Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 23, 1911, Image 2

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Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
General Resume of Important Events
Presented In Condensed Form
for Our Busy Readers.
Los Angeles women hold the balance
o f power in the politics o f that city.
Persia begs the powers to interfere
and prevent the aggressions o f Russia.
Alarm and distress increase in Seat­
tle as the water supply rapidly disap­
James J. Hill extolls the wonders of
the Pacific Northwest at the Chicago
Land show.
Millions will change hands in Los
Angeles at the coming election if the
Socialists are defeated.
Chinese officials confirm the reports
that a massacre o f foreign mission­
aries has occurred at Sian Fu.
It is reported that Princess Lai,
mother o f the child emperor o f China,
has eloped with a Chinese actor.
President Taft was forced to cancel
several engagements on account o f a
severe cold, but is now improving.
Beseigers at Nanking Well Armed and
Attack Imminent.
Francisco — Revolutionary
troops are assembling in great num­
bers just outside o f Nanking, accord­
ing to a cable dispatch received by the
Chinese Free Press. Advices say that
the troops are commanded by General
Chao Shu Ching, former general tin­
der the Manchu government. The at­
tack on Nanking is expected to begin
at any time.
The revolutionists are
well supplied with arms and ammuni­
Hongkong advices to the Chinese
Daily Paper say that the former vice<
roy o f Canton, Chong Ming Chi, has
cut off his que and gone to Europe.
District Magistrate Yen Ping has
abandoned his post to the Republican
party and fled.
The commander in
chief o f the Republican army in Can­
ton is sending one regiment north and
will head the other troops in his com
mand in the attack on Pekin.
American Woman is Slain.
Pekin— The killing o f foreigners at
Sian Fu, Shan Si (province, has been
further confirmed by two Chinese stu­
dents who have arrived from that
city. I
During the fighting in Sian Fu a
mob attacked the China Inland mis­
sion, just outside the city.
The mob
murdered Mrs. Beckman, who is said
to be an American, and five o f the
mission children. Mr. Beckman was
wounded, but escaped, saving an in-
A Portland Chinaman arrested in
a gambling raid proved that the “ lot­
tery ticket” found in his possession Attempt to Storm Parliament Fails —
Many Arrested.
was a dairy he had kept for many
London — The suffragettes fared
Texas state troops are rushed to the badly at the hands o f the police in this
Mexican border with orders to seize city Wednesday. They had threatened
all contraband arms and ammunition. to force their way into the house of
commons and make a protest on the
A "la zy father” in Sacramento has floor against the prime minister’s re­
been sentenced to work two years on fusal to pledge the government to a
the county roads at $1.50 per day, the bill giving equal suffrage to both
money being paid to his family.
sexes, but they failed to reach the en­
trance to parliament.
Threats by the railroads to establish
Thwarted by the police, who arrest­
competitive steamer lines is said to ed 220 women and three men, the
have resulted in preventing the estab­ suffragettes resorted to a campaign o f
lishment o f independent water lines window smashing. Driven from par­
via the Panama canal.
liament square by the police, 1,800 o f
whom were on duty, the women, ac­
companied by sympathizers and gangs
Wheat — Export basis: Bluestem, o f rowdies, proceeded through White­
83c; club, 80c; red Russian, 78c; val­ hall, armed with bags o f stones, con­
cealed under their coats, and broke
ley, 80c; forty-fold, 81e.
Corn— Whole, $37; cracked, $38 windows in public offices, the Liberal
headquarters and the National Liberal
Millstuffs— Bran, $23 per ton; mid­ Club. They extended their operations
dlings, $31; «hurts, $24; rolled bar­ to the Strand, where windows o f the
Postoffice bank and other private con­
ley, $35(d 36.
cerns suffered from the onslaught.
Oats— No. 1 white, $31(ff32 ton.
The militant tactics o f the suffra­
Hay— No. ,1 Eastern Oregon tim­
othy, $18(q;l9; No. 1 valley, $16(q)17; gettes followed a statement by Prem­
alfalfa, $13(1(14; clover,
$ U @ 1 2 ; ier Asquith that the government was
unable to introduce a bill to enfran­
grain, $1 lfif) 12.
Barley— Feed, $32.50<fl'{(3 per ton; chise women, as the cabinet was di­
vided on the question, but would allow
brewing, nominal.
Fresh Fruits— Pears, $1.25(0)1.60 an amendment to be introduced to the
per box; grapes, 5 0 cw $ l; cranber­ proposed manhood suffrage bill, leav­
ing it to the house o f commons to de­
ries, $11.50(0)12 per barrel.
