g r o v e p r e s s ure of the window curtains are attempting to sound the depth of j such that the rings of smoke his friendship by giving him an i Publmhed & Edited by F orest Listen from his pipe may stain them. In opportunity to reciprocate with short, furnishings are such that favors and accommodations. 1 F orest G rove , O regon , the husband must remember a have thought it might be well A. G. H offman , .....................President set of rules when he enters the from time to time to make such O. M. G ardner ................... Vice Pres. house to keep from dirtying and tes ts. thus allowing us to weed J. N. H offman __ Sec’y and Manager mussing things. If he wants to out those who are only ready to THURSDAY of EACH WEEK. read and enjoy a cigar and pipe accept but not return friendship, he feels inclined to go where Stand by a true friend even I n d epen d en t P hones such is allowed and where he though it may cost you a sacrifice. O ff ic e 505 R esid en ce 442 knows he is heartlity welcome to -------------------“ Entered at the pout office at Forest Grove, Ogn do so, hence the wife is left The Press sincerely wishes all as mail matter of the second class. alone. It is hard to change the its readers a happy Thanksgiving, T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n fixed habits of a man in his home May your tables be heavily laden CASH IN ADVANCE One Year $1.00 - Six Months 75 life and if women would elicit and may you enjoy the day with the views or objections to the the true spirit of Thanksgiving. Display advertisements for publica­ home rules and meet the m a n ------------------- tion in the PRESS must be in this office not later than Tuesday evening to in­ half way in making the home a Special Pre-holiday Sale of sure appearance in current issue. real home she wonld enjoy the New picture*. For two weeks 2t A copy of The Press will be mailed husband’s companionship during onjy at The Book store. to all adv vertisers in which their ad ap- the long evenings, whereas he The world over Rexall Reme & pears. now spends them down town.” dies sold under a guarantee. Pi­ THE HOME MERCHANT THANKSGIVING DAY.? oneer Drug Store. Chas. Miller, The question of patronizing This is a day of general thanks- i P ro p . the home merchant is tainted giving throughout the nations. Mrs. C. A. Dennis, reliable with the marks of old age, but It is a day that truly should be shampoo. Scalp treatment a nevertheless it is one of import­ given to expressing our gratitude specialty. Phone Ind. No. 184; ance and a matter entitled to for the favors granted us by the residence and office 232 Pacific tf more consideration at the hands Giver of all things. There are avenue. of all than it receives. The few who have not something for A new ]ine 0f beautiful, senti- writer hereof is cognizant of the which to he thankful. A few menta| an(j comic post cards just fact that oftentimes it is impos­ moments given to reflection and i arrived at the Forest Grove sible for the customer to get just thought will reval to you some pharmacy. Hurry before the what he or she needs from the condition or possession for which choicest are taken. tf merchants of the small towns, you are grateful. The Thanks- _____________________________ hut it is also a notorious fact that giving dinner that is to be yours W. F. HARTKAMPF many articles are purchased in may not be as varied and exten­ Wholesale and Retail the larger cities that could he sive as that of your neighbor or obtained from the home dealer some of the rich; your share of for the same or less money. For­ this world’s goods may be small V etch Seeds, all kinds of grass seed. Grey Seed O ats, Rink W in ter W heat est Grove is no exception to this indeed, but remember that so H ay and F eed state of affairs. Money is pour­ long as you have health and am- j ing into the coffers of Portland bition you have that which many f merchants for goods that can be others have not, even though l HEADQUARTERS supplied by Forest Grove mer­ their lot in life may appear' chants. brighter than yours. Be thank­ for The almost hourly service of ful for your mother, your father, Milbum Wagons, Milwaukee the electric car and other means your wife, your family, or the Mowers and Binders and of modern transportation very friends you have. If your sta­ Plymouth Binder often results in a loss of business tion in life is ever so humble be Twine to the small merchant, despite thankful for the little you possess. the fact that he is the one who Be thankful and appreciative for supplied the necessities of life what you have today and an­ lnd Phone 50x Forest G rove, Ore when transportation was not to other Thanksgiving day mav he had. He is the man who fur­ find you in a state of greater nished the bread when times thankfulness. May it he so! we were hard, and does yet when PROFESSIONAL the cash runs low. He is the Governor West has stated em S PROFES &. DIRI ECTOR man who pays the bulk of the phatically that no man will he I city and district taxes for build­ hanged during his administration. ing roads, supporting schools and This comes as a surprise to some maintaining other public utilities. but many knew that West was He supports the churches and all not an advocate of capital punish-1 Embalming—Funeral Directing other societies, but when the ment and believed that he would cash pocket of the purchaser is carry out that policy during his filled, these facts are forgotten administration. Whether Gov­ (Successors to V. H. Lim bi r.) and it is all aboard for the city. ernor West is right or wrong we A. W . NELSON, Mgr. Into I he Heart of Portland Many people really believe that are not going to say, but that a Pacific 48. Independent 642 goods purchased in the big city storm of opposition will arise Forçat Grove Oregon Oregon Electric trains now run through the retail, hotel are better than the same goods there is no doubt. There is and theatre center of Portland to the North Bank Station, sold by the local merchants just plenty of argument both pro and W. M. Langley & Son because they came from the city. con, and