Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 04, 1912, Image 8

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Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wiedle
came out from Portland to spend
Sunday and New Year’s day
with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Goodin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haines.
of Portland, spent New Year’s
p ift with their mother, Mrs. Burwitz.
W. T. Schofield and family, of
McMinnville, spent the week end
visiting friends and relatives in connu,
Mrs. Roy Cook has just re­
turned from Astoria, where she
has been visiting her brother,
[T h is m a tte r m u at n o t be re p rin te d with­
Meron Tibbets.
o u t sp ecial perm ission.]
Leslie Webb closed a term of
school at Timber last Friday and From foot to block a box loses a p ­
ately one-sixtb in w eight, d e ­
expects to be in Cornelius again proxim
pending upon type, condition and feed.
for a time.
That’s the verdict of those
W hile it takes a lot of them , the Eng­
who patronize
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webb lish
sparrow makes an excellent potple.
came down from Forest Grove Indirectly, too. putUng sparrow s in
Sunday evening to assist in the pies is an aid in safeguarding other O U R
Is Complete
music at the church services.
O ur Clerks A re C ourteous
Our Prices A r e Low
The Young People’s Club will D ynam ite is a mighty good agency
when used with caution in the clearing
meet on Friday night at the of
stum ps from land, but it has lately Let Us Please You, Too
home of Mrs. Hancock. A large been dem onstrated quite conclusively
H. T. Giltner
attendance is desired as officers th a t it is a woefully inadequate means
settling disputes between capital
will be elected and the future of
701 Main Street
and labor.
Pac. States 26
Forest Grove
policy of the club will be decided
upon. Several musical numbers
ra t trib e is got from some figures
are being prepared and a very th
a t w ere kept iu a cam paign th a t was
pleasant evening is anticipated. waged against them some tim e ago on
Get Your
All young people are very cor­ an English estate of 2,000 acres. D ur­
ing a given period 31.081 rats w ere j
dially welcomed.
killed, but notw ithstanding th is kill- :
J. B. God bey was a passenger Ing th ere were plenty left to insure the
to McMinnville yesterday morn­ propagation of the species.
The postoffice departm ent a t W ash­
ington seem s to tak e an entirely rea­
Mrs. W. J. Lytle is a visitor sonable
uud consistent attitu d e when
made at
with her daughter, Mrs. Dixon, it holds th a t patrons of rural mail |
routes shall not be given service un- j
in Carlton this week.
less they show some inclination along !
Vera McCurdy, Margaret Mor- the line of keeping the roads in passa­
rissy and Miss Wunderlich re­ ble condition, which the rural curriers
have to trav erse iu getting to their J
turned to St. Mary’s Home Tues­ places.
day after spending the holidays
While the early genealogy of th e ra t \
at their respective homes.
is shrouded iu some obscurity, the ro­
Mrs. 0. G. Beeler, of Portland, dent seem s to have originated in C hi­
It is said to have made its first ap- j
visited over Sunday with her na.
pearance in England In 1738. iu P aris |
mother, Mrs. Fitch.
in 1750 and in California in 1849. It
Politics, Love and Intrigue
R ead the T hrilling Story of “T h e Inside" in the Affair»
of the Steel City of A m erica.
ma —
sc a tters th e germ s of bubonic plague,
C. L. Chapman and wife, of j cholera,
hookworm and pellagra and
Portland, were guests at the in spite <>f all the w arfare waged
home of the former’s sister, Mrs. a g ain st it multiplies prodigiously.
E. G. Wilkins, New Year’s.
W hatever th e size or shape of the
The Man Higher Up
T h is Serial, to Be R u n in T h is Paper, D escribes a
Titanic Struggle by a Man Single Handed Against the Greatest Handicaps
andMcst Powerful Forces that Successful Human Beings Must Surmount
Real Estate Transfer*
Grove, $5500.
12 1 n 3 w, $2485.
