Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 11, 1912, Image 2

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    Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
G eneral Resume o f Im portant Event«
Presented In Condensed Form
fo r O ur Busy Readers.
The N orthern Pacific plans to spend
14 ,000,000 on improvements in the
Inland Empire this year.
“ Baby B liss,”
weighed 550, pounds, was found dead
in bed at Bloomington, III.
C alifornia
asked congress for $50,000 to aid in
fighting the M editerranean fru it fly.
New York county, New York, will
not have any women deputy sheriffs,
as it has been found th a t "e v e ry dep­
uty sheriff m ust be a v o te r.”
An agent of the Royal Mail steam ­
ship company is in Portland arranging
for the establishm ent of a d irect line
of steam ers to Europe via the Panam a
Those in charge of the G reat N orth­
ern exhibit car now touring the E ast
predict a g rea t influx of homeseekers
to the N orthw est during the coming
The U nited S tates has taken posses­
sion of the N icaraguan custom houses
in order to receive paym ent of a $10,-
000,000 loan made to th a t country by
J . Picrpont Morgan.
Governor West, of Oregon, has set
aside Friday, December 13, 1912, as a
general “ hangm an’s d a y ,” in case the
people fail to approve the m easure
abolishing capital punishm ent.
Hawley Bill Would Perm it State« to
Make Lieu Selection«.
Washington, D. C-— Realizing that
w estern states can derive no practical
benefit from school sections scattered
through forest reserves, R epresenta­
tive Hawley introduced a bill which
perm its the exchange of these lands
fui compact buoies of equal area,
situated as to be of value.
H is bill provides th a t where any
sta te owns lands w ithin a national
forest or where its rights of indemnity
selection in respect to school sections
w ithin such boundaries has not been
fully exercised, the state, subject to
the approval of the secretary of ag ri­
culture, may change such lands for,
or make indemnity selections of, other
national forest lands of like q uantity
and value, to be selected in reasonably
com pact bodies, which lands shall
th e re afte r be excluded from national
forests for the benefit of the state.
Hamilton Club at Mammoth Meeting
Upholds Tafr.
Chicago—Chicago’s voice was raised
for international peace a t a mammoth
m eeting held here under the auspices
of the H am ilton club in the A uditori­
um th eater. Ex-V ice-President F air­
banks, Colonel Henry W atterson, of
L ouisville; R epresentative Foster, of
V erm ont; Jan e Addams and Dr. Emil
G. Hirsch, of Chicago, made appeals
for the ratification of the general arb i­
tration treaties now pending in the
United States senate.
Such ratification, advocates of peace
declared, will mean the abolishment
o f im plem ents of w ar in favor of the
dignified councils of peaceful a rb itra ­
President T aft was praised for his
advocacy of the trea tie s which, if r a t­
ified, it was said, would insure world
peace and the U nited S tates was de­
clared to be the first nation really to
announce itself as in favor of a rb itra ­
tion o f international differences.
This was in the tre a ty between this
country and England, the early p art
of the la st century, to settle boundary
disputes on the border line of Maine
and Canada.
Mr. F airbanks defined the treaties
advocated by P resident T aft, and
which the senate is asked to ratify , as
broader in scope than any previously j
considered treaties.
“ These tre a tie s ,” said Mr. F a ir­
banks, “ if ratified by the senate, will
become a fixed featu re of our in tern a­
tional policy, and the policy of two of
the other leading world pow ers.”
Wheat C rop Safe
U nder Heavy
Blanket of S now —Z ero E ast
of C ascades.
W eather C o nd ition s in Pacific
N o rth w e st.
Portland—City and v icinity cov­
ered w ith ice; tem p eratu re slightly
below 30.
Salem—Cellars flooded by ra in s;
( river rising.
t S eattle—Freezing w eather, four
j inches of snow; east wind blowing.
t Albany—Stream s risin g in Linn
I county; long-distance w ires down.
I A berdeen— Logging camps are
| forced to shut down on account of
| snow.
j Spokane— Mercury below zero;
j snow foot deep.
5 Baker— Mercury a t zero, 12 inch-
j es of snow, trains delayed.
