Rheumatism NEGRO IS A F.1ARVEI Is A Constitutional U ser.se. It manifests itself In local &ches and pains,—inflamed Joints and stiff mus­ cles,—but it cannot be cured by local applications. It requires constitutional treatment, and the best is a course of the great blood purifying and tonic medicine IL L IT E R A T E P O R T E ? COE3 SOME M A T H E M A T IC A L WONDERS. U Attended School Only Two Weeks and Can Scarcely W rite His Name — Does Intricate Sums “ In His Head.” Hood’s Sarsaparilla X ■which corrects the acid condition of the blood and builds up the system. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called S a rs a ta b s . Drug Stores (snaps) in 48 states. For ■ale and trade. F.V . Kniest, Omaha,Neb R IIR R F R S T A M P S feels. Stencils and Brass n U D D L A 01 A I T .r j Celluloid Buttons and Ribbon Badges. Good Goods, Quick Service. Bend for complete Catalogue No. 26. Acme Stamp Works, 1015 A S t , Tacomu, Wash. - ■’ V !■ ■■ it t t Pi ASTHM A CAN BE CURED Instant relief. T ry our preat Asthma Remedy. Send for FREE FIRST TREATMENT. Henri Millar Remedy Co., 721 So. £. St., Tacoma, Wash. Second-Hand Machin­ ery bought, sold and exchanged: engines, boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 76 1st B t, Portland. Send for Stock List and prices. Machinery Automobile B u sin ess Taught in six weeks. petent men. $25 to $30 per week earned by com­ ANGELES AUTO ACADEMY, 269 Union A ve., Portland, Ore. R A W FURS W e positively pay the hi hest market prices, as we are manu­ facturers and therefore can pay more than dealers. Send for free price list and shipping tags and get full value for your skins. N. M. Ungar Co., the Reliable Furriers. 202 V> 7th St.. Portland, Ore. BOYNTON FURNACES Most economical and effective for house and school heating. J. C. BAYER FURNACE CO. front ar.d Market Sts. Portland, Or. SEND FOIt CATALO G U E. L if . S ît THï. BARBER TRADE Xt'* Easy! Positions Waiting foi Mon and Women. WANTED $1,000 AS A STARTER Coy Little Maiden A fter Waiting Two Months Was W illing to Compro­ mise on $2.35. "Robert, dear,” said the coy little maiden to her swetheart, “ I ’m sure you love me. But give me some proof o f it, darling. W e can’t marry on $15 a week, you know." "W ell, what do you want me to do?” said he with a grieved air. “ Why, save up $1,000 and have it safe in the bank, and then I ’ll marry you.” About two months later she cuddled up close to him on the sofa one even­ ing and said: “ Robert, love, have you saved that thousand yet?” “ Why no, my love,” he replied, “ not all of it.” “ How much have you saved, dar­ ling?" "Just $2.35, dear.” “ Oh, well,” suggested the sweet young thing, as she snuggled a little closer, “ don’t let’s wait any longer. I guess that’ll do.” — Lippincott’s. FAME. The Old Master now sup­ planted by the graduate. Good wages while, learning. . Book for borne study, $1.25 Largest- school In the West NATIONAL BARBER COL- LEGE. GS Washington St., Seattle Wash. The Norway Maple. In many parts of the east the Nor way or sycamore maple is a favorit« for street planting, though It is Borne what Intolerant of dust and smoke and is therefore better suited to rural districts and villages than_ congested city centers. As it is a spreading tree, care should be taken to prevent Its bending too low. It thrives In southern California as well as any ol the maples, but seems to thrive still better farther north. Nature seems to dictate an evergreen country, and 't is somewhat puzzling to know why »’e have sycamores, cottonwoods, etc. »lm ost Identical with species found “ Mammy, why is I named Andrew in eastern states. In central and Jackson?” northern California, where oaks are “ Why, chile! Dat wus yo’ grandpap- deciduous, the maples thrive and nc py’s nam e!” objection should be made to use on street and highway. Juvenile Logic. Little Mabel’s mother was expecting Practice W ill Make Perfect. Mabel’s auntie on a visit. Just as she Practice thyself even in the things was almost due to arrive a telegram which thou despairest of accomplish­ came which read: “ Missed train. W ill ing. For even t> j left hand, which start at same time tomorrow.” Is ineffectual for all other things for Mabel hurried home from school, ex­ want of practice, holds the bridle pecting to greet her auntie, instead of more vigorously than the right hand; which she was shown the telegram. for it has been practiced In this.