G W Barnes et al to E F
The following transfers were
et a', lots 13 and 14
furnished the Press by the
Grove add to Hills
Wilkes Bros. Title & Trust Co.,
of Hillsboro:
Cons N Valsamakis to Lotus L
Robert M Sebastian et al to
John T Lucas and wf to Walter Langley, 40 acres in sec 6, 1 S 4,
John T Fuqua, lot 6 blk 17, Hills­
Hannan and wf 4 acres in sec 4. W. $1.
2 n 4 w, $1.
G W Barnes et al to Archie W boro, $450.
Walter Hannan and wf to John Scheidell, lot 13 blk 4. Oak Grove
Gale* Creek
T Lucas and wf, 4 acres in sec 4, Add Restored to Hillsboro, $275.
2 n 4 w, $1.
of Gales Creek,
B F Rowland to C H Rowland,
W L Cady and wf to S C Salter blk (5 Knob Hill Add to Forest had the misfortune to lose one of
his milch cows on Saturday.
and wf, 68.18 acres in sec 11 1 n Grove, $16500.
4 w, $8560.
Edith L Kenworthv and hnsto
Oliver Storhow, who has been
John T Fuqua and wf to Jor­ Minnie A Lockwood, lot 14 blk laid up for a few days with a cut
dan H Kroeger, lot 6 blk 17, 2, Valley View Add to Forest toe, is able to be around again.
Hillsboro, $10.
Grove. $275.
Thos S Wilkes to Michael Sus-
Lotus L Langley and wf to Al­ Curtis Chapman and wife, who
bauer, 3.50 acres in Jas Robinson len A Dale, 40 acres in sec 6 1 s visited with the former’s mother
over Christmas, went to Cornel­
cl, 1 n 3. $2500.
4 w. $1.
J E Loomis and wf to S B J B Tamiesie nnd wf to Henry ius Friday to visit with his sister
Starrett and P C Starrett, pt of Abli, lots 1 and 2 blk 5, Thornes Mrs. Wilkins over Sunday and
returned to their home in Port­
lot 3, blk 23, Forest Grove, $325. Add to Hillsboro. $400.
W B Haines and wf to J W Martin Vnnderzanden et al to land on Monday.
Fuqua, pt lot 3 blk 6, Forest Herman Cop, 23.525 acres in sec
Mrs. M. Shroch returned home
Saturday from Hubbard where
she visited over Ceristmas.
Miss Dotty Hewett, who has
been visiting the past month at
the home of her sister.Mrs. Stor­
how. returned home to Yamhill
Waiting for One “Bonbonniere”
at the Plate
. .. * 1 * ...
Cigars, Candies and Nuts
R. A. PHELPS, Prop.
P icàc Avene
Stamps, coins or your person­
al check in the sum of $1.00
will pay for a renewal or a
new subset iption from this
date to January 1st, 1913.
The balance of this year and
all of next for $1.00. Send
at once for the Press. Now
for another 1000.
J. L. Hill purchased the sec­
ond hand store of L. J. Reeher,
on Pacific avenue, and has taken
Ethel Lewton. of Thatcher,
left Monday for her school at
Willamette University, Salem.
J. W. Kyle and wife, of Gales
Creek, are visiting friends in
Portland this week.
Bud Patton, of the east part of
town, lost a valuable work horse
undoubtedly there will be more pnr-
tles when women vote, even though
some of them he evening parties.
hog house, provision should be made
for letting in a generous am ount of
light. I t is very desirable If th e a r ­
rangem ent of w indows can be such
th a t light will shine on some portion
o f the floor of the stru ctu re during the
g reater p a rt of the day. Sunlight is a
first ra te germ destroyer uud is a great
aid In keeping the hog house dry and
sw eet and healthful.
An easy way to get what yon want
Is to want what yon get
Due reason why we are so discourte­
ous to our best friend 1* because we
don't know who be is.
Economy Is one of the things that we
don’t want, but tbst most of us can't
get along without.
If pleasure were to stay with ns all
tbe time ten to one we would soon fall
to qua roiling with IL
D O N ’T * F O B H O U S E H O L D E R * .
Don’t throw yoor ashes, gar­
bage or refuse on top of the
snow. The street Is no place
for such material. Put It In ash
and garbage receptacle« It Is
against th* law to dump aoy
material In the street.