; La Grande—Snow d rifts fill the
¡stre e ts; wind hampers snow plows
Ion O.-W. R. & N.
j Pendleton — M ercury is below
: zero; 13 inches of snow ; tra in s de­
c a y e d ; snow in m ountains three
! feet deep.
i The Dalles — Show 41 inches
¡deep; mercury
14 above; De-
I schutes railroad blocked; O.-W. R.
i & N. trains delayed.
: Hood River—-34 inches o f snow;
J in upper valley depth is five feet.
; W alla W alla—2 inches o f snow ;
I mercury a t zero.
Snow protects
j crops.
California Wants Aid in Fignting
Threatening Fruit Fly.
W ashington, D. C. — The sum of
$50,000 to repulse the invasion of the
M editerranean fru it fly is asked in a
bill introduced by Representatives
Hayes and Kahn, of California.
California, they say, had held an
ex tra session of its legislature and
passed legislation along this line.
The invasion is threatened from the
H aw aiian islands, the fly's habitat,
and fru it brought from there carries
the larvae, which flourish in the Cali­
fornia climate.
The Californians in th eir fight
Students at University of Washington
against the pest, will urge the bill of
Make Discovery.
them. I am very sorry to hear of his Representative Simmons, of New
d ea th .”
York, for a national quarantine for
U niversity of W ashington, S eattle
One of the iron links th a t bound the imported nursery stock.
— Discoveries th a t will place Douglas
old navy to the new, a commanding
fir oil on a par with th a t extracted
Hitchcock Plan Boosted.
figure in each, w as Robley D. Evans.
from pine, will utilize the millions of
He did not take kindly to the sobrie-
Washington, D. C. — A feature of
feet of fir stum ps, roots and tree
quet of “ F ig h tin g Bob,” for, although the annual report of Joseph S. Stew­
limbs, representing one-half of the
Portland—While Portland and V an­
of gruff exterior, he was a man of the art, second assistant postm aster gene­
The president of the Outlook Pub­ standing tim ber, and will provide for
kindliest impulses. Thus it never was ral, is a recommendation th a t the gov­ couver suffered Saturday and Sunday
lishing company, for whose magazine the m anufacture of fine paper from
used in his presence by his friends.
Roosevelt is one of the principal the w aste a fte r the oil has been manu­
ernm ent pay only for w hat it receives under the “ silver th a w ,” heavy rains
fell in the W illam ette valley, and
w riters, says Roosevelt will not be a factured, have been made by students
in the transportation of the mails.
presidential candidate this year.
of the chem istry departm ent here,
An elaborate discussion of the pro­ east of ithe Cascades m ountains the
posed plan of Postm aster General snowfall continued until Sunday morn­
A Boise, Idaho, man, believing him­ who, under the direction of Dr. H. K.
Hitchcock to pay the railroads for ing.
self dying, gave a check for $3,000 to
Navy A rranges to S trip S hips of actual service performed is presented.
Sunday morning The D alles awoke
a neighbor woman who had befriended
Lunch at Noon, and Dies at
Wood When in Action.
to see 41 inches of snow.
A t Hood
him. N ext m orning he found him self
4 :4 5 O 'clock P. M.
“ Our discovery o f the oil of Doug­
W ashington, D. C.— Every year the nate all distinction between payment River the fall was 34 inches deep,
feeling b etter than usual, and tried to
las fir came as a resu lt of studying
b attle practice in th e Am erican navy for w eight and payment for space, and while in the upper Hood R iver valley
stop paym ent on the check.
the oils of four cords of wood sent
more closely approxim ates the condi­ would be based on the space occupied the depth in places is five feet.
The snow area covers th e whole of
by the m ails in tran sit and the haul of
W ashington, Jan . 3.— R ear Admiral tions of actual w arfare.
More than 8,000 persons attended through a wood d istillin g plant at
the Inland Empire. Pendleton reports
Anacortes, ” said Dr. Benson. “ Com­ Robley D. E vans— “ F ig h tin g Bob” to
In the spring practice of the A tlan ­ the sam e.”
the president’s New Year reception.
mercial tu rpentine of a high grade and
The plan would enable the govern­ 13 inches, w ith three feet in the Blue
tic fleet th is y ear the idea of rid ­
A compensation act ia being urged the new oil were found by the stu ­ an adm iring nation—died suddenly to­ ding a ship as fa r as possible of com­ m ent to transport the mails a t a rate mountains. Baker had 13 inches of
Acute bustible m aterial and woodwork th a t of 6 per cent above actual cost to the snow, Walla W alla 12 inches and Spo­
for the relief of injured postoffice em­ dents. When the ta r obtained from day a t his home in th is city.
this fir wood was refined it yielded indigestion ended the career of one o f ' m ight cause splinters in action is to roads.
kane the same.
