Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 28, 1911, Image 7

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Persia Consents to Dismissal oí
American Treasurer.
All Points in C zar’s Ultimatum Ac­
ceded T o — Russian Troops O c ­
cupy Persian Capital.
Congres* Promptly Ratifies Termina­
tion of Russian Treaty.
W ashington, D. C. — Congress very
prom ptly ratified the presid en t’s noti­
fication of the term ination o f the Rus­
sian trea ty of 1832 and sent the meas­
ure to the president for his signature.
The house disposed of it according to
program w ith in 75 m inutes.
S peaker Clark signed it a t 2 :56 p.
m .; Vice P resident Sherman signed it
a t 3:51 p. m., a fte r the senate had re­
mained in session purposely to perm it
him, under the rules, to affix his sig ­
n atu re while it was in session.
I t was a perfunctory proceeding in
the house, for Democrats and Repub­
licans voted together, Macon, of A r­
kansas, Democrat, alone voting in the
negative. He explained to th e house
la te r th a t he voted ag ain st the resolu­
tion in a sp irit of levity.
In the debate Republicans joined
w ith th eir political opponents in tr ib ­
utes to R epresentative Sulzer, of New
York, the D em ocratic author of the
house bill, for accepting the senate
m easure am ending his own.
“ Mr. Sulzer has shown th a t he is
acting through the prom ptings of p at­
riotism , not p o litics,” Republican
L eader Mann said.
The Russian reply to th e notice
from Ambassador Guild th a t America
wished to term in ate the tre a ty of
1832 has been received a t the S tate
departm ent. The officials decline to
publish the te x t of the note, b ut ad­
m it th a t its contents have been well
outlined in the news dispatches from
St. P etersburg.
W ashington, D. C. — P ersia has
yielded to the dem and of the Russian
ultim atum th a t W. Morgan Shuster,
an A m erican, who holds th e post of
treasurer-general in th e P ersia gov­
ernm ent, be dism issed from th e serv­
The Russian ultim atium also calls
for the paym ent of an indemnity,
which is to reim burse Russia for mon­
ey expended in sending an armed ex­
pedition into P ersia to enforce her
Mr. S huster’s
adm inistration of
P ersian finances has been displeasing
to Russia from the s ta rt and when he
caused the seizure of property of the
brother of the form er Shah, over the
protest of the Russian vice-consul,
R ussia a t first demanded an apology
and, when this was not forthcoming,
asked for the dism issal of Mr. Shus­
ter. This has been acceded to.
The Persian charge d ’affaires a t St.
P etersb u rg called at the Russian for­
eign office to announce officially his
governm ent’s decision to abide by the Russian Miss Who Wants to Wed
American Tells.
term s of the ultim atum . No late pub­
lic announcem ent has been made at
Los A ngeles — D eclaring b itterly
Teheran of the recession of Persia th a t the local Russian colony of 3,000
from the defiant stand she officially is a m arriage m ark et w herein young
took again st the demands of the g irls are b artered by th e ir parents
C zar’s m inister, even in the face of like so many cattle, Elsie Navikoff
threatened aggression.
braved a hundred pairs of eyes in
The delay in m aking public the fact Judge W ilb u r’s court and screamed
th a t she had yielded to the Russian th a t she would bare the secrets of her
dem ands probably was through fear of people ra th e r than subm it.
the consequences of public sentim ent.
Beside her stood Raynor Hallack, a
The exact form of P e rsia ’s reply to sturdy American,
who served five
R ussia is not yet known, but from the years in the navy and to whom she
la te st news received from Teheran it clung because she loves him and he
would seem the cabinet has overridden w ants to m arry her. She is 17, edu­
th e wishes of the commission which cated, A m ericanized and p retty , the
the N ational council appointed to deal daughter of John Navikoff, and she
w ith the subject.
asserted th a t her fa th e r and m other
Disorders are occurring. There are had sold h er for $500 gold to a man
only 200 Russian troops encamped she had never seen, so she ran away.
three m iles outside of T abriz and from T h at is why she was before the judge
th is num ber guards are sent to town in the juvenile court.
daily for the consulate and banks.
