Recently in this, our famous prohibition city, punch was served at a banquet. Some one T h e P r e M P u b lis h in g C o . suggested that it was served to in the City o f F o r est G rove , O regon , make the speakers witty; but not A. G. H o ffm a n , ......... ........... President so, it was served that the listen­ O. M. G a r d n e r ................. .%..Vice Pres. ers would think the speakers J . N. H o f fm a n ......Sec’ y and Manager witty. THURSDAY of EACH WEEK. F o r e s t G r o v e p r e s s Heard on the Street That this is ideal Oregon weather. That the article in a recent is­ sue by an “ Old Timer’ ’ was very pertinent at this time. By all means let us have more “ public­ ity.’ ’ That there were more (turks) slaughtered lust week in the I n d epen d en t P hones An Englishman.Stanley Hitch­ O f f i c e 505 R e s i d e n c e 442 cock, only 22 years old, has in­ United States than the Italians vented a motor which he says would kill in a 10 year war. Entered at the ¡>oet office at Forest Grove, Ogn That the 16 turkeys given to will run continuously until the as mail matter of the second class. steel from which it is made falls the city officials and others of T erm s of S u b scriptio n to pieces. He declares there is Forest Grove by the Warren Con­ CASH IN ADVANCE One Year $1.00 - Six Months ,75 no limit to its powers, that its struction Co. were for services principle is magnetism, and the rendered. P. S. “ Jones pays the Display advertisements for publica­ freight.” tion in the PRESS must be in this office secret of the discovery lies in the That the words o f Councilman not later than Tuesday evening to in­ shape of the magnets, which sure appearance in current issue. Schmeer of the Sandy Road Dis­ makes them grow stronger the trict, Portland, where a $200,000 A copy o f The Press will be mailed more they are used. The motor to all advertisers in which their ad ap­ contract is under consideration is revolves in response to the same pears. to the point. He said, when o f­ forces that make the world re­ fered a turkey by Manager A.M. Only to think o f the Some folks try to make a volve. Shannan, of the Warren Construc­ cloak o f religion, even when wonders which may be brought tion Co., “ Nothing doing, you’ re they have not enough to make a about from such a discovery. not doing this for love and be­ bathing suit. sides I have the price o f a turkey Large Sum of Money Expended myself if I want one. All you And still the good work goes We are informed that upwards or any corporation need expect on. Last week a number of o f $200,000 of city and property from me is a square deal. 1 charges were lodged against owners’ money have been handled won’ t be bribed with a turkey.” those o f the high-ups in political and expended in the last two That if Gompers knew o f the circles in Portland. years under the direction o f the guilt of the McNamaras as De­ city council. Where and how tective Burns claims he did and Don’ t hesitate to tell us what this vast sum has been used many allowed the Labor Unions to put you think o f our paper or how ; of the citizens would be pleased up money to assist in their de-| you would have us run it. There to know. There has been no re­ fense, he is just as guilty as they. is plenty o f room for your sug­ port made whereby the informa­ That the mayoralty “ bee” is gestions and when we fail you tion can be gathered. No won­ buzzing so loudly in the hats of will not be to blame and you will der that the public is beginning two of our present councilmen have the satisfaction o f saying I to demand an explanation. It that you can hear it buzz when pointed out the better way. has been reported that taxes lev- you meet them. j ied and collected for certain defi­ That the Southern Pacific If people, wbo oppose the build­ nite purposes have been diverted has abandoned the idea of ing of good roads from the stand­ into other channels. Such state­ coming into Forest Grove, be­ point that they are too expensive ments are liable to give one a cause they cannot secure the and that they cannot afford them, feeling o f unrest. Why not? right of way they desire. would only figure that the build­ We understand that the Press is That there is a move on foot ing o f good roads is a matter of willing to publish any statement to make the adjacent property economy, and in the end a saving that the council or any member owners pay for paving the inter­ ( to the tax payer there would be of that august body may submit. sections hereafter. greater prosperity and more com­ If all is right then let the public That the Russian bear may get fort for every resident o f the be informed. Have our taxpay­ butted by the Persian goat if he county. Which is the cheaper: ers got the valu 2 for the coin and isn’t careful. Spending three hours in going to has the money been expended for That the circulators of the pav­ town over bad roads, or going the purpose for which it was lev­ ing petitions are to receive 4 over a good road in one-lialf that ied? A T axpayer . cents per yard for all blocks time? Any report from the council paved where they secure the will be published gratis.