Zero w eather pre­
three product»—a very light oil, used
vails at many places east of th e Cas­
be carried out.
The plans contem­
The cost of living is less in the Pan­ in the m anufacture of shingle stain ; the most popular officers of the navy. plate the removal of all wooden boats,
Navy Officers Grilled.
ama canal zone than in the United a heavier oil of tar, which, I believe, He was ill less than three hours.
Train service in the Columbia riv er
the bunks and the wooden furniture.
W ashington, D. C.— Representative
Admiral Evans arose today appar­ Not even the mess tables will be le ft Howard, of Georgia, urging before the gorge is heavily handicapped by the
can be used for linseed oil, and a ta r
Aged 94 years, the oldest member residue or pitch, which, we believe, ently in b e tte r health and sp irits than and the bluejackets will have to eat house naval affairs subcommittee, the deep snows, otherw ise no reports of
Some fear
of the San Diego Swimming club took can be used successfully asr a p rotect­ he had enjoyed in some tim e. For th e ir meals squatting, tailor-fashion, rein statem en t of L ieutenant Colonel damage have been made.
C. M. Perkins, of the Marine corps, is felt at Hood River where young ap­
a half hour’s swim w ith the other ive paint for iron, steel and m etal sur­ years a sufferer from old wounds sus­ on deck.
faces. Now, the rosin in the wood
More dam age and loss of life have declared th a t Perkins discharge for ple trees are buried under the snow.
members on New Years day.
renders it useless for w hite paper, and tained in the Civil w ar and from re­ resulted on shipboard in tim e of w ar alleged “ mental incompetency” was a Baker county reports plenty of feed
The South Yuba river is frozen over it is available only for the cheaper current attack s o f rheum atic gout, the from suffocating fires and flying splin­ “ D reyfus” conspiracy, hatched at the for cattle.
in Southeastern California, a phenom­ grades of colored paper, b ut by using aged fighter seemed to have shaken off ters than from shot and shell wounds, Army and Navy club in Washington.
Snow drifted badly in the stre e ts of
enon never before known w ithin the our apparatus we can ex tra ct this the burden of his advancing days. He therefore it has been decided to de­
Mr. Howard attacked both the Ma­ La Grande, making futile the efforts
memory of the oldest inhabitant.
displayed high sp irits a t b reakfast, term ine ju st how much woodwork can rine corps and the navy.
of the snowplows to clear th e tracks
“ O ther experim ents deal w ith the and ate a h earty luncheon a t noon.
be dispensed w ith when a c ra ft clears
“ Only 32 per cent of the officers of of the O.-W. R. & N.
value of the tannic acid of the fir bark
When in his lib rary a t 2 o ’clock in for action.
th e nav y ,” he said, “ are in actual
W inter reached Southern Oregon
and the oil distilled from fir needles.” the afternoon the adm iral was stric k ­
The spring practice of the fleet in service.
The rem ainder sit about Saturday afte r a heavy but w arm rain
Wheat — Track prices : Bluestem,
en. His fam ily sent instantly for Dr. the W est Indian w aters w ith Guan- W ashington engaged in social pur­ of the night before.
A t noon th e
81(u,82e; club, 79c; red Russian, 78c;
S. S. Adams, who on arrival found him tanomo as the base, will occupy ten suits. Naval battles are planned and mercury a t Roseburg began to fall
LPowers Move Cautiously.
valley, 80c; forty-fold, 79(/£80c.
P aris—The possibility of an event­ in g rea t pain. A fter treatm en t. Ad­ days more than two months, begin­ fought in the clubs, where liquor rapidly and by nightfall was a t freez­
Corn—Whole, $37; cracked, $38 ton.
m iral Evans fell into a restless sleep, ning Jan u ary 10. A fte r th a t is com­ tak es the place of the briny deep, ing point.
Streams are reported as
Millatuffs— Bran, $23 per ton; mid­ ual intervention by the powers
and it was thought the danger had pleted the big ships will come north to w ith a red ¡cherry as the ship and a rising at alarm ing rapidity.
