» » » fc i» to » to AN INTERESTING LETTER FROM AFAR J ! H ----------- (Continued from last week) 1 Almora, India, July 2, 1911 School closed on the 27th of April, and on the 1st o f May Ina and I left Lucknow to swelter in a heat o f 117 in the shade ant No one thing will give 176 in the sunlight while we en­ so much pleasure, to joyed the cool breezes and the so many people, for so magnificent scenery at Almora in long a time, at so little the foothills o f the Himalayas. cost, as a Our journey was o f a little less than 250 miles. The last 39 miles was on a bridle path through the G raphophono mountains. It sounds like an ex­ And if you will come in pensive vacation for a missionary and sec this “ B K T ” outfit to go so far, but traveling is you’ll believe it. A new cheap in India For our railway aluminum tone-arm cylin­ der machine with flower tickets for a distance o f over two horn and 6 records, cost­ hundred miles, we paid $3.18 ing $37.10. Plays both each. I will tell you later on of 2-minute and 4-minute rec­ the expenses o f the last 39 miles ords. Other outfits from o f our journey. Most o f the $20 up— and you can buy them all on easy terms. time we were on the railroad it was night, and as we were in sleeper we slept. We woke up in time to catch the first glimpse o f the snow peaks in the distance and to enjoy the landscape with its great herons, its jackals, deer, lumbering elephants, great ox­ carts, mud villages, razor-backed hogs, ugly camels, and scrubby horses. We reached Kathgodam, the terminus o f the railway, at about 11 a. m. on May 2. At Kathgodam the really in­ teresting part o f our journey to Almora, the road crosses a nar­ and he w ill h ave som ething fo r every little b o y and girl present at that row suspension bridge and all the rest o f the way is a true tim e, under tw elve years o f a g e. BE O N T IM E , as S an ta d on ’ t stay FOREST GROVE PHARMACY bridle path, there being no THE UP-TO-DATE DRU66ISTS long in a p lace— h e’s busy n ow . wheeled vehicles whatever. Not one mile o f the way is level. Peo­ ple who travel here must walk, ride ponies or ride in a dandi, Get Your (pronounced dandy). A dandi is a sort o f chair and footstool so mounted on a framework o f wood and iron rods as to be carried by four men. The dandi frame is boat shaped and over each o f the pointed ends is fitted something almost exactly like a neck yoke. At each end o f each neckyoke stands a dandi coolie, who carries « « «Í « £ « « « 3 * .- « 1 «< 3 « « « U l U » U l U i U i « « « « U i « « « « V his load on his shoulder. One Made at grown person is a load for a dandi, although a woman and a baby, or two children may ride B u y Y o u r D oors and W in d o w s together. Four coolies work at a time, but each dandi has . from F rom T h e M an u factu rers four to eight coolies who work in relays, The number varies with 2-0x6-0 5 x Panel F ir 1 3-8 $1.4« 13.00 2-6x7-0 5x Panel 1 3-4 Fir Jj the length and difficulty o f the 2-8x7-« 5x Panel 1 3-4 Fir 3.10 1 2-0x6-6 5 x Panel F ir 1 3-8 1.60 of Forest Grove, Oregon 3.15 2- 5x 10x6-10 Panel 1 3-4 Fir journey and the weight o f the 2-0x6-8 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 1.65 3.25 3- 6x 0x7-« Panel 1 3-4 Fir 2-2x6-6 5 x Panel F ir 1 3-8 1.60 load. Six is the most common Fir Sash Doors No. 214 2-2XG-8 5 x Panel F ir 1 3-8 1.66 2-6xG-6 13-8 3 x Panel 1 L t 2.25 number. The regular wages for 6 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 2-4xG-4 1.60 2-8x6-8 13-8 3 x Panel 1 Lt 2.50 2-4X6-6 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 1.60 2- 10x6-10 13-8 3 x Panel 1 Lt 2.75 coolies is four annas (8f0 Main St. North per 2-4X6-8 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 1.65 3- 0x7-« 13-8 3 x Panel 1 Lt 3.00 2-6x6-« 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 1.60 day, and they furnish their own 2-€x6-6 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 1.60 Cedar Sash Doors, 4 or 6 Lts. 2-6X6-8 5 x Panel F i- 1 3-8 1.66 2-6x6-« 13-8 - - - 2.40 board and lodging. We had in­ 2-6x7-« 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 2.00 2-8x6-8 13-8 - - - 2.50 2-8x6-0 ESTABLISHED 1885 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 1.65 tended that Ina should ride in a 2-SX6-8 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 1.65 Cedar—4 Panels I 