Apples—Jonathans, $1.50(<i2.25 per cide whether women should be given
" -
---- -
box; Spitzenbergs, $1(<|2.50; Bald­ a vote.
win, 75c(ii $ 1.50; Red Cheek Pippin,
$1.25(01.75; Northern Spy, $1.25(0
1.75; Winter Banana, $2@ 3 ; Bell­
flower, $1(01.25.
Michigan Miner Claims Financier Got
Potatoes — Buying prices: Bur­
Millions By Trickery,
banks, $90c(i(1.20 per hundred.
Onions— Buying prices, $1.15 sack.
Vegetables-—Artichokes, 76c dozen;
beans, 5(u:10c; cabbage, 1(0l i e per
pound; cauliflower, 60c(O$l per dozen;
California, $4 per crate; ¡garlic, 10(0
12e per pound; lettuce, 76c0(80c per
dozen; hothouse lettuce, $1.25 per
box; pumpkins, l(0 1 lc per pound;
sprouts. 8(q'9c; squash, 1 J (0 ljc per
pound; tomatoes, 50c(0$l per box;
carrots. $1 per sack; turnips, $1;
beets, $1; parsnips, $1.
Butter — Oregon creamery butter,
solid pack. 37c; prints, extra; but­
ter fat. lc less than solid pack price.
Poultry— Hens, 10«U2c; springs,
10(<(12c; ducks,
geese. llj(0 1 2 c ; turkeyi.'live, 180i
20c; dressed, choice, 22}(n'24c.
Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, 50c per
Pork— Fancy, 8J(09e per pound,
Veal— Fancy, 124(<>)13c per pound.
Hope— 1911 crop. 44(«45c; olds,
Wool—Eastern Oregon, 9l<( 16c per
pound; valley,
choice, S5(ii'37c.
Cattle— Choice steers, $5.45(1(6.86;
good, $6.30((i)4.46; fair, $5.15(it6.30;
choice cows, $4.60(i(4.85; fair, $4(<i
4.25; common,
$2.50(d3.60; extra
choice spayed heifers, $4.50(1.4.60;
choice bulls, $4.25(i(4.50; good, $4oi
4.25; common. $2n(2.60; choice cal­
ves. $7.25(ii7.50;
good, $7«£7.25;
common, $4«i 5; choice stags, $4.60*4
4.75; good. $4.25*44.50.
Hogs—Choice light hogs, $6.75*4
6.86; good to choice hogs. $6.60*4
6.76; fair, $6.25ui6.60; common, 6*4
Sheep — Choice yearling wethers,
coarse wool. $4«iS; choice yearling
wethers, east of mountains. $3.40*4
3.60; choice twos and threes, $3.20*4
8.35; choice
good. $4*1)4 25; valley lambs. $8.75*4
4 ; colls. $3 k (3.50.
Washington, D. C.— Alfred Merritt,
o f Duluth, Minn., first president of
the Duluth, Missabe & Northern rail­
road, who styled himself a “ lumber­
ja ck ,” unacquainted with the methods
o f the “ money trust,” told the house
Steel trust investigating committee
that through loans o f less than $1,-
000,000, from John D. Rockefeller, he
had lost his holdings in the Missabe
iron mines and the railroad property
now owned by the United States Steel
corporation and estimated to be worth
$700,000,000. Merritt declared that
he was induced through F. D. Gates,
Rockefeller’s secretary, "in
charge o f his charitable work,” to
put up all his holdings 'as collateral
for loans. Two months after he had
put up his collateral with Mr. Rocke­
feller during the panic o f 1893, Rocke­
feller called in the loan, giving him
24 hours to raise $420,000, and that
being unable to raise the money, he
and his brother lost their property.
Italians Repulse Turks.
Tripoli—The Italians report that
the Turks ‘ were repulsed Wednesday
in three outpost attacks with 29 killed.
Five aeroplanes, returning to camp,
reported that there had been no
change in the Turkish position. They
succceeded in dropping bombs inside
the Turkish camp, which was destroy­
ed. At the same time the Italian
armored cruiser Carlo Alberto bom­
barded the village o f Amrus and the
fort o f Henni, 3 miles from Tripoli.
Castro Victor In Battle.
Mexico City— A dispatch to the
Nuevo Era from Caracas says that
General Cipriano Castro, ex-president
o f Venezuela, has won in a battle
which occurred in Venezuela, having
entered his native country with thous­
ands o f followers.
