ADDITION RIGHT TOWN O Renters, Newlyweds and other progressive folks: Now on the Market T Lots ranging from 50x100 to 50x170 feet at prices from Put your money in your own pocket, instead of the Landlords. I will help you BUILD YOUR OW N HOME, and your rent money will pay for it. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER SPLENDID L O C A T I O N , C I T Y W A T E R , LIGHT, ETC. Now is the Time to Buy The S. P. R. R. Electric Line, a large Cannery and other industries are to be here Right Away. 'O ambitious clerks and wage-earners generally: Get the habit of investing your sav­ ings in Real Estate. Here is an op­ portunity to secure TOW N PROPER­ TY at a low figure and VERY EASY TERMS. The tract is small, so be an Early Buyer; the next will be PAYING YOU a handsome profit. ro^PARTicyLARSAPPLYTO D U N C A N M . M AC LEO D , Forest Grove. Haynes PHONE 254 Watt* Items his friends to duck lately. He School Note« 505, the average number belong- University Items returned home with eight nice Christmas comes next. George Clark came Jown from . ing 465 and the per cent of at- Esther Spillman went to the Attorney John Stevenson, w ife' Mallards the other afternoon. Holidays next week. tendance 95. The worst feature Rose City Thursday afternoon, Timber Friday and spent Satur­ School begins again Tuesday, at present is tardiness in the up- and son, o f Portland, spent A number o f relatives o f E. The Glee Club completes its day and Sunday with his mother per grades. Out of 170 tardy tour today at Washougal, Wash. and sister and to see the best one. Thanksgiving at Elk Horn Farm. Burke and family heIped them January 5, 1912. Several o f our teachers will marks last month 57 were in the Chas. Schierer journeyed to Miss Josephine McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Mills and child- j eat turkey Thanksgiving day. take the examination next week, eighth grade and 42 in the high Woodburn Thursday where he came home from Portland Mon­ ren from Ellensburg Wash Miss Ethel Smith spent the af- The literary has been post- school. This leaves (¡8 for all was called on business. day from a visit with her sisters. have been v.s.tmg Mr la ylor s ternoon with Ethe, Stevenson, Norma Miakler left Thursday poned until the first Friday in the other grades combined. Two Harold McFeeters made a fly­ family the past week. Mrs. Mills I Sunday for her home at Ash and where January. rooms had no tardies and three she will spend the Christmas re­ ing trip to Portland Saturday. is a sister of Mrs. Taylor. j . , r j Some friends o f Mr. John Wil- The domestic science and art more had but one each, Wm. Martin went to Portland cess. Last week Phillip Lesser was son.s from Xillamook were visit- classes will have an exhibit of Saturday. Hon. T. H. Adams, ’94, Presi­ surprised by a visit from an old in(f them last week. work at their rooms Friday. Fire Chief Lenneville made a dent of the First National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks and friend he had known in Ohio a n d1 Miss Maude Bunday is teach­ recent examination of the Central o f Vancouver, entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Morrissey, o f Cor­ N. A. Frost was at the county had not seen since coming West, ing for Miss Thomas this week School building and he tells us Pacific Glee Club at dinner the nelius, were out to see the green­ seat on business last Saturday. over twenty years ago. evening of their concert in that while she writes on state tests. that it is unsafe and dangerous city. house owned by Martin Forbes W. J. McCoy and family spent I). A. Kennedy and wife and Co. Members o f the Athletic Asso­ and. nothing short o f a fire trap, Wiley Knighton, of Grass Val­ Sunday at Dick Holshers. Mr. Martin intends to put up Grandpa Campbell ate Thanks- ciation who do not do satisfac- where the dear little children are ley, Oregon, has recently joined three times as much glass in K'vinK dinner at the home of tory school work are debarred constantly in peril. Can nothing the ranks o f the Fourth Year Gems From Talmage 1912. Mrs. Dorothy Seymour in the be done to remedy this condition? Class. He has made an enviable from going to gym practice. The body and soul are very record in track in Eastern Ore­ Pi of. Gardner went to Gaston Mr. Peabody’s brother, who Grove, By authority o f the Executive gon and will be a valuable addi­ fond o f each other. Did your last Friday night and gave an has been visiting him for the Mr. Austin Buxton instituted body ever have a pain and your Board the February program of tion to Pacific’s team. past week, returned to his home a Grange Saturday