2-8X7-0 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 2.25 dandi, but we found that no 2-0x6-« 1 3-8 1.40 2-10x6-10 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 2.00 1.60 2-0X6-6 1 3-8 3-0X7-0 5 x Panel Fir 1 3-8 2.25 dandi coolies were to be had. We 2-6X6-6 1 3-8 1.60 2-8X6-8 1 3-8 1.65 also needed some bojh coolies. A ALL KINDS OF Cross Panel Cedar 30 cents Extra 2-6X6-6 1 3-8 Cedar No. 214 $2.40 One Panel Veneered Fir bojh is fifty pounds a legal load 2-8X6-8 2-6x6-« 1 3-8 1 3-8 Cedar No. 214 2.6« 3.20 2-8x6-8 1 3-8 3.3« o f baggage for one coolie. Some M on u m en tal 2-6x7-« 1 3-8 4.00 2- 8x7-« 1 3-8 4.00 men carry as much as 120 pounds Estimates given on First- Fir or Cedar Front Doors 2-8x6-$ 1 3-8 Clear 3.00 over from eight to sixteen miles Class Work and Stock Only 2-8X6-8 1 3-8 Fancy 3.5« Oak Front Doors 3-0x7-« 1 3-4 Clear 6.00 3- «x7-0 Bevel Plate 18.00 of rough mountain road in a day. 264-66 Fourth St. Opposite City Hall 3-0x7-« 1 3-4 Bevel Plate 10.00 3-6x7-0 Bevel Plate 25.0« A man who carries more than 50 PORTLAND, OREGON pounds gets extra pay. For fifty Send for cuts o f front doors, China and kitchen closet, sash A 1116 pounds or less a man gets 8 cents Main 8664 and panel doors, store doors and odd doors made to order. per day; for 50 to 80 pounds 16 Door and window hardware, weights and cord, paints, oils, cents; for 80 to 120 pounds, 24 varnishes, window glass. I cents. We had two steel trunk that weighed 176 pounds. Each PORTLAND SASH AND DOOR CO M PAN Y Proprietors i o f these was carried by one man, 230 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. 39 miles in 3 days. One other C om m ercial T ra d e Solicited « m as • mmmmmmm mmmm explanation and we will be ready W e have on sale Olympia Spscial Conveyances Over Wilson River Route to Tillamook to start from Kathgodam. Moun­ tain roads in the Himalayas are and Eastern Oysters : : : Horses Bought, Sold and Exchanged divided into marches, one march being the distance between two Try us once and if we government rest houses, called please you tell others; C entral L ivery Barns dak bungalows, and being sup­ if not tell us. Me Namer & Wirtz, Proprietors posed to be one day’s journey. As the distance between bunga­ Located on Pacific Avenue G en eral L ivery lows varies from 8 to 13 miles, and Tillamook Stage Lines. people frequently make two The marches and sometimes even three marches in a day. Now Pacific Avenue, for the journey. of Buys and Sella Second (To be continued) Hand Goods .* .* .* Forest G ro v e, O reg on CHRISTMAS GREETINGS W Ì I I Ï s Î Î I ■* Columbia E wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and ask your further patronage during the next year. Our stock is large, prices low and we’ll Guar­ antee to please you. A new and novel feature of our store will be the ap- pearance of A Real, Live Santa Claus Î Ï s S at 10 A . M. Saturday, December 23rd I Í i Î f 5 I f s Please Remember that we can supply your wants for Christmas Presents—our store is full of them. i Ï i J s Ï I Christm as HOFFMAN & ALLEN CO. Î I Ï Î •*« Photos s p st Hie Forest Grove Studio The First National Bank Has Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits in the sum of $ 6 2 ,0 0 0 Portland Marble Works Work Being Greater than any other Banking House in Washington County Forest Grove Restaurant and Oyster House FASHION STABLES * Phases: M. 744, Psc. 33 FOREST GROVE, ORE. L. J. R e e h e r , Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Assn Writes the Most Conservative Line o f Commercial and Dwelling Insurance of Any Mutual Company in the State. It will Pay You to Protect Your Prop­ erty with One of Our Policies ! M ake your friends or relatives a Christmas Present by sending the Press; $ 1 .0 0 per year in advance. Motion Photo Exhibitions Service—7:45 to 9;00 Three Shows Every Saturday—? JO, 8*40, 9:50 Matinee—2:30 p. m. Saturday T .l.p h o n . 743 Dr. Semones, Oculist »and Homeopathic Physician, 217 First Dealer in Flour and Feed St., Ind. Phone 311. Forest Grove. The Auction House The Vancouver school is closed on account o f scarlet fever and D aily ch an ge w ith best film s procu rable Miss G,ady*Todd haa taken ad- Clean and Up-to-Date ! New and Second Hand Goods O. M. SANFORD, Prop. vantage o f this vacation to visit home this week. PHONE, Ind, 721 N. MAIN FT