The g ir l’s testim ony constitutes as
sensational a chapter as any ever
R E IN D E E R M E A T P L E N T Y ,
heard in a local court. She asserted,
and offered to prove, th a t th e re are
Herds Soon
Will Supply 600 young Russian g irls for sale here
a t an average price of $500 to men
States, Says Expert.
w anting w ives; th a t th e ir parents are
W ashington., D. C.—A t the present the sellers and th e highest bidders the
ra te of propagation A laska will have a buyers; th a t the personal charm s of
herd of more than 2,000,000 reindeer girls are inventoried like the points of
w ithin 25 years, according to a sta te ­ livestock and constitute th e criterion
m ent made by W illiam T. Lopp, in of sale.
charge of the governm ent reindeer
H er frail form shaking w ith the in­
ten sity of her feelings, she flung the
O riginally im ported
to provide denials of a score of Russian p a tri­
means of transportation and food for archs present back into th e ir teeth.
the natives of A laska, A laska reindeer Judge W ilbur continued the case and
are m ultiplying so fa st th a t w ithn a a thorough investigation of the colony
few years they will largely augm ent will be made.
the m eat supply of the Pacific coast.
Officers of the court declare the
One hundred and thirty-five reindeer g irl’s statem en ts are true.
w ere killed and dressed for the S eattle
Gompers Courts Investigation.
m ark et this season, the carcasses av­
eraging 130 pounds each.
W ashington, D. C.—“ We are ready
Reindeer m eat, Lopp says, is a cross a t any tim e for the agents of the law
betw een m utton and beef and more to begin in v e stig a tin g .” So declares
p alatable than either.
O pportunities Samuel Gompers, o f the A m erican
for reindeer propagation in A laska, he Federation of Labor, in an editorial
says, are boundless and th e industry is on “ L abor’s Position Law ful and P ro­
so well established th a t there is no g ressiv e,” which will appear in the
question o f its success.
Jan u ary issue of the A m erican Feder-
S l0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Baby is Host.
Mr. Gompers pledges his full co­
W ashington, D. C.—-Vinson W alsh operation in any investigation th a t
McLean, the $100,000,000 baby grand­ may be made. The forthcom ing num­
son of John R. McLean and the late ber of the official organ of the F edera­
m ining m agnate, Thomas F. Walsh, tion will be the first to appear since
sole heir to the combined tortures, organized lab o r’s defense of the Mc­
w as host a t his third C hristm as cele­ N am ara brothers collapsed by reason
bration. Baby M cLean’s guests in­ of th e ir confession o f the outrages
cluded th e Czar of all the Russias, charged ag ain st them. In his ed ito r­
in the person of A m bassador Bakh- ial Mr. Gompers confines him self to a
meteff, grand uncle by m arriage to discussion of the issues raised by the
th e host; A dm iral Dewey, another McNamara case, saying of th e case
grand uncle ; the Danish am bassador, itself th a t he and his colleagues will
Count M oltke; Senator Crane and 25 stand by the ‘statem en t they author­
ized soon a fte r the confession o f th e
juvenile m illionaires-elect.
Police Inspector Out.
Chicago—Police Inspector Levere
w as dism issed from th e Chicago police
force; L ieutenant John H anley was
exonerated and the case of Captain
B ernard Baer was referred to Mayor
H arrison by th e city civil service com­
m ission, which had heard charges of
incompetency, neglect of duty and in­
efficiency against them. Levere is the
second police commissioner dismissed.
Inspector Charles Gorman and several
lieutenan ts and captains have also
been removed.
Woman Betrays Men.
M arquette. Mich. — According to
Collector of Customs Byrne and Dep­
u ty U nited S tates Marshal W illis, a r­
re sts a t S ault Ste M arie indicate
wholesale sm uggling of opium into the
U nited S tate s in th a t vicinity. Three
w hite men and three Chinese are un­
d er arrest. Two of th e accused men
have made confessions. A quarrel be­
tw een Joseph Fournier and his w ife
brought about the arrests, the woman
g iving inform ation in revenge.
Asuncion May Be Cut Off.
