$83,752.54 Resource*, * • Surplus and Un­ divided Profit $14,387.54 CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY (HOME BUILDERS) Invites you to share in the Cash Dividend February 1st You can share in the distribution o f cash Feb­ ruary 1st, which the Co-operative Trust Company will make to its stockholders. 3 cents on each share o f stock is the rate; this is 12 cents on each share for the year and on interest earning basis for your money, is about 10 per cent.; better than a good mortgage earning. The price of the shares advanced December 1st from $1.00 per share to $1.15 per share, and there is every reason to believe that it will ad­ vance again soon. Buyers of shares now will be earning a good rate o f interest on their money at present dividend rate, and stand to earn more in the future, just as has been done in the past. Remember, your money does not speculati re investments, but is secured proved properties at wholesale costs and proved properties which are productive mortgages. go into by im­ by im­ and by CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY (Home Builders) profits are builder's profits, subdivision profits, Building and Loan profits, and its invest­ ments are in Banker’s securities. Co-operative Trust Company does not speculate. G U A R A N T E E SH AR ES AR E N O W $1.15 TRENT & PEARCE General Agency for Co-operative Trust Company. 4 0 4 Yeon Bldg. Portland, Ore. present a comedy under the di­ rection o f Rev. Buck, pastor. Both the banquet at noon and the play in the evening are for the benefit of the new church. All are invited to attend. CLASSIFIED ADS. Forest Grove Press Mrs. J. H. Morrissey and daughter Marcilla were Portland Books, Books—more books at the Book Store. visitors Saturday. Miss Geneva Wilcox, o f Inde­ pendence, returned home the last of the week after spending sev­ eral days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wilcox. FOR SALE—Good milk cow; Miss Lina Hancock was a pas­ also 3-year-old driving mare. In­ senger to Hillsboro the last of quire at Bunker’ s Grocery. the week. FOR SALE Light set double Miss Effie Willis was a passen­ work harness in good repair for ger to Portland one day last sale cheap. tf J. B. M atthews . week. W ANTED—To exchange or sell span o f ponies; good drivers and workers. Inquire at Bunk­ Mrs. Chappell, o f Portland, er’s Grocery. visited with Mrs. G. A. Wilcox Patronize home industry by this week. buying Oregon and Victor Flour. Mrs. E. G. Wilkins was county seat visitor Saturday. a yearling visited the metropolis one day FOR SALE—Choice Representative for Oregon Nur­ Cotswold rams—Choice year­ last week. sery Co. in Washington County. ling Angora bucks, all from Miss Cora Willis, o f Portland, imported sires. E dward L. N aylor , Phone Ind. 185, For­ visited friends here last Sunday. est Grove, Oregon. tf MissTillie P. Schmiastein, of Hillsboro, was married Friday If you are thinking of build­ ing a house or barn the Press last in Vancouver, Wash., to A. is in a position to figure on H. Leeper, o f Menoe, Wash. your materials and we be­ lieve we can save you from F. H. Sholes made a business 10 to 25%. See us—and save trip to Portland Saturday. the money. HERE APLENTY Mrs. G. Vickers was a passen­ ger to Portland the last of the From the axe to behead i For Sale Real Estate the doomed bird to the kni-j week. 160 acres good timber. Will ves and forks for carving i Mrs. V. H. Massey is visiting trade for business property. and eating him. All kinds! friends in Amity this week. Press office of cooking utensils; alsofi A. V. Ellis, o f Oakland, Ore­ many things that will make! gon, visited with V. H. Massey FOR SALE—At a bargain. 10 Holliday cooking easier andfl and family the last o f the week. acres adjoining city, well im­ quicker. proved, with good buildings, Mr. and Mrs. Seaholm, o f Van­ modern conveniences. See own­ couver, Wash., visited with Mr. er for terms and price at once. (!) We have many things that no kitchen should be with- and Mrs. J. B. Merrill over Sun­ Phone 582. R G Allison. tf *•1 out. Come and look them over. We have a good line of day. [Sj Cross Cut Saws. The “ SANDVIKEN,” made in Sweden, [| i t Every saw guaranteed. jj Watts The Sunday School being too W .. O. W agner & Sons. - small to get up a Christmas pro­ Hardware - Imple ir.tnl gram there will be no exercises or treat at the church this year. C. D’ORSAY, HOLIDAY CU TLERY! Shearer’s Mrs. N. A. Frost was shopping able. Owing to the small attend­ For in the Grove Monday. ance another meeting will be held tomorrow night, December Mrs. R. O. Stevenson and Mrs. Fancy Christmas Candies 22, when the matter will be tak­ Wm. McCoy called on Mrs. Stow- en up again. Let everyone in­ ell last Thursday. and T obaccos............. R. D. Ben ham returned to terested be present. Dick Holscher, Will McCoy and Aberdeen, Wash., the middle of Main St. The annual bazaar, given by Thad Stevenson have contracted Center o f Block last week. the Ladies’ Aid Society last Fri­ to cut 50 cords of wood for Ern­ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stephenson day and Saturday, was a com­ est Reuter. W . F. H ARTKAM PF were passengers