— She read it through carefully and la­ Marcus Aurelius. boriously and then she remarked: “ How silly of auntie, mamma!” “ Why, dear?” inquired the mother. Up to the Wishbone. "W ell, don’t you see that if she Said an English clergyman: "Patriot­ ism Is the backbone of the British em­ starts at the same time tomorrow she pire: and what we have to do is to w ill miss the train again."— Illustrated train that backbone and bring it to Bits. the front."— Christian Intelligencer. His Idea. She— Look here, John Foodies, why Few There Are Who Learn Wisdom. A Chicago woman tried to undo a do you always get out o f the way when hard knot in her dress by burning It. the carpets need to be taken out and She succeeded In exactly the same cleaned? He— Merely, my dear, because o f my swift, comprehensive way in which the reluctant morning fire Is started with desire for originality. She— W hat do you mean by that fool kerosene. So few are the wise people who learn from experience of the fool­ talk? He— You know, my dear, I always ish ones. try to avoid the beaten path. MEXICAN MUSTANG L IN IM E N T FOR RANCHMEN. H . L. Corbin, So. Platte, Colo., w rite« t “ I am a stockman here and i f yon lived I near I could g ir e yon a box o f M ustang Linim ent bottles w e have used np on our horses and cattle. W e ride pretty hard herein the K "i kies hot Mustang Liniment I fixes the horses is o d as ever.” I 25c. 50c. $ 1 a bottle at Drug A. G en’I Stores I I [ I | | r BE CURED Rhaum at sm, Skin D i u i e t , Stomach and Lung T rou b le« Cored permancntlv at wtoa J! co*t. NO FAKE. U.00 trial p«rka*ie 25 cent*. Addre** Lang'a Min* •raJ Wonder Co.. Zil Main 8t.. Portland. Ore. S67 Broadway. Oakland. OaL May 17. B1L Oentieroen:—1 rnoet expre«« my *urj»ri*e and pleasure si the work of yonr Mineral Wonder in relation to myself. The package I received from lour repr*«eo stive here. although used hot for a few weeks. ha* wrought sarprifliagly pleaaant re­ mits in ny condition. As a kidney and bladder cleaner it is kin«. very respectful/. W. ft THOMAS. T A K E A D O S E OF p i s o ’s fo r C O U C H S g. C O L D S 1 RY B ALL DLUINO. Uncle j3-ig’e Appeal. Uncle Jenk and Aunt Ne.-vy Splgler • The housewife's friend on wash­ having been unable to get along peace i day. Large package cents. Blue ably together, b id separated, on at, that lg all blue. One* KED CROSS I B A L L BLUE te tried, all others a r e ' em ir*.':'» basis. Uncle Jenk trok uj ! nlo abode In an old men’s home; Aunt' discarded. There is a reason: Liquid bluing j Nervy kept the cottage and garden j is a weak solution o f colored water, and also let&lced the slender hank while Ball Bluing Is solid blue, clear ' account A yer’s Hair Vigor, new im­ through. Price, 10 cents. A L L GRO­ Under this arrangement the two old CERS. proved formula, will certainly people were on the friendliest foot lng and Uncle Jenk made nelghborlj stop filling of the hair. Indeed, N ew s D is s em in ators . A minister at a camp meeting was calls upon his w ife at frequent Inter we believe it will always do this delivering a discourse on pride, and vals, often doing small bits of w orl unless there is some disturb­ in cautioning the ladles against It, he about the premises, for which Aual ance of the general health. said: "And you, dear sisters, may feel N ervy scrupulously paid htm. Then, a constitutional medicine On one occasion, the plastering h ar proud that our Lord paid you the dis­ tinguished honor of appearing first to lng fallen from the celling, Uncle Jenk may be necessary. Consult one of you after the resurrection; but solicited the Job of repairing, naming your physician about this. you have no reason for It, as It was $6 as his price for the work, which Does not change the color o f the hair. undoubtedly done that the glad tidings Aunt N ervy considered excessive. Formula with each botti* “ W h y," she protested, “ I know ) might spread aoooner." } Shew it to your could get Andy Gatch to do It cheap doo'or A cold on your chest weakens your lungs. er than that.” Ask him about It, Tubercular Germs attack the weak spots. then do aa he say "M ebby ye might,” allowed Unci» Keep your lungs strong by curing colds quickly with Hamlins Wizard Oil and you Jenk. mildly, "but I ain’t nimble, Ilk« The reason why Ayer’ s Hair Vigor stops will not get Consumption. Andy; It'd take me a good bit longei falling hair is because it first destroys tno than what It would him. ’Sides that, germs which cause this trouble. After No Tim e for Laziness. even If you could git the work don« this is done, nature soon brings about a A physician announces that he has a little cheaper, I should think you'd full recovery, restoring the hair and discovered a serum that w ill cure lazi­ favor one that’s kin to you, rathe) scalp to a perfectly healthy condition. -----Made by the J. C- A yor Co., T.'twpil. « « - « — ness. The present cost o f living Is than a stranger.” curing It fast enough.