking fiat house. As he
The box-like ho!e where Howard
sat awaiting hls meal was the largest
room In a flat which boasted of "five
and bath." There was a bedroom of
equally diminutive proportions and a
parlor with wall paper so loud that It
talked. There was scarcely enough
room to swing a cat around. The
thin walls were cracked, the rooms
were carpetless. Yet It showed the
care of a good housekeeper. Floors
and windows were clean, the cover on
the table spotless. The furnishings
were as meager as they were ingen­
ious. With their slender purse they
had been able to purchase only the
bare necessities— a bed, a chair or
two, a dining room table, a few kitch­
en utensils. When they wanted to sit
In the parlor they had to carry a
chair from the dining room; when
meal times came the chairs had to
S c id
L o u is
travel back again. A soap box turned
upside down and neatly covered with
J m osT
SAy -
chintz did duty as a dresser In the
bedroom, and with a few photographs
î w i< 5 ^
w tx^e
and tacks they had managed to im­
part an aesthetic appearance to the'
parlor. This place cost the huge sum
f o r
't n e y
-s fë y
,r i
of $25 a month. It might Just as well
have cost $100 for all Howard’s ability
to pay It. The past month’s rent was
cta y -
long overdue and the janitor looked
more Insolent every day. But they
did not care. They were young and
M o û t"
life was still before them.
Presently Annie came In carrying
a steaming dish of stew, which she
laid on the table. As she helped How­
ard to a plate full she said: "So you
had no luck again this morning?"
Not Difficult to Put Together and Can
Howard was too busy eating to an­
Be Cut From Ordinary Broomhan-
swer. As he gulped down a huge piece
die— How It Is Worked.
of bread, he growled:
"Nothing, as usual— same old story,
All parts of an Austrian top are ot
nothing doing."
Annie sighed. She had been given wood and they are simple to make.
this answer so often that It would The handle is a piece of pine 6%
have surprised her to hear anything Inches long, lVt inches wide and three-
else. It meant that their hard hand- fourths Inch thick. A handle, three-
to-mouth struggle must go on. She
said nothing. What was the use? It
would never do to discourage How­
ard. She tried to make light of I t
“ Of course It Isn’t easy, I quite
understand that. Never mind, dear.
Something will turn up soon. Where
did you go? Whom did you see? Why
Part* of the Top.
didn't you let drink alone when you
promised me you would?"
fourths Inch In diameter, Is formed on
"That was Coxe's fault,” blurted
one end. allowing only 1% inches of
out Howard, always ready to blame
. .
the other end to remain rectangular In
others for his own , 8 ° rtcomings.1 shape. Bore a three-fourths Inch hole
"You remember Coxe!
e was a jn tkjg en(j 0f ^ e top. A one-sixteenth
Yale when I was. A big, fair fellow
Inch hole is bored ln the edge to en­
with blue eyes. He pulled stroke In
ter the large hole as shown, says a
the ’varsity boat race, you remem­
writer ln Popular Mechanics. The top
can be cut from a broom handle or a
“ I think I do,” replied his wife, In­
round stick of hardwood.
differently, as she helped him to more
To spin the top take a piece of
stew. “ What did he want? What’s
stout cord about two feet long, pass
he doing in New York?”
“ He’s got a fine place In a broker's 1 ° nf
thro«i«h the one sl*teenth lnch
office In W all street. I felt ashamed h° le and. Wlnd 11 on the sma11 pan of
to let him see me low down like this, j ‘ ?e top ln the u8ual way’ BtartlnS at
He said that 1 could make a good deal |1*1® bott° m and " ‘ndlng upward,
of money if only I had a little capital.1 hen
s^an^ *s covered, set the
He knows everything going on ln ^op *n *be three-fourths Inch hole.
W all street. If I went in with him I ’d "Pa*te
of the handle with the left
hand and the end of the cord with
be on Easy street.”
the right hand, give a good quick pull
“ How much would It require?"
on the cord and the top will Jump
"T w o thousand dollars."
The young w ife gave a sigh as she clear of the handle and spin vigor-
| ously.
“ I ’m afraid that’s a day dream. Only |
your father could give you such an VEHICLE PROPELLED BY HAND
-the-o" 6 ecU
never- h e e d
In the Astruria cost a small fortune;
he dressed well, drove a smart turn­
out and entertained lavishly. He was
not Identified with any particular busi­
ness or profession. On leaving col­
lege he became Interested ln art. He
frequented the Important art sales
and soon got hls name In the news­
papers as an authority on art matters.