P a ris—The French foreign office is
unable to obtain replies to cablegram s
addressed to M. Belin the French m in­
ister a t Asuncion, the capital of P ara­
guay. I t is thought a t the foreign
office th a t Asuncion, which has a pop­
ulation of about 50,000, has been su r­
rounded by victorious P araguayan in­
Shuster May Have to Go.
Teheran — The cabinet has won an
im portant victory over th e national
council which foreshadows th e accept­
ance of R ussia’s demand for th e dis­
missal of W. Morgan Shuster, the
American treasu rer general of P ersia,
unless public opinion
The national council, in a
session th a t lasted from 8 o’clock until
a fte r m idnight, finally accepted the
proposal to appoint a commission of
five deputies w ith plenary powers to
deal w ith the Russian ultim atum .
The D em ocrats opposed the proposal.
Will Consider Tariff Reform.
W ashington, D. C.—Congress will
begin consideration of th e ta riff legis­
lation in the com m ittees of the two
houses a fte r
the holiday recess,
though D em ocratic leaders o f th e
house say th a t no m easure will be
ready to be reported for several weeks.
Republican Leader Penrose, o f the
senate, said the finance com m ittee
would begin its work in advance of
the house, though the bill would not
be in final shape until February.
Portland Bill Favored.
W ashington, D. C.—The secretary
of the treasu ry subm itted a favorable
report upon the bill appro p riatin g
$1,000,000 for the Portlaixl Federal
building. Supporters of the m easure
hopeful o f g ettin g the bill
through the senate soon a fte r the
Claims Corporation Pays No
on City Property.
Taxes Will It Remain “ Premium Station”
Is Question Now Uppermost.
R oseburg—A lleging th a t Roseburg
in common w ith oth er m unicipalities
of sim ilar situ atio n throughout the
state, is losing thousands of dollars
annually through the present system
of apportioning th e valuations of
properties of th e Southern Pacific
company, the council has empowered
Mayor Mieelli to confer w ith officials
of the various other Oregon cities,
w ith a view of com pelling the S tate
ta x commission to levy more equitable
Mayor Mieelli contends th a t under
the present system the total valuation
of the Southern Pacific’s properties in
a certain county are divided by the
num ber of m iles and apportioned
equally among th e bordering road and
school d istricts. He said th a t such
procedure is u n fair considering th a t in
Roseburg there are m any more miles
of track than in the adjacent d istricts.
I t was also cited th a t the shops, oil
tanks and other valuable equipm ent
are w ithin the city lim its, and yet,
Roseburg receives Qnly th a t sum of
tax es realized on th e basis of m ain
line mileage.
Mayor Mieelli contends th a t Rose­
burg like every oth er city in the sta te
is en titled to tax es on actual m ileage,
including sidetracks, as well as the
shops, oil tanks and other equipment.
He says Roseburg had about five
m iles of track in the city, enhanced
by the shops and equipm ent and yet
receives only th a t sum of taxes rea l­
ized from the total divided by 116
which is the actual num ber of m iles of
road in Douglas county.
The mayor said th a t he would im­
m ediately confer w ith the mayors of
all the im portant towns in the sta te
and th a t a formal p ro test would be
sent la te r to the S tate tax commis­
In event this action fails to bring
results, attorneys will be employed
and the law governing the present
procedure of the Tax commission w ill'
be attacked. The council has author­
ized an appropriation necessary in de­
fray in g the costs of the action.
B O X M EN E X T E N D M A R K E T .
Preparations Made
for Increased
Business Next Few Years.
A storia— A t a m eeting of represen­
ta tiv e s of the box factories in Oregon
and W ashington, held a few days ago,
an organization was formed w ith the
object of extending th e m ark et of the
various plants in the two states, and
R. B. Dyer, superintendent of the
Clatsop m ill, of th is city, was elected
as its president. An office is being
opened in Portland w ith a Mr. Lann-
ing in charge, and his duties are to
com prise an investigation to ascertain
the prices, the ex ten t of the demand
and all oth er inform ation regarding
th e box trad e on the A tlan tic coast, in
China, A u stralia and South America.
The opening of th e PSnama canal
w ithin the next year or two will, it is
believed, give the plants located on
the w aterw ays cheaper fre ig h t rates,
so th a t they will be able to extend
th e ir trade into new fields.