T rains
dlings, $30; shorts, $24; rolled b ar­
passed. Shortly a fte r 4 o ’clock, how­ the Southern drill grounds off the toothpick as the propelling force. are being operated with difficulty and
ley, $37(lt88.
ever, he awakened and, raising him ­ Chesapeake capes, for the regular b a t­ The officers furnish the w ind.”
wire service is interrupted. In some
Oats—No. 1 white, $30.500£31 ton. cles here. The feeling, however, is self, w ith difficulty, announced th a t he tle practice.
parts of the county snow is five inches
Hay—No. 1 E astern Oregon tim o­ th a t nothing of a concrete n atu re is was choking.
S enate Curbs Newlands.
thy, $18(<il8.50; No. 1 valley, $16or justified or can be carried out a t pres­
“ I cannot g et my b re a th ,” he said,
W ashington, D. C.—The senate has
At Ashland the rainfall was rep o rt­
16; alfalfa, $13((«14; clover, $11@12; ent. I t is pointed out in au th o rita­ and sank back.
A t 4 :45 o ’clock he
refused permission to Senator New­ ed to be warm and snow has all disap­
grain, $12(iH3.
died, conscious to the end.
lands, of Nevada, to have his resolu­ peared from the lower levels.
are not able to intervene unless fo re­
Barley—Feed, $36(</:37 ton.
A t his bedside w ere his w ife, his Penns>lvania and New Jersey Ship tion for a legislative programme made trailic on the Southern Pacific over the
Ammunition to Mexico.
Fresh F ru its— Pears, 60c <i.$ 1.50 per ign property in China should be en­ daughter, Mrs. H. I. Sewall, and his
unfinished business.
Mr. Newlands, Siskiyous is uninterrupted.
box; grapes, $1.260/1.50; cranber­ dangered or attacked and the legations daughter-in-law , Mrs. F. T. Evans,
New O rleans— Evidence indicating in his argum ent for the resolution,
Heavy snow has also fallen in W est­
ries, $12(ttl3 per b arrel; casabas,
w ife of the ad m iral's only son, a lieu­ a more widespread revolutionary plot said it was intended to facilitate the ern Washington.
A t Grays H arbor
rived for the powers to act.
$1.60 per crate.
ten an t commander in the navy and ag ain st Mexico than heretofore has work of congress, and mentioned fail­ the snowfall was light, w ith th e m er­
Apples-—Jonathans, $1.50(1/2.25 per
now on duty on the torpedo boat des­ been a ttrib te d to the opponents of the ure to enact legislation for the im­ cury at the freezing point.
S eattle
“ H aystack" Mast Fai'ure,
box; Spitzenberg, $ lor 2.50; Baldwin
troyer Monahan a t Boston. The only Madero adm inistration has come to provement of w aterways or for physi­ experienced real w inter w eather Sun­
S eattle—-Naval officials have made other m em ber of his im m ediate fam ­ lig h t in the shipm ent of eight carloads
75eC<r$1.60; Red Cheek Pippin, $1.25
cal valuation of railroads as instances day, with an east wind and a lig h t fall
d/1.76; Northern Spy, $1.25< k 1.75; the discovery th a t the “ h ay stack ” ily who was not present was his of am m unition and explosives from
wherein congress does not respond to of snow.
Winter Bananas, $2(d:3; Bellflower, m ilitary m asts recently installed on daughter, Mrs. Marsh, w ife of Cap­ points in Pennsylvania and New J e r ­
the will of the people. He charged
Crops in the Palouse country will
the vessels of the Pacific fleet vibrate tain Charles C. Marsh, commanding sey w ithin the la st 50 days.
| 1.10@1.35.
th a t the appointm ent of the National i not suffer^from the storm, th
_ ^
e heavy
Potatoes—Buying prices : Burbanks, too much to m ake the observations of the armored cruiser N orth Carolina.
The fact th a t these shipm ents w ere w aterw ays commission was made to ! blanket of snow acting as protection
the fire control officer in the top suffi­
90c<(/ $1.20 per hundred.