— Detroit Free Uncle Jenk’s loglo won and he re Press. celved his price.— Youth’s Companion One of Life’s Problems. W e are Involved so early In the Cut Out Old Canes. prejudices of so many whose Interest Primitive Medicines. AC er the raspberries are through Some o f the early medical practi­ is concerned to communicate them to frulvag. the old canes are taken out us, that It becomes extremely difficult Thv canos'made this year w ill produce tioners were very limited in the choice j to distinguish through the rest of life the fruit next year. Burn the prun­ of remedies. Victor Hugo’s family phy­ sician used only ammonia and cam­ what is natural to us and what Is art!» ing« ___________________ flcial. phor In different combinations. Bud Doble The greatest of ull horsemen, says; “ In my 40 years’ experience with horses I have found bpohn’s Distemper cure the most successful o f nil remedies for the horses. It Is the greatest blood purifier.” Bottle,50o. Nine-tenths of all the sickness oi women is due to some derangement or dis­ and $1.00. Druggists can supply you, or manufacturers. Agents wanted. Send for ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured— is cured Free book. Spohn Medical Co,, Spec. Con­ every day by tagious Disea es, Goshen, Ind. Tulsa, Okla.— In Frank Humphries, twenty-nine years cld, an illiterate col­ ored man, at the H., K. & T. railway depot, Tulsa possesses perhaps the most phenomenal mathematician in the country. Although he can barely w rite his name or read the simplest composition, Humphries solves the most perplexing problems in arithme­ tic with lightning rapidity and accu­ racy. Humphries went to school but two weeks In his life. “ I found out that I know’d more about Aggers than the teacher,” says Frank "so I just quit.” Humphries was put to a test by several business men at the depot while waiting for their train. “ What is the cube of 357,911?” asked J. M. Hall, county school superintendent. | “ Seventy nine," answered Humphries ] Instantly. “ Multiply 102% by 67%,” was the next problem propounded to him, and after scratching his head for a moment, Humphries emiled and an­ swered, “ 6,944%.” It took the quea- i tloner five minutes to figure with pen- | cil and paper that the answer was correct. HIS SHINBONE NOW H!S SPINE Remarkable Operation on John ness, Made a Humpback by Spinal Disease. AI. Spokane, Wash.— Rather than go through life with a humpback, John Alness, twenty-five years old, who has softening of the spine, submitted to one of the rarest operations known to surgery, and now lies in his cot with five inches of the shinbone grafted in­ to his backbone. The operation is be­ lieved to be the third or fourth of its kind. Alness began to suffer with spinal trouble a year ago. He had the al­ ternative of going through life as a humpback or taking the fighting chance offered by science. An Incision was made in the back and the bones were exposed. The surgeon then used a chisel and split four of the vertebrae. He then opened the left leg and split a strip from the patient’s shin. It was covered with muscular tissue. The piece was five inches long, an inch wide, and half an inch thick. It was laid into the cavity and bound over with other muscular tissue. The operation was successful, and Alness is recovering. MURDERER GETS A REPRIEVE Court Stenegrapher’s W ife Burns His Notes of Trial and Delay Is the Result. Denver, Colo.