Central Willamette Association Is O r ­
ganized at Albany.
A lbany—To hold an anpual poultry
fa ir at th is city the C entral W illam­
e tte P oultry association was organized
here. The association will include
the poultrym en of Linn, Benton and
Lincoln counties and possibly other
adjoining counties.
Ed Schoel, of Albany, was elected
president of the new association.
It was decided to hold the first show
in December, 1912. Mr. Schoel who
is superintendent of the poultry de­
p artm en t of the Oregon S tate fair,
was chosen superintendent of the show
and com m ittees were named to a r­
range premium lists and organize the
advance work for the shows.
Strawberries Grown in Winter.
C ottage Grove—T h ere’s not much
the m a tte r w ith a country th a t will
produce straw b erries rig h t in the mid­
dle of the w inter, and th a t’s w hat the
C ottage Grove country is doing. Fe­
lix C urrin was in the city th is week
w ith a bunch of the berries th a t
opened the eyes of even old-tim ers.
They w ere large, solid, healthy-look-
ing berries, only a few of which were
y et ripe.
There w ere also several
blossoms which had not y et developed
into berries.
These berries were
grown in the open.
Japs Lease Three Farms.
G resham —Three more o f th e finest
farm s in eastern Multnomah have re­
cently been leased to Jap an ese farm ­
ers, who are already a t work p rep ar­
ing for fu tu re crops.
One of the
three is the Powell donation land
claim, p artially inside the city lim its
of Gresham , and owned by John Clan-
ahan. A nother is the form er C aptain
A. J . Brown farm opposite the
Twelve-M ile house, w hile the th ird is
th e big prune farm of J . J . Kadderly.
Poultry Association at Milton.
Milton— A poultry association is to
be organized in the M ilton-Freew ater
d istric t. A m eeting was held by poul­
try fanciers, a t which the Rev. J . A.
Lord presided.
I. E. Young, E. A.
W illiam s and E. B. Tolen w ere ap­
pointed to draw up a constitution and
by-laws, and B. F. W illiam s was
named as chairm an of a com m ittee of
12 to solicit m em bership and fund*.
K lam ath F alls—This city boasts of
one of the few statio n s on th e South­
ern Pacific system classed as p erfect
by the g re a t corporation which holds
it. F or th is reason th ere is a sign
over the fro n t o f the stru ctu re which
reads, “ Prem ium S ta tio n .” The local
stru ctu re has held th is distinction for
two successive years, the silver medal
having been aw arded in 1909 to F. M.
Thompson and la st year to Clarence B.
The present agent, S. J .
Bailey, would like to tak e th e medal
th is year, and is aw aitin g w ith in te r­
est the verdict of the 1911 annual in­
spection, which is now under way and
which will be completed w ithin a
couple of weeks.
Once every year the general super­
intendent of the Southern Pacific,
w ith the assista n t chief engineer and
all the division superintendents, go
over the en tire railroad system and
determ ine upon the nearness to per­
fection of the different classes of
work, each superintendent in turn
being disqualified as an inspector when
his own p articu lar division is under
exam ination.
Prizes are given for
the best divisions, the best sections,
the best pieces of roadbed, the best
depots, the best pump houses, section
houses and grounds.
L ast year 20
statio n s on the system w ere awarded
silver medals for perfection.
One of
the first to secure th is la st prize, for
which th ere is much com petition over
the en tire system , w as K lam ath Falls.
Anxious for Peace in China, But In­
sist on Republic.
Shanghai — The consuls of the six
powers called on Tang Shao Yi and
Dr. Wu T ing F an g and presented
th e ir note expressing the good will of
th eir respective governm ents and the
hope th a t the peace conference now in
session would be successful.
The p resentations first a t the head­
q u arters of T ang Shao Yi and at
the home of Dr. Wu Fang made an
impression. The G erman consul was
the first spokesman a t each place.
The Am erican rep resen tativ e, Con­
sul General Amos W ilmer, seconded
the G erm an's address and w as fol­
lowed by th e o th er four diplom ats in
order of th e ir seniority as determ ined
by the length o f residence a t Shanghai.