at the new soul not pity it ? Or your soul address before the parents and the Woman’s Club will be given at Lebanon Saturday. hall recently completed by the ever have any trouble and yi our school on the subject of “ School on Guest Day, Jan. 8. at the home body not sympathize with it? and Home.” School closed last Friday for a Grangers at Vineland, o f Mrs. L. L. Watt. Mr. Westcott is getting a fine You are not the first man who two weeks vacation. Tlmd Stevenson was treating Call at Miller’s Drugstore and has had his faults looked at class of young people to take vio­ through a microscope and his vir­ lin lessons to commence after see Fine Turkish Rocker given tues through the wrong end o f a holidays. Lessons will be given away. telescope. There will be a basket ball in the high school room on Sat­ game between the McLaughlin The world has the habit of urdays. club and Forest making a gieat ado about what The chemistry class is having school teams on Friday, Decem- . . . Via the . . . you do wrong and forgetting to say anything about what you do a variety o f experiences in the ber 22, at the gymnasium. and laboratory. What with small — — — ■______________________ right explosions and tasting of com­ TO THE UNO OWNERS Of DRAINAGE DISTRICT If some one is more beautiful than you, thank God that you pounds and phosphorus fire, NO. i, TOWNSHIP!, NORTH OF RANGES have not so many perils o f van­ something interesting is happen­ 3 UNO 4 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE ing all the while. ity to contend with. MERIDIAN. IN WASHIN6TCN CO, 10 t*N4 s HAST A ] | Train will run daily, except Sun- Out o f 21 who passed the In all circles, in all businesses, OREGON ROUTES I I day, on the following grade here last year. we in all professions, there is room eighth H . . . . 1rv . , . , You are hereby notified that the first schedule: know that 19 are 111 some higher snnual meeting of the land owners and for straightforward successes. Lv. P ortland............. 7:20 a. m. d b X ^ f for o i th? draina?e When vou hear a man or w o­ school , this year . and the , other uistnct, the purpose n*7,ed of organization The BEST all-round Family Lv. Hillsboro................. 8:31 a. m. man abused, drive in on the de- two have moved awav and m av »ml transaction of huainess that may Sewing Machine that can be pro­ Ar. Beack Points........1:20 p. m. be in school. This is a splendid ! fendant’s side. duced. Made in both ROTARY Ar. Bay City....................... 2:04 p. m. at Forest Grove, Oregon, on Saturday, Ointment may smart the showing. and VIBRATOR styles. Ar. Tillamook..................... 2:26 p. m. All persons who are willing to [ilf h^,rdHi ,o f Ja,)uary. A. D. 1912, at wound before healing it The rotary makes both LOCK Lv. Tillamook..................... 7:56 a. m. . „ , , 1 the Hoy, W G irl,’ Aid o f ¡ 5 * * ° *•“ * “ " - - » There is a gravel in almost ev­ and CHAIN stitch. The latest Lv. Bay City ..................8:15 a. m. Portland are requested to help *ite'?tion,'*d to the fact ery shoe. up to the minute steel attach­ the « pupils . « S I . „ of f tV.1 -u J , L h.?,t be lLhe_.b r lar s, °J organization Lv. Beach Points............. 9:00 a. m. the public . school will preW iUd for thl? sdopYi£nTt‘ ments with each machine. Sold Ar. Hillsboro....................... 1:25 p. m. the further fact that Fine Turkish Rocker to be this week and first o f next in liti* * d this im a very important meeting o f the on easy payments. Send name Ar. Portland........................4:10 p. m. members o f said district. You are given away with each 26c pur­ collecting fruit, vegetables, good members clothing, books, etc., to help earnestly requested to be present and and address for our beautiful Through tickets on sale at any ticket office to all points on chase. Miller’s Drug Store. participate in the business of the meet H. T. catologue free. the P. R. & N. Further particulars from nearest S. P. tick­ make some one else happy. mf> at Forest Grove. Oregon, this et agent or FOR SALE - Fine team of horses Those who give canned fruit will •*w!a,*d 20th day o f December. A. D. 1911. White Sewing M a r k in a Co. JOHN M. SCOTT, Gan’l. Passr Agt„ 3 and 4 years old. sound and in have the cans returned. r . T hatch » a, Portland, Ora. good condition, good workers: C. J. BiKnan j In our school report o f last 1640 Market St - r — ...............................- - — ■ I ra D, B ro w s , . Phone 582 R G. Allison. month we have an enrollment of Directors. (Crowded out last week) THE New Line to TILLAMOOK WHITE IS KING Pacific Railway & Navigation Co. San Francisco, California