—Ed. necessary signatures. This will average $60 per block. Query: The world over Rexall Reme­ Who pays the freight ? dies sold under a guarantee. Pi­ oneer Drug Store. Chas. Miller, W. C. T. U. Prop. The W. C. T. U. will hold its monthly mothers’ meeting Thurs­ W. F. HARTKAMPF day, December 14, at 2:30 p. m., Wholesale and Retail at the residence o f Rev. Dora Reed Barber. The principal speaker for the afternoon will be Vetch Seeds, all kinds of grass seed, Grey Mrs. Wm. Proctor, who will talk Seed Oats, Rink Winter Wheat about “ How to Train Our Boys Hay and Feed and Girls for Homemakers. ” Mrs. Barber will sing “ The Plains o f Peace.” All mothers HEADQUARTERS are cordially invited. If you for can’ t leave your little ones bring Milburn Wagons, Milwaukee them with you. If vou are busy Mowers and Binders and with your sewing bring that along Plymouth Binder and enjoy an informal afternoon Twine together. Published & Edited by -T H E - Bonbonniere IS READ Y FOR CHRISTMAS F NE Line of Fancy Botes of Candies specially made for the Christmas trade. and all prices. and Special size botes of of pipes. quality pipes the fresh Nuts. eery Just the thing for the gentlemen friends. jack line All sizes Also a shipment of Fruits best Cigars. The W. C. T. U. met Friday Dec. 1, at 3 o ’clock, at the resi­ dence o f Mrs. Boldrick. Mrs. Scroggs led a helpful devotional service after which Edith and Lela Moore sang very sweetly a Christmas Carol. The topic for the meeting was “ Temperance ■j in Christmas Giving” and Mrs. McKenzie introduced the subject with a very interesting paper. Other ladies took part in the dis­ cussion that followed and many helpful thoughts were given about the true Christmas spirit. The Union voted to observe the week following Christmas as membership week. Forest Grove. Ore Phone 50x will Cracker- Our fine sure please. Prices Are Right and Our Goods Are Right Red Cross Seal«. Red Cross seals are for sale by members o f the Women’s Club at the various stores. Proceeds will be used to assist any needy tubercular patient in Oregon. Consumption annually destroys 150,000 people in the United O States. Will not the citizens o f * Forest Grove help fight dread disease, by liberal chase o f the seals? Special Pre-holiday Sale o New Pictures. For two weeks only at The Book Store. 2t Read Look Listen ~ > ■ M r V j Saturday Dec. 2 3 , ’ l l The E. M . & F. Co., of Detroit, Mich,, will be in Forest Grove with 1 0 ,0 0 0 feet of film, showing all the details of making an up-to- date automobile. You will see the different stages of construction from the time they take the pig iron until the car is ready for shipment. If there are enough who care to see these re­ markable pictures so as to fill the Scenic T he- atre for two shows we shall have one in the afternoon and another at night. These shows are absolutely free. W e would like you to call at our store and procure tick­ ets immediately so we may know how many to provide for at the afternoon & evening shows. FOREST GROVE. GOFF C O R N E L IU S Into The Heart of Portland Music Pours out cf tha horn cl t 'a C O L U M M A ChAPIIOPIIOM: exactly as !t wont Into the rcci-rJ. Baud, ordicstra, vi li t, fl .to, piccolo, piano, bat;jo, bells, cornet, clarionet, trombone, ’cello, speci'i or sloping vole?, solo or ensem lb —every note and tone Is clco/ and smooth. Gocd reason whv—ih ' mcM ^e Is perfect. L .t us play tha " p ." ” Columbia Graphophone for you to prove It. I f y o u b u r vou p a y just ( » 8 . 9 0 fo r the co m pic t a ou tfit w ith ncetfica and record*. I n y t e m a if y o u lik e, Other outfits from $ ¿ 0 to $ 2 0 0 « Oregon Electric trains now run through the retail, hotel and theatre center of Portland to the North Bank Station, 11th and Hoyt streets, stopping inbound at all street inter­ sections. Outbound trains stop at 10th and Stark’ 10th ane Morrison, 5th and Salmon, 1st and Salmon streets, as well as 1 he North Ban!; and Jefferson street stations. These city stops are convenient and time saving for Willam­ ette Valley passengers. Through Tickets East No Portland Transfers Tickets are sold and baggage checked through to Eastern points. Fares, train service and other details will be furnished on request. W. E. COMAN, G. F. & P. A.. Portland, Ore. N. L. ATKINS, Agent, Forest Grove, Ore. O. A. C. S H O R T C O U R S E S Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks YOU ARE IN V iT ED Every citisen of Oregon is cordially invited to attend the short courses o f the Oregon Agricultural College, beginning January 3. Eleven distinctive c o r s e s w ill be offered in A g ­ riculture. Mechanic A rt*. Domestic Science and A rt, Com­ merce, Forestry and Music. Evary course is designed to H EL P the student in his daily work. Make this a pleasant and profitable winter outing. N o tuition. Reasonable ac­ commodations. For beautiful illustrated bulletin, address H. M. TENNANT, Registrar, Corvallis, Ore. C O R R E S r O N DFTNCE Investment Realty Abstract Company Makes Your Abstract