The m in ister of com munications in
the Republican provisional govern­
m ent, Yen Tsao Yao, said th a t any
attem p t to obtain foreign intervention
would only m ake m a tte rs worse in
China and endanger foreign interests.
H is p arty would not consent to the
retention o f the Manchus, he said,
even upon a lim ited basis and would
insist upon the establishm ent of a re­
The Republican governm ent,
said, was prepared amply to provide
for Manchu officials and to offer Yuan
Shi Kai the presidency of the republic,
but he added, Yuan Shi Kai m ust ac­
cept it before it is too late.
Unofficial Word Asserts That War In
Orient Must Cease.
Home and Postal Companies Will
Fight Bell Interests.
No Combination Planned—C om panies
Exchange Use ot Lines Over
Entire Country.
San Franciso— A telephone ra te w ar
up and down the Pacific Coast w aa in­
stitu te d here by the Postal T eleg rap h
company, which made a 15-cent slash
in the charge for ta lk in g to S acra­
mento. Officials of the company sa id
th a t the Postal company, w ithin s ix
months, would be in th e telephone
business in California, Oregon, Wash­
ington, Nevada and U tah.
W illiam H earn, su p erin ten d en t o f
the C alifornia and Southw est d ivision
of the Postal company, said th a t an
agreem ent w ith the Independent T ele­
phone company in P ortland, O r., w as
being closed and th a t sim ila r a rra n g e ­
m ents will be made in o th e r cities.
Such a one has been effected w ith
the Home Telephone company o f Loo
Angeles already.
This is the Postal com pany’s firs t
real invasion of the long-distance tele­
phone field up and down th e Coast and
is to compete w ith the W estern U nion-
Bell Telephone alliance.
The Postal officials have announced
a rate of 25 cents for a 10 m inute talk,
w ith Sacramento, 86 m iles aw ay, a s
against the ex istin g ra te o f 40 cen ts a
minute, and like reductions w ill be
offered to other Coast points as soon,
as a schedule can be prom ulgated.
“ The Postal company is p rep arin g '
to give connected telephone se rv ice
throughout the co u n try ,” said Mr.
Hearn. “ We have o perated a lin e
from San Francisco to S a lt L ake f o r
nearly a year. We have already en­
tered into agreem ents w ith some inde­
pendent companies and a g re em e n ts
w ith others are pending.
“ The Postal company is n ot abso rb ­
ing these companies b u t sim ply ex ­
changing service w ith them . W e a r e
fitting out main lines so th a t w e w ill
be able to give service over all o f
“ Our rates will be in co m parison
w ith th a t put into effect betw een th is
city and Sacram ento, or ab out une-
seventh of the ex istin g ra te s.
“ We are ju s t closing up an agree­
m ent w ith the independent com pany a t
Portland, and th a t city will be one o f
the first connected.”
W ashington, D. C.— W hile mild in
tone, the com munication addressed by
the rep resen tativ es of the powers to
the Chinese peace com missioners does
not lack v irility . I t indicates point­
edly th a t the present strife m ust cease.
As explained a t the S tate d ep a rt­
Southern Oregon Experiment Farm
ment, each of th e rep resen tativ es of
In Rogue River Valley.
Corvallis—Twenty-five acres of land the six powers addressed an informal
and unofficial note to the Chinese peace
w ith $2,500 w orth of buildings, for­ commissioners, expressing the desire
merly p a rt of the Jackson county poor oA their individual governm ents for an
farm , has been jdeeded to the Oregon early and am icable settlem en t of the
A gricultural college by th e county for present situation.
To the U nited S tate s belongs the
use for th e new Southern Oregon
Branch E xperim ent station,
eight credit of bringing about a concert of
m iles south of Medford and h alf a action in China by the six g re a t pow­
mile east of T alent on the main coun­ ers of the world, which is likely to ac­
complish peace there.
ty road.
Contrary to p ast experience, th e six
As there are four d istin ct types of
soil on the property, some of the most powers now practically are united in
im portant com mercially in the Rogue th e ir aim s and desires
R iver valley, th is is an unusually well China, based on a recognition of the
adapted site for experim ental work. necessity of preserving the in teg rity
th a t country.