there is every indica­ 11th and Hoyt streets, stopping inbound at all street inter­ They never stop to realize what a tion that the issue will become Lawyers sections. Outbound trains stop at 10th and Stark, 10th lienefit the home merchant is to one of importance to the people ane Morrison, 5th and Salmon, 1st and Salmon streets, as Forest Grove, Ogn. the community in which they are of Oregon. One thing is sure well as 1 he North Bank and Jefferson street stations. located. The Press sincerely Governor West seems intent to These city stops are convenient and time saving for Willam­ hopes that Forest Grove people carry out his policies with n o r W. P. Dyke ette Valley passengers. will stop and think seriously of thought of whether or not they | A tlorney-al-Law this question and patronize home please the people. As governor and merchants whenever possible. of Oregon he may become one of Notary Money spent in Forest Grove is the most unpopular, but on the Forest Grove ‘Public Oregon You a Word of Advice About money for further developments other hand his way of doing _ in Forest Grove; money spent in things may prove to be just what Hollis & Graham Colds and Grip. Portland means more money for the people and the state demand. Portland._________ He is not courting public or party At the first indication of A ttorneys-at.-Law favor. having a cold or grip get a Tickets are sold ind baggage checked through to Eastern HUSBAND AND HOME Forest Grove, Ogn. a box of Our “Godd Health points. Fares, train service and other details will be Aunt Sarah writes: Give the stranger the hand of Cold Tablets,” a few doses furnished on request “In making and providing a ; welcome! One of the things that1 J. N. Hoffman of which will relieve you. home and its surroundings wives j appeals most to the stranger who -at-Lav> Just try for yourself and see W. E. COMAN, N. L. ATKINS, should use a certain amount of has come to your midst with the* EQUITY Attorney AND PROBATE ONLY if they don’t do all that we G. F. & P. A.. judgment and common sense, intentions of making his home1 Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. Agent, claim. Our tablets cure Portland, Ore. Forest Grove Wives should study their bus- is to know that lie is welcome, Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove, Ore. others and they’ll cure you. hands.allowing and providing lib- A “good morning,” a ”how-do- erties and comforts that will give you-do,” and a pleasant smile H W. Vollmer, M. D. Forest Grove Pharmacy j them a certain freedom a free- from all warms the heart of the o. A. C. SHORT COURSES Physician and Surgeon ' dom that Nature intended for stranger, or the one who may Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks them to enjoy if they felt so in- chance to be many miles from Office iu Abbott Bldg. PilONES: Bell 231 Ind. 901 ----------------------------------------------------------------- F R E E D E L IV E R Y dined. Deprive him of what he friends, and he feels he is ' Both Phones FVxrest Grove, Ogn. Every citizen of Oregon is cordially invited to attend the considers his personal rights and among people with whom lie rr.ort courses of the Oregon Agricultural Collage, beginning YOU January 3. Eleven distinctive courses will be offered in A g­ Ind. Phones you rob yourself of his compan- would like to associate. Too much riculture. M echanic A rts. Domestic Science and A rt, Com­ ionship. Many wives wonder (attention cannot be given this Residence 212 merce, F orestry ami Music. Every course is designed to Office 233 Mr*. Winifred Gunton HELP the student in his daily work. Make this a pleasant ARE why their husbands do not spend matter. After you gain a new ar. ! i . Lta- c v i .ter eatin g. N o tuition. Reasonable ac- ! 2nJ S tr e e t more time at home. The answer resident you must keep him, and DR. C .Fi. W ALK ER con .modal ions. For beautiful illustrated bulletin, address j HilUboro, - - Oregen H . \t. T E N N A N T , Registrar, Corvallis, O re. in moat respects is easy, and if the only way to do it is to treat j INVITED the good housewives would think him in a cordial manner, FARMER s Bl S.NRCS COURSE BY CORRFSPONDKNCE Osteopathic Physician a little for themselves they would Much attention is given to obtain i Bring in your Kodak work to­ easily reach the following con- homeseekers, hut too little atten- day, you can get it tomorrow clusion; Oftentimes homes are tion is paid them after their ar­ Treatment by Special Appoint­ Investment Realty Abstract Company ment Only mada so nice, furnished so elab- rival. Don’t forget this. orately, so spotlessly clean that —---------------- Makes Your Abstract there is no room for his dirty i We often look upon some one W. Q. Tucker, M. D. shirt, coat or overalls; the car- as a real friend:do for him all in Offices, with Forest Grove Press, Hoffman Building. Physician and Si irgeon -ets and floors are of such mag- our power; grant any and all -nt quality that the ashes from favors that he mav ask and step Cali. *n*wer*d promptly , lay or right Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro, Tar may spot them, the text- aside to serve him without once Both Phot*-». GUARANTEES RELIABLE SERVICE The Press Publishing Co. in the City of Read Look Saturday Dec. 23, ’l l The E. M. F. Co., of Detroit, Mich., will be in Forest Grove with 10,000 feet of film, showing all the details of making an up-tc- date automobile. You will see the different stages of construction from the time they take the pig iron until the car is ready for shipment. If there are enough who care to see these re­ markable-pictures so as to fill the Scenic The­ atre for two shows we shall have one in the afternoon and another at night. UNDERTAKING Forest Grove Undertaking Co. These shows are absolutely free. We would like you to call at our store and procure tick­ ets immediately so may know how many to provide for at the afternoon evening shows. FOREST GOFF EROS. CORNELIUS GROVE. E > 0 X U K l .- f We Are Dropping; T H E U P -TO -D A TE D R U G G IS TS Through Tickets East No Portland Transfers 1 Pope Photo Gallery 1