Bodies Buried in Snow-Drills Near
Kamloops, B. c.
: M
Three Bodies Found in Field Near
Roadside—Victims Had Tried
to Make Camp.
1 %
Mexican Plotters Against Madero
Ordered Across Line.
Chinese Empire on Verge
Reign oi Terror.
Robber Bands Organize and Plunder
— Both Sides in War Power­
less to Check.
Washington, D. C.— Affairs in China
apparently have reached such a point
that neither the rebels nor the imper­
ialists are able to check acts o f law­
lessness. Advices to the State depart­
ment report that brigandage is on the
increase in various parts o f empire.
Business is reported in a critical con­
dition and finances in very bad shape.
Rear-Admiral Murdock, commandant
o f the American naval forces in China,
reports that Nanking is cut off from
communication with the outside world
by railroad and telegraph and that the
natives are leaving in disorder. All
the missionaries except three are re­
ported to have left Nanking for Wu
Hu. There are no disorders in Che
Foo, but many robberies have been
committed in the vicniity.
Later advices from Nanking, where
the decisive battle o f the revolution is
thought to be impending, are to the
effect that all is in readiness on both
sides. The naval officers report that
it will be extremely difficult to protect
foreign property inside the walls, be­
cause it is so widely scattered.
revolutionary forces are still concen­
They now hold all the territory in
the vicinity o f Nanking.
The princi­
pal advance o f the revolutionaries on
Nanking is from the direction o f Chin
Kiang. The advance guard is made
up o f trained troops who are well
The imperial warships which were
captured by the revolutionists, or sur­
rendered voluntarily after the fighting
at Hankow, are reported to be lying
at Chin Kiang.
Minister Calhoun has grave doubts
as to the stability o f the new cabinet
formed by Yuan Shi Kai. The arrival
o f Yuan Shi Kai in Pekin has done
much to steady the situation, but the
government is in need o f financial
Dangerous Rapids Won.
Grand Canyon, Ariz. — Tired and
wet, but happy, Emory C. and Ells­
worth Kolb arrived at their home Sat­
urday after a 900-mile contest with
the rapids o f the Green and Colorado
rivers, on their journey from Green
River, W yo., to the Gulf o f Califor­
nia. The little boat in which they
made the trip was in good condition.
The Sockdolager section, supposed to
be worst o f the entire trip, was passed
in safety.
Air Scouts Us* Lights.
Washington, D. C.— Night scouting
in aeroplanes equipped with search­
lights has been tried for the first time
at the army aviation school at College
Park. Md. Successful surveys were
made and. returning, the machines
without the aid o f watch Area,
Austin, Tex.— “ All revolutionists in
the vicinity o f Laredo must leave
within 48 hours,” reads a specific <
der from Governor Colquitt, o f Texas,
to Adjutant General Hutchinson, who
is at Laredo trying to cope with the
situation there.
Federal authorities seized a quan
tity of ammunition and arms said to
be a part o f a store provided by per­
sons who hoped to lead a revolt
against the Madero government in
Mexico. The officers were led to the
cache by Juan Meriga soon after his
arrest on a Federal indictment re­
turned at the same time as the one
against General Bernardino Reyes.
Meriga was formerly a Mexican
cavalry captain.
His arrest is the
fifth in connection with the alleged
revolutionary plot.
General Reyes
was arrested in San Antonio and three
others said to be implicated were tak
en into custody at Laredo.
Meriga is said to have made a con­
fession regarding the alleged revolu­
tionary plot said to have been led by
General Reyes. The officers say Me­
riga told them he had been engaged in
storing horses, arms and ammunition,
a considerable amount o f which has
already been sent into Mexico.
It was said by United States Mar­
shal Brewster that other important de­
velopments were expected within a
few days.
Heir to Baroda Throne Say* Ameri­
can Girls Are “ Too Cold.”
Cambridge, Mass.—Jaisint Gaek-
war, prince o f Baroda, and heir ap­
parent to the throne o f that country
and now a senior at Harvard, longs
for the time that he can shake the dust
o f Ameirca from his heels and return
to the lands o f his nativity.
“ I can’ t say that I admire your
women, and you can say emphatically
that I have no intention o f taking an
American bride home with me. I
have found your girls too cold. They
are over-fond o f show and awfully
3 ,000 to Run Big Farm.