Hls apartment was literally a museum
of European and oriental art. On all
sides were paintings by old masters,
beautiful rugs, priceless tapestries,
rare ceramics, enamels, statuary,
antique furniture, bronzes, etc. He
passed for a man of wealth, and moth­
ers with marriageable daughters, con­
sidering him an eligible young bach­
elor, hastened to Invite him to their
homes, none of them conscious of the
danger of lettlug the wolf slip into the
lambs' fold.
What a strange power of fascina­
tion, mused Howard ns the train
jogged along, men of Underwood's
bold and reckless type wield, espe­
cially over women. Their very daring
and unscrupulousncss seems to render
them more attractive. He himself at
college had fallen entirely under the
man's spell. There was no doubt that
he was responsible for all bis trou­
bles. Underwood possessed the un­
canny gift of being able to bend peo­
ple to hts will. What a fool he
had made of him at the university!
He had been hts evil genius, there
was no question of that
But for
meeting Underwood he might have ap­
plied himself to serious study, left the
university with honors and be now a
respectable member of the community.
He remembered with a smile that It
was through Underwood that he had
met hla wife. Some of the fellows
hinted that Underwood had known
her more Intimately than he bad pre­
tended and had only passed her on to
him because he was tired of her. He
had nailed that as a He. Annie, he
could «wear, waa as good a girl as
ever breathed.
He could n t explain Underwood’s
influence over him. He had done with
reached the top floor a cheerful voice
called out:
“ Is that you, Howard, dear?"
A young woman hurried out of one
of the apartments to greet Howard.
She was a vivacious brunette o f me­
dium height, intelligent looking, with
good features and fine teeth. It was
not a doll face, but the face of a
woman who had experienced early the
hard knocks of the world, yet ln
whom adversity had not succeeded In
wholly subduing a naturally buoyant,
amiable disposition. There was de­
termination in the lines above her
mouth. It was a face full of character,
the face of a woman who by sheer
dint of dogged perseverance might ac­
complish any task she cared to set
herself. A smile of welcome gleamed
In her eyes as she inquired eagerly:
"W ell, dear, auythlng doing?”
Howard shook his head for all re­
sponse and a look of disappointment
crossed the young wife's face.
"Say, that’s tough, ain’t it?" she
’’The Janitor was here
again for the rent. He says they'll
serve us with a dispossess. I told him
to chase himself, I was that mad."
Annie’s vocabulary was emphatic,
rather than choice. Entirely without
education, she made no pretense at
being what she was not and therein
perhaps lay her chief charm.
Howard stooped to kiss her. she said
"You ve been drinking again. How-
ard. You promised me you wouldn't."
The young man made no reply.
With an Impatient gesture he passed
on Into the flat and flung himself
down In a ehalr In the dining room.
From the adjoining kitchen came a
welcome odor of cooking.
"Dinner ready“ ’ he demanded. 'T m
devilish hungry."
"Yes. dear. Just a minute,” replied
hla wife from tha kitchen. "There's
some nice Irish stew, just what you
Physician, After Careful Examination
of Patient, Prescribes Fresh
Air for Aviator.
He was 111. or at least said that he
was, and the other day he entered the
house of a well-known physician and
sank into a leather-covered arm-chair
in the ante-room waiting hls turn on
the list.
At last It came, and the doctor ex­
amined his tongue critically, felt hls
pulse, Inquired as to the symptoms ot
hls Illness, and then looked wise.
Taking a pad from the table he wrote
a prescription calling for bread pills
and distilled water, or something of
that sort. Then, turning ln his chair,
the physician said, " I cannot say any­
thing serious Is the matter with you.
What you need Is plenty of air----- ”
The patient smiled a broad, bland
smile, but said nothing.
"Take this prescription regularly
every night, but above all things get
plenty of air. Good, wholesome, out­
door atmosphere, that Is what you
need more than anything else.”
“ Ha, ha. ha! I need air, do I? ”
shouted the man. “ W ell, that la
“ Why, what do you mean?” In­
quired the doctor.
"Mean? Why, I’m an aviator,”
amount and you wouldn’t go to him,
“ I Wish I Could Help You, Old Man.”
f f
would you?”
Wheels for Common Cart Can Be Se­
“ Not If we hadn't another crust ln
cured at Any Junk Shop at Slight
the house," snapped Howard savage­
Expense— Makes Lever Auto.
ly. "You don't want me to, do you?’’
he asked looking up at her quickly.
Any hoy following the directions gtv-
No, dear,
she answered calmly, en here can convert a common four-
" I have certainly no wish that you wheeled cart Into a hand propelled ve-
should humble yourself. At the same hide
time I am not selfish enough to want| ,f '
wouId ,,ke to own a lever
to stand in the way of your future. auto llke thls one and do not h
Your father and stepmother hate me. |o have a
wh<J , P at
I know that. I am the cause of your _
„» <• ...