There are two different types of the and autonomy of
Bear Creek riv er bottom soils which W hether th is is accomplished under
are good exam ples of the soil in the
Gary Alderman’s Illicit T ra n sa ctio n
valley flats, and two upland soils of a governm ent is not, regarded as m a­
Recorded b y Dictaphone.
more gravelly type, which represent terial.
Crown Point, Ind.— A lderm an G ib­
the hillside soils in th e w estern p art
son, of Gary, Ind., was found g u ilty
of the valley. A spring w ith p erp et­
of bribery in connection w ith th e
ual flow has made it possible to have
over h alf the acreage under irrigation Major Morrow Outlines System for passage by the Gary com m ittee o f th e
council of a h eating fran ch ise ordi­
a t present.
Crater Lake,
nance secured by Thomas B. D ean, o f
W ashington, D. C.— The secretary Louisville, Ky. I t is the first convic­
Eugene Spies Full-Grown Deer.
of w ar has sent to congress w ith his tion based on evidence secured by a
Eugene — Two full grown deer, a endorsem ent the rep o rt of M ajor J. J. dictaphone on record.
buck and a doe, w ere seen a t different Morrow on the survey and estim ate
This is the first o f several tria ls o f
tim es w ithin the city lim its of Eugene for a system of roads and trails in the Gary officials on charges o f b rib ery .
on Sunday afternoon.
Shortly a fte r C rater Lake N ational park. Major The dictaphone, the d elicate e lec trica l
noon, E. J . Crow saw a large buck Morrow’s plan contem plates the con­ instrum ent which
g ath ers
m in u te
deer in his pasture near the golf links. struction of 62 m iles of road and 160 sounds in one room and tra n s m its
The animal was apparently entirely miles of trails a t a total cost of $642,- them to a telephone receiv er else­
undisturbed, and was w alking around 000, of which am ount $100,000 w where, carried to sten o g rap h ers con­
w ith the ca ttle in the pasture. A available n ex t year if congress ap­ versation between Dean and G ibson
short tim e afterw ard L. L. Godrich proves the recommendation.
when they were n eg o tiatin g in re g a rd
saw a large doe come down from the
In addition it is proposed to expend to the franchise, and the sten o g rap h ­
hills to the south of the city, cross the $65,000 for a system of tankB and ers read into the record w h at p u rp o rt­
stree tc ar tracks, and jum p the golf w ater supply lines for sprinkling.
It ed to be the conversations, in c lu d in g
links fence. The anim als w ere seen will cost $20,000 annually to m aintain the alleged offers o f b ribes and th e ir
by several people, and did not seem to the roads when completed. The more receipt. Dean, by whom th e d ic ta ­
be a t all disturbed by th e ir urban su r­ im portant roads, it is said, can be phone was installed, w as a w itn e ss
T iring of sightseeing, completed w ithin th ree years if con­ ag ain st Gibson.
they jum ped the intervening fences gress makes available sufficient money,
and returned to the hills around Spen­ but completion of the en tire system
Paper Fraud Revealed.
will require seven w orking seasons.
cer B utte.
W ashington, D. C.— D iscovery by
the congressional jo in t co m m ittee on
Baker Industry Is Sold.
Stubbs Pension Approved.
Baker—The purchase of th e Lime
San Francisco— T hirty-tw o applica­ p rin tin g th a t “ a d u lterated ”
had been used for years in th e g overn­
and Gypsum works, near H untington, tions for pensions were approved by m ent p rin tin g office led to th e an­
was consummated when 17 in stru ­ the pension board o f the H arrim an nouncement of a com plete new se t o f
m ents were field w ith the B aker coun­ lines w ithin th e jurisdiction of the governm ent paper standards.
Thq board also ap­
ty clerk, conveying the property from Pacific system .
The paper adu lteratio n w as accom ­
Charles E. Ladd and General Charles proved the retire m en t of J . C. Stubbs, plished by the su b stitu tio n o f clay f o r
F. Beebe to the Pacific Lim e and Gyp­ who resigned recently a f te r 42 years the more substantial wood o r r a g
sum company. The articles of con­ of service. I t was reported thatS tubbs fibers, leading to th e g rav e fe a r that
veyance se t ^the consideration a t $1, would have a pension of $18,000 a year. many of the printed records of th e gov­
b ut a first m ortgage, 6 per cent gold The persons pensioned ranged in posi­ ernm ent would crum ble and becom e
bond for $200,000 w as recorded in fav­ tion from laborers to high officials, unreadable in less than a cen tu ry.
or of the Commonwealth T ru st & Loan among the la tte r being D. W. Hors-
company, of New York.