The news spread w ith g rea t rap id ­ detoured a t points north of New Or­
being ity and caused a profound shock in leans is said to have been established, postpone action, declaring it was a , to the grain. In the district w est o f
Onions—Jobbing price, $1.60 per ciently accurate, the fau lt
“ sandbagging process” and th a t rail- the Cascades, however, considerable
placed on the height of the m ast. It official circles.
P resident T a ft was | leading to the supposition th a t the road influence was behind it.
apprehension is felt for the young
Vegetables — Artichokes. 90c per is now planned to shorten the new one of the first to express his g rie f ! real destination was one of the G ulf
fru it trees.
Many trees are badly
dozen; cabbage, I t a l i c per pound; m asts recently constructed on the a r­ and condolence.
! ports between th is city and Mobile,
Poindexter Makes Choice.
damaged by being broken down from
cauliflower, $1.90(i/'2 per cra te; cu­ mored cruiser Pennsylvania and w ork­
“ Admiral Evans was one of the from which in the past many filibus-
W ashington, D. C.—Senator Poin­ the w eight of ice.
cumbers, $1.260/1.76 per dozen; cel­ men are preparing to take off ten feet. most successful squadron commanders j te rin g expeditions have cleared,
ter came out in favor o f the nomi­
ery, California, $4004.25 per crate;
we have had in the navy for a long | In addition to these eig h t carloads,
New Mexico is State.
egg plant, 12c per pound; garlic, 6oz.
Educator is Decorated
tim e .” said the p resid e n t
" H e was agents of the Mexican governm ent nation of J. C. Lawrence, ex-Railroad
10c per pound; lettuce, $2.60 per
W ashington, D. C. — New Mexico, a rigid disciplinarian of quick decision i a s s e r t one of the firm in New O rleans commissioner, as the Republican can­
Chicago— Professor Frederick S ta rr,
crate; peppers. 8ot'10c per pound; the 47th sta te to en ter th e Union, and adm irably advised in the in tri- has shipped 150 rifles a week for the didate for governor of W ashington,
of the U niversity of Chicago, has re ­
pumpkins, l0 £ l|c per pound; sprouts, 9 ceased to be a te rrito ry a t 1 :35 p. m. cacies of m achinery on cruisers and j past five weeks to points in Texas, and expressed the opinion th a t Law­
ceived word th at he has been appoint­
Ot 10c per pound; aquash, I t a l i c ; to­ Saturday, when President T a ft signed battleships and skilled
rence not only will be nominated, but
in d rillin g 1 near the Mexican border.
ed commander of the Order of Leo­
matoes, $1.76 per box ; carrots, $1 the proclamation of statehood.
pold II, the highest honor in the way
per sack; turnips, $1; beets, $1; par­
Four members of the presid en t’s
Poindexter comes to Law rence’s sup­
S hop is Looted Openly
English Is Com ing Tongue.
of decoration given by the governm ent
snips. $1.
cabinet, the two congressmen-elect
N ew ark, O.— In full view o f pass­
San Francisco— Leaders of the revo­
o Belgium. The decoration ia in rec-
Butter— Oregon creamery butter, from New Mexico, a dozen prom inent
" progressive” and has dem onstrated,
solid pack, 36; prints, e x tra ; butter citizens from the new state, several ing crowds and in one of the principal lutionary movement in th is country w hile railroad commissioner, th a t he ognition of his services in presenting
fat, lc less than solid pack prices.
W hite House employes and three pho­ business stree ts o f th is c ity , three are discussing plans for the unifica- is not subservient to the power of the to the world his view of the condition
Poultry—Hens, 12c; springs, llo i tographers witnessed the ceremony, burglars W ednesday evening looted a tion of the Chinese peolpes through railroads or oth er g reat interests.
thLe Congo Free S ta te in
1908 and for the exhibit at Brussels o f
12; ducks, young. 17(<£18c; geese, 12 which took pace in the presid en t’« jew elry store of diamonds and oth er th e medium of a common language,
his Congo anthropological collections,
$$13c; turkeys, live, 2O0£21c; dressed, p riv ate office.
valuables valued at more than $10,- It is the intention of the leaders of
S tate Bounty Inadequate.
for which the grand prize was aw ard-
choice, 22$ 00 23c.
1 this m ovement to m ake English the
W ashington. D. C.— President Good­
T ons o f Tea P rotested,
Egg»— Fresh Oregon ranch, candled,
A woman and a little girl who stood language of general use in China, b ut ing and Secretary McClure, of the Na­ ea to him.