, „
.. , '
a Junk yard at slight expuense. The
separation from your folks. No doubt
,,, .
, beginning of your work will be to take
your father would be very willing to
_ .
. ,
f , out the rear axle and substitute for It
help you If you would consent to
, ,ur 11
leave me ”
I the crankshaped one shown in the
Howard laughed as he replied:
“ Well, If that's the price for tha
$2,000 I guess I ’ll go without it. I
wouldn't give you up for a million
times $2,000!”
Annie stretched her hand across
the table.
"R eally?" she said.
Not Hitting the Pressman,
The complaint editor was trying to
pacify an Indignant contributor who
was scolding him through the tele­
“ W e printed your communication
the day after it was received,” he
" I didn’t see It and I looked all
through the paper.”
’It was on the page where w e al­
ways run such things.
Didn’t you
notice a blur at the bottom o f the
fifth column that you couldn’t make
anything out of?"
"W ell, that was It.”
Love and a Looking Glass.
They had been married In Novem
"Did you see anything that particu­
larly struck your fancy when you
were looking around the shops today,
sweetheart?" asked the young hus­
band on hls w ife’ return from a
round of Christmas shopping.
"W ell,” she replied, " I saw some­
thing extremely pretty in looking
“ I have no doubt you did,” he ob­
served, " if you looked Into them.”—
Liverpool Mercury.
tllS *■
I TO B E C O N T IN U E D .)
Engineering in Hospitals.
Practically all the Important In­
firmaries and hospitals In England
have their own electric generating
stations, and the size of the Installa­
tions would surprise the majority of
engineers. The equipment has to be
designed with unusual care, owing to
the special conditions which prevail
ln hospital work. Even where a pub­
lic supply la available, the use of an
Independent system Is Justified on ac­
count of the security which It gives
against failure of current at a critical
moment. The Installations are used
for lighting, heating, ventilating, tele­
phoning and other purposes, and
many hospitals have laundries op­
erated electrically. One county asylum
has Its own private electric railway
for conveying supplies from the near
est railway station.
Hand-Propelled Vehicle.
drawing. The best place to obtain
a rod long enough to be shaped Into
the crank is the Junk yard.
Before you put your new axle In
place make a wooden lever similar to
the one shown under the wagon. It is
The Duration of Dreamt.
made of two small blocks nailed to
Something regarding the duration j the sides of
longer stick near the
of dreams can be gathered from th is! end of the latter
Another lever
experience of a man who. on sitting \ comes up through a hole ln the bottom
down for a dental operation, took g a s 'o f the cart and has a cross piece
and dreamed. He saw himself flniih nailed on the upper end for a handle.
hls work, go to the club, leave for Two blocks like the one shown In the
the station, run for the train and miss cut are fastened under the wagon and
It. He returned to hls club and re­ » bolt Is driven through them and
clined on a settee In the library. There through the upright lever to act as a
he paeeed a miserable, restless night, pivot.
getting gradually colder and colder as
the Are died down, and with a pain
Puzzler for Little Fay.
gradually growing about bla head and
L lttle Fay had been given a ten-
face from the hardness of hla couch.
Flve o'clock In the morning came, and cent plece RnJ *e“ t to buy a postage
the steward roused him to say that stamp The clerk gave her the stamp,
the club must now be cloeed. The Mld
Pennies In change. Fa>
sleeper got up feeling very stiff— to * counted the pennies twice. Then she
find that the steward was hls dentist, B* ld’ w,tk ■ puzzled look. “ 1 don't
and that the night’* adventure« had ,hlnk this Is right. How much did yon
lasted exactly 41 second*.
j f° u
a tso-cent stamp costs
The Summer Boarder— A re the
mosquitoes and files very bad here?
Hiram Hayrick— Nope. You'll find
some of ’em In church every Sunday.
And Then----- 1
A woman who doe* her own house­
work was Invited out to dinner the
other night, and when she rose from
the table, remarked:
"W ell, It Is pleasant to eat some­
thing that I didn’t cook."
“ Indeed it Is,” said her husband,
before he bethought himself o f coi>
A Depressing Experience.
Did you ever long In vain for a
®ingle pleasant word or kind look?"
said the sentimental soul.
'e s , ' replied the practical p*r-
to F«t by a swell
waiter with a 25<ent Up.”
Bee EnSl*nd has twen­
ty-eight railway tunnels a m ile o»
more long.
wh j
txi. Want to g0 iher• on Utoil
r V *