The filing burg, who had been auditor o f freig h t
Federal Control is Urged.
accounts for 41 years and 7 months.
fees w ere $51.
SL Paul— “ Federal co n tro l,” sa id
Jam es W ickersham, d eleg ate to con­
Turks May Ask for Peace.
82 Killed on Railways.
gress from Alaska, in an in te rv ie w
London—The T urkish governm ent is here, “ is the only salvation o f A las­
Salem—T here w ere 82 people killed
and 290 injured on the railroads of the about to m ake peace proposals, accord­ ka. ” Mr. W ickersham , who is on h is
S tate o f Oregon in the y ear ending ing to a dispatch from the Italian cap­ way to W ashington, spoke b efore th e
November 11, 1911, as shown by the ital. The B ritish foreign office has C urrent Topics Club. “ As th in g s a r e
S tate Railroad commission.
O f this issued a statem en t th a t T urkey was now ,” Mr. W ickersham said, " t h e
num ber eig h t passengers w ere killed inform ed in 1904 th a t Solium, in Guggenheim-M organ in te rests control
and 66 injured. Three persons ca r­ Barda, the eastern division o f Tripoli, not only the te rrito ry , b u t th e re a l
ried under contract or agreem ent were was included in E gyptian te rrito ry , se a t of th e te rrito ria l g o v ernm ent,
in ju red ; four trainm en w ere killed and th a t its occupation by E gyptian which is in W ashington.”
and 52 in ju red ; eig h t yard trainm en troops is now m ere form ality.
I t is
Typhoid S erum Advised.
were killed and 16 in ju red ; 17 oth er believed, however, th a t T urkey never
employes w ere killed and 88 injured. form ally adm itted th is view.
W ashington, D. C.—Typhoid inocu­
lation is to be introduced by official
River Avon on Rampage.
Jetty Makes New Course.
order among the field force o f th e De­
W heeler— Due to the construction
Swansea, W ales—The floods caused p artm en t of A griculture.
T h is in
of the je tty the north channel a t the throughout Southern W ales have sub­ the first tim e on record th a t a civ il
mouth of th e Nehalem riv er has sided to a g re a t ex ten t. A score of d ep artm en t o f the governm ent h as
shifted a m ile south, and one hour bridges over the R iver Avon have taken such a step.
The in o culation
a fte r high tide recently th e depth over been sw ept away,* and hundreds of is not compulsory, b u t is recom m end­
the b ar was found to be 14 feet. The homes inundated.
The losses in th e ed because o f the ravages o f ty p h o id
steam schooner P atsy followed the Avon and N eath valleys, which w ere in th e force.
new channel, its m aster rep o rtin g the m ost affected by th e inundation, prob­
Taft’s 8u ccass P redicted.
deep sounding.
The je tty is under ably will am ount to $1,000,000.
construction by th e P o rt o f Nehalem
H elena, Mont. — " P re s id e n t T a f t
Snow Plows Out In Texas.
and governm ent engineers are
will be renom inated if he w a n ts
W ichita Falls, Tex. — Snow plows to b e ,” said Thomas A. M arlow, R e­
w ere ordered out in T exas Wednesday. publican
N ational
com m itteem an.
Milton Ranch Brings 8 1 0 ,5 0 0 .
Four fee t of snow are on the level “ T here is little force to th e opposi­
Milton—The old W arfield ranch on along the Panhandle route o f the F o rt tion to the re-nom ination o f th e p re si­
Basket m ountain, 516 acres o f hay and W orth & Denver railw ay. Preceded d e n t.”
Mr. Marlow atten d ed th e
ca ttle land, was sold th is week to by heavy ra iiy the blizaard appeared m eeting of th e N ational co m m ittee a t
H erb ert March for $10,500.
to be trav elin g southeast.
W ashington.