87$c per dozen; case-count, 36c per
W ashington, D. C. — D eclaring 6,- w atching the men as they removed the before th is hope can be realized there tional Wool grow era' association, now
Plumbers Dissolve T rust
000,000 pounds of colored and adulter­ jewels from the windows and placed is much o f educational work to be in W ashington, are preparing to urge
Pork—Fancy, 86881c per pound.
ated tea which does not comply with them in sacks, tho u g h t the burglars done in converting the more than 100 the passage of a national bounty law.
Los A n g eies-T h e Pacific Plum bing
Veal—Fancy, 14(<tl4ic per pound.
treasury regulations, or w ith the pure were employes of th e store, b ut la ter different dialects into an u n d erstan l-
/ K a,n8t wh>ch the govern­
Cattle — Choice steers, $5.75u 6; food law. will be adm itted and sold in decided to report the m a tte r to the able language for the whole people They contend th a t sta te bounty laws m ent filed suit here last month, has
good, $6/1/6.60; choice cows, $4.60 k 5; this country w ithin a few days unless police.
o f China.
datory wild anim als which breed in een dissolved. The proceedings w ere
good, $4.25<<(4.60; choice spayed heif­ the governm ent acts quickly. Senator
national forests.
Federal assistance en toiL i?hm* L JudRe 0,in Wellbom
ers. $6r</6.25; good to choice heifers. Root and a delegation from the New
U lster Planning Revolt.'
Aid Postal Employes.
assert, as these entered the order afte r having been
$4.600/4.60; choice bulls, $4.26/ k 4 60 York Tea association have appealed to
R elfast — The U nionist council of
W ashington, D. C.—The enactm ent anim als each year kill $15,000,000 m tonned by District Attorney A I.
good. $40/4.26; choice calves, $7(i/:8; P resident T aft.
U lster has issued a m anifesto declar­ o f a law to com pensate all postal em­ worth of livestock, which results in an
V } he 87 corporations
good. $6.76ftC7.
ing th a t a provisional governm ent will ployes, including le tte r carriers, for increased cost of m e a t
the <r^«™ dU*i- defend>nt8 named in
D angerous Shelia Sunk
Hogs—Choice light hogs. $fi66(ii
be constituted in U lster im m ediately in ju ries sustained in the line of duty
a n t™
1 c?m pUint h8d made
$.66; good to choice hogs. $6.25«£
Brest, F rance—One of the cruisers a fte r a home rule m easure has been b u t not attrib u ta b le to th e ir own neg­
D em ocrats Make Slate.
o n T and
L J? agreeing
t,n * the
$.50; fair, $6(d6.26; smooth heavy attached to this port sailed out to sea passed by the B ritish parliam enL The ligence. is urged in the annual report
to e,9ential
W ashington, D. C. — The first cau­
hogs. $6.266t6.60.
and threw overboard into deep w ater most extrem e m easures will be reso rt­ of C. P. Grandfield. first assistan t
cus of the house Democrats will be
Sheep — Choice yearling wethers. 67 tons of m elenit« shells. The shells ed to for the defense o f U lster by the postm aster-general.
Smallpox Like Plague.
T here w ere in held soon to consider nom inations to
9193.76^4; choie« kl II ing ewes. $3.26 were condemned a fte r the ex plosion Loyalists, says the d o cu m en t
Nogalea, Sonora, Mex.— Smallpox
This operation Ju n e 30. 609,237 postoffices fill vacancies on com m ittees and a
C$9.76; choie« lara b«, $4.9fl(i( 6 .10; on the b attlesh ip L iberte a t Toulon m anifesto Is reported to be th e ex ­ o f all classes in the U nited S tates.
good, to choie« lamba, •4.76444.90; laat Septem ber, when 236 men were pression o f the un alterab le decision of The delivery service ia now in opera­ proposal to make Democratic caucuses rtctlm ™ eDt t? P* t h , t claims m any
public sessions intend of secret m eet­ of M e x i«
,l0ng th * WMt « « • »
J killed.
aalls $9C$4.
the anti-borne rule forces.
tion on 42,000 rural routes.
Cuaymas and Mazatlan
“Fighting Bob" Suddenly Laid Low
By indigestion.
I i
have been quarantined.