— When a tidy house­ w ife threw into the fire what she thought was a bunch of waste paper, she unconsciously prolonged the life a man several weeks if she did not save It altogether. The “ waste paper” contained the stenographer's record of the testimony In the case of George King, convicted of murder in Ebert county last July. King and John Fields were accused of killing Peter Jackson, a ranchman. Both were convicted, King’s sentence being that he die on the gallows while Fields was condemned to prison for life. The stenographer had taken ills notes home to transcribe them. He had left them on a table when the housewife saw them and burnt them, ignorant of what they were. King's attorneys have filed a mo­ tion for a new trial on the ground that there is no record of testimony sufficient to convict their client, as well as other grounds. The supreme court Issued the usual stay of execu­ tion until It can pass upon the mo­ tion. False Teeth $3,000. Real Class. Seattle, Wash.— Lou Childs of Spo­ “ You are not going to Jilt tht. kane, owner of the fast pacing mare duke?” Blanche, says that she is at once to “ Yes; I think I ’ll m arry an Am er­ be supplied with a set of false and ican." gold-filled teeth, to cost $3,000. T h j ‘‘But think of the duke’s fine old mare, who has won $10,000 for her , castle and his moated grange.” owner this season on western tracks, “ A ll very well, but the other fellow has been much troubled with tooth­ owns a garage.” ache. The mare ran away on the North Yakima track, bumping Into a Always the Same. fence when an attempt was made to Diogenes held up his lantern and stop her. This caused injuries to her gazed Into the mirror. teeth which made her suffer for sev­ “ I have found at least one honest eral months. man,” he said. A ll o f which goes to show that re­ Goose Hits Railroad Signal. formers o f all ages are alike. Wellington, Kan.— Harvey Burket, Hock Island night agent here, took Little Things. 1« me a wild goose to his family this She— I've always said that it Is the week, which he captured In a novel little things that trouble us m ost” way. Just as Burket was going out He— Yes, I know you have. to light the lanterns on his semaphore “ And now here's a paper which says In the evening as a flock of wild that the proboscis o f a flea, with geese, flying low because of the storm, which he “ bites,” is 12 times thinner and attracted by the city lights, than the finest needle made.” passed over. As he looked up, one big goose collided with the arm of the Not Up to Date. semlpbore and fell at his feet. The Schoolmaster— Now, how was It that this great discovery made by Co­ Egg-Eating Laurel Claimed. lumbus was not fully appreciated until Sioux City, la.— This city claims *. Hud* And nrery qnar- ¿EST AND CHEAPEST' inve lieen ijrsieiene’ T'VÂLBERÎBROS.^ h !!!l 11 'IJ The Dawn of Scientific Knowledge Lcam a Profession where the de­ mand is greater than the supply. Honorable, Dignified, Lucrative Writ*? for Literature and information. It will be to YO U R advantage. Invalids and others needing skilled treatment write for particulars. 409 (ommonweaRh Bldg., Portland, Or. Not at Home. A N ew York lawyer sent his offloa boy to deliver a note marked “ Mr. Williams, Personal.” In a few min­ utes the boy returned with hts report. "Mr. Personal was not In,” he said. Mnthers w ill find Mrs. Winslow's a.-.thing Syrup tho best remedy to nse tor iholr cliUdrej lu rin g tho toothing period. o\ ledicinen His____________ »M il Ask your dealer for it. I f he does not handle it drop us a postal card and we will furnish you the name o f a dealer who does today and see how quickly your health will improve. It re s to re s th e a p p e tite , perfects digestion and tones the entire system. CO NSULTATION FREE. I f yon live ont o f town and cannot cell, write tor symptom blank end circular, enclosing 4 cent* in e ; n — ¿ sm Jaqio emoa nj j; jnoqv off isntn noX ’qapi ye* tuant noA auqnt 'll jo ; hjow oj SAttq no2 ‘SaiAU a eqrnu o; juana noA ;; • s a ip ia THEC. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162^ First St., Cor. Morrison ¡ALBERS BROS! : MILLING CQijii N o, S l-M l LAND, OREGON JHW.Ti w r i t i n g t o v e r t í s e r * p i ewe e m e n t io n t h i s p a p e r . £v P U T N A M £?JffLmor* K ê e je y IALG 0H0L OPIUM— TOBACCO .Ifu r e Only outhori**d Keeler K ft lis te lo Oregon, w n l t fo r Ulo*t*wtn*l cirrw lgf. Portland. Oregon. P N U - s a B u |A|-| Habits Positively Csrfd. P o r t l a n d ,O r e g o n F A D E L brt* tltvr and faator c o lo n than any other d ro One 10c pact • colors allk, w o t 1 and cotton equally w o n t 10c a pack are. v tie (or free booklet DRUG C O M P A M T . L u ln c y , m i n o M T ^