Sacramento, Cal.— Morris Brook, of
this city, has secured an option on a
tract o f 22,000 acres o f foothill land
in Glenn and Colusa counties for a col­
ony o f Russians that will include 3,-
000 persons. The land will be farmed
as a whole if the deal is completed,
and there will be no individual hold­
ings. The colonists will farm it on
a community plan, all living in a town
that will be established by the man­
29,818 Flock to Coast.
Salt Lake City- Reports just com­
piled at the local offices o f the Harri-
man lines show that 29,818 homeseek-
ers were carried to the Pacific Coast
over the Harriman roads from Sep­
tember 15 to October 15 this year.
Of this number. 16,320 passed through
the Ogden gateway. 9,929 were car-
ried via El Paso. 8689 via Los Angeles
and 8,701 via Portland.
Victoria, B. C. — Overtaken by a
blizzard while returning to their home
from Kamloops, B. C., a family of
four lost their way and were found
frozen to death. The dead:
John Keefer, a rancher; James A.
K eefer’s
Elizabeth Keefer, aged 14;
Keefer, aged 11.
The first intimation o f their fate
came through the discovery by Joseph
Frolic o f the bodies o f Keefer, Tron­
son and the youngest child, which
since have been brought to Kamloops.
The body o f Elizabeth Keefer has not
been found.
The snow is smooth and level, from
three to five feet deep in the vicinity,
and there is small probability o f re­
covery of this body until the snow
melts with the advent of spring.
The Keefer farm is a little off the
Nicola road, along which Joe Frolic
was driving into Kamloops when this
gruesome discovery was made, this
being at a point nine or ten miles
from the Keefer place.
The bodies o f the three were located
in one o f Rancher McConnell’s fields
at the side o f the road, partially cov­
ered with blankets. This is cited as
circumstantial evidence that the quar­
tet o f unfortunates had stopped possi­
bly with the thought o f making camp,
fearful o f losing their way if they
continued. The horses had been un­
hitched and it was the neighing o f one
that first attracted Frolic’s attention.
James Tronson’s body was discov­
ered a few feet from the sleigh, cov­
ered with about two feet of snow,
with about two feet more underneath
K eefer’s corpse was in the seat of
the sleigh and the younger child in
a pitiful, huddled heap between his
The little girl was warmly
clad and had probably lived some
hours longer than the men.
Trans-Mississippi Congress Will Meet
on Pacific Coast.
Kansas City— A fter selecting Salt
Lake City as the meeting place for
1912 and Kansas City, Mo., as official
headquarters, the 22d annual session
o f the Trans-Mississippi Commercial
congress adjourned Saturday.
Although the date for holding the
next meeting was not definitely decid­
ed upon, it was tentatively agreed up­
on to convene in the last week o f Au­
gust. The official headquarters were
located for only one year, E. J. Beck­
er, o f this city, was elected secretary,
to succeed Arthur T. Francis, o f Crip­
ple Creek, Colo., after which Mr.
Francis was elected an honorary mem­
ber o f the congress for life.
B. Harrison, a banker o f this city,
was elected treasurer.
A resolution was adopted recom­
mending that the congress meet at a
Pacific Coast city in 1915, the year of
the Pacific-Panama exposition.
Francisco and Seattle are rival aspir­
ants for the meeting at that time.
Consideration o f the report o f the
committee on resolutions occupied
most o f the session. The resolution
declaring that the
against the parcels post, which was
adopted, provoked acrimonious discus­
The vote was 90 for and 16
against the resolution.
A vigorous
verbal scrimmage followed, in which
charges were made that a “ steam rol­
ler” was being operated by those in
control o f the meeting and that the
tendency o f the congress was to take
no definite stand on anything.
Launch Party in Peril...
Marshfield, Or. — A. H. Powers,
head o f the Smith-Powers company,
and a party o f friends in his speed
boat, narrowly escaped death from be­
ing caught in a water spout which
swept across Coos bay when the recent
big storm was at its height. A col­
umn o f water was drawn up 150 feet
high by a whirlwind with such force
that big logs were thrown up out o f
the bay. The awe-inspiring column
was at times 10 feet in diameter.
Germs Lurk for Horses.
Los Angeles — Individual drinking
cups for horses will be a reality |pi Los
Angeles if a recommendation bp the
Los Angeles board o f veterinary Bur­
geons is carried ou t Watering trop*hs
are breeding places fot
germs, say the veterinarians.
report urges each driver o f a team to
provide himself with a bucket, from
which his horses, and no others, may