to Portland one plete success, and netted the la­ Wholesale and Retail day last week. Prof. Hazzard and family have dies nearly $40. been suffering with rheumatism A mass meeting was held in The ladies of the Catholic the past week. Alpha hall, Friday, December Vetch Seed., all kind, of | ru i teed. Grey church will give a New Year’s Seed Oett, Rink Winter Wheat 15, for the purpose of discussing The Watts Correspondent here­ dinner in the Hendricks building Hay and Feed the proposed water works sys­ by acknowledges the receipt o f a Monday, January 1, for the ben- tem. Engineer Richardson was package o f nice calling cards, fit o f the church. Price, 35 present and explained the differ­ from the Press. Many thanks. HEADQUARTERS cents. In the evening a few ju­ ent sources he has found avail- for Ernest Burk and family spent veniles from this locality will Milbum Wagons, Milwaukee Sunday at Mrs. Burk’s sister’s, Mowers and Binders and Mrs. R. D. Holscher. Plymouth Binder The schools are preparing an Twine interesting program to be given Friday p. m. Ind Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore C. C. HANCOCK General Merchandise, Farming Implements Wagons, Hardware, F.tc. C o r n e l iu s , O r e g o n P A C IF IC IN S U R A N C E HOMI COM PANY mutual Mrs. R. O. Stevenson and chil­ dren did their Christmas shopping in the city Saturday. Rhea Bailey visited with Esther Dillev Sunday. The telephone lines are con­ nected now so we can call up those who have the Hughes phone. Learn your numbers now as the new central wants num­ bers and not names. rm i PRINCIPAL OFFICE, FOREST GROVE, OREGON Will Save You More Than 25 Per Cent The Forest Grove Studio Portraits, V iew W ork , Interiors Banquets, Kodak Finishing I’ ll call on you. L. A. Jackson was a visitor to Build up your home and home institutions with home patron­ the Rose Citv Saturday. H. Challacombe and son Frank age. C rescent M ills . Cornelius Maymc Susbauer is spending a few weeks at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Briggs, in Portland Line Furniture, Groceries, Buggies I am representing the big Oregon Nursery Company of Orenco. Everybody in Wash­ ington County knows o f my company and of the high-class, reliable trees we grow. If you doubt it, stop off some time at Orenco and go over the big nursery of 1,200 acres, and learn of the care and system employed in all branches of this home concern. If you are needing any Apple, Cherry, Pear, Peach, Walnut, or other kind o f Fruit Trees I can fill your needs with First-Class one year old trees. I also handle Rose Bushes, Lawn Shrubs, etc. Firstclass trees are in demand; don’ t delay getting your trees reserved. Drop me a card to Beaver­ ton or in care of the nursery, Orenco, and BOARD and ROOM - $5 per wk. Colonial Hotel, new management. Can you imagine a guaranteed fountain pen for 25c ? Forest Grove Pharmacy has them. Confectionery Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Complete DO YOU NEED ANY FRUIT TREES? -o f tho- Vote of Thanks I want to thank those who as­ sisted us in fighting the recent fire for their excellent and faith­ ful assistance, and especially do all firemen join with us in thank­ ing the ladies for hot coffee and lunch served. J. B. M a t t h e w s , Foreman. } Hardware Implements Building Materials Notice is hereby given that by order o f the County Court o f the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, | the undersigned, Edward Jasper, the duly appointed guardian o f Augusta Jena, an insane person, will sell at pri­ vate sale, on ami after the 6th day of January, A. D. 1911', for cash in hand, subject to confirmation by said County- Court, the interest of said Augusta Jena, said interest being an undivided twenty-three hundred and ninety-eight fifty-seven thousand and two hun­ dredths [2398-57200] o f all o f lot 6ne [I ] and the south half o f the northwest quarter and the north half o f the south­ west quarter of section one [1] in town­ ship three [3] south o f range one [1] west, situate in the County of Wash­ ington and the State o f Oregon. Said sale will be continued until made. EDWARD JASPER. Guardian. 28 d New carload of buggies direct from the factory. : : : : : : : : Farm Machinery Paints, Oils and G la s ^ ^ Home Baking Co. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Pacific Avenue Forest Grove U . S. A . Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Good Teams and Rigs-Baggage Called Fsr and Delivered to All Parts Independent Phone 412 PEARL W W ILLIAMS. Proprietor. Pacific Avenue J. S. Loynes & Son. Undertakers Funeral Directing & Embalming Forest Grove, Oregon. Funeral Chapel and Family Parlor in Connection W. J. Good, o f the Good In vestment Co., spent the first d ays of this week in Portland. Pfcsat M. 7S2 hate Snu 45 1 C. L. H I N M A N W e sell 6 loaves of bread for 2 5 1 NOTICE OF 6UARDIAN S SHE. Big Gain The First National Bank at this date has reserve. $260,000. Cash reserve at call o f comptroller Dec. 5, 1911, 40%. A most ex­ cellent showing. k A FINE LINE of Christmas Cards, Manicure Sets, Military Brushes. Toilet Sets. Kodaks, Etc., suitable for Presents, at Doctor Hines’ Drug Store