Don't sllow the snow to re­
main on yonr sidewalks. Open
up all the gutters and don't
block them after they have been
opened. Arrange It so that the
water will run l*fo the gutters
lustead of Into the middle of the
Don’t pile the snow s round
hydrant* or I* front of catch-
basin inlets.
Taka a neighborhood Interest
and co-operate with the depart­
ment of street cleaning
are at much responsible aa the
street cleaning department.
A ccording to figures lately compiled
T exas produces more turkeys thaQ
an y o th er sta te in the Union. The j
high prices th a t have prevailed during
(Succe*tora to V. H. Limber.)
th e past tw o or three years have serv­
A. W. NELSON, Mgr.
ed to greatly increase the raising of
these big birds. From some (toints in '
Paciiic 48.
Independent 642
southw est and w est T e rn s from 3.000 Forest Grove
to 4.000 birds are shipped to northern
an d eastern points daily during No­
vem ber and December.
W. M. Langley & Son
Forest Grove Undertaking Co.
From tbe stan d p o in t of the m ainte­
nance of soil fe rtility —and this, nfter
Being rich needn't make a man over­
all. Is th e only tru e basis for determ in­
bearing and stupid, but then—
ing w hether a given ty p e of agricul­
tu re is good or not—it can only be
It doesn't take much to drive some viewed as a m isfortune when, as li
men to drink, bat to reverse the opera­ tbe case Just now. beef and pork are
tion sometimes requires a tremendous both so low th a t the feeder does not
feel like running th e risk of feeding
them high priced corn, but iusteud
, Everybody desires to be happy, but m arkets his grain in the raw .
there seem to be so many people that
won't let them.
Main Street
A fellow has a good prospect of grief
and disappointm ent ahead when be
sw aps tbe old farm , whose productive
capacity he ts sure of. fo r a stock of
m erchandise, a hotel or livery barn ot
decidedly uncertain value and of the
conduct of w hich be know s littla or
nothing. We have known of ju s t such
cases ns this w here in th e w iudup the
victim s d id n 't own nnytbing except
th eir clothes and w ith so little credit
left th a t they could scarce get trusted
for a w eek's board.
One of the Interesting as well as
quite remarkable fruit records of 1911
was made by a 1.200 acre orchard of
seven-year-old Elbertn peach trees lo-
coated in Pike county. Ark. The gross
returns are placed at $300,000 and ex­
penses at $100.000, leaving a net profit
of $200.000 from a tract of land that
was bought for $5 an acre eight or nine
years ago. The tract in question was
a cut over timber tract, the surface
soil being gravelly loam and the sub­
soil a red clay. Tbe season’s output of
fruit was 230 cars that averaged $1,500
per car.
Fore*t Grove, Ogn.
W. P. Dyke
A ttorney-at-Law
N otary ‘Public
Fore*t Grove
Hollis & Graham
A ttorneys-al-Law
Forest Grove, Ogn. ’
J. N. Hoffman
A ttorney-at-Lan
Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave.
Ind. Phone 502
Forest Grove
H* W. Vollmer, M. D.
hysician and Surgeon
Office in Abbott Bldg.
Both Phones
Forest Grove. Ogn.
Ind. Phones
Residence 212
Office 233
The other day a Minnesota farmer
DR. C. L W A L K E R
who for some time prior had not had
any confidence in the stability or
soundness of banks as places of safe
Osteopathic Physician
deposit went upstairs In his house to
get some *1.800 which be had worked
hard to accumulate and which bs had Treatment by Special Appoint­
conceal«] Just beneath the floor. On
ment Only
removing the piece of floor he found
not tbe Litis that be bad placed there
In the past with such a feeling of *e
W. Q. Tucker, M. D.
eurlty. but a nicely roundel bunch of
greenish white fnxa and scraps Inclos­
ing • cosy rata' nest This relic w baa
Physician and Surgeon
learned bla lesson, but by mighty ex Calls answered promptly day or